Wolf 4

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Returning to the ranch David told his dad that he was going to just go to bed and then strode off without another word. Joseph nodded to his son before going to the kitchen and making a pot of coffee for himself since he knew he wouldn't be sleeping tonight. Daniel, Sam and Max left both humans alone for the moment and went outside and ran in the warm night air.

David was on his bed in the makeshift room he had and was wondering what he would do now. So far this summer had turned into a whirlwind of chaos. Did that mean though, that he wanted to go home? At home was relative safety from all that had happened and everyone including the three weredogs. And about them, would he tell his father that his three dogs had raped him and were really weredogs in disguise? But, they had stopped him from killing his two attackers; did that mean something when weighed against the fact that they had taken his body for their own use?

Too many questions that had really no answer and still more prowling the edges of his mind waiting for a chance to leap out at him. Why did he ask Kenneth to spare Jesse and Andrew? What feelings did he have for the three weredogs? Could he call it rape when the three had just saved his soul a few minutes ago? What about Kenneth's problems? Did they even matter?

Too confusing...

David rolled over and closed his eyes and let his mind wander into the land of dreams. Tomorrow would take care of itself. The decisions he would take would be the ones that changed everything, but that didn't scare David... How strange that any other person would be...

Morning came like a veil being lifted off of an ancient tapestry in a museum just put on display. The rays of dawn speared at the land and brought life into bloom with the chirping of birds and the rustling of life. David woke up and then yawned while stretching out the kinks in his body. Getting up from bed the smell of coffee hit the young man and let him know of his father's presence. The older man only drank the black substance when he was aggravated or under a lot of stress. David smirked and then set out to put an ease to both his and his dad's nerves.

Walking into the kitchen David took on the sight of Joseph with bags under his eyes and a cup of cold roasted beans in his hands. The man looked as if he hadn't slept all night and he probably hadn't since he was the type to stay up to worry over things. David looked at the older man and then sat down in front of him. Like clockwork Daniel, Sam and Max came in from outside and sat down at the doorway while looking at both men.


Joseph looked up at his son who he had just noticed came in.

"I...I want to stay here for the summer." Fou sets of eyes looked at him with amazement and disbelief

"You want to stay here. Despite what happened?" the older man asked just to be sure he was hearing correctly

"Yes I do. I want to spend summer with you. Just because the first few days started off rocky doesn't mean I'm going to runaway. I want to stay with you and make the best of these three months I can be with you. Can I please stay?" David asked while looking at his father straight in the eye

"Yes...yes you can. Just tell me one thing. How did this all happen?" Joseph asked while setting his cup down on to the table

David felt panic rise in his chest and he slowly looked to the three weredogs in the room. All three had their heads down and weren't making a sound. The decision was in David's hand about what their fate would be.

"The day before yesterday when I left with these three we where playing in the woods near here and had fallen asleep. When I woke up I ran around for a while and then I fell into a pit and couldn't get out. I think I tried to get out as a wolf one to many times and fell on my back and passed out. When I woke up Kenneth was taking me to the animal shelter and then he took care of me and then I got into a fight with two dogs there." David congratulated himself with only editing a few parts of the story instead of completely lying outright

Joseph looked at his son with a stern face before speaking up...

"David is that everything that happened?"

"It's what happened."

Joseph closed his eyes and then opened them to look at his son. His parental instincts were telling him that his only child was leaving something important out of the conversation but he wasn't making anything up. Since the teen hadn't lied to him he took everything as fact and would leave it until David wanted to tell the complete story. And really, didn't all that matter was that his son was safe and alive.

Joseph patted his son on his head before looking at his three dogs with a contemplative stare. Something had happened and only these four knew but he would wait forever if need be for them to admit what actually happened. Maybe he would never hear the story and maybe he would be happier to never know but as a parent he had to know if only to settle his own soul. But that was David's tale to tell...and he wouldn't rush the young man.

"Alright son. I believe you. Then that means that these three are heroes then. They brought your clothes back and led me to you." Joseph looked at his dogs with a smile that reached his heart

Daniel, Sam and Max looked at David and watched as the younger were knelt down to them and gave each one a hug.

"Thank you for saving me."

Only those four would ever know what David meant by those words and each dog barked at the boy before covering them in licks and slobber.

It would seem that peace reigned for the day as David finished up chores around the ranch, called Kenneth to thank the man for his troubles and query on the fates of Jesse and Andrew. Finding out that the man had only punished them with no walks and the cheaper food they didn't like settled David's heart immensely. Joseph left to stock up on food for the week and get out of the house for the day while David stayed home. The silver haired youth had his own things to concern himself with.

It was the late afternoon when the young were called the three weredogs into his room and locked the door.

Daniel as always was in the lead and he stood before the others when David had called them and watched as the younger were knelt down to eye level with them.

"I aid thank you before because you saved me from killing those two. But I was also thanking you for something else." David closed his blue eyes and then opened them before pressing himself up to Daniel and kissing the weredog full on the muzzle.

Astonished the weredog could only back up before licking the boy on the face followed by the other three. Soon David was on his back again being showered in doggy kisses whiling laughing his head off. Pulling away from the three the silver haired werewolf pulled off his shirt and pants before showing himself off to the three before him.

"Will you...mate with me again?" David asked with some trepidation in his heart

The answer to his question had come to him in his dreams like his mother had said when he found himself dreaming of being held and covered by three strong pair of arms and wrapped in silk like fur. In his dreams it felt like he belonged in the position of being the bitch to these three weredogs but not just their bitch but their mate as well.

One of the lessons that Lily had tried to instill in her son throughout his life was that when your mate came along you would know. The animal that they were would almost always instinctually be pulled to the one that they belonged with. Their human side might rebel but in the end they all couldn't fight what was basically imprinted within their very genes. The need to survive, the need to hunt, the need to protect their own, and the need to mate, these were the only thing that a were creature needed to live. Most of it came naturally and the human side should only provide the ability to maneuver in the human society around them but as for everything else...

'Just leave it to nature.' were Lily's words to him and they had always rang true

Now as he stood before his three mates he knew that this was where he belonged. His human mind had focused to much on the human way of things to fully understand his position. He might have been more human than would but he was a wolf. David had lost the challenge to the alpha and so he had become the bitch for the pack. It was his responsibility to care for them beside the alpha and relieve them of their sexual tension while also helping the pack. He would nurse their wounds, care for them if they got sick, bring them pleasure and also stand beside them to protect the pack. And those thoughts filled him with pride...in a weird way.

David had never really belonged in a werewolf pack before but with these weredogs he had a place. Now he wanted to cement that place and reassure the others that he belonged to them as they belonged to him. Daniel, Sam and Max would protect him, care for him, defend him and also pleasure him. In a wolf pack everyone shared the responsibilities for each other it was just what roles they played in the order of things might be different but in the end they were a pack and a family. And family cares for their own.

Daniel was the first to shift into his weredog form and take hold of David followed by Sam and Max. David choose not to transform since in his human form he would be submitting fully to them as he had done in his wolf form the night before last. On this day the three would mark their bitch and mate so that no other would dare claim him.

Daniel brought David to the hardwood floor and lapped over the werewolf's face to cover the teen in hi thick scent. David stuck out his own smaller tongue and drew the larger were slimy appendage into his mouth to let it roam and map over the contours of his throat and tongue. Sam and Max were also bathing the silver headed teenager in their saliva and rubbing on his tanned flesh from neck to back.

Daniel pulled back and then growled at the others before setting David on his back and then sniffing the werewolf from head to toe. Every inch of his skin was basked in the musk of the alpha as Daniel trailed his tongue over their mate before he reached back up to David's groin. Breath heavily over the young man's cock and balls sent David off the floor just and inch and when a wet maw engulfed him he howled out. It was like heaven when Daniel washed David's most prized possession in doggy spit and then when the werewolf was fully erect at seven inches long he was release from the furnace that was Daniel's mouth.

The weredog barked at David then looked over at his two betas before backing away just a bit. Sam an Max were only to happy to have a taste of their bitch and dove onto him in a frenzy. Two large and broad tongues whipped at David and the younger man had to fight not to let out his wolf to play. The feeling in his body at being cherished by his mates was too much but David held himself firm in his desire not to spill his lust and love just yet. Not until his alpha was buried balls deep into him.

Daniel barked and Sam and Max scattered away from their mate before the largest weredog wrapped the human wolf in his massive paws and turned him over. Getting on his hands and knees David knew what was about to happen and he eagerly wanted it. It was a slimmer tongue than before that penetrated the young were and David looked back to see Max burying his muzzle into his nether regions. The golden furred dog was almost ravenous as he licked between the firm cheeks of David's anus. The scent of the teenage werewolf became like an explosion on his senses as the retriever werewolf prepared the youth for their alpha.

Groaning in satisfaction David felt beads of sweat pool in his skin before falling away to be drunken up by Sam. The husky weredog was bathing the youngest member of their pack while watching the proceedings of the other members of the pack. Max had to be forcibly taken away from David's behind when he ignored Daniel's growls and then made to suck on his alphas long red doggy penis. Max was always one to fall into the spell of lust within a second and soon David would find out just how much with the days to come.

Max was drooling over Daniel's cock and apple sized ball like a starved pup and the largest weredog was humping him muzzle like a jackhammer. Thick nuts were smacking Max on the underside of his face but that seemed to spur the golden were on as he bobbed his head over the alpha over and over again. David was surprised since he didn't think Daniel would allow the other members of the pack to service his needs except him but then again how long had they been a pack before he had come? David shook his head and looked at Sam who was still licking his back and then whined at the three for attention.

Daniel had almost forgotten about the newest member of the pack while he was letting Max ready him for David's ass. Pulling away from the horny retriever he growled and barked before moving over to David and showing off his gargantuan rod. The doggy cock had to be at least fifteen inches and almost two and a half around. Not really a surprise since were's gained so much muscle mass all over their body at a rapid rate, could it be a surprise that some of it went to the lower regions of their bodies?

Daniel's tail was wagging back and forth like a out of control metronome as his excitement grew and soon the alpha was gripping his claws against their bitches back and forcing himself inside of the confines of David's body. The young man gasped and howled out as he felt the large shaft slid into him and burn a path from his anus to his stomach. It hadn't felt this deep before but then again he hadn't taken the time to enjoy the feeling of being owned back when he was too heart broken to understand just how much joy such a large and beautiful thing could bring him while rooting inside of his body.

Like a slow torture Daniel slid every inch into David without pause and soon his enormous balls rested right outside of the silver werewolf's ass. Sam and Max were watching with rapt attention as they saw their alpha taken possession of their bitch willingly. The scent of arousal filled the room like a heavy cloud as all three weres in the room loud out their desires and lust for each other. Sam looked at Max who was staring at him and then down to the golden canine's penis, which was sticking straight up in all of its twelve inch glory. His own thirteen inches were also out of his sheath and dripping doggy slim from his tip like a leaky faucet. Without warning Sam reach over and grasped his packmate and then Max reciprocated before they both became lost in each other.

Daniel and David were also lost in each other, when David's body had adjusted enough Daniel wasted no time with gentleness as he pulled from that tight and warm place David had his cock resting in out into the cooler air before ramming back inside with enough force to jolt the smaller werewolf. David gasped at the force of being impaled but groaned whenever the doggy penis was removed from his body. His alpha belonged inside of him was the only thing that David was thinking about and as Daniel tried to exit his body the lust driven youth clenched the muscles of his ass to keep that pole inside of him.

Daniel groaned as he felt their bitch beg to have him deep inside of himself with the way he was tightening and squeezing his length. It was so hard to remove himself from the young one but the feeling f the boy excepting him fully was reward enough for his suffering. Thrusts after thrusts were met with welcome as David allowed the massive thing into him time and again without resistance. Soon his own cock was leaking onto the floor and David was growling out and salivating as his own body was sent to the brink.

Sam and Max were also enjoying themselves with each other as both weres had gotten themselves into a sixty-nine position with Sam on top. The husky was drooling over his packmate with fierce determination to drain every last drop of cum from the younger weres ball. Max meanwhile was doing the same but he wasn't just such and humping Sam's muzzle he had his furry paws caressing the ass of his beta brother and also having one of his claws poke at the rosebud within Sam's furry cheeks. When his pawfinger slipped inside Sam barked around his treat and sucked harder on Max and dipped his own paw into his packmate. Both were humping and sucking just as fast as their alpha and bitch and soon they would all be coming in a rush of lust and seed.

David's eyes had gone from cerulean to crimson as he heaved and panted from the brutal fucking he was getting. His mate was trying to bury himself deep inside and soon they would be tied together. The large canine knot that Daniel had was begging no demanding entrance to David's body and the younger were wanted to let his alpha inside. Willing his muscles to submit as the rest of his body and mind had Daniel was able to force himself completely into his bitch. A loud howl sent the house to rumble as Daniel bent down and snapped his jaws over David's neck with mercy.

The alpha weredog was pumping his hips in a fury of backward and forward motions before he jammed into the teen with three deep pumps and then he howled out loud. Gush after gush of burning weredog seed filled the space of David's anus and soon the young man was howling too as he let loose his own seed onto the floor in honor of his alpha's gift.

Sam and Max were howling as well with both of their pawed hands up each other's butts as they poured their seed into each other's muzzles. Three sets of strong hips beat back and forth as they emptied into a warm paradise and soon stilled with the need to drain every last drop of their nectar.

Daniel pulled away from David's neck just as he was letting the last ropes of his pearl white cum enter into the youth and several drops of blood were freed from his muzzle as he reached back fully. His brown snout had thin trails of red over it and his bright pink tongue lapped at the sweet liquid in appreciation and admiration. Looking down to see that David was holding onto consciousness with just a little more willpower he brought the youngest of the pack up to his chest and then rested his back to the floor with the boy atop him. Looking over the alpha could see Sam and Max dislodging from one another and moving over to settle near him while placing their muzzles over David's chest and taking in the scent of their bitch fully mated to their alpha and knowing that they too would get a change to bred their mate.

Now thought, they would rest and let the love and lust between them settle before renewing it again tonight. Daniel stroked the silver head of their mate and dozed off while dreaming of many more nights to come. Sam and Max both also petted their little mate but and their alpha while falling into the land of dreams.

This is what a pack looks like...is anything else needed?

Wolf 5

Derrick wasn't happy Thursday when he got up for some reason. Probably because everything seemed to go wrong, for starters it was raining and muggy outside, then he missed his ride to summer school and had to walk though the drenched streets, next...

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Wolf 3

Waking up in the middle of a forest clearing was surreal to David. The white haired youth looked around to see nothing but trees and shrubbery surrounding him and his disconcerted mind couldn't place how he gotten there. Looking down at his nude tanned...

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Wolf 2

After getting himself settled and finding out what chores would have to be finished and when David told his dad that he was going to return home to get some of his clothes and school work he had to complete over the summer. Waving the older man off,...

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