Wolf 2

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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After getting himself settled and finding out what chores would have to be finished and when David told his dad that he was going to return home to get some of his clothes and school work he had to complete over the summer. Waving the older man off, the white haired youth drove off for the city with thoughts of all the cool things he would get to do over the summer. David never did notice that three sets of eyes were watching him go and that the owner of those eyes were growling and barking at each other in conversation. The Doberman seemed to be the one giving out he orders whilst the other two paid close attention and then added their own comments and opinions and then when Joseph called them back all three went silent and bounded over to their master.

Back in the city David was getting into the apartment parking lot when someone rushed up to him. Looking sharply from where he stood David saw that it was Derrick Thomas. The big were ran up to the white haired youth and then stared him in the eye with anger in his eyes.

"What did you think that I wouldn't find out?" the seventeen year old were barked out while fighting his change

"What are you talking about? Find out about what?" David asked confusedly

"Don't play dumb! I know you plan to go off for the whole summer and you didn't even think to tell anybody!" Derrick accused as his eyes started to glow

"How did you know about that?" the only person David had told was...his...of course...

"How else! I came by to see you and you mom was saying that you were going to be with your breeder the whole summer! That's pretty low man!" the taller boy said while hiding his jealousy

"First, he's my father not my breeder and secondly, I had planned this for the entire year since I turned sixteen. I told you I wanted to go see my dad before remember?" the white haired teen said trying to not be mad at his mother's blabber mouth and his friend's anger towards him

"Yeah but not the whole summer! What about the stuff we planned to do?" Derrick knew he was acting really possessive of the smaller were but it was hard to fight how he felt for the boy, he was a member of his pack even if some of the others didn't think so

"I know I planned to hang out with everyone but I'm still going to go be with my dad. It's not like I can stay out there forever anyway so I'll be back." David tried to hide that he wished otherwise

"..." Derrick sighed and then huffed before turning off with his hands wedged in his pockets

"Derrick, wait!" David said while stopping the older were from going off to sulk somewhere, he knew that if the taller boy did he would end up snapping at the pack later and that wasn't a good thing

"What?!" Derrick asked curtly

"Look, I know that I promised to spend time with everyone this summer so I'll make you a deal." David said while his mind and heart were screaming at him to be selfish and forget about everyone else but his father

The older boy turned to look at the white haired were and then crossed his arms over his chest defiantly.

"I promise to come back at least once a week and hang with you guys, alright?" the younger teen asked while sending out pleading gestures with his body

"If you promise and not to renege on what you say." Derrick could feel the smaller were being subtly submissive and it made his instincts adhere to the age old were way of lowering his guard around a weaker wolf

"I promise." David said while sticking his hand out towards the taller boy

Derrick looked to the hand an then walked up to the white haired teen and growling into his throat. David sighed before he whimpered back and then yipped t the stronger were. He hated it when the others chose to act like wolves in public; it always made him feel like others were watching him. Someone might think that they were some kid of weirdoes or something but he went through every time with his own wolven gestures if only to pacify the others.

Through, Derrick nodded to David before heading off and leaving the younger man alone in the parking lot. David shook his head and then ran to his apartment to gather what he needed. Seeing that his mother wasn't home he started packing what he needed like clothes for at least two weeks, he could wash every week if need be instead of carrying a lot of junk, his school work, some of his CDs and a few personal things before heading out. Dumping his case of stuff into the trunk of the car the young man was off again before dusk started to set in, again never noticing a pair of eyes watching him go.

Back at the ranch David hefted his thing into the house and Joseph showed him exactly where he would be sleeping while he stayed. The room was really a spare room that the older man kept for company but soon it was transformed into a teenager's paradise. By the time the white haired youth finished settling himself in for the night it was dark and his dad had just finished making dinner and feeding the dogs. Both men sat down at the table and ate while Joseph went over the few things there were to do whenever David was bored.

"You can ride the two stallions I have, there's more than enough space to run around in either form, you can go into town and meet everyone if you want, and I think that there's a lake somewhere behind the Kenneth's dog pound. If you want you can change and go out tonight just to get a scope of the place so you don't feel so alienated and if you want to take Daniel, Sam or Max with you." Joseph said while finishing up his food

David nodded while munching on his chicken and thinking about what he would do first. Done eating both father and son cleaned up their plates and then went to their perspective rooms for the night. The white haired teen sat down on his bed an then looked up at the wall and thought about what he would do.

A warm muzzle pressed up to David's stomach making the young man look down to see Max staring up at his with his deep blue eyes. Almost pleading silently the large golden retriever padded at the young man's shirt in an attempt to get his attention.

"What do you want boy?" David asked while scratching the back of the canine's golden head and watching Max's left leg thump repeatedly onto the floor

'Outside.' David stopped what he was doing as he looked to Max worriedly

"Did you say something?" the young man asked the dog while hoping he hadn't heard anything

The dog barked before pulling on his shirt towards the door. David got up at the retriever's behest and then headed for the front door where Daniel and Sam where waiting. Astonished, the white haired youth guessed what they all wanted and grabbed a spare set of keys from the wall and heading outside with the dogs leading him. Following their lead obediently David wondered where the canines were leading him before he caught sight of something in the distance. Over the fields of grass was a border of trees that he hadn't noticed when he first arrived and it seemed that the three were taking him in that direction.

Inside of the border of trees Daniel, Sam, and Max sat down and stared at the white haired youth. Completely confused the boylooked between all three dogs before Max sighed and walked up to the young man. Two feet from David Max started to shift and then rise up on two legs and take on the form of a young boyabout the age of eighteen.

"So that's what I was feeling before. You're like me but you've got more wolf blood then human in you. Then why...?" David stared until Max walked up to him and started to take off his shirt

Surprised, the white haired teen tried to fight off the now human canine's paw like hands before getting growled at by Max and the other two.

"What are you doing?!" he asked while feeling embarrassed for some reason

"Want. You. To. Play. With. Us. Turn." Max said in simple human terms while continuing what he was doing

"You want me to become a wolf out here? Why?" David asked while trying to ward off Max's hands

"You. One. Of. Us. Play. With. Us. Be. One. Of. Us. Please." Max asked while looking at David and then licking him on his face

Wiping slobber off of his face David backed away and then looked between Max, Daniel, and Sam. It didn't seem like they wanted him to do anything else but play so he had no hesitations about turning, it was just so unreal that another werewolf was at living under his dad's roof and that the older man had no idea. Lily had told her son a couple of time's before that sometimes were's in heat would mate with other dogs and produce more canid weres than human ones. Max was probably like that as well, given the dog's/man's hard time forming words. He probably spent all his life or most of it in canine form.

Sighing and then accepting the invitation David took off his shirt and blue jeans before turning into a werewolf. Once he was fully turned the younger man was no more and a silvery white wolf stood in his place. Max barked before turning back and moving over to sniff David from head to tail. Daniel and Sam came over and sniff tested the silver were before braking and running off. David was a little slow to start up but then he got back into the swing of things and ran side by side of the others.

Throughout the night all four chased each other in the woods, mock fought with one another, and then laid down in a furry pile together. David was in the center of the pile while Max and the others encircled him in a protective huddle. All three started to doze off with only the sounds of the night and each other around them.

Sometime during the night David was awoken by something and opened his sky blue eyes to look around. Looking back and forth the werewolf couldn't see anything until he spotted Daniel looking at him with a piercing gaze. The Doberman seemed to be analyzing the young werewolf when it got up, shook itself off, and moved over to the silver wolf. Looking at David Daniel head butted the younger were to get up. Growling and then standing the were wondered what the dog wanted when the pincer started to sniff under his tail.

Thinking that Daniel was playing David went around to sniff the Doberman but a sharp snap returned his attention to the front. Looking at the canine the white wolf wondered what he was doing that was until the larger dog tried to mount him. It became clear what he wanted and David wasn't going to have it, he dance around and then bared his fangs in challenge. Daniel snarled and showed his own fangs before both started to circle each other.

Their commotion awoke the others and soon Max and Sam were watching what was happening. David was a bit peeved that Max made no move to settle the dispute being another were but glancing at the golden werewolf he saw that Max had his head lowered in submission. That worried David since a were should be easily able to over take a common dog but when Daniel rushed him the young wolf realized that this particular dog wasn't normal. He was way too strong to be a normal dog... The force of his assault sent David back and stunned the young man before Daniel charged again and knocked David over.

Standing over the fallen wolf Daniel snarled and dripped saliva onto David's face. For some reason that sent the young canine into a rage. Getting up from the ground, David snarled and leapt at Daniel. The to fought each other while Max and Sam barked their heads off at the battle.

David sent Daniel over onto the forest floor and tried to take the Doberman's throat in his canine jaws but missed when the pincer got up and lunged at him. Daniel went for David's side and bit into the white were's fur coat deep enough to tear some of the silver strands out of his body. David growled and tried to shake the Dobe off but was met by resistance before he slammed himself into the ground dislodging the other canine's hold over him. Daniel tried to attempt to regain his hold but caught air as David moved out of the way and attempted to hop onto his back while biting the Doberman's neck.

Daniel howled out but didn't surrender and used David's move to get the wolf off of him and then took a few steps back. Both were starting to breath hard and Daniel shook his neck to remove the feeling of having another's jaws on his body. David saw that as his chance and ran over to the other dog. Sidestepping him Daniel watched as David ran and then stopped before turning back to look at his opponent.

Daniel growled out and David leapt again but this time Daniel was ready and ran under the wolf tripping him and getting his legs out from under David. The white werewolf fell onto his stomach and attempted to get up but the Doberman was on him and closed his fangs around his neck like a vice. David barked out and tried to dislodge the other by flipping over as he had done before but this time Daniel held on a sunk his teeth pass fur. The Dobe's moth filled with warm blood and he pressed his teeth even deep until David yelped out and whimpered in defeat.

'Submit.' David heard the words as he had before and ashamedly raised his tail to the other dog. Daniel didn't let up until his engorging doggy dick was at David's tail hole and with one thrust he set himself into the defeated werewolf. David yelped again and then hung his head as the Doberman started to thrust deep into his anus with his lengthening dog cock. The feeling of having something plowing into his depths was new to the younger were but he bore it well knowing that it was the alpha's right to use his submissive.

Doggy balls slapping into his own wolven balls David let out stray tears at the feeling of being used by another. The ramming from his tailed end seemed to gain power and speed as Daniel started to thrust even deeper into David. A large bump could be felt at David's tail hole as the Doberman's knot began to fill with blood and demand entrance into the warm recesses of the werewolf's body. Pumping and thrusting without mercy Daniel started to bark as he felt his cock full sheathe itself into the canine below him and then he let out a short sharp bark as his knot sunk into David and didn't come back out.

Feeling himself fully into the defeated canine Daniel started short jab like thrust with more energy as he felt his seed rush from his doggy penis. Letting out a howl the Doberman spilt his seed in David and the stopped pumping his hips. David was mortified at having another's seed in his body but then he felt something happening behind him and turned to look around.

Blue eyes watched as the Doberman shifted from being a dog into a half werewolf with a much bigger dick pumping into his bowels. The now much taller werewolf growled at David and then bent down to place his fangs back upon the white wolf's neck in a show of dominance. Pumping just a few more times Daniel let his last bit of seed into David before pulling out of the silver wolf.

The Doberman's knot hurt to be removed from his already abused anus but David said nothing and gave out a sharp bark before the dripping tool was completely removed. Once the thing was gone from his body David immediately lowered his tail over his leaking tail hole and then tried to sink away. A pair of strong, furry paws wrapped around his body before David was pulled back to look into the face of the snarling were. Daniel pointed to the Sam and Max who had their own doggy dicks out glittering into the night. He whimpered but a sharp bark from the Doberman werewolf made David realize that he was the submissive in this case and he had to obey the alpha.

Being set facing the bigger werewolf David was forced to raise his tail when Daniel grabbed the still hidden appendage and lifted into the night air. Sam was the next to come up and sniff at his tail before soft licks soothe some of the pain in his backside as the husky lapped up the falling dog/werewolf seed. It was feeling really good until ninety-five pounds of white and blue furred dog hopped up on his back and began humping. David howled out as a fully erected dog cock slammed into his already puffy anus and began filling him and then withdrawing before returning.

No longer were the tears stray as they began to fall from David's canine face onto the grass as he was used again. Snapping his clawed fingers to get his attention, Daniel pointed to his cum soaked doghood and then pointed David's muzzle. Already defeated the white wolf had no choice but to do as he was commanded and lick the Dobe's penis. His tongue laved over the juices that covered Daniel's cock and then settled down lower to the apple-sized balls that were wet with seed right below. Meanwhile Sam was panting as he sunk himself fully into David's anus and then his knot began to slip in and out of the sore hole before staying inside.

David let tears flow more and more as he gave tongue service to his alpha and then filled with more dog seed. Again he felt something getting larger at his back but refused to look, as he knew what was happening and tried to occupy his mind with his task before him. The feeling of being empty hit the white were as Sam dislodged himself and then stepped away to let the last werewolf have his go.

Silently, David thanked the moon as he knew that this was the last wolf he had to please and then he could slump off somewhere to die from shame. Still cleaning then alpha David felt Max hop up for his turn and then jam himself deep within the silver werewolf. His humping was the worst since he was the biggest and the fact the by now David was sure that his tail hole was probably red and swollen. He felt like howling but didn't as Max started his staccato humps to drive himself all the way into David without thought for the wolf's discomfort.

Daniel was panting as he felt the submissive werewolf below him use his tongue to clean all the fluid off of his wolfhood and then cause the shaft to fill with blood again. Totally unaware of what he was doing David kept his mind off of the pounding behind him by focusing solely on the larger were before him. His wolf tongue glided over the large shaft over and over and soon Daniel was humping at David's muzzle with almost the same force as Max's thrusts.

At the same time the Doberman howled out as he sprayed his seed over his submissive's muzzle coating it in white were/dog sperm. Max cried out when his knot went in and planted his seed into David and then started his own transformation. Now David was truly defeated, he had just had three dog/werewolf's cum inside of him and now the alpha had just marked him with his scent letting every animal know that he belonged to this particular pack as their...bitch.

Max withdrew and then fell back onto his sides as he cleaned himself off of his and the other's seed while Daniel ran his paw over David's face so that the seed could soak into the fur. David cried freely now, as he knew these dogs owned him and now he would have the proof in his fur for days to come. Pulling his tail over his tail hole again David tried to slink away quietly when he was grabbed again. Thinking that he had to service the others the silver and white were wolf bowed his head when he was place on the ground with all four of his paws sticking up.

Just when he thought it couldn't get worse he was about to be mounted like a female werewolf would be and so David just closed his eyes and waited. A warm sensation coursed through the younger were and he looked to see Daniel laving his semi-erect dick I his own saliva. The stronger werewolf was lapping over David like a mother would her pup and soon the Doberman's thick tongue dived into the defeated were's anus to lick up the seed within. David couldn't help it as he moaned out at the sensation and his penis grew harder until it reached its full length. Standing out like a red, pulsing beacon in the darkness David was amazed to see Daniel lave over him with slow and wondrous licks.

The larger werewolf slowly took the silver were's cock into his muzzle and then sucked on it. Feeling as if he were being drawn into a warm cavern of heat and liquid silk David moaned and yipped in pleasure. Soon two more muzzles were added to the mix and David watched as both Sam and Max laved over him with their own tongues over his entire body. The added pleasure caused David to thrust into Daniel's snout over and over gaining strength as the werewolf sucked over every inch of David.

It was too much for David to handle and soon he howled as he came forcefully into the alpha's muzzle. His seed shot into Daniel's mouth and the wereDoberman gulped down almost all of it before pulling back and moving up to David's muzzle. Bending down he kissed the silver werewolf on his muzzle and then opened his jaws to let David's seed drip into David's own mouth. David was thrown at this and swallowed his own seed while whimpering in confusion.

Daniel and the others pulled back and then the alpha picked up their submissive and held him in strong furry arms.

'Ours. Our bitch. Our mate. No one else. Belong to us.' Those words filled David's head and he realized that each one of the weredog/wolves present were talking to him in his head and they had just proclaimed him to belong to them.

He had been told by the other wolves back at the city that sometime a were pack would take a wandering were under their care if they didn't kill him first. In those rare occasions they would fight to see if he were strong enough and if he won against them he became the new alpha. But if the were lost he became their bitch to use when they want to. Of course packs like that never lasted long being so small and usually disorientated but these three had a good thing going. Technically they were more dogs than werewolves so they could blend in with other dogs and then get a human owner to take care of them and pass other werewolf packs notice. These three had somehow come together under one roof and Daniel had become the alpha all the while Joseph never noticed and only Max had triggered a sense from David. It was the perfect setup.

Now it seemed that David was apart of this pack and for some reason...that didn't seem to bad. Maybe it was his instincts that were submitting because he had lost the fight, it had to be. No way could he have enjoyed being abused and used by three weredogs.

Could he...?

Chapter 2 End

Wolf 3

Waking up in the middle of a forest clearing was surreal to David. The white haired youth looked around to see nothing but trees and shrubbery surrounding him and his disconcerted mind couldn't place how he gotten there. Looking down at his nude tanned...

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It was strange for the white haired young man to be working on a farm with his dad while just months ago he had never even been to a zoo before in his life. Sadly, it was all thanks to his mother and her new boyfriend and the fact that he didn't feel...

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