Wolf 3

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Waking up in the middle of a forest clearing was surreal to David. The white haired youth looked around to see nothing but trees and shrubbery surrounding him and his disconcerted mind couldn't place how he gotten there. Looking down at his nude tanned body, the teenage werewolf tried to remember what had happened yesterday.

First he gone to his father's house out into the country, made plans to stay over the summer, went home, spoke with Derrick and promised to come back to the city once a week, returned to his dad's ranch, settled in...and the rest was blank. Something important had to have happened to cause the young man to be completely bare in the middle of a forest but his mind was still hazy. Getting up David felt a pain in his backside that shot straight up his spine causing the were to fall back to the ground on his side.

Closing his eyes to will the pain away, the white haired teen rubbed his sore back all the way until he got to the source of the pain. One thin pale finger encircled his ass before dipping inside and making David gasp. White fire coursed through him as the youth pressed his thin appendage into himself and then withdrew it. Looking back over himself David saw that he had marks on his back and his finger was covered in something. Brining his finger into a better field of vision David looked and was mortified by what he was staring at.

On his finger was a clear fluid that was trailing down onto the ground from his fingernail. The white/clear substance had a faint smell of copper and salt and David had a flash of the events of last night.

Him being led into the woods by Max...

Changing into his were form and running with Daniel, Sam and Max...

Falling asleep in a small pile after playing with the dogs...

Waking up and challenging Daniel...

The flash and shimmer of fangs and drool from the other canine as they fought...

Daniel being thrown to the ground...

Himself being mounted and then dominated...

The feeling of a doggy cock in his ass...

A knot lodging itself inside and spraying seed...

Tears falling from his eyes...

Another and another canine cock taking him...

Tasting Daniel in his werewolf form...

Being sprayed with seed and feeling it being rubbed into his fur...

Daniel putting him on his back and the lapping at him...

A smooth and warm tongue inside of his anus...

Exploding his own seed into Daniel's muzzle

Tasting his own seed as Daniel kissed him...

Being proclaimed as a bitch and mate to the others...

Falling asleep guarded by the others...

Daniel's paws locked around him and murmuring incoherent things...

David was paralyzed with a thousand emotions as he remembered what had happened last night. Fear, anger, hatred, shame, guilt, submission, horror, and something else wrapped itself around the young man's heart as he recalled yesterday night's events. Putting his hands to his head and shaking his mane of silver, the young man could, didn't, understand why this had happened. He had been forcibly taken by three weredogs last night and made to submit by the alpha of the pack and the bred like a bitch in heat.

Beads of silver formed in David's eyes before falling on the green earth like rain. Soon one tear led to two and then six and then twelve before David was sobbing and crying. He had heard the stories of what it felt like to be raped but he never felt the pain of the people who had spoken before as he had now. His body had been made into an instrument for another's pleasure to be used how they saw fit before they were done with him. The memories came back like a tidal wave as David remembered every little detail of last night and the white haired teen curled into a ball before turning back into his were form.

He cried as a wolf and chocked when his sobs became too great but at least like this he didn't feel so...small. Even though he was alone in the glade of trees and grass David felt as if dying right now would have been a blessing. To leave behind the shame and misery he felt in his heart would have been a salvation than living and waiting for more torment later.

But why should he stay and wait here? Why wait for them to come back to use him again? David's mind consoled him as his subconscious whispered to just runaway and never look back. Leave his friends, his family, and pain behind where no one would be able to find him. There had to be some place he could go and live where the three weredogs couldn't find him and he could live without fear of being taken whenever they saw fit.

Standing on shaky canine legs, David started to head in one direction at a slow trot before gaining speed. Running towards who knew where, David kept up a fast pace and didn't look back. He wanted to get away from it all and didn't care where he ended up as long as it wasn't anywhere near his three abusers.

Morning drifted into midday and David was panting like a steam engine as he ran farther and farther into the forest. Just as the young werewolf felt his body plead for rest the earth gave way underneath his paws. David fell like a rock as he dropped into some kind of pit and then crashed to the bottom with a hard thump. Dirt and dust swam up over the silver werewolf after landing onto the hard earth and then the white werewolf shook himself and looked up to see how just how far he had fallen.

The hole was about seven to eight feet deep and the young were could have just climbed out when he shifted back into human form but with his mental state in disarray David was unable to shift. A were's ability to change came from their physiological and mental stability, in David's case, because he was so distraught over his being taken last night and guilt at being forced into giving up his virginity without consent had left the boy with a somewhat torn mind.

Frustrated, angry, scared, lonely, and completely dishearten, David's mind couldn't process how to change his body back into his human shape and get out. He circled the small space of the hole three times before trying to hop up and pull himself out. Only getting a few feet before falling back David tried again and again. Each time his silver fur became caked with dirt as he fell to the ground and then as he got back up to try once more he became even filthier. Silver fur became so dirty that it looked black and brown before the were gave one last jump that put him close to the edge of the top of the hole. His black nose sniffed the forest grass right as his body succumbed to gravity and then hit the bottom of the hole.

Letting out a loud howl, David cried out and let loose all the emotions he carried inside before slumping to the ground and moving no more.

It was hours later when David awoke inside of a moving truck being carried inside a cage down the road. Looking up from his place inside of the steel prison to see and scent a human male driving the truck. Though his back was turned David could make out a few features, like the short black hair the man had cut low enough just touching his neck, light tanned skin, strong broad shoulders, and kind of muscular if his back was any indication. The man probably felt eyes on his back because he looked behind himself to see a dirty canine face staring at him.

Deep jade eyes looked from the man's face into David's eyes before smiling and speaking.

"Well hello boy, how are you?" the man said with a cool tenor voice

David whimpered and barked as he looked to the man and then around the cage he was stuck in.

"Don't worry about anything. Name's Kenneth and I run the local dog pound around here. I found you half dead in that trap and hauled you out so I'm not going to hurt ya'." Kenneth told his candid friend

David settled down as he figured that if the man was going to hurt him he would have done so and something about the calm voice of the human made his nerves calm down. The werewolf settled back into the cage and then dropped down with a huff before going back to sleep. Kenneth smiled at his companion before turning back to pay attention to the road.

By the time he woke again David was getting up from his rest and looking to see a tall building covered with white paint and smelling like a hundred other canines. Looking around the were took in the features of the surrounding area: a large field, maybe about twelve acres of land, stretched out as far as one could see, a few trees were scattered over the plains of green grass, a telephone pole connected to the building and several others leading down the road Kenneth had traveled, and soon the human came wheeling out a dolly from the building to his truck and the cage holding David.

"Well boy, here's your home for a while. This is one of the only animal shelters/dog pounds around for at least thirty or so miles in town. Don't worry though, as soon as I get you clean up I'll make sure you get a new home sometime this week." The local dog keeper said as he pulled the cage from his truck and settled it onto the rolling platform he had with him and wheeled it inside

The animal shelter was mostly like any other with the sights and smells of hundreds of dogs around. Almost every kind of breed was inside of the large structure and almost every dog was barking or howling at Kenneth. Strangely though, not one of the dogs seemed to be hostile or angry or trying to escape from the cage. You would think that in a place this big, with so many animals, a few would be restless enough to get out or try to anyway. Not one was though and David had a hard time understanding why since most dogs like their freedom too much to be kept caged for long.

Kenneth wheeled David to an empty cage and then settled the canine into his new home before walking off. David was left alone again and soon was being eyed by at least twenty or so dogs. Large breeds and smaller ones took on the sight of the new comer and judged just what to think about him. The smaller dogs seemed weary of the newest addition to the pound and backed into their cages while letting out a few yaps. The larger breeds were a different story; some of them stared at the other canine with a look of understanding as they analyzed David before barking at him.

Confused, David barked back and some of the dogs, one collie and a mastiff, growled at him before barking. A few others followed the lead of the two dogs that had been here the longest and before long it seemed like the entire place was in an uproar. Kenneth came back out and looked around before shouting at everyone.

With a simple command the whole dog pound went dead silent. It was like some sort of wolf pack bowing before the alpha whenever he wanted everyone to be quiet. A simple howl from the leader of the pack and everyone obeyed without question and it looked like Kenneth was the alpha around here, even if he was a human. David was amazed by the respect that the man received from everyone considering he was just a human, though he seemed a bit on the wild side when he eyes hit the light just so that it made them shimmer.

Seconds later Kenneth was all smiles again and soon he went over to David and opened the door of the pin and knelt down to be eye level with the werewolf.

"Now then, what's all the fuss about boy? Having problems with old Jesse and Andrew over there?" the dog keeper said as he pointed to the collie and mastiff respectively

The two dogs looked at David with murder in their eyes as Kenneth rubbed on the were's dirty head and scratch at his sides. David panted as he felt the feel of rough fingers stroking his fur and massaging his body causing him to kick up his leg in excitement.

Jesse and Andrew were the top dogs around here and they were used to only them being the center of Kenneth's attention and affection. Though the human treated everyone the same the newcomer was an outsider that didn't belong and even worse he felt wrong somehow. The other canine didn't feel like a normal dog and something made both of their hackles rise in anger and fear in the other 'things' presence. Both dogs looked at each other from their respective cages and something passed between them before they looked back to David.

"Well boy don't worry about anything. You'll be safe here so come on and let me wash you off." Kenneth snapped a collar around the were's neck and led him to the back where the wash room was

Meanwhile, back at the forest Daniel was livid with rage as he snarled and sniffed around for David. The others had just come back from hunting and had hunted a young back to bring to the newest member of their pack when they found him gone. Immediately their kill was forgotten and Daniel began searching for David. Max and Sam both followed the scent trail that the young werewolf had left right behind their alpha without question as they too worried about the young one. Daniel's nose was best when tracking and soon all three were standing over the hole that had been David's prison.

Sniffing around Daniel looked down but couldn't see the younger were inside and it made his frustration grow. Searching around the hole all three looked to find out just why the scent of their mate was gone and soon Sam was barking and alerting the others to what he had found. Daniel and Max rushed over just as Sam looked at them and then the track left behind by a human. Looking at the tracks and following them all three weredogs came to a set of tire tracks that led from the forest and traveled all the way to the road.

Daniel looked at the others and then the tracks as he tried to figure out what had to have happened to the youngest member of his pack. It wasn't hunting season so no humans should be this far out in the woods, they hadn't found any blood or bones to symbolize that David had been kilt or skinned being that he looked like a wolf and his pelt would have sold for a pretty price. So what could have happened to their packmate...

Daniel then went back over to the hole and sniffed at it and then over to the tire tracks. The smell that he was ignoring before, it seemed so familiar that the weredog had dismissed it because he was so used to being close to it...

Kenneth...he was the one who kept the strays that came around until he could find them homes and gave a place to the weres who didn't have a place to go or where injured. He was a funny human who knew about werewolves and such but wasn't afraid as most people tended to be. He probably had seen that David was trapped in the hole and got him out and had taken the were back to his shelter.

Daniel let out a huff and sigh as he knew that the youngest of his pack would be alright and the human should realize that David was a were when he turned. But that left another question...

Who put a trap in the middle of the forest and why hadn't David just gotten out by himself? Could he have been hurt or worse by the fall and Kenneth was nursing on him? Then that meant that the werewolf might not be able to turn back and he would be seen as another dog. If deeply injured weres remained in animal form until they healed fully and Kenneth was so loving and sometimes completely oblivious to the obvious that he might just sell David to some human. If that happened then they might not see their packmate for a long time and worse if the boy turned into a human while in another human's house...

It could expose everyone!!!

Most humans didn't believe in the existence of other creatures beside those that poised no threat to them or their way of life. Werewolves and weredogs were just things that existed in cheap B-movies and no one who didn't know about them believed they existed except the really understanding (like Joseph) or the fanatical. The crazy ones were the ones who wanted to expose weres and destroy them thinking that they were minions and spawn of the underworld. David could put them all in danger if he wound up shifting in a fantaic's home and even worse he might be killed as many weredog's had been when they shifted in a master's house. The human, who they thought they could trust, would take a gun and destroy their once beloved pet or try to...

Daniel shook his head as he dislodged the more gruesome tales he had been told as a pup and then set his jaws straight. Looking back at his two other packmates he barked at the before they all ran back to Joseph's house. It would take them hours to get down the road the six miles or so it was to the dog shelter and it would be easier to have Joseph take them in his car. Daniel could guess that the older human would be frantic when they returned without his son and the alpha could lead the man to take them to Kenneth.

On the way back to the house Daniel picked up David's shirt and ran with it in his jaws while Sam and Max got the werewolf's other pieces of clothing.

Back at the shelter David was in heaven as warm water splashed on him and firm human hands danced over his body. Kenneth's fingers trailed over the brown and black fur and massaged away the grim from the silver coat. David fought not to shake himself as the water pulled him down but when the hair brushed coaxed over his body to the tip of his tail he whimpered in pleasure. Kenneth laughed and David looked up to the human before opening his mouth in a doggy smile and lapping at the clean shavened face. The animal caretaker smiled before nuzzling against the canine and returning to washing him off.

Once the bath was finished David leapt from the dog tub and shook himself free of the heavy water. Thankfully the room was made of tile so most of the water would be easy to get off and clean up later on. Kenneth was another story, not moving fast enough he was doused in jets of water but he took it rather well. Laughing and the stripping from his wet work clothes the man was naked in moments as he stood before David.

The werewolf looked at the human and the was amazed by what he had seen; Kenneth had a sheath and two low hanging doggy balls wrapped in a tight sack of flesh. Canine eyes widen unbelievably at the sight as David was positive that humans didn't have dog sheaths and especially weren't supposed to have pink canine-like cocks coming out of said sheaths.

"Surprised boy... Well you and me both when I first tuned sixteen. Seems that I have a little bit of dog in me too but I'm not sure how or why. Woke up in the middle of the night to find this part where something else belonged. I screamed like a girl when I looked down at myself and nearly woke the whole neighborhood before I calmed down. Never did tell anyone about it though and till this day I'm still a virgin. Can you believe that boy; well-fit guy like hasn't had this number inside of anything but my hand since I hit 'that' age.

A waste to since I measure at ten inches last time I checked." Kenneth laughed while a small tear trailed down his face to fall on David's muzzle

The werewolf whimpered and then nuzzled up to the humans(?) side and then barked at him softly before getting a smile out of Kenneth. The man reached down and started to pet on the silver were's head before laughing.

"Damn it. I thought I had got over this but I guess not. Seems like I still have some skeletons in my closet that I need to air once in a while. But hey, that's not your problem and I can't change myself so best to be moving on. Come on and let me put you up while and then I can take a shower myself." Kenneth said as he put the collar back onto David's silver neck and led him out to the dog pin area.

Putting the canine into his cage, Kenneth fed David some of the dog food he had left over for this week and then he left the cage before walking into the back. David sniffed over the food before snorting and then walking to the back of his cage and settling down.

Thoughts muddled over in his head as he wondered about Kenneth and his predicament; a human male with a dog sheath and balls. It was one for the books to say the least. Either Kenneth had some werewolf in his blood that didn't manifest the right way or he hadn't been taught how to properly shift. On a rare occasion, some weres didn't shift right and some body parts might be more animal like than human but that got cleared up real fast since it could be awkward for the were in question. Having a furry tail poke from your butt was not something one wanted to have happen in a high school gym, and a clawed arm at work was out of the question. Try explaining that at the water cooler.

But Kenneth didn't say he was a were creature and most weres stayed in packs or got picked up and trained by other packs as pups. Nobody wanted to have stray out there who expose everyone out all alone without some kind of guidance. Even if the were didn't want to be a were the younger ones had to be taught how not to turn at the wrong moment if just to ensure others safety and their own. Kenneth smelled human though so maybe it was some kind of genetic mix up being that one of his ancestors was a were and it got passed to Kenneth by accident. That didn't seem right though...

Frustrated and exhausted David put his head on is paws and muddled over what was going on with Kenneth while dozing off. 'Answers came in dreams' his mother once said to him and maybe he could figure out a way to help the man since he had been so kind. Falling asleep, David would think more on his problem when he woke.

By dusk David was awoken by something and a sharp fear bolted up his spine. Looking around the werewolf saw that two large figures were over him and he prayed that it wasn't who he thought it was. Well his pray was answered but not the way he expected it to be... Instead of it being Max, Sam or Daniel it was Jesse and Andrew and they didn't seem too happy. Both dogs were snarling at David and the were thought back to last night...

No way in hell would he let it happen to him again...

Getting up he curled himself into a corner of his cage and then snarled. Three sets of eyes stared at each other in boiling anger and it wouldn't be long before a fight broke out. As if they were waiting for a signal neither of the three moved from their position. David looked at the door to the cage and was amazed by the sight of the lock having been opened. Looking back to his two soon to be opponents, David snorted as he thought how twistedly funny it was that two dogs would basically open the latch to their pin and then come over here to open his pin door and then come in after him.

First led out of the safety of his father's house into the woods to be assaulted by three horny weredogs and made into their bitch, ran away from them to fall into a pit, rescued by a man who had were genes and now about to be attacked by two normal dogs. Life was something and just unfair, but David wouldn't be pushed around like some cub anymore. He was going to fight and if the others got an upper hand on him this time he would choose death over being made to submit. The time for bowing to the whims of other shad come to an end and now he would prove to himself and his audience just how much of an animal he really was.

Deep blue eyes bled into crimson that glowed darker than anything seen by the other dogs before and soon David was sifting into his half human half wolf from. The cage was tall enough that his height of six feet seven was well suited. The two other dogs looked to back down before they remembered the touches and gestures give to this creature by their keeper. Fury blazed like a torch and the collie and mastiff growled louder while showing fangs. This one would pay for trespassing on what was theirs.

The other dogs in the pins started to bark and it was like a gun being fired to signal the start of a race. Jesse and Andrew dove for David with their fangs gleaming and their paws out stretched while the silver werewolf growled and roared shaking the foundation of the building before diving at the to dogs. Fur flew into the air as the three canids met in a ball of claws and teeth.

David was on the ground with both dogs snarling and growling at him but he held both by their necks as the two struggled to snap at him. Throwing the two like rag dolls David went for Jesse and sunk his fangs into the collie's neck fur. The honey furred dog howled out but bit the werewolf on the shoulder and tried to shake the larger canine loose. Andrew on the other hand had hopped up onto David's back and was clawing and biting into the fur of the werewolf while piercing him with his claws.

Using his trick from last night David slammed his back onto the cold ground to knock Andrew from his back while getting Jesse to dislodge his fangs from his shoulder. Pieces of fur had been ripped from him but David was winning the fight since he was able to use more of his bulk and human intellect to help him in his fight. Andrew was out and panting hard as he felt his body ache from the force of being body slammed. Jesse was whimpering while scratching his muzzle and barking at David. The were on the other hand had suffered little and was holding down Jesse with a single large paw while his other was raised up into the air.

His talon like claws was ready to spill blood and wanted desperately to slit the defeated canine in his grasp like a pig when David heard something...


'Release him.'

'You. Win.'

Three voices urged David from killing the downed anima and it made the werewolf hesitate just long enough for three forms to barrel into him. Three large dogs had shaken David's grasp loose from the hold over Jesse's neck and plowed the were over onto his back. Livid, David reached out for one of the canines when his hand was snapped into a vice of a muzzle and held. Looking through crimson shining eyes David was about to snarl at the interloper when he recognized who was holding him. Instantly all the fight drained from the were and he whimpered like a pup before his eyes changed back to their original color.

'Good mate.'

'Enough. You beat others. You stronger than them. Spare them then.'


David turned back into his human form as he felt his anger wash out of his body at the words coming into his mind from the other weres over him. Once David was human again Daniel let go of his hand and then licked the human were over his face in a show of compassion. Unable to think David just backed away from the other weredogs and then huddled himself in the corner of the cage. Unsure, the others backed up to let Daniel stand before David. The alpha nudged the teen who seemed to reel back in fear and soon was doused in licks by a warm tongue. One wet appendage was followed by another and soon three weredogs were calming down their mate.

David was still apprehensive but the warm feeling in his chest from the attention he was receiving helped to alleviate some of his fears.

"David!? Are you back here?!" a strong and worried male voice called out to the young man and soon racing footsteps could be heard down the hall

The young man was still too shocked to say anything but Max barked a few times and in seconds Joseph was in the cage hugging his only child. The older man showered the silver headed teen in a rain of kisses as he held onto his boy and sighed in relief. Following Joseph was Kenneth who surveyed the area and then sighed him but this exhale of air was more in anger and frustration.

Once things had calm down David was helped into his dad's car followed by Daniel, Sam and Max and the Joseph. The young man wouldn't say anything except that he wanted to go back home to get some sleep. Kenneth apologized to the young were and told him that he would do what it took to make this right and that Jesses and Andrew would be punished from what they had done.

"Don't be too hard on them... I think they just got jealous of me..." was all the young man would say before he zoned out and looked away from everyone

Kenneth was stunned to hear this and made a note to see if what David had just said was true after he patched up the collie and mastiff. Joseph thanked the animal keeper for his help of his son and then drove off without another word. Down the road no one moved or said anything and it seemed like a dead silence had settled over the entire car. David was still in a trance of sorts, Joseph was between elated and guilt ridden as he thought that in just two days his son had gotten in trouble and then in a fight with other dogs, Daniel, Sam and Max were also pensive as they thought about losing their mate and his tension around them.

It would seem that everyone had some things to work out and as the sun set and gave way to night everyone had plans to make this summer better than it had originally started.

Wolf 4

Returning to the ranch David told his dad that he was going to just go to bed and then strode off without another word. Joseph nodded to his son before going to the kitchen and making a pot of coffee for himself since he knew he wouldn't be sleeping...

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Wolf 2

After getting himself settled and finding out what chores would have to be finished and when David told his dad that he was going to return home to get some of his clothes and school work he had to complete over the summer. Waving the older man off,...

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It was strange for the white haired young man to be working on a farm with his dad while just months ago he had never even been to a zoo before in his life. Sadly, it was all thanks to his mother and her new boyfriend and the fact that he didn't feel...

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