Staying Alive is an Heroic Act.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry


You quietly sits down as they fondle your ears.

Your tail wag around,

who cares about?

The shame is down,

the prizes are given,

enjoy what you got;

you are a hero.

If you can read this,

you are better than me;

you are alive.

Keep your way to live.

You are a hero for stay in the life.

If you stay with us without giving in to the impulse to flee,

you are right.

The life is sad,

but you have wings and flee from the death.

Because you can,

because you persist,

because you insist in the act of exist.

You need guts to not be draggen down and stay in the life without suicide.

Making Friends.

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?I jumped into a trashcan as the police passed by. I had just stolen and eaten some food. As soon as I thought it was safe, I left the trashcan. I was in that huge city for days and there's nothing I can hunt and nothing I can eat (legally). The...

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The Missing Friend.

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