Hunting a Vixen.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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?I jumped into a trashcan as the police passed by. I had just stolen and eaten some food. As soon as I thought it was safe, I left the trashcan.

I was in that huge city for days and there's nothing I can hunt and nothing I can eat (legally). The problem is that I can't supress my predator side much longer and I may end up voring someone. My tummy growled as my body digests my last meal.

I notice a mice trying to flee from my sudden movement over the trashcan and I start pursuiting him, but, once I attempted to cross the street, a huge bus smashed the mice. I backed off instantly.

My tummy growled again, demanding food, and everyone seemed to be a living meal. But I had to control myself, or the police would run after me again, this time with a real reason.

I noticed that I was lost. I sighed, but, when I did só, I felt a smell of prey. I looked around and saw an anthro vixen walking using business clothes and holding a bag. I blinked and followed her. She noticed, but didn't paid much attention, as I "am" just a cub.

It was sunset already and soon everything would be dark and cold, perfect conditions to attack and hypnotize my victim. Once in trance...

Vore her... - I said to myself.

I'm a predator, I can't hold back my urges for long time. I followed her at a safe distance. The streets were becoming more quiet, as less furries were walking around. A few cars passed by from time to time and the lights turned on.

I could feel my tummy uring me to get some food, but I had to stay in the dark and wait for the right moment. She seemed to be in a hurry, yet walked politely.

"Stupid little thing...", I thought, "These furries who live this 'civilizated' life... they can't fight, they can't run, they are easy preys..." I licked my lips as she walked by a dark place, the lights were broken, there were no shops open and a dull smell of pollution could be felt. I suddenly pounced on her and she screamed. Who cares? I craved my claws on her neck until she was dead from lack of air. Her body fell and I began eating her meat crude. I left her body when I was satisfied. She had now only one arm and half of a leg, blood was on the floor and dripping from her neck, her head laying distant from the body.

I was still hiding myself, walking on dark places, avoiding the light and, of course, the police, that would be running after me sooner or later, this time not because of a simple piece of cheese.

I stopped by a yard, wanting badly to poop. I had a diaper on, but I hate to mess myself, só I walked into the yard. I heard sirens; the police had arrived where I left the corpse. I jumped into a bush and decided that it would hide me until tomorrow.

It was dawn already and, even só, I needed to hold my "number 2" in order to not leave traces and the smell would be obvious, considering what I just ate.

I wonder why the life in the city is só different. I ended up dozing off, knowing that I'd be messy by the morning.

Morning came by and I woke up wet and messy, like I thought. I took a look around and saw a fountain. I was in someone's garden. I took my diaper off, leaving it there and went to the fountain, taking a quick bath. The problem is that I'd need to spend the rest of the day naked, which would be very embarrassing. I finished my bath and no one realized me, as it was still very early.

Hungry again and naked, I walked aroud the city, on the empty streets that would soon be filled with civilizated furries. I felt cold and slightly needy of a pee. I looked around fidgeting and saw a trashcan. "Damn, but I just took a bath...", I thought, surprised at how silly I looked, worried about being clean.

Well, I'm very into holding it, só I decided to enjoy a quick battle against my bladder. I was about to cross an alley when a ray got shot at me. I was hit and fell on the concrect.

There you are, cute idea! - shouted a voice.

I stood up and looked back. It was the turtle.

The Missing Friend.

I followed all the tracks I saw, tried to recognize your scent, went in a quest that has no end, into the dark I'm going to change. I climbed trees, reached tops of hills, I crossed rivers, faced the dungeons and thrills, followed pawprints, gathered...

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?Hey, you two! - someone shouted. We looked to see who it was. It was a turtle a babyfur, wearing red clothes and hat and aiming some sort of laser to us. By the time we looked, he shoot. I dodged, but the idea of dragoness got hit and became a...

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A Pause.

?After some lessons, the dragoness decided to join in my quest and guide me to where she saw the idea of dragon for the last time before his disappearing. I felt thirsty and the boobs of that fully developed pregnant dragoness were just begging to be...

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