
Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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?Hey, you two! - someone shouted.

We looked to see who it was. It was a turtle a babyfur, wearing red clothes and hat and aiming some sort of laser to us. By the time we looked, he shoot. I dodged, but the idea of dragoness got hit and became a glowing sphere that floated to the turtle's bag.

Now, it's your turn! - he said, aiming.

That turtle was trying to capture me. I was feeling like in a "reversed Pokémon Blue". The turtle grinned and licked his lips.

Let's see what you are made of! - he shouted.

He shoot and I doged, jumping to the side. I ran towards him and exposed my claws.

Oh, só fast! - he said, jumping over me.

I looked up and then behind, where he landed.

But not só fast! - he said, shooting again.

I quickly spun to the side and then used the claws of my footpaws to grab a huge piece of earth, throwing it to him with a kick. The piece of earth, mud, grass and rocks hit his laser.

Damn! - he said, leaving the laser on the grass and assuming battle position. - You are good, cute idea!

I'm not an idea! - I shouted. - I came from the Sensible Reality!

Bullshit - he said, running towards me. He was too agile for a turtle.

I gave a step back and kicked his right leg, causing him to fall.

Now... - I said, running to the laser and grabbing it. - are screwed!

I aimed. He got up and looked at me.

Do you know what it will do to me? - he asked.

I kept my aim. It was a fight, I was fighting for someone, yet I never killed someone without survival needs.

The perfect wind blew again over the harmed grass.

I will die if you shot - he said.

"Wait, then he killed the idea of dragoness?", I thought, finding it hard to believe.

I will go now - he said, walking towards the gate.

I instantly threw the laser away and run towards him. However, I didn't saw that he had prepared a trap to me. He turned to me and threw a small bomb. I dodged, but it hit the ground behind me, causing a huge explosion, throwing me to the ground. He opened the gate and left the Ideal World. Furiuous, I quickly got up and run to the gate and jumped inside.

The time hadn't changed yet. I still didn't knew why he wanted the ideas. When I opened my eyes, a huge and imperfect light hit my face. I was in a city, furries walked around using social clothing, it was hot like hell, skyscrappers adorned the view and the air trembled with the heat. I had no clue on where I was.

A Pause.

?After some lessons, the dragoness decided to join in my quest and guide me to where she saw the idea of dragon for the last time before his disappearing. I felt thirsty and the boobs of that fully developed pregnant dragoness were just begging to be...

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Cultures and Masturbation Tutorials.

The dragoness kept moaning in heat. I wonderd why she wasn't pawing off already. Hey, I can tell you are aroused... - I said. - Why don't you, you know, play with yourself? Do girls play with themselves? - she asked. Yes! All the time, just like...

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Imperfect Perfection.

?After some time talking, we came to an agreement: if I could find the pest who was stealing the ideas, I could have the idea of pawing for once and have the best masturbation I ever had. Oh, I agree - I said, eager for the so-called perfect...

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