The Missing Friend.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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I followed all the tracks I saw,

tried to recognize your scent,

went in a quest that has no end,

into the dark I'm going to change.

I climbed trees,

reached tops of hills,

I crossed rivers,

faced the dungeons and thrills,

followed pawprints,

gathered clues,

talked to people,

looked for truth.

I expose my claws,

show my fangs,

grab it with nails and teeth,

keep in the track,

I don't care if I can't survive,

I don't want to wait.

I'm tired of wait.

Tired of wait.

And now

I rise my paws to the moon

and wish to the stars,

I'll find you someday,

wait for me, I'll find.


?Hey, you two! - someone shouted. We looked to see who it was. It was a turtle a babyfur, wearing red clothes and hat and aiming some sort of laser to us. By the time we looked, he shoot. I dodged, but the idea of dragoness got hit and became a...

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A Pause.

?After some lessons, the dragoness decided to join in my quest and guide me to where she saw the idea of dragon for the last time before his disappearing. I felt thirsty and the boobs of that fully developed pregnant dragoness were just begging to be...

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Cultures and Masturbation Tutorials.

The dragoness kept moaning in heat. I wonderd why she wasn't pawing off already. Hey, I can tell you are aroused... - I said. - Why don't you, you know, play with yourself? Do girls play with themselves? - she asked. Yes! All the time, just like...

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