Fourth of July 79

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A young Gay Fox... gets to have some fun with the big jock stallions who taunted him...

Freedom in the Park

Prance watched the last of the fireworks exploded over the lake, as he sat on the outskirts of the park. Across the lake he could hear the music blaring from the loud speakers. Tragedy by the Bee Gee's the music faint, and yet compelling to the young confused teenage Fox. He was panting a bit in the summer heat, and so took another long drink of his Grape Nehi High. The slender little Fox looked around, he didn't want to go back to where his families camper was parked. But then he really didn't feel like going to the more crowded park areas either. Not after what had happened to him earlier, Prance replayed the moment in his mind.

Cheeks burning with pain and humiliation, as the big jocks had called him a Queer and cock sucking little Faggot. And it was over nothing, he'd been seen watching two of them playing with either other. But they had called him the Fag, those two big studs had been playing with each others been hard cocks. He'd just been watching... heck who wouldn't have stared at that... But then the whole bunch of them were shoving him and calling him names. Right in front of everyone gather in the park for the fourth of July fireworks display. Males and females there to watch the Fireworks with their cubs, the older males had stepped in to separate them. As 'My Sharona' played loudly over the loud speakers, they shouted for him to get his little Fag ass out of there.

The little Fox had been forced to flee down towards the lake, out into the darkness away from the park and boat docks. He'd bought the Nehi from a battered old machine at the docks. He lifted the tall glass bottle and took a long drink, the soda had gotten warm as he'd watched the fireworks. It was syrupy and super sweet now that most of its carbonation had bubbled off. Prance decided he actually liked it better that way, all thick and sweet no gas to burn his sensitive nose. Lifting the Bottle he drained the last of that warm sweet fluid down licking his lip's. As he strolled along the lake shore slowly, listening to the water lapping at the shore. And the music still being played farther down the lake, Rod Stewart was sing 'If you think I'm sexy.' Prance didn't notice the bonfire at first, it was burning very low although it had obviously been huge earlier.

Not wanting any farther humiliation, Prance started to skirt around the edge of the bonfire. But as he moved through the darkness, he saw that it was deserted. The log's placed around the fire pit were empty, clearly the party goers had gone back to their trailers or tents. Making this the prefect place for the little Fox to crash for a few hours, as he sorted out the complex emotions he was feeling. But as he approached he was startled to find one of the big equine jock's from earlier. The big stud was sitting with his back to one of the log's, looking out over the dark waters of the lake. Prance could see in the dim moonlight, that the horse's shorts where down around his knee's. And that same huge cock, that the other jock had been playing with was laying throbbing on the stallion's jersey. Prance started to turn away, not wanting anymore humiliation at the hands of a big stupid jock. But as he stared at the horse, it became obvious that he was passed out drunk.

Prance softly edged up closer his eyes never leaving that huge throbbing cock. He was almost close enough to touch it, when the big equine's head jerked up. And those glazed eyes rolled around and focused on him, those expressive equine lip's rolling back into a wide drunken smile. "Weeellll loookee here... Faggot Fox is back..." The big equine slurred drunkenly, as his eye's followed the Fox's gaze down to his exposed junk. The stallion's eye's widened, as he realized that he'd been caught playing with himself. A embarrassed look slowly crawled over the horse's muzzle, as the little Fox smirked sensing his advantage.

"That's right, and I want this..." Prance growled, as he reached out and grasped that huge organ. It was hot and slimy from all the pre-cum the horse had milked out of it. And pulsed faster and faster in the Fox's small paws as he slowly fondled it.

"Hey... wha tha... hell." The big horse snorted, trying to sit up as the little Fox played with his fat dick.

"I saw you two earlier, playing with each other... You were really enjoying having a guy play with your dick." Prance growled firmly, as he easily pushed the drunken stallion back down. Either the big strong jock was to intoxicated to effective resist him, or he really didn't want to. "Who's really the Faggot?" Prance asked sharply, as he shoved down his own shorts to reveal his own rock hard cock. "So wheres yer boyfriend, why isn't he taking care of this..." Prance demanded, as the big stallion looked even more embarrassed, and strangely sad at the same time.

"He fucked me, and then he laughed at me... Called me a Mareboi... said only a Queer lets another guy fuck him. Real males can fuck whoever they like... but only real pussy's let them do it. He's gonna brag to the other guys about banging my ass, using me like a mare tomarrow." The big stallion lifted the bottle and took another drink of booze.

"I can tell you how to stop him from doing that..." The smart little Fox promised, as he slowly jacked that huge pink and brown marbled equine cock. "But first I want this..." Prance moaned as he leaned down over the stallion's big powerful body, and began licking the slimy pre off that big blunt cock head.

"Ohooooooo gods." The big jock stud moaned as the little Fox stepped over him, licking his stallion stick. That cute tight little butt thrust back into the stallion's long handsome muzzle. The musky male scent of those sweat male genitals, so close to his muzzle making the stallion more excited. Reaching up, his big hot hands cupped and squeezed those firm round ass cheeks. As the equines big round nose pressed between those wide spread legs. Sniffling the musky organ's, before a big hand slid in to tug that hard little vulpine cock down and back. And then those soft velvety lip's... so hot and wet closed around the Fox's shaft. Across the lake the soft strains of the village people sing 'Y.M.C.A.' could be heard playing on the loud speakers. Neither of them realized the irony in that, both were lost in the hot rush of sexual pleasure.

Prance had never actually had a cock in his mouth before, and the older stallion's huge blunt cock wasn't the easiest to start with. But what the Fox lacked in expertise, he more than may up for in enthusiasm. Licking and suckling wildly on that massive cock, that barely fit within his muzzle. While the big jocks mouth was proving far more talented than the younger Fox, this obviously wasn't the first cock he'd sucked on. And was quickly bringing the young Fox to the peak of pleasure, those fluffy little vulpine ball's drawing up. "Ummm Ohooo gods... suck it... suck my dick." Prance panted breathlessly, as his body bucked and rutted backwards on the stallion's muzzle. "Whe.. whe... when I cum... when I cum... don't swallow it just hold it in your mouth." The little Fox stammered breathlessly, as he licked and sucked frantically on that mighty stud stick. Prance's small paws stroked and tugged on that thick stud stick, as he lifted his muzzle away. Yiffing loudly as his hard little cock went off within the big jocks muzzle. "Ohoooo yeah... yeah ohooo wwwooow!" The young Fox moaned, as he experienced the first orgasm he'd ever had that wasn't brought about by his own paws. Prance moaned and bucked in that suckling mouth a few moments longer, before slowing to a shuddering halt. Panting in exhausted bliss, Prance pulled his hard little cock out of the horse's mouth with a lewd sounding 'Slurp'.

"Alright..." The little Fox panted, as he stepped over the stallion's big powerful body. Quickly pulling that big blunt equine cock head, up to the stallion's own mouth. And then shoving it between the swiftly sobering horse's lip's. "Here suck on that..." He ordered as the startled jock looked up at him questioningly. "I need to go get something..." Prance explained, as he tugged his shorts back up. "Wait here... cum if you like, but don't swallow anything." The little vulpine called as he sprinted off back towards where his families trailer was parked. "Don't swallow... I'll solve your problem... just wait."


By the time he got back to the trailer his parents and younger siblings were already asleep. Sneaking in he grabbed his father's Polaroid Instamatic, checking that it still had film. And then ran back to where he'd left the big jock stallion, just in time to watch the stud spurt. The big horse's cheeks ballooning as his own hot spoo... filled his mouth mixing with the Fox's own. "Heh... damn it looked like you enjoyed that... Heck I know you did... you've got a great mouth I know. Sure sucked the juice out of me..." Prance babbled, as he helped the big jock stud up onto his hooves.

"Ok show me where... this guy is..." The little Fox winked, as he followed the stallion to one of the rental cabins. Luckily the stud was rooming with the object of their quest, they snuck silently into the dark cabin. But were forced to wait silently in the darkness for a couple of minutes. Prance was beginning to worry his new friend would be forced to swallow, before his plan could come to consummation. But then the big black stallion rolled over into position, quickly the little Fox whispered instruction into his equine friends ear. Slipping over the little Fox pulled the blankets back, and worked the black stallion's underwear down. Clip clopping over the big roan red stallion, reached down and lifted that long flowing black tail. As Prance quickly popped the camera up, and found the perfect position. Opening his mouth, the big roan stallion spat his mouth full of stud goo out onto that shiny black tail hole.

'Snort.' "Wha... the fuck..." The big Black stallion grunted, looking back over his shoulder. Just as Prance snapped the picture... of him laying there on his belly. A huge puddle of Fox and stallion cum covering his ass hole, the big roan stallion's long dangling cock still dripping over it.

"We're just getting a picture of you... after we pounded yer ass." Prance explained, as he quickly took a couple of more pictures before the big black stallion could roll over.

"Wha... you what..." The black jock stallion grunted confused, clearly stunned by the flash's going off in his eye's.

"Now..." The little Fox smirked, as he stood there shaking the Polaroids back and forth. "Your not going to tell anyone about what you did to my buddy here. Or he'll be showing these pic's around and telling every one he did that to you." The little Fox explained shoving a freshly developed picture, of the black stallion's cream covered tail hole into his hands. With that big dripping pink and brown marbled cock dangling just in frame.

"Yeah... yeah that's right Jerome." The big roan stallion agreed, with a wide silly grin splayed across his still drooling mouth. "Who do you think they'll believe?"

"Wha... wha... I..." The big black stud choked, as he starred at that picture. It sure looked like his tailhole had been pumped full of Cameron's cum. Prance held up the other pic's to show the one the black stallion had wasn't the only one. "Oh...o... ok..." Jerome mumbled more meekly, as he realized they had him over a barrel. No one would believe he'd fucked Cameron, rather than the other way around. Not when they saw those pictures...

"Hehehe... see problem solved!" The young Fox crowed, as he jumped up and kiss's the big roan stallion passionately.


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