Scooby Doo Fan Fic chap 4

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Scooby

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc ...

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc ...

Scooby story.... Case of the Hillbiiies Ghost

Chapter 4

"You got a female snooper down here?" An eerie older sounding voice cursed angrily. "What in tar nation were you thinking? Naw never mind I know what you wuz thinking. Well I hope ya had yer fun wit' her... cuz her friends are askin' questions. And ya know what that means... we're gunna have ta drop her down the shaft into the River. The body will wash up down on the lake shore... and everyone will think she just got herself lost and drown."

"Yes sir..." Her two molesters agreed softly, clearly displeased that they wouldn't be able to keep their fuck toy any longer. "We'll do it this evening... she'll be in the lake by morning."

"Good... the search will have to start for her by then..." That creepy voice snarled. "In the meanwhile get as much done as you can... before we have to stop work for the search..."

"Yes sir will do." Daphne panted into her gag, as she struggled to get out of the rough ropes that bound her. Desperate to get away now, after what she had just heard. A little bondage and rape were one thing... but they meant to kill her. The voices of her two molester's had been joined by a third older sounding voice. That had ordered it, and even though they had all been enjoying they're hot rape sessions. They had promised to do it... this was a lot more serious and deadly than what the gang was use to... Panic seized her heart, as she suddenly heard the door to her room open. Surprisingly soft and odd sounding foot falls approached her... 'Oh lord they had come to kill her!'

"Nnnnnn..." Daphne screamed in protest into her gag, as she felt a shockingly hot body close to her...

"Shshhh..." A soft strangely high pitched voice whispered to her... "They'll hear you... and they are gunna do bad things to you... drop ya down a hole." The strange voice of her... rescuer explained as he lifted her. "I'm take'in ya down into tha pit... they can't come down there... Papa won't let'em." Suddenly she was hoisted up onto a slender shoulder, and was carried away. Down through narrow twisting tunnels lit by lamps hundreds of yards apart. Her blindfold had slipped up off of one eye, and she glanced back over her shoulder. As they passed under a dim lamp, and was stunned by what she saw. Curling up from the head of her small, but seemingly immensely strong rescuer. Horns...

"yer gunna have to hold yer breath through this part... or the vapors will get ya... That's why them thieving two faces can't come down here." That strangely bleating voice explained. "So take a real deep breath... and hold it..." She heard her rescuer doing just that, and hastily tried to do the same. As he lurched forwards, stinging burning gas's filled her senses.

Burning her eyes and making them water... searing her nostrils and choking off her breath... Daphne tried to hold her breath... tried to do as her strange rescuer had instructed. But the air in her lung burned for release... and she just couldn't hold it back any longer. With a loud snort she breathed out, and then tried to inhale but the gas's were horror. Burning like fluid fire in her nose, throat and lungs... her world spun. And she realized that death had come for her anyway, as at last soothing unconsciousness washed over her...


The gang stood starring down the long narrow spiraling stairs, that seemed to descend forever into the darkness. "Its gotta be a entrance to old man Jenkin's tunnels..." Cameron grunted as he and Freddie stood at the top peering down the seemingly never ending staircase.

"How do you know that?" Freddie asked, as the burly red head adjusted his still slightly damp clothes.

"What the hell else could it be..." The big red head grunted. "I mean it sure as hell aint no fruit cellar..." Larena clapped them both on the shoulders. as she joined them in looking down.

"I reckon a back door man like Cam here knows all about fruit cellars Fred..." She joked making the burly red head blush brightly once again. "Asides Momma and Pa always said ours was the only family tha ol' coot trusted... so it makes sense."

"Do you think Daphne's down there?" Freddie asked... looking uncomfortably from Larena to Cameron.

"I reckon if the old man's Zombies got her... that's where they'd take her. Down into that maze of tunnels and rooms... the old fella craved out." Cameron answered, digging through his belt pouches as he shared a look with Fred.

"Then that's where we need to go gang..." Freddie grunted, looking around at Velma as she studied an old book Larena had brought back from town.

"Actually... Freddie I really think Shaggy, Scooby and Scooby Dum and I should check out the Cemetery again." Velma interrupted, making Shaggy and the Scooby's cringe...

"But that's where the Zombies came after us at." Shaggy pointed out as a powerful shiver shook his slender body.

"Reah Zombies..." Scooby repeated, quickly doing his best groaning, shambling Zombie impression.

"I know... but I want to have a look at those tire tracks..." Velma explained. "And this book talks about the old family crypt..."

"Damnit... ok fine we'll split up." Freddie growled, looking back down the dark stairs. "Velma you Shag and Scoob can look into that..." "Larena, Cameron, and I will investigate these tunnels."

"I'm not so sure that's..." Velma started, but Freddie had already clicked on his flash light and bound down the stairs. Looking at each other... Larena and Cameron nodded and followed after him. "A good idea..." Velma finished frustrated, looking over at the obviously chicken-hearted Shaggy and the Scooby's. "Well it looks like it'll be us going to the Cemetery."


"Would you do it for a Scooby snack..." She asked knowing how this little game always ended... Ever as her three chicken-hearted companions scrambled over the treats as she carelessly tossed a handful at them.


Armed with flashlights and a couple of Cameron's magical fetishes for warding off the undead. Shaggy and Scooby and Scooby Dum had insisted, even tho' Velma clearly thought it was silliness. They approached the ancient Cemetery... although the heavy rain had stopped. A strong wind was still blowing through the mountains, making the leafless tree's sway and creak alarmingly. "Alright where was it you three saw the tire tracks at?" Velma asked, as they crept into the burial grounds and peered around nervously.

"Over there..." Shaggy grunted, looking around the dark cemetery slow and fearfully. "Well we had just came through the gate... and tripped almost falling into a opened gg... ggrav... grave." Shaggy whimpered softly, as he retraced they're steps... "And then we heard the ghosts and ran... down toward that old crypt..."

"That's the old Jenkin's family Crypt." Velma exclaimed excitedly, as Shaggy lead them down to the decaying burial chambers. The weathered old gray stone was covered with dark green ivy. Clearly the building was very old, the silvery mortar between the stone blocks was decayed and crumbling.

"And then the tire tracks were right over..." Shaggy paused confused, as he starred at the muddy water filled ruts. "Like there..."

"The rain has washed them away Shagg." Velma explained, as she studied those muddy ruts thoughtfully. "Jinkies... these ruts are obviously new and yet surprisingly deep... a very heavy vehicle has just started coming up here regularly." She surmised from the ruts as Shaggy and the Scooby's starred at the dark foreboding crypt that the ruts lead up to.

"And then... the Zombies came out of... there." Shaggy whimpered, pointing to the Crypt as Velma turned away from the muddy ruts. The flickering flashlight beams revealed, that the heavy old wooden door to the Jenkin's family Crypt was gaping open. Slowly the four crept up to that door to peer inside, but the tomb was dark and empty.

"Ok tell me exactly what happened..." Velma instructed as Scooby and Shaggy began to trembled once again. As they showed her where they had hidden and met Cameron hiding, and then pointed out the crypt where the zombie had came from. And although the boys didn't like the idea very much, she made them help her push the crypt lid off. Inside much to their relief there were no zombies, however Shaggy and Scooby cringed in horror when they saw the dark stairs leading downwards.

"Well guys I guess all roads really do lead down." Velma frowned, she really had been hoping to find more here, some clue as to what was going on. But all they had was some muddy ruts in the ground and a hidden entrance to under ground tunnels. Just then a flash of brightly colored paper caught her eye, as Scooby Dum moved around her. "Ummm Scooby Dum what is that stuck to your hind paw."

"Rhat?" The huge gray, Great Dane grunted as he stood up on his hind leg's. "Rits a clue..." Scoody Dum sang, as he tried to lift the paw and pick it off bouncing around on one paw as he did so. Even as he snatched at the tiny piece of paper stuck to his lifted hind paw.

"Scoody Dum watch... watch out." Velma shouted in warning, even as the big Great Dane lost his balance.

"Grab him Scoob." Shaggy shouted, as he and Scooby moved forwards trying to brace him. But it was far to late for that, the big gray Great Dane collided with them. Throwing the others off balance, groping for a hand hold Shaggy's skinny hand grasped a level. Instantly the stair steps folded flat, turning the staircase onto a slick well used slide. And with a wild scream the four of them vanished into the darkness of the under ground world...


Seven hundred and twenty seven steps down, Freddie Larena and Cameron stepped off on to a rocky tunnel floor. "My god these tunnels must go on for miles." Freddie choked, as he looked around at the vast dimly lit cavern that stretched out all around them. A wild blustery gust of air hit them, as strange rattling sounds drifted up from far away.

"Looks like the old man stumbled on natural limestone caverns, well known for paranormal energy conduction." The burly red headed Cameron explained, as he looked down into the dark abyss. "Most likely cut out by that under ground river." Although they couldn't see it, the sound of the flowing waters far below them told the tale.

"But which way should we go?" Freddie asked looking around confused, the twisting and turning staircase had him completely lost.

"Well..." Cameron pulled a compass, from the voluminous pocket of his plaid woolen hunting jacket. "The ol' Jenkins place is... that way from here." The big hillbilly pointed down one surprisingly well lit tunnel, even as a strange ghostly rumbling echoed down it.

"That sure'nuff looks like tha way." Larena agreed trembling in fear and snuggling up to the surprised Freddie. "I'm sooooo glad I gotta real man... like you here ta protect me Fred." The pretty blonde purred as she rubbed her sexy body against Freddie, and flashed Cameron a sneering smile. The big hillbilly just rolled his eye's and strolled off down the tunnel ahead. Freddie looked down at her uncomfortably, and quickly followed after the big surly Hillbilly. Wandering through the narrow twisting tunnels, as they snaked farther and farther relentlessly downwards. As eerie ghostly sounds screamed down the tunnels with the rush of moving air currents.


The two way radio cracked, and a angry voice snarled hotly. "What do you mean... she got away?"

"She couldn't have gotten far boss..." The gaunt skeletal Zombie moaned, into the the radio nervously. "She couldn't have gotten far... down here with no light. Hell she may have already fell down an open shaft, I've sent Tom to check the loading ramp to make sure she didn't get out through there. All the other entrances are locked down, so if she didn't get out through there shes still down here in the tunnels. If she's not fell down a hole... we'll find her and toss her down one."

"You'll damned well better hope ya do..." That dark angry voice grated in suppressed fury. "Because if ya don't and that slut gets out... I'll be tossing you two down one of those holes. You can join the old man in hell."

"Don't you fret it boss... we'll get her." The gaunt corpse faced lackey assured nervously, even as he fiddled with the revolver in the pocket of his ragged trousers.

"See that ya do." That dark angry voice growled one at time, before signing off. Quickly the Zombie switched his radio to a different frequency, and then thumbing the mic.

"You see anything Tom?" He growled questioningly as another shiver ran down his spine.

"We got more snoopers..." The radio crackled and a second voice answered. "They jest came down tha slide."

"Gett'em and scare'em out of here, and then we gotta find that red headed slut and drop her down tha shaft."

"What if I can't scare'em out?" Tom asked anxiously, as he pulled his own revolver out and checked that it was fully loaded.

"Then they'll jest have to go down tha shaft as well."

"Alright if ya think that's best brother." Tom agreed grimly as he peered down the ramp, it appeared the four of them had gotten split up. Quickly he turned to volume down on his radio, and hid it in the pocket of his ragged jacket. He was just wondering which pair to go after first, when he heard a female voice exclaim. 'My glass's... I've lost my glass's... Scooby, Shaggy help me look for them.' The corners of the zombies mouth curled up into a wide leering smile, as he turned toward that whining voice. Maybe he'd get a little more pussy and this time it wouldn't be sloppy seconds. Quickly the ragged figure shambled down the dim twisting corridors, peering into the smelting room where Velma had ended up. And as the ragged zombie looked on in stunned silence, a bizarre erotic spectacle unfolded before his eyes.

"Rohoooo... you wanta play mountin' game." The huge silvery gray Great Dane exclaimed, as he watched the chubby girl scramble around on all fours. The big canine licked his lip's as a wide gloating smile played across his muzzle. Strolling up behind her he reached down and flipped that short orange skirt up over her back.

"Oho... Scooby Dum." Velma exclaimed in relief as she heard the big silly Great Dane speak. "I'm glad your here... are Shaggy and Scooby around? I can't see without my glaaaASSS'S..." She exclaimed in a high pitched voice, as she felt her skirt tossed up onto her back. "Wha... wha... what are you doo... doo dooiinngg..." The chubby freckled face girl squealed as she felt, sharp canine teeth catch in the soft cloth of her baggy cotton panties. Suddenly they were tugged down around her thick thighs, as Scooby Dun growled softly. "Ummm... I... you shouldn't be doing... Ahahaha..." Velma moaned as that hot slick tongue lapped over her exposed sex, a cold wet nose pressing between her ass cheeks. As that long hot tongue licked all over her now dribbling sex, before plunging between those puffy aroused lip's. Velma twisted trying to look back at the big dog, even as her leg's spread as wide as the panties wrapped around her knee's would allow.

Tom's jaw dropped as he watched the two of them, the big Dog lustful and aggressive with the chubby girl kneeling on the floor. It was a shocking and yet highly exciting sight... and so the ragged zombie pulled back into the shadows. Deciding to watch and see just where this was going, even as a big rough dirty hand began to fondle himself through his ragged trousers. As he watched the huge Great Dane lick his way up between the chubby girls wide spread leg's.

"Ummmm Scooby Dum... I... I really don't think we should be do... doing this." Velma moaned as that slick lapping tongue vanished, but then she felt a heavy weight land on her back. "Ohoo!" Velma squealed as those strong forelegs wrapped around her waist, even as she felt something hot and slimy spear between her legs.

"Dum dum dum." Scooby Dum exclaimed happily as he began thrusting, that huge throbbing red rocket poked and prodded. Until it at last found that hot eager opening, and with a single bone jarring thrust was buried balls deep.

"JINKIES!" Velma screamed as her body leaned forwards, and was instantly pulled back by those strong forelegs. Even as the big canines hip's hunched forwards hard, as he buried that massive knot into her. And then the pair melted into a growling, moaning, mass of wild withering rut. Human animal, and canine animal lost in the pleasure of one anothers embrace. Bodies rocking back and forth savagely, even as both bodies slammed into each other powerfully. "Ohooo gods yes... Ride me you horny beast." Velma moaned breathlessly as Scooby Dum cover her face in hot slimy doggie licks.


"Like what was that?" Shaggy asked trembling in horror as the howling screams echoed down those dimly lit tunnels.

"Ri don't Rnow." Scooby whimpered, leaping into his arms and shaking like a leaf as the two of them looked around nervously.

"I... I think the zombies got Velma!" Shaggy choked, as he took off running away from the screams and growling.

"Roor Relma..." Scooby whined as he looked back over Shaggy's shoulder even as the two of them fled. Twisting and turning through the seemingly endless dimly lit tunnels, until the scent of food at last caught their attention.

"Like do you smell that Scoob?" Shaggy asked as he paused to lick his lip's.

"Rmells rike chicken." The big brown Great Dane exclaimed as he sniffed the air and licked his chops. As the two of them drifted towards the sweet scent of the fried meat, finding amazingly modern and well equipped kitchen.

"Wow... like fried chicken..." Shaggy exclaimed excitedly as he drooled over all the things to eat. "How about my one of my super duper Shaggy specials?

"Reah reah." Scooby agreed quickly as Shaggy began throwing things together.

"Fried chicken, potato salad, a couple of hard boiled eggs and smother the whole thing in peach Marmalade." Shaggy turned away for an instant to look around in the huge fridge, instantly Scooby grabbed the sandwich tossing it up into the air. Gulping the whole enormous thing down, before Shaggy can turn back around. "Hey... like cut that out." Shaggy growled good-naturally as the huge brown and black spotted Great Dane chuckled. Just then a horrible moan drew their attention to the open doorway. Where a pale gaunt corpse stood moaning horribly, and waving his long skeletal arms. The ragged dirty clothing dropping glittering flecks of dust, as the undead monster changed at the pair. "ZOINKS!" Shaggy screamed as he and Scoob turned tail and ran, as the shambling corpse chased after them moaning... In and out around and down from room to room tunnel to tunnel. The pair hiding in a jumble of old barrels, popping up in different ones as the zombie snatched and grabbed at them wildly.

Even blue ribbon winners lose...

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Back in play

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Tiger Pounced...

Warning for hot gay sex... Gelding sheath/cunt boi... Tiger... Zebracorn... Voyeurism... This is a gift story for the highly cute and super sweet [!["robin-tiger"](%5C ""robin-tiger"") robin-tiger](%5C) Hope you enjoy it sweety ...

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