Back in play

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Best buds

Warning for Hot sex... between young jock males and gelded cockless neuters

Jeremy and Dave from 'Best Buddies ' are back how will the team take the news that their total neuters...

Back in play

"Alright... there we go." Dr. Palmer snorted, as he tugged the last stitch out of Jeremy's smooth flat groin. "It looks good everything has healed up nicely... no infections or soreness." The big Mule grunted, as he took a small light and peered into the Dobermans tight sheath opening.

"Ahem what about the stitches down in my sheath doc?" Jeremy asked as the big Mule looked up, with a faint smile playing across his muzzle.

"Those will be broken down naturally by your own body, so we need not worry about them." The big equine said with a soft smile, as he sat back and looked down at Dave. "Ammmm thank you David." The young Lion was kneeling between the older Doctors long equine legs. That hefty stud stick deep in his throat, even though it was now only semi hard. The big Mule having blown his load sometime ago... the young Lion's mouth had proven remarkably talented. The old mule ruffled that thick mane with one big three fingered hand. As Dave sat back and let that long floppy black equine hose slip out of his throat.

"Ummmm that was good Doc." Dave moaned, smiling and licking his lip's as he smiled standing up easily.

"I get to try it next time." Jeremy snickered, as he watched the Mule draw that huge organ back up.

"Yes... of course you can." Dr. Palmer assured easily as he zipped his trousers and continued his examination. "I can see you've both been taking you hormone treatments..." "Good muscle tone... so I can see no reason that you can't return to the active roster." "I'll let Coach Murphy know you can start practicing again today... and should be fine to play in the game on Saturday." The big Mule paused as he though things over for a long moment and then grunted gruffly. "If you have any trouble in the locker roo... with your teammates..." "Just tell the Coach or me... and we'll have a word with whoever it is." The Doctor and Coach had already warned the jocks on the team about bothering Doberman and Lion of course.

"Oh don't worry about us Doc..." Jeremy called as he opened the office door, and strolled out.

"Yeah... we'll be just fine now..." Dave the big golden Lion assured as he followed his best buddy out into the hallway.

"Oh I'm more worry about your teammates." The big Mule smirked under his breath, fondling his drained male hood gently. As he watched the two totally emasculated jocks stroll away, they're firm tight ass's swaying sexily. The white straps of their jock strap making a sexy contrast on the sleek and shiny fur. The big Mule snickered wondering why they had bothered to wear the under garments. Most likely just because the jock straps made those firm round ass's look so good.


The practice had gone very well, either Dave nor Jeremy had lost a step or a move. In fact Coach Murphy reflected, they seemed to play better without the hefty junk that had hung between their legs. 'Maybe I should have them do that to a couple of the other guys.' The huge older Tiger smirked, as he watched the brightly uniformed young jock stud's come prancing back into the locker room. He had noticed, that each of them had gotten more butt pats that the rest of the team put together. It seemed their teammates who had all heard, even though he and Dr. Palmer had worked to keep the boy's conditions a secret. So of course, now everyone on the team knew that the Lion and Doberman were cock and ball-less. And those previously innocent ass pats, had became more and more blatant and fondles and gropes. Clearly the young jocks were curious, and just as clearly Dave and Jeremy were less than modest. The way they strutted around, and allowed the other boy's to touch them through their uniforms. The big feline sensed, that things were going to happen once they all got in the locker room. So the big Tiger left his office door open, so that he could hear if things got to out of control. He'd step in and calm them down, rescue the pair of hapless neuters so they're parents wouldn't complain to the school broad.


Dave tossed his helmet into the locker, and then stripped off his jersey. Before working his shoulder pads over his shaggy mane, his tawny golden fur matted down to his sleek strong male body. "That was a good Practice buddy." Jeremy grunted to his pal, as they both worked off their tight uniform pants. It was only as they stripped down to they're loose flat jock straps, that the noise and friend banter in the room suddenly went silent. The two sexless young jock's looked around curiously at their teammates, who were all suddenly watching them silently. Dave and Jeremy shared sly knowing smiles, as the other naked young jocks starred at them intensely. Turning away from their watchers, both of them bent over at the waist. As they slowly worked their loose fitting jock straps down their long sexy anthropomorphic legs. The room full of sweaty musky jocks starred open mouthed, as Dave and Jeremy did their teasing strip. When a loud raucous voice suddenly broke the silence, as the big roan equine licked his thick lip's.

"Oh yeah baby take it off." Cameron whinnied in lustful encouragement, as he fondled his huge equine cock. That broke the awkward silence, and all the others began to laugh and clap. Calling their own lewd encouragements, or perverse comments as most of them openly fondled themselves.

"Show us what ya got..." Tony the big hefty Bear called with a nervous snickered, and then grunted as Rory the big Bull slugged him in the arm. Before calling out in a loud bellow that made the whole room burst into laughter.

"Show us what ya don't got anymore!" Even Dave and Jeremy were laughing at that, as they stepped out of their jock straps. And then turned around to display the bright pink scars, where their heavy male jewels had once hung. Above that their limp sheath's gaped open, revealing the hot red tunnel inside.

"Whoa..." The room full of horny young jocks moaned, as they saw what the Lion and Doberman had between they're legs.

"Daammmnnnn." Cameron moaned as he trotted up closer to get a better look, this action prompting the others to close in as well.

"Can... can I touch your scar?" Tony the Bear asked excitedly as he pressed up against Jeremy, the tall black and tan Doberman smiling softly.

"Sure Tony... your more than welcomed to touch me anywhere." Jeremy answered, as suddenly a the paws of a dozen different guys where groping between his legs. Making the tall Doberman giggle wildly, as all those smooth fingers rubbed softly over his scarred flesh. "Ohoooo..." And then he moaned as someone slipped a finger into his empty sheath hole, glancing down he couldn't tell whose finger... fingers it was. Not that it mattered, those questing fingers felt damn good inside of him. "Ummm hey guys..." The sleek sexy Doberman moaned as he glanced over at Dave, the big Lion had both his paws around Cameron's long marbled stud stick. And was guiding it into his empty sheath hole, as the big roan stallion looked down at him gloatingly.

"So your the little sluts we're all going to bang for my birthday huh." The big stallion snorted, as the Lion's hot wet hole swallowed his big blunt cock head. Until the two of them were pressed muzzle to muzzle, the sexy golden feline craning his neck up. And suddenly Cameron's eye's shot open wide, as those soft fuzzy feline lip's pressed against his own. The big horny equine jock was startled, as his teammate kissed him gently. But quickly melted into that kiss, treating it like any other challenge. The big jock stud kissed back more aggressively, as if the kiss were a competition that he was playing to win. Even as Vince big black and white paint stallion, moved up to work his thick black stud stick up Dave's tight tail hole. The handsome golden Lion's mouth opening, as he moaned in surprise and pain. And then Cameron's long slick equine tongue was in his mouth, and the handsome feline was suckling on it. As the two big stallion's bounced him back and forth between them while they snorted in lust.

"Ummm... hey don't... don't hog all the stallion's." Jeremy moaned over at Dave, as Tony the chubby brown Bear pulled him onto that fat Ursine cock. And then even as he said that, Rory shoved a couple of feet of bovine cock up his tail hole. And the tall slender Doberman collapsed into the Bull's arm's, as he was treated just like his feline best friend. Rory sat back on the bench, bouncing him up and down on that hard cock. While Tony leaned over hammering that tight sheath hole savagely, even as Jerry the Wolf grasp the Doberman's muzzle. And introduced that handsome black and tan muzzle... to his huge red lupine rocket. As Jeremy glanced over and saw that true to what he'd been saying, Dave now had a third equine humping his muzzle like it was a slutty mare's sex. "Ummmm..." Jeremy moaned around that huge lupine boner, as Jerry rolled his hips humping franticly against that handsome black and tan muzzle. As Jeremy looked up at Tony as the heft Bear leaned over him, that short brown muzzle screwed up in a look of lustful concentration. And a suddenly delight racing through him as he realized this was exactly the position he'd been in his dream. On his back with a big horny male, thrusting deeply and lustfully into the hole between his leg's. His whole body quivered in delight as this naughty realization, and he moaned out the corner of his mouth. "Ohoooo yeah rut me... rut my sheath hole!"


Coach Murphy licked his soft furry feline lip's, as he watched the action through a slit in his office blinds. Things had obviously gotten out of hand, yet Jeremy and Dave were clearly enjoying it. Both of them had three cocks in them, and had for the past half hour. When one young jock stud would finish and pull his dripping cock out of one of their holes. He was quickly replaced by another horny young stud, the big older Tiger's huge paw slipped down into his stretchy sports shorts. To stroke over his long thick erection, as he watched the hot and heavy action. Everyone on the team took at less one go... some came back over and over again. Tony the young Ursine had fucked both of them twice, and was now standing there watching. And fondling himself, trying to get it up for yet another go. While Cameron the big red equine had Jeremy pinned down, and was brutally raping the Doberman's sloppy sheath hole. Even as the tall sleek black and tan canine howled in delight, while Denny a handsome red Stag was giving his tailhole the same treatment. Most of the other young jock studs had wandered off to the showers, to get cleaned up now that their lusts had been sated. As the Coach watched things slowly wind down, he couldn't help thinking about those slimy cum filled holes. Sure he was married, and had a couple of cub's older than these boys. But was finding the idea of what was happening highly erotic, true he'd played around with some guys in college. But then he'd married and settled down like a good jock stud... hoping to bang out the next generation. And all he'd managed was to father a gaggle of girls, true they were all good athletes... for females.

Now here was this highly erotic spectacle, of hard young male bodies rutting and plunging. His big leathery paw rubbed up and down along his barbed organ again. As he watched Tony trying to get off once again, this time the fat brown Bear was having both Dave and Jeremy taking turns suckling on his semi hard cock. As Cameron at last staggered off to the showers, and Denny the red Stag was just exploding into Dave's sexy golden ass.

"Damn yer a better rut than Minnie!" Denny moaned, as he sagged back onto the bench, even as Dave looked around at him and smiled.

"Anytime you want some more..." Denny's muzzle brightened and he nodded quickly at the pair of them.

"May... maybe we could make this a regular thing." The red Stag half moaned, half pleaded as he climbed exasperatedly to his hooves.

"That IS what Jeremy and I were hoping for." The big golden Lion snickered, as he watched the Dobermans muzzle slide up and down Tony's weak erection.

"Yeah." Jeremy panted, as he pulled his suckling mouth off that semi hard ursine cock, and pasted it over to Dave. "Where's the fun of having all those hot holes... if nobodies going to enjoy them." The sleek sexy young canine flashed the red Stag a leering grin, as he retreated towards the showers. "Feel free to bring your friends..." Jeremy called, as he went back to trying to tease another load out of Tony's weakly pulsing cock. While Dave took a few deep breath's, and watched his best friend eagerly work on pleasuring their Bruin teammate's cock.

"Uhumm Uhumm... Fuc...fuck I'm almost..." Tony moaned as he tried to orgasm again, but his tight Ursine ball's were empty. But only a watery spurt of clear prostate juice escaped, as he slammed his crotch against Jeremy's wet black nose.

"Ammmm... thank you." The smiling Doberman moaned, as Tony's limp cock slithered out of his mouth. Leaving Jeremy panting for breath as he sat back on the locker room bench, clearly exhausted by what had happened to him. But just as clearly happy with everything he'd done, and had been done inside of him. Wearily he stood up and staggered over to his best friend and fellow cum slut, wrapping the handsome young Lion up in a tight embrace. "Well was that as much fun for you as it was for me?"

"Well... let's just say I don't think I'll be missing anything I use to have to tug on." Dave purred licking his lip's as he rubbed his flat sticky crotch against Jeremy's. "Not when I've got all these other ones... slamming up my tail hole and down my throat."

"Hahaha... and up your sheath slit don't forget that one... I'm starting to think I like it better in there."

Dave's bright emerald green eye's glazed over, and his muzzle got that far away look.

"Yeah there is just something about having a guy on top of you, watching his muzzle as he ruts hard into you." The handsome golden Lion shivered wildly for a second, as he saw Cameron atop him rutting that hole between his leg's. The big equines expressive lip's curled up in a sneering grin, as he pounded away lustfully. Oddly it fulfilled a desire within the big Lion a secret desire for sexual passivity.

"Ummm Hummm." The sleek Doberman agreed, as the two of them shivered and rubbed their bodies together. Just then the door to Coach Murphy's office swung open, and the big Tiger motioned for them to come in.


Tiger Pounced...

Warning for hot gay sex... Gelding sheath/cunt boi... Tiger... Zebracorn... Voyeurism... This is a gift story for the highly cute and super sweet [!["robin-tiger"](%5C ""robin-tiger"") robin-tiger](%5C) Hope you enjoy it sweety ...

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Tricked and taken...

A proud Centaur Stallion makes the mistake of dealing with the wrong Goat... [!["boinggoat"](%5C ""boinggoat"") boinggoat](%5C) Played this out with me... Tricked and taken The huge handsome Centaur stallion pranced across the field, his huge...

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In the Grotto...

Hooves the slutty Zebracorn meets Huux the leopard Shark... In the Gotto Taken in the Gotto A tall handsome black and white striped Zebracorn made his way slowly down the rugged rocky cliff side...

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