Tricked and taken...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Tricked

A proud Centaur Stallion makes the mistake of dealing with the wrong Goat...

"boinggoat" boinggoat Played this out with me...

Tricked and taken

The huge handsome Centaur stallion pranced across the field, his huge dinner plate sized hooves throwing up huge ragged clumps of turf. His massive draft horse body shining like silk in the dappled light, those shaggy legs prancing and dancing. As those massive human hands throw the tall rangy Goat on to the ground, as the mighty Centaur looms over him. The huge Centaur pouncing and raping the hapless Goat, just because he was bigger and stronger and because he could.

"Eeeep! My tender arse." The tall rangy buck Goat squealed, as he was taken and roughly used by the enormous equine.

"MMMAHAHA." The massively muscled Centaur stallion laughed gloatingly, as he rutted that tiny hot tail hole hard and fast.

"Bahah... this is why I'm always gelding stallions." The little Goat brayed, as he was slammed into the ground roughly. "They're so sneaky!" Cursed and moaned weakly, as the savage Centaur took his bestial passion out inside the helpless Caprine.

"You... Gelding stallions... HAHAHAHA... A little Goat like you!" The massive Centaur snorted derisively, as that huge cock head flared within Boing. Those hefty ball's quivering in pleasure as they turned his rectum into a cum dump. Waiting until the massive Centaur had finished, Boing picked himself up and dusted himself off.

"Yeah... I do it all the time. I mean sure, I'm small compared to a horse. I could never get the drop on You... but most horses are really stupid. A little planning ahead, and I can have their genitals at my mercy. Wanna see?"

"Hahaha... Oh I'd pay to see that!" The huge draft horse bodied Centaur laughed, as he playfully stamp one enormous dinner plate sized hoof on the damp ground. The small Goat grinned wickedly as he looked over the Centaur's hefty dangling junk.

"Oh... you would? Would you pay to watch me do my worst and castrate a nice big stallion? I could even take that big, heavy horse dick off too, so guarantee he'll never fuck another mare..."

"Humph." The huge obviously Dominant stud snorted, but there was an obvious gleam of desire in his eyes, and a stirring down below his big horse body. "Oh I'd pay about anything to see that... but doubt you'll ever be able to show it to me."

"Oh yeah? Well I bet I can." Boing countered, deliberately doing his best to sound offended and out to prove something. "As for what you'd be willing to pay... anything? Heheh well, how about some pussy?" The horny Goat asks, with a broad wicked grin splayed across Boings soft handsome Caprine muzzle. "Just let me borrow one of your mares or fillies for a little while. We can even bring her with us, if you don't want to pony up until after the show. However the scent of pussy makes for a great lure... for horny young stallion's.

"Ahaha... A bet it is... that sounds like an excellent plan." The big black and white furred Centaur chuckled, as he thought about how much fun this could provide him. "I've got this new filly that I've only bred once... but what will you put up against her?

The tall rangy Goat opened his legs, to display his own fat low hanging balls. "My balls of course. If I don't show you a stallion made into a gelding, you can see a Goat made into a wether. I'm sure you'll have no trouble enforcing my side of the bargain... and look at these." He showed off his low-slung, furry nut pouch a bit more provocatively. "These are a pretty fine pair I'm risking here."

"Hahaha... they are indeed... You are bold... I'll look forward to humbling you Wether and showing off on you for my little filly. Very well I'll summon Varu here while you ready yourself." The mighty Centaur lifted a long spiral horn that was slung around his human waist, and blew a series of loud notes upon it. And before long a pretty appaloosa filly came trotting up, smiling pleasantly up at her huge Black stallion.

"Ohoho, she is a cutie." He leered with a lewd horny smile, strolling up to the filly and nuzzling her hello. "So... since I've bet my nuts against her, do you mind if I have her now? After all it might be my very last chance to ever..." The lustful Goat watching in amusement, as the young Centaur filly's eye's widened as she listened to his words.

"Well... that might make for a fun show." That long thick stud stick, was swinging and dripping excitedly under the huge Centaur Stallion's belly now. "Although I would think, you'd be more concerned with finding a Stallion dumb enough to let a little punk like you get the best of him." The small Goat couldn't help but eye that big equine swinger, and his own stiff, relatively small stick stuck out along with it.

"Well, that's part of the plan you see. If I smell like pussy, a randy stallion will want to know where I got it, and he'll follow me wherever I go..."

"Ummmm very well then... Varu I would like for you to stand for my little friend here... It'll only take a few minutes and I doubt you'll even feel that little thingy of his." The mighty stallion snickered, as he watched his newest filly looked the randy Goat over obviously interested.

"Ok... sure thing." The tiny little filly agreed eagerly, as she stood in front of them. Lifting her long flowing tail, to exposed that hot pink teardrop shaped sex... which was already dribbling.

"There you go little Goat do your best..." The mighty black stallion snorted, clearly amused at the idea. The small Goat saluted the huge stud and then mounts that hot quivering little filly. Grabbing her big round rump and sure enough, he putted his fat balls up against her hot flesh. His stiff spike sliding into her moist pink folds, and he moaned softly as strong muscles within gripped his hard organ. His furry butt flexing rapidly, as he hammered his hips hard against her sleek quad hindquarters. Draping over that big round rump he reached under her, to tease and pinch her thick equine nipples. Even as his furry ball sac swung lewdly, striking her between those sexy quad legs. The horny Goat rutting her for a good long time, before finally grunting as his balls jumping and he spurts a load into that fine filly pussy. The big thickly muscled Centaur stallion watched the action, a little drool dipping from the corned of his mouth. As he watched that sex little ass pump back and forth... behind his fillies even sexier ass. Even as Varu began to sway back and forth her sex dripping heavily in sexual excitement, clearly the little Goats cock was having an effect on her.

"Huuhuuhuuu... gods Oho gods Ohooooooo." The sexy filly screamed, as she came hard just as the little Goat himself was flooding her hot sex with his seed leaving her winking and trembling...

"Ok... Ok... that's enough." The big stallion snorted, stepping forwards to push the little Goat off his filly. Even as that long black stud stick was slapping loudly against his big round belly, splattering silvery pre-cum all over those furry black legs. The Goat stumbled as the Centaur pushed him off that little filly, landing on his ass Boing chuckled as he picked himself up again.

"Alright... fair's fair; now it's my turn to deliver. Come with me." He beckoned, and lead the mighty Centaur stallion a ways through the woods, to a little gaudily painted shack with a sign that read. 'Filly Fun Shack!' It had three large stall doors on it's gaily-painted front, the grinning Goat pointed to the left one. "Okay stud, you trot on in here, and wait as quietly as you can. I'll lure another stallion into the middle gate. And then you can get a good view of me doing my dirty work... and you filly can just wait around back." The mighty Centaur was shaking and sweating in sexual excitement, as he looked at the 'Filly Fun Shack!' and then back at the little Goat.

"Ok... but I'm only going to wait fifteen minutes." He snorted, clearly highly sexually stimulated as he instructed Varu to go around back. And then he trotted up to the left hand door, and opened it before quickly trotting into the dimly lit space. Blind for a moment, as he moved from bright sunlight inside to the dimly lit interior.

"No worries, I won't be long." The Goat hollered as he zips off into the forest, inside the stall it's pretty dark, but the big stallion can see into the neighboring stalls through a grille in the wall. It really should give him an excellent view of the action, and speaking of action there was a fairly crude-looking 'Dummy' mare in there. It's made for a smaller equine than him of course, but would probably hold his weight. At least it would give him something to enjoy, while his little filly is outside. The big stud's nostrils flare he can smell the scents of stallion cum, and mare musk thick in the air. Already excited by the show the Goat and filly had put on.. spotting the phantom mare he wonders how many stallion's have mounted it... Slowly he prances around it looking it over... the scents so heavy in the air. "Ohooo fuck..." The big stud grunts unable to resist, he hops up on it humping and thrusting lustfully as he thought about watching the Goat cut a stallion... turning him into a mare... Sure enough the Goat came back about ten minutes later, just casually poking along he strolled into the center stall. And gave the watching Centaur a leering wink... before ducking out a small door in the back of it. Sure enough, a few seconds later a randy stallion followed him in, sniffing around for the horny little filly. The stallion came in sniffing and snorting, looking for a big round equine ass... a long rough flowing tail a hot hole under it to plunder.

That dummy mare was pretty tight on the big Centaurs thick pole, but it was smooth and even fairly warm inside. The stallion, not having seen the Goat leave, looks around for the pussy he can smell... The Centaur can see from his vantage point that the horny stud has already dropped as well... and just then a little window opens up in the back of his stall. Curious, he peeks his head through... and then whinnies wildly when a catch comes down, locking his head in place. Now he was trapped and then, as the Centaur watched the whole stall rotating, turning upside-down. Leaving the stallion on his back, with his head stuck through a hole near the floor, probably looking up at that sexy young filly with a bewildered expression outside.

"Hahaha... Damn you really are a dumbass..." The big Centaur laughed, as his strong hip's begin to buck against the padded rump under him... that smooth soft tunnel sliding over his huge hard rut stick. "Only thinking with yer cock... well you deserve what's about to happen to you." The Centaur taunted the trapped stallion, who is bucking and struggling a bit now. As he realizes he's not about to get that soft sexy little filly.

"Wha... whats about to happen to me?" He asked as the big Centaur chuckles darkly from the next stall. "A little Goat barely half your size is about to make a mare boi out of you." The mighty black and white Centaur stallion chuckled lewdly as his body slammed into that phantom mare savagely. "And then I'll take you into my herd to rut as much as I like..." He promised as the trapped stallion screamed and bucked as best he could. Sure enough, the Goat opened the stall from the back and let himself in that way. Already carrying some thin twine, and a big wicked looking serrated blade. He parked his naked, aroused crotch right up against the horse's exposed ass, well away from those upturned hooves, and started fondling the stallion's large balls.

"Well stud, any requests on how you want to see this big boy's balls cut off?"

"Slowly..." The big Centaur moaned, as his equine body slowly thrusts into that fake pussy. Riding the phantom mare slowly, as he enjoyed the show of a big horny stallion helpless to stop his balls being cut off. "What?!? Cut my balls off... NO...NO WAY." The bound stallion screamed and bucked hard now, desperate to get away as he realized what the Centaur had been taunting him about.

"Slowly one at a time..." The huge black Centaur stud snickered, enjoying the show almost as much as that fake mare sex. Boing grinned, and pressed his sharp knife firmly up against the struggling stallion's sweaty balls, making him feel that sharp edge against his nuts.

"Alright, we'll start with this big boy on the right here." The horny Goat panted, grasping the horse's velvety sac and stretching his right nut out. As he pulls that serrated blade against the soft stretched velvet scrotum, and started sawing through it slowly. The big horse screaming as he feels his right nut slowly being cut off. The Goat is completely hard as he starts to castrate the helpless stallion...

"Heh... heh... yer enjoying that aintcha' Goat boi?"

The big black furred Centaur snickered, craning his head to get a better look. Even as his hip's pounded that phantom mare a little harder... that soft tube coating with greasy equine pre cum now making it feel even better on that mighty cock. "Yeah... yeah that's it squeal mare..." He taunted the helpless stallion who was being unstallioned even as he watched... helpless to prevent what was being done to him. "I can't wait to fuck him... like I'm doing this toy of yours." The tall rangy Goat perks his ears up, and a evil grin spreads over his soft expressive lip's.

"Oh that... I had forgot that was in there." Boing lied glibly, knowing it was another trap, the inside of it getting very sticky when exposed to cum. "Well enjoy it big boi... you deserve it. Oh hey..." The Goat giggled, as he sliced the trapped stallion's right ball off holding up that haggard half of a velvet sac up. "Did you want these made into a keepsake, or something? And how about Lefty here... did you want him fully gelded?"

"HuHuHuuu..." The mighty Centaur panted loudly, as his cock surged within that slick tube. Which seemed even tighter now, even though it was nice and slick. His strong hip's making soft 'Flap flap flap' sounds as he rutted that soft padded rump harder and faster now. "Ohoooooo I am..." He assured, as he watched that single fat orb held up... "Yeah... yeah make a trophy out of his male hood. Wha... oh yes that was our deal... make him a total gelding No balls No cock... Smooth as a mare." Boing smirked and nodded, as the less-than-a-stallion screamed as he hears that his big, fat horse cock is gonna be cut off as well.

"Yeah, we'll leave him with nothing, but a memory of his stallion genitals." The horny Goat declared, stiff and hard himself, as he saws off the horse's left balls, castrating him completely. He puts them up on a shelf, high up near the Centaurs viewpoint, so he can get a good look at what's been confiscated from the screaming gelding.

"Hooo Ohooo gods that's very..." The mighty Centaur moaned, as he watched the young stallion become a gelding... His sexually excitement growing, until he was pounding that padded rut toy savagely now. While the gelding just squealed loudly, as the Goat took his last chance to sire offspring away. With a laugh, the Goat puts his knife against the base of that huge throbbing horse cock.

"Sorry gelding, this Centaur's decided that two cocks is too many for his herd."

"YEAH... Yeah that's right two cocks are to many for my herd... Hahaha..." The hefty stud grunted, as he reached out fondling the gelds former balls... which were still slightly warm.

"Yeah, he's not creating any more colts now... you've got his balls on the shelf up there. And now he'll never feel the pleasure of a mare's pussy again." The gelding screamed and thrashed, crying as the wicked Goat started to saw through his thick, proud penis. That cruel serrated blade cutting through his prized horseflesh, ending his dreams of making love to many mares. Finally the smirking Goat set that severed, limp horse dick up on the shelf for the Centaur to ogle.

"Ohooo I can't believe you did it... you really did it..." The handsome Centaur breathed heavily, as he picked up that mighty filly fucker. Which was still semi hard as he waved it around... those strong hip's humping harder and faster tail flagging as he raped that phantom mare savagely. "Ohoo... Ohooo gods..." The wicked Goat looked up to watch his guest pounded away, grinning and stroking his own stiff prick as he did so.

"Whatchya gonna do with that ex-stallion's cock and balls, big guy?" Boing asked as he watched the big powerful Centaur going crazy on that small phantom mare.

"Make a trophy to show off to other stallions, who might be thinking of... of trying to breed my herd." The huge black stud moaned loudly, as those pounding hip's worked faster still. He noticed the Goat fondling himself but only smirked... and then the big Centaur screamed out loudly as that massive cock head flared. His pulsing balls drawing up as they readied themselves, to unleash a hot thick torrent into that false cunt. The Goat grinned, watching his guest erupt... knowing what was gonna happen next... That thick salty cum flooded the small phantom mare's rut tunnel, filling that leather pouch of that fake pussy and squirting out onto the Centaur's fat balls. Filling the whole thing... covering every surface and reacting with the special coating he'd put on it. Which makes it act like crazy glue when it comes into contact with cum, soon that mighty Centaur cock was stuck fast.

"Muhuh?" The huge strong Centaur stallion grunted, in surprise and pain as his hunching hip's bent that shaft base in unpleasant ways as he tried to rut. "Wha... What the fuck is this?" He squealed, as he tried to pull out... to get back away from the fuck toy that had soooo suddenly stopped being fun.

"Oh, are you stuck? Let me help you out." The sneaky little Goat offered, and slipping into the stall with his guest. Boing crawled under that big round equine belly and looked up at where the Centaur's shaft entered the false pussy. The big stallion snorted and whinnied sounding both angry and relieved, as the Goat offered to help and comes over to see what was going on. "Ohh, I see the problem. The coating in the phantom mare's love tunnel turned to glue when you came in it. It's another one of my traps for foolish stallions, you see." The Goat reached up and fondled the base of that fat black dick, then gives it a sharp tug. "Yep, you're really stuck in there heh..." Boing chuckled, unable to keep satisfaction out of his voice.

"What... turned to glue when I..." That mighty Centaur herd stallion grunted questioningly and then choked as the Goat explained why it had done so... Thinking with his Dick the big Centaur had been just as stupid as the gelding in the next stall, who was giggling weakly as he heard what was going on making the Centaur blush bright red. "Ouch... Damnit... I know I'm stuck... get me loose!" He demanded hotly in embarrassment, as the gelding giggling wildly.

"Oh, certainly, I can get you loose." The Goat assured reaching up to play with those big black balls. "But as this was not part of our prior arrangement, there will be a fee..."

"Huh?" "A fee... what fee?" The huge black Centaur grunted, as those smooth fingers fondle and stroke over his massive low dangling stud nuggets, and it at last dawned on the big stud.

"Payment of course and I think these will do nicely." Boing chuckled, as he lifted his knife up, pressing the sharp blade against the Centaur's big, heavy horse balls.

"Wha... My Balls... NO NO WAY." He screamed and then winced as the gelding in the next stall laughed wildly... as they both remember he had reacted the exact same way. "No deal... I don't need your help I'll get out of here on my own..."

"Too steep a price for me to get you loose? Alright then, instead it'll be the cost for the first month's rent of my stall here, which you will never be able to leave!" Boing declared with a dark laugh, as he grabbed those big black testicles more firmly. The Goat yanked them down as far as they'll go, squeezing the Centaur's defenseless balls painfully. As he pressed his knife against the neck of that thick potent male ball sac. "You'll make a handsome gelding." The horny Goat declared, and then starts sawing through that hot male flesh. The big Centaur throws his head back... his eyes and mouth flying open wide. As his hind hooves paw and stamp at the ground struggling as best he can, but it is useless and he can only pant raggedly as that sharp blade. That had just so recently he'd enjoyed watching geld another, was now gelding him in just the same way. "But... but my... my herd..."

"Oh don't worry about the girls." Boing chuckled gloatingly as he felt his knife slide half way through those tough cords. "I'll keep your mares and fillies happy. You saw how much that one slutty little thing enjoyed my cock, you think that was my first horse girl?"

"Wha... you... you fuckin..." The massive Centaur growled through clenched teeth, as the little Goat reminded him of that horny little filly getting off on the Goats hard rutting cock. "I... I'll stomp... "

"Ha ha... of course, all your handsome young colts will have to have their balls cut off... just like their big gelding daddy." The horny Goat giggled as his metal blade cutting through that big black pouch, sawing those huge black horse balls off.

"Errr... No Please not my boys... not geldINGS." He screamed as those huge fat stud nuggets drop free, the razor sharp blade sliding easily through that soft male flesh. The gelding in the next stall laughing even louder, now and snorting the Centaurs earlier words back at him. "Ohoo Ohooo gods..." Boing chuckled as he picked those fat black balls up, leaving the proud Centaur with nothing between his hocks.

"Yeah these will make a nice centerpiece... and all the balls I'll cut off your boys will be nice decorations all around it!" Boing sets those nuts down between his legs as he knelt under the mighty Centaur, his own cock and balls against them. "Now to get you out of my trap... there's only one way you know." The amusement Goat snickers, and reached up to press the knife against the base of the Centaur geldings stuck penis! That big powerful black and white draft horse body was draped limply over the phantom mare. The once strong, proud stallion now a weak moaning gelding, its only when he hears his captors words. And then feels that sharp blade against the base of his massive stud muscle that he reacts.

"Hahaha..." Joining the other totally gelding in laughter, as he realizes his fate is to be the same as the other. His wild laughter slowly turning into sobs, as that deadly blade does it's work inside his sheath... Until his hip's slide free letting that powerful body drop limply to the ground. Boing grins in delight, gathering up the Centaur's testicles and patting the new geldings smooth flanks. "There, you're free... and you're welcomed. Now then, you look like you need a rest... and I have a hard on that needs taking care of." He crawled through his escape hatch in the far wall, and the exhausted Centaur can hear the moans of his former filly as the lustful Goat mounts her again. Rutting her sweet equine pussy, knowing he'd castrated two big proud equine males just moments before... The large gelding Centaur lay there panting softly, as he listens to Varu squealing and moaning in delight. The way she had done for him... and languishes in humiliation at being the very thing he'd laughed about so loudly before.


In the Grotto...

Hooves the slutty Zebracorn meets Huux the leopard Shark... In the Gotto Taken in the Gotto A tall handsome black and white striped Zebracorn made his way slowly down the rugged rocky cliff side...

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Snipping the twins... 3

The twins Kyvy and Arus plot to take out the horny Goat who gelded their older brother... Seven deadly sins... Wrath and Lust Snipping the Twins Kyvy looked his twin brother in his startling emerald green eyes, as he...

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Banner in the Sky - Kleine Dame

DISCLAIMER!!: I do not own these characters. I only own this fanmade story of the book, Banner in the Sky. Please understand that this is just FANMADE. This did NOT truly happen in the book and they were NOT truly furries in the book, either!! Other...

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