Snipping the twins... 3

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Remaking the herd

The twins Kyvy and Arus plot to take out th...

The twins Kyvy and Arus plot to take out the horny Goat who gelded their older brother...

Seven deadly sins... Wrath and Lust

Snipping the Twins

Kyvy looked his twin brother in his startling emerald green eyes, as he went through his plan once again. "All ya got to do is change into your filly self, and pretended to be one of Hooves female offspring. And then bring him in here for a quick mounting, and when he tries to mount you change back. I'll pop up behind him and in one quick motion I'll grab his nuts jerk them down and..." The young, handsome, pure white Unicorn stallion made a quick slicing motion with the gelding knife. "Its a brilliant plan." Kyvy pointed out immodestly as the pure white young stallion flashed his twin a confident smile. "We'll be using his own natural Goatish lust-fulness against him. He'll never be able to resist the temptation, you've heard how he is. Its a brilliant plan."

"That's easy for you to say... your not the one being changed into a filly for rut bait." Arus countered, as his sleek pure black body gave a little shiver.

"Well you've got experience at it..." Kyvy pointed out with a slight smirk, as his pure black twin blushed.

"I just did it that once... just you show them I could." Arus countered, even through his brother knew the whole story about what the young stallions had done after Arus had changed.

"Besides he can't cut your nuts off... if you don't have any to start with. I hear that's that coward Xerz's plan, he's just going to turn himself female..." The pure white stallion snorted derisively, as he thought about their middle brothers cowardly actions.

"Errr... really? Well... now maybe's that's not such a bad idea... I... I mean if Xerz thinks that's a good idea."

"Don't be silly. Trust me this is a brilliant plan." Kyvy assured, not even listening to what Arus was mumbling about. "You lure him in with the promise of tail, I'll cut his balls off. And then we can both used the Wether's tailhole for a few hours. And make him tell us how to help Dalrus get his balls back."


The sexy young cream colored filly stroll slowly across the glade, that big round equine ass swaying sexily. Her bright pink loins glittering enticingly under her swinging tail, turning the head of any male she might meet. But there was really only one male she was interested in meeting, and as she rounded the forested glade she saw him. The tall rangy Goat was just strolling out of Hooves huge magical mansion, and down the steps when he spotted her. When he spotted the sexy little filly sashaying across the glade, those round female hip's bouncing in a sexy devils sway that equines just seemed to be naturally talented at.

Boing had just spent the last few hours, given the mare Hooves some personal attention. So it wasn't like he was starving for sexual gratification... but he sure felt like it when he saw that sexy filly. He couldn't help but smile as she walked closer, his eyes taking in those round hips, and that swishing tail. Those fine pert breasts and that hot tempting slit between her long sexy equine legs. "Well... hello." The lusty Goat said with a broad grin, as he stepped down to greet her. The sleek cream colored Unicorn smiled softly and submissively as the horny older Goat greeted her, inwardly Arus the young stallion trembled being this close to the fur who had gelded his older brother. And was regretting letting his twin brother Kyvy talk him into this silly plan, but he'd come to far to back out now and so looked down. Pawing the ground nervously with one shiny hoof as he slipped into his shy filly act nickering softly back.

"Uhum hello Mr. Goat."

The tall rangy Goat smiled broadly at the sleek, tender, young-looking Unicorn female. "Ammm and what's your name? Whatever it is, it's good to meet you." He said, and puts his furred right hand on her sleek shoulder.

"Oh I'm Aru... Aruna..." Abus stammered as that filly body shivered in more than just fear, as she looked up into the Goats deep knowing eyes while his strong hand came to rest on her shoulder. "Uhum nice to meet you as... as well."

"Tell me what can I do for a pretty thing like you?" Boing asked, already feeling himself stirring down below, this was going to be soooo fun. Arus suddenly felt flush and excited, as the tall rangy Goat asked what he could do for her. His musky male scent hinting at his growing lust... a trickle of excitement dampening her quivering sex in that moment.

"Uhum well... I... I'm not sure, are you the one who... who... gelding the stallions?"

"Oh Hooves' colts?" Boing replied almost casually a leering grin rolling across his sensual caprine lip's. "Yes, my dear I am. Why do you ask then... are you here to ask me to spare one of them? A boyfriend perhaps?"

"Errr... Uhum..." The young filly stared up blankly at the leering Goat stunned by his words at first, and confused by the stirring within her body. "Errr No... I've not... got a boyfriend..."

"Or is it that you have a colt that you want me to add to my list?" He grinned salaciously, and reaches up, to lightly stroke her soft furry cheek.

"Add... add to your list no... nothing like that..." The heat in her muzzle increased as he strokes it, almost as if the Goat was radiating heat from his strong male body.

"Don't worry my girl, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. After all I like fillies almost as much as I like geldings..."

"You... you do... Yes of course you do..." The little filly slipped back into her prancing coy game, a game that was as old as time. The game of a horny female trying to attract the biggest, strongest male to breed her, to fill her belly with his offspring. "I... Errr I just want... That is perhaps you would come back to... to my home and... Uhum we could see how much you really like me."

"Well I'll be glad to show you." The horny Goat assured, stepping closer and sliding his arms around the lean filly's waist, his manly scent surrounding her like a cloud.

"Ummm... wonderful." Arus moaned as she inhaled that thick potent male scent, her female body reacting more strongly still, dribbling slick wet sexy excitement down her sleek inner thigh's.

"But why wait to get to your place, when my place is right here? Let me take you out back, or downstairs to the hot tub, or even right here." He teased lewdly groping her breasts, while his robe tented up from his arousal!

"Errr... no... No I'd feel more comfortable in my own place..." She insisted strongly, and then as her eyes swept down to those tented robes her knee's suddenly feeling weak. "Please... it would make me feel better... Ummmm." The creamy filly moaned loudly, as that big hand cupped and squeezed her soft young breast, making her tingling sex growing even more wet and insistent. Boing licked his lips lewdly, and grabbed that tender filly firmly by the hips! "Ummm, well if you don't want to come inside. I suppose we can just satisfy you right here and now." He mused, and peeled off his robe, to show off his stiff, slick rut pole and his huge shaggy balls hanging pendulously between his thighs. So close to her tender sex, she could almost feel the masculinity radiating from them, her tender pussy picking it up like an antenna. Behind him, his discarded robe changed configuration, balling up and puffing out into a stout purple beanbag chair. And then the horny Goat fell back onto it, pulling the sexy little filly with him.

"Wha... wha here public!" The pretty young filly squealed, looking around as her squeal had attracted the attention of a few of the glades other occupants who were smiling knowingly. "Nnn... Nnnn... I caAAAANNNTTT." Arus squealed as she was pulled down on top of the rangy Goat, and found herself already half impaled on his huge caprine cock. "Ohooo Ohooo Noooo not here Not like... like this..." Her hip's however were speaking a very different language, as they bump and grind against the big Goat as he grins up at her lustfully. The scent of both their rut filling the air, and stimulating her even more until she was bouncing and riding that long thick fuck stick in wild abandon. "EEEHEEE...EEHEEHEEE..."

"Haha, why not here in public? This way everyone here can see my shaft in your pussy... and they'll know that when I fill your belly with the contents of my balls, that you're one of my fillies now." He sucked in a breath and groaned in lust, as she started riding him hard. The horny Goat bucking upwards, his hard shaft squelching lewdly as he plunged it into her slick rut tunnel. "Oh yeah... take my big fucker you hot little thing... Oh you've needed this for a while haven't you... Ummmm sorry, my fault for cutting off so many Unicorns cocks, you must have a hard time getting a good lay now." The watchers all chuckled with laughter as they heard the Goats words, and the little filly bouncing atop him trembling wildly in embarrassment as she looked around at their audience.

"Ohoioo Nooo... but I... I'm not supposed to be." Arus moaned as she at lasted realized the Goats supple trick, his magic had moved that female body into heat that the young equine had not even noticed it...

"Oh?" The tall Goat asked looking up questioningly as the filly babbled her denials, the young white stallion within wanted desperately to change back then. But knew what his fate would be if he did so... he would end up a gelding just like his older brother. "Errr.... Uhum I just wanted it... my first time to be special." Arus lied and Boing knew very well she was lying, because this was obvious not her first time. His big hot hands slid up to squeeze and fondled her pert breasts, even as his rutting made her moan... "Yes... soooo long... needed it sooooo long..." The Goat laughed, and moans softly reaching up to knead the filly's tender tits lustfully.

"First times are always special my dear. Just look at all these witnesses." He teased. "But if you want to make this really special... we can always give you a foal by it!" He bucked lewdly under that sweet filly and rubbed her soft belly, imagining his shaft speared deep inside her sweet young flesh. He lets his balls press firmly against that soft round ass, letting her feel how heavy they are."

Kyvy paced back and forth impatiently, as he waited for his brother to bring the Goat into their trap... 'How long could it take?' He thought darkly knowing how lustful and lewd the tall Goant was reported to be, when suddenly he felt it a powerful rush of desire. It staggered the young black Unicorn and left him open mouthed, it was coming from his twin. Arus was in trouble he knew at once, and quickly focused his mind on his twin. Reaching out to share his mind reading the situation Arus found himself in and choking in disgust. "That fucking slut. All she had to do was lure him back here." The young black Unicorn stallion swore under his breath, as he hurried off to save his twin. Even as they're interlinked minds filled his brain with sexual desires... that left his loin's tingling.

The pretty young cream colored filly was trembling hard now, as the sexual desire raced through her fertile young body like a lightning strike. That hard cock filling her with pleasures she'd never experienced before. "Ummmmm give you a foal..." Arus moaned knowing very well that if she didn't change back soon he would have no choice in that, already he could feel those ovaries yearning. As soon as her molester lost his load she would be pregnant with his hated offspring. Boing bounced her sweet pussy on his bony hips, his lust and power thrusting into you almost savagely.

"Ahah Ohoh, yeah that's a good little filly. You're nice and slick... what a lusty young thing you are. Those stallion's don't deserve you, I'd geld every stud you ever slept with to make your pussy mine ohoh yeah." He snorted lewdly, the scent of his musk rising, almost stifling Arus with its power. Making her nipples stiffen even as those pert breasts bounce... and then with a deep groan he erupted inside her.

"OHOOOOO GODS NOOOO!" Arus screamed, even as her bouncing body shuddered... that soft wet equine sex milking and squeezing the horny Goats hard cock. Begging for every last drop of his thick potent seed, even as the former stallion knew he'd just been bred and impregnated. Just then a slender young black stallion appeared behind her, looking down in shock as his twin screamed.

"Arus... Oh my gods you didn't... didn't let him cum inside of you?" Kyvy sputtered in just as much shock, and horror as his former twin brother now twin sister. Watching in horror as she topped off the Goat... whose long hard cock was still standing up stiffly and dribbling his thick gooey seed. The horny Goat flashed the young black stallion a leering grin, and stroked his own hard cock smirkingly.

"Next!" Boing sneered as Kyvy stood starring in open mouth horror at what he knew had just happened.

"Wha... why you dirty bastard... I... I'll cut your nuts off!" Kyvy screamed as he lunged forwards towards the lounging Goat, but stumbled over the semi conscious little mare who had formerly been his twin brother. Boing shifted to one side... just how was not obvious, since he didn't seem to move in the beanbag chair he was lazily reclining in. But nonetheless he laughed as the young black Unicorn tripped and fell right into the Goats lap. He landed with that round rump up in the air, as if the Goat were about to give him a spanking. With a lewd smirk, Boing reached between the colt's thighs and grabbed his tender black equine nuts.

"Now... what was that about my balls?" Kyvy lays there stunned for a second, before realizing the position he was now in. Draped over the Goats legs that hard cock burning against his side, and then he felt that strong hand clasping around the neck of his testicles. "Oh no you don't." The young magical stallion squeals as he vanishes, only to reappear a few dozen yards away. "You'll not get me so easily." Kyvy snorted, and then his eyes widen in shock as the grinning Goat lifted his hand to reveal that heft dangling black sac. "Forget something when you teleported?" The rangy Goat laughed, as the handsome young Unicorn glance down at his crotch seeing the ring of energy glowing around his sac neck where Boing had been holding it. "I guess technically your still attached." Boing chuckled, squeezing those trapped nuts so hard Kyvy almost dropped to his knee's.

"Hey give me back... those are my..." The young black Unicorn lunged at the Goat again, and again Boing shifted out of the way, letting the young stud sprawl muzzle down on to the beanbag. Instantly his hands sank into it, and were trapped as well that the thick black erection that the young stud had been growing. "Hey... what... let me loose..." With a chuckle, the Goat squeezed those balls hard again, making them bulge through his fingers. And then he let that young male equine feel the soft cloth of the chair stroking that hard black shaft.

"Now... now, such violence." He chided the young colt, and tickled those black balls as he held them up. "You're going to get into trouble one day, colt, recklessly attacking people like that. It could cost you that lovely young stallion's pride." He warned, and the warm cloth squeezed the black Unicorn's prick firmly. "You should follow your sister's example, and just put out for me..."

"Wha... No... Never I'll never be your mare!" Kyvy squealed bucking and struggling to pull himself out of the bean bag... but only managing to hump his hard cock in and out of some soft warm tunnel. Even as his guts ached with each squeeze of his fat black nut pouch, he grunted and spurted a gush of pre-cum that seemed to slicken that smooth tight tunnel on his cock. "I'm No filly!"

The randy Goat chuckled lewdly, as he stroked those quivering ball's getting more humping from the young stud. "Oh aren't you?" He teased, and walked around behind the young stallion. "Because from this angle you look a lot like one... nice bushy tail, sweet sexy ass, no balls... heh heh." He knelled behind Kyyv and patted him on that sexy rump. "Tell you what though... in the spirit of competition... I'm just going to fuck you... and then let you go on your way. "However..." The leering Goat smirked as his fingers teased the young stallion's clenching tail hole. "If you cum... I'm gelding you... you cute little colt." Boing purred lustfully, as he teased that soft anal ring some more. The handsome young black stud colt looked back over his shoulder in sudden horror, as those smooth hot hands felt him up... squeezing and spreading his firm round equine ass cheeks. There was no doubt what the horny Goat was planning to do to him, and Boing quickly explained the competition to him.

"You... you can't be serious... I'm a stallion I'm not going to cum just because Your sick enough to use me like a mare!" Kyvy snarled, as the horny caprine smirked down at him... slipping the hand coated with mare in heat scent under the young studs nose.

"Well then you don't have anything to worry around right." The horny Goat smirked, as the young Unicorn caught a wiff of his own sister's pussy scent. Just like with any equine, the effect was immediate; he could feel the colt's balls tightening up in his hand. Boing had to laugh, and then leaned over pressing his stiff rod into that tender young pucker. He grunted as he pushed in, feeling his shaft split the colt's pucker satisfyingly. "Look on the bright side... your sister will tell you what a good fuck I am." Kyvy shuddered and trembled as that heady scent filled his senses and forced his body to react... His long black organ tensing harder and harder as it moved within that slick warm tunnel sheathing it. Even as he became aware of the Goats weight atop him, and then that hot slimy cock head was against his anus. Pushing into it even as he tried to shut that hard throbbing male organ out, but it was just to stiff and the weight behind it to strong.

"Owwwww Fucking hell..." The young stud colt screamed, as his pucker was plundered by the older Goats hard cock. "Shut the fuck up you sicko." Kyvy snarled, as he glanced over at Arus who was just coming around, and watched wide eyed as her brother was butt raped.

"I'm a sicko... am I?" Boing snickered as he felt that strong young body react, to Arus's scent and the Goats hard cock slid into him. "You're the one getting off on your own sister's scent." He teased with a leer, and roughly bucked his stiff pole into the Unicorn's tender passage. He held Kyvy's hips with both hands, and started working his meat in and out with a slower, steadier rhythm. The Goat spreading his knees, and adjusting his angle until he could feel himself hitting the colt's prostate. He turned to wink at the cute filly he'd just came in, giving her a show of his firm ass flexing. And his huge balls swaying between her twin brother's wide spread legs...

"That..." 'Sniff...' "Thats not true..." 'Snort...' Kyvy nickered in denial, even as that sweet scent made him more and more excited... While the Goat's hard on slammed deep into his virgin tail hole. The feeling of strong hands grasping his hip's and pulling back, even while the Goat's strong hip's slammed forwards, burying that thick fucker deeper and deeper inside of him. "EEEHEHEEE... Wha... what the fuck was that?" Kyvy squealed as that throbbing cock struck his pleasure gland, sending a powerful jolt of sexual pleasure through him. Arus watched his twin's anal violation in stunned silence, the sight making her sex quiver once again as her heat began to reassert it's self. The lusty Buck snorted, gyrating his hips and grinding his bone against that tender inner button.

"That my little colt, is your prostate." Boing laughed lewdly as he slammed into it again, getting an even more excited reaction of the young stallion. "And it... is gonna cost you your balls... ha ha. Learn from the master." He smirked and worked his hips back and forth, stabbing that young gland again and again. While Arus watched, Boing held Kyvy's quivering young scrotum up to his muzzle, and lewdly licked the sweat off of it. "Ammm... colt nuts... so young, so ripe..."

"ProstaAAAHAHAA." Kyvy squealed, as that hard cock rammed into his gland... and then rubbed over it erotically drawing another surprised groan of pleasure out of the young Unicorn. His hard cock spasmed spewing creamy pre-cum into the soft hot tunnel it was ramming, as Boing repeatedly found that magical spot within the young colts body. Arus quivered as she watched the father of her foal lick and tease her twin's fat ball's, even as he rutted Kyvy's tight ass lustfully. Ironically the scent of her sexual excitement fueling her helpless twin's lust's, and driving him rapidly towards his own castration. Boings firm buttocks flexed powerfully, as he pushed his firm pole in and out of Kyvy's right pucker.

"Ahaha yeah." "Fuck you horses are always such a nice ride... such perfect round asses... ummmm and nice fat balls." He kissed the colt's trembling pair, then gently nipped at the fleshy globes...

"Horses!" Kyvy splat in anger, clearly the proud Unicorn didn't like being talked about as if he was just an ordinary equine.

Boing looked over his shoulder at Arus and smirking. "Hey filly.... come around here and sit in front of your brother... He seems to like how your hot slot smells, and I want him to be staring at your pussy when I geld him. He can have a good close look at what he won't get any more of..." Arus hated to be ordered around, but somehow she was feeling much to passive to resist the big male who had mounted her. And so moved around in front of Kyvy to sit in front of him, that hot dripping sex only inches from his round black nose.

"I don't that... that's just sick." Kyvy moaned, even as his nostrils flared as he breathed in that sweet exciting scent. His mouth hung open wide, and he began to drool as it filled his senses.

The Goat chuckled darkly as he drew back and slammed in again. "That's a good girl... here." He tossed her that velvety black sac he was holding making Kyvy moan loud again. "You can feel for yourself how close your brother is to cumming... how much his balls want to empty into your sex. Go ahead, play with those cute little colt balls. Soon they'll be a shriveled, gelded memory... and you'll have my big beauties to play with." Meanwhile he grunted, bucked into Kyvy's ass, working to cum in the young Unicorn while making him cum in that hot, soft robe... Arus caught that sleek black sac reflexively, and then stared down in horror at her twin's ball's in her hand. She could feel the hot blood pumping, as those fat orb's quiver and tense wanting to erupt and blast out their contents. The strong male scent of him making her even more excited as she played with them, lifting them to her muzzle she licked the strong sweat off of them.

"Ohooooo Gods Arus don't." Kyvy moaned loudly as he watched her hot tongue play over them, the combination of all the stimulation making the black colt hump into that hot sleeve on his cock wildly. "Oho Gods... Ohoooo Gods... Ohoooo fuck No NO NO NOOOOOOO." The pretty black colt screamed as his balls drew up, and his big blunt cock head flared. That mighty cock exploding within the robes soft caress's, blasting out the last cum he would ever have in one long gush. Boing smirked when he felt that colt's tight hole clenching around his manhood... and he bucked strongly several more time's. Letting himself go, his own hot spunk spurting powerfully into Kyvy's asshole.

"Ahaha yeah... oh fuck yeah that's a good mare, go on and cum... Cum while you're staring at your sister's pussy. Kyvy moaned half in shame, and half in horror as his horny young body betrays him and gushes out his orgasmic fluids. While he is forced to stare at that hot pink sex of his twin, even as it creams in sexual excitement. Bet you wish you'd been in there, eh? It's pretty nice, I can tell you." The wicked Goat laughed and smacked Kyvy on his sweaty, shiny black rump.

"No no no I'd never fuck my own..." The young colt moaned weakly, as he felt the Goat atop him spurt his cum up that tight virgin tailhole.

"So tell me boy, are you a virgin?" He asked, as he pulls out of that quivering clenching ass, and slid up beside the filly. Smiling at her and groping her hot very wet sex as they both looked down at the helpless young stallion.

"Wha... still a virgin?" "No I... I've had dozens of..." He moaned weakly as Arus cut in sharply... not wanting to betray their own offspring.

"Wanna watch me geld your brother, my sweety girlie?"

"We've each had bred a mare a piece." And then she gulped as Boing slid up and asked her that lewd question, a shiver running down her strong spine. "I... I..." Arus stammered as her hot sex grew even more sloppy wet, as Kyvy lay there to humiliated and exhausted to resist. The lusty Goat chuckled gloatingly as he listened, licking his lip's.

"What... only one? That's a pretty low lifetime score. And you won't be getting any more pussy." Boing chuckled, taking the colt's trembling black ball sac and pressing it to the ground in front of him, and just in front of Arun's pussy. "Now, where's my knife... oh that's right, it was in my pocket." He muses, and the bundle of cloth, still holding Kyvy tightly, spits it out into his waiting fist. With a leer, he pressed the blade against the Unicorn's stretched black scrotum... and started slicing it open.

"IEIEIEIEEEE." The handsome black colt screamed, as he watched as the Goat sliced his sac open... and those big pale male orb's spilled out. His mouth dropped open in a silent scream, as he bucked and struggled again, even as those cords and blood vessels are cut. One at a time his big potent male jewels were stolen, and then his black sac was trimmed away. Before the smiling Goat chuckled and returns that knife to his robes, suddenly Kyvy squeals loudly again bucking and struggling wide eyed. And then those robes open again, but this times its that long black stud stick flops out. Stunned the now total gelding rolls over, so that Arus and Boing can see his denuded crotch.

"Perfect." The rangy Goat laughed reaching down to place one hand on the little filly's belly, and the other on the geldings. "Now normally I'd never be able to do this." He explained with a dark lewd chuckle as the two Unicorn's bodies jerked and twisted. "However since your twins..." There was a long moments pause, and then suddenly there was a little black mare laying on the beanbag. With a handsome highly aroused white Unicorn colt laying beside her. "Now lets see about your naughty bits..." Boing chuckled, as Arus looked down at his hefty aroused stallion hood the Goat grasped his fat ball's. "What... did you think just because you came as Filly I wouldn't take those... Silly slut." The horny goat laughed, as he pushed the pretty white Unicorn stallion back. "Not to worry I'll have you back in filly hood in a few minutes... just as soon as we do away with these..."

"EEEHEHEEE." Arus screamed and struggled, as the grinning Goat picked up the gelding knife Kyvy's had dropped...


Banner in the Sky - Kleine Dame

DISCLAIMER!!: I do not own these characters. I only own this fanmade story of the book, Banner in the Sky. Please understand that this is just FANMADE. This did NOT truly happen in the book and they were NOT truly furries in the book, either!! Other...

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