Lastnite on Holiday... 10

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#10 of Hard Times







Last night of Holiday

It was late at night, Jordan's entourage had gone home, and he'd finally gotten the last of his homework done. The big black Bull stretched, and rolled his big horned head, making his short thickly muscled neck pop loudly. There was time for a shower before bed, Jordan looked at his own personal bathroom and paused thoughtfully. Perhaps there was time for something else instead, he decided to go downstairs to the basement where the hot tub and sauna were. Perhaps with a little bit of luck, he'd find his favorite servant there...

It had been a long day, and the big burly red Steer just didn't have the energy he'd had when he was an intacted Bull. Cameron let out a long gusty sigh, as he sat back in the hot swirling waters. Letting his big soft emasculated body sink down in those waters, until nearly his whole body vanished beneath the streaming ripples. "Ummmm... damn I really needed this." Cameron called, as he heard the door open and close softly thinking it was Walter coming to join him.

The hefty young Bull smiled to himself, as recognized the sawed off and capped horns just barely peeking over the rim of the tub. "I hoped I'd find you here." Jordan snorted, strolling over to the locker and stripping off his sweaty clothes.

"Wha..." "Oh master Jordan..." Cameron snorted sitting up and shaking the hot water out of his big floppy ears. while watching the hefty young Bull getting undressed. "So good to see you... you've been so busy lately. But I was hoping to get some time with you before you returned to school."

His black fur shone healthily, though dulled slightly by the heaviness of the steamy air. He took a deep breath, just feeling the heat waft though his body, his limbs, and his proud, plump bovine balls. He loved being a Bull... everything felt so Good. After a stretch, he went to join his first Steer in the hot waters of the huge tub. "I was hoping the same thing." The young Bull said with a broad smile, as he swung his legs over the side of the tub, and slowly let his chubby frame sink into the hot, bubbling waters. "I have indeed been quite busy... my little herd of Steers and cows grows almost weekly. But I haven't forgotten who my first was." He snorted lustfully sitting down next to the bigger, older, but castrated bovine.

Cameron's big blunt bovine muzzle twisted up into a flattered smile, as he felt that big hot male body so close to his own. "Yes I have been seeing to their needs, your father thought to add them to the house hold staff." Cameron's smile became more lewd, as he thought about what Mr. Borden had been doing. "He seems quite taken with a couple of them..." The big Steer snuggled up against the young black Bulls side, as he kiss his young master's lip's softly. "Its nice to be appreciated however." Jordan grinned, and slid a big soft hand behind Cameron's broad back, just above his rump. And put his other hand on the big Steer's softened inner thigh under the water.

"Heh... I don't doubt that. Oh well I don't mind sharing my Steers with Father... but I'd rather not have any little half-brothers competing for my inheritance." He moaned appreciatively, and rubbed the big Steer's soft round belly before slid down to rub Cameron's impotent groin.

"Oh he's not touched any of your Cows... only the Steers and geldings." Cameron assured as he thrust his denuded groins out against that wandering hand.

"You know, I don't know whether I liked you more when you were pretending to be a Cow, or a Bull..." The big red Steer blushed but pressed himself more insistently against the Bull.

"I'll gladly be anything you want me to be sir." The big red Steers breath deepened, as those big hot hands caressed his big soft body, just like they owned it. And Cameron was forced to admit that they young horny Bull truly did own it in more ways than one. "I'm happy to pretend anything you like." Cameron repeated, as those soft fingers teased his useless crotch playfully.

The young Bull grinned wickedly, as he rubbed the big red Steer's limp sheath. Squeezing it and the soft meat within, and then rubbed slower, stroking the ragged scar below that limp sheath. "Well... these days, I can nail a Cow just by dialing the phone and waiting. But there's still a special thrill, when I get my hands between a Bull's legs... and know that I own his nuts." He shuffled closer, and spread his legs under the water, the fat black Bull already growing aroused.

"So I've heard..." Cameron moaned softly, as his mind wandered over the stories the new young Steers had told of their own unmalings. "And you own so many these day... huh." The big red Steer moaned, as he felt the big masculine body pressing closer seeming to loom Dominantly over the bigger Steer. Who passively snuggling against the Bull feeling that hot hard young erection throbbing between them. Jordan picked up his big, black ball sac and pulled it over his thick thigh, playfully rubbing those heavy stones against his castrated servant.

"Ahem... I suppose I do." Jordan chuckled lewdly as he watched Cameron's big soft body react to his toying. "Ammm... I wish I'd cut your balls off myself sweet thing. Then your sac could be part of my collection... just like your son's."

"Yes sir I wish that myself... it would be nice to see you enjoying them." The big red Steer agreed. he'd watched the young Bull displaying his collection as he'd serviced him in the past. "But you had Drax's and his were every bit as big and potent as my own were." Cameron confessed, as a powerful shiver raced down his spine as those big black balls hung over his fat thigh.

Jordan grinned wickedly as he listened to his submissive Bull. "First balls I ever cut off... I'm proud they were from another big strong Bull like him. They're still the centerpiece of my collection you know." He watched the portly red Steer shiver, and stood up in the tub. And then moved over and sat down in Cameron's fat lap, belly to belly, straddling those fat thighs and letting his stiff young pole poke the Steer's soft tummy. His heavy, healthy young testicles hung down over Cameron's sheath and gelding scar. "I wish I could decide for every Bull, if he gets to make calves, or if I take his balls..." Jordan moaned, as his mind slipped into his favorite fantasy these days. Cameron buried his big blunt bovine muzzle into that soft furry chest, his head swimming with the heady scent of strong young Bull musk.

"Yes Drax is proud of that..." Cameron admitted as he kissed over that thick Bull neck gently... "Ammmmm would any Bull besides you ever get to?" Cameron chuckled, as his big hot hands explored that soft young male body. As he enjoyed the feeling of that throbbing cock against his belly, and those massive balls swinging between his fat legs. Jordan leaned forward, pressing his broad chest and soft Bull tits against Cameron's muzzle, those pudgy young hands stroking his neck, ears, and horn stubs.

"Oho sure... some would." He grunted sounding none to sure of the truth in that statement. "Only the most Bullish... most handsome ones would get to breed of course. And for sure only under my personal supervision." He grinned, and started gently humping Cameron's soft belly fur with his stiff pole, those large young nuts rolling lewdly around the big Steer's body. "And I might still make them Steers... after they'd bred a time or two..." Cameron licked and kissed those soft pudgy young Bull tits gently, his limp little cock drooping from his sheath to dangle down against those firm potent Bull balls.

"So you'd control the breeding and once they had sired Cows or Calves you'd make them into Steers to be rode." A strong tremble raced down Cameron's spine, as he rubbed and caressed his handsome master lovingly. Jordan's wide wicked grin widen even farther, and he nodded in delight.

"Ummm... that feels nice." He commented, and moved Cameron's big hands to his own chubby black love handles just for fun. "And yes, every time a Bull fucked a Cow it'd be for my viewing pleasure... and whenever I wanted that Bull would have his balls cut off."

Even as the door open softly once more, and hard hooves could be heard approaching them. They both look up to see the handsome muzzle of Cameron's oldest son... and Jordan's second Steer. The fat young Bull straightened up, and licked his lips, looking around...

"I'd have their testicles dropped in here... I'd fill up this whole tub with their virile orbs. Oh hello Drax." Jordan snickered with a leering smile, as the young Steer trotted up. "I was just molesting your nut-less daddy here, come join us.."

"So I see heh... hi dad." The young Steer called, as he waded into the bubbling waters and moved over to the pair.

"Good-evening son." Cameron grunted, as Drax joined his Steer father in fondling and caressing the big soft body of their Bull. "That's a hot idea... swimming around in a tub full of stud nuts... kinky." The young red jock Steer moaned, as his kissed and cuddled against his father and their Bull. Jordan moaned softly, pressed back a bit as a second pair of hands began to knead and caress his flabby black body. "Ammm yeah... I'm glad you like it. It is a wild fantasy, but yeah... I was just telling your dad how much I loved holding a Bull's fat nuts in my hands, and having the power to decide their fate." Jordan added with his widen wicked grin, and slid a hand under Drax's sheath. Snaking his hot fingers down to play with Cameron's own sagged chest with its thick Cowish nipples. He licked his lips, admiring how soft and squeezable the athletic Drax had become... since his castration.

"Oho yeah I just bet, and your sooooo good at it." Drax moaned, clearly even more passive that his father who had been a Steer much longer, the young jock was proving to be a total bottom.

"He's right sir... you are proving to be quite the Bull." Cameron agreed in a soft husky voice, as they both worked gently to stimulate their Bull. Jordan grinned as both those former studs serviced him, caressing him, rubbing his body, all to make him feel good. And just knowing that until recently they had both been powerful bulls, with their own lusts and desires that turned him on a Lot.

"The twins have been wanting to meet you..." Drax moaned softly, as he knelt behind Jordan fondling those big round rump cheeks. While licking along the ridge of that powerful Bullish back, slowly working his way downwards.

Jordan long Bullish ears perked up at that statement, and he looked back at Drax. "The Twins?" He asked half confused, as he thought about that statement. "Those wouldn't be... your other two boys Cameron?" Jordan inquired intrigued... he wasn't sure if he wanted to end his favorite servant's line... And he was forced to admit other twins would be just as interesting. But it also appealed to him to own the full set of his first Steer's offspring's jewels. He flexed the muscles of his big, fat ass, under Drax's kissing lip's and lapping tongue. Spread his thick legs to let those huge black balls... the only ones in the room swing freely. Cameron flashed his oldest son a dark look, but Drax just shrugged and grunted.

"Well they have..." The bigger older Steer sighed, and nodded his big head slowly.

"Yes sir those are my other two Sons." Cameron admitted softly, as he watched Drax's muzzle work it's way down between Jordan's ass cheeks as he kissed and nuzzled those two big male orbs. "This is the first I've heard of it to be honest."

"I... have been telling them about how cool Master jordan is." Drax admitted between licks and kiss's on those huge potent male orbs. Jordan snorted, and spread his legs a bit further, locking his lips in delight as Drax' practiced muzzle worshiped his low-hanging, sweaty Bull testicles. He took a deep breath, relishing the thick, steamy air, the warm water about his leg's and the touches of his two Steers. He rubbed Cameron's soft chest... once it had been firm, he supposed, but now it sagged almost like a Cow's. Jordan couldn't help but enjoy fondling it... "Ummm, have you been telling them how much you enjoy being a Steer?" He asked Drax with a dark leering grin.

"Ummmm yes sir." Drax admitted in between loud smacking licks and kiss's, as the young jock Steer worshiped his Bull's big potent male jewels. "Ben and Jace seemed kinda interested, since both dad and I are now Steers..." Drax explained even as he focused on lapping around that fat black sheath... as he pressed up against Cameron's tiny limp sheath. Cameron moaning softly from his masters big caressing hands, and the hot wet flickers of that lusty tongue as it stroked him accidentally... "Ben... just wants to breed a Cow... But I think they're both really interested in the gifts you've given me more than anything else." Drax snorted, as Jordan grinned tweaking Cameron's large Cowish nipples.

"Hear that? At least one of your sons wants to get his dick in a cow. Maybe you'll have grand calves yet." The big black Bull chuckled as he planted another strong kiss on Cameron's muzzle.

"Yes... I can hope..." Cameron moaned, as that big over sensitive nipple is slowly rolled and squeezed making the big red Steer bite his lower lip.

"Well I'm willing to meet them, if they'd really want to. But make sure they both understand, that what I'm after is below their tails and between their legs. And that I'll be meeting them here, in the bathhouse." He grinned down at the big nut-less red Steer and licked his lips, his shaft getting harder against the nut-less servant's limp sheath. He reached down and groped Cameron's castration scar, fondling the bulky Steer like a fat cow. "Yeah, you both know what I want..."

"Ummm yes... yes sir." Drax mumbled, as he shove his big blunt muzzle farther up under the big black Bull, like a calve eager to suckle at his mothers teat. Watching up close as Jordan fondled his fathers pale castration scar.

"Please sir..." Cameron begged, knowing that Jordan would make them Steers if he got the chance. Slowly Cameron craned his short neck up and kiss's his Bull passively. Jordan licked his lips, kneading Cameron's tits and rubbing that scar firmly.

"You thinking about your two boys winding up like this, naked without their balls, getting greedily fondled by a fat, intact Bull?" Jordan teased, his dick growing harder as he rubbed it against Cameron's soft body.

"Well... I wasn't... until now..." The big red Steer moaned, as his tiny and totally useless cock dropped from is limp sheath... Jordan chuckled huskily as he felt it, clearly the idea wasn't completely horrible to the older Steer.

"I sure am. I won't force them into it, but I'll castrate both your sons if they tell me they want it." The young rich black Bull confirmed lustfully, fondling his fat Steer's scar and nibbling one ear. "I like my big fake cows... maybe one day I'll have what's left of your Bull hood cut off heheh." Jordan added groping Cameron's thick limp sheath and squeezing it savagely. "Ummm, but in the meantime... show me that big ass Steer..."

"You... you do make things sound sooooo exciting sir." Cameron admitted, as the big black Bull fondled his tiny limb organ, and talking of having even it taken away.

"Ohoo Ohoo... me to please!" Drax moaned lustfully, as he lipped and licked at that huge hard Bull cock. As he was forced back, as his Steer father turn around and thrust up his big soft round ass... Jordan snorted in lust, his stiff Bull dick pressing under his fat Steer's wide rump. He prodded that asshole and then started to push in, the Bull penetrating the bigger, older Steer sliding his eager young dick into that big ass.

"Ammm... yeah... then I'd own the whole set of your family's jewels. Maybe I'll let you watch me cutting your boy's balls off... and then they can watch me remove your little prick." He smacked that big ass and winked at Drax.

"Ohoooooo gods." Cameron moaned in delight, as that long smooth bovine cock was thrust smoothly into him. "Oho gods... ohooo gods thank you sir..." Cameron moaned softly, as he looked back between his legs watching Drax suckling on those huge black low dangling balls.

"Ohoooo ho you want your dick removed too huh? Maybe... but I want you to gain some weight first, so that you're as attractive a practice cow as your father is!" Cameron inhaled deeply, as he worked his anal muscles letting his young master's thick cock slip easily into his hot tight anus.

"Yeah ever since I heard about sheath fuckin'." Drax admitted blushed darkly as he thought about that. "I can do that!" Drax assured as he nodded his head wildly. "I think your cock would feel much better in my sheath than mine does." He explained quickly, as he watched Jordan roll his hip's and plough in and out of his fathers quivering anus. The fat young Bull slammed his broad hips against the red Steer's huge ass, thumping and splashing as he fucked that fat, fake cow in the hot and sweaty hot tub!

"Ammm yeah? You want me to fuck your sheath Steer? We can cut your cock off to make that happen, sure thing." The horny young stud grunted with a smirk, and rolled his hips giving the younger red Steer a good show. "But I do really wanna see you getting fatter... you know how I like my Cows. In fact if you both really want it." He smirked wickedly. "I've heard there are doctors who can turn your sheath inside-out... and make you more like real Cows for me."

"Ummm hmmm..." Drax moaned, as his mouth followed the movement of his hefty black Bull's swinging jewels, suckling on them eagerly. "Sweet... then I'll be even more of a Cow for you." The young jock grunted, thinking that it would also allow him to bring even more males into his masters herd, but he didn't want to sound like a bragger. "I guess I could plan a few more meals a day sir." Drax whimpered, proving to be completely passive to anything Jordan wanted from him. "Doctors that could make me able to please you even more... wow that would be sooooo cool!" The young Steer moaned, as he watched his dad Mooo and moan as those strong hip's pounded that long thick Bull cock in and out of his clench tailhole...

The young Bull snorted, his balls swinging and striking powerfully against the red Steer's thick thighs. Before rebounding back against Drax's muzzle on the return swing. "Ohoooo yeah... such a fine, fat ass, Cam... what about you? Would you be willing to have your limp cock cut off, and your sheath turned into a pussy? Would you Ummmm put out for me, when I bend over your last two sons, spread their legs and cut off their balls?" He snorted as he thrust, sweaty, horny and grinned down at Drax. "Keep encouraging my balls Drax... I'm fucking you next." The big red Steer groaned and panted for breath, as the young Bull's hard body spanked his big soft round ass. That hard cock finding his hard male pleasure gland deep inside.

"Uhuu Uhuu Uhuuu... Ye... yes if it would please you sir." Cameron moaned, concentrating on squeezing his strong anal muscles on that huge, hard Bull cock. "Ohooo gods sir I... I'm begging you please don't geld them all." The fat red Steer whimpered and then in a soft meeker voice moaned weakly. "Yes sir... yes I would..." Drax smiled broadly up at his master, and pressed his big blunt muzzle more tightly between his thighs, hot fawning mouth going crazy on those mighty stud nuts.

"Thank you sir!" Drax panted hotly. Jordan smirked, and slapped the big Steer's fat ass repeatedly as he grew closer to orgasm.

"Heh! Don't geld them all, don't geld all your boys. Is there one in particular that you want to keep his nuts? Or do you just want one hope that your line will continue, somehow? Do you fantasize about the night one of your calves finally gets lucky with some horny Cow. In the backseat of her momma's station wagon, knowing that his young nuts have finally been... used... hrrrgh!" The fat Bull couldn't take any more teasing, even from himself and those fat black balls jerking and jumping. His fertile cream shooting into Cameron's big ass, coating his prostate in warm thick Bull-milk!

"No... of course not... I want... wanted all my boys to grow up and marry a Cow they loved... sire families." Cameron moaned, glancing back at Drax who had clearly chosen another path. "I... I... just Ohooo Moooooo... yes fill me up with your hot seed." The big red Steer moaned loudly as he bucked back into Jordan hard rut thrust... clearly enjoying the fucking he was getting. Jordan snorted, and smirked, enjoying cumming in the big Steer's fat ass.

"Ahhh...well if that's what they want... I won't take it from them." He said, giving the big Steer a firm pat on the butt. "Otherwise... if they consent to it, you're gonna see your last two boys bend over, with their legs spread getting their balls cut off, and then I'll have the whole set..."

"I... I... understand sir." Cameron panted weakly, as he lay there feeling passive, and well fucked as Jordan pulled out of him and slapped his ass. "The choice is theirs of course just like Drax... if it's what they want..." A powerful shiver ran down his thick spine, as the young black Bull said 'And then I'll have the whole set'


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