Even blue ribbon winners lose...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#8 of Charns tales...

Charn's son Vorlan meets a prize winning stud... and his lil' brother

Even Blue Ribbon winners... lose

"Well yourself is also heavy and floppy, too." The big stallion looked at the young Tiger curiously, a slight smile playing cross those expressive equine lip's. Realizing that the young Tigers awkward wording was because of his distraction from starring at the equine's huge hefty junk.

"Kinda big fer a feline."

"Yours?" Vorlan choked as he looked back up guiltily from starring at the horses mighty junk. "Yes, they are... kinda big even for a horse."

"Hahah mine... mine are blue ribbon prize winning..." The big stallion bragged and blustered with a wide smirk, thinking he had the young pred interested.

Vorlan snickered as he listened to the obviously very gifted equine brag about his enormous organs.

"You really think so?" The young feline reaches out gives them a fondle, as if he just couldn't resist stroking and fondle them. Feeling one heavy nut rest in the leathery palm his big paw, giving it a slow squeeze as he fondled it.

"Heck yeah..." The big roan red stallion chuckled as he enjoyed the attention. "I mean look at that... bigger than a grapefruit... plumpwe and juicier than a watermelon... more potent than a onion."

"More potent than an onion?" Vorlan asked skeptically, as he takes that other low slung, heavy rounded meat orb into his other paw, and gives them both a lazy massage. Pulling them a bit to help them loosen, then squeezing them in his long fingered, broad palms.

"Well that was the only thing that popped into mind..." The big stallion snickers, as he leans back enjoying having those mighty orbs squeezed and massaged by the admiring feline. Vorlan pulls at them again, purring and sitting down, getting himself comfy on the floor. As the massive stallion sit on the bed, the Tigers nose a few inches from where he plays with those big hangers.

"So how do you know they're blue ribbon winners, have you measure them against other big studs?" Vorlan asked, as he studied that hefty junk with an intensity that would have creeped out the big horse out. If the stud hadn't been so turned on by the young sexy males obvious worship of his massive male hood.

I've won five county fairs... and wowed them at the state fair two years running. The big stallion snickered, as he stroked the felines soft silky fur... as the Tiger looked up from the floor. Thinking the big feline wasn't just down there so he could look... "I'm the biggest stud around these parts puss puss... and to answer what yer really wondering... yes you can kiss'em if you like."

"Oh, can I?" Vorlan bubbled in excitement as his brilliant emerald green eyes lit up. "That would be sweet..." The young Tiger pulled on them, a little firmer, paws sliding under those heavy fruits and leaning in to nuzzle between them. Pushing them to either side of that thick, stretching pouch, nibbling teasingly in soft pinching kisses. His deadly claw tipped fingers slide up to stroke the proud, sturdy cords that connect them to the mighty stallion's body. Moving up to grip them between his strong fingers, pinching them slightly like one would a straw on a milkshake.

"Ummmmmm damn..." The big stud moaned, as his thick black cock spilled out of its sheath. Blocking his view of what the Tiger was doing, even as his sweaty musky ball's trembled and ached... in need. "Ohoooo fuck I need to get off... so bad my balls are aching." The big sexy horse moaned not realizing the Tiger's fingers were what was making him ache.

"Are they now?" Vorlan smirked as he strong fingers abused those cord a bit more. "I can believe that, these cannonballs feel like they have a good couple days stuffed inside them..." He licked slowly up, as his fingers dance and pinch and rub those thick, noodley cords, softly working and tenderizing them as the horse's cock gets bigger and thicker.

"Nawwwww I could never go that long..." The might stud moaned, as his long stud stick flops over that stripped head, to hang half way down the Tigers back oozing hot sticky pre-cum.

"My... my... what a colossal salami you have..." The young Tiger purred sexily as he listened to the horses pulse race in sexual excitement. "After I work on these, and take care of them, I may have to see if I can take that, too..."

"Oh Gods yeah... I want you to take as much of it as a tiny little slut like you can!" The mighty stallion moaned in sexual excitement, as the felines hot voice grunts against his huge velvety ball bag. Vorlan grins and slides his fingers up, so that those balls slide over his wrist, to flop down and hang heavily, like the rich heavy stones they were, feeling surely like they will split right through his pouch.

"I'm gonna show you something you never felt before handsome." He purrs, and then disappears beneath that long dangling brown and pink marbled equine cock.

"Ohoooo what's that?" The might stallion asked, as his heft danglers hung fat and heavy over the striped feline.

That smaller left nut is latched onto first, the Tiger's sharp little fangs digging into the flesh with such a sharp, strong jab. That the horse feels for a second that he actually meant to harm them.... but then warm suction, as the Tiger suckles, giving that big fat nut that's latched in his maw a big fat hickey. Sucking on it, harder and harder as that leaking massive tube of horse cock drools and slithers along the stripes on his back.

"WEEEHEHEHEE... Wha... What are you... Ummmmm damn are you suckling on my..." The big stud bucking and twisting at first, trying to see what was going on. But as his pleasure grew he just lay back spreading his legs farther and letting the Tiger play. "You... You've gotta do that to my cock..." He almost begged as that hot suction made him whicker and moan in pleasure. The young Tiger purred and chuckled, the big stallion knows he has something planned for that big fat cock. That only half stiffens, as he leeches on that heavy equine nut. And then moved over to the other, letting his teeth dig sharply against the soft flesh. Sucking on it as if to pull the cream out through his little bites, a cum vampire. And then, after a while of that, Vorlan pulls his jaws apart, and crams that bigger jewel. Forcing that nut in against the Tiger's rough feline tongue, filling his deadly mouth. Vorlan chews on it, slowly, grinding and mashing it between tongue and palette, as that other hands swollen and needy against his throat.

"Ohooo Ohoooo rut..." The big stallion moans, his long deadly equine legs flailing and bicycling above the Tigers head. As his arousal grows, even if his massive cock can't quite seem to reach full mighty erection... Even as good as that hot silky fur feels rubbing against it's hot throbbing length. "Damn I've Never... that feels so... Don't stop..." He begged the sexy feline, as he feels the suction lessen somewhat on one of his fat aching orbs only to move over to the bigger. Vorlan mouths and chews on that nut, grinding and juicing it, fingers still plucking and strumming those cords up above. Pinching hard, at one point, holding it for a full ten seconds as simultaneously the Tiger gulps, and pulls that proud orb halfway into his throat. And then stuffs the second into his wide maw after it, the tingling ache afterwords just as intense as that second prize winner joins the first. And the Tiger starts mashing, juicing it down to size so that he can swallow it.

Just then a smaller younger equine opened the door, and strolls into the room. "Can I barrow..." Only to sudden freeze, as he see's his older brother laying back flailing his legs as the Tiger works between them. "Errr... Cam..." The big stallion looks up startled, blushing as he saw his nosy younger brother spying on them... Instantly that handsome roan muzzle burns with embarrassed blush...

"Get out of here you nosy little bastard." Cameron squeals as the younger, but almost as heavily hung stallion stands starring open mouthed for a second.

"But... but he's..." Jerome stammers, trying to formulate the words for what he's watching the young Tiger do. Twisting his head Vorlan flashes the young stud a toothy smile, even as he bites down on that pinched sack neck.

"I know what he's doing shimp... now get the hell out of here!" Cameron shouts, as the young stallion tries again to warn his older brother. But only gets a sweat stain jock strap thrown at him. Around the time the younger horse tries to interrupt a second time, Vorlan purrs as he feels something 'give'. And as that balled up jock is flung at Jerome, chasing him from the room. A big bulge can be seen sliding down the Tigers throat, the confused young jock leaves, wondering why his older brother would Want a Tiger to eat his nuts. 'Was that natural?' 'Was he supposed to have his nuts eaten?'

"Ok... ok I'm leaving..." Jerome snorts angrily, as he spins on one hoof and stamps out slamming the door.

"I'm sorry about that..." The big stallion apologizes to the sleek feline, as he grinds his crotch against that furry muzzle. "Damn nosy little prick is always stomping in here without knocking... But don't stop... he won't bother us anymore." The Tiger keeps working, gulping, squeezing, working those prize winners down completely unconcerned. Even as the younger stallion opens the door a crack to watch in disbelief. The Tiger purrs and suckles down that second bulge even as the horse rubs his ears, reassuring him that they won't be interrupted. And he pulls away from that now completely empty nut sack with a wet 'shlorp', the hot slick furry flesh slapping against the horse's taint. But without that familiar bulk weighting it down. "Oh well... it's not problem, he seemed interested. If you want, maybe I'll take care of him after I'm done with you... give you guys something to bond over." Cameron's eye's are half closed, as he lays there stroking that striped head gently loving the sensations coming from his crotch.

"Wha... huh oho that little creep..." The massive gelding nickers lustfully, as he feels that odd wetness flap against the sensitive flesh of his taint. "He keeps wanting to be a prize winner, but as long as I'm around he's out of luck. Hmmmm well... that might be a good idea... make him feel better about being a total loser heh. Sure tell him I sent ya to take care of him... he'll do whatever ya want." The big gelding explained with a smirk, as he lifted his mighty cock and waved it at the Tiger. "But don't forget about this... its feeling lonely need the same lovin' treatment..."

"I'd love to... But I don't know if I can." Vorlan teased, his paws sliding up to rub along Cameron's inner thighs, stroking warmly.

"Wha...wha... but...but I gotta I... I'll die if you don't..." Cameron moans, as he pants for breath and bucks his hip's still not noticing the lightness between his thigh's.

"Those balls were almost too much even for me, I had a hard time with them..." The big stripped feline leaned in though, smearing his cheek against the floppy, rubbery cock flesh, teasing it. "But it sure does look delicious... I guess a little bit more wouldn't hurt, would it...?" He turns and mouths at one half of the big blunt head, letting his teeth show, teasing you with the threat of taking your heavy maleness.

"Yeah... Oho yeah a little more... more wouldn't hurtcha." Cameron moans and humps as that huge blunt cock head is mouth and toyed with. "Awwww come on you can take more than that... I wanta feel it your throat..." Vorlan chuckles and finally 'gives in' to the horses urging. "Oh fine, I guess I'll give it a shot." Before the horse can even start to gloat though, that Tiger is yawning wide, fangs bared, and suddenly a good quarter of that cock is gone. Unnoticed to both, that door creaks open a little more, and a young muzzle peeks through. The younger stallion coming back for seconds... stroking his long hard equine dick. And gasping as he sees what is missing between his big bro's legs, and what the Tiger is now doing, chugging down some thick stud meat!

"Ohoooo Gods YEAH!" Cameron moaned, as that mighty stud stick is taken in and gulped down. The hot flash of sensation all pleasure to the big gelding... as he's lost in the fantasy of having a pred suck him off. "Damn pussy is that all you can take... who am I gunna have to call to get the whole thing taken." The big stallion moans, his eyes tightly shut, hip's buck up at the Tiger wildly. Even as Jerome strokes his hard erection, watching it all through the half open door way. Silently cheering the big striped pred on, as he enjoys seeing his massive brother gulped down... Already half of what the younger stallion had between his own thick thigh's.

Vorlan is of course a pro at this throat gripping, that spasming cock as it throbs and flexes. But it still won't get fully hard, throbbing and leaking weakly. Pulling off with raking teeth, a firm pinch followed by a thick, tight bob down to swallow even more. And again, and again each time more of that mighty stud muscle dissappearing. There was about to be nothing between the jock stallion's thighs, to detract from his huge, powerful muscles. Cameron moans louder and louder, as that hefty cock vanishes down the feline's hot throat. Even as Jerome's hands are now a blur on his own long stud stick. The sight of his big brother going from stud to cockless dud, so exciting the young stallion almost can't stand it. His big brother actually pushing the Tiger's head down farther and farther, that massive cock eaten down to the median ring by now.

"Come on pussy I wanta feel yer lip's kissin' my sheath." Cameron moaned, making Jerome let out a soft moan as he stroked himself wildly. The young Tiger's ear perking, as he bobs up and down teasing and slurping. And then pauses, pinches the stallion's thigh, and pointing directly to the door, giving the young stud up. In the haze of lust, Jerome is called in... summoned to watch his big masculine brother be serviced. And as he nervously sits on the footlocker at then end of the bed, and watches. The Tiger grabs his rock hard cock with one paw, giving him a handjob as he slowly finishes off his big brother. Cameron is bucking and humping in effectively now, as his eyes roll around in his head. The world spinning crazily, as he catches glimpses of his younger brother getting a helping paw from the Tiger. Even as that striped muzzle is pushing hard against his crotch now, muzzle delving inside of his sheath.

"Wha... where's... have you swallowed all of my..." He moaned as a loud wet ripping sound seemed to vibrate within his groin, as the Tiger lifts his grinning muzzle up and gulps down that severed cock root noisely.

"Ohoooo fuck you ate him... You Ate Him ALL!" Jerome moaned, as his huge cock throbbed on the edge of orgasm, from watching his big brother turned into a total gelding.

"That's right, I took the whole damned thing..." Vorlan gestures, aiming Jerome's cock at the denuded stallion's crotch. He reached underneath, letting his fingers and claws tickle the younger stallion's fat over full testicles. "And now, since you're the dominant stallion you're gonna mark him as your bitch."

"Wha... Wha... oh gods I'm gunna..." Jerome moaned in pleasure, as his long cock tensed harder and harder. He held back for a long moment... his huge horse ball's drawing up suddenly as that hefty cock head flared. And then spit out a long thick stream of thick creamy stud milk, that powerful ejaculation painting the half conscious Cameron's denuded groin with his younger smaller brothers hot cum. "EEEHEHEEEE." The young stallion screamed as he marked his gelded brother with the scent of his own cum... everyone would know he'd cum on the huge muscle bound gelding. As the stunned Cameron realized this just as his young brother did... that hot cream spurted over him. Vorlan grinned, using his paw to slather that cum into the gelding's belly. His proud pectorals, and making sure to smear and soak it into the stallion's groin... Stripping away any of his own scents, overwhelming them with the younger stallion's own. The Tiger chuckles, belly bulging as Jerome collapsed half conscious, onto his denuded brother's big passive body. The Tiger reaching down to guide the younger stallion's still hard cock into his brothers empty sheath hole. "Enjoy your new position... and rut your gelding." Vorlan purred as he leaned over the younger stud's broad back, strong paws cupping and fondling those huge orbs. "Grow some huge prize winners... just remember even winners have to lose sometime." And with that the young Tiger quickly left the room, leaving the two to figure things out for themselves.


Back in play

Warning for Hot sex... between young jock males and gelded cockless neuters Jeremy and Dave from 'Best Buddies [http://www.sofurry.com/page/220206/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/220206/user) ' are back how will the team take the news that...


Tiger Pounced...

Warning for hot gay sex... Gelding sheath/cunt boi... Tiger... Zebracorn... Voyeurism... This is a gift story for the highly cute and super sweet [!["robin-tiger"](%5C ""robin-tiger"") robin-tiger](%5C) Hope you enjoy it sweety ...

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Tricked and taken...

A proud Centaur Stallion makes the mistake of dealing with the wrong Goat... [!["boinggoat"](%5C ""boinggoat"") boinggoat](%5C) Played this out with me... Tricked and taken The huge handsome Centaur stallion pranced across the field, his huge...

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