Trent the dominating Cub

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Ok that is just a short story I did out of fun. I think the idea is pretty funny and so yeah... Just enjoy

But i warn you again this story contains cub. If you dont like that please dont read it.

Warning this story contains: a dominant Cub, fox, spanking, m/m, bondage, Father/son, Incest

Trent the dominating Cub

The sun is high in the air and the little 12 years old foxy is on his way home from school. It is easy to imagine that the little foxy doesn't care for the school much so a bright smile is on his face the whole way. The best part is that the whole weekend is ahead of him!

The young vulpine walks up to the door of his home and uses his keys to open it. He goes straight into the living room and puts down his stuff as he always does when coming home from school.

It seems like his dad is not home. But that is normal. The young fox's father has to work a lot since his mother left the family.

But right now the little one does not care. There is something very important he has to take care of. Today is going to become a very special day for him and his dad. He is completely sure of that. For that you have to know that yesterday something happened.

It was already late at night and the little foxy woke up. He had to go to the toilette, but on his way he noticed that his dad forgot to turn off the PC again. So he walked over to turn it off but as he looked at the screen he noticed a little chat window. Normally the little foxy is a very well behaved one and never would look at that. But this time he just had to see what his father is talking about with his friends. But what he was reading there shocked him but at the same time it made him blush a lot.

Singer: Yes I think I really love him. But that is sick you know. First off he is just 12 and then he is my son too.

Redan: Yes that is a very complicated situation man. Just be careful with that.

Singer: Yes of course I am. And you know I never would hurt my lil boy.

Redan: Yes I trust you on that man.


The little foxy had to grin wide as he finished reading the log. He then closed the chat window and giggled a bit as he noticed that the browser is till opened. Looking at it showed the foxy that his father was watching some pornographic sites. Most of the opened tags showed some furs in bondage gear. Something like this is actually not new for the young vulpine. He already discovered a lot of what the adults call "Sex" and he had to admit that some of the stuff he saw there is just hot. After that he turned off the PC with a wide grin, went to the toilet and then back to sleep. But one thing he knew for sure. He loved his dad as well... and tomorrow will be special...

So today all he did in school was thinking about what he could do to tell him. He came up with a neat plan. He is going to give his dad a night he never will forget.

He opens his backpack and takes out some papers. After that he begins to write down some stuff. He finishes the writing and has to smile wide as he walks around the house only to put some of the papers on the wall on the fridge and much more places.

He does not need too long for that and so he takes some candles and walks upstairs right his dad's bedroom...

It is evening now and Singer, the father of the little fox is driving into his parking place right in front of his house. He steps out of the car and walks over to the door. But before he opens it he notices a piece of paper on it. He picks it off and begins to read.

"Hello dad, I hope your day was not too hard because today I have something planned for you and you'll need some energy for that."

The large fox blinks a bit as he reads over that. "Hm? What is that fox planning?" He says to himself and opens the door to step into the hallway. He takes off his shoes and walks into the living room only to see the next paper on the wall.

"I am sure you are wondering what I am up to right? Well let me say it like this. A dream of yours is going to come true."

"What is he talking about?" The larger vulpine is not sure what he should think about that. "Trent? Where are you?" He calls then waiting for a response, but Trent doesn't answer. Singer is sure his son has to be here so he decides to look around some more. Next he goes right into kitchen to see another paper pinned to the fridge.

"Nope I am not here dad. I think you should look upstairs...."

Singer has to laugh at that now. It almost seems like his son is playing some kind of game with him. So he walks up upstairs and listens carefully maybe he can hear a sound or something like that what would show him where his son is hiding. But there is nothing to hear. "Damn it... Ah I am sure he is hiding in his bedroom like he used to when we played hide and seek in the past."

The fox opens the door and looks into the kid's room but only to find another piece of paper on the bed.

"Oh come on dad. I'm not 9 anymore. You should know that I don't use my normal spots anymore to hide right? But I don't want to be mean to you so I give you a hint. Maybe you just looked into the wrong bedroom?"

"He is in my bedroom..." He thinks to himself grinning but still not sure what all this is about. He walks out of the lil fox's room straight to his own one. "I'm coming son..." He says grinning and opens the door for his room. But as he opens the door he finds the lights are off and it is pitch black. "What is..." He says but is not able to finish his sentence as he suddenly stumbles over something and falls down. But to his surprise he is not greeted by the hard floor, no he falls on something soft... like pillows.

He tries to stand up but before he can manage that he can feel a paw on his back that holds him down. "Hello there... dad." It was his son's voice and it sounded very playful.

"Trent, what are you playing here?" The older fox asks now but instead of an answer he feels his sons paws are fondling around at his maw. "Trent what are...." but the next thing he can feel is something like a rubber ball getting stuffed into his mouth. It almost feels like a.. gag? Did his son just ball-gag him? He is not sure, with the lights out he still can't see anything.

But his son seems to be quick because the next thing he can feel is some kind of ropes are going down over his wrists and before he even is able to wriggle, his hands are already tied together behind his back. "What the hell is he planning why is he doing that?" The older fox thinks now as he hears some noises. Then finally light fills the room when Trent lights 3 candles. It is still dark inside the room but at least Singer is able to see a bit. And what he sees makes his eyes go wide.

Standing in front of him is his son. Trent is clothed in nothing more than a very sexy and tight leather thong. As he looks around in the growing light he is able to see that he is lying on a pile of pillows spread around the whole room. "What is it dad? You look so surprised? Is everything ok?" The little foxy asks now teasingly as he walks over to a counter to bring out a little knife. He then goes back to his dad and begins to cut off the older fox's shirt.

The mind of the older fox goes crazy now as he tries to make sense of what is happening there. It is very hard for him to concentrate though as his son begins to undo his belt and draws down with his jeans. While the young fox is doing that he speaks. "You have to know dad. I found some of your chat logs and saw the websites you are visiting... and I get the feeling you enjoy being a little bitch."

A whimper slips from Singer's lips he hears that. But Trent doesn't stop speaking. "And so I thought I could have fun with you... Hmm and I have to admit you look cute like this." After that the fox begins to draw down his father's boxers and with them gone he is completely naked.

Singer cannot believe what he is hearing there. He knew that Trent was a smart boy but this is a shock alright!

"Hmm for your age you have a nice and firm butt dad. I am going to love to pound that. And I am sure you'll moan like the bitch you are." Trent then says as he places both of his small paws on the nice ass of his father and begins to rub over it. "But first I think you need a nice spanking don't you think?" A wide grin crosses over the smaller vulpine's muzzle as he walks over to one of his father's drawers.

"Isn't it funny what you can find in here if you just look around a bit?" Singer looks up as best he can, only to see his son standing in front of him with the spanking paddle he had used a lot on others before.

"Hmm I know you are not able to speak right now. But hey I am pretty sure you'll love this as much as me." After that the foxy walks back over to his tied up dad and without a warning he places the first smack right on the older male's fine ass cheeks. A muffled moan is to hear now from the older vulpine.

"Oh you liked that huh? Don't fear my dear father, there is a lot more to come" And with that the paddle comes down a second time, and then again and again. After 20 hits with the paddle the skin of Singer's rear is glowing in an even brighter than his fur color. The older fox's cheeks are matted down with tears from the pain. Trent notices that and smiles. "Is it too much for you? Hmm seems like I need to train my little bitch more... I mean just 20 hits and you already are already crying? Hmm but you know what? I think you still loved it... do you need proof?"

With that the smaller foxy takes a hold on his father's side and turns him around by using all his strength so his father is lying on his back. "Ah there we go." Trent says as he spots the raging hard on of his father. One of the Trent's hands moves over to his father's cock to rub over it just a bit. That causes another muffled moan from the tied fox.

"You like this huh? Well I am sorry I have to say this, but I don't think you earned the right to cum so far." He then says with another teasing rub over the larger vulpine cock.

The smaller vulpine then stands up and looks down at his dad's face. He loves what he sees there. It is a mix out of pain, pleasure and being confused. After looking at his dad for a while the foxy begins to hook his fingers into the waistband of his thong and slowly takes it off letting it fall down his legs only to show off his rock hard cock. Singer's eyes are going wide again as he sees that. It is the first time for him to see the cock of his son erected and he never would have believed that it is already that large.

Of course Trent doesn't waste much time and moves back down to his father only to lift his legs right over his shoulders. It seems like he does have some difficulties with that because of the size of his dad but after a few tries he manages to position himself correctly. Singer can feel his kid's cock is wedging between his butt cheeks and the tip is rubbing teasingly over his hole. "You should know... from now on I will be the man of the house dad. Do you understand?" The young fox says to his dad as he looks right into the older fox's eyes.

Singer doesn't know what to do now. He cannot say yes to such a thing. But hell right now he is being dominated by his 12 years old son. Realizing that he almost immediately nods to his son to show he understands.

" Very good...!" The fox then says and with one hard push his whole cock enters the tight hole of his father. Of course the older vulpine is no virgin and he had taken some larger cocks before. This was different though, and the feeling is overwhelming for him. Slowly Trent withdraws his cock only to push into his dad's ass again enjoying how the anal walls are squeezing down over his cock.

"Hmm that is just.. great" The young one says now as he begins to hump his dad harder and harder. Both of the foxes are in pure bliss as they continue to mate wildly. For the young fox this is the first time he is doing such a thing and so he doesn't holds back. Of course it doesn't take long for Trent to feel his climax building up. With a loud moan and almost feeling like he is roaring the fox cums right into his dad's hole...

"Uhm that was great dad..." The fox kid then says and takes slowly withdraws his cock. After that he moves over to his father's bound arms and takes off the ropes as well as the ball-gag. Singer looks at his son now and opens his maw to say something but the young foxy instantly puts a finger on his lips. "Pst.. you don't have to say anything dad. The only thing you have to do now is stand up and then you go to take a shower ok? Also you are not allowed to touch yourself until I tell you so... Now move on."

Singer cannot believe that but the only thing he does is nod and then gets back on his feet. "Oh and before I forget it. When you come home tomorrow I want you to buy me the new Pokemon game do you understand me?"

"Yes... sir." The older fox then says and a smile crosses his muzzle as he looks at his naked son standing there in such a dominant pose. After that he simply walks off. It is still hard for him to accept what happened today but one thing is for sure... He never felt that happy before....


Well what a story huh? I hope you enjoyed it. I know it is a bit short but if the response is good enough I will do more short stories about Trent the dominating Cub. So leave comments and stuff


Jack ((Jacko))

Edited by Ashton

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