Becoming a Pred

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello and welcome to my newest story. Another naughty sofvorish one *XD*

Warning!! Contains: Fox, Bear, Wolf, German Shepherd, Softvore, m/m, yiff, Gym, Shower yiff and Muscle Gain.

Have fun reading!!! ((yes that is a command o.o hehe))

Tatsu © by himself

Others © by myself

Becoming a Pred

Mike is sitting in his car driving along the country road. He is your average gray and friendly wolf always up for some fun. Right now his on is his way to a good friend. The name of him is Brian, a pretty and amazingly huge bear. Brian and Mike are friends for over ten years now and actually they know each other from school. Most of the people do not understand how these two actually can be friends because at a closer look they are very differently.

Mike is a very gentle creature always helping and very caring. His body is well muscled but still pretty average looking. Brian instead is huge. The bear's body is covered in muscles and he is looking very impressive. And unlike his wolf friend the bear is not that caring at all. Actually the brown bear is the opposite of being careful and gentle. He always was one of the bully's in the school and whenever he had the chance to tease someone weaker he didn't let the chance go by.

Mike himself never liked this behavior and always tried to change his friend. But it never really had any use. The wolf really does not know why, but he just likes the huge creature. Maybe it is just pure attraction. He cannot deny that he loves how the bear looks. Or maybe it is just the fact that the bear always protected him from others when the wolf was in trouble.

The gray wolf sees a huge building is coming nearer. It is the mansion of his friend. Brian actually really had success in his live. Right after school he started his own (very successful) company and made a lot of money with it. So the first thing he did was building this mansion out here. He always was saying that once he wants to own a large house far away from the city where he can live his own life.

And fulfilling this dream was no problem because his company is specialized constructing large buildings. Most of the new skyscrapers in the city are build by his company. The car comes to a stop and the wolf turns off his engines to slip out of the vehicle. Mike is clothed very casually with some blue jeans and a black shirt on the top. The wolf walks into the direction of the entrance but as always he first has to go through the huge garden. That is something Mike actually really enjoys. The air is filled with the scent of dozens of different flowers and the view is just incredible.

To pass the garden and get to the entrance you have to walk for good 10 minutes. Mike most of the time needs 15 or sometimes even 20 minutes because he walks very slowly to enjoy the walk a bit longer. As the canine is strolling along the nice path he sees one of the gardeners cutting off some leaves from a bush. Mike just cannot hold back and has to chuckle as he looks at the fox. He is wearing nothing then a green thong and on the bulge of that thong is a picture of a red rose.

Mike got already used to the fact that the servants of Brian are running around like this all the time. Actually he don't mind if the servants are as cute looking as this little gardener foxy. He gives the vulpine a wave and continues to walk. The canine finally arrives at the huge front door of the building and pushes the door bell. The gray wolf doesn't have to wait too long and the large wooden door is opening and he gets greeted by a raccoon wearing a black thong and a fly around his neck.

"Welcome sir" The coon says very friendly and opens the door a bit more so Mike is able to step into the entrance hall. He takes off his shoes and then follows the friendly servant. The raccoon's nice shaped rump is waving lovely as he leads the way through one of the many hallways in this house. After a one minute walk the raccoon and Mike are arriving at the living room. Mike is sitting on his couch watching some TV, but as soon as he notices his visitor is there he turns off the screen and stands up to greet his friend.

"Ah mike finally you have arrived. Let me guess, you surely where strolling around the gardens again right?" The bear says with his booming and deep voice as he gives his canine friend a tight hug. The bear just wears some short shorts and nothing on the top showing off his body as always. The thick muscles are nicely to see under that brown pelt.

"Oh well you know how much I love your gardens and the weather is so beautiful too today." Mike says but then has to meep a bit as the huge bear is taking him into a hug. The strong arms are going around his body taking the wolf into a nice and save feeling embrace.

"Yes I know that. And I have good news too. The construction of my outdoor pool is finally finished. So if you want we can take a nice swim later on." Brian then offers to the canine. He then looks over to his coony servant and grins. "Would you mind bringing my guest something to drink?"

The coon nods and looks over to mike. "Sir, what would you like to drink?" He asks his fluffy tail waving around behind his back as he awaits the answer.

"Yes please I would love to have some Ice Tea if that is possible" Mike answers to the servant and receives another nod as he walks off to get the drink. The wolf then turns back to his friend and walks over to the couch with him. "So how have you been this week?" He asks as he sits down on the big bear's side.

"Ah well not that bad to be honest. Well I had a bit stress in the company. Some moron thought he could stand up against me. This idiot of a fox meant he doesn't get enough money and was roaming around in the office building gathering signatures for a raise." The brown ursine says and growls a bit.

"Really? That sounds strange to me, because as far as I know you are one of the best paying companies in this city. Mike says to his friend and it was true. Brian pays his employees very well. All of them, it doesn't matter if they are constructors or if they are working in the office doing administrative stuff.

"Yes I know. But this guy still was going around making trouble. I don't know what his problem was but well... I took care of him anyway so this will not be a problem anymore. The large bear says and one of his paws is moving over to his belly to rub a bit over it.

Mike has to gulp a bit as he sees that motion. "Uhm... do you mean... you ate him?" The wolf asks now a bit nervous sounding. He knows that his friend is doing such a thing more then often but it is still so hard to believe. Even if the wolf ate someone himself just once...

"Well of course I ate him. People like him are a risk for my company and to be honest, I think our society don't need people like him. These kind of furs are just troublemaker, never doing something useful." Brian then says to his friend. "And you really shouldn't talk that nervous about that. You once did it too and you know that."

The bear was right. But it is long ago and the wolf often has to think back with mixed feelings. It was back in college and the canine was at a dorm party. And of course he already was very drunk as one of his friend started to dare him. It was one of this stupid "You are a coward if you don't swallow a goldfish whole" dares. The only problem was the he didn't had to swallow a goldfish. No it was another fur. In fact it was another wolf who was falling asleep during the party. The other canine was much smaller then him so Mike was boasting around that it would absolutely not problem to eat the little fella whole.

Of course Mike's friends didn't stopped teasing him until he had to do it or he would have been the biggest coward on campus. And actually the wolf remembers very well how his meal tasted, how nice the wriggling was and how good it felt to be so full. Of course he was sorry for the wolf on the next day and so he never did a thing like that again unlike his bear friend who is a predator at heart.

"Well yes... I know... and you know that I was young and... "The wolf says but is not sure what else to say about what happened. He then hears a chuckle of his bear friend.

"I know exactly what happened, I was on the party too. And man I never thought you would do it. And to be honest I was very proud of you. I really think you could be a good pred. It is in you and you know that. I just do not understand why you are fighting against it so hard. You could be so much more then just some idiot sitting in an office typing in stupid numbers in a PC." Brian says and nudges the wolf's shoulder as he says that.

"Hey I am working at a bank institution and it is a very good job." Mike pouts at the bear and tackles him playfully. The ursine creature lets himself flop back on the couch so the wolf is laying on the top of him. The canine has to murr as he snuggles close to this big creature.

"I know you are proud of what you have what I am saying is that you could have so much more in your live if you would be stronger." And that wasn't a lie because it is well known that in this world preds always getting high positions. Of course it is not enough to be a brutal being eating everything that walks. You have to be smart too.

"Well... I know what you mean big one but I don't think that is something I can just learn you know..." Mike says and begins to rub over that big brown chest. The canine's tail is now swaying softly behind him as the room fills with the sound of murrings. Both are snuggling very close and actually it looks very cute because they don't have much space at the couch. Both creatures are the same size and the only difference between them is that the bear does have much more muscles on his body then the canine.

"You think so? My brother was a bit like you, you know? A nice and large creature with a big appetite, but just way too gentle to eat someone. You can imagine that this was very annoying for me because I really don't want that my brother ends up as prey with an attitude like this. So I began to train him and it just took one month to turn him into a decent predator. "The brown bear says to his friend and begins to rub over his back, pressing his friend's body tightly against his own body.

"You trained him? So you want to tell me you have some kind of predatory training program? And you really think something like that can work? I mean you know I believe that is something you are born with. Some people like to do it and some not. "The wolf answers.

"Oh so you don't believe me huh? Well how a bout a bet then. I will train you, turning you into a nice predator. If it doesn't work I'll pay you so much money you'll never have to work again." Brian offers now to his friend.

"What? Are you serious? To be honest that sounds like a very interesting bet. Because I don't think you'll be able to turn me into a pred you silly bear. But what if I loose the bet?" Mike then asks chuckling a bit.

"If you loose the bet you'll be a successful pred and in that case I really would not mind to make you the official assistant business manager of my company. You would be my right hand and you would be the boss when I am not around." Brian says to his friend and licks playfully over his nose.

"Wow, I have to say that is a nice offer so actually this bet is risk free for me right? I mean if I win you give me money. If I loose I'll get one of the best jobs a wolf can dream for. Count me in, man." Mike answers and slowly crawls off of his friend to sit down on the couch again.

"I am glad to hear that" Brian says as he sits up himself grinning wide as his friend. "Oh I am sure this whole thing is going to be very funny. So the best thing would be if you move in here. We have to spend as much time as possible together."

"Yes I think I understand. And I have the feeling this could get fun indeed" Mike then admits as he stands up and stretches a bit. "So then I will have to move some stuff over here you know"

"Sure thing buddy. The training will start tomorrow." The bear then says looking over his friend's body as he stretches in front of him.

Day 1

Mike is sleeping in his new bed and is shifting around a bit as the first rays of sun are shining through the window. Slowly the eyes of the wolf are opening. He sits up in his bed and looks around groaning a bit. Yesterday he was driving around bringing all the stuff he needed to his friends house and so his whole body is hurting from carrying around heavy stuff. But there is not much time for the canine because today is the first day of his training.

Mike gets out of the bed and stretches in front of a large mirror looking over his body. He really cannot understand what Brian's problem is with his body. Yeah sure he was not as big as his ursine friend but his body is nice developed and well muscled. The canine puts on his boxer shorts and nice fitting jeans and walks down the stairs right into the large kitchen of the mansion.

It doesn't need long and Brian is joining him. "Hey there wolfy. Are you ready for your first day of your training?" The brown bear asks his friend and a grin is forming on his muzzle. The ursine himself only wears his boxer shorts and nothing more on his body. "If you are ready I would like to start. Because today you'll have your hardest lesson. If you come over this well today I am sure you are going to have a very quick process." Brian then explains.

"Really? Well I am really looking forward to that. I mean well I have no idea what you are planning and the whole thing still sounds very silly to me. But I am sure you know what you are doing right?" Mike says to his friend as he chucks down a glass of milk.

"Of course I know what I am doing. Actually I already prepared the first lesson would you mind following me?" Brian says and gives the wolf a wink as he turns around to leave the kitchen. Mike chuckles a bit and follows the big ursine not sure what is going to await him. The two friends are walking through a hallway until they are stopping in front of a door. The bear is opening it and as they are entering the wolf can see that they are in some kind of gym hall. It is not that large like someone would know it from school but still incredible.

But that is not what is catching the canine's attention. No, in the middle of the hall are standing a lot of furs. All of them are completely naked and each one of a different species. "Uhm... what the hell..." The canine is not sure what to think of that...

Brian has to laugh at his friend's reaction. "So as I can see, you are wondering what this is here, right? Well let me explain my good friend. The most important thing we have to find out is your favorite species. The only thing you ever ate was that one wolf. But you have to know every species is having their own tastes and we have to find out what you like the most." The bear explains.

Mike blinks as he looks over all the naked furs just standing there. He is sure these have to be servants of Brian. The wolf walks a bit closer to the row of furs to take a good look. It is incredible, there are standing all kinds of furs. A raccoon, a fox, a wolf, a kangaroo, a tiger, a lion and much much more. All of them nice looking and naked. "Uhm... what do... I have to do?" The canine then asks very nervous now.

"First stop being such a wuss man. And then do what I told you before. You are supposed to taste them he then snaps his fingers and suddenly all the servants are turning around bending over a bit. Mike can not believe how well these servants are behaving but then again he knows that the bear only keeps the best and most loyal ones.

The wolf steps up to first one in row, a pretty looking tiger and puts his paw on the felines shoulder. "Well then I think I better start. " He says but is not sure what he actually is supposed to do. The canine then hugs the big cat from behind and begins to nuzzle into his neck licking over it. Of course it is not the first time that he is doing such a thing with a male but he still is not sure what the bear is meaning with "taste"

Brian comes over to take a closer look. The tiger in the meantime began to purr a bit at the attention. The bear then moves behind his friend and begins to unbuckle the trouser and slides it down along with the boxer shorts.

"Hey what are you doing there?" Mike asks as he feels his trouser goes down and then has to blush a bit as he notices his cock is already half erect at such a nice sight. He cannot resist and begins to grind his cock against the tigers back murring loudly as he gives the feline a few more licks.

"Oh I am just making sure that you are feeling comfortable. But don't waste too much time on just one fur, you should take the next one and you'll see there is a difference in flavor." The large ursine says now and watches his friend moving over to the next fur in row. The raccoon seems to be a bit nervous about the whole thing but still is standing where he is supposed to be, not moving at all.

The gray canine wraps his arms around the cute thing and murrs, his muzzle lowering again and the tongue goes over the neck of the cute coon. The fur is matting down where the wolf is licking and then suddenly Mike notices the difference. He blinks a bit not sure what to think about all that, but now where he is concentrating on the taste there is definitive a difference between the taste of the raccoon here and the feline before. And as strange as it sounds for the wolf, the raccoon tastes way better.

Brain notices the look on the canine's face and has to grin. He knows that the wolf discovered something he didn't knew before. Or maybe he knew it but he just ignored the fact. The canine is murring very loud now as he lets go of the coon and moves over to a fox. The vulpine looks over his shoulder and sees the gray wolf is coming up to him and has to gulp a bit at that. But before the fox even is able to react he feels the warm body pressing against him and the hot and somewhat slimy tongue goes over his ears and head lapping up the natural taste of vulpine. "Damn this is good..." The wolf says as he smacks his lips a bit.

"Seem like you found something you really like huh? Don't be shy, eat him if you like him" The bear says and a whimper is to hear from the fox as he hears that words. Mike in the meantime is not sure if he can just eat this fox. He doesn't know him and he is sure that the vulpine didn't have done something to deserve such a treatment. But the canine can not help himself the fox is tasty and his belly rumbles a bit. Mike's cock is rock hard and the hornyness begins to take over his mind as well.

"I am sorry foxy." The wolf says as he turns around the vulpine. His mouth is opening wide and goes over the head of the much smaller fox. Muffles sounds are to hear as the foxes muzzle gets pressed into the canine's throat. The slimy tongue is going over the fox's face matting down the fur with saliva. Mike then makes a gulp and nearly moans around his meal as the strong taste of vulpine is spreading over his taste buds. The head is now entering the tight and rippling throat and the little fox begins to panic and struggle.

But Mike puts his hands to his arms pinning them to the vulpine's side and takes another strong gulp sending the shoulders and chest into the awaiting throat. The canine's cock is rock hard in excitement and is drooling pre as he continues eating down the fox. More and more of the cute little thing is disappearing right into the mouth of the large wolf until he is forced to curl up in his tummy.

Mike lays down on the floor in exhaustion and rubs over his bloated and wriggling belly. The other furs in the room are looking shocked at what they saw. But most of them are not seeing that for the first time. "Oh man... I am... sooo full." The wolf then says and groans a bit. Again he has mixed feelings about that. He has to think at the poor squirming thing in his gut and that he didn't deserved that at all. But then again being so full makes him more satisfied than he ever was before.

Brian moves over to his friend and wraps one of his hands around the wolf's cock to massage over it. "I knew it is on you sweet one. With that lesson over I am sure we are going to make a fine pred out of you. "The brown bear says and keeps rubbing over that shaft listening to the groans and moans from the stuffed wolf. "Oh yes that is it. I know you enjoy that and soon you'll enjoy it even more trust me."

Mike shifts a bit on the floor murring and moaning as his ursine friends is massaging his cock and he doesn't need long and shoots his load right over the stroking paw and his bloated belly. He then feels how Brian lifts him up in his strong arms moving over his body to the couch so the exhausted wolf can get some rest. "You have to rest now." Brian says to his friend as he sits down on his side and keeps rubbing over the gurgling belly.

Day 2

It is already lunch time and Mike is sitting on the couch watching some TV. But he doesn't care about what is running on the screen because he is way too lost in his thoughts. He was thinking what he did yesterday and his paw is rubbing over his still bloated belly. He cannot believe that he lost the control over himself and just ate this innocent fox. But there are other thoughts, like how good he was ... how nice and full he felt and still feels...

Brian walks up behind the wolf and he lays his hands on his friend's shoulders to massage a bit over them. "How are you feeling buddy?" The bear then asks almost grinning.

"Well uhm... I am not sure. But to be honest, I don't feel so bad." The canine replies. A nice murr is to hear from him as his friend keeps massaging over his shoulders. "But you know... I still think that this wasn't right. I feel bad about it." The wolf then admits.

The large ursine creature chuckles as he hears that words. "Oh yes that is how most people think and feel. But trust me I know it is in you and more then soon enough the whole thing is going to be much more easy for you. But today you have to learn the next very important lesson."

Mike blinks a bit as he hears his friend talking and stands up to stretch himself a bit. "Oh yeah? And what is this lesson about this time?" He asks very curious not sure what is still ahead of him. Brian then walks over to the canine and puts his hands on his belly to rub nicely over it.

"You know just eating up some tasty foxes will not make you strong. The only thing it actually does is making you fat. So today we are going in a gym you'll turn that pudge into muscle." The ursine explains in a rather dominant tone. "So make yourself ready to go. I ll go and get some gym shorts for us." He then adds and walks off.

The canine nods and walks off to go up to his room, to pack up some stuff like towels, a fresh shirt and jeans for after the training.

The wolf and the bear are walking into the gym right to the reception. Mike looks around and the first thing he notices is that a lot of stuff here is totally oversized. Another strange thing is that he never heard of this gym before and from the outside the building looked like a normal house. There are no signs signaling that this place here is a gym. A huge looking Ferret is sitting behind the counter. He first looks at the wolf and then back to Brian.

"Hello Brian. How is it going?" He asks but doesn't sound very nice. The ferret then looks back to the wolf and a smile crosses his muzzle. "So and who are you? Fresh meat maybe?" He then asks the visibly confused wolf.

But Brian is jumping in before his friend is able to say something. "No he is my friend. His name is Mike and I want a "Gold Membership" for him." The bear says to the grinning ferret and receives a nod. The muscle packed creature is typing in some stuff in his computer and after a while some kind of membership card is printed out.

"Here you go buddy and don't forget to wear this card around your neck all the time OK?" He says to the canine and hands over the card.

Mike takes the card and puts it around his neck with the help of the attached lash. Brian then puts his arms around the wolf's shoulder and walks with him right into the changing room. In there both of them begin to take off their clothes. "So... what exactly was that? I mean the whole thing with the "Gold Membership" and all that stuff?"

The bear continues taking off his clothes and brings out the very tight looking gym speedos to throw one of them over to his friend. "I am sure you already noticed that this place here is... well a bit of a private gym. It is for people like me... no for people like us. And the golden membership protects you from being eaten." The ursine explains casually.

"Oh ok... I think." The canine answers. He then takes the tight and black speedo and puts it on, shifting around in it. He then locks up the other stuff in his locker and together with Brian he walks out into the training area.

The people seem to be very nice. Everyone is greeting nicely. The only thing that makes the wolf a bit nervous is that everyone here seems to be as huge as Brian and there are a few people with the same kind of bloated gut he has. And he can imagine very well from where those bulges are coming. He always knew about the predation in this city but he never thought that there is actually a quite active community behind that.

Brian leads the wolf over to some green training mats. "Lay down on the mat here and start with some sit-ups for warm-up. After that we are going to lift some weights." The ursine says and lays down himself and begins to make sit-ups.

The wolf smiles a bit and lays down too to do the same. As he does so he looks around a bit at all the different creatures around here. He also spots a good muscled tiger and a rather slim and sexy looking foxy. As Mike looks over the fox's body he has to murr a bit and a light gurgle is to hear from his belly.

Brian has to laugh as he notices that. "Hey man we are here to train our bodies and not for eating. And you better don't even think about touching this foxy. His name is Jaser and he is the mate of the burly tiger over there. I promise you that you'll get a lot of problems in case you are harming his foxy."

The wolf continues doing his sit-ups and nods a bit. "I see. Well I was just wondering. I mean he... you know... doesn't fit in here, with all the strong guys and stuff." The big canine says continuing his training.

"Oh yes I totally know what you mean. And you can believe me that some of the members here used to be shocked about the fact this foxy is going to hang out here more often. But he became some kind of club mascot for us" The ursine says and has to laugh a bit. "But that is enough for a warm up. Come on we are going to lift some weights"

As Mike walks over to the weights he realizes what he just did. He talked about that fox like he was food. He was looking at him and thought that he is tasty. That he wouldn't mind having that little bastard squirming down his throat right into his gurgling tummy. "Man this bear is good. This is just the second day...and I... already feel different" The wolf thinks to himself as he sits down and begins to work out more...

Day 12

Nine days passed and the wolf is making a great progress. His body begins to change and the muscles start to grow all over his body making him look even bigger. The wolf seems to change from day to day and Brian is very proud of his friend. Right now the wolf is sitting at the table in the lunchroom and eats a nice sandwich. As he does so he has to think about what happened so far and how much he already changed.

Yesterday the Bear told him that he can take a day off. He said that the wolf should go to the beach and relax a bit in the sun. Mike thought that this was a brilliant idea and after all that workouts and much more he really could need a day off. So the brown bear gave him a card and showed him some nice places where the wolf could go.

As the canine arrived at the beach he saw why his friend wanted him to go exactly here. It was a nude beach... First the wolf felt a bit nervous about that. But Mike shrugged it off, took off his clothes and walked right into the naked area. A lot of people where looking at his body and he enjoyed the views. He loved how the other furs where admiring his muscled body.

He nearly jumped in happiness as suddenly a totally hot looking mouse talked up to him. It was clearly to see that the mouse was very amazed by the size of the large canine and so after a while of chatting around both of them decided to search for a quiet place to have some "fun" together.

Mike rubs over his belly as he remembers eating the cute mouse. He was good... and this time the wolf didn't even had the slightest regret about eating him. The only thing he can think about is how good he was. And how much stronger his body gets with every meal.

"What are you thinking about buddy?" Someone suddenly says snapping Mike out of his daydream. It was Brian who is entering the lunch room. "Is it that tasty mouse you had yesterday right? You are such a natural you know that?" The ursine says to his friend. He loves how the wolf's body is developing. And it seems that his friend finally stopped feeling bad about prey. "You have to know that you are making a great process. And never forget that you are stronger then most of the people out there. Use that. Be a real predator and soon you'll be very very successful."

Mike nods after his friend finished speaking. "Yes... Yes I know. I have to say I thought the whole thing is stupid... But so far everything goes fine for me. I never thought I could get such a lovely body. I never thought I actually could get that strong. It just feels great."

"Yes that is what most people say. And I am very glad you are doing so well. I hate it when good and natural preds like you are going to waste." The bear then says giving his friend a nudge on his shoulder. "But there is still a long way to go and a lot you have to learn. But seeing how well you are doing I am sure the rest will go as easy." The ursine then says.

Mike finishes his sandwich and stands up. "Well I hope so because to be honest I am really looking forward to work on your side in your company. I am sure that will be a lot better then sitting in my bank office. "The wolf then admits and gives a wink to his friend as he moves into the living room to watch some TV....

Day 23

It is evening and Mike is in the gym lifting some weights. It is the first time the wolf is here without Brian because the bear is very busy right now, dealing with some miner problems. So the canine is sitting alone on his bench and looks into the mirror in front of him. What he sees in the mirror is not the wolf he usually saw in there. A lot of things already changed in the wolf's life since he started that training. Before that the wolf was nothing more then your average well build guy.

There was nothing special about him. No one really noticed him. But that changed. When the wolf is going for a walk the people turn around just to look at the huge creature. Also the people are having a lot more respect in front of him. Being a real pred changed his whole life and Mike cannot deny that he likes those changes.

"Hey there, is this place here free?" A voice suddenly says. Mike looks up to the source and sees a nice looking white german shepherd. He has to blink a bit first because the shepherd's fur color is something you don't see everyday on this species. The fur is completely white all over his body. On the ear tips the color changes a bit in a nice looking blue. The same thing is to see on his nose and the tail tip. The same effect is to see on the paws as well. The white shepherd also only wears a black gym short and that allows Mike to look over the slim body of that dog.

He then snaps back to reality. "Uhm... oh yeah sure thing sit down. " The big wolf says and smiles at the shepherd as he sits down on his side and begins to lift some weights himself. "My name is Mike. Are you new here?"

The white dog look over to his side with a friendly smile on his face "Yes I am new here. My name is Tatsu and i thought some training is not going to hurt me, then a friend told me that this place here is very nice and if you don't take the "Gold Membership" It also is very cheap to work out here." The white german shepherd then explains.

Suddenly a wide grin crosses the huge canine as he hears that his little friend here does not have a "Gold Membership." His tail begins to wag a bit as he changes his arm lifting up the weights with them. "So you are a normal member here huh? That is cool, and yes working out is not hurting. It helps you to stay nice and fit." The big wolf replies.

"That is very true. But it is exhausting as well. I was running over 2 hours on the treadmill and every bone in my body is hurting already. Also I feel like I really could use a nice and relaxing shower." The white dog then says with an almost inviting smile.

"Well if you want we can go and take a shower together when we are done here" Mike then offers to his new found friend. "Oh and I hope you don't mind me asking. But what are you doing for a living?" The huge canine then asks.

"No, no it is ok. I am a writer. You know, doing some novels, writing articles for people and stuff like this, and of course taking a shower, together sounds very lovely." The white dog then says and murrs a bit as he looks over the body of the gray wolf smiling.

"Writing you say huh? That sounds interesting to be honest. So you plan on getting famous with one of your novels sometimes?" The canine then asks.

"I wouldn't mind that of course. Being famous and having a lot of money is something I would not deny. But we will see if I am able to become better and achieve all that." The shepherd then says and has to laugh.

"Oh you look like a promising person I am sure that you'll become something greater very soon" Mike has to grin as he says this and looks over the white dog's body again murring loudly. "So how about we take a shower now. I really could use one too." The larger canine then suggests as he stands up and puts away his weights.

"Yeah sure that sounds lovely" The white canine then says and puts away the weights to walk into the shower area right behind the gray wolf. Mike doesn't take off his gym shorts and it seems that this wolf doesn't have any problems with being naked around others. In the ears of Tatsu it is clearly to see that he is blushing very hard as he looks over the now completely naked form of this wolf

"What is it? There is nothing to be ashamed of right?" Mike says as he notices the other canine staring at him. The white dog then nods shyly and slowly pulls down his gym shorts bending over a bit so the other canine can get a nice glimpse at that nice white rump. After that both of them are going into the shower turning on the water. After a while the water does have the perfect temperature. "Come on let me help you clean a bit" Mike then says a bit surprisingly.

"Uhm what...? I mean... yes sure thing." Tatsu says clearly nervous as the huge wolf comes over and begins to rub his hands over the white dog's back. Slowly his paws are moving down further and further until they are reaching those nice rump cheeks. "What...are you..."

But the white canine is not able to finish his sentence as he has to moan from the squeeze at his rump cheeks. Then suddenly he can feel how Mike is pressing himself against his back the sheath is pressing against him and slowly the large cock is emerging from it.

Tatsu first trys to wriggle a bit but then another moan is to hear from him as the skilled wolf begins to massage and fondle the white dog's fuzzy sheath. It doesn't need long and both canines are completely hard as the hot water continues to run down on them. Mike begins to wedge his large cock between the other canine's butt cheeks so the cock tip is able to poke against his tight hole.

"Wait... I am not sure... if we should..." But the gray wolf completely ignores that the other wants to say something and pushes himself in, moaning out loud as he feels that anal walls are clenching down over his shaft.

"Hmm that is it. I know you love it too, sweet dog" Mike then says as he enters even more. His paw is remaining on the hard cock of the dog. The gray canine then gives another hard thrust and enters the tight hole completely.

A groan is to hear from the white dog as his hole gets stretched wide. "Uhng... no I am... oh my god you are... big..." He then says as he gets pressed against the showers wall. But the big wolf doesn't wait long and begins to withdraw his cock until it is out to the half, only to push it in back with a hard thrust. Mike's hand is continuing to rub over Tatsu's cock using the pre cum to lube it up. Both creatures are caught in bliss and pleasure as they keep mating in the hot showers.

Then suddenly the white and blue canine cums hard over the massaging paw of the wolf. His anal walls begin to clench down over the thrusting cock of Mike adding even more pleasure. The gray canine is not able to hold back anymore and with a loud roar and a final hard push he climaxes, filling the tight rump of Tatsu with his hot and gooey spunk.

"Wow... that was amazing." The dog says as he pants hard in his afterglow. He can feel how the other canine is withdrawing very slowly from his hole. Then the hands of Mike are going over to his arms pinning them to the side. "What... are you..."

But Tatsu didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as his head suddenly gets engulfed by the large maw of the gray wolf. Mike's tongue is licking all over the dog's face making the fur slimy before pushing his head into his throat. A nice bulge is to see from the outside as the white canine goes in deeper. The shoulders are entering the wolf's maw too followed by the chest.

Tatsu begins to struggle and wriggle trying to get out of the throat and the mouth. But the only thing that is happening is that the white dog is going in deeper and deeper with every gulp the wolf is doing.

Mike enjoys the flavour of the dog. He never had a dog before so the taste that is enfolding on his tongue is completely new for him. And that makes the whole thing even more interesting and enjoyable for him.

The white canine's hip and ass is entering the mouth, struggling feet till sticking out. Mike then lifts up his head so gravity can help getting his meal into the belly. The wriggling from his meal gets even stronger as the head of Tatsu enters the wolf's belly. But now things go quick and the rest of his body is following into the tight belly forcing him to curl up.

A loud groan is to hear from Mike as he finishes his meal. The hot water is still running over his body and now bloated gut. His hands are rubbing over the bloated belly as he speaks. "Uhmrr... Didn't I tell you that you soon will become something greater? I am sure that is not exactly what you had in mind but to be honest, I like this outcome." Mike then says only to receive some muffled cries and a wriggle in his gut.

Day 31

"Mike, would you mind coming over to my office?" The large bear calls. Mike is sitting on his desk at his very own huge office. Brian definatly won the bet. The large and gray wolf became a ruthless predator. He knows now that his place is on the top of the food chain and nothing can stop him from getting what he wants anymore. His body is covered in muscles nicely to see under his fur, he even had to buy new oversized clothes because the old clothes didn't fit anymore.

The large wolf walks into the office of Brian and smiles. "What is it?" He then asks as he walks up to the desk. On the desk he sees some papers laying around on it. The large bear takes 3 of them and hands it over to Mike.

"So as I said, if you become a successful pred I'll make you to my official assistant business manager. So if you sign these papers you will be my right hand in this company. If I am not here you are the boss. Should something happen to me you will take over this company." The bear says proudly.

"Wow so you really meant that? I mean I thought... Well that is awesome." Mike says now. He knew he will get a high paid job here but he didn't thought his friend would actually trust him that much. So the large wolf takes his pen and signs the papers.

"That is very good. I am really proud of you buddy. Finally you are a real person. Not like the rest of this walking meat out there." Brian says and both the canine and the ursine have to laugh at that.

Later in the evening, both Brian and Mike are sitting in their couch in the living room. "Well I really have to thank you again for all that." The wolf then says to the ursine.

"Well like I said. I am lucky to see that you are going to have success and that you are going to improve further of course. That is why I gave you that position in my company. "The brown bear then says.

"Oh yes about that position... Well I am sorry that I have to say that but I think I will not keep it." Mike says and it is clearly to see that the bear is very surprised as he hears that. The wolf then suddenly stands up and begins to stretch his body a bit and then turns around to look at Brian.

"What do you mean? I thought you love it? Is something wrong?" The brown ursine looks back up to the wolf and sees that grin not sure what his friend is having in mind. Then suddenly the gray wolf jumps up and tackles the surprised bear to take him into a tight hug.

"Well no it is cool but you told me that I can achieve everything right? And you told me that I have to eat my way up and that this is the only possibility to become really big. Well I am sure you will be proud when I show you how much I really learned."

"What...? Wait no... You cannot do that." Brian says as he finally realizes what the canine is talking about. But of course it is way too late to stop the wolf. Mike just grins very toothily as he opens his mouth widely. Brian is going to be the largest meal he had so far and so that whole thing is not going to be easy. But eating Brian will make his body even stronger and of course, if the ursine is gone he can takeover his company.

The canine glomps down his mouth over his former friend's head and begins to draw him closer to his throat so the rippling and squeezing thing can take a hold of the bear's snout. Mike knows that he has to act quickly because this bear is not weak. So far he doesn't have any problems with holding his arms to the ursine's sides. The whole head enters the wolf's throat, bulging out the neck as Mike keeps gulping down his friend.

So far the wolf only ate weaker preyish persons, but he has to admit that there is something special about gulping down a fellow pred. He cannot say if it is the stronger taste or just the knowing about eating another strong being but it feels great. The bear's shoulders and chest are already down in the throat and his arms are getting pinned to the side by the throat too. Brian trashes around with his legs, trying to stop his friend from eating him. But it seems like he underestimated this wolf. It doesn't matter what the brown ursine tries nothing is of use and his body keeps sinking into the body of his friend.

After good 10 minutes the act of eating is finished and Mike is laying on the couch, one hand stroking over his large belly the other one rubbing over his cock. Muffled cries and whimpers are to hear from the wolf's belly followed by some gurgling noises as the wolf keeps satisfying himself.

Mike then cums hard over his hand and bloated belly and leans back in satisfaction. "Hmm... I know this was not how you where imagine all that. But always remember I just did what you told me big one." The wolf then says and groans again, as he receives some squirms inside of him as an answer." This was the biggest meal the wolf ever had and he knows that he will have to work out a lot to turn his former friend into nice muscles. But he also knows that he will love every second of it.

Mike now is a real pred.


Well that is it. Man I have to say writing this story was not that easy to be honest. I am still not sure if some scenes are rushed too much. Also I was not sure if I should split up that story. But I felt better that way.

So I hope you enjoyed this naughty piece of smut. If you liked or if there are anything you want to say about it, don't be shy and give me some comments and or favs and all that stuff. I appreciate it a lot.


Jack ((Jacko))

The Cat's Demise

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