The Cat's Demise

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello there,

this is a new story from Jacko's world. It is a bit twisted and dark. So if you are a bit squirmish and don't like when it gets violent you maybe should not read that story.

You ll also find some text passages from the song "Clementine" In this story. If you don't know that song you can listen to it here:

Contains: Wolf, Bear, Cat, Kangaroo, m/m, just a bit of cross dressing, violence ((in yiff and not in yiff)), rape, vore, cooking and a silly song.

Auriel Hawser © by NightLord

Sev © by himself

Others © by myself

Enjoy reading.

The Cat's Demise

~ Oh my darling, Oh my darling... Oh my darling Clementine... ~

It is 6 am in the morning and it is still pretty dark outside as a black wolf is walking through the streets. The wolf's name is Jay and right now he is on his way to his office. After a walk of 20 minutes the Wolf arrives at the huge gray building. As he looks up at it, he sees a large sign saying. "Jacko´s Restaurant." Jay is the head of Jacko's "Meat Scout Unit" and actually the wolf is pretty proud of that. It was not that easy for him to gain this position. Actually he worked over 3 years to become the boss of the Unit. And he worked hard for it...

The "Meat Scout Unit" is a group of furs who are responsible for capturing other furs for the restaurant. This may sound easier then it is. The biggest risk in this job is that you capture someone wrong. You cannot snatch up people who might be powerful and/or rich. If someone finds out, you are as good as dead. So before capturing a person you have to do a lot research. How old is the person? What is he doing for a living? And how many connections does he have to other people. All this components are very important. So I am sure you can imagine that this job is a lot of work, because you actually have to catch more then just one fur a day. But luckily the city is very big. And there are a lot of poor people around.

The restaurant is still closed but luckily Jay got his own key. So he opens the door and steps into the quiet building. The canine loves to be in work that early because that gives him the chance to look over a few things and prepare for the day. He opens the door to his office and sits down on his desk to start up the computer. The first thing he has to do is check the mails. The wolf opens his mail client and the first thing he notices is a mail from Jacko marked red. This means it has to be something very important. So Jay clicks on it to open it.

"Hello Jay.

Yesterday I got a call from a very important customer. He wants to have a special meal and I want you to get it. The problem with that job is that he wants a particular person captured and cooked. The furs name is Auriel Hawser but his nickname seems to be Nighty. The customer wants him to be prepared and ready tomorrow afternoon. This is a very important thing for our restaurant that is why I trust you with that. Keep in mind that this should be handled very secretly.



Jay has to blink a bit as he finishes reading over that mail. "Secretly? Why secretly?" The black wolf thinks to himself. "Well let us see who you actually are mister." He then thinks to himself and opens a client to view into a database. The wolf enters the name of the cat and then presses the enter button. It takes a while for the information to load but then finally a picture appears on the screen and some basic information about the victim. The canine has to gasp as he sees who his victim actually was. This cat is the son of James Hawser, a guy who owns a large banking institution.

That was very unusual. But the wolf understands now why this whole thing is so important and secret. One of Jacko´s customers wants the son of a rich guy and that is indeed very risky. If someone finds that out, the restaurant and everyone who has to do something with that would be in great trouble. "Oh man when I am done with that, I definatly need a raise." The canine thinks to himself.

But then he looks again at this picture. It shows his victim standing in front of a University wearing tight designer jeans and a fine looking white shirt. The black cat looks very slender with wide and nice looking hips. The canine licks over his nose as he looks at the pretty face. Under the left eye some kind of white triangle is to see. Also the tip of the tail is white, and that makes him look even cuter. "Oh I will do so much more then just capturing you sweet little thing..."

Jay Continues to look at the information about the cat to find out as much as possible. After an hour of reading and researching the wolf knows everything he needs to know. He knows where the cat lives, when he is at home or what university he is visiting and much more. And it seems like Jay is lucky because tonight the young cat's father and Mother will go out on some fancy event. So the kitty cat will be home alone.

The canine then managed to find some pictures of the villa Auriel lives in and has to gulp a bit. The building is huge and there are some guards to see too. "Hmm security people... That will make things a bit harder." He thinks to himself. But after all the wolf is a very skilled person and a job like this surely is a challenge for him but not impossible to handle.

"Oh sweet little cat... you don't know what is coming at you... "

It is evening and the sun finally stopped illuminating the area. Jay still is sitting in his office thinking over his plan again and again. The room is filled with the sound of the humming wolf. "Oh my darling, Oh my darling... Oh my darling Clementine..." The Wolf keeps singing and humming that phrase as he thinks over his plan again...

The totally black wolf is wearing some kind of black training trousers and a black pullover. He chose these clothes because they are not heavy, very comfortable and of course it will not be easy to spot him outside in the dark. The canine stands up from his seat and turns off his computer to leave his office and the building.

It is much colder at the outside now but the wolf does not care. He likes the night. The darkness always makes him feel... safer. Also there are not many sounds to hear. There is nothing that actually could disturb him. So Jay keeps walking along the street completely clothed in black and a backpack on his back.

Jay is walking more than four hours before he arrives at the building. Of course there would be quicker ways. The wolf could have used his car. And there are buses and underground trains in this city too. But the real problem with that is that there are cameras. At the bus station, in the train stations and even on the streets. The last thing the canine wants is to get recorded by one of them. So he was forced to use a safer and much longer way.

Finally he spots the building but soon gets blocked by a luxury looking metal fence. Of course this is not enough to stop this wolf. With a nifty jump Jay passes this barricade and lands on the other side of the fence without making any noises. If someone would watch that, the person would be able to notice that this canine isn't doing such a thing for the first time.

The wolf looks around the huge garden to see where the best way to go would be. After taking in his environment Jay begins to walk carefully and silently. The building is coming nearer and the canine is able to see the windows. And luckily there is no light to see except at the one window where the young cat's room is supposed to be. Then suddenly the light goes off there too but still the light flickering of different colors is to see. "Seems like he is watching TV or something like that..." Jay thinks to himself as he cowers behind a bush.

Everything has gone good so far until the wolf is spotting one of the security guards. The guard is wearing some black clothes as well. On his back is written "Security" In white letters and under it the symbol of the company he is working for. Jay has to grin a bit as he watches the cute guy. From his behavior it is to see that the husky is new to this business. But the wolf does have a problem now. This guard seems not to move away from here. But this is the only place from where the young cat's room is easy access able.

Jay keeps watching the husky pondering what to do as the other canine suddenly turns around. This is the chance for Jay. He jumps out of the bushes very quickly and runs up to the husky. The security guard himself is noticing nothing until he feels two strong paws on his head. The next thing to notice is the sound of a light snap. And the body of the husky falls down on the ground. Jay just simply broke his neck.

~ Drove she ducklings to the water Ev'ry morning just at nine,

~ Hit her foot against a splinter, ~

~ Fell into the foaming brine. ~

With an almost insane grin on his face the wolf takes the body and drags it over to the bushes. "I am sorry I had to do this but a job is a job right?" The wolf says as he looks at the face of the husky. Jay then kisses the dead canine on his lips and gives him a wink before he stands up to go over to the window letting the body just lay there.

A look through the window shows that the cat is already sleeping in his bed. Jay seems to be lucky today. This will make his work much easier then he thought. The wolf takes his backpack and brings out some kind of glass cutter and places it on the window. A scratching sound is to hear as he makes a circular hole. It is easy for him to reach into the room through the hole and opens the window. After climbing in as silent as possible the wolf looks around the room.

"Man what a brat" Jay thinks to himself as he sees the huge TV with all sorts of consoles connected to it. Everything here seems absolutely oversized for the cat. Silently Jay walks around the room. But after all it seems like the cat is sleeping very well. The canine then moves over to the bed looking over the sleeping cutie in it. Slowly he begins to withdraw the blanket. The cat is wearing some kind of black silken pajamas. He squirms a bit in his bed as the blanked is gone but still is not waking up.

"Oh this is going to be great. I am going to take you home with me. And we are going to have so much fun together until tomorrow comes, then I'll have to deliver you to your final destination." Jay whispers and opens his backpack to get a piece of cloth and a bottle chloroform. He puts some of the liquid on the cloth and then goes over to the side of the sleeping feline. Jay moves his big and strong paw over to the cheek of Auriel.

Of course the cat notices that and his eyes are going open wide in shock as soon as he realises there is someone in his room. "What the..." But before Auriel is able to finish his sentence the wolf is pressing the piece of cloth on his muzzle. The feline suddenly feels dizzy and he trys to struggle but the chemical is showing his effects and he quickly goes back to a much deeper and more unnatural sleep.

~ Oh, my darling, oh, my darling ~ ~ Oh, my darling Clementine ~ ~ You are lost and gone forever ~ ~ Dreadful sorry, Clementine ~

The song is to hear in the whole apartment, sounding like it is played on some kind of old Gramophone. Auriel is laying on a bed still unconscious. But then the feline begins to squirm and groan slowly waking up with a bad headache. "Where... am I..." He says almost whimpering. Groggily he sits up in the bed only to notice his hands are chained to it, not leaving much room to move. Auriel first looks around to see where he is. But then he is looking down over his body. And what he sees is confusing him even more. There is not much light in the room because the only source of light is some candles placed at different spots of the room. But it is clear to see for the feline that he is wearing a deep red silken dress.

A closer look at this fur shows that it looks groomed and washed almost like someone had bathed him or something like this. "What the hell is going on here...?" He asks quietly before remembering that someone was in his room and then... He does not know what happened then...

Suddenly a voice is to hear "Oh you are finally awake my sweet cat" Auriel looks at the corner where the voice comes from. A black wolf steps out of the shadow with an insane grin on his face. "Oh just look how pretty my little girl is" He then says as he walks to the side of the large bed. It is easy to see now that the wolf is not wearing any piece of clothe. He is completely naked.

"Stay away from me you pervert!!" The shocked cat yells at the wolf but is unable to move. The feline begins to look around searching for a way to run. But there is no way the cat could escape. The wolf in the meantime started to crawl on the bed right over the cat pushing the poor and confused thing down. His muzzle lowers and touches the muzzle of the feline so his tongue can lick over his nose.

"N... No stop that..." The cat whimpers and trys to free his hands, breaking free from the bonds but with no use. Jay's hand is moving over Auriel's side touching the smooth surface of the silken dress, dragging his paw along the beautiful and slim body.

"Oh what a cute and good looking thing you are, too bad I have to give you away by tomorrow." Jay then says to the feline and let's himself flop down over the cat pressing his sheath against his body. The huge canine cock is swelling slowly at the sensation.

The words are confusing the cat even more. A lot of questions are running through his head. Where is he? What does this wolf mean with giving him away?" And so much more. " better stop... you don't know who I am..." The cat says. He planned to yell again at the wolf but the words are coming out just like whimpers.

"The problem is that I don't care little one. The only thing you are is a bitch" Jay says growling in lust as he looks over the cat's sleek form murring loudly. His paws are roaming over his sides touching the squirming feline's body. Then suddenly the sound of ripping fabric is to hear as Jay begins to cut off the dress with his claws throwing it away. The bound kitty whimpers loudly at that and looks down to see what the black wolf is doing only to notice that he is wearing red panties and the wolf's muzzle is going down to press his nose into the bulge.

Tears are flowing down over the cheeks of Auriel matting down the fur. "Please... stop that." He says already knowing that pleading will have no use. The only thing the cat doesn't know is that by tomorrow everything will get much worse for him. The canine's wet tongue is lapping over the cat's bulge matting the fabric of the panties with his saliva. Jay's finger are hooking into the waistband of the panties and slowly they are coming down freeing the sheath and balls of the slender cat.

", please stop that. Why are you doing this to me?" Auriel say as he suddenly feels the cold nose of the wolf is pressing down on his sheath and the big slimy tongue begins to lap at his balls. Auriel begins to struggle and whimper more not wanting this at all.

"Would you shut up bitch?" Jay growls and punches the cat right on his nose. A cry is to hear from the feline and some blood is dribbling out of his nose from the hard punch. Auriel is scared to death now. He isn't sure anymore if he will come out alive of the whole thing here. But Jay doesn't gives the cat much time to think as he yanks the feline's legs up in the air over his shoulder. That gives his already swollen sheath a good access to the cat's ass.

Jay is groaning out loud as he presses his crotch against the cat's butt, his slowly hardening cock wedging between his buttocks. Auriel whimpers a bit more as he feels that but trys to remain silent. He doesn't want to get punched again. But it is hard for him to hold back his whimpering. The canine's cock is completely hard and already prodding against the tight hole lubricating it with pre.

Jay then gives a push and groans out as the tip enters the backside stretching the hole wide. A loud whine is to hear from the cat as he pushes in. The wolf doesn't wait long and begins to push his cock in further until it is completely inside the cute thing. He is waiting now a bit so the tight rump can adjust a bit at this size but of course he doesn't waits long. The canine slowly pulls back so the cock comes halfway free only to push in again. The thick shaft rubbing over the prostate of the feline who has to groan cause of that.

Auriel's own cock is growing out of his sheath against his will. He cannot help it. As much as he trys to fight it, it just swells more until it is completely erected. "Oh look who is enjoying himself. Didn't I told you that you are nothing more than a bitch? Or do you need more proof?" The sadistic wolf says to his victim as he continues pounding that tight hole.

The feline wants to say something but in the very moment he opens his mouth nothing more then a moan escapes his lips as the thrusts of the wolf are increasing. "Oh god... you are tight bitch..." Jay says and then one of his hands are wrapping around Auriel's cock to massage it nicely. The anal walls are starting to clench down over the canines cock as he does so and that is exactly he was intending.

Despite of his situation the feline is not able to hold back very long. As much as he wants to fight against it, it just doesn't work and so Auriel is groaning loudly and cums right over his belly and chest. The spooge actually is looking very cute on the cat's black fur.

Jay cannot hold back himself and gives a very hard thrust moaning and murring out loudly as he cums into Auriel's ass, filling him up nicely. Slowly the canine is withdrawing the cock from the tight hole and walks over to look into the frightened face of the feline.

"Hmmm..., I love you little cat. I love how you look, how you whimper and how you squirm when you get fucked" Jay says to Auriel and then slaps his still half erect cock right into his face using the fur there to clean his cock. After that he looks in the teary eyes of the cat and says: "Enjoy your last hours bitch. Tomorrow we will make something useful out of your useless body." And with that the canine leaves the room letting a sobbing and crying cat bound to a bed behind him...

~ Ruby lips above the water ~ ~ Blowing bubbles soft and fine ~ ~ But, alas, I was no swimmer ~ ~ So I lost my Clementine ~

On the next morning Auriel wakes up still shocked and frightened. He hopes all that was just a bad dream nothing of that happened. But as he looks around he has to notice that he is in a different room again. But still not his own room. His legs and arms are tied so he is completely unable to move. "HELP anyone please help me" He crys out hoping someone can hear him.

But nothing is happening. No one comes to save the cat. So Auriel is shifting around a bit trying the free himself. And then he notices something very strange. His fur... it is gone. The feline is completely bald. "What the hell is going on here..." Auriel thinks to himself, still having no clue what is happening here. Then suddenly the door to the room opens and a large bear steps in. He is wearing a white apron black jeans and one of these silly chef hats on his head.

As Auriel sees that a cold shiver runs down his spine. Finally he knows why he got captured. He is not naïve, he knows that stuff like this is happening. Heck he even once was in such a restaurant with his dad. But he never thought such a thing could happen to him. But the reality is sinking in slowly now.

"Ok little one. Let us get to work we don't want to let the customer wait too long right?" The ursine says in a deep tone as he grabs the little cat by the scruff to drag him out into the kitchen. Of course the feline is struggling a lot but there is no way he can escape out of the grasp from such a huge bear.

The chef puts down Auriel on a large metal table positioning him on all fours. "Please don't do that... I have a lot of money I pay you what ever your want if you let me free." The cat whines but the bear seems to completely ignore him. The ursine takes some more cooking twine and begins to tie up the cat even tighter so he is not able to move an inch. His butt high in the air.

"Don't try to argue with him. He is doing this for the art of cooking and not just because of the money. That is the reason why he is the best cook in here." A familiar voice says and a black wolf comes into vision. A black wolf the cat already knows and fears by now.

"You really seem to like this piece of meat don't you? I never saw you watching them getting processed before." The bear says to Jay as he brings up a bottle of oil, herbs, a bowl full of cutted veggies and some butter. He then pours some oil on his paw and begins to massage it into the cat's skin.

"Well yes he was an interesting catch I have to say. I really don't know why but I think he is kind of cute. I would keep him if I could" Jay say and watches the bear rubbing over the feline's body making him glisten in the light of the kitchen.

"You guys... are crazy.. you are insane... how can you do such an evil thing." Auriel then yells as tears are forming up in his eyes again. As always the bear doesn't care what the meat says and continues to massage in the oil.

"So you think it is unfair little cat? So you really want to tell me a rich family like yours never ate a fur. You really want to tell me you are not hiring poor people to work as servants in your house for as good as no payment?" The canine says to the cat. And Auriel knows that this wolf is telling the truth...

"No.. I mean... yes we did but still... I don't want this" The feline whimpers and trys to struggle again but every time he does that the cooking twine is cutting into his skin even more. The bear in the meantime finished oiling up the cat's body and starts to rub the spices into the nicely oiled skin.

"Oh man I think he just doesn't get it. He still thinks we are unfair. But if you asks me then we are more then fair by cooking up a spoiled brat like you." Jay says and walks over to one of the huge counters only to bring up a nice red apple. "I think it is time for you to shut up." He then says and pushes the large apple right into the mouth of Auriel. The feline trys to fight it but Jay just forces the big thing into his mouth until a crack is to hear. The maw of the cat dislodged and so he is unable to move his jaws and unable to talk.

The brown bear seems to like that since he never could stand the pleadings of prey he cooks. The ursine starts to mix the veggies with the butter making a nice mass out of it. After he finishes that he walks over to the cat's backside and begins to press one finger into his hole. The chef doesn't wait long and adds a second one to stretch the hole a bit more before adding a third one. A muffled cry is to hear from Auriel as he feels his anal ring gets stretched painfully wide.

The bear keeps up the stretching until his whole fist is fitting in there. He then takes a handful of the stuffing and pushes it into the cat's backside. Jay is watching very closely as the bear continues with his work. It doesn't need long and it is to see how the belly of the feline begins to bulge out from the vegetable-butter mix.

"Oh man you are a real master you know that?" The canine says and licks over his lips as he watches how this wriggling and squirming cat gets stuffed nicely. Soon the bowl is empty, every bit of the stuffing gone. Jay of course wants to be a bit helpful too and so he moves over to the counter again bringing up one of the huge pans.

"Is that the correct one?" The wolf asks and receives a nod from the chef. The wriggling cat gets placed right into the pan and some more oil gets added. After that the bear lifts up the pan and brings it over to the oven. He opens the door and Auriel already can feel the immense heat is washing over his body. He still cannot believe all that is happening to him. But there is no time for thinking as the pan gets shoved in and the door closed.

Jay is now able to see the rump through the oven door. He takes himself a seat and sits in front of it so he can watch the process. Auriel has to close his eyes because of the heat. He can feel how his body is heatening up quickly. His mind running wild trying to find out a way here. But there is no way out. His skin is turning an angry red and the sound of sizzling oil is hearable.

The wolf seems to have the time of his live. Murrs are to hear from him as he watches this and the bear is not able to hold back a chuckle at that. The feline inside the oven notices that he is feeling dizzy and very tired. His skin getting darker and more crispy as his body fat is melting adding the natural flavor of feline to the meat.

It doesn't take long for the struggles to stop now, cause of the immense heat. Auriel finally is nothing more than a piece of meat.

~ In my dreams she still doth haunt me ~ ~ Robed in garments soaked in brine ~ ~ Though in life I used to hug her ~ ~ Now she's dead, I draw the line ~


Three hours passed by and the former cat is cooked into perfection. His skin golden brown and the body hot and steaming. The bear takes out the pan and looks over his work. He seems to be satisfied with himself and his work as he places the hot feline on a white plate garnished with some salad.

Jay is watching the whole process and his mouth is watering at the sight. He wishes he could have a piece of that cat almost obsessed with the thought of the taste. But he knows there is no way he can taste the sweet thing.

"Dont even think about touching that meal." The chef says to Jay as he notices his looks. The canine nods to the chef almost looking pleading. The bear though walks over to some red button and presses down on it. A ringing is to hear at the outside of the kitchen and one minute later the door opens.

One of the waiters, a nice and meaty looking roo steps inside the kitchen sniffing the air. "Hmm looks like a customer is going to be very happy" He says cheerfully as he walks up to the plate. Jay has to look over the body of that nice looking kangaroo. After all you doesn't see them that often around here. As all waiters he does have to wear a red thong and the bulge in it seems impressing so the canine just has to lick over his lips at that sight.

"I am sure of that. A very nicely oven roasted cat for table 5 would you mind bringing him over?" The bear says to the roo. The waiter nods eagerly at that and walks off to get his cart. He puts the steaming meal on it and with a wave to the wolf and bear he walks out of the kitchen. While he is walking out he is waving that juicy and plumb roo ass at both of them.

"Holy shit who was that tasty looking thing?" Jay then asks as the kitchen door closes. "The chef laughs at the black wolf as he answers: "That is a new waiter here. I think his name is Sev or something like this."

"Sev you say huh? Well seems like I have to take a closer look at him later..." The wolfs says and his insane grin is returning.

The bear is only able to shake his head. He is sure the wolf almost forgot a bout that cat...


~ How I missed her, how I missed her ~ ~ How I missed my Clementine ~ ~Till I kissed her little sister ~ ~ And forgot my Clementine ~




Well that is it. I hope you enjoyed that little story. I have to say that I kind of like Jay so it is very likely the perverted wolf will return again.

So yeah, as always I am glad a bout feedback like comments and stuff. So if you think the story is worth a comment or fav feel free to do so.


Jack ((Jacko))

PS: I made a cooking group for us pervs here so if you are interrested just join in *smiles wide*

Cooking Madness

My Son's Mate

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