My Son's Mate

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello and welcome to my new story.

This story is a bit silly but hopefully you have fun reading over it.

Contains: Tiger, Fox, Bunny, Softvore, m/m, Yiff,

English is not my native language. So please excuse some errors.

My Son's Mate

6 months ago...

Loud and booming music is all the fox can hear in the moment he enters the club. It takes some time for the fox's ears to adjust to the loud music. But after five minutes it doesn't hurt that much anymore. The fox is a bit nervous, after all this is the first time he is visiting a club of this nature. He turned 18 last month and is very happy that he finally is able to do what he wants. The fox's name is Jaser Lunger and it is clearly to see for everyone that he is acting nervous. But who wouldn't be nervous. This is not the first club he is visiting in his life. No but it is his first "Vore Club."

Friends told him about this place. They told him how much fun you can have here and what kind of stuff goes on. And all of that sounded so hot and interesting. And after all he is one of the few of his friends who never ate a living prey before. People start calling him a vegetarian and stupid stuff like that. So he has to go further in there and catch himself something.

Jaser enters the dancing area and what he sees is breathtaking. A lot of furs are already dancing in the middle of the room. Many spotlights are flickering around illuminating the room with different colors. The fox looks over to the bar and sees some furs enjoying drinks and chatting with each other. The next thing he notices is that some of the furs seem not to care wearing any clothes. Some of the people here are running around in panties and thongs, some of them even completely naked.

"Ok, first I need a drink" Jaser thinks to himself and slowly walks over to the bar to get greeted by a huge bear. "Hello there, cute foxy. What can I do for you?" The bear asks with a smile. Jaser first stares at that huge creature in front of him. The bear is very masculine but does have a large gut. "Uhm... One Swimming Pool Please." Jaser says a bit shy. The bear nods at him and walks off. Two minutes later he comes back with the blue cocktail in his hand and puts it in front of the fox. "Here we go cutie." He says elegantly and walks off to the next customer.

Jaser looks around not sure what to do. He could just talk to someone who looks cute. As he looks over the area he notices a lot of cute creatures. Three mice are standing around a table talking about stuff. Another smaller looking foxy is dancing on the floor. From the look in his face it is to tell that he is having the time of his live. But every time Jaser sees someone he could talk to, his shyness takes over. Then suddenly the fox feels a bump on his right side. He turns over to see a large Tiger grinning down at him. "Oh sorry I didn't saw you little fox" The tiger says.

"Oh, no problem ... sir." Jaser answers back as he looks over the tiger. The feline is big indeed and well muscled. That is clear to see because he doesn't wear something on the top of his body. On his legs he wears some kind of leather pants. The tiger blinks a bit as he hears the foxy calling him sir. "Hey hey no need to be so formal, I am not that old." He says laughing a bit. "Oh and by the way my name is Marcus." The feline then adds. "Yes of course, I am sorry I am just a bit nervous. My name is Jaser." The fox answers. Marcus sits down on one of the bar seats and takes a sip from his beer. "Nervous you say? So I guess it is your first time at a Vore Club right?"

Jaser has to nod at the tiger as he hears what he says. "Yes my friends told me about it. And well I just thought I come here and try... to ... you know, catch myself something tasty." The fox says looking down on the floor. At the inside of his ears it is easily to see that he is blushing hard.

"So you want to become a real pred?" The tiger asks and receives another nod from the cute fox as an answer. "Then I think it is your lucky day foxy. Do you see the bunny twins over there?" The feline points out to two gorgeous looking bunnies staying at a table. Both Bunnies are white; one of them has a glass of white wine in his hand the other one a glass of red wine. The two lapins are wearing nothing but some tight black panties showing off there nicely looking butts. "Yes they are looking really cute. But what is with them?" Jaser asks Marcus.

"Well these two bunnies are friends of mine. They came here with me. And well I would not mind sharing them with a lovely foxy like you" The tiger says very charming and smiles at the fox. "You mean... you... uhm we are going to... you know... eat them?" Jaser asks now getting even more nervous at such an offer. "Oh yes, well only if you want of course." Marcus answers and chuckles a bit at the shy foxy. "Of course I want!" The vulpine blurts out surprisingly.

"Ok little foxy then let us move over to them. But don't tell them what we are planning. They still think I brought them over for a bit of fun" Marcus says and stands up after the fox gave him a nod. The fox and the tiger are moving over to the bunnies table and both of them have to grin as they spot the cute looking foxy. "This is Jaser. I met him at the bar and he seems like a very nice foxy." The tiger says introducing the fox to his bunny friends. "This here is Malik" He says pointing at the bunny with the white wine in his hands. "And this is Malte" He says pointing to the other bunny.

Jaser has to blink a few times as he looks at the identical twins. "Uhm... how the hell can you tell who is who?" The fox asks chuckling a bit. "That is because of our drinks silly" Malik says and walks over to the fox to greet him. His brother is following him to do the same. Marcus then takes out some kind of keys from his pocket and shows them to everyone letting them dangle a bit. "So I booked a nice private room here. How about we go into there to get a bit... closer?" The tiger says grinning wide to the bunnies and the fox.

Jaser nods eagerly at the Tiger and then notices that Malik goes to his right taking his hand. Malte goes over to the huge feline taking him by his hand as well. The whole group is now moving over to the area where the private rooms are. Marcus uses his keys to open a door and holds it open for the other three furs. Jaser and Malik are entering the room first and the fox is looking over the room in awe. The light is very dim but still good enough to see all the details. The room's walls are painted in deep red and in the middle of it is placed an oversized bed. Some counters are staying around, probably with fun stuff in them. The tiger and the bunny on his side are not wasting time. Marcus closes the door so no one can interrupt them and then both are moving to the bed.

The tiger sits down on the bed and Malte crawls over to unbuckle his belt. Jaser just watches in awe before Malte gives him a tug drawing him over to the other side of the bed. "Don't be so shy you sexy fox" The bunny says grinning cutely. A murr is to hear from Jaser as he quickly moves over to the bed too. His net shirt is taken off quickly and his bunny is already working at his trouser letting it fall down. Malik can see now that the fox is wearing a red thong and the bulge in it is already grown big. He hooks his fingers into the waistband and draws down the thong slowly.

Jaser has to blush hardly, after all he is in a room with three complete strangers and his erection is standing up high in the air. But a look over to the other two furs shows him that there is absolutely no reason to be ashamed. The feline and the other bunny are already completely naked cuddling with each other. Jaser relaxes a bit but then a moan escapes his lips as he feels how the bunny grabs his cock and begins to massage over it. He has to look down at the smaller bunny only to receive a wide grin from him. A drop of pre is forming on the tip of the foxes cock and the eager bunny quickly laps it off. The soft tongue feels like heaven for Jaser as he leans back.

Malik moves one of his skilled paws over to the fox's fuzzy balls and begins to massage them as well as his muzzle lowers over the foxes cock taking in the whole length. Another moan escapes the fox's muzzle as he feels the moist and warm maw of the bunny is enveloping his cock and the soft paw on his balls. Jaser enjoys that a lot. He never thought something like this can happen so easily. His friends where totally correct when they said places like this are a lot of fun.

A groan snaps the fox back into reality. As he looks to his side the fox can see that Malte moved on all fours and the huge tiger is licking over his rump cheek slowly working towards the crack, burring his muzzle between them. His raspy tongue is licking eagerly over that tight bunny hole. Jaser then looks down to the bunny that is sucking nicely on his cock and grins wide as his hand moves down to his cheek. He draws the bunny's head back a bit and says: "So...uhm.. how about we start the real fun.." Malik nods knowing exactly what this fox means. He stands up in the bed and slowly begins to take off these tight looking panties showing off his own hard cock.

The fox draws the bunny into his lap so both are looking in each others eyes while the slick vulpine cock is wedging between Malik´s cheeks. The tip of the foxes cock is now prodding against the bunny's hole. Jaser groans out loudly as he feels his vulpine shaft pressing into the tight and clenching hole. The fox then makes a hard thrust and receives a light whimper from the bunny as Malik's hole gets stretched wide. But this cute whimper quickly is followed by a moan as the bunny lifts himself up bit only to let himself fall down again, riding the foxy.

Pre is spurting out of Malik's shaft as the prostate of the bunny gets massaged nicely. The air is filling with the scent of sex as Marcus and Malte are starting to mate as well. The bunny is still on all fours and the tiger begins to take him from behind purring loudly. But the fox does not care what the tiger does. He is way too caught in his own act of mating with that lovely and cute bunny. The scent is driving the foxy wild and he begins to thrust his hips in the rhythm of the riding bunny. The tight anal walls are clenching down over foxes shaft and Jaser leans forward with his head so his muzzle meets with the muzzle of Malik's. The fox's broad tongue rubs over the lips of the bunny, slowly spreading them to enter the mouth.

But finally the lust takes over the foxes mind completely and to Malik's surprise his mouth is opening wide and goes down over the bunny's head. Everything goes quick now, and before the shocked bunny is able to react he feels the hands of the fox grabbing his arms and pinning them to his side. Jaser makes a gulping motion and the head of the bunny enters his throat. His tongue is licking over Malik's face matting down his fur. The mild but rich taste of bunny is filling the fox's mouth now. His cock is still throbbing inside his rump. He then makes another gulp drawing the bunny in further and in this very moment the fox cannot hold back anymore. Jaser comes hard into Malik's hole filling his backside before the cock comes free and some cum dribbling out down the bunny's leg.

The lapine begins to struggle but the grip of the fox is too tight so he is not really able to move. Malik can feel the rippling of the throat is drawing his body in further. He cannot understand why his tiger friend is not helping him... Jaser now lost in lust and hunger licks over the bunny's belly as it enters his mouth. The room is filled with the sound of gulping and murring. The bunny notices now how he gets lifted up high into the air sinking in quicker and quicker.

Jaser gives the bunny's feet a few licks before he sets in for the final gulp sending him down to his belly completely, forcing Malik to curl up into his belly. The fox lets himself fall down on his back groaning loud as his meal begins to struggle hard in his belly. Then suddenly he feels two big feline paws on his belly gently rubbing over the bulge. "Seems like you made it. I almost thought you couldn't do it" The tiger says playfully. Jaser looks up to see the tigers belly is bloated as well and the bulge in his gut is struggling too. "Wow... I just... don't know how to thank you." Jaser then says still tired from his meal.

"Oh you don't have to silly foxy. I would do everything for a cute thing like you" Marcus says and then places his muzzle on the foxes lips and begins to kiss him taking him into a deep kiss and hug...


Now ...

"DAD!!! Could you please put on some clothes!! He ll be here any minute." Jaser says to his father who usually runs around naked at home. Normally this isn't a problem for the younger fox. He loves to walk around naked in the house too. But his mate will come for a visit and it is the first time the tiger visits his home. And it will be the first time he will meet his father. Jaser and Marcus are a couple for 6 months. And so far the fox was successfully avoiding that his mate comes over to his home, until now.

"Don't get an panic attack son" Jaser's father says as comes out of the living room. "I ll go up and get on some clothes" He then says and walks up the stairs. Jaser shakes his head and chuckles a bit. Sometimes he is not sure if he lives together with his father or a younger brother. But then suddenly the doorbell rings. The fox walks over to the door and opens it to spot the love of his live. "Oh please come in...." The vulpine says nervously. The huge tiger grins wide as he steps in and looks around the house. "Oh wow. It looks pretty nice here. I really wonder why you waited so long to invite me." Marcus then says as he walks into the living room. The fox is following him his tail still waving around nervously.

"So I thought your dad will be here too today?" He then asks turning around giving his foxy a kiss on his cheek. "Oh, uhm... he is upstairs changing his clothes." Jaser says and in this very moment his dad comes down the stairs wearing some super tight trouser and a causal shirt. "You have to be Marcus right?" He says in a friendly tone and shakes the huge tigers paws.

"Yes that is correct so you have to be Larry , the father of my sweet foxy here. And by the way he never told me that his father looks so...well... good." Marcus says with a charming smile. And the tiger was right. The fox looks damn well for his age. If you don't know Larry you could think he is not older than 25. His fur is well groomed and the foxy is working out to keep himself lean and fit. "Thank you big one. Well I wish I could say something like "My son didn't told me how hot is mate looks" but that would be a lie. In fact he told me a lot about you and how awesome you look." The older foxy says. "Could you two stop with that please?" Jaser says blushing hard from embarrassment. But his father and the tiger seem to have a lot of fun.

"So how about you two are sitting down and I ll get us some cold beer?" The younger fox then suggests. As he receives eager nods from his father and Marcus he turns around to walk into the kitchen. It doesn't take long for the fox to return but with empty hands. "Ok guys, seems like we forgot to buy beer." Jaser says. "No beer? That is bad man." Marcus says to his foxy. "Hmm, did we really forgot to buy beer?" The foxes father says thinking a bit but then walks over to a counter to get some money. "Would you mind taking the car to get some?" He then says to his son handing over the money.

Jaser has to sigh a bit. "Oh man, dad you are driving me crazy you know that? Ok I ll get some beer. I ll be back in 30 minutes..." He says growling a bit as he takes the keys for the car and leaves the room. "I am really sorry for that. But please take a seat on the couch." Larry offers. Marcus sits down on the comfy couch and watches how Larry goes over to another counter. The tiger wonders what the fox is searching as he sees him bending over. But then again he cannot complain about the view.

"Ah there it is" The fox says with a smile and walks over to the feline with a DVD in his hand. "So the one thing my son didn't told me is what kind of work you do." Larry says and throws the DVD over to Marcus. The huge feline catches it and looks over the cover. And he has to laugh as he sees himself posing naked with two cute mouse boys. The title of the porn flick is "Tigers and their prey".

"Oh man... that was about 2 years ago..." The tiger says almost blushing. But he has to purr a bit as he remembers making this Porn flick. Doing this one was pretty fun. It was one of this rare flicks where the preys actually knew what is going to happen to them. And the two mice seemed to be very eager to fill his belly. Marcus never understood such people but then again of course he does not complain.

"Well I have to say I was a bit surprised as I noticed that the mate of my son is a famous porn star. Does he know it?" Larry asks now as he sits down on the couch as well, right to the side of the big feline. Marcus has to chuckle a bit as he answers. "Yes he knows it. I think after the first week he already asked me what I am doing for a living. And really didn't wanted to lie to him." As the tiger says this he is not able to look away from the foxes body on his side. He has to admit that his foxy looks pretty good...

Images of the foxy bend over getting fucked by the tiger running through the mind of Marcus. The bulge in his jeans grows a bit as he thinks of that. Then suddenly the tiger can feel a soft and warm hand is grabbing at his bulge and a he begins to purr as he looks over to his mates father. "Oh seems like someone is getting excited here." The older fox says with a seducing grin on his face.

The feline is a bit surprised now after all the father of his love his flirting with him. And it looks like that he wanted more. At first Marcus was not sure how to react but that foxy keeps rubbing over that bulge letting the cock grow inside that jeans. It doesn't take long for Marcus to turn off his brain and let the lust take over of his mind. "Oh come here you..." He then says and pounce the fox. The claws are retracting from his paws and with a skilled move he rips off that shirt from the foxes body.

Larry blinks a bit surprised now as he sees how that shirt comes off that easily. But the the tiger is not done now. He quickly moves over to open that tight jeans and draws them down the long and slender legs of the fox. Marcus is able to notice that the fox is not wearing any underwear and is sporting an erection already. "Well at least I know now from where Jaser got his eagerness..." The big feline says and moves one of his paws over to the foxes cock squeezing it a bit.

Larry wants to say something but the only thing that comes out of the foxes muzzle is a moan. "Hmm oh yes the foxy likes that huh?" The big feline says with a playful growl in his voice as his other paw moves to the foxes balls squeezing them nicely. A glob of pre is forming on the vulpine cock. Marcus tongue goes over his lips and his muzzle lowers to give that tip a nice and long lick taking off the pre. "Come on foxy get on all fours and lift that tail for the tiger." The feline says and grins toothily.

"Hmm strong and dominant huh? That was exactly how I was imagining you." Larry answers but slowly stands up only to get down on his knees his tail waving teasingly at the face of Marcus. But the tiger doesn't wait long and the sound of his own trousers falling down is to hear. Then his hand moves to the waving fox tail and he tucks it back so the tiger does have full view on this hot and curvy ass. "Hmm not bad..."

Larry is not sure what the tiger behind him is planning but in the very moment he trys to look back over his shoulder. He feels the hot breath of the tiger washes over his rump followed by a raspy tongue. "Oh god..." The vulpine moans out as he feel the tongue exploring his butt cheek slowly working its way into the crack giving that tight pucker a lick. Marcus presses his muzzle between the cheeks and begins to lick eagerly over that hole slickening it up nicely.

The tiger groans out at the taste that is enfolding in his mouth. It is the taste of a fine and good vulpine. The raspy tongue continues to travel around this nice and curvy cheeks up and down matting down the fur with the drool of the salivating tiger.

Larry is moaning in pleasure and his cock drooling pre on the couch. The tigers cock is completely hard too and so he stops rimming the fox. But there is no break for the vulpine as the big paws of the cat are going over to his hips. He then can feel the huge and barbed cock of Marcus is wedging between his cheeks prodding teasingly at the foxes back entrance. "God you know how you can make fox whimper don't you..." Larry says murring deeply. "Well practice my dear... It is all practice..." The big feline answers and then thrust hard into the fox, his cock fully entering his hole. Another spurt of pre lands on the couch as the thick feline cock is pushing against Larry's Prostate.

The room quickly gets filled with the noises of two furs moaning and with the scent of mating as the tiger and the fox are having their time. The thrusts of Marcus are getting harder and harder as the lust rises in his body. Larry himself looks already very exhausted and his breaths are heavy as the feline continues to pound him from behind. The fox then suddenly can feel a large paw is wrapping around his cock and it begins to massage the shaft nicely.

That is too much for Larry. The climax is rising and his body is shaking as he comes hardly into the massaging paw of Marcus. That causes the foxes anal walls to clench down over the felines shaft. Marcus thrusts into the tight hole once again and then cums hard filling the foxes backside with the thick feline spunk. The tiger slowly withdraws his cock now and gives Larry a nice slap on his ass letting him flop down on the couch. Marcus notices how weak the fox is and has to grin as his belly rumbles a bit.

The huge feline moves back to where the weakened foxes legs are laying and begins to lick over this nice toes and soles, slowly beginning to take the feet into his mouth. A groan is to hear from the vulpine as he feels the warm mouth envelops his feet but the fox doesn't knows what is going on. And in his state of bliss he doesn't cares that much right now. Marcus begins to push in the feet so his throat can get a grip on them. Then the gulping begins. The tiger knows that he has to hurry now, cause eating someone feet first can be risky until the hands and arms are pinned to the side. After that it will be an easy going.

So Marcus keeps to gulp drawing in the foxes body further and further. A few whimpers and groans are to hear from the tired fox. Then the reality hits him. He just had sex with a Tiger he knows from vore porn flicks. His strength returns from the adrenalin as he panics. The fox finally is realizing what is going on here. But it is already too late. The felines maw is already to his belly and he can feel his eager raspy tongue is licking over his belly tasting every part of him.

Larry trys to move his feet or arms but both are already stuck tight into the felines throat. "No stop... Hey please no..." The fox says looking back over his shoulder only to notice the mouth goes up his body further and further. The felines wide stretched maw is working up Larry's chest and then goes over his shoulder. Only the foxes head sticks out of his mighty jaws. He can hear the vulpine whimpering and feels how he trys to wriggle in his throat and has to chuckle very amused around his meal and then makes his final gulp sending in the head of Larry as well. The tigers maw is closing and everything goes black for the vulpine. He is nothing more then a bulge traveling down a large tigers throat now.

After Larry is completely curled up in the gut Marcus lays back on the couch. His paws are rubbing over his now swollen gut and a loud purr fills the room. The tiger soon notices that he is getting tired from his large meal. So he closes his eyes and sleeps off to the sounds of muffled cry's and a gurgling tummy.

Four hours later the tiger gets waked up by a noise. The noise comes from the kitchen and it seems like Jaser is making himself something to eat in there. Marcus has to groan a bit as he slowly wakes up and in the same moment his mate enters the living room. Marcus looks up at the fox and is not sure what he should say. So Jaser begins to speak. "Sorry I didn't wanted to wake you up. You looked so peaceful." The feline is not sure what he should think about that. Inst he mad? Or is he just naive? "Uhm... I.."

But the fox does not give his love the time to finish his sentence. "Yeah it seems like you ate my father. Don t get me wrong now. I really liked him. But it was kind of time for him to well... move out here. The house now officially belongs to me and I want you to move in next month. Oh and before you say something now... Eating my dad is one thing but fucking him the other..." He says and points to the tigers groin area. It is clearly too see there was some action. "Tonight you ll sleep on the couch" The fox simply says and walks off letting the totally stunned tiger behind. Marcus blinks a few times as he watches his mate walking off into the direction of the bedroom.

"Oh man... I ll never understand foxes...."


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and as always I am happy about comments and all that stuff that makes an ((porn smut)) author happy. o.o


Jack ((Jacko))

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