Buff Meat

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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This is a story I have done for Charn. https://inkbunny.net/Charn

Story Contains: Fox, Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bunny, beheading, snuff, vore, cooking, drugs and castration.

Charn © by Charn

Zackery © by ZackeryFox

Tai'ra © by TheLastGasp

Jack © by JhJ

Sev © by Sev


Buff Meat

It is a beautiful day today. The sun is high in the air and shining down on all the large buildings of the city. Right now it is lunch time and so a lot of furs are out on the streets to get themselves something nice to eat. One of the furs walking on the streets is a large bull. The name of the bovine creature is Tobias and right now he is on his way to his favorite place, the gym. As he walks down the street it is no wonder that a lot of other furs are turning around to get a second look at Tobias. He is a body builder for over 5 years and that definatly shows. The bovine cannot deny that he enjoys these looks. He loves the attention and that is the reason he always wears tight and white shirts on the top and short shorts on his legs. This way his body is showing off very effectively to people, not to mention the bulge that forms int such tight shorts...

After 10 minutes and much more looks from random people Tobias reaches his goal. The gym he is visiting is rather new, but so far he really enjoys it. He is working out over 2 months in this new gym and the outcome is really amazing. The community is very nice too and not to mention the owner. His name is Charn, a burly Tiger and there is not too much to say about him but the people in the gym like him a lot. He always seems so caring and always offers free protein shakes. And that is something the people really appreciate.

Tobias walks into the gym right to the changing rooms. He takes off every piece of clothes, not really caring that there could someone enter the room at any time. The people in this gym are very open in general so there is no reason to hide something like sexuality or other stuff like this. But of course the Bovine doesn't want to waste too much time and so he takes his tight gym shorts and puts them on. His large bovine cock and low hanging balls barely fitting in them...

As Tobias walks into the training area he gets greeted nicely from a fox and a Lion. "Hey guys. How is it going?" The bull asks nicely as he sits down and begins to make some warm up training like stretching his well muscled body.

The fox smiles a bit at the bovine as he watches him doing his warm ups. "Oh not that bad to be honest, but man you have to tell us your secret. All of us are working out for 2 months here but your body seems to have the best development. Especially your back and legs seem to go very fine. Not to mention the thing between your legs" The fox says and laughs a bit.

The golden furred Lion has to laugh too at this comment. "Hey but what the fox says there is not so stupid. Your muscles are developing very fine. If you keep that up you'll end on the plate of some preds who are hungry for beef man." The lion says jokingly to his friend.

Tobias takes one of the weights and begins to lift them as he hears his friends making dump jokes. "You people know exactly that these times are over. Furs are not eating each other anymore. Why should we anyway? There is a lot to eat around and with today's technology we also have a lot of very good synthetic stuff to eat. The whole "watch out or a pred is going to get and eat you story" is only used by desperate parents to scare there kids a bit. If you two would work out more instead of talking so much shit you would have the same development in muscles as me." The bull then says to his friends and chuckles a bit.

"Yeah man calm down we are just joking" The vulpine says and after that they are going to their own training machines to work on there already well muscled bodies as well.

The three of them are working out now, pumping some weights or using other machines and it doesn't take long and some more people with a good body built are joining them. A nicely looking and also muscle covered bunny, a wolf and large ferret. Some chit chat is to hear as well as the furs keep up the work out.

After a while a wide smiling Tiger enters the training area. "Heya guys, I hope everything is ok." He says and looks over all the fine specimen in his gym. On the right paw the tiger balances a tablet and on it too see are some kind of milk shakes. "So anyone wants a nice protein mix?" He then says and watches the furs putting down what they where using and walking over to the tiger. Everyone takes one of the glasses and begins to drink.

"Hmm... Strawberry flavoured. That is very nice." The vulpine says and takes another sip from his glass. "Thank you a lot" Comes from the ferret.

Charn gives them a wink and nods. "No problem at all. You are my customers here in this gym and so I am happy when you are." He then says with a toothy grin. "But sadly I will not be able to stay with you guys here today. I have some business stuff going on. And I really have to take care of that." He then adds after taking away the empty glasses.

"Aww too bad man but I am sure you have a lot of stuff to do. I mean after all you are running this place here. So don't stress yourself too much just because of us." Tobias then says friendly as he moves back to his place. The others are giving the large tiger a wink as well and so Charn leaves the training area.

After the big feline is gone the ferret moves over to one of the many mirrors on the right wall. "Hmm I wonder why all these mirrors are placed on just this wall." He says while he looks at his reflection and has to smile at how well his body is developed already.

The fox looks over to the ferret and it was true. All the mirrors are placed at one wall. One after another. "Maybe because of the feng shui? Who cares man. I don't think it is that important." The vulpine then says ....

What the fox doesn't know is that in fact this wall of mirrors is very important for the whole business. Charn is standing in the room on the other side of this wall. And what all the gym members do not know is the fact that from the other side of these mirrors you are able to look through. A wide grin is crossing the feline's muzzle as he watches the ferret stretching his body and pointing at the mirrors.

Charn is wearing a nice looking business suit as he waits for his customers. He knows that his customers should arrive at any second so he turns around to look at the table. So far everything looks nice. The table is decorated nicely and you can find everything you need to eat a hearty meal on it. A view over the rest of the room shows that everything is nice and clean. Standing in a corner is something the Tiger is very proud of. A very antique looking guillotine and just from looking at it you would not be able to see if it is just decoration or if it actually still works.

The tiger suddenly hears the doorbell and turns around to greet his first customer.

A brown furred Lion is stepping through the door and walks right to the tiger only to greet him with a friendly handshake. "Welcome to my fine establishment mister Sev." Charn then says and has to grin as he notices that that the gaze of the Lion is going instantly to the windows where he can look right into the gym.

"Oh believe me, the pleasure is on my side" Sev says chuckling a bit and takes another look through the glass. "So these are..." He says but is not sure if he can speak it out loudly. "Are they actually hearing us?" He then asks interested. His tail is swaying around behind his back. Sev is clothed rather casual with just some nice looking blue Jeans and a black shirt on the top. But all in all it looks pretty good and matching with the brownish chocolate like colourings of his fur.

"Yes these furs will be the selection for today's lunch. And no they cannot hear or see us. That wouldn't be so good would it?" The feline then answers a bit amused.

The brown cat blinks a bit but before he can answer the doorbell rings again, signaling that someone is entering. Charn and Sev are turning around to see two foxes entering the room. The foxes are smiling wide as they approach the two felines. Actually they are pretty fun to look at. One of the foxes is a bit small and on the leaner side and the other one looks a bit stronger and also is larger. The larger vulpine's fur is a bit darker then the smaller ones as well.

Charn reaches out his hand to the larger one first. "Hello and welcome, you have to be Jack right?" He says and then greets the smaller foxy. "And in this case you are Zackery. I am very glad to meet you all." He says in a very friendly tone.

Jack nods at the Tiger "That is true and we are very glad that we can be here today right lil one?" The larger fox then says to the smaller one. "Definitely, we are looking forward to that show you promised and of course the food..." And as Zackery says this both are looking through the window to get a first glimpse of what is about to come.

Sev walks up from behind the large Feline to greet the two foxes as well. "Hello there my name is Sev. So how did you hear about this... well ya know... special lunch?" He then asks curiously. As he looks over the two foxes he notices that they are actually looking very different. The larger vulpine is clothed only in black and looks a bit Goth while the smaller one is clothed more casual like himself.

Jack chuckles a bit as he hears this question. "Well, that is kind of hard to explain... but I am sure you know the people in the scene... always talking about news and stuff." He then says to the lion assuming that he himself is participating on events like this more often.

"Yes that is very true." Sev replies with a chuckle.

Charn has to smile a bit as he sees that so far the customers are coming along with each other very well. "As soon as the other guests are arriving we can start with the first step." Charn then explains and in this very moment the door opens again and a grey wolf is entering the room. He is only wearing some black Jeans and nothing on the top. And if you look at the wolf's backside it is to see that there are white wings on his back. The winged wolf walks up to the group of furs and gives a wink. "Hello everyone my name is Tai'ra"

The group is greeting back very friendly. But it is easily to see that the wolf's gaze is going over to that guillotine. Charn notices that too. "It seems you like what you see there huh?" He says amused to the wolf's direction.

Tai'ra looks back at Charn and nods. "Oh yes, you have to know I am kind of attracted to the good and old fashioned ways of disposing a being." A few chuckles are to hear from the others as the grey and winged canine says this.

"Oh in this case I am sure you will love our show today" Charn then says and takes another peak at his watch. "Ok I think we can start now..." He thinks to himself.

Charn claps his hands together to get the attention of all the furs. "Ok, everyone one who reserved a place is here now. First of all I want to thank you for coming. But as you already can assume I want absolute discretion about the small business I am running here. But I am sure you all already know this. Now the first step will begin. That means all of you can look into the gym and watch the studs working out. I want you to talk with each other and then the best thing for you all would be, if you vote who should be the victim. After you have decided who is going to be our entertainment and meal, the next step of our program will begin. I will do some preparations now but I will join you again in about 20 minutes. I wish all of you a lot of fun." The tiger says and walks off.

Sev blinks and smiles a bit at that and then looks over to the two vulpine creatures. "This whole thing is already a lot of fun don't you guys think?"

A chuckle is to hear from Zackery now. "I totally agree. I have to say that I really like this concept here." The smaller fox then looks again into the gym looking over all the bodybuilder in there. He then points out at the one vulpine in the training area. "Call me a cannibal, but this fox over there looks just hot. I am sure he would make a great meal"

Jack nods and looks over the muscle packed vulpine as well. "I totally agree with you. The body build seems to be very nice." Jack then says as his eyes are scanning over this nice body.

"Well yeah the body of the fox is nice. But that is the problem. It is just nice... If you ask me that bunny guy over there looks way better. But to be totally honest, that bull with the weights is just incredible." Tai'ra says as he looks over the furs in the gym.

The brown furred lion's tail is flicking around in anticipation as he takes a look through the window as well. "Hmmm... oh my... this is really hard, all of them are so... juicy... The ferret guy looks totally hot as well. But I have the feeling that Tai'ra is correct. The bull looks very ripe."

Zackery moves around a bit in front of the window to get a better look at the bovine. "Yes... he really looks buff. What do you say Jack as far as I know you like beef right?" Zackery says and looks up to the bigger vulpine.

Jack laughs at that and gives the smaller foxy a nice slap on his ass only to receive a cute yip. "Yes that is true. You know that there is nothing better then a nice and juicy rumpsteak." Jack answers almost drooling.

On the other side of the wall the body builders have no clue that they are being watched. For them this day in the gym is like any other day. And so they are doing what they always do... Fooling around. The good looking and muscled bunny sneaks behind the bull and gives him a playful smack on his tender rump. This actually is not new. The lapine loves to do that and seems to be very amused from the reaction of the bovine. Tobias is jumping up in the air as he feels the smack and in the very moment he comes back down on the floor his cock and balls are suddenly slipping out of his gym shorts.

"Stop that you moron" Tobias says now as he slowly puts back his huge package back into his tight gym shorts. Of course the hungry customers on the other side noticed that as well and all are staring at the nice and juicy bovine.

"Oh man I saw a lot of body builders in my live, but these are just incredible. How the hell is Charn keeping them so fit." Jack then asks, his eyes still scanning over that nice bull.

"I heard that Charn is using some kind of special Protein mix on them. They seem to love that stuff and as far as I know it builds up there muscle all naturally but much faster then it normally would possible and it seems to have some effects on special parts too. "Sev then explains to the others.

"Wow really? What a sweet idea. Hmm... I think I vote on the bull... I would love to taste those ribs" Zackery then says in a cheerfully tone, his tail waving from right to left quickly in excitement.

"Yes I agree. We really should vote on that bovine." Tai'ra says with a more calm voice and looks at the others.

Jack's hand is moving to Zackery's head and begins to scritch over his ears only to receive a cute murr from the smaller vulpine. "Yes I also agree with the lil one here. We definitely should take the bull.

In the very moment Charn comes back into the room only to see that all his customers are still looking through the glass. "So did the gentleman already choose the meal for today?" He says with his deep voice.

Sev is the first one who turns around to look at the bigger feline. "Well it seems like we are going to take this bull" He says and points at the bovine who is sitting on the bench now.

"Ah yes that is a great decision. His name is Tobias and I am very proud of him and to be honest I already had the feeling he will get chosen today because his body is the best developing one." Charn then says to his customers. "Ok, just for information. I will go into the gym and offer the bull another shake. This one will be drugged and believe me that will make things much more easy for us."

The group is nodding into the tiger's direction and so Charn turns around to leave the room again. He steps into the training area and calls for bovine. "Hey Tobias, could you come into my office shortly I want you to ask something." Charn says and the bull first looks a bit confused because he is not sure what the feline wants from him but then stands up to walk into the office of Charn.

"What is it?" He then asks still confused. "And why are you wearing such a fancy suit? Do you plan something special?"

"Yes, you can say I plan something special and it also involves you. But before I start to explain, how about a nice and cooling shake?" Charn then offers and brings out a glass of his fridge.

"That is a great idea man. I really need a refreshing drink right now." The bovine says and takes the glass with the creamy looking stuff in it. As always Tobias makes the glass empty with a few gulps and puts down the glass on the office table of Charn. "Ok so what... Uhm... Wait a moment I feel kind of dizzy. " The large creature then says and sits down on one of the chairs.

Charn walks behind Tobias and begins to massage over that strong shoulders. "Everything is ok... Just relax a bit you'll see in a very short time you will feel much better." The tiger says in a soothing almost hypnotic tone. His paws are rubbing over that shoulders and Charn is now able to feel how the bull's muscles begin to relax. "Yes that is a good boy. So tell me how are you feeling now?"

The drug is now enfolding its whole potential and that shows. The bovine is not able to focus his thoughts. His world is turning a bit but for him it doesn't feel bad. Actually he thinks it is funny.

"So I am sure you want to know what is going on here right? Come on, all you have to do is coming along with me." The burly tiger says to the helpless bull. He helps him to stand up and then begins to walk through a hallway with Tobias right behind him.

It took some time but Charn and the bull have finally arrived at the other room where the customers are already waiting. Everyone is making big eyes as they see the tiger entering with the huge bovine. They knew that choosing that bull was a great idea but now they are sure.

For the customers it is easy to see that the bull is drugged. He looks a bit confused but with a wide and almost goofy grin on his face. Charn has to chuckle as he sees how everyone is looking. "Come on big boy. These fine gentlemen are here just because of you?" The feline says.

"Oh.... really... Just because... of me? That is nice..." Tobias then says as he looks over the strangers.

"Yes actually very nice. But don't you think we should show them a bit more of you? If you ask me they earned it." Charn then whispers into the bull's ears and receives a shy nod. "Very good..." The tiger then puts two of his digits into the waistband and begins to pull down those gym shorts very slowly. Some murrs are to hear from the watching customers as the meaty cock and the tennis ball sized balls are coming free. Especially Sev the brown furred lion seems to be very happy about what he sees.

Charn waits a bit to let the customer look over there meal a bit more but after good five minutes he claps his hand again to get the attention. "OK next part of all this is choosing your cut of meat. If you go to your tables you will see that everyone is having a marker and every marker does have a different colour. Please take those markers, and with an X you can mark the piece of meat you want to have."

"That sounds great, I would like to begin." Zackery then blurts out and runs to his place to get his blue marker. He then walks over to the tiger and the bull only to take another very close look at Tobias. "I think... I want... this..." He then says and paints a big blue X right on the ribs of the bull. It seems like the markers are specially made for that purpose because the colour is clearly to see on the fur and it doesn't seems to be aggressive to the fur or meat. A giggle is to hear from the bull as he feels the marker against his fur. It seems to tickle him. All Tobias is doing now is looking down at the small fox watching him. His mind is way too clouded so his brain is not able to connect what he hears and feels and so he still have no clue why he is here and what this people are doing.

After Zackery is done with marking his cut of meat Tai'ra is taking his red marker. The winged canine then moves over to the bull and after thinking a bit he makes his cross right on the meaty thigh. "This should be enough for me." He says very calm as always. It is noticeable that the wolf does have no problem with that kind of food but for Charn it is clearly to see that his highlight of the day is not going to be the meal itself... One indicator for that is the winged ones gaze, who seems to wander off to the guillotine very often...

Jack himself seems to be very amused from the whole scene as he watches Zackery and Tai'ra choosing there cuts of meat. He already has his marker in the paw and as he sees the winged wolf is finished he also approaches Charn and the drugged bovine. But the vulpine instantly moves to the naked bull's backside and begins to rub over that juicy but still very firm ass.

"Hey... what are... uhmrrr..." Tobias says but it is still hard for him to think straight. So it doesn't needs long for him to enjoy this kind of treatment and so his cock slowly begins to grow hard. Jack in the meantime keeps rubbing over those nice cheeks only to open his green marker and begins to draw two crosses over those rump cheeks. While Jack is doing that Charn begins to write down stuff on a clipboard. After all the marks will be gone after the bull is processed and so he notes down the wishes of the customers.

As Jack moves back to the others he can see how the brown furred lion is almost drooling at the sight of that cock. Slowly he moves forward like a feral lion would move when he is on a hunt. Slowly his paws are touching that great cock and balls. "Hmm what a nice piece of meat" Sev says while fondling the hardening cock. Charn seems to like that show as well. It is clearly to see that a toothy grin is forming on his muzzle as he watches all that.

Sev in the meantime managed to get the cock of the bull fully hard. The lion gives the cock a playfully lick and after that he begins to make a nice X on the fat cockpit. That draws out another moan of the bull. "Hmm that is going to be a feast." The lion then says as he slowly moves back to the others.

Charn writes down some last notes and lets the bull sit down on the floor. "So are this orders correct?" He then asks and looks at his customers. He receives a nod from every one and with that he puts the clipboard aside.

"Ok in this case we will start with the first part of our little show." Charn says and then walks over to grab one of the chairs and places it in front of his customers. After that he helps the drowsy bull to stand up only to let him sit down on the chair. The bovine's legs are wide spread so everybody does have a nice view on that low hanging balls and the nice and fat looking shaft. Different kinds of murrings are to hear from the customers as they look at the beefy guy.

"Oh ... what are we doing big tiger guy?" Tobias then asks still completely unaware of what is going on here.

"Don't worry, you'll see soon enough and I have the feeling you will like it a lot." After saying that the big feline moves over to one of the many counters to get one of his favorite knives. A few gasps and also chuckles are to hear from the others as they notice the shiny thing in the tiger's paw. "Ok, now I would need someone to help me a bit here." The feline says and puts his hands around the fat cock. The only thing Tobias can do in that situation is moaning loudly.

Sev blinks a bit before he steps up to the sitting bull and quickly the tiger's paw gets replaced by the paw of the Lion. "OK, that is good. Now take your other paw and lift his sack a bit so I can have a better access." Charn then explains. Sev nods and does what the larger feline told him. After that the tiger kneels down and the knife goes over to the root of the cock just lightly touching it for now.

"Uhmm... that feels cold..." Tobias then says as he feels the cold metal is touching his sensitive base of the cock. Sev in the meantime is gritting his teeth as he holds that juicy cock and balls in his paws. The excitement is clearly to smell in the air, and everyone seems to be very satisfied so far.

Charn puts a bit more pressure on the knife and the sharp blade is cutting into the meat very easily. Everyone was expecting the bull to cry out in pain. But the only thing to hear is a small whimper followed by a moan. Of course the tiger doesn't stops now. The knife cuts further and further into the flesh. Some blood is oozing out of the wound but with a final and quick cut the cock comes free. If the lion wouldn't hold it in his hand it would fall down like the plump sausage it is.

"Very good, but now hold still for the second part." Charn then explains. For the others it is unbelievable that this bull is holding still like that, in fact the bull is smiling and even seems to enjoy what is happening to him.

"We definitely have to ask for a sample of that drug." Jack then says to Zackery. The smaller vulpine nods a bit and grins widely. "Hmm... oh yes I can imagine a lot of fun stuff with such a drug." But then both are looking back at the show.

Sev lifts the heavy ball sack up so Charn can make another cut. It is easy to notice that this tiger exactly knows what he does. It looks very skilled as the cold metal of the blade goes down to the root of the balls. Then a quick move is to see followed by another grunt of Tobias. The once so strong and manly bull is castrated and thanks to the drug in his blood systems he doesn't even care. Charn lays the knife down at one of the counters and brings up a very luxury looking plate. Sev smiles wide and then puts down the chunk right on it. "Hmm... I am really looking forward to see them prepared." He then says and moves back to the other customers. Jack, Zackery and Tai'ra are looking like they enjoyed all that so far.

"Well, well, it looks like everyone is having fun, right? In that case we better don't waste much time" The burly feline then says and snaps with his fingers. Just a few seconds later two strong looking horses are entering the room, one with black fur and one with brown fur. They are clothed completely in black suits and they are not even greeting. Instead of that they are walking straight into the corner right to the impressive looking guillotine. Both of them are grabbing the huge thing on the side and lift it up into the air only to move into the direction of the customers.

Jack and Zackery have to step aside as the equines are moving into the middle of the room. A loud thump then is to hear as they put down the guillotine.

The brown furred horse walks out of the room as the black furred one begins to pull on the rope so the sharp and shiny looking blade is rising up. It doesn't needs long and the brown equine comes back with a big and fat watermelon in his paws. He then puts down the watermelon where normally the neck of the victim is placed. The other horse then lets go of the rope and the heavy blade comes down and cuts through the watermelon with absolutely no effort.

A chuckle from the bull is to hear as he watched the whole thing. "Oh what a nice melon cutter you have there" His voice still sounding like he had drunken a lot of alcohol. Sev and Jack are laughing as they hear that the bull actually seems to think that this machine is there to cut watermelons into half.

A few "ooohhs" and "aaahhs" are to hear as well as the horses take the two half's of the melon and walk out of the room. Tai'ra seems to look especially pleased. "My my, I have to say for such a beautiful but also antique looking guillotine it is working really well." He then says and grins a bit.

"Thank you very much. And yes I try to keep my "toys" clean and good working." Charn then replies to the winged canine.

"Wow, it seems like your servants are trained very well." Zackery then says still in awe how quick they worked without getting distracted by the whole scene here.

"Oh well I think Charn here is having his methods right?" Sev adds because he saw something others maybe didn't noticed. But the brown furred lion loves to check out bulges in pants and so of course he did that by the horses too but only to notice that the bulge was... well ... kind of missing. It really seems like that Charn does have his own methods to control people and servants around him.

"That is correct and I think it is not good if I share all my secrets right?" The tiger says a bit amused as one of his hands is moving down to scritch behind the bull's ears. Tobias is murring a bit at that not even realizing that he just lost his cock or what is going to follow.

After that Charn moves over to his guillotine and begins to pull the rope again. Slowly and almost teasingly the blade moves its way back up. The large feline then ties to rope to a piece of wood so the blade is staying where it is. He then moves back to the bovine and begins to talk with him again. "Come on big guy, if you ask me you look a bit tired don't you think? Maybe you should lay down a bit."

"Uhm yes... yes Charn I think you are right." Tobias says and stands up only to follow the nice tiger. "Hmm this doesn't looks... very comfortable. But I guess it will work for now." The bull says still with a wide smile on his face as Charn shows him a place to lie down. Of course this place was right at the guillotine. Of course the bull didn't putt his neck right where it belongs but with a few shifts the tiger managed to get the bull into the right position.

"Is it ok like this?" Charn then asks the gentle bovine.

"Yes I think that is OK..." Is the only thing that comes as a reply.

Everyone is coming a step closer still wondering how the bull is not able to see what is going to happen. First everyone thought that the drug is just clouding his mind. But after all it seems that there is more behind that. Because actually the bull doesn't looks really drugged. He actually acts like someone who is hypnotized.

"Can... can I pull the trigger to release the blade...please?" Tai'ra surprisingly says.

"Well if no one does have a problem with that then sure, go ahead" The big cat says and looks at the other customers. Of course no one has a problem with that and so the winged canine moves over to the large guillotine. He knows that the only thing he has to do is untie this knot and then the blade will fall down taking away the live of this bovine.

The room is very silent now and there is some tension in the air as the wolf begins to fondle around on the knot... And then everything goes very quickly as a loud thud is to hear and the head of the bull is coming off smoothly. Of course some blodd is oozing out from the open kneck now right on the floor, but that seems not to be a problem for Charn. Tobias doesn't has any pain. The only thing he notices is that the world is spinning very fast around him and then everything goes black, like falling into a nice and very deep slumber.

Tai'ra is biting his lip as he watches that head roll. He knows that the bull maybe still was able to see his world turning around in the few last seconds. "Wow... thank you Charn" He says with a light smile on his face.

The others are looking amused too as the life is finally drained out of that juicy bovine. Most of them are already thinking about how tasty he will be.

And as always Charn sees the signs and so proceeds. He goes over to a red button on the wall and pushes it. Two minutes later a bear a kangaroo, completely clothed in white, are coming out of the kitchen. It is clearly to see that those two have to be the chefs here. They are greeting nicely and then take the huge body and the cute looking head with the.

"OK, you all can take a seat now while our cooks are processing the meat for you." Charn then says and points over to the large and nice decorated table. Jack and Zackery are the first ones who are moving over to the table sitting down. But Tai'ra and Sev are following very soon.

"Well I have to say that so far this whole thing is very satisfying." Jack says as he sits down on his chair. Zackery is sitting down on his side and nods. "Oh yes I totally agree. If the food is as good as the entertainment I ll have to visit this place more frequently." The smaller vulpine agrees.

Sev and Tai'ra are agreeing as well and then suddenly Charn comes from behind with a tablet in his hand. On it are three bottles of wine. He shows the wine to his customers and Jack suddenly makes big eyes. Sev notices that and asks: "What is the matter foxy?"

"Oh well it is just that red wine... It is a very expansive and fine one. Made in the area I am from..." Jack then explains.

"That is true. It is a very special wine for a very special meal" Charn then says and places the bottle on the table. "So of course it will take some time until dinner is cooked if you need some more wine just tell me." The feline then offers.

Three hours later the smell of cooking meat is coming out of the kitchen and slowly fills the dining area. The customers in the meantime had some fun talks about recipes, their jobs and some other nice stuff. But then finally the black horse in the nice suit is coming out carrying three large plates. Silently he moves over to the large table and begins to put down the plates in front of the awaiting customers. The black equine is starting with the meal for Jack.

Jack looks at the plate almost starts to drool at this sight. On it are placed two of the most juicy and scrumptious looking steaks he had ever seen. They are covered in a nice pepper sauce and served with cooked vegetables and some fried potatoes. The steaks itself are grilled to perfection and are looking like the will melt on your tongue. Jack says thanks to the equine and receives an friendly nod.

The black horse then walks over to Zackery to place a huge plate with ribs on it right in front of the smaller vulpine. "Damn... that looks... fantastic" The little foxy says amazed as he looks down on his meal. The ribs are, of course, very large and covered in some sort of honey glaze. Some of the rich juices are dribbling down from them and it is clearly to see that Zackery is very eager to start eating but of course he waits until everyone received their food.

The next meal is a fine boiled piece of thigh served along with some good and hearty looking spring vegetables. Tai'ra is licking over his lips as the meals gets placed in front of him and also seems to be very satisfied with the outcome of his order. After that the black horse takes one of the wine bottles and pours some of the fine stuff into the glasses of the customers.

The black equine then bows politely and leaves the room again. Sev is the only one without a meal right now. But that is about to change as Charn comes back out of the kitchen. "Sorry that you meal took a bit longer but here we go" The tiger then says a bit proudly and puts down the plate with the meal for Sev on it. "Damn... your chefs are gods of the kitchen you know that?" Sev then says as he looks over that hot and still steaming bull cock and balls. The cock is nicely grilled to perfection and filled with a mix out of breadcrumbs some butter and milk. The large almost tennisball sized balls are grilled and filled as well and to add the perfect taste to this meal it is covered in some nice brown sauce.

"I wish everyone of you a very good appetite" Charn then says and as soon as he finished that sentence his customers begin to eat. Loud murrs. Ohhs and ahhhs are to hear as they eat there meals. It seems that the dinner was a full success for Charn and when the good word is spreading soon more people will come to enjoy such a special meal. Especially Jack and Zackery are looking like they are going to visit that place very soon again as both are looking over there shoulders eying up that hot looking and muscle packed fox...

On the other side of the room right in the training area all the bodybuilder don not have a clue what is going on here. They just keep working out and pumping up there juicy bodies. "Does anyone know where Tobias went?" The bunny then asks not really caring but still curios.

The lion on his side shakes his head. "No, absolutely not. But well who cares. If he is not here we have finally the chance to get even buffer then him. Anyway, I am going to get something to eat now."

The buff vulpine agrees with the lion. "Yeah seems like those people in the room besides us cooked up something damn nice. At least I can tell from the smell of it. That made me hungry too. So let us go and get something. But in the afternoon we have to work out some more OK?" The fox then suggests.

Everyone agrees and so the body builders are leaving the gym, but not for long. After all they have to get stronger...or tastier... but that is something that depends on what side of the mirror you are standing...


Well that is it I hope you enjoyed.

As always i am very happy about comments and favs and all that nice stuff.

*smiles and cheers*

Jack ((Jacko))

The unwilling Pred

Hello all. This is a gift story I have done for the cute RainyDay. I hope you like it foxy. Contains: Fox, Lion, Bunny, Doberman, m/m, an unwilling pred ((XD)) Have fun!!! ((My native language is not English, so please excuse some...

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Becoming a Pred

![""](%5C) Hello and welcome to my newest story. Another naughty sofvorish one **\*XD\*** Warning!! Contains: Fox, Bear, Wolf, German Shepherd, Softvore, m/m, yiff, Gym, Shower yiff and Muscle Gain. Have fun reading!!! ((yes that is a...

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The Cat's Demise

![""](%5C) Hello there, this is a new story from Jacko's world. It is a bit twisted and dark. So if you are a bit squirmish and don't like when it gets violent you maybe should not read that story. You ll also find some text passages...

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