Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 6

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#6 of Cody's Growing Pains

Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta.

  • * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 6 by Cody DreamPuppy Time passed by slowly for Cody as he laid there in the soft grass under the shade of the trees, gazing up at Enki with a level of clarity in both his mind and body that he'd never experienced before. Even with all the strong scents flowing to his nostrils from all around, as well as all these new sounds that Cody was suddenly starting to hear... for those moments when he and Enki were one, Cody felt elevated like he was on a higher plane. From the subtle progression of colors in each of the flowers the boy saw growing all around him, to the seemingly jumbled arrangement of branches growing in the great oak directly above, everything felt in a perfect balance for Cody. Although they lay there together for no more than an hour, it did seem like much longer. During their time, Enki held Cody protectively with his legs squeezing gently around the boy's sides while rubbing affectionately over him and unfurling that long canid tongue of his to groom Cody's cheeks and ears... Cody hadn't really ever had someone grooming him before. It was so amazing, especially considering Cody's growing level of sensitivity. Each of the boy's ears felt a bit tingly as Enki's tongue tickled over their surfaces again and again. Cody's hearing was getting better and better almost seemingly with every lick, the boy blushing shyly and trying slowing his pulse... listening to the sounds of the forest, hearing the song of a bird in a tree somewhere over near the school building... listening harder, he was sure that he even heard the light thumping of a rabbit in a burrow somewhere further in the woods. As focused as he was, Cody didn't quite notice that Enki's knot was finally relaxing... shrinking just enough that the fox's thick shaft was able to wobble about freely back and forth in the boy's stretchy pucker. Cody very suddenly was brought back into his normal state of consciousness when Enki's fat vulpine member plopped out of the boy, a sudden sense of withdrawl felt through out him as he shuddered and was laid more flat onto his back. Enki quickly hugged Cody again with his forelegs, pressing their bodies close, and Cody gushed with pleasure as he was bathed in Enki's warmth once again, feeling the fox's tummy fluff tickling along his belly... that plump, softened pink foxdick squishing all warm and goopy into Cody's balls and cock. 'Mm.. ohh... feel... fuzzy' Cody said softly to Enki as he shivered and curled his toes while he cuddled with the fox. Cody opened his eyes wide then, sniffing deeply as he slowly sat up, tilting his head towards the school a little as he heard the last bell ringing inside of the building far away. 'Ohh... better go get my stuff' he said, a soft blush coming to his cheeks as Enki pressed in to kiss at Cody again, feeding his tongue more into Cody's mouth and causing him to forget briefly about his things while the boy sat there and nursed on Enki's thick organ. Cody's small boyhood throbbed up erectly within that velvety, fuzzy white pouch that was forming over it, those soft, bigger balls of his twitching a little as well. Gradually, Cody pulled back from Enki's sloppy kiss, letting that thick long tongue plop out of his lips and breathing slowly. "Mmm... can't be late again" he said, flushing slightly more. He got up to his knees letting his shirt drape down over his privates while he gazed at the fox innocently with his hands folded together over his tummy. 'We can... we can uhhh... I'll meet you here again' Cody said gently, the fox responding by nuzzling and licking along his boy's soft neck a few times more. Cody giggled a bit in his soft cute voice, then took another deep slow breath which made the boy's chest raise, then fall slowly before he got up to his feet, picking up his undies and shorts, then bending over briefly as he pulled them up one at a time. Cody scratched affectionately along Enki's ears as he got ready to head back to the school building... 'Mm... come back here Enki,' he said, smiling softly as the fox panted and gazed up at him, then nuzzled along Cody's butt a bit sending him off on his way. Cody just barely caught the bus home this time. He had his bookbag in one arm, his school uniform in the other, running down the pathway all the way from the school's front door to the bus. He was panting by the time he got to the bus and the driver just shook her head at him and let him in, before pulling out onto the road. As Cody made his way to an empty seat, many kids chuckled at him. He looked pretty clumsy carrying all that stuff in an unorganized manner through the aisle. When he finally did see an open seat, the boy practically dove into it, hiding under his things and blushing shyly. Cody hadn't even realized who he sat next to until he looked over and saw Danny, and he immediately smiled at the other boy. 'Ohhh hii!' he said. Danny seemed just as surprised, having been sitting there by himself like usual. His adept mind had been devoted to one of his more favorite imaginary topics as the boy sat there, left hand holding his bookbag over his lap, right hand shoved into his pants and lazily tugging at something. "Ohh! Hey Cody," he said as he flushed and pulled his hand out of his pants quickly, folding both hands innocently atop of his backpack and using it to cover up the bulge in his pants. Danny blinked a few times as Cody scooted closer to him to get his stuff out of the aisle, again noticing Cody's attractive smell. Now though, it was a bit more potent than when he bumped into the boy earlier in the day... Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was just at gym, Danny thought. He was probably just working up a bit of a sweat. The more Danny was exposed to it though, the less he thought that. Danny was just grateful that Cody's stop came before his. There's no way he'd be able to get up without a raging hard on until after the other boy was gone. Cody had been struggling more with what was happening to his ears than what was happening to his nose. He could hear... everything... many things that he wasn't supposed to hear, like the conversation that two girls were having in whispers up towards the front of the bus, making fun of the girl sitting across from them innocently with her books in her lap. He could hear the boys in back making lewd jokes, some of them about him, and laughing hysterically. It was really difficult for Cody to block these sounds out, and it caused him to tense up quite a lot and shudder, closing his eyes as he tried to concentrate. "Uhh... Cody, you smell so... good..." Cody opened his eyes, blushing as he heard Danny say that. 'Ohh... ahhh.... smell good too Danny,' the boy gasped, trying to keep his eyes on the seat in front of him as he suddenly felt incredibly shy. It was true though. Danny did smell pretty good, especially now. Danny nearly jumped in his seat. "Wha....? I... didn't uhhh." It was Danny's turn to feel embarrassed. He hadn't said anything! The bus was slowing down, and Cody was already getting up, a little unsure of what just happened between him and Danny. He felt pretty awkward suddenly, picking his things back up before he looked back over at the other boy with his shy expression and said, 'Hey... tomorrow, after school. I'll see you.' Danny just nodded and quickly said, "Yea... see you then Cody," a sort of curious look to his face as he watched Cody blush again and then make his way off the bus. Cody set down his bag as soon as he stepped through his front door and was nearly bowled over by Blue. 'Ahh! Hi Blue,' he said with a soft gasp of surprise, then smiled and crouched down to hug the family dog up against his chest. Blue responded by covering the boy's face in licks, getting Cody to giggle a little. 'Aww, I missed you too,' Cody said, a little surprised really that he felt that way about Blue. It seemed that he was really getting used to Blue showing this much attention to him. Cody stood up and went to find his mom and make sure it was ok for him to visit Danny the next day, with Blue in tow close behind and repeatedly sniffing along the insides of the boy's legs and up between his buttcheeks. She seemed pleased that Cody was making new friends and didn't object. Cody took his uniform clothes with him up to his room then, reaching back to gently stroke at Blue's muzzle, and occasionally he would draw in a quick breath feeling that soft nose of Blue's pushing more firmly up between the boy's slightly trembling thighs. When he finally got into his room, Cody wasn't sure if he should let Blue follow him, but Blue was finally paying attention to him... and his dog's touch had felt so nice. 'Okay... mm, good boy..' Cody said reassuringly to his dog, patting him softly between the ears and sighing pleasantly as Blue kept on pushing his soft, cool doggy nose up and down along the boy's privates through the fabric of his gym shorts and undergarment. Cody stumbled back a little, taking a deep breath and barely remembering to close his door as he found himself flopping onto his butt on the edge of his bed. His thighs were spread wide, soft sighs of pleasure coming from the boy as Blue's nose nuzzled and heated up his lightly throbbing organs with his hot breath. 'Mnn feel... so hot, fuzzy again' Cody whispered, closing his eyes briefly while he lowered a hand down to rub over his dog's ears encouragingly, while his other hand started tugging Cody's lower garments down off of his hips, eventually flopping that milk-fuzzed boyhood and then the plump balls out right before Blue's snout, a few strands of sticky fluids still connecting one to the other. Blue set upon Cody without any further delay, pulling that thick canine tongue of his up along the undersides of the soft silky-fuzzed balls, hefting them up on every lick and making Cody's shaft jiggle about as well. Cody spread his thighs a little more, his left hand stroking along the back of Blue's neck, urging him on a little more as he moaned and finally gazed down and watched his boyhood bobbing under the strong licks of his dog. 'I've... ooh, my...' Cody mumbled out, curling his toes a bit and blushing curiously as he began to focus his senses more on the creamy fuzz coating his balls and cock really for the first time... He reached down his right hand, touching... then starting teasing innocently along those soft white balls of his with his index and middle finger, feeling their plump size and heft sagging over the dog's slurping tongue. 'feels soft' Cody shuddered while tenderly rubbing his fingers up from his twitching spheres to his stiffened boyhood. 'AhhHh' he throbbed eagerly against his fingers as he rubbed up and down along the relatively small length, feeling how stretchy and loose that new fuzz-covered skin was. He could feel all that extra foreskin sliding up and down over his prick like a sleeve. Cody took another deep breath, closing his hand over that fuzzy soft sleeve growing over his tip and the boy started squeezing and pumping it up and down lazily while he climbed a bit further up onto his bed, laying onto his back with his legs spread wide... 'Mmmmnn' he curled his toes some more as pleasure welled up between his thighs, his right leg twitching... almost kicking as he tugged at his damp boyhood creating quite an audible plopping noise. Blue had climbed up onto Cody's bed too, and was standing above him, panting excitedly. He leaned down to lick along Cody's neck and under his chin now while Cody laid there shuddering, lost for the moment in self indulgence. Cody slowly opened his eyes wide, gazing up along Blue's belly... he saw Blue's fat pink doggy-cock jiggling underneath that fluffy white tummy with every wag of the young dog's tail, fully erect... it looked very attractive to Cody, like Enki's but maybe three inches shorter.. Cody flushed and lifted his left hand up to that fat doggy dick, curling his fingers around it as well... and gently he began to jerk it up and down, his hand holding Blue's plump cock downwards and pumping vertically over its bone hard length, smacking wetly over the dog's swollen knot on every pull. 'B...Blue... mmm, feels nice' he closed his eyes, pulling upwards a bit more on his own soft foreskin... feeling it stretch again and curling his toes again.. Blue licked up along one of Cody's ears as he hunched down into the boy's hand, the dog's hips instinctively beginning thrusting down against Cody's strokes while he whimpered happily, beginning to leak warm pre into the boy's fingers, smearing it all up and down the dog's length. Cody, meanwhile, was getting increasingly curious as he played with his loose foreskin... wondering just how stretchy it was. 'Mmm... boy' Cody urged as he guided Blue's throbbing tip down into his own young fuzzy sleeve, shuddering as he could feel the collie almost immediately humping along his small opening, oozing pre and leaving several strings connecting the collie's fleshy pink cock with the boy's loosening foreskin before the dog just suddenly shoved into it... 'Ahhhhh,' Cody squirmed a little and blushed as he could feel his fuzzy pouch suddenly bulging out wide, the dog's cock stuffed deep... quickly humping it even deeper. Cody moaned softly, hips rocking gently with Blue's thrusts as the boy's pouch ballooned more and more as it jiggled around and started looking more like a bulging sheath. Cody pulled back slightly and shuddered as he could feel his own small member aching as the collie's plump shaft squished and shoved along side it, but Blue just held on Cody with his legs and just humped at the boy harder, forcing that little fuzzy sheath to really swell and fill out, gradually stuffing in far enough that the triumphant dog was hilted all the way up to the knot. The collie growled and then began licking over Cody's cheeks and his mouth with that long tongue of his again as he slowed down his thrusts, slurping in his mouth until Cody started softly suckling Blue's tongue as he more slowly jiggled his cock along the inside of the boy's sheath, stretching the lip a little more with each firm jiggle as his glistening knot slopped wetly against it. After what felt to Cody like an eternity, he could feel Blue's knot forcing its way inside him and the dog curled and slurped that tongue deeper into Cody's mouth, teasing along his throat as he dug into the bed with his paws and the horny collie suddenly gushed inside the boy's pouch, several thick splurts of sticky canine cum firing in. The underside of the boy's sheath bulged with canine cum as the dog's dick pumped it up a bit as Cody groaned and curled his toes again.. Cody rolled his hips a few more times pressing up against the fluffy dog, jiggling his young sheath and balls in time with the dog's privates. After several long, thick sticky squirts Blue stopped thrusting and just held Cody with his forepaws, continuing to gently caress the inside of the boy's mouth with his thick canine tongue while he slumped down over him. Cody opened his mouth, letting his dog's tongue out and panting softly, the boy's head swirling with dizziness as he absorbed all this, pleasure shooting like hot fire through his loins with every pulse of his heart. Most of all, Cody's cock felt amazing rubbing intimately against Blue's. 'Mmmm...' he said softly as he nuzzled Blue's cheek a little before he laid still and they rested there together for a while. Cody's mind drifted innocently upon thoughts of what happened, wondering if all the other boys did this too... feeling little pangs of nervous excitement and curious pleasures that were so alien to him. The only instinct that the boy could feel thrumming inside him was that he liked it and he wanted more. His heartbeat increased a little again as this brought on dreams of tomorrow... and what new things might be waiting for him.

Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 7

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 7 By Cody DreamPuppy When Cody woke up, he was utterly surprised to find fur all around him. He gasped at...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 5

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 5 by Cody DreamPuppy The last class of the day for Cody today was gym. This was really convenient...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 4

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 4 by Cody DreamPuppy In Cody's dreams, he was always the most popular kid in school. The girls were...

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