Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 5

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#5 of Cody's Growing Pains

Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta.

  • * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 5 by Cody DreamPuppy The last class of the day for Cody today was gym. This was really convenient because it meant that he didn't have to change back into his school uniform afterwards if he didn't want to. Today was one of those free days too where everyone could choose an activity to do. It wouldn't be too hard for Cody to go off on his own. The locker room was probably one of the most difficult places for Cody to concentrate his thoughts in. There were just so many different kinds of curious smells around. Every single locker was a possible treasure trove of clothes and interesting objects belonging to the other boys for Cody to explore. The remnants of sweat and musk were on pretty much everything in here... "Ok, line up for attendance!" shouted the gym teacher. As the gym teacher began to go through the list of names over near the exit, Cody wasn't even fully dressed yet. The boy had gotten sidetracked at some point after having thrown on his gym shirt, leaving him in just the shirt and his soft cotton undies. He was still sitting on the metal bench that ran the length of his aisle of lockers... well... actually he was straddling it, leaning way down so that he could touch his nose to its cool surface. 'Mmm...' Cody said in his soft voice, recognizing the scents of a few of the more popular boys in the class. Cody closed his eyes, blushing a little cutely while he hugged the narrow bench abit, arching his back while pressing his balls and cock against the ripple textured metal through his soft cottons, and began grinding back and forth very slowly, smearing that area with his scent. The boy's growing foreskin rolled up and down over his sensitive boyhood, stretching a little bit longer over his cocktip with each slow grind... his slightly sagging balls twitching repeatedly with pleasure as this just made Cody feel more hot and needy... 'Oohh... mmm..' he murmured to himself as he thought of his foxy friend and began to sit up again, blinking his eyes, the boy looking a little dizzy and in heat, his small hands resting on the bench between his spread thighs while he breathed slowly and tried to shake these strange urges out of his mind. "Cody! We're waiting for you, where are ya?" called one of his classmates. Cody gasped, 'Ohh sorry... just uhh, putting on my shorts...' he said as he stood up and quickly got himself into his thin, silky white gym shorts and tossed everything else in his locker. He hurried to his position in line, blushing innocently as the gym teacher looked at him with suspicion. "You boys, always causing trouble..." he grumbled as he sent them out into the grassy yard behind the school. Cody could remember exactly where that bush was where he and Enki last saw each other, and after he was able to slip away from the other boys who were in the middle of a discussion about who could be which professional player in their kickball game, he ran in an almost all out sprint to that location. Even if he wasn't sure about which way it was, his sense of smell would have certainly lead him to it just as surely. A good distance before he even reached the bush, Cody could tell that Enki was around. The fox's scent was un-mistakable, and already it was so familiar to the boy that just those light whiffs of it were enough to make Cody feel woozy. Cody had just stepped into the woods, and was about to call to Enki when the happy vulpine's scent suddenly grew strong and Enki came bouncing right out of a close bush, forelegs hugging around Cody's waist as the fox half cuddled his boy and half humped him. Cody giggled, 'Ohh...' he gasped, his heartbeat increasing its pace dramatically as he felt Enki's plump fuzzy sheath and balls dragging up and down along the boy's smooth leg. 'Hii,' he said with another of those little cute giggles as he tried to push Enki down back to his all fours so that the boy could crouch down and give Enki a quick little greeting kiss. Enki was clearly interested in a whole lot more than that, though he did treat his boy to many firm affectionate licks over Cody's cheeks and just into his lips, letting the blushing boy mmm and suckle on his tongue for a minute or two as Cody sat down and rubbed at the back of Enki's ears. Enki pulled his tongue outa Cody's mouth finally, leaving a bit of a few strings of saliva between their two mouths which he lapped up before the curious fox began sniffing down along Cody's neck and chest making the boy giggle again, paws scrabbling a bit eagerly at the ground as he pushed his nose right down between Cody's thighs and began nuzzling those soft balls and the heated cock that he felt there. Cody moaned and felt himself throbbing on each nuzzle, gazing down at Enki affectionately with his pretty, innocent young eyes. The silky gym shorts were so soft and thin that the fox could taste and smell every lovely scent of the boy while he began dragging that thick canine tongue of his along the underside of Cody's nuts, making them roll up against the base of his cock again and again, getting the boy to curl his toes as he laid back into the dirt and reached down to start wriggling out of first his soft silky gym shorts, then his undies, 'MMmm... oohh.. you, wanna see boy?' Cody said cutely as he managed to get himself naked from the waist down, just that gym shirt still on him, leaving his creamy thighs, young throbbing sex organ, and buttocks totally exposed. Laying on his back like this, Cody couldn't see that light, milky soft white fuzz that had already begun sprouting along his soft saggy balls and his small boyhood... maybe that was what that extra tickly pleasure was when the boy was mindlessly humping that bench. Now though, Enki was taking full notice and almost seemed proud as he began to very slowly and deliberately bathe Cody's lightly twitching spheres and every side of that semi-erect cock, his tongue skillfully bobbing Cody's dick in and out of the boy's sensitive foreskin with every firm drag back and forth of it... even helping with the stretching of it. Cody was beyond words... all the boy could do was cringe and curl his fingers and toes with every one of Enki's licks of that thick canid tongue of his over the boy's sensitive young organs. He moaned softly as he was occasionally overcome by an extra strong pulse of tickly pleasure twitching up from his balls as Enki's tongue hefted and rolled them in the sac, coaxing the boy's quivering spheres to sprout more of that soft milky fuzz over their surface... that sensation was even throbbing up through his cock, Cody's young erection wobbling about as it pulsed with eagerness and sprouted more silky fuzz as well. 'Mmm.... ooHh, ahhhHH' Cody was really dizzy now... all he knew was that Enki was making him feel so wonderful. He moaned out Enki's name louder, not even really trying to hide things anymore... and if any of his classmates had happened to come their way, they certainly would have been found out. Enki kept stroking with his tongue until he was well satisfied. Cody's throbbing boyhood was now covered with soft white fuzz except for the tip hidden underneath his foreskin, and the foreskin itself had an excessive amount of skin. His balls were completely coated with milky fuzz as well and were twitching eagerly. Enki's focus was quickly shifting to something else now though... Every breath of Cody's increased scent caused the fox's sheath to bulge a little more until he was poking free into the open air... He pushed his snout down under the boy's balls, urging Cody to lift his legs up a bit so that his butt could angle up and lift that creamy cleft up to him. There is where he filled his lungs with breath after breath, the fox's dick inflating even larger with each breath... inch after inch pushing out and slapping his fluffy tummy. Enki could feel the full effect of the heat his boy was in, and he was now determined to fulfill him. Cody spread his legs a little more as Enki nuzzled along the boy's cleft a few more times, then the fox pulled his head up, tongue lolled out long in a pant as he stepped forward, standing more directly above Cody and leaning in to start working his tongue at the boy's lips while hunching his hips down close to Cody's. The boy seemed ready and eager to what Enki wanted, lifting his legs up and wrapping them over Enki, hugging the fox with his creamy thighs which pressed the boy's soft balls and his throbbing member into Enki's tummyfluff, and pressed Enki's turgid tip right in between Cody's buttcheeks. Cody closed his eyes a moment at the feeling of Enki's hot spunky canine tip teasing along his cleft once again, the boy blushing and nursing along the fox's long tongue as Enki fed him more and more of his sticky saliva while he spread his hindpaws a little apart for a good thrusting stance. Enki right away began to bump and jiggle that slippery cocktip of his against Cody's little pucker, rolling Cody onto his shoulders a little on every thrust. Cody never stopped sucking, even as he felt his taut little boypucker being stretched again and again... wider as the fox pushed more and more fleshy canid dick into Cody, the boy's butt quivering against it. Cody was still incredibly tight, but the boy was stretchy enough from last time that it didn't take real long for Enki to sink several inches into his boy, tonguing along Cody's teeth and cheeks and curling and caressing their two tongues together lustily while beginning to bounce and smack that perky little butt underneath him, sinking in hard almost to the knot several times in rapid succession. With his rather big fleshy knot kissing against the boy's pucker and not yet in, that just got Enki to hump harder... faster again. Cody was in his own world again, crying out now against the fox's muzzle in his soft cute voice on every thrust into his cute sensitive bottom. Yesterday he was plunged by about 6 inches and that hurt... Enki felt more like 8 now, which was quite big for Cody. His whole body was pulsing with that yearning heat though... his need for Enki to mate him again was overwhelming... The boy blushed and clenched his eyes tightly as he began counter-thrusting, bucking his ass against that fat, long foxcock, precum drooling and splattering between the boy's buttocks on every wet sloppy slap of that knot against his jiggling ass. Enki felt his big knot banging into Cody again, stretching that soft pucker wider and wider, stuffing the boy on more and more of that big bulge until he finally hit it hard and PLOPped it in, plugging Cody again and pulling his muzzle away from Cody's lips as he growled and barked in bliss and Cody cried up at him. He ramrodded Cody's butt underneath him as his fat balls began to surge massive gushes of creamy, sticky seed, pumping his boy on his potent cum again and again and again. Cody just clutched at Enki as he was mated so hard, pain shooting through the boy's butt again and again with every little pull or push of that big knot inside of him. The pain was so sharp and acute though that after a while of being roughly bounced by the horny foxy, Cody was again becoming slightly numbed to it... his deep long cries becoming more softened and pleasureful while the fox came over and over inside him. Enki's knot was bigger now than it was last time, plugging Cody a whole lot tighter. Cody could feel that pressure building again... just like last time. Just like yesterday, Cody could feel himself being pumped up to the veery brink, the boy's tummy bulging a little as Enki kept on cumming strong. When it felt like Cody couldn't handle any more, it suddenly slowed... and finally stopped again, the boy laying there breathing heavy and trembling as he hugged up against his lover and closed his eyes again, his vision blurred. 'Mmmm... oohh...' Cody licked up against Enki's lolled out tongue needfully, coaxing the fox into letting the boy suckle on it again. When he did, Cody blushed and relaxed a little, Enki slumping down over his boy a little and sharing that kiss while they rested there among the trees and bushes and flowers, waiting for Enki's knot to go down.

Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 6

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 6 by Cody DreamPuppy Time passed by slowly for Cody as he laid there in the soft grass under the shade of...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 4

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 4 by Cody DreamPuppy In Cody's dreams, he was always the most popular kid in school. The girls were...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 3

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 3 by Cody DreamPuppy Cody lifted his eyes slowly, shady grass all around and all the scents of the forest...

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