Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 4

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#4 of Cody's Growing Pains

Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta.

  • * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 4 by Cody DreamPuppy In Cody's dreams, he was always the most popular kid in school. The girls were all nice to him. The other boys would always share their stuff with him, and even the oldest boys would invite him to their games and everything. He was the smartest, or maybe the most athletic... or both! This time, something was different though. Instead of complimenting Cody on things like his athletic ability or asking him to join them in playing, kids were sort of fawning over him... petting him, saying things like "awwww... look how cuuute", even picking him up! He tried to speak up, but somehow they didn't seem to understand Cody at all. They just kept on petting and rubbing him, but... it was starting to feel really really good... and so the boy eventually just stopped resisting, blushing and feeling a bit strange and tingly all over as he submitted to his dream and let it have control of him. Cody woke up to a myriad of scents... his sense of smell seemed even more powerful than it was last night. Most prominent in his mind was Enki's smell... Cody could smell his own scent too though, coating most of the objects in the room. Cody's scent was subtle and sweet, youthful... but mixed with Enki's, it was highly stimulating. 'Enki...' Cody blushed some more as he began to think about the fox, his dream forgotten for now as the scent became more real to him, his boyhood beginning to throb softly. He reached down, undoing the button of his shorts and zipping them down casually... then he wriggled out of his undies, which took a little longer as a few thick gummy strings of Enki's cum were connected between the fabric and the boy's small cock and balls. Wearing only his school shirt and tie, Cody sat there with his legs spread wide, gazing down at his own boyhood while breathing slow and deep. He moved one hand down to lift his shirt in front, while the other very gently explored those delicate little fingers of his over his mostly soft circumcised member. It was still sticky but a lot of that goop from before seemed to be gone. It just felt a bit more sensitive now, and he could feel a few extra loose folds of skin bunched below its head which he hadn't really noticed before. He curled his fingers around it very softly and gave himself a few experimental tugs, blushing some more at feeling the extra loose skin stretching longer under the tugs... everything feeling so warm. He closed his eyes, a soft moan escaping Cody's lips as he pulled and squeezed at his boyhood more, his toes curling a little bit... he felt his balls twitching a little in the pleasure of each stroke as the boy tried to see how far he could stretch that loose skin over his tip. The scent of Cody's mom approaching his door woke the boy from his exploration, and he opened his eyes, taking a deeep breath as he pulled his hand away and let his shirt drape back down over his privates, just as she knocked at his door. "Cody, time to get ready for school." 'Okay, I'm coming' he said as he moved quickly to slide off from his bed, kind of hoping that she wouldn't come in before he could throw on some clothes. He hadn't realized he slept so long... his dream seemed so short. As he stood up from his bed, he could feel his sticky balls flopping a bit under his shirt. The boy was so distracted he hadn't even noticed how they slapped a little heavier with his young cock, his soft spheres slightly bigger too. Cody didn't have much time to clean up either, other than just washing his face and underarms with a damp cloth. He made a soft "hmmm" and hid his spooge-coated undies in the bottom of his hamper, then threw on a new set of school clothes quickly, still putting on his long white socks as he left his room and made for the stairs. Before he had even gotten out of his door, he could tell that Blue was waiting for him at the top of the stairs again. He could smell Blue, the dog's scent a little more insistent even than it was yesterday. 'Hey boy, I can't play... gotta... go to school,' Cody said as he reached down to stroke his dog's ears, still feeling a bit strange with all this attention Blue was suddenly giving to him. Blue usually only waited for his brother, not for him. As Cody scratched along Blue's ears and the back of his neck, the dog began to lean in, pressing his snout up between the boy's legs. Cody blushed and made a soft 'Ohh' sound, holding gently on the back of Blue's neck as he felt the dogs nose pressing up against his soft balls and cock through his clothes, inhaling against them while squishing them a bit between Cody's body and the velvety doggy nose. Cody had the hardest time pulling himself away from Blue. His balls were really extra sensitive for some reason... he could feel them twitching against Blue's nose as the dog nuzzled him like that. Eventually though, Cody knew he had to move... He couldn't get in trouble again by being late to school! He patted along Blue's back, softly rubbing the dog's butt a little and blushing as he stood back up straight. 'Mmm... see you in the afternoon Blue,' he said in his gentle voice to the collie, who looked up at the boy with one of those inquisitive doggy looks, as if asking "Where you going so fast?" Cody smiled softly and made his way down the stairs, Blue following close... his muzzle almost right up against the boy's butt on every step. He stood there at the bottom of the steps, bookbag over his back and giggled softly now and then feeling Blue's snout tickling between his buttcheeks while he waited for his mom to give him a ride to school. Creative writing... This was Cody's favorite class. He had such a vast imagination, and he loved to have a chance to just write all the stories and cool ideas that he was always making up in his head. Today though, Cody was really distracted. He probably wasn't expecting the olfactory overload that he received upon stepping into the school building, even though he probably should have sensed it coming, considering how the boy's sense of smell just seemed to keep getting stronger. Cody was supposed to be working on some assignment, but all he could do was daydream, the scents all around him influencing him... making the boy's heart beat a little faster once again as he examined each scent, placed it to each of his classmates. Some scents had a greater effect upon the boy, his uniform shorts gradually tenting up underneath his desk as he sat there with his elbows on the desk, cheeks cupped in his hands, blushing and looking on innocently. Danny, the boy sitting to the right of Cody, kept glancing over at him with a look of great curiosity. Danny knew who Cody was, had seen him plenty of times in class. He just never took any real interest in him, until suddenly today. He'd nearly bumped into Cody on the way to class, and instantly became intrigued by the scent the boy carried with him. Cody smelled pleasantly musky... sweet, and with a sense of urgency about his scent. There was something familiar about it, and it was so effective that Danny couldn't help blushing as he was coaxed into an erection as the other boy gazed upon him modestly and apologized to Danny. Danny was interested in boys, and not in a simply platonic way either. His sexual awareness seemed to have come a bit earlier than most, which made him like the lovesick puppy of the class. He would go to sports practices and games, just to watch and blush. He was the quirky kid who was sorta inconspicuously checking out the other boys in the guy's room from underneath his square-shaped glasses, light always seeming to be reflecting off of them so it was hard to tell just what he was looking at. Like Cody, he was one of the shorter boys in the class. He wasn't as short as Cody though, which is probably why he never cared to look at him before. Now though, he was watching Cody sitting there, the snug uniform shorts of the other boy's tented slightly almost through out the entire class as he daydreamed about something. Danny intended to find out what. As Cody made his way to the bathroom after class, all he could think about was Enki. It had only been a little less than a day since the boy had seen him, but already, Cody could feel the heat building in him once again. Every moment that he had to wait to see his fox friend, the heat got worse. All the scents of the other kids were being pushed from his mind, and his heart beat just a little faster as he focused more on Enki's scent on his own young body. When Cody finally stepped into the bathroom, he was lucky cause it was all empty. For a boy, there's nothing quite like having a bathroom all to yourself. It's like being master of the domain. For Cody, that instinct was even worse! He was beset by this urgent need to use every stall and urinal just to make sure all the other boys knew this was his area. Cody was able to suppress that instinct this time though. He quickly made his way to the closest urinal and pulled down his pants, then wriggled his undies down to his knees, somehow not even considering the fact that he'd just gotten half naked in an open area. This felt natural to Cody somehow. He held up his school shirt again with his left hand, his right going down to hold his boyhood and peel back the folds of skin that were now covering his tip so he could properly go. All that extra skin... felt a lot longer and more stretchy than it was this morning, covering the boy's cockhead completely now unless it were pulled back. Cody didn't seem to think about this though. He just stood there blushing a little at the pleasant sensation of holding his soft sensitive prick while he relieved himself. While Cody was... distracted... Danny had snuck into the bathroom and silently made his way to a nearby urinal. One of Danny's favorite things was to compare himself with the other boys. Not only did his early blooming cause him to be noticably larger than all of the other boys, but he'd never seen anyone else who was uncircumcised either, and Cody's foreskin looked amazingly loose and stretchy bunched up behind his cocktip. Danny had a little bit of a hard time relieving himself at first as he was becoming erect again watching the other boy jerk out the last few strong spurts, all that extra skin bobbing up and down along Cody's small member and making the boy's sagging balls slap about under his hand. Not only did Cody have a lot of foreskin, but those balls of his looked just a little too big to Danny, and he could almost swear he saw the cute boy's soft spheres plumping up a little more as they slapped lightly between the boy's thighs during a quick series of strokes that got Cody standing up on the tips of his toes and moaning cutely. Danny had never seen any of the other boys acting like this... and right in front of him! He felt really hot and a little nervous too, his erection throbbing up in his hand quickly... impossible to keep down at this point. After a few more rocks of his hips, Cody slowed his movements, wriggling his nose as he seemed to suddenly realize that there was another boy here. He opened his blue eyes a bit wide and glanced over at Danny, blushing shyly and then trembling as he noticed that his shorts and undies were all bunched down at his ankles too. 'Ahh.... Gosh." Cody quickly bent over and gathered his clothes back up... 'I didn't see... sorry' he said in a weak attempt to explain away his actions, making his way towards the door without even washing his hands as he was too embarrassed to hear what Danny might say. "Wait! Uhh... Cody" Danny flushed and took a deep breath, clumsily pulling his member back into his pants and zipping up, so he could turn towards the other boy without flopping around. Cody stopped about halfway to the door, turning back towards Danny. "Don't worry... I won't say anything." Cody relaxed a little, feeling a bit less an urge to escape now... He walked back over to Danny, holding his hands folded behind his back and trying his best to block out Danny's scent. It was pretty pungent at this point. He smiled a little at Danny, 'Thanks...' he said softly, trying his best not to stare. Danny giggled a little, thinking a moment. "Hey... Cody, you wanna come over to my house like tomorrow for a sleepover? You can meet my dog he's really nice, and we can play some games." Cody brought his hands back around front, playing with the hem of his shirt a little as he smiled back at Danny innocently and nodded, 'Ohh, yes I'd like that a lot.' Danny grinned mischievously, "Cool! I'll meet you in front tomorrow after school!" he said, and Cody nodded eagerly, blushing just a little more as he turned and walked out the door again. As soon as Cody was gone, Danny exhaled deeply and unzipped his pants, flopping out his excited boyhood again and helplessly jerked himself to climax not once, but twice in rapid succession.

Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 5

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 5 by Cody DreamPuppy The last class of the day for Cody today was gym. This was really convenient...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 3

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 3 by Cody DreamPuppy Cody lifted his eyes slowly, shady grass all around and all the scents of the forest...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 2

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 2 By Cody DreamPuppy Cody was really just amazed... Enki seemed to listen to him, almost like the fox...

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