Prison love part 5

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#6 of Prison Love (old)

i wanna thank all of you who have followed this seires from the beginning. i hoped you enjoyed it and i will be taking a little break for i will be turning my series The Dalmatian under the tree into a book ^^ i hope you all have a great time till i return



Would I don't know how long I was asleep for, it felt like a normal eight hour but when I woke up I was in a wooden room lit by a stick covered in a large muddy substance that was obviously flammable as it was also covered in a layer of burning hot fire. I laid back down feeling warm, and I soon found out why,

"MATT" a familiar voice called and pulled me into a tight and loving hug. I looked up and there was my dragon, holding onto me, his eyes wet along with his cheeks and I smiled and then leaned up and kissed him. Chris softly pushed his lips into mine as we kissed, it felt so nice to have my dragon kissing me and not some ass forcing it on me. Chris held me like it would be the last time he ever would, it was the same with the kiss we shore. His lips were perfect as per usual but it was very passionate and so loving it was a bit worrying, not that I minded, it just worried me that love and passion at this level. I must have been out for years.

All through that night Chris didn't let me go, I knew he didn't want to talk, he just lay there hugging me tightly. I didn't know what to do but I just closed my eyes and fell asleep in the arms of my dragon. I woke up to my dragon lapping at my neck, I let out a soft moan

"Ooo babe what are you doing" I asked and his paw went to my stomach and rubbed

"Teasing you, I haven't been able to for..." he said stopping himself, he sighed and stopped his lick lapping and stomach rubbing. I looked back

"Chris?" I asked, he was laying on his back his paw on his forehead "Chris how long was I out for" I asked

"a while can we leave it at that?" he asked, I shook my head

"I'm sorry hun but no" I said, Chris nodded and sat up pulling me up into a tight cuddle.

"You were out for three weeks" he said and I looked up quickly

"WHAT" I shouted, Three weeks? THREE FUCKING WEEKS? That's how long I was out for? I was so shocked that I went to stand up

"What matt NO" Chris said and as I went to stand I collapsed to the ground, I looked at my feet and wondered what the hell was going on. Chris sighed and then got off what I saw was just wood then picked me up and gave me a soft nuzzle "sweetie you haven't walked in two weeks your legs are gonna take a few minutes to hours to recuperate" he said. He may not have given me the greatest news but with the nuzzle, it really took some of my pain away. My dragon was a sweet guy and as he nuzzled me I couldn't help but to purr. I smiled and he just held me and then my stomach growled. Chris smiled

"My kitten hungry" he asked getting a giggle from me and then I nodded

"Just a tad" I giggled, Chris nodded then he padded over to the door and disappeared. I giggled and then had a look around the room. I smiled as everything was paw caved and I knew who it was caved bye. My dragon had carved a massive room for us with a bed, some draws, a desk and a book case which I found peculiar since we didn't have a book to put in it. I just lay there and tried to get my legs to work, I kept telling myself to move my foot by curling my toes "tell your brain to move your big toe" I told myself, I said while focusing on my toes trying to get them to wiggle. I sat there staring at them "Come on matt make them move" I said

"You know" I heard a voice looking up seeing Chris with two porcelain plates in his paws "telling yourself to move them ain't gonna do shit" he giggled

"Well you never know" I said "they could have ears" I giggled and Chris laughed

"Oh matty" he said smiling, he came over and sat down next to me putting a plate on my legs, it had a large piece of steak and mashes potatoes with carrots and corn.

"Oh god this looks s..." I was interrupted by Chris getting my maw and then pushing his lips against mine. I murred closing my eyes, putting my paw on his chest and softly rubbing up to his cheek, Chris held me to him being careful of our food but I did have to wonder where he got this stuff from, I mean he can't just go down to the IGA and get what he wants. He might of stolen it an if he did. I really could have cared less, we needed it and we were probably already wanted so if he stole it I would be fine with it so I just murred into the kiss. Chris softly broke the kiss but held my maw close to his

"God I have missed that" he said and then kissed me once more and then smiled looking into my eyes, I smiled and giggled licking his nose

"I bet you did" I said smiling and then softly looked down and seeing the metal knife and fork, I looked over still wondering about where he got all of this, but then he looked over

"What" he asked

"Wh-where did you get all this stuff from hun, We have no money so I-I'm curious where did get all of the food and crockery from" I asked, Chris just looked at me "you stole it didn't you" I asked and he just nodded then I laughed. Chris tilted his head as I was laugh

"What are you laughing at" he asked, I couldn't answer right away as I was still laughing and trying to eat. I couldn't believe after being in jail he just went and stole I just then found prison a big pointless waist of the government's time and money. I soon settled down and looked at my dragon who was still very confused

"Oh he-he I was just thinking, after how long you spent in that prison you still go ahead and steal" I said giggling and then Chris laughed nodding

"I guess your right" he laughed then he pulled he into him while I ate. Everything was cooked to perfecting, the stake wasn't chewy or tough it was perfect and it even had seasoning

"hun where what did you get" I asked murring. Chris smiled and then kissed my fore head

"My mate will only get the best of anything" he said, I giggle

"Your cute" I said giving his lips a soft loving kiss, he smiled and then we continued eating, as I finished my meal I pushed my plate away and then stretched, it felt so good feeling my bones click into place then I realized my legs were moving "YES" I shouted. Chirs looked over

"Legs working" he asked, I nodded then moved my plate off my legs then stood up and walked around

"OH GOD" I said happily and then cart wheeled and then purposely fell over "dammit that felt food" I said smiling then Chris padded over and held his paw out for me, I took it and he pulled my up fast and quick and I landed right into his chest making out nose touch. I blushed madly, he was so strong and now those big strong arms were holding me up to him, he was smiling and it was just so cute I blushed, he chuckled and then pushed his lips against mine, I murred closing my eyes as we had out lip lock it felt so good, he softly broke it and then he looked down at my body

"Hun what size are you" he asked, I tilted my head

"Why are you asking sweetie" I asked and he smiled and softly kissed me

"Cause if we want a life hun we are gonna need clothes" he said and I giggled nodding

"That's true" I said "I'm a small or extra small if you wanna get me something tight" I said giggling a little, Chris blushed and I felt his starting to get hard "I must ask where do we get our water, and where do we keep our cold stuff" I asked. Chris smiled then swung his arm holding me up wedding style. He walked out of our room and into a little walkway that led into living room with his couch, TV and PlayStation 3 "Explain how those are going to work" I asked and Chris chuckled

"Yee of little faith" he said and softly kissed me again "I stole a generator and I was able to hook it up around the place and now we have power but not running water or gas, but both of those we have" he chuckled "I can breathe fire and we have a fresh water a little walk away" he said and then I smiled

"Really" I asked now excited,

"Hehe yup" he said smiling and then giving me a little kiss, I giggle and then I looked around only now wondering where we were

"Umm honey I am curious about where we are" I asked. Chris smiled and nodded then he began to walk to a door, when Chris opened it there was a ladder made of thick wood and Chris put me down and kissed my nose then began to climb the ladder. I followed him but he stopped before he got to a wooden lid with leaves on top of it, Chris looked down

"okay kitten, whenever you come up here you have to check that there is nobody around" he said then he raised the hole a little and looked around, he then raised the top all the way, put it to the left of him and then climbed out holding his paw out for me when we was out. I took it and he pulled me out and smiled kissing me having a cute murr along with it, he took my paw and we walked out in the forest we were in, the sun was shining down on the beautiful tree filled land, we heard birds singing, saw a few feral dears eating away at the grass. After a while I heard the sound of rain, I smiled at Chris

"WE HAVE OUR OWN WATERFALL" I said excited, Chris nodded then I began to run, I ran till I saw the magical water fall, it was a good 10 meters high and the water fell into a clear pool underneath the large fall, it was beautiful and clean so I striped down and jumped in. I murred as I began to swim around naked and loving it, I head Chris chuckle and I turned around and then went to stand but when as I did I sunk a little and I then swum up "ohh its deep" I said smiling

"That's how I made it" he said then I tilted my head, he then began to strip in front of me taking his orange jump suit off and I blushed getting hard as I saw his nude body. His body was full of yummy abs making my member escape its sheath; his arms were bulging along with his legs. My Dragon was just perfect. He was sweet, loving and dam sexy and I loved him so much, when he began to pad into the water he was getting hard and it was noticeable as his member was red, he blushed as he knew I saw it, he then dove in and I was expecting him to submerge again but he didn't so I looked around

"Chris" I asked but he didn't submerge, he wasn't anywhere, I looked left and right then I dove and looked around and there he was laying on the ground his arms behind his head laying there smiling, I went back up took a huge gulp of air then dove down to him, he pulled me down and kissed me, I murred as I could breathe and then as I felt him grab my hips and prod my tail hole I moaned into his maw then I kicked up wanting this done on our bed at our new home. I suburged with a big gasp of air and was followed by Chris

"What's wrong sweetie" he asked pulling me close, I smiled and nuzzled him

"I want to do it at our new home" I said kissing him murring, he nodded then we swam to the entrance of the pool like structure then we both grabbed out clothes and ran to the entrance of out underground lair both with raging hard erections. We soon got to the entrance and I opened the door and climbed down the hole as fast as I could while Chris got the top of out entrance and then jumped in, the lid feel on perfectly and he landed with a thud and then grabbed me and put our lips together.

I purred while he murred as we kissed quickly getting to our room and over to our bed where Chris rolled onto it taking me with him. Our tongues were wrapping around one another's then my dragon rolled over putting me underneath him, he put his arm down to keep himself from crushing me then with the other leg he grabbed one of my leg and put it around my waist and I just did the other one for him. Chris moaned lightly as he put his large member against my tail hole

"Oh god you're so tight matt" he moaned, I was purring shivering in pleasure as his member was teasing me, but it didn't last too long though, not five seconds later he began to apply pressure

"AHHH" I said, it was hurting a little I didn't have any lubricant on it to help it through like it did in the shower, at least there it was all wet from the water but this was straight from the bottle, he kept pushing and pushing getting deeper and deeper into me

"Holy shit matt you're so dam tight" Chris moaned as he continued to push deeper and deeper into me, he was so thick I could feel every vein he had on his long hard member and as I felt his groin against my butt cheeks I let out a soft moan of ecstasy. I felt so good when he was just resting inside me well it felt better when he was actually fucking me when it wasn't hurting. Chris leaned down and again put his lips against mine, I put my paw on the back of his head as he did. His soft moist lips making the kiss just perfect and when he added his tongue it just turned me on more, our tongue wrestled one another lovingly and then Chris began to pull his member out of me. I winced and moaned at the same, it hurt and felt amazing at the same time, his hips were moving slow and his paws where on my hips, he had stopped kissing me and was moaning looking down at me.

It felt so good and hurt badly at the same time, my mind couldn't work out whether to moan or shout out in pain, so I did both

"Ahhh Ch-Chris e-easy" I moaned slash whimpered, Chris softly pushed all the way into me with a moan then he just rested, he put one of his paws behind my head and the other under my back and then just rested giving me time to get used to his massive size. We both panted as we lay there and I looked up my eyes closing in pleasure as he felt so good when he just rested in me and I just put my paws around his neck panting

"Y-you okay sweetie" he asked panting his hot breath against my neck, I nodded nuzzling against him

"J-just give a sec to adjust" I said and he nodded and softly kissed my neck, he knew it drove me crazy and I loved it, I don't know why but my neck is so sensitive, when ever somebody licked, kissed or nibbled at it, it just made me moan loudly in pleasure and Chris was doing just that and out of pure ecstasy the moans escaped my maw. Chris chuckled and kept licking and sucking on my neck and soon I couldn't take it "Ohhh Chris fuck me please" I begged and he nodded and began to pull out of me and I only moaned this time, it felt so good this time round when his long thick member began to slowly fuck me.

I threw my head back as his pace was slow and steady but it felt so good having him rubbing against my insides, he had to stop his neck attack while he was pumping his dragon meat into me and moaned, his long piece of meat began to gain speed and buck into me faster it only made my moans louder. I don't know how I was moaning, it was so big and so hard I could feel him pulsate as he thrusted into me. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt, it must have been from the nice neck molesting I just encountered because it didn't feel this good when we were in the showers.

I moaned as I began to clench at him making him moan even louder while my own piece of meat was rock solid being rubbed against his washboard abs making me moan louder. Each ab made my member vibrate and shake making me pre all over my stomach. His ramming soon got even faster and I felt something growing at the bottom of his member and I knew what It was

"AHH" I moaned "Y-you have a oh yer a kn-knot" I asked as he began to get even faster

"Y-yer oh god matt sh-shall I ohh tie with yo-you" he asked, I moaned

"YES" I screamed in pleasure and at that moment his hard knot was pressed against my tight hole and as he forced in I yowled in pain and whimpered and then moaned as his hot, thick dragon cum was exploded into me making my toes curl in pleasure, I felt it as rope after rope was shot deep into my tail hole then it slid deeper making me feel pleasure beyond belief. Chris then took my maw and began to kiss me softly, I murred and put my arms around his neck kissing my lover back, his paw softly ran down my body and to my own pulsating meat then he wrapped his paw around and began to jerk at it and fast, I moaned loudly as his scaly paw felt so good running up and down my shaft coaxing my climax to grow and grow till finally

"AHHHH CHRIS IMA CUM" I moaned loudly

"That's right honey cum for me" Chris panted opening his maw at the tip of my member giving it a long lick

"NNGGGGGGGGHHHH" I shouted as long, thick, hot ropes of cum shot from my head into my lovers waiting maw, he murred as they shot into his maw giving my dragon a good maw filling him with every shot I had till I shot my last rope and then I panted and panted hard. I purred as I laid there Chris leaning over me well until he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up onto his lap, I giggled but blushed as he pulled me into a kiss, a kiss of love and passion for me and only me. Chris rubbed my hips and kept our lips together for the entire duration of the kiss. It felt so good, it felt so right that I couldn't help but melt into my dragon's maw letting him explore my maw with his tongue while I did with mine. His soft paws ran through my fur till his hug was complete with both arms around me and his maw against mine. He soon broke the kiss and I softly nuzzled him purring

"I love you Matt" he said "I want to spend the rest of eternity with you" he said softly and I looked up into his sparkling yes

"I love you to Chris and you know what" I said and he smiled

"What" he asked and I got closer to his maw

"You will" I said and we softly put our lips together and then Chris turned and lay down, me laying on his chest and I looked into the eyes of the one I loved, of the one who loved me. Who would watch out for me and the one who I would spend eternity with. In the eyes of the dragon I fell in love with.

Prison Love Part 4

That night was the coldest nigh I had ever endured; it was so cold that even though I had covers and my clothes I felt like I was lying in snow butt naked, my teeth were chattering as I lay in the little ball I had curled myself into "Matt are...

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Prison Love Part 3

OMFG ITS DONE CELEBRATION TIME okay enough celebration anway thank you all for being very patient for this chapter ^^ i hope none of you were sitting aat the computer click refresh hoping to see it pop up ^.=.^ if you did DO SOMETHING!!!! now before...

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Prison love part 2

~~~three days later~~~ After three days of a lot of paper work, photos, lectures from my parents and a lot of support from my friends, I was sitting in the third row of the rusty old shit bucket that they so laughably called a...

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