Prison love part 2

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#2 of Prison Love (old)

~~~three days later~~~

After three days of a lot of paper work, photos, lectures from my parents and a lot of support from my friends, I was sitting in the third row of the rusty old shit bucket that they so laughably called a bus. My paws had big metal paw cuffs around them as we drove through the a desert that the facility was kept in, we drove passed miles and miles of red country and all I saw as we drove was either red hot sand or big rocks. The only interesting thing we passed was a cactus. Can you believe it? ONE CACTUS. The other thing that got my attention was that the bus was filled, I did not see one empty seat on the rattling death trap, I mean how many furs that were under eighteen actually commit crimes. There were wolves, racoons (no surprise there), vultures and a few other types of animals, some were talking others weren't while other animals stared at the one that was sitting next to them, just like the buff ferret who sat next to me who did not stop staring at me. I didn't take my eyes off my paws but I made sure that the ferret was always in my peripheral vision. I felt so uncomfortable that I squirmed around and the reason I was squirming on the seat was for two reasons:

One. The seat I sat on was made of wood so every time I moved, I moved to an even harder place and two. THE FERRET WOULDN'T TAKE HIS PERVERTED EYES OFF ME. I was getting really sick and tired of his eyes scanning over me. Was he gay or something, or was he just fucked up? I tried to ignore him but it became more difficult when I felt his gaze constantly going up and down my body, looking over me as if I had a large sign saying 'PLEASE LOOK AT ME AS IF IM A FUCKING WHORE'. I pinned my ears back as I looked the opposite way and I heard him chuckle and then I just got fed up.

"Why are you staring at me," I asked looking him dead in his grey-blue

"I'm just looking at my new bitch," he chuckled; his voice was strong and fierce but I only rolled my eyes.

"Good luck with that," I mumbled. I felt his gaze on the side of my face go from a lust to a rip to shreds look so I looked back up at the large brown and black ferret as his stair burned into my soul

"Listen here, bitch, and listen well. If you kneel and bend over when asked, you will be fine and kept out of harm's way. But if you piss me off, it's gonna be a very long sentence," the ferret growled. I gave out a little whimper as he brought his eyes to mine. I nodded softly and the ferret chuckled dominantly. "I think you will catch on very quickly," he laughed and then sat back in his seat, getting out of my face. I sat there scared for a little bit before sitting back up against my chair getting closer to the large killing machine, trembling a little. I knew that the ferret didn't take his eyes off me the whole trip to the juvenile prison but when we got there I let out a sigh of relief, I finally got to get away from the bloody rapist who was sitting right next to me. We piled out of the bus and we lined up in a fenced area just outside of the facility, we were all lined up in a square like formation and we were told to stay in that formation, for if it was broken they had the right to use their batons.

"NOW LADIES!" I suddenly heard (jumping as I did) and my head flung over to the entrance to the prison to see a massive tiger standing there, his uniform tidy without a single crease, he was large and muscular towering over many firs in the formation and his face show no emotion he just stood there intimidating us. "You are here for one reason, and for one reason only," he growled as he walked up and down the aisles that we had formed in the square formation we were in. "You little pussies think that you're above the law," he growled coming closer and closer to me. "You pathetic little brats aren't going to leave this place till you know the laws forwards, backwards, left, right and upside down!" the tiger growled as he then got me into his vision. He looked down and gave me a laugh "What the fuck are you doing here? Rob a teddy bear shop?" he mocked and I heard a few sniggers.

"I-I'm here because I murdered somebody," I sighed, as the tiger raised an eye brow then started to walk around again.

"Here's the deal, ladies, while your here you're gonna shut up and do your time. When that time is up, you will leave here and be good little kids, like you're meant to be," the tiger growled then padded to the front of the group. "Whoever you were sitting next to on the bus, will be your cell mate for the rest of your time here so hopefully you got along well" the tiger spoke and those words made my heart sink into the souls of my hind paws, I looked over at the ferret who smiled a perverted grin. I began to tremble knowing exactly what was to come tonight. "Now before we take you to your cells," the tiger said smiling, "we get to check your cavities for any drugs or keys," the tiger said and my eyes widened.

They were gonna have their finger, maybe fingers, inside me. ME. I trembled, hoping to god that I didn't let out a moan or that my member didn't have the urge to show itself.

"okay line up" the tiger yelled out and all the furs that were out in the field began to line up in a large row and I was so happy that I was last but, it was short lived. "We want it shortest to tallest now hurry it up," the tiger growled and I slowly and reluctantly padded to the front of the line getting a couple slaps on the butt as I walked passed.

The tiger saw me padding up with my ears pulled back and he then leaned to the German Sheppard that stood next to him then whispered something into his ear. The officer grinned and nodded, I was up at the door and he had a smile on his maw that I didn't quite like.

"Okay. Follow me," the tiger said full of authority. I heard the canine guard next to me snigger and I gave a soft whimper. I followed him and we passed a large room with outlines of paws that had cavity search written on the bars, so I stopped and the tiger growled, "Did I say stop," I then continued with him, giving a little shiver as we walked through the dimly lit, white coloured walk way, which had pipes coming out of the walls. We continued until we came to a little room. He opened the door. Inside was just a table and a ring that came out from the table with a pair of paw cuffs fed through it. The room was, also, dimly light, with white walls. When I heard the door shut I yelped and jumped in surprise.

"Strip down," the tiger growled in authority. I blushed as I heard his words, I must have heard him wrong so I just wanted to make sure I heard the tiger right.

"W-What," I asked and the tiger looked at me with a livid look.

"Did I FUCKING STUTTER," he growled "I SAID STRIP DOWN. NOW!" He yelled and (out of fear) I quickly undid the jump suit and stepped out of it. I swear to god I heard him purr when he saw my naked, not wearing not a thread of clothing. I stood there with my ears pulled back and me covering myself with my paws. He just stared at me for a few seconds before padding over to me. "Okay, due to our safety policies, you are required to be paw cuffed to the table," he said, as if I was going to rip his throat open at any moment, I nodded reluctantly, not wanting to take my paws away from my Sheath. The tiger took me over to the table, took my paws (which made me blush ((A LOT))), and cuffed me to the table, now the thing you have to know about this table is that is slid right against the wall and the ring that had the cuffs fed through it was right against the wall so I was bent over the table trembling like a little tiny cub.

I heard the slap of elastic and I whimpered softly knowing what I was about to have done to me, my tail was in between my legs and even they were shaking. I just waited for it to start but as I looked back the tiger was adding some gel to the glove, which calmed me a small bit. I just looked forward, hoping to god it would be fast. I heard the tigers paw steps get closer and closer till he was right behind me.

"Okay boy, raise that tail nice and high for me," he said in what seemed to be a very dominant voice, I whimpered as I raised my tail up and that's when I knew I heard him purr "that's a good cub" he said and then I felt his paw finger press up against my tail hole, it got a squeak from my maw in surprise but then as the tiger added pressure to my tight pucker I clenched my teeth together at the sudden stretching of my anal ring "you're a tight little thing aren't you" the tiger stated still sinking his finger further and further into me, I gave out a grunt as I wondered how long his dam finger was. I finally felt his other fingers press against my butt cheeks and then he moved his finger around rubbing up against my sides. I know it wasn't supposed to but it felt actually nice, I had to bite down on my tongue to stop the moan that was about to escape my maw.

I squirmed a little as he ran his fingers all around inside my tail hole, his movements of his long paw finger felt incredible, it was almost as if he was trying to pleasure me. His finger searched deep inside of me checking every wear and I felt it as it moved all around my tail hole moving up and down searching all different areas of my insides. As he was pulling out I smiled as best I could "thank god" I thought but as he pulled out he kept his figurer pressed up against my pucker I was confused but the he started to prod at my pucker, pressing up against my tail hole but not enough to push through the entrance, I looked back and the tiger and his face gave a evil little smile (while I tried not to moan)

"W-what are you doing" I asked

"Whatever the fuck I feel like but something is telling me you like what I'm doing" the tiger said still smiling, I was confused, how the fuck could he know if I was enjoying this or not

"How would you know if I'm enjoying it" I asked with attitude, the tiger chuckled

"By that throbbing erection in between your legs" the Tiger laughed, I was shocked and looked at the tiger for a few more seconds before quickly looking down at my lower area and sure enough my large pink cock had escaped from its furry prison to let the world to see. I looked at my cock with such embarrassment that my face and ears were burning cherry red. The tiger laughed then bent down to his ears "So you like having a finger inside you huh" He asked chuckling slowly sliding his finger back into me, I grunted as I felt his finger slide back into me sliding up against my anal ring.

I tried to hold back the moan that was trying to escape my maw but the way he moved around inside me, his finger drew invisible circles inside of me rubbing against my insides, just his slow movements of circles made it so hard to keep the moan down

"Let's hear that moan boy," the tiger said as he then pulled out slowly and then with force back into me forcing the moan from my lips, I blushed more and my eyes began to water what was he doing to me and why. This felt good and that was the embarrassing thing about it, I cried silently while moaned as he kept thrusting his finger in and out of my tail hole as I was bound to the table, I don't know why it felt so good to have his finger inside me, I don't know but all I knew is that I wanted him to stop humiliating me, the tiger then chuckled once again and he slowly (to toucher me) pulled his paw finger out of me.

My shaky knees gave in and I collapsed onto the table held up by my stomach panting, I couldn't move, I didn't want to, but when I heard a zipper I spun my head fast to see the tiger getting his hard member out

"What are you doing," I asked shaking but the tiger just rolled his eyes and wrapped my tail around his paw and lined up his cock with my tail hole, I tried to escape my paw cuffs by pulling at them but all I got was a his paw slamming my head into the table. I yelped loudly as my head connected with the steal table and the tiger only laughed

"So you ready to have a cock inside you now," the tiger purred as he prodded at my slick, pink pucker ready to slid it into my at any moment, I cried as he spoke

"Please, I'm begging, you let me go," I pleaded tears falling from my eyes but the tiger just laughed

"Why you're bent over the table and I know you want this so don't think for a second I will let you walk out of her without me filling you," the tiger laughed as he prodded my hole and by feeling just the head of it I could tell it was a large one. The tiger purred as he ran one of his paws up and down my back making me tremble in fear. I just looked at the wall in front of me letting my tears flow freely down my face and then the tiger spoke again "so do you have a name bitch," he asked and I let out another tear as I trembled at the mercy of the tiger

"M-Mathew" I cried, the tigers purred continued

"What a boring name" the tiger groaned as he kept his thick member pressed against my hole, I didn't know what he meant by that, Mathew was common yes but not boring. "Oh I have a name for you" he chuckled and I whimpered knowing for sure that the name would be degrading just for the purpose of making me feel like a whore. Probably is gonna be Whore. "Slut" he said before burring his hard cock into my hard making me scream and squirm in excruciating pain.

"PLEASE PULL OUT" I screamed out in pain as the sudden stretch tore me, My tail hole burned with his cock stretching it out, I tried to close it as much as possible but it only made it worse, I lay their yelling and whimpering as he moaned as he purred

"Ohhh yer, you're so tight slut" The tiger purred as he was just getting used to the feeling of having my tight tail hole cover his hard bobbing cock. I could feel every vain, every curve that the tigers cock had. The tigers shaft was buried so deep inside me that the tiger could only just hilt me, It made me fell so full as he just rested it in me and the pain that I went through as all this happened was making my crying worse but you know I couldn't help but think I deserved this, I mean I killed a fur. Yes he was an utter ass who was the only thing that made my school days hell, but who was I to say who lived or dies. I smashed his head open against a brick wall and his blood was on my paws, I knew I deserved this but I still squirmed and screamed in pain as he continued.

"Mmm beg for me to start slut" the tiger commanded, I was scared I didn't know what do to, I didn't know what to say I just lay on the table scared and confused. The tiger growled after a while and slapped me over the back of the head getting a yelp of pain from my maw "I SAID BEG" he yelled

"PLEASE FUCK ME" I yelled out in fear trying to hide myself "please start making me feel good" I whimpered letting more tears loose. The tiger gave out a small laugh then he bent down to my ear

"You're learning that I'm in control here slut, this is good" the tiger said then I felt his body against mine then I heard him in my ear "if your good your rewarded but if your bad well its gonna be a very painful time for you here" the tiger said then pulling out and then pushing back in. I screamed out in pain as I felt him roughly pounded my ass with no mercy

"PLEASE IT HURTS" I screamed pleading to him but all I got was a growl

"I WILL NGGHHH DECIDE WHEN I S-S-STOP" he growled as I felt his member being constantly slammed into me, I felt the head of his cock slide up against my insides stretching me more and more with very thrust, I yelped, I pleaded I begged him to stop but his thrusts just got stronger every time I complained or screamed "LISTEN BITCH" he screamed slapping me over the head again making me yelp "here are your options, keep being a pussy and get rammed faster and harder or moan and enjoy it" he growled, I just hid my face from him and cried in pain, the tears rolled down my face "now I'm going to continue and all I'm going to hear is you moan" the tiger said "and if I don't, you won't be leaving this room with a cock" the tiger threatened growling then he took a few breaths before pulling his massive monster out of my tail hole and then with a massive thrust back into me, I squeaked and tried to keep the yelp back in my throat.

I clenched my eyes and teeth as the pain was to over whelming, I was crying, I was suffering but the tiger couldn't care less, all he cared about was making himself feel good, all he wanted out of this is to cum inside of me and then use me whenever he needed to fuck something

"I SAID TO MOAN SLUT" he screamed at me, I was in too much pain to do anything but I forced one out

"OOOOHHHH" I moaned the best that I could, it sounded forced, it sounded awkward and the tiger growled and once again grabbed my head then slammed it into the metal table. My face hit the table head on and with full force, I felt my nose snap and I yelled in pain as the blood poured down my face but the tiger only fucked me harder. As his large hips were thrusting his cock got harder and harder stretching my anal ring wider and wider. My ass hole was burning as it somebody was branding me like a cow but over my pucker, I wanted to scream, I wanted all this to stop but I knew he wouldn't stop ramming his cock into me until he filled me with his revolting tiger nut.

I whimpered crying underneath the large tiger as his large rod fucked me hard with no remorse, he wouldn't stop, no matter what. I lay against the table gritting my teeth tears pouring from my eyes feeling his veiny cock slide in and out of my burning hole but all I heard from him was moans. I then felt some wetness against my insides, I gave a sigh of relief thinking he was cumming but I soon found out what it was

"Mmm pre cum feels good huh slut" he chuckled hearing my sigh "C'mon slut I want you to moan NOW" he said thrusting into me hard as he said now, I whimpered

"Oh it f-feels so g-good" I forced myself to moan through my teeth and the tiger growled

"Moan better beg for me to fuck you, beg for me to fill you" he growled and I whimpered and cried

"Please stop" I begged him "it hurts" I cried and looking up at him with tear filled eyes hoping he would just pity me and let me go but I was stupid to think that. The tiger growled loudly and gripped my main and pulled me up

"listen you SLUT" the tiger yelled in my ear his cock hilted deep inside me "What I say goes GOT IT, I don't care if your bleeding to death if I say moan YOU FUCKING MOAN NOW MOAN" he yelled into my ear then pushed me into the table again, my body slammed hard into the table making me yelp in pain. It felt as if my ribs had just been crushed and my nose oozed more and more red blood adding to the already large pool that was underneath my nose, but still the tiger wasted no time in starting again, his cock kept being pulled out then being sheathed back into me, I kept squirming but I let out a forced moan after being commanded to and so the tiger chuckled. I felt so humiliated moaning as his member kept slamming into me, I wanted to get him off me to tell him to stop and make him if I had to but the tiger was taller, stronger and in control so what could I do except try not to be slaughtered by the huge being fucking me.

"MMmm that's it slut moan for me" the tiger growled in pleasure as his cock slid in and out of my tail hole with his strong hips getting faster and faster with every thrust his large cock opening me wide as hips kept hitting my cheeks while I laid their taking the assault powerless to do anything. I lay their crying like a little pathetic cub and just let out forced moans as his thunderous thrusts hit my hind quarters that's all I could do. "Ohh your such a tight slut slut" the tiger growled in pleasure as I felt his member get bigger and bigger causing his cock to get bigger which caused me even more pain, I whimpered as he got even faster "OH Beg for my cum slut I wanna here how much of a slut you really are" the Tiger growled and my eyes got more and more tearful as I spoke

"P-Please fill me sir, I want to feel your hot cum inside me" I cried and then the Tiger growled out and I felt my innards being hit with ropes and ropes of hot cum, the tigers hot rod pulsated every time a rope hit my sides, his cum was thick and sticky as it ran down my sides while the tiger collapsed on top of me and I gave a yelp of surprise and pain as his large body hit against my small one, I lay their panting and crying as I tried to recover from the harsh actions that just took place and the tiger just panted and chuckled a little catching his breath.

"Dam I'm defiantly gonna see more of you" the tiger said starting to sit up but I then felt his breath on my shoulder and then felt his teeth dig into my shoulder, I screamed out in pain as my shoulder began to burn and sting, blood streamed down my shoulder as he sunk his teeth in deep

"STOP IT LET GO" I screamed and he only sunk his teeth in deeper

"I'm marking you to the guards so if they touch I will fire them" he growled it was muffled by the fact I had my shoulder deep into his maw, I kept screaming out in pain as his teeth buried themself deeper into me, the tiger was chuckling at my screaming and crying but soon he realised my shoulder and I yelped and my breathing got harder after tensing my body so hard. The blood ran down my shoulder onto the table below me and the pain only made me feel worse. I lay on the table crying my eyes out as I felt the large tiger pull his cock out of my tail hole moaning as he did, I just cringed my face up trying not to scream.

The tiger soon had pulled his large cock out of my pucker and I felt his revolting his revolting cum gush out of my abused tail hole and onto the floor, the loud splashing sound I heard made me whimper, I must have reeked of the tiger by now and now everybody would know what just happened. I collapsed on the table below me panting heavily and then I heard the tigers' zipper go back up, I let out a sigh of relief knowing I was safe from his monster so I just lay their trying to get over my burning tail hole.

"Hehe well slut that was nice but now you gotta go to your cell" the tiger said then undoing my paw cuffs and I pushed up off the table and tried to get to my jump suit but the tiger had grabbed my tail and I yelped as the hard tug at my tail. The tiger then spun me around and forced his lips against mine, my eyes opened wide and I tried to push the larger fur away from me but his arms held me in place but then his tongue forced its way into mine then he shot me a look 'if you bite me I will fucking rip you in half' it said and I looked at him fearfully "now kiss me back slut" the tiger growled and I (crying my eyes out) ran my tongue along his reluctantly, the tiger murred in his dominance as he shoved his tongue down my throat but the sad thing was. This was my first real kiss and It was a forced one. The tiger then broke the kiss "get dressed slut" he growled and pushed me away from him.

I hit the ground and I yelp and I grab the orange jump suit and pull it over to me and I cover myself with it, the tiger rolled his eyes

"hurry the fuck up get dressed before you spend your prison time naked" he growled and I stood up and got into it quickly and sharply hoping he didn't see much. The tiger grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the door hard "Now your gonna be in this room every day I'm here so I suggest you just break now" the tiger said cuffing my paws and then we made a walk through a long hallway with pipes all over the walls, then we broke into the huge room with cells in it and I heard them all as they saw me and the tiger and I heard them all go nuts

"WOOOOOOO" some went

"wardens got himself a bitch" I heard one say, they all yelled something out at me as I walked then we came to a cell and I saw the ferret he gave me a lick to his lips but then I noticed a guard walked towards us with a much larger fur towards the cell

"Sorry warden but the cell has been taken" the Dalmatian said

"Oh really" the warden said looking at the Dalmatian

"Yer paper work is also done so we can't swap them" the Dalmatian said and the warden nodded

"So where is the next free cell" the warden asked

"Sorry sir but were are full an so I had to send him to the high security prison" the Dalmatian said and I felt the tigers grip get tighter

"What" he said "you mean this bitch has to be moved three hours away" the tiger growled

"Yer sorry sir but it was either that or move him to a different state" the Dalmatian said, the tiger growled and then spun me around and took me back to the way we came

"CALL THE PRISON TELL THEM THEY HAVE ANOTHER PRISNER COMING" the warden yelled, I couldn't believe my luck. I was just saved and now was going to a prison that I hoped was better than this one. I smiled and then the next thing I knew I was being slammed into the wall "THINK THIS IS FUNY HUH" he growled, his eyes were burning mine with that fierce look he gave me and so I shook my head trembling in fear "good because it's only worse at the high security prison which is where you are going but don't worry I'll put in a good word for you to the guards" the tiger growled and I shook my head

"Oh god please no, please don't make then rape me" I begged him but he only chuckled

"Rape you" he said laughing "they are gonna destroy your ass hole and maw" he said then he kept dragging me to the bus. And I mean drag. I was taken to another large shitty bus that could barely stand and then the tiger forced me down onto a seat and then he walked out of the bus then back into the prison. the bus trip was long and boring having nobody to talk to, I would have had the ferret back at one point but that thought was short lived as I remembered how he was looking at me, what he said to me and how he reacted when he saw me back at the cell so I was actually thank full that I wasn't with him at the moment. I sighed as I sat and just looked out the window not thinking about anything really, just zoned out in an alternate universe but when I saw the large building I sighed and pined my ears back, I didn't deserve what was to come, I deserved what the tiger did, I agree with that, but do I really deserve to be screwed every day, I just wanted to go home, but I knew that wasn't gonna happen; not for a long time anyway. As the bus stopped I sighed looking out at the large grey building with a large door that two guards were padded out off holding large guns, one a bull dog and the other a huge komodo Dragon I trembled at the as the large furs walked up to me and undid my cuffs and took me out of the bus

"Welcome to the high security prison" the large bull dog said "if you have any complaints about the facility shove them up your ass" he said and they continued to hurry me through to the one huge room the rooms weren't equipped with steel bars, this place had large thick glass doors with a very effective locking system in the middle of the one meter thick piece of glass that kept the prisoners away from running around like the mad people they were. I was expecting to be brought into just any old cell but I was continued on passed the large room, I kept going into another smaller room, with just a door, a steal door. They padded up to the door(dragging me with them) and then opened it up then pushed me into the room, they slammed the door after me and I looked behind me

"AM I ALONE" I yelled out then a little slide opened

"your room mate will be back in a little while and don't worry, the warden at the other prison told us how much of a slut you are so we gave you the best roommate for your needs" he laughed then closed it and I just looked at the door and once again my eyes began to water, I didn't want to be treated like this, I wanted to have a relationship with a fur, be loved and love them back not be forced into bending over every night. I just wiped my eyes letting out a sigh as I did and then walked down the hallway that had white, soft padding all over the walls and I looked at it and gave it a poke

"Oh great so when he slams my head into the wall I'll have a nice pillow to land on" I say with a fake smile which I dropped after I spoke. I then continued my way down the hall way and when I exited the long walk way my maw dropped at what I saw. The room had a large black couch at the far right of the room and a T.V in front of it, it also had an Play station 3 connected to it, I just stood and stared at the sight, I couldn't believe it, how did this guy have the best things and in here. I rubbed my eyes even slapped myself just to check that the tiger didn't fuck up my vision but no matter how hard I slapped myself it still was there, I went over and sat down on the couch and oh my god it felt heavenly, it soft pillows felt good against my still burning ass that I even closed my eyes and let out a soft purr, it was perfect, it felt so good but I knew this would be the only time I would ever get to sit on it, I knew it was either gonna be in his lap or on the floor and I just laid on the couch just enjoying the feeling and the moment of pleasure I was ever gonna get for the next twenty years.

I sighed and just let my tears fall onto my arm, I didn't wanna be here, I didn't want to be raped, I just wanted to do my time here alone and quite to just suffer alone. I just laid there for hours and hours just wanting to stay like this for ever but soon I heard the large door being opened and I quickly got up and ran over to the bunk beds and just sat down looking at the walk way listening to them talking

"We gave you a nice old slut for your room mate so you have something to fuck" one said and I dropped my ears not wanting to go through two people in the same day

"Oh is that so" I heard a rough voice say and I guessed that would be him

"Yer he's a scrawny little lion" another voice said

"Awesome well I better take a look at start the break in" I heard and the guards laughed

"Okay have fun" the first voice said

"Oh I will see ya guys" the rough voice said and then I heard the door close "what a bunch of wankers" the voice said and then I was confused "fucking hell, if you heard any of that I'm so sor..." the voice said but when I saw the large creature who said it I blushed madly and he stopped as he saw me, The large dragon was a tall six foot three, his scales were as black as the night sky and his eyes as blue as the deep ocean, his body was just fitting into his jump suit but it showed off his muscles so well, I blushed and looked away "ry" he finished with a smile

"I-It's fine already got fucked today" I said looking down a little, the dragon gave a chuckle but then saw I was serious and blushed

"Oh a-are you okay" he asked, and that's when my mind just cracked, I was told this guy was gonna fuck me but he was asking me if I was okay and apologising for acting like a rapist

"wait what" I asked

"What" he asked tilting his head

"Y-Your asking if I'm okay" I said

"yes that's the nice thing to do isn't it" he said

"But I was told you were gonna well fuck me up" I said looking up at the dragon who put his paw to his forehead

"That's just the fucking reputation I have here" he said sighing "it was either be the gay tough dragon or be a huge ass big ass wipe and I didn't think gay tough dragon would work out to well" he said then froze

"YOU'RE GAY" I shouted and the dragon then growled

"WHY HAVE SOMETHING AGSINT IT" he growled loudly and I yelped and shook my head

"I was just surprised, please, don't hurt me" I pleaded shaking and whimpering then I felt something that I thought I would never feel in a million years form this guy, his paw went to my leg and I opened my eyes and I saw him sitting next to me

"S-sorry" he said "you didn't deserve that" he said looking up at me with eyes so cute and puppy like, I nodded hesitantly worried if I did anything I would have my throat jammed up my ass, the dragon then gave a little smile "oh how rude of my I haven't introduced myself, I'm Chris" the dragon said holding out his paw and I was a little hesitant to take it but I put my paw in his and shook, he was soft with it only just squeezing softly and I smiled "look I may look like the kind of guy who would rape little animals but I'm not okay, I promise I won't hurt you" he said, I blushed and nodded and he giggled.

"I-I'm Mathew" I stuttered nervously and Chris smiled

"Well its very nice to meet you matt" Chris said smiling, he looked around 19 and I was curious to why he was still here but I thought it would be a bit rude to ask so I just left it and smiled at the large handsome dragon sitting beside me. Chris smiled at me but the best I could do was blush giving a little ridicules smile making Chris just chuckled "you're too cute" and my cheeks burned even more and I gave a little smile "so do you want to play PlayStation" Chris asked

"Y-yer that would be great" I said smiling "but I have to ask, how did you get all this" Chris said

"Easy be able to bring this place down single pawedly" Chris said smiling "I'm no normal dragon, my scales are the hardest thing on this earth yet I can still feel everything but pain, it's weird and awesome at the same time, so to keep me from destroying this place they gave me a good place to stay and just made me promise to stay" Chris said gesturing to the couch and turning his PS3 on then sitting down next to me

"Well I guess it's a pretty good deal" I said giggling

"Yer I guess except I hate being alone in here nobody to talk too" Chris sighed "it always got so lonely here" I nodded

"Well it may not seem like much b-but I'll be sticking around for a while" I said smiling then nearly face pawing myself knowing how corny it sounded but Chris gave a chuckle

"Actually matt it's a lot to know I have a friend to talk and hang out with so thank you" he said smiling

"You want me as a friend and not your personal fuck puppet" I asked smiling and Chris laughed hysterically, he fell off the couch and rolled around on the floor clutching his stomach

"Oh that was a HAHAHAHA good one matt HAHAHA" he laughed "fuck puppet oh never heard that one before" Chris said wiping a tear away from his eye "but to answer your question yes I want you as a friend and not a fuck puppet" Chris said giving a chuckle, I smiled the first happy smile I had given in about 4 days, it felt good to have a friend and maybe, if I was lucky. A mate.

To be continued

Prison Love Part 3

OMFG ITS DONE CELEBRATION TIME okay enough celebration anway thank you all for being very patient for this chapter ^^ i hope none of you were sitting aat the computer click refresh hoping to see it pop up ^.=.^ if you did DO SOMETHING!!!! now before...

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Prison love part 1

hay everybody I hope you had a good Christmas/new year. look im very sorry about this chapter i know it is small but please do enjoy it ^.=.^ i promise part 2 will be longer. but for now enjoy the first chapter ^^ \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* My life was...

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Sean part 10: the rest of our lives

~~~3 years later~~~ As I drove home from a hard day's work from the clinic I stopped in at McDonalds to get a coffee, I needed it badly otherwise the news headlines would read 'one hundred car pileup thanks to sleeping husky'. I...

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