Sean part 10: the rest of our lives

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#10 of Sean (old)

~~~3 years later~~~

As I drove home from a hard day's work from the clinic I stopped in at McDonalds to get a coffee, I needed it badly otherwise the news headlines would read 'one hundred car pileup thanks to sleeping husky'. I sipped it slowly as I rolled into the garage of our apartment building that we moved into a year ago after being tiered of sleep over's and having to drive ages to see each other, I threw the empty cup into the car then locked the door and headed to the back exit. I opened the back garage door and walked into the large building and started my ten floor ascend to our apartment. Sean had planned a quiet night with wine and movies for my 21st birthday and I couldn't wait. I went onto my floor and went to number 44 then opened the door

"Cub I'm home" I said putting my keys down

"In the lounge room Hun" I heard Seans calm voice from the dark room, I tilted my head

"Did the lounge room light die or something" I asked walking and turning the light on

"SURPRISE" the group of our friends and family said jumping out from their hiding places, I laughed and looked in

"What is this" I asked looking at Sean

"Happy 21st puppy" Sean said padding over then sliding his paws around my waist and kissing me

"Thanks cub and thank you" I said to the group of people I love, Paul (a grey and black wolf) smiled and patted my back

"Now how could we miss watching you get pissed" Paul laughed as did I and everybody

"True" I said giggling having no plans getting drunk tonight

"So puppy do you like to dance" Sean asked smiling

"I do but I can't" I giggled then some up beat music came on, I giggled and all our friends and family moved around then started to dance, Sean grabbed my paw and started to dance with me I giggled as I shook my hips and danced with my cub. Sean and I danced for many songs then after a few hours I got tired and my throat was dry so I went into the fridge and got myself a cola then rested against the kitchen bench

"And what do you think you are drinking" I heard a voice coming from the lounge room door and I turned to see Crystal my rabbit friend, She smiled and handed me a vodka cruiser, I smiled and took it then pawed her the cola that she then drunk, Sean walked in and laughed

"Good work Crystal" Sean giggled and joined me

"So having fun" Crystal asked me, I smiled and nodded

"Yer thank you guys" I said

"You should be thanking the lion sitting to you" Crystal said "I'll let you thank him" Crystal giggled leaving, Sean turned to me and I put my maw against his. Sean giggled and pulled me closer into his body, I murred and rubbed down his body then as I went to his leg I felt something in his pocket

"Mmm" I said breaking the kiss

"What's wrong Hun" Sean asked

"What's in your pocket" I asked

"Oh nothing" Sean smiled

"Come on what is it" I asked Sean giggled and gave my ear a lick

"You'll see" Sean whispered and brought me into the lounge and started to dance with me again; I gave in and danced with him. After a few hours nearly everybody was pissed off their nut and was dancing crazily, I laughed as Josh one of my tiger friends got on the table and started dancing like crazy, his legs were flying everywhere and his tail side to side then he stopped when he saw me sitting down.

"OKAY BIRTHDAY LAP DANCE" Josh said as he walked over to me then sat on my lap, I laughed as he dragged hiss but over my lap "yer you like it" Josh said lustfully and dragged his front against mine.

"HAY get off my puppy" Sean growled playfully getting Josh around the waist, Josh laughed and kicked then Sean took over rubbing himself over my lap, I laughed out loud but was interrupted by Sean pressing his lips against mine, I murred as our tongues danced. Sean then stopped and giggled

"Come with me" Sean said taking my paw and leading me to the front of the group "HAY EVERYBODY" Sean yelled. Everybody stopped and the music was paused "as you all know me and Daniel have been together for three years" Sean said

"WOOOOOOOO" All our friends and family cheered

"And through that three years has been nothing but love and care and well I wanna be more than what we are now" Sean said and my eyes widened as I looked over at him, Sean reached into his pocket and pulled out a small blue leather box then he got on one knee and held the box in front of me, I gasped along with some other furs as he opened it up to hold a beautiful gold ring "Puppy I love you more than anything else in this world and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I'm kneeling in front of you so I can ask" he paused "will you marry me" Sean asked.

I froze and looked at the lion I loved and smiled "YES" I shouted, Sean smiled taking my paw and sliding the golden ring onto my ring finger, Sean got up and kissed me so deeply it was like nothing I had ever tasted before. Sean broke the kiss then looked to the crowed

"WE GETTING MARRIED" Sean yelled picking me up wedding style and our family and friend went wild cheering and wooing at us. After another couple of hours of crazy dancing, congratulations and one more lap dance, everybody left and Sean and I were alone. Sean ran up to me after the last fur left and hugged me spinning me around

"I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU" he shouted and I laughed then when he put me down I kisses him

"And I love you cub" I murred and I saw the lust in Seans eyes, I knew he wanted to celebrate in a very personal matter so I giggled then walked to our room, stopped at the door looked up and down his big built body biting my bottom lip then walked in and laid on the bed. Sean took a while to get to the room but when I saw him at the door my eyes widened, Sean was wearing absolutely nothing and my eyes went nuts looking all over him. Sean purred as he slowly padded over to me

"So you want some fun" Sean asked

"Yes cub I do" I giggled as he crawled up the bed to get to me, I giggled as his lips touched mine and his paws went up and down my chest. I murred as our tongues wrestled in our maws and our paws ran through each other's fur. I moaned as his paw went to my lower body and rubbed my sheath coaxing my member to escape its furry prison, Sean undressed me softly and carefully as if I was made of fine china then he joined our lips again and after a while he put his amazing lips against my neck, Sean kissed my neck softly running his soft tongue against my bare neck and sometimes nipped at it making my moan and yelp in ecstasy, Sean then made his way down my body and I moaned as his soft lips touched my body then let out a loud moan as his lips went around my flesh. Sean began to move his head up and down making his tongue lick the underside of my length, I rubbed his head and moaned as he bobbed slow and soft till I grew to my full length then his pace quickened and that's when I started to pre down his throat.

As Seans head pleasured my member I got more and more in the mood to have my tail hole stretched so I tapped Seans head and Sean looked up with my member still in his maw

"C-Cub please fuck me" I asked, Sean giggled then crawled back up to my level then lay next to me

"Well I'm going to need a lube aren't I" San asked, I giggled and nodded then I moved over on top of him and placed my lips against his again then slowly made my way down his body. Sean moaned softly as I got to his sheath and stuck my tongue into his sheath slit "f-fuck puppy" Sean moaned as I pleasured his member and felt it grow in my maw, It felt so good as It slid against my tongue growing and growing till at last I felt a warm liquid hit my throat, I looked up at him and his face showed nothing but pleasure "D-Dam puppy I th-think I'm all lubed up" Sean purred.

I climbed up his hot body till my tail hole was in line with his rock hard, thick length and I looked up at Seans smiling face

"You ready fiancée" I giggled and Sean smiled

"I'm liking the sound of that and yes I am puppy" Sean purred, I started to push against his member moaning as his tip slid inside and then followed by the rest of his member, Sean gripped me tightly moaning "H-How do you stay so tight" Sean moaned his head back in pleasure, I moaned as I made him hilt me, his entire 9 inches buried deep inside me and man it felt good. I looked down at him trying to recover as fast as possible so I could continue pleasuring my lover, I just pushed through the pleasure and rose myself up till only his tip was inside of me

"G-God you're so big" I moaned as I let myself fall down his pole

"OH PUPPY" Sean moaned loudly as he hilted me again, I repeated my step over and over making his member pulsate and shoot pre inside me. After a few minutes Sean sat up and took me over to a wall where he pressed me against it

"I have wanted to try this for a while" Sean giggled as he started to hump into my rear rubbing my prostate, I felt my climax rising getting closer as Sean rammed my tail hole hard and fast pleasuring us both to great heights. I couldn't hold on any longer so I moaned loudly

"Cub I-I'm gonna cum" then Sean gripped my member and started to jerk at it, My climax cam faster and a hot rope hit Seans abs then his chest, then my stomach and Sean member got harder and I knew he was about to cum himself "That's it cub fill me with your cum" I begged and Sean let out a loud and strong roar as his member exploded with his warm sticky cum, the feeling of his member in side of me and cum splashing against my sides made my toes curl, Sean filled my rump nicely then he stood their panting enjoying our after glows

"F-fuck your amazing Hun" Sean panted kissing me softly and I returned the lip lock. Sean purred as we kissed and I giggled as I got an idea "what's so funny" Sean asked

"Do you wanna sleep still inside of me" I asked gigging

"Oh that would be awesome" Sean giggled and walked over to the bed then lay down wrapping his arms around me

"I love you puppy and by saying yes" Sean purred into my ear "you made me the luckiest lion who ever lived" I looked back and smiled

"Cub you were the turnaround in my life and I want you to be in my life forever" I said remembering my life before Sean, how my dad (who got raped and beaten in jail) would beat me and isolate me but then Sean came along and saved me, Sean was my guardian angel and I wanted nothing else than to grow old with him. "I want to be with you till we're old and saggy and even then I will love you" I said giving him the best nuzzle I could after all, I did have his still throbbing member up my tail hole. Sean purred as he held me

"I love you Daniel Jameson and promise to until my heart stops beating" Sean purred and kissed me then we snuggled up under the blankets and slept together not as boyfriends but as fiancées and neither Sean or I would of had it any other way.

The End

Sean part 9: the court case

~~~~~~Two days later~~~~~~ I stared into the mirror lost in thought, today was Thursday, the trial day. Today might be the day that dad gets put away for life for what he did to me. After 5 years of brutal bashings, isolations...

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Sean part 8: the figure behind the door

I woke up to my back being rubbed; I grunted softly looking around to see Sean lying their smiling "Hay" I crocked turning around and kissing him, Sean kissed me back and as I pulled back Sean pushed his head forward and held me to the...

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Sean part 7: sunday

I woke up and opened my eyes to a drumming vibration and beeping, I closed my eyes and rubbed them then I turned over so I was laying on my back, I put my paws on my sides and pushed myself up then raised my arms up and stretched arching my...

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