Sean part 9: the court case

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#9 of Sean (old)

~~~~~~Two days later~~~~~~

I stared into the mirror lost in thought, today was Thursday, the trial day. Today might be the day that dad gets put away for life for what he did to me. After 5 years of brutal bashings, isolations and raping, it may finally be over. I wasn't brought out of the trance that held me till Sean came behind me and wrapped his paws around my waist

"You okay Hun" Sean asked giving my neck a soft nuzzle, I closed my eyes and murred at his touch against my fur,

"Yer, I-I'm just nervous is all" I murred, Sean turned me around, put my head into his paws and softly put his lips against mine. His lips were so soft, so moist that I forgot all about my dad, all about having to see the man who had made my teenage life a misery and just let go kissing my lover back. Sean broke the kiss and looked into my eyes

"Don't be sweetie, the judge is going to either going to put him away for life or put him on death row" Sean reassured me, I smiled and nodded. Sean giggled "Good puppy" Sean smiled then gave me another kiss "now come on you need food" Sean put his arm around me and walked into the kitchen. Sean got me a bowl of coco pops then we had to head to the Court, the entire drive there my paw was is in Seans' paw, Sean didn't let go, he held my paw until he stopped the car, put his other paw on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss "Don't worry puppy he's never going to hurt you again" Sean said, I nodded then we got out of the car.

I walked around the car into Seans open arm, Sean put his arm around me and we walked in. As we entered I saw Carol, Jason, Lucy, David, Craig and my old next door neighbour Francis, he was a lightly coloured dingo, with short black hair and bark coloured eyes. Carol looked over and saw me and Sean walking towards them

"Daniel" She said hurrying over and giving me a hug, Jason was next

"I'm so glad you're okay buddy" He said into my ear, I nodded then looked at Francis

"Francis been a while" I said putting my paw out, he took it with a smile

"Yer I know" he said, I nodded and then Craig put his arms around me and hugged me tightly

"I have missed you buddy" Craig said, I hugged him back and nodded

"I have missed you too" I said "So where's my Mr. Gentails" I asked. Mr. Gentails was my lawyer, he was a big panda who I only met yesterday becasue he was busy trying to sum up what to say.

"Oh he's in the bathroom" Jason said, I nodded then the panda came out of the lavatory

"Ahh Dan your here" He said taking my paw "and I have good news, we have Judge Wilson, what makes him a good judge for this case is that he doesn't take homophobia lightly" He said, I gave a sigh of relief and smiled then the door to the courtroom opened

"We are ready for you" The bull bailiff said, I nodded and we followed him to be placed at the very front of the left side of the room. I was seated in front of them at a desk next to Mr. Gentails, I looked down at my paws and closed my eyes when the doors flung open. I looked over and in walked dad, His looked over at me and growled, his orange jump suit was tight around him and his eyes didn't go off me. My stomach was churning and tying itself into knots because I felt so nervous, I couldn't hold it down; I put my paw up to my maw and ran out the courtroom, into the bathrooms, into a cubical, went to my knees and all my breakfast went into the toilet bowl. I then spat into the toilet to get the last of it out, I kept my head in the toilet bowl till I felt a paw on my shoulder and I turned to see my cub

"You okay Hun" Sean asked, I shook my head

"I dunno if I can do this Sean, I'm so scared" I said tearing up "He escaped once, what happens if he does it again, he would kill me but most importantly he would kill everybody who testified against him and that would mean you and if anything happened to you I dunno what I would do" Sean sighed then wiped my eyes, He got my paw, walked me over to the sink and turned the tap on

"Wash your mouth Hun" Sean said, I put my paws together and filled them with water, I sucked the water into my maw and swished it around, I spat it out and looked into the mirror, Sean pulled me into a hug "Puppy this is your chance to finally get back at that ass wipe, he took the last five years of your life and know you can take more from him" Sean said into my ear "I love you so much and I want you happy and him behind bars, so be strong pup and show him he isn't in control of your life anymore, show him that you're not afraid anymore" Sean said and then he put his lips against mine, we were interrupted by a knock at the door. It was the bailiff

"Is everything okay" He asked

"Yer everything's fine just my puppy's nervous" Sean said smiling, the bailiff nodded then waited "come on let's put your dad away for good" Sean said putting his paw on my back, I nodded and the bailiff escorted us back to the courtroom and back to our seats, then the bailiff stood in front of the crowd of people (half of which I didn't know) and spoke

"All rise for the honourable Judge Wilson" the bailiff said, we all stood and in walked a tall, strong blue and black wolf, he showed no emotion but gave me a quick glance as he walked past

"Please sit down" The wolfs voice was strong yet calm, everybody sat down in their seats, The wolf shuffled with his papers then looked down "we are now reviewing case two hundred and fifty-one; Daniel Sedren verses Derrick Sedren" the wolf said

"Your Honour, Daniel was adopted by Carol and Jason Jenkans" Mr. Gentails said

"Were are the adopted parents at this present time" the wolf asked

"Right here you honour" Jason said and he and carol rose

"Is what Mr. Gentails saying correct" The wolf asked

"Yes your honour we adopted Daniel a week ago" Carol said, The wolf nodded

"Thank you, you may be seated" The wolf said and Jason and Carol nodded then sat. Judge Wilson made some adjustments on his sheet then read the rest of the sheet "Who is representing the defendant" Judge Wilson asked

"I am your honour" A snake said raising "Minister Sam cobra" He said the judge nodded then spoke again

"And what does your defendant plead" The Judge asked

"Not guilty" Dad said standing before he spoke

"Very well and Mr. Gentails is leading the prosecution is this correct" The wolf asked

"Yes your honour" Mr. Gentails said,

"Okay Mr. Gentails you may proceed" Judge Wilson said and Mr. Gentails rose

"I would like to call as my first witness Daniel Jenkans" he said

"Mr. Jenkans please approach the bench" Judge Wilson said, I rose and went to middle of the room where the bailiff stood holding a bible

"Please place your left paw on the bible" The bailiff asked, I rose my paw and put it on the bible and held my right paw up "Do you, Daniel Fredrik Jenkans, solemnly swear or solemnly and sincerely affirm, as the case may be, that the evidence you shall give concerning this case shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; so help you God or upon penalty of perjury?"

"I do" I said

"Very well, please take a seat Mr. Jenkans" The bailiff said, I walked around and took my seat, nervously,

"Whenever you're ready Mr. Gentails" The wolf said, Mr. Gentails got his laptop out, then walked over to a projector and plugged it in, he didn't do anything with it but he turned around to me

"Thank you your honour, Dan how old are you" he asked

"I'm seventeen"

"And how many of those years have you been able to leave the house when you wish" I looked down and counted

"Eleven years"

"So you have been kept in the closet..."

"Objection, your honour the prosecutor has a room" the snake hissed

"Your honour if you please, I have pictures of this so called room"

"Objection over ruled" The wolf said "Mr. Gentails if you please present the photos to the jury and myself" the panda nodded then went to his laptop clicked on a few things then put the pictures up on the screen, I had to look away as I saw my old room. I heard gasps and growls but I couldn't look at what was shown

"Mr. Jenkans please look at the screen" The panda said, I looked up at the screen with tear filled eyes "Will you please tell the court what those stains on the carpet are"

"Blood and seamen stains" I said quietly

"Please speak louder" the panda asked

"Blood and Seamen stains" I said louder

"Whose blood is it"

"Mine" I said with a tear running down my cheek fur

"And who does the Seamen belong to" He asked, I couldn't answer otherwise I would burst, I raised my paw and pointed to my so called father "Please say who it was" the panda asked

"My Fathers" I cried, I tried to hide it but I couldn't the tears streamed down my face and onto my paws,

"Objection the prosecutor has no proof of whose blood or whose Seamen it is" The snake hissed

"Oh but that is where you're wrong, If I may your honour I have DNA tests in my brief case" Mr. Gentails said

"Please bring the tests forwards" The wolf asked, the panda went over to his brief case, opened it then brought two sheets of paper to the judge, the wolf looked over them.

"Objection over ruled" the wolf said "please continue"

"Mr. Jenkans please tell the Court and jury how this all began" Mr. Gentails asked, I looked over to Sean who smiled

"Be strong Hun" he lipped; I sighed and forced my tears back. I recalled the night telling them how I told dad then he held a gun up and threatened me and how mum took the bullet then he blamed me for it. I couldn't hold the tears back as I told them, by the end my entire face was wet

"What did he do to you from then on" Mr. Gentails asked

"H-he would physically, verbally and for the last two days before he was caught sexually assaulted me" I sobbed, Mr. Gentails nodded then the snake was about to rise

"Oh and before you object" the panda went over to his laptop and brought my pictures up, I looked down at my paws I didn't wanna look as the gasps and growls came but again I was asked to look at the screen and tell the jury who did it to me

"My father" I said, some jury members shook their heads others gave my father a death stare,

"Now I believe you had another encounter with your father two days ago is this correct" Mr. Gentails asked, I nodded

"Yes" I replied

"Could you explain here" Gentails asked clicking a file on his laptop and opening a photo of the shattered coffee table

"D-Dad had me on the floor beside it punching my head then he put me on the coffee table and kicked me through it" I sobbed, Gentails then showed a photo of my back they took when I was in the ambulance.

"And what happened here" He asked bringing a photo of the floor in my room, I cried a little harder

"D-Dad had me up against the bed and he... he" I just couldn't finish my sentence, I didn't want to either, I just wanted Sean to jump out of his seat and hug me then tell me everything was all right but he couldn't

"He rapt you again didn't he" Gentails asked

"Y-Yes" I cried

"This man is not worthy to be called a father" Gentails said pointing to my father "he is not even worthy to be called a fur. He needs to be locked up so he can never do what he did to Daniel ever again. No further questions your honour" Gentails said going back to his seat

"Thank you Mr. Gentails, Mr. Cobra please lead you're defence" Judge Wilson said

"Thank you your honour, Mr. Jenkans you said earlier that you told your gay th..."

"Objection" Gentails said standing up "that information has no good reason on why his father did these things your honour"

"I wasn't getting at that actually so please seat down sir" Cobra said, Gentails sat down

"Please continue Mr. Cobra" The wolf said

"Thank you your honour, so is it true" Cobra asked

"Yes I am gay" I sniffed

"So if I may what's the difference between your father and your boy friend giving you anal" He asked

"OBJECTION" Gentails said standing "your honour that information has no point to the case"

"Oh but it does" Cobra hissed, Gentails sat and the wolf gestured for Cobra to continue "So what is the difference" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the snake was asking me what the difference between sex and rape was

"I'm sorry but are you really asking me what the difference between my father raping me and my boy friend having sex with me is" I asked

"Arr but it not rape if the victim enjoys it" Cobra said, I was sitting in my seat looking at the cobra with shock "your father explained to me that while he was doing what he was doing you got well aroused and what is the main reason males get aroused" he asked me

"There are many reasons why males become aroused" I said

"And what was yours" he asked, I stayed silent looking at the snake "I'll tell you why, you enjoyed it didn't you, the feeling of your father inside of you made you aroused"

"OBJECTION" Gentails yelled "your honour the answer to that is the prosecutors' personal business"

"Your honour this has a point" Cobra said

"What point" Gentails asked

"If you sit down and be silent you will find out" Cobra said, Gentails sat down grumbling

"Please continue Mr. Cobra" the wolf said and I could tell he wanted to stop it but he was the judge he had to be in the middle of the argument

"Don't lie Mr. Jenkans you enjoyed being violated didn't you" Cobra said getting serious


"Didn't you" he yelled I covered my ears I didn't want to hear this, it was true, sadly I got a little pleasure out of it, he was rubbing my prostate and if you have ever received anal you know that feels amazing "DIDN'T YOU" Cobra yelled

"YES" I just couldn't deal anymore, I hugged myself and let my tears go

"You enjoyed it yet you have the nerve to blame your father fo..."

"HE FUCKING BEAT ME AND RAPT ME" I yelled out interrupting him, I was so angry that he tried to make my father look like the victim "HE PUSHED ME ONTO THE BED, MADE ME SUCK HIS COCK AND THEN BENT ME OVER AND FUCKED ME WHEN I NEVER WANTED IT" I said breathing quite heavily "The word rape means forced to have sexual intercourse or something and I didn't want to and what makes it worse he is older than me and he's my father which makes it illegal anyway" I huffed and then took some deep breaths "Do you have any real questions that I can't turn around to make his situation worse" I said and I heard a couple furs laugh

Cobra opened his mouth a couple of times then grumbled "No further questions your honour" He hissed

"Okay Mr. Jenkans you may take a seat" I nodded and took my spot next to Gentails "Do you have any one to call upon Mr. Gentails" The wolf asked

"No your honour" Gentails said

"Mr. Cobra" The wolf asked

"Yes, I would like to call Sean Mathew Jameson to the bench" Cobra said, Sean stood up to the bailiff who swore him in and then Sean took his seat on the witness stand "now Mr. Jameson please tell the jury what you did after you received a certain text message from Mr. Jenkans on the day his father returned. I put my paws on my head, great now Sean was maybe going to jail for assault

"I-I got angry" Sean said putting his ears down "I drove to his house and when he answered the door I hit him, then I continued till I saw his father, I didn't know about his father if I did I would have attack him not my puppy" Sean said,

"But I forgave him" I whimpered and Gentails looked over to me

"What" He whispered

"I forgave Sean for that I don't want him to get in trouble" I said tearing up

"Your Honour, my client has just informed me that he wished to drop all charges towards Mr. Jameson" Gentails said

"Is this true Mr. Jenkans" the wolf asked

"Yes your honour I do" I said

"Then the court drops the assault charge" The wolf said and slammed the gavel, Sean smiled and walked over to his seat, I leaned back and smiled. Sean got my cheeks in his paw and put his lips against mine, I murred at his touch then the wolf spoke

"Does any side wish to call upon anybody" He asked

"No your Honour" Gentails said

"No you Honour" Cobra said

"Very well. The Jury now retire to a privet room for deliberation; we shall continue once they have reached a decision" The wolf picked the gavel up and slammed it down "Court is adjourned"

Everybody stood then we decided to go to the cafeteria for lunch, as I passed my father me and him shared a death stair and if this was an anime show me and him would have had lighting colliding in the middle of us. I wasn't really hungry so I got a can of solo but Sean bought me a packet of thins along with his salad sandwich

"You need to eat Hun" Sean said pawing them to me, I took them with a sigh and we took our seat, Sean gave me a tight hug "and thank you pup" He said giving my ear a lick

"Cub I forgave you, what do you think I would just sit back and let you get charged with assault when I don't care about it anymore" I said looking into his sparkling eyes, Sean smiles and gave me a quick kiss, soon we finished our meal and I got onto his lap and just rested against him. Sean held me rocking a little petting me. Soon we were called back into the court room, we stood when the wolf walked in then we told to sit

"Has the Jury reached a verdict" he asked

"We have your Honour" a tall, lanky turtle said standing

"Please read it aloud" the wolf asked

"We hereby find the defendant guilty of two accounts of rape, paedophilia and incest, numerous counts of assault and child abuse and finally one account of murder" He said, the wolf nodded

"Thank you, you may be dismissed" The wolf said, they all filed out then the wolf looked at us and spoke

"Can the defendant rise to face his charges" The wolf asked, my dad stood then shot me a look to say "If I get life I am going to tear you to pieces"

"In accordance with state laws, I sentence you to life in prison with no chance of parole, your parental rights are here by permanently revoked and are given to Carol and Jason Jenkans and you must pay a fine of ten thousand dollars to pay for damages to the house and items inside" He said, I saw dad he was fuming "Case closed" then the judge bagged his gavel twice. I smiled and was ready to go home

"YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE" Dad screamed, he ran at me and for the first time I wasn't scared, I was ready, I got the chair I sat in and kicked it into my ex fathers legs, derrick collided with the chair, fell and face planted on the floor. The bailiffs got him and took him away as he screamed threat after threat at me, I stood their smiling

"Have fun derrick" I said laughing. I was taken back to Seans where me and him took our clothes off and snuggled naked under a sheet. Sean had his arms around my waist while mine were against his chest; Sean pressed his lips against mine and held me into one of his 'every things okay now' kiss, I murred and closed my eyes as I kissed my cub back, Sean ran his paw down my sides to my leg and pulled it up till my thigh was on his hip. Sean then ran his paw to my butt and rubbed and squeezed it, I giggled

"What are you doing" I asked my words muffled by his lips

"Having a nice old feel of my puppy" he giggled, I murred as he put his lips against mine then smiled as our maws parted and out tongues collided, I gave his chest a rub as he run his paw over my thigh, his touch so soft and kisses so deep it just made this day complete. Derrick has gone to jail for life, my new mum and dad love me to bits, I have a lover who loves my more than anything else in this world and his family likes me. Sean broke the kiss and put his forehead against mine, we looked deep into each others' eyes while he looked I got lost, his eyes so piercing and blue they were so beautiful I couldn't help but sigh.

Sean giggled and I gave his nose a lick, Sean purred and embraced me in his strong arms while I closed my eyes and put my arms around his neck, Sean purred as he gave me a soft lick to my cheek and I murred as I lay against his cheek. His soft embrace and his purring made me so calm and sleepy that I feel into an 'in free' sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes to a gentle shake, it was Sean

"Puppy dinners ready" He said, and he kneeled next to me, I looked over at him then noticed the room was different. I was back in my room I looked down at where the stain was but instead of red and white stain I saw a red and black carpet, I smiled and looked at my cub

"When was I moved" I asked

"A couple of hours puppy" Sean said leaning over and kissing me softly, I murred at his lips touching me "So you wanna get dressed and lets go downstairs" Sean said

"Yer okay" I said sitting up, Sean giggled as he slipped one of his arms under my legs and the other on my back, I smiled as he lifted me wedding style off the bed and put me down then buried through my draws getting me my dark blue jeans and black T with paint splattered all over it, I took them and slid them on and took Seans paw. We walked down into the lounge room were to my surprise I saw Jason and carol and Seans family

"Ah here he is" David said smiling

"Hay buddy" Jason said "Glad you can join the party" he said walking over and patting my back, I said hi to everybody and then we all sat down at the table that had roast lamb, silver side, steamed vegetables, cheese sauce and a jug of ice cold water. Everybody was talking and having a great time whilst me and Sean we just talking among our self's, we soon finished our meals and Sean wanted to stay the night so I tapped Carols shoulder

"Would it be ok if Sean stayed tonight" I asked

"Of course it is" She said, I nodded at Sean and he smiled happily. I took Seans paw and me and him went into the my room, Sean smiled as he then closed the door and he wrapped his arms around me

"So what are we gonna do on this sleep over" He asked

"I dunno" I said rubbing up and down his big arms, Sean giggled

"I think I have an Idea" Sean said and he got closer to my lips

"Oh" I giggled "and what would that be" I asked, he leaned in and went to my ears

"To get you on your knees" He whispered "and see what happens" Sean giggled, His lips finally touched mine and my arms went around his neck, Sean put his tongue in my mouth and I followed and put my tongue against his, I heard his soft purr as we kissed, it was so calming and so heavenly that I just closed my eyes and kissed him, Seans leg went behind mine then with his hind paw pushed forward on the back of my knee forcing me to my knees

"That was evil" I said looking up at him

"You loved it" he said giggling, it was true I loved it how he could do those things but he could have just asked, "Okay you gonna start or am I just gonna stand here looking like an idiot"

"Oh I like that Idea" I giggled, Sean rolled his eyes then giggled, I ran my paws up his legs to where his pants held themselves up then I pulled, They slid off easily and he stood there without pants, his sheath right in my face, it looked so yummy and it was, I ran my tongue up his sheath and it made Sean to moan. Seans sheath hardened as I continued to lick and soon his pink flesh escaped its hiding place, I continued to lick up his smooth member till he became hard, Sean had his eyes closed and his paw was on the back of my head

"Hay p-pup come over to the bed" he said, I stood up and Sean picked me up wedding style again, His gaze never left mine as he walked to the bed, when he laid me down his lips touched mine and his paw rested my head while his other paw travelled up and down my chest then down to my sheath, I moaned as his soft paw ran over my sheath then went to my balls and fondled with them. I had my head back in ecstasy and Sean saw my open neck and dove in, his soft lips softly ran across my fur I put my paws on his head to say 'yes Sean yes' and Sean knew it cause is maw parted and his tongue ran across my now wet fur coaxing a sweet moan from my lips, Sean giggled then kissed my neck again then he slowly kissed down my body, every kiss felt better then the last as his lips found my semi hard member. I gasped as his lips went over my members head and his top molested the tip, my back arched then put my paw on the back of his head and rubbed his ears in thanks for what he was doing.

"Enjoying yourself" Sean asked purring and the best answer I could give him was

"MmmHHMmm" Sean giggled at my response then slowly went down my shaft, I moaned in pleasure as his soft tongue wrapped itself around my member like a snake suffocation its prey, its warmth and its wetness made it so much more pleasurable that it got me to my 8 inches of husky meat. Sean soon had enveloped my hard member then he looked up at me, smiled evilly then started to bob his head, I moaned and my back arched as his maw moved up and down my shaft whilst his tongue suckled coaxing me to pre down his throat, his lips tightened themselves around my member as if he was milking me wanting me to explode into him maw.

"S-Sean turn ohhh around" I asked, Sean stopped and looked up at me

"Why you wanna do a sixty-nine" He asked licking my member, I moaned and nodded. Sean spun around till he felt me lick his hard member, he moaned as I then took his member into my maw and ran my tongue over his tasty member, I let out a loud moan as I felt my member being enveloped. Sean rolled over so that I was on top of him and I moaned as my member only went deeper into his maw, I bobbed me head on Seans 9 inches as he moaned as he moved his head to please me, I then bucked into his head, Sean rubbed my back to say 'thanks' and I moaned as I bobbed and humped into Sean, Sean moaned as he ran his tongue all over my member, I felt my member getting harder and my orgasm close, Sean giggled and moaned

"That's it Hun cum for your cub" Sean moaned, I couldn't hold on to it for any longer than I had so with a howl of pleasure I shot a hot rope of husky cum down Seans throat, Sean lapped it up but wasn't fast enough for the second rope that came, then the third and the fourth. I panted with Seans member still in my maw then I took it our with a lick then turned around and put me lips against his "What I don't get to finish" he asked, I smiled as I sat back up and then took his member in my paw and lined it up "Oh you just wanna go for a ride" Sean giggled and rubbed my sides, I nodded and then sat slowly on his member, Sean moaned as his member suddenly was encased in a tight hole and kept getting tighter.

Seans moaned and squirmed a bit as I sunk lower on his member, He moved further up the bed so he could sit up, as Sean sat up he pulled me into a kiss. His lips so soft, his member so hard and deep inside me, it was the perfect combination. Sean moaned as I had all of him inside me and I sat there just to kiss him and have his member pulsate inside me. Sean moaned as his tongue rubbed against mine and I started to move myself up his pole, Sean moaned out in pleasure as I went all the way to his tip and then I let myself fall down his shaft with a moan

"O-Oh puppy not so rough" Sean moaned, I nodded and then rose myself up half of his cub-hood then went back down "That's is Hun. Oh god" Sean moaned loudly as I rose once again, as I rode Sean his lips made their way to my neck and I rubbed his back murring as he molested my exposed neck, every time I rose Sean gasped and moaned then grunted went I slammed back down

"Oh cub" I moaned out as his bite into my neck then moaned loudly

"Oh puppy I'm going to cum" Sean moaned, I rode him faster going up and down his meat and finally "OHHHH" Sean roared and I felt his hot seed hit my sides, Sean panted loudly as another rope of sticky lion seed shot out of his slit, Sean shot another rope of cum then held me closely to him "F-Fuck your amazing" he purred, I giggled and nuzzled him

"You are too sweetie" I murred as He held me to him and he rubbed my back

"I love you Daniel" he purred into my ear, I smiled and looked into his sparkling blue eyes

"I love you too Sean" I said and pressed my lips against his

"So" Sean said "Do you think we can make it to the bathroom without being seen" he asked, and I laughed

"Well we can try" I said and nuzzled my big lion, who smiled and hugged me closely to him.

Sean part 10: the rest of our lives

~~~3 years later~~~ As I drove home from a hard day's work from the clinic I stopped in at McDonalds to get a coffee, I needed it badly otherwise the news headlines would read 'one hundred car pileup thanks to sleeping husky'. I...

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Sean part 8: the figure behind the door

I woke up to my back being rubbed; I grunted softly looking around to see Sean lying their smiling "Hay" I crocked turning around and kissing him, Sean kissed me back and as I pulled back Sean pushed his head forward and held me to the...

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Sean part 7: sunday

I woke up and opened my eyes to a drumming vibration and beeping, I closed my eyes and rubbed them then I turned over so I was laying on my back, I put my paws on my sides and pushed myself up then raised my arms up and stretched arching my...

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