Prison Love Part 4

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#5 of Prison Love (old)

That night was the coldest nigh I had ever endured; it was so cold that even though I had covers and my clothes I felt like I was lying in snow butt naked, my teeth were chattering as I lay in the little ball I had curled myself into

"Matt are you okay" a tired voice said from above me, I didn't want to bother Chris so I tried to lie

"Y-yer f-fine w-why do you ask"

I failed. I heard him move around till he had slid off the bed then he softly moved me over to the side of the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist, I couldn't believe how warm he was, his body was like 25 degrees while it felt like the room was minus three. I turned around and rested against him "a-aren't l-lizards s-s-supposed t-t-to be c-cold blo-blooded" I stuttered freezing

"Dragons are different we have a fire lung that keeps our blood warm and our fire breath bloody fucking hot" he chuckled and I giggled the best I could while closing my eyes, Chris held me to his body tightly and after a few minutes I felt like I was wrapped up in a tight scaly blanket by a raging fire. My purr was soft and his chuckle was tiresome but soon we had drifted off to sleep and I was woken by a paw softly rubbing my stomach "hay Matt its eleven o'clock time to wake up" Chris voice was soft and calm and I softly opened my eyes his face was right up against mine and I mean nose touching close, my eyes looked right into his and I giggled a little

"Getting a bit close there dragon boy" I giggled, Chris chuckled and then moved back a little then his paws went around my waist then he pulled me up on top of him, I giggled a little then I noticed his ears were down I tilted my head "hay what's wrong" I asked and he looked down blushing really bad

"I-I have been wanting to ask this f-for a while umm" he said looking into my eyes and I felt his heart thumping in his chest, he opened his maw "Matt I know it has only be two days, I know this is so fast but the way I look at you, last night in the showers and sleeping with you last night is something that I want to do more of, s-so I'm a-asking you" he said looking right into my eyes "W-will you be my mate" he asked. My eyes widened from shock from the question, I couldn't believe it, I had wanted to hear those words from the first time he hugged me, from the first time we kissed and now they finally got out and all I could do was lay on top of him looking like a complete idiot "M-Matthew" he asked, the smile finally slipped onto my maw and I jumped forward and put my lips against his. The kiss felt so good and so right that I moved the kiss deeper tasting his amazing tongue and lips.

After the lip lock I looked right into his eyes

"Chris I had been wanting to hear those words for so long, you're the most amazing guy I have ever met and to be honest the first to know I'm gay" I said smiling and he smiled back at me "so the answer is yes" I said

"HA-HA YES" he said pulling me into a huge smooch, I giggled as he paws rubbed my back as we kissed then he softly broke it "god you just made my day kitten you know that" he said smiling happily and I softly nuzzled him

"You just made my life" I say and he chuckled holding me to him, he softly rubbed my back and pressed his lips against mine then the knock came at the door

"ON THE BED NOW BITCH" Chris yelled rolling his eyes and I giggled softly kneeling on the bed. I stayed still then I saw Jason walk through the door

"Hay Matty" he said smiling

"Oh Jason" I said and got off the bed and held my paw out "how you been" I asked and he took my paw and shook it gracefully

"Yer I have been great what about you" he said smiling, I nodded and I saw Chris's face seeing and new that it was one of annoyance

"Why is breakfast so dam annoying " Chris asked groaning, I giggled a little and then Jason smiled

"Yer I know but hay it could be worse, you could be called out for breakfast, lunch and dinner but they are optional," Jason giggled waving then padding out the large steal door. Chris chuckled then padded over to me, grabbing my waist then pulling me into his. I giggled then purred as his softly lips were placed against mine, he softly pulled me up to his level making me wrap my legs around him. My purr was soft and calm as his murr was loud and wanting

"Do you wanna celebrate this newly formed mate ship," Chris asked softly breaking the kiss but his lips stayed close to mine, his paws my purr was now one of lust, his soft voice made me want him so bad, the way he spoke just made my sheath tingle in anticipation. Chris smiled as he then got me bend over the couch; he bent over me and then began to suckle at my neck fur. His long soft kisses and sucks just made my toes curl in pleasure

"Oh Chris," I murred, my member beginning to poke out of my sheath and the poking in my butt cheeks told me Chris was just begging for it

"COME ON YOU TWO OUT!" Jason called out

"OH FINE" Chris yelled out chuckling "we shall continue later" he chuckled, I sighed nodding in happiness as his paws then put me over his shoulder and walked out

"Put me down ya brick wall" I giggled, I then felt Chris's large paw collide with my right butt cheek "watch where your putting those paws mister" I growled playfully, Chris then hoisted me up onto the wall and his lips were then against mine, I melted into his loving embraced kiss, his lips so perfect and moist, his taste you ask? SO FUCKING GOOD! Chris softly broke our lip lock then he looked right into my eyes

"You sure you still want me to watch where I'm putting my paws sexy" he chuckled, I just rolled my eyes

"You take me too seriously" I giggled sliding down the wall and we walked out of the big steel door. I stepped outside of my cell and realized I hadn't really looked around this room, the room was a big room with only white, the ceiling was a good twenty feet of the ground and it had large grey tubes going through them, I started to walk towards the large hole for a door into the cell room, with the now empty cells. I smiled walking then giggled as I felt two large scaly paws wrap themselves around my waist "Getting comfortable are we" I asked giggling, Chris chuckled

"Fuck yer" he said smiling then spun me around, I laughed then as he stopped he went to my ear "I'll bring you back some things kay babe" he said rubbing my stomach a little, I blushed and giggled nodding

"o-okay, it's a date" I said then giggling as he pushed his lips against mine, he chuckled letting me slide down his muscular form, I then began to pad towards the large door to the oval but as I reached forward it swung open and standing behind the door was the polar bear from last night, when he saw me he smiled, the smile was not friendly

"Well well. Hello bitch" he said with the smirk, I turned hoping to see my dragon standing there, ready to beat the shit out of this wanker, but he was already in the cafeteria

"H-hi" I said nervously then went to walk past him but he just stood there "e-excuse me" I asked, he chuckled standing to the side letting me slide past him, I sighed with relief as I heard the door shut then I yelped as I was suddenly pushed against the wall. I chocked and gasped as the polar bear held me up against the large brick wall.

"You're going to be collected tonight by a friend of mine and you're going to show him a good time, his mate of eight years just left him so you do anything to him you're going to have a very bad time for the next couple of years you hear me" he growled, I nodded the best I could then being getting let go afterwards, I fell to the floor on all fours my paw on my throat as I coughed and gasped for air "Ha-ha-ha god no matter what your ready for a fucking ain't ya" he laughed referring to the fact I was on all fours, as he left I sat up against the wall trying to recover from the strangling and as I did I just tired to think what I did to this guy but then again I should be asking myself what I had done to all the furs in here so it wasn't a grudge. Maybe it was Balthazar, maybe he thinks I killed him, wait how could somebody as weak and pathetic as me kill somebody like Balthazar, he couldn't be that stupid so I'm sure that wasn't it, but then; what was driving them to make my life a horrible slutty hell?

"Are you okay" came a low creepy voice from my right, I quickly looked over to where the voice came from and there stood Gabe, his skinny form and black fur with blood red eyes made him the creepiest guys to ask if I was okay. I sighed and nodded

"Yer I'm fine" I said, Gabe nodded then turned and walked away. This is where I got confused, after everything I heard about Gabe or 'Demon', that just wasn't what I expected from the guy. I just watched as he went back to his tree then sat back down in his regular position. My head was going over and over what Chris had told me, how he is this dangerous, psycho, psychic killer, but killers don't come up to people and ask if they are okay. After a while I just couldn't take it, I was itching to know if the reputation he had was true and if so why the heck he just asked if I was okay, but as I was walking over I remembered how yesterday he warned me about Balthazar, then at that point I was close to a mental break down, none of this made any sense. This guy had the reputation to look into people's souls, rip them in half, control other furs and kill you with a single glace so why the fuck was he asking me if I was okay?

I was standing next to the tree unsure on how to start, he was apparently able to kill with a single stare, I wouldn't want to offend him IF the rumors were true, but I knew what to do. I needed to apologize and thank him, thanking him as he warned me about Balthazar and apologizing for throwing it back in his face, I took a deep breath then opened my maw

"You're welcome and its fine" Gabe said, I just stood there confused as what the hell just happened, I then shut my maw then opened my maw to ask how he knew what I was going to say

"It was obvious, you seem like the kind of guy who would thank somebody for warning them about a giant, raping snake" he said "and you also seem like the kind of person who would apologize for throwing that warning back into that persons face" he said, his voice was low, he didn't look over as he spoke, he just stared into the space that was in front of him.

"Ummm y-yer and now I have to as..."

"If you have heard the rumors going around the prison then you already know the answer to the question you are about to ask" Gabe said then there was a silence

"Y-yer I have heard but the truth is that I don't believe it" I said and then I cautiously sat down next to him, Gabe finally acknowledged my existence and looked at me but the look he was giving me was making me wish he hadn't. His gaze was right into my eyes, his eyes were like everybody said, as red and creepy as blood itself, his pupils dilated and then i tilted my head "Jesus you have good control of your eyes" I said then he stopped

"Okay you're not scared" he said confused, my eye brows then came down and I stood there with the 'huh' look.

"Why would I be scared, I'm sorry but I don't believe in that super natural crap" I said shaking my head as I said it. Gabe then nodded

"Well I would now have to say you are the smartest fur here" he said then the weirdest thing happened. He smiled. I don't know why but then again I don't even see how it was possible the vibes I was getting from this guy was all negative none of them were the 'smiling' type. I didn't want it to be awkward or him thinking I was being rude and I smiled back

"can I ask what you mean by that" I asked with a small unsure chuckle after, Gabe nodded

"Look you don't believe in this horse shit that I can do right" he asked, I nodded then he smiled again "well your right, this amazing vision I have, the nick name, the rumor of me raping ten girls just buy walking past them" that's where I zoned out and just stared at him with the 'come on, really' look and he looked back "Okay so I made the rape thing up but that's beside the point, all I am saying is that I'm just a normal furry but everybody here is to fucking scared of my red eyes that they think I'm going to fucking kill them if they look at me" he said then sighed "but it has had its both good and bad effect on me, I'm left along and not touched by any of these fuckers, and I'm left alone and don't have anybody to actually talk to and you know communicate with" Gabe sighed sitting back into his tree and I stared at him and u know I felt kinda bad for him.

Gabe had been alone for god knows how long and he was just aching to have a friend, I smiled a little to myself as leaned back into the tree "so can I ask how the hell you know so much about people here, I here you know everybody's deepest darkest secrets and you have given ten peoples mental breakdowns"

"Oh yer he-he-he they were fun" Gabe said with a smile but this smile was one of a happy teenager, of somebody who was actually happy and I knew I had hit a good spot

"So how did you do it" I asked, but I just wanna note I also asked because I was curious

"Oh that was easy" he said smiling "okay you need to keep this quiet man okay" he said getting a nod from me "Okay you know the guard Jason" he said I nodded "well he was the first to actually get to know me, and yer he's the prisons therapist as well but still, it was nice and after a while me and him just kinda clicked and soon me and him were umm"

"Together" I asked and he just stared at me and the aspersion gave me the impression he was waiting for me to start insulting him "dude I'm Gay as well" I said and smiled

"Oh" he said and surprised with it as well "oh cool well yer me and him are mated and have been for a year now" he said blushing some and I couldn't help but smile at him "anyway he got worried about me and then me and him hatched the plan of me being this creepy, demon dude and well he snuck the files of every single person in this prison into my privet cell just like that dragon guys got and I got nearly all my information from them" he said. I nodded but then I caught on on the 'almost'

"Wait so how did you get the rest of it" I asked then Gabe began to giggle, his giggle grew into a laugh then he was rolling around the floor and slamming his paw against the ground "he-he what's so funny" I asked, Gabe soon settled down then he sat up and wiped his eyes

"You know how therapists are supposed to keep to themselves about what their clients say to them" he asked still giggling, I looked at him then a smile grew onto my maw

"No" I asked and Gabe nodded laughing

"I KNOW THE PROBLEMS OF EVERY SINGLE PERON IN HERE" he laughed getting me along with him. Me and Gabe rolled around laughing for what seemed like ages till we heard a loud boom and we saw the first group of furs walk out into the oval, Gabe sighed sitting back against the tree hay could I ask you something about Paul" he asked, I looked at him and then looked down my ears back "Oh shit I'm sorry man I didn't mean to" he said, I tried to hide the tears but they just escaped

"I-I gotta go" I said and began my way to the door, as I was entering the prison I walked into what felt like a huge brick wall. I looked up and looking back down was a huge 6 foot horse, I looked up

"WATCH IT SKANK" he growled and pushed through and I growled

"Ass-hole" I growled silently hoping he didn't hear me, he did.

"WHAT WAS THAT" he growled walking back over to me and grabbing my shirt and then slamming me against the wall "I think somebody needs to learn a few manners" the horse growled then slamming his knee into my stomach winding me and as e let me go I fell down gripping my stomach. His paw then he threw me inside. I slid a bit on the tiles then as I tried to get up his leg went into my stomach, I whimpered as he then picked me up and slammed his fist into the right side of my face

"STEVEPHEN" came a powerful and familiar voice as he went for the final blow, the horse well know known as Stephen let me go and I fell to the floor then the next thing I knew Stephen was flying over the top of me and then colliding with the wall a good 7 meters away. His collision caused a crack to split the wall a little and the horse fell on the floor "AND LET THAT BE A WARNING TO YOU ALL" the voice came again and I looked over seeing my dragon fuming "IF ANY OF YOU TOUCH HIM, THAT IS GOING TO BE YOU" he said pointing over to Stephen. Everybody nodded then they went out then when they were gone Chris padded softly over to the whimpering and crying me and scooped me up then began walking back to our cell. He opened the large door then as it closed he held me close into his body "Shhh shh shhh honey it's okay" he said holding me and softly petting my back, I let my pain out on his shoulder, my face, stomach and ribs were aching badly "it's okay kitten it's okay" he said and then he softly kisses me, I kissed back but as I went to stop it he kept the kiss to me

"Chris what are you doing" I asked but he didn't say anything "Please hun I-I don't want to" I said

"Kitten just please trust me, I'm not about to rape you just kiss back and trust me okay" he said, I looked back into his big, adorable eyes and softly nodded. What was I gonna do tell him no after he just saved me from a brutal beating, he softly pushed his lips against mine again even though my jaw felt as if it was about to snap, then Chris softly began to open his lips and his tongue ran against mine, I whimpered a little but Chris continued and like an idiot so did I but then I felt a few cracks in my jaw bone and I felt it snap into place then my ribs moved a little bit and Chris looked like he was suffering, I went to pull away but he held me to the kiss and as my body recovered Chris winced and soon he put me down and backed off panting.

"Chris are you okay" I asked walking towards him, he fell down to the floor and panted more

"Dam it if I didn't kill that ass I'll kill him now" he growled, I watched as he winced and then I heard his bones cracking and clicking inside him, he was grunting as he moved around till finally he just lay on the floor

"Chris, can you please explain what the fuck just happened" I ask, he looked up at me then pulled me down and snuggled up to me

"Kitten Dragons aren't like any other fur, Dragons are special as there is only one born every millennium" he said, I looked up at him

"Please tell me how old you are" I asked

"In dragon years I am only 17" he said then sighed "but your years I'm three hundred and fifty two" I my maw dropped as I heard that

"What" I asked

"Three hundred and fifty two hun, please don't flip out kitten, I love you and I don't want you to get disturbed by my age" Chris said and the look in his eyes told me he was telling the truth, to answer him I softly kissed him once

"I'm not going anywhere hun but I have to know how did you heal me" I asked, Chris smiled

"Dragon saliva has a healing characteristic called Hellerthitoron and if the person receiving it is feeling either lustful or in pain the Heller cells travels through your body and finds what's wrong and gets rid of the problem, but the person healing the person has to take the problem back for it to go as it is impossible to completely eradicate a wound as no matter what a wound is never actually healed there is always a scar, air bubble in our skin tissue or something like that so the Heller takes it back to its original place and disposes of it into its hosts body" Chris explained, I nodded following along "and being a dragon having the Heller cells bonded with my DNA it can speed up my healing posses by ninety three percent" he said smiling. I nodded and Chris softly held me to him "don't worry kitten it didn't hurt as much as I showed" he said and softly licked my nose

"So do you choose when the Hellerthi... Hellerthitoron is put into another fur's system"

"No, it's an involuntary thing" Chris explained getting a nod from me, but then I got thinking if the cells are in is spit, what would happen if his saliva got rubbed or if he spat on an open wound, would it heal it, would it do nothing, would it make it worse?

"Do you need to kiss for it to work" I asked

"What do you mean" he asked

"What if your saliva were to be applied to a wound, not a kiss a wound like if you spat on a cut or something" I asked, Chris was about to answer but he stopped and he then looked up

"You know, I actually have no idea kitten" he said and then softly stood up picking me up with him and then he laid on his couch with me thinking about what I asked. I didn't mind the silence, it gave me time to snuggle into him, he felt so warm and he chuckled petting me softly, that's when he kissed me, I giggled and softly kissed him back. He murred softly rubbing my stomach then he pulled me on top of him and from there he pulled my head down and pushed his moist, tasty lips against mine, his paws softly ran up and down my flat stomach "mmmmmm" Chris said and I giggled as he held me close to him.

Chris continued the kiss for a while till I had to stop after my stomach rumbled, then he undid his orange jumpsuit zipper and then pulled out a few pieces of chocolate cake, I eyes them off and when he gave them to me I grabbed them and started to devour them. The cake was spongy and perfect while the icing was nice and creamy. It was so fucking good. Chris was looking at me with a raised eye brow

"Wh-what I haven't eaten in a day" I said, Chris nodded

"Yer but still, you don't want to make yourself sick" he said holding me to his body while I ate

"Oh I will be fine" I say and nuzzles him softly, he chuckled and nodded

"Okay matt just slow it down okay" he said making me giggle

"Okay" I groaned and then bit into it and then I slowly opened it again to play around then Chris laughed and poked my nose

"Don't be a smart ass mister" he said and I giggled

"Never" I said and then soon finished my cake and then I rested my head on his chest, he murred lightly and rubbed my back making me purr. He bent his head down and kissed my forehead

"You still tired honey" he asked, I nodded then he giggled

"Okay sweetie then have a bit of a rest" he said, I nodded and he kept petting my back and it was so soothing and felt so good I was soon fast asleep murring in the arms of the dragon I loved. I was woken by a stinging pain to my cheek, I looked around and I was lying on a double bed and a grey wolf was laughing naked at the end of the bed, I quickly found out my paws were bounded when I rolled off the bed and went to stick my paw out and face planted on the ground. The wolf laughed more walking over to me

"Wow Mike said you were a slut but on the floor with your ass up just yells slut" he chuckled and walked over to me and then threw me onto the bed, I heard another person chuckle and when I looked to my right to the end of bed I saw the polar bear

"Yer like I said buddy he's a total slut" he chuckled

"Mike can I get some alone time" he asked and raised an eye brow

"Hay I want some action to bud" the polar bear now known as mike said

"No sorry buddy I just want this one by myself" the wolf said and mike groaned

"Aww okay, have fun slut and remember what I said" he growled walking out and locking the door

"MIKE AWAY" the wolf growled and then I saw a shadow under the door walk away and then I heard another door shut. I looked up at the wolf expecting him to slap me but he dove down and pushed his lips against mine, I had no idea what the hell was going on but then he stopped when he didn't feel me kissing him back "KISS ME SLUT" he yelled and kissed me again. I whimpered kissing him back him forcing his disgusting canid tongue into my maw and I could only kiss him back. I felt like I was cheating on Chris as I did and I felt my eyes beginning to water thinking of how hurt he would be if he saw me right now. I kept kissing him felling his member poke me on my sheath and that's when I didn't feel any clothes on, I was naked and at his mercy.

He soon reached down and began to rub my sheath; I was so confused at that point

"What are you doing" I asked murring

"Look I want to have sex, I don't rape anybody that okay with you slut" he growled, I nodded and then he inserted his finger into me

"Ahhh" I said in surprised but the way he was moving it around, rubbing my insides just like the tiger did. His finger movements were circular and my member was getting harder and harder till it was rock solid and pre squirting all over me

"You love it don't you slut now listen" he growled "I'm going to lay back with my head on the pillow and you're going to please me till I cum wither up your ass or all over your slutty little face" he growled pulling me closer by my throat. I grabbed his arm and he looked into my eyes, his grip preventing me from whimpering or making a sound, I looked into his blue eyes and I could tell he would rape me if he had to, he was so fucking horny so I nodded and he smirked putt his lips against mine again. I whimpered and then gasped to get air as he let go of my throat and held my head to him, his tongue kept lapping against mine my cheeks were dripping with salty tears but the wolf didn't stop. He was horny and he wanted to fuck something and sadly that something was me.

As he said he would he broke the kiss and laid down his member pulsating, bobbing in time with his heart

"Kay bitch, start riding" he commanded, I just stared at him for a bit before he growled "I GAVE you an INSTRUCTION" he growled loudly, I whimpered while slowly startled his hips "Don't worry slut your gonna like this" he said holding my hips then he slowly began to push into me, but he didn't force it hard, he just let it slide like he was actually trying to get me to enjoy it. I moaned a little my ears back as I slid onto his large poll I couldn't believe it, he was actually trying to have sex but it was really forceful sex. It felt so weird and as I rested on the wolfs knot I began to get a little worried knowing where that would going soon, he had his eyes closed and his face was pleasure filled and that was all complimented by the murr he was producing, but I was more concerned about Chris, I felt so guilt for cheating on him but then again was it cheating? I was being forced to do this but I was enjoying it. I didn't know what to do, if I said no, my ass would mince meat yet if I kept going I would be guilty and have this eating at me. I had started riding my head back in pleasure and the wolf was moaning but as I continued all I saw was Chris's hurt face, I pictured him crying after me telling him, and that picture of seeing my dragon hurt was more than enough to make the choice the obvious one

"NO" I said and rolling of him moaning as I did as his long pole was taken out of me. I panted laying next to him then he grabbed me

"WHAT" he growled pulling me up to his face

"I have a mate and I am faithful I'm not doing this, I'm not being a slut cause I love my mate, more than myself" I said and just waited for the slap , waiting for the punch, waiting for anything to cause me physical pain but all I got was a put down and then a soft kiss to my cheek

"Y-you're doing the right thing" he said softly padding away, out of the room and just left me. I was so confused at that point; if he had just had a break up wouldn't he have been angry or more forceful. I just stood there wondering what the hell had just happened when I heard a loud bang and then in walked mike

"you stuPID LITTLE CUNT" he yelled growling as he ran over to me and back pawed me over the face, his force was strong and knocked me onto the bed with a whimper, he turned me over and sent his balled fist into my maw, his knuckles hit hard over and over my face while I tried to escape. He grabbed my body and threw me into the wall, as I collided I heard him yell loudly, I was curled in a ball crying as silently as I could. I tried to free my paws but the rope was so strong, I could barely move my wrist around. Mike soon grabbed my main and pulled me up me screaming in pain "Your gonna fucking make somebody cum tonight slut" he growled slamming my head into wall next to us causing me to collapse and slip into unconsciousness.

Prison love part 5

i wanna thank all of you who have followed this seires from the beginning. i hoped you enjoyed it and i will be taking a little break for i will be turning my series The Dalmatian under the tree into a book ^^ i hope you all have a great time till i...

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Prison Love Part 3

OMFG ITS DONE CELEBRATION TIME okay enough celebration anway thank you all for being very patient for this chapter ^^ i hope none of you were sitting aat the computer click refresh hoping to see it pop up ^.=.^ if you did DO SOMETHING!!!! now before...

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Prison love part 2

~~~three days later~~~ After three days of a lot of paper work, photos, lectures from my parents and a lot of support from my friends, I was sitting in the third row of the rusty old shit bucket that they so laughably called a...

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