Under the Endless Sky (Complete version)

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Under the Endless Sky

©2011 The Origamist

I never really wanted to go to summer camp, but mom and dad always said I needed to get out more. Why get out more? Where do I have to go? It's not like anyone's expecting me.

My name is Timothy Ross, and until last June, I never knew what true love was.

Golden Plains Boys Camp, where we make the summer one you will remember. The slogan fit well, but when I got handed the pamphlet, I immediately started to whine, saying I had plans for the summer already. That's not entirely true, considering my 'plans' consisted of staying inside and playing video games with the A/C on and the rest of the world turned off. My friends were all online, and it would be too weird to ask them to drive out and find me. And so another summer would have come and passed, leading into another school year, and the cycle would have begun anew.

But no, I was instead forced to go to the stupid summer camp. My parents made a point of emphasizing that it was only one month, and that I would make new friends, maybe I could find someone else like me. It's easy to see why I was opposed to that notion, but the choice had already been made, and that was how I found myself on the back of a blue bus, curled up in the back and staring out the window. My backpack hung from my limp paws, full of books I rented from the library, a toilet kit and my notebook - my computer, that is. All of our regular clothes and things were stashed underneath in the belly of the bus; it had been donated by a resort mountain, and skis and things used to be put down there.

I looked all around at who would soon be my fellow campers, and was unimpressed. Most of them were around my age, all sorts of species and personalities. But most of them were already making friends, laughing and chatting with the people that sat next to them. I simply leaned back again, curling my bushy tail around my paws. Unlike most squirrels, my fur was a bright white, and my eyes were so dark blue that almost everyone mistook them for black. I exaggerated this look of grayscale with a simply grey t-shirt and gray cargo pants, which was my most common attire. Mom and dad tried to get me to go colorful, but I never got past navy for anyone.

Golden Plains didn't really live up to its' name, as it was in the middle of your average northeastern forest, pine tree lining all around to make a dense forest, rolling mountains covering the landscape, turning into a shady blue the higher they rose. All around was a lush, bright green, the sun making beams as it shone through the trees. As we approached the camp entrance, we could see the main cabin, and behind that were small clearings, the average campground.

The bus screeched to a halt, and there was some cheering from the crowd as we all gathered out bags. "Yippie ki yay," I grumbled, and scooped up my black backpack before I stood, letting the boy across the aisle go first before me. However, the tawny mouse just smiled at me, gesturing for me to go ahead of him.

I didn't do so well with confrontation, and just sort of stood there, trying to get the message across that he could go before me. "Well, uh...thanks!" he replied, moving out of the seat a little. "I'm Jeremy. What's your name?" The other boy appeared sincere in his greeting, brown eyes shining as he smiled, his front teeth hanging over his lower lip like most of us rodents. His shirt was a rumpled blue plaid, with a white t-shirt underneath, and his jean shorts cut just a bit above his knee. When I made no movement to shake back, his smile waned and he lowered his arm. "Not the talkative type, huh?" he asked, and I shook my head, lips making a line so straight it could have been drawn with a marker and ruler. "Er, everyone else has gotten off. We'd better head," he blurted out, before moving down the aisle, thin tail swinging behind him. I sighed, trudging out behind him.

"Hey, you two hurry up! Don't want to miss the tent partner matching, do you?" yelled a buff lion, wearing khakis, and a black shirt with the camp logo on it. He was smiling too broadly for my taste, and I gave him a hefty dose of apathy as I walked past. To me, there was nothing to smile about. All I saw was a summer wasted with a bunch of ten-year-old adventure freaks and the overbearing counselors.

Jeremy, however, was all for it. "No sir!" he said with a small salute, and the lion grinned back at him as we passed. "C'mon, we're gonna be late!" He began to jog towards the cabin that all the others had disappeared into, and I sighed as I began to walk to the same set of heavy wooden doors. Just as I was about to go through, I felt a paw on my shoulder. I froze, all muscles tensing, before looking slowly up at the lion, whose face had set into a stony glare down at me. It was fairly hard to keep up the whole poker face attitude with an angry adult who looked like he could eat you without mercy, or even a fork. He had no nametag.

"Listen, kid...don't be negative about this. I know that the whole camp thing isn't your cup of tea, but there are some of the guys here who'll, ah, take advantage of you for being alone. And trust me - the boys they find..." Here he leaned in, turning to check that nobody else could hear. "They don't come back natural, if you know what I'm sayin'." I just stared back, and the feline rose and stalked over to the bus to unload the other bags from below the bus. I gazed at him for a few seconds, then shivered, quickly making my way to the cabin. Iconsidered myself slightly unnatural, in the geeky way, but he had made it sound like a bad thing. What went on behind closed doors here? I felt the urge to go home stronger than ever as I stepped into the cabin, taking a seat behind the crowd of other boys.

The cabin was pretty darn old, but still sturdy, and had been polished up to look more secure than it probably was. There was a platform in the end of the hall, with a speaker standing on it, and the boys had all sat cross-legged on the ground in front of him. There were rows of counselors on either side, all looking mid-20's to 40's, all male, and all relatively fit. They looked calm, occasionally waving or pointing to a random camper before they directed the kids' attention back to the platform.

The speaker, a smooth otter, had already begun the initiative pep talk. He was also smiling broadly, and used his clipboard like a baton as he spoke, the papers only staying on due to his thumb holding them at the bottom. "Remember, guys, the key word here is 'boys'. This month is all about you guys being who you really are around us, the freedom of being a guy. No shame, no blame, and the rules are only here so we don't get sued by your parents." The room broke into chuckles, and the otter grinned back, glancing down to his clipboard.

"Okay, time to assign tent partners. It's supposed to be random, so by the end of this camp, you've at least met one new person. Breakfast will be served here at about eight, so be sure not to sleep in too late, mkay? So! Let's see...Jeremy Borges aaaand... Timothy Ross!" The mouseboy, who had apparently been sitting right in front of me, turned and grinned, giving me the thumbs up. I raised my paw with the back of my fingers perpendicular to my forearm, making the universal sign for 'meh'. Jeremy shrugged with a sad sort of pity in his smile, and turned back to the speaker without another word. "Sam Brown and Dominic Hishirin! Kevin Troy..." The names rattled on, and I tuned out the chipper, energetic voice to instead try and remember the last time I checked my e-mail.

"Alright, looks like we're all set!" I snapped my eyes back open, and found that the otter was looking right at me. "Hope that wasn't too boring for ya," he chuckled, and some other coaches glanced in my direction and laughed, ignoring my glower. "Don't forget, my name is Will, I'm the head counselor here at Golden Plains, and I hope to see you all having fun soon!" This was greeted with some cheers and applause, signaling the end of the meeting. You'll be shown to your tent by someone here, don't worry, they'll find you. Dinner is in an hour and a half, feel free to explore before then!" Will jumped off of the stage and jogged over to a pair who had found each other, a wolf and a cat that constantly shot each other looks. That was going to be a fun tent to sleep in.

"So, do you hate, like...everybody?"

I turned to Jeremy with surprise, both of us standing up. "It's not like I hate everybody, but it's...I don't like being here. And that lion..." I replied, before I turned my head, and saw the lion coach talking to another set of boys, both of them unaware of his cryptic messages he gave to me.

Jeremy looked to him, then back to me with some concern. "He's not such a bad person. I mean, all the guys here are kinda intimidating, but they won't hurt us or anything, right?" He looked to me for backup, but for the first time, Jeremy stopped smiling, staring at me in alarm. I wasn't sure if it was because of the fact that I had just spoken or if, right then, I felt and looked fairly scared. And I don't get scared easily. The mouse was about to reply when a large presence passed over our conversation.

"Hey, either of you Jimmy or Timmy?" said the German shepherd who had walked over, tail wagging. We nodded in unison, and the big dog grinned wider. "Heh, it looks like I got lucky! Name's Artemis and I'm supposed to escort you gentlemen to your tent. Your new home awaits, and I can explain the layout of the camp as we go by."

"Awesome!" Jeremy exclaimed, and I nodded back to him as all of us filed out of the cabin. The sun had started to descend, casting a slightly golden glow on the whole landscape. Past the cabin, there was a large meadow, the June grass so green it hurt your eyes. I squinted, holding my paw over my face. Sunlight just didn't agree with me.

Jeremy held his head high, breathing deeply in the breeze. "How come you don't talk too much? You sound...nice, I guess."

I sighed, kicking a clump of grass. "Well, I don't...get out as much as I should, I guess," I replied, glancing over at him. "Usually stay in and play C.O.D. or something."

"Hah! And your parents let you go online with that game?" Artemis called over his shoulder. I shrugged, letting the conversation die down once again. Violence was more or less tolerated in our house, and I wasn't turning into Jack the Ripper or something, so mom and dad were okay with it.

The shepherd smiled, and slowed near the edge of the woods. "If you two go on through there, on the right there's a sigh with directions to the numbered campgrounds and to the lake. You guys are number twenty-five, near the marshes. Don't worry, we don't get too many mosquitoes around here," he said, and began to walk back to the cabin. "I'm gonna get dinner started. Don't hesitate to take a dip!" With that, he turned and began to jog back, tail wagging rapidly behind him.

Jeremy glanced at me, trying another smile. I just gave a shrug, looking down at the dark ochre needles, lost in paranoid thought. "Don't all the counselors seem a bit too...happy?" I asked as we started our walk through the woods, the sounds of laughter and shuffling ground echoing off of the trees.

The mouse shrugged, shifting his red backpack. "No, I don't think it's that bad. I mean, it's what they like to do, the whole male bonding experience. Maybe they had helicopter moms or something growing up." We finally reached the clearing where the tent was, and saw to our slight surprise that they had found black and gold tents to match the logo. First, we kicked our sneakers off under the overhang attached to the tent, to keep rain off the entrance, leaving our socks on. Jeremy had silver-blue shoes, laces up in neat bows, while the flat laces of my black Converse lay twisted on the forest floor. Our bags were neatly placed out on the ground, so we grabbed them and, unzipping the tent, stepped inside.

The tent itself was dark on the inside, but there were unzippable filters in the top that had been rolled back. A streaming crepuscular ray made a column of light in from the right of the ceiling to the center of the floor, an impenetrable wall of light marring our entrance. I was the first to step forward and stretch my paw out, touching the golden stream and breaking it. Jeremy stepped in behind me, staring at the way the gold made each of my white hairs stand out. "Whoa..." He stretched past me, casting a shadow over my wrist as he played with the light, curling the fingers of his right paw as if to capture a thread of dust.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" I chuckled, smiling for the first time that day. The mouseboy made no sound, so I turned my head, only to find him staring right back at me. He squeaked, and nodded frantically as he turned back to the beams, the dust swirling about from his movements. I raised an eyebrow at him, and turned as well. He's not the oddest character I've met, but that nervousness was unlike him, from what I had seen.

"I-It seems like a good place to dance," he said softly, and twirled his fingers to create a dust spiral, making the middle and pointer like legs as he sent them pirouetting down to my arm. I flinched, but Jeremy seemed to not notice as he walked his fingertips gracefully up and down my forearm, striding in my fur. A short song seemed to play in his head, and after he slid his paw down to mine and placed it over mine, pausing before moving them palm-to-palm. We both looked up, my eyes mildly inquisitive, his scintillating, maybe even glowing. I almost edged away, but what the heck, no harm to it right? At least, that's what I thought until he asked, "May...May I have this dance, Timothy?"

"I don't even know how to dance, dude," I replied a little bluntly.

"Neither do I."

Unexpected, seeing the way his magic fingers moved. "...We don't even have music."

In response to that, he reached into his pocket with his left paw and pulled out some sort of music player, scrolling through until he found something, and bumped up the speakers until the sound filled the tent gently, perusing around the light. I perked my ears up, glancing at the little stereo. "Who is this? It's really nice...kinda sad."

"'Song without Words', Mendelssohn," Jeremy replied, grinning a bit. Seeing as I was unimpressed, he cleared his throat and switched paws, putting his left paw under my still-outstretched right and stepping forwards to face me, his right paw clenching and unclenching. "I think it goes here," he mumbled before taking my paw and sliding it down his side, down to his hip, resting it right above the waistline of his shorts. I could feel my bushy tail twitch, unused to that sort of close contact. "Th-then I put my left paw on your shoulder..."

I sighed as he reached up, feeling the firm, cautious squeeze on my shoulder. "Tell me again why I agreed to this."

"Maybe 'cause you're feeling better about being here? Or possibly, I'm starting to grow on you after all?" he giggled, and I just had to grin a bit. The mouseboy looked up at me, and his sorrel eyes caught the light just right to gleam, and I saw even a hint of fear in them. But what was there to be afraid of, even nervous about? I wasn't going to hurt him or anything. I started to try and think about his anxiety, but he started to shift backwards, and I went with him, out left feet moving about a foot towards the mouse. "Maybe you should lead," Jeremy offered.

"Like either of us can dance," I mumbled, and I moved backwards, swiveling with my left foot while moving my right. Our bodies twirled in the light, sending a spiral of dust into the shade. I could feel his paw gripping me tightly as I directed us in and out of the column, being aware so as not to step on the small music player as it released its' enchanting notes and melody into the air. I knew it should have felt foolish to be waltzing with another boy, but I couldn't help myself, it seemed. Jeremy had warmth, an aura about him that I wanted to know more about. I looked into his eyes as we moved, trying to figure what made him so special to me, and, as we moved through the light again, I saw something that made me slow to a halt in surprise, the mouseboy slowing up until his smooth body was nearly perfectly aligned to mine, our chests touching just barely, a butterfly kiss.

I could feel his heart beating like a piston, and then realized that my heart was going just as strong. I saw, in that light, as I searched for the answer in Jeremy's eyes, that he was also looking deep into mine. "Your eyes are really cool in the sun," he murmured, "so beautiful blue...a lot like a flame of a torch..." He drew closer to me as he rambled, our bodies slowly pressing against each others, two sides of a book closing. I started to breathe faster, swallowing as I saw to my horror that the mouse had started to close his eyes, his lips parting in a silent, ardent plea.

I told myself to stop, Timothy, push him away, you don't swing like that...where the heck do you swing, then? I had never questioned myself like this before, always assuming that I was a boy that liked girls, end of story. But as I felt Jeremy's warm, gentle breath on my lips, I knew that I couldn't hold back from it. I opened my mouth a little and moved the rest of the way, feeling the softness of his lips give way to mine as our mouths started to slide together like puzzle pieces, keeping our teeth behind our gums. My tongue had been resting on the bottom of my mouth, but when I felt the tip of his start to move past my lower lip, sliding along into my personal cave, I raised it to combat the intruder, muscle on muscle as we played with them, wrapping them around each other as we moved in even closer, feeling dizzy with the warmth from his sweet breath colliding with mine and the way our bodies had somehow melted together into a solid, furry mass, paws sliding around each other as we tried to move in even closer. Jeremy had even began to slide his paws up the back of my shirt, moaning into the kiss and squeezing, his fingers digging into my lower back and gripping the soft fur.

Eventually, I could feel his grip weaken, and we released each other with a gasp, his loud and panting, mine soft and deep. I closed my eyes, stepping back a bit. "I...I didn't just do what I think I did..." I said, trying to keep my heart rate down. No way in hell was I gay, some crazy girly dude wearing pink and short shorts.

But Jeremy just stepped closer, putting a paw on my shoulder. He looked up to me, trying to hold a smile even though his eyes were tearing up. "I'm...I'm sorry, Tim. I just thought...and you kissed back," he replied bitterly, slowly slipping into misery. As much as I wanted to just walk away, I knew that I couldn't just leave the mouse standing there weeping. I stepped forward and hugged him close so I didn't have to see his face, feeling my skin start to burn underneath my white fur. The other boy responded with a tight hug back, rocking his body as he tried to calm himself.

After a couple minutes of him sniffling and me thinking frantically of how to calm him down, I hit an idea and gently pulled him away, my paws firmly placed on his forearms. His eyes were reddened, glistening with his receding tears. "Um, look," I said, "I don't really know where I'm at right now with who I like and stuff." He nodded, and I continued, "But if you like me like that, then...well, let's roll with it."

He let out a small gasp, and I held up a warning finger to keep him from being overexcited. "But Jeremy, I'm not going to - number one - kiss you in public, and - number two - start to touch you anywhere down there." He nodded, and I hugged him again.

"I've never told anyone else my age...my parents are okay with it, but you know guys our age," he mumbled into my chest, and I nodded, stroking his head. "I know it's too soon for sure, but...I think I love you, Timothy."

My breath caught in my lungs, and I tightened my muscles before oh well, what the hell, I replied, "Love ya too, Jeremy." He started to gently sigh and rub his head against my chest, pressing the top of his head into my neck. Dear Lord, what had I gotten myself into now?...


The dining hall was packed, with all the boys laughing and growling at each other for food. Jeremy and I sat next to each other, silently chewing the hot dogs and baked beans, for what better way to become men than to eat camp food that would make the campground explode with midnight gas and giggles.

Artemis sat across from us, and glanced from one to the other. "You guys okay?" he asked, leaning over. "You haven't said a word." His eyebrows furrowed in concern, but still with that curiosity and hunger that had made me uncomfortable before.

Jeremy sighed, smiling a little as he flicked his eyes in my direction. I looked back, with only the slightest grin. Hopefully, it didn't say too much about our spooning/snuggling session that had lasted up until we heard kids start to head towards the hall. "We're...fine." The unified response seemed to satisfy the canine, and he turned back to wolfing down on his second - third? - hot dog.

Soon after, Will came sauntering down the aisle and stood behind us. He didn't say a word, but slipped a piece of paper down next to my plate. I picked it up, but the folded note said not to read it until after we had left, in a curled cursive. I tossed it over to the mouseboy, who picked it up and read the same words. But he just looked back up with a shrug, signaling that he didn't know anything about this either. He handed it back, and I took it and slipped it into my pocket. I shifted my seat, starting to feel restless in the stuffy room, voices rising over the other voices in an irritating cacophony.

Jeremy, too, started to fidget, reaching into his pocket. He took out a pencil, checking to make sure nobody was looking, and scratched a shape into the wooden bench in between us. Looking down, I couldn't help but to smile again. I gave him the thumbs-up, and traced a finger over the graphite heart. It's nice to know that someone's thinking about you even if they can't directly say it.

"What's so funny, you two?"

We jerked our heads up to find the German shepherd grinning at us, his plate cleared. He shook his head as we both mumbled variations of "nothing", grinning at us. "Alright, be that way. But I'll find out later, you can count on that." With a cheerful wink, he stood and brought his plate to the kitchen. Jeremy looked surprised, but I felt that his response was more ominous than anything. The mouse and I made eye contact, and, instead of staying for dessert, we opted to head out as well. We picked up our plates and dropped them off with the rest of the dirty dishes. Both of us needed to get out of there; I needed to get away from the noise and the crowds, and I could tell that my quasi-boyfriend needed another hug or two.

As soon as we got into the warm night air, Jeremy looked up and gasped. I followed his gaze, and felt slightly struck by the full moon that was rising over the horizon, an orange fireball that cast its' own glow over the night sky. The light was enough to at least see what the note said, and I stepped over to the mouse as I took it out of my pocket and unfolded it. "I wonder why he wants us to read it out here?" Jeremy asked, and we began to read Will's cursive.

There's going to be a small group of us swimming at midnight tonight down by the beach. It's a pretty secret thing, as regulations say we're not supposed to be out then, but you two seem like you can keep a secret. -W.

"That sounds kinda fun," the mouse said with a smile, reaching up and grasping my arm. I flinched, tail making a nervous twitch, still unused to the physical contact. Jeremy sensed my discomfort and moved away, starting to walk towards the campsite. "It's early, but we need some sleep before if we want to get up at midnight."

I scoffed, feeling more superior in this situation. "Aw, c'mon. Haven't you stayed up before?" I was a veteran insomniac, often staying up until early in the morning gaming or reading.

But Jeremy shook his head, pausing as I caught up to him. "I only really stay up at New Years' Eve," he replied with a shrug. I just had to shake my head as we moved across the field, the warm wind ruffling our fur. When we started to enter the woods, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wind-up LED, grinding it as we walked to our tent in the shadows. The air was cooler here, and we couldn't see anything save for what the light flashed on or what the moon cast shadows on as it shone through the trees.

Finally, we found the post with our number, a yellow carving of '25' in the wooden peg. The tent seemed to enhance its artificiality as we drew nearer, the fabric shining dully like a magazine cover. I shone the light on the door as Jeremy unzipped the entrance, stepping inside as I followed. The light hadn't quite reached the opening yet, and I saw as I flicked off the light that there was only a murky blue circle on the floor and an opening in the ceiling. "Timothy, what time is it?" I heard from the darkness.

I almost forgot I was wearing a watch. "Um..." I pressed a button on the side, and winced as the neon blue glow shone in my face. "It's barely 8:00. We have a while until the lake thing." I glanced up, and saw Jeremy down in the corner, opening his duffel bag to grab his suitcase. I sighed, turning around to do the same. "Jeremy...I have a really bad feeling about this. These guys seem too nice, like it's a front for something."

"What's the worst that can happen?" he replied casually, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. He was on his knees, rummaging through his bag for something else.

I shot him a look. "Okay, the worst that can happen: We go down there, and all the counselors and other guys are waiting for us. They knock us unconscious, and when we wake up, we're tied together over a fire naked with our paws, tongues and tails cut out. They slowly roast us, all the while cutting off little bits and pieces and eating them in front of us. Then they leave all our vital organs on when they're full as we slowly disintegrate over the embers."

"That's...disturbingly disturbing."

"I try." I flopped back down onto my sleeping bag, staring up at the light shining through the tent. "Well, what do you think will happen?"

Jeremy lit up, grinning as he turned to me. His shirt was off, and I felt my stomach churn a little at the thought of changing in here with the horny bugger for a month. "I hope that it's some sort of initiation, maybe a moonlight swim, maybe they'll..." He trailed off, ducking his head and blushing. Well, I assumed he blushed, as it was too dark to really tell.

I tilted my head, trying to finish his sentence in my head, when it hit me. "Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa. You actually want them to yiff us? Seriously?" I grimaced, writing off Jeremy in my head as another furfag, obsessed with sex. I turned aside, shaking my head. "That's not going to happen. Nuh-uh. There's no way I'm going down with you now," I rambled, trying to shut him off in my head.

But I soon felt a light paw on my shoulder. "Timmy, I'm just curious is all." His voice sounded weak, wounded, and it made me feel a rare twinge of guilt. I just shrugged his grasp off, only to find it there again. "But haven't you ever wondered? You kissed me- "

"Don't remind me."

"-and I could feel you want more," he finished, slowly massaging my arm. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore him...but he was right. I did want to feel that spark again. I didn't know what it was, but I still wanted it, and wanted Jeremy to find it again in me. I sighed, curling up into a ball and pushing those thought out, denying everything.

The mouseboy continued to move his fingers, rubbing deeper and taking more time between strokes, sending a shiver down my spine. "You said we could roll with it. You said...you said you loved me," he whispered. I could feel his gentle breathing on my neck, and did my best to stay in my current position as I realized that he was spooning with me again, curling his body around mine. The darkness and warmth made me feel mentally drowsy, my inhibitions lowering as my guilt rose. I wanted to turn around and comfort my new friend, make his shaking body still in my arms, wanted to do all those things I had told myself never to do. I wasn't weak like that.

But if I love him, what else am I supposed to do?

"I do love you, Jeremy, but..." I turned around, pressing the button on my watch again so we could see each other's face. I blinked, and I had to force myself not to cry as I say his eyes shine in the blue light, dangerously close to tears. Why was this happening to me? I never cried, never... I couldn't see him like this. I leaned forwards and kissed him again, my paws gently clasped around his face. He made no resistance as our lips met, our tongues gently playing once again. I pulled back, reluctantly, and the mouse wiped his eyes, smiling a bit. "But nothing. Screw it," I mumbled, and nearly tackled him as I kissed my new, real boyfriend harder than our first time, more forcefully.

He squeaked in surprise as I rolled on top of him, our bodies pressing together like sheets of furry paper. I felt nothing but his body as I licked his cheek gently, lowering my lips down to his ear. "Maybe I can break a rule or two," I whispered, sliding my right paw down his bare chest to the waist of his shorts, clasping the zipper in between my fingers. Jeremy moaned back, hugging me tightly as he spread his legs submissively. I paused, deciding to lean back, my legs on either side of him. I saw the disappointment on his face until I began to strip off my own t-shirt. As I threw it over to my side of the tent, I could feel him start to warm up, a little bulge in the front of his groin.

My chest wasn't muscular or even lithe, but was just skinny, little ripples in my fur where the ribs stood out. I leaned back down, and we stuck our tongues out to play with each other as we ground our torsos. Little drops of saliva dripped on the edges of his mouth as we moved closer to each other again, lips pressing together with a little moan from each of us. I started grinding my crotch against him, starting to feel myself get aroused.

Jeremy broke the kiss, tugging my head down. I could feel him panting, his little heart beating like a jackhammer. "T-Timmy...please just do me. I can't wait any more for you," he managed to gasp out. I smiled gently as I kissed his cheek, slightly surprised at his up-front manner. I slid down his chest, kissing and petting his short fur. I finally reached his groin, and tugged the zipper down with my front teeth. Even the metal seemed hot against the enamel, and as I reached the end of his fly, his bulge already began to emerge from the opening. It was pretty dark, but even in the dim light I could tell that they were plain tighty-whiteys, littlefur underwear. I just had to smile, as I, like most of the boys our age, had switched to regular boxers.

The button practically undid itself, and it took very little effort to tug off his shorts, leaving him in only his skimpy underclothes, white briefs and short socks. I left his grasp once again to tug off my own pants and socks, kicking them aside. I felt the tip of my cock poke out of the fly, and I swallowed as I turned back to Jeremy, realizing that this was the first time I had ever consciously touched another boys' penis. Jeremy practically whimpered as I reached into the confines of his briefs through the built-in fly, tugging out his hot, half-stiff member. I fondled it in my paws, getting a feel for it. His cock was slender and smooth, about the same size as mine, I suppose; I had never measured. But either way, it made him gasp and writhe under my grip, growing in my paws to a full length, about four inches.

"Don't stop," he said weakly, gently thrusting into my palm. I placated him by pushing down with my left paw around his groin, the base of his sheath in between my pointer finger and thumb. Gently, I rubbed Jeremy's length like I was petting a cat, and his whole body sank to the ground in ecstasy, little whimpers signaling my success. Feeling warmth in between my own legs, I glanced down and was surprised to see my own cock hanging out, bright against the dark blue of my boxers. I gave it no heed as I decided to go the next step.

"Hold on, bro..." I said, letting go of his member, which had started to drip little bits of clear fluid. Jeremy looked up, tilting his head, silently pleading for me to not stop. I slid my body down and to the side, until my head was facing the little white strip of fabric running along his taint in between his legs, and my body was perpendicular to his. I reached up and tugged on his thighs until my head was hovering right above the little bulge of his balls. By spreading the fly and fishing about, it was easy for me to pull his warm, fuzzy orbs into the open air, warmth making them dangle cutely below his cock. He started to beg for the stimulation again, so I swallowed hard, making silent prayers to nobody in particular, before I knelt my head down and licked his cock from the base all the way to the glans, pressing on the bottom of the urethra so that all of the pre congregated at the little slit as my tongue reached there.

"AH! Oh GOD, Timmy..."

I smiled at his innocent mews, feeling an odd twinge of realization that I was just as, if not more, inexperienced than him. My tongue rubbed the clear, sticky fluid over the tip, making him gasp loudly and clench his muscles, making another drop roll onto my tongue. It was...interesting. It was salty, but a little strong, like a brownie with meat. I began to wrap my head around the hot member, kissing it and licking it like I had done when I kissed Jeremy, the throbbing cock telling me I wasn't bad for a beginner.

My mouseboy reached down and started to pet my ears, rubbing and squeezing behind them as he tried to press my head down and make me take more of himself. It really wasn't too big, so I obliged, sliding it down my tongue. His length was hot, feverishly warm in my mouth, and the head was wet with both my spit and the clear precum dripping from it. I didn't know exactly how the system worked - we learned this last year in school, then everybody forgot about it - but when I moved my tongue around and Jeremy started to pump his hips against me, I knew that he was close to the climax.

And true to my prediction, he began to emit high-pitched squeaks, and then all his muscles tensed up as he lay flat on the ground, shaking from the exertion. His member throbbed once, and, as I realized my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, his mouth opened in a silent gasp as a dribble of warm fluid began to flow from the tip of his cock into my mouth, not entirely copious but still a good amount. I kept my mouth around his member, closing my eyes as I continued licking and suckling, another shot of spooge landing on the back of my tongue. Jeremy relaxed everything and collapsed with a satisfied moan on the floor of the tent, the last few drops of cum squeezing out.

I moved it around in my mouth a bit, noting the taste was a lot stronger than before, a musky and salty flavor. It started to pool around my lips, threatening to dribble down onto his balls. What else could I do? I sucked hard and swallowed everything that Jeremy had released into my mouth, pulling my lips off of the softening stiffy like a suction cup, cleaning it off. I sat up, releasing the mouse's thighs and letting him lie spread-eagled, mostly naked and sweaty all around. My own little member was still hard as a rock, so I gave it some attention to keep him up, smiling at his vulnerable pose. "I take it you liked it?" I laughed gently, lying down next to him.

Jeremy just lay panting, his eyelids fluttering as he slowly recovered from the pawjob. "Timmy...that was amazing...so much better than anything I've ever..." He moaned, and rolled over to snuggle me, reaching down to fondle my own cock. The fingers suddenly wrapped around it, warm yet alien and I gasped out loud as a weak current of pleasure shot through my spine. Having never pawed, and having only slight remnants of wet dreams, I held on to Jeremy fast with my teeth clenched, letting him to the work. "Heh, relax, I know a bit of what I'm doing," he mumbled into my neck, and I felt his smile on my fur.

I shifted my bushy tail to the side, feeling it twitch nervously as I was slowly rubbed by the more knowledgeable mouse. I felt his smug prowess bore into me as his paw clasped around my hot member, his paw reaching down to tuck his slowly deflating erection back into the tight cloth. "How's it feel?" he breathed. I tried to respond calmly, but he suddenly reached down and squeezed my balls, still tucked in my boxers, and I nearly cried out with the sudden shock, a numbing throb pulsating down my crotch. I only nodded and clenched my teeth together as Jeremy giggled, letting go and reaching inside to scoop the victims of his squeeze into the open air.

My body had never been subject to these electric feelings before, and while unusual, they filled me with a strange, twisting pleasure as Jeremy massaged my member, nearly purring into my neck as he snuggled me. Each stroke made my spine contract, then relax again as he pawed up to the head, with a little tickle underneath the glans. Eventually, he had me with my arms wrapped around his torso, panting and moaning through my teeth as he kissed my neck, my legs bent and spread as my hips trembled with each of his strokes. Jeremy was picking up the pace, fingers clenched hard around my cock.

I thought it would last longer, but after only five or so minutes of this, I was feeling a stronger current start to arise from my inner thighs. It started putting pressure on my whole groin, and I started to thrust my hips forward faster, feeling Jeremy pump his paw on me rapidly. "Go on...let it out," he cooed, "cum hard for me." I could hardly hear him with the blood pounding in my ears, but felt all of him with the blood pounding through my member. I felt the shock start to climb up to the head, and I opened my mouth and gasped, arching my spine and holding my whole body rigid.

Jeremy stopped pawing and just squeezed the base of me cock, gripping underneath to pressure my balls along with it as my orgasm hit like a sledgehammer, making me cry out and shake as my slender length began to drip, first a few drops of the spooge, and then a thin stream, flew out onto my belly, dripping down the mouse's thumb, my jewels, pressed against my body by the natural contractions and by the boy snuggled next to me groping them, straining out my first real load of cum. Another string of it, and yet another, shot out over my stomach, but I had my eyes closed as the intense orgasm rocked my body. Jeremy looked on with fascination, breathing. "Wow...you sure have a lot of that stuff." I merely whimpered, panting as he stroked once more over the whole length of the stiff cock, pushing out any drops of remaining seed.

I let my body relax all at once, falling to the ground and breathing raggedly. I heard a soft giggle, and opened one eye in Jeremy's direction. My boyfriend had risen slightly, and leaned down over my belly to lick and lap at the pools of my seed that clung to my fur. I couldn't think, very nearly couldn't breathe, as I lay on the cool tarp of the tent. Sweat rolled off me and onto the plastic, already soaking my underwear. I reached down and started to pull them off, but the mouseboy stayed my paw, doing the honor himself. His body made a 't' shape with mine as he gently rubbed my aching genitals, licking up all of my eruption. I sighed and lay back, suddenly feeling tired, my naked body at peace with the night.

But Jeremy looked up, giggled and poked my bellybutton a bit forcefully. I inhaled a sharp breath and glared down at him, the mouse smirking at me with his lips dripping with whitish cum. "Don't fall asleep without me. Besides, it's only..." He grabbed my arm, pushing the light button to check the time. "...half past eight. We have quite a bit more time until we go down by the lake."

I groaned in protest, wanting nothing more than to go away and not ever wake up. Despite this, I still set an alarm for 11:45, giving us a bit of time to wake up and walk down to the water. I set my arm down, and felt the mouse start to clean my member, smiling as he washed away what I considered the fruits of my lost virginity. He finished the cleanup and lay on top of me, smiling as he clambered onto my chest. I grinned and grabbed his waistband, saying, "Hey, if I don't get any, you don't." He shrugged and grinned, turning around before he started to strip out of the tight fabric.

As he removed his briefs, undoing the seal around his tail, he lifted the thin, hairless rope and, in the blue light, I saw his own full moon. I purred my applause at the view of his tailhole nestled right in the center of those pert, rounded cheeks. I had never been attracted to that part of a male before, but now I saw what all the hype was about. The little star was pink and a lot smaller than I would've thought. A thing trail of flesh ran down in between his cheeks, the taint going all the way down to his little orbs, separated by that line, the short fur making them look perfectly rounded.

I couldn't help myself - I reached out and slapped his ass lightly, and Jeremy jumped and squeaked loudly, spreading his legs to either side of me. I paused, curiosity compelling me to smack a little harder, right in the center of his tailhole. He gasped again, louder this time. I saw his frame lean forwards away from me, and I just had to laugh a little at him. "You like being spanked?"

"I-I guess..." Jeremy was obviously embarrassed by this kink, and he sat up again. His skin burned underneath his fur, and I scooted out from underneath him, wrapping my arms around him in a bear hug. I might've been a bit smug at the time, but I felt a little powerful over my boyfriend and his guilty pleasure.

"Aw, it's nothing to be ashamed of," I cooed, and the mouseboy looked back at me with a hopeful, submissive half-smile. I leaned forwards and kissed the words right out of his mouth, eliciting another gasp. I held my lips there, thoughts surging though my head as we lay back down, naked bodies converging together, without any protective blanket or sleeping bag above us. First off, I had made a friend, one thing I had put on the top list of things I was least likely to do here. Secondly, I had found my sexuality, or at least a part of it. No complaints there.

And thirdly, a fact I met with a dizzying rush of blood to my head - among other places - was that I had made someone fall in love with me, and I might have been falling in love with him, too.

The moon, ever the peeping tom, was the only witness to our snuggles, and she gazed down on us without prejudice or disgust, the pale forms of a white squirrel and tan mouse entwined in her light.


It nearly broke my heart to wake him up.

I mean, I had awoken to the midnight alarm and as I sat up, my body quickly adjusting to the lateness. Quite a few years of late-night gaming had toned my mind, and I stretched, turning to Jeremy, about to tell him to get on up, it was time, aren't you coming? But his head was lolled to the side, arms stretched above his head as he licked his lips in his sleep, mouth silently forming into my name as his fingers twitched, trying to grasp a piece of my fur.

The sleeping bag lay ruffled underneath us, the curves and folds a navy tide on the black tarp below, a sea of dreams for the tan mouse; he arched his back and shifted position, rolling towards me. I inched away, not wanting to give him something to latch on to in the dream world. We did need to get up. Gently, I rolled him over onto his back again, hoping that the motion would trigger his mental accelerometer or something. But he just mumbled something under his breath, which I made out to be "saxophone".

I could tell that this wasn't helping, and there really was a better way to do this. Ignoring logic, I muttered something about fairytale crap under my breath and bent over, pressing my lips onto those of my unconscious boyfriend. His breath was warm and heavy as I opened his mouth, and as he slowly awoke, he gasped into the kiss, leaning up and making us start another make-out session.

As much as I wanted to, we really couldn't delay any longer. I pulled back up, leaving Jeremy with his mouth open, a slight smile twitching the corners of his lips. His eyelids fluttered, and as they opened up, the moonlight reflected off of them and into mine as he focused on my face. "Mmmhh...g'morning, hot stuff," he murmured, yawning loudly as he stretched, reaching up and pulling me close. I could feel his hot groin rub up against mine, but we were both too distracted to be really horny. We hugged for a moment in the still air, rolling over on the crinkling bag, before he ended up on top of me, grinning down.

"For one, it's zero in the morning, so that doesn't really count," I replied. I poked his nose, and began to sit up again, forcing him to lean back on his haunches. "For two, unless you want to fall asleep alone again, come on and get up. You do want to make it down to the beach, right?"

Jeremy pouted, leaning forward and nibbling my neck gently. Tingles of the odd sensation of teeth made my tail curl, and I could hear his voice muffled through my neck, saying, "We could ditch them and stay here, paw each other off again." I sighed and rolled my eyes. He was waking up, all right. I shoved him away and stood, giggling.

Jeremy glanced up and stuck his tongue out before he too arose, giving me a smirking once-over. The moonlight shone through the still-open hole on the top of the tent, and the area in the center was illuminated for us to look at each other, although the corners were still too dark to make out our other belongings. "Do you have a flashlight or something?" I asked, turning to the mass that I presumed was my bag.

"Sure." I heard a swishing noise, then a click. A beam of artificial yellow light flashed behind me, and smoothly swung around towards what did turn out to be my clothes-carrier. I crouched down and began rooting through it, looking to see where mom had packed the swimming trunks that I never used.

Frowning, I put my paws out, rooting around, and muttered small curses under my breath, as the light didn't show much of anything, instead choosing to make my outline show on the opposite wall. I sighed and said over my shoulder, "Jeremy, I can't see anything with the light like that."

His chuckle sounded softly, and I heard him step towards me. "Well, I certainly have the view, hon," he said, and I opened my eyes wide as he placed his paw straight on the ridge in between my cheeks, reaching down to rub right below my balls, making me shiver and clench my teeth. Swatting at him, I swallowed hard and tried to keep my erection down as he sounded his quiet laugh once more, holding the flashlight over my head and into the bag. His paw lifted, instead rubbing gently across my lower back.

Finally, I saw them. It was a pair of bright red trunks, with that weird mesh inside, a white drawstring, and two sizes too small. I pulled them out and Jeremy bent down, smirking. He was clearly enjoying my embarrassment, but surprisingly, I didn't seem to mind as much as I usually do. Rolling over, I began to pull them on as the mouse walked over to the other side of the tent, the light bobbing along. Glancing over, I smiled as he squatted as well, the flashlight making his smaller balls illuminated as he searched for his own swimwear.

"Here we go!" He pulled out a pair of what I first thought was underwear, but on second glance, they turned out to be-

"Speedos, dude? Really?"

He glared back at me, sitting down and pulling the tight latex on him. "Hey, it's legitimate swimwear!" he argued, but I still rolled my eyes, standing and shifting the waistband, he reached over and gave me a balltap, making me squeak and jump back a bit, wincing. "It's not like yours are much better."

I straightened and glanced down, realizing just how much I had grown since these were bought. There was a v-shape going down across from hip to hip, my package pressed tightly up in the nadir. I shifted my waistband as well, nervously tying up the drawstring. "Well, at least I don't look like a fa-"

He gave me a look. I splayed my ears back, the natural hetero gamer in me subsiding. "Sorry...I'm just not used to..."

Jeremy sighed and stepped forwards, giving me a hug. His cold fabric against mine made me shiver and hug him back, a tense silence emerging between us. He sighed and I only sank deeper in shame until he pulled back, tilting my downturned head up with one finger and giving me a serious look in the eye. "Timothy, even if you're not completely gay, you still shouldn't be saying stuff like that. It's as hurtful to me as it would be to any straight male, okay?"

I sighed and nodded, and his smile slowly crept back over his face. Leaning forwards, he kissed me on the cheek and then went back over to his bag, scooping up a towel. "Now, are you ready to head down to the beach?" he asked, tail curling up in an imitation of my own furry question mark.

I reached up and zipped the opening above up closed, a faint click sounding again as the yellow flashlight beam replaced the familiar sky lighting. "Let's go," I said, my voice feeling dry and weak. Jeremy unzipped the tent and stepped out into the night, and I soon followed, closing our "door". I turned back to find my mouseboy right next to me, and he held my left paw in his right as he began to walk forward, and I just had to give a grin. Maybe I could learn something from this rodent after all.


The moon was once again a spectator to our midnight walk down to the beach. But most walks would be leisurely, slow and carefree, whereas our pace was hurried and cautious, each of us gasping each time a random twig snapped or a bird called into the night. Jeremy would click off the flashlight and we'd huddle close to each other, praying for our breaths to be silent as the air stifled all of our previous thoughts and replacing them with fear of being caught. Worst of all, in my head, I still had the idea that if we were caught, the one seeing us would call us gay, and the camp would mark me and Jeremy as outcasts, spit on us and give us all of their anger. I had stood that for all of my life, but my poor boyfriend...he would just die. The confrontation in the tent was the most dominant I had ever seen him, and surrounded by a hundred boys who didn't care would be his ultimate hell.

Eventually, the sounds died away, and we would feel awkward in the darkness, the black, glaring monoliths that had previously scared us turning back into the tents of the other slumbering boys. As we exited the campground, I turned my head just once and thought of all the boys that maybe were still up, or who had been just been playing like us, and saw our light. Gasping, they jump down into the covers and tremble, locking lips to make sure that their lovemaking cannot be heard. It's nice to think that there's someone out there who's just as scared as you.

But once we left the campground - it was about a half of a mile to the beach from here - the trees took over the landscape and the moon gave us a show like her brother the sun, the same light in a different aura. The clearings we walked past shone like opals with scintillating patterns in the light, a warm summer breeze filling up the empty pockets of nothingness with swirls of brightness and dust. I sighed and reached around, releasing Jeremy's paw to wrap it around his back in a side-hug, and he quickly did the same to me. Calm filled the air as my mind released anxious thoughts, pure like the summer itself. He rested his head against my shoulder and I leaned back on his head. The scent of lust had washed itself away from our bodies and I found left the shell of love, begging to be filled.

Poetry and stuff has never been my strong point, but man, it would have been easy to make a complete opera in that scene.

Jeremy stopped and pointed, shining the beam up and lifting his head from my shoulders. We could already hear the waves gently cuddling the shore, but the battered sign with the blue wave painted on it was another good confirmation. I felt a small knot in my stomach, but the nervousness passed. It's often cliché, but what is the worst that can happen? In my place right then, it was hard to care. Steadily, we walked down the path until we entered the small clearing that led to the beach. Jeremy shut off his flashlight, and we both stood staring out at the landscape.

"It's...perfect," Jeremy whispered, and I nodded, reaching up my arm to drape around his shoulder, hugging him in close. The waters stretched out for what seemed like miles of midnight-blue, a giant, watery bed sheet across our view. On the opposite side of the lake, there were jagged points of treetops, unwavering pines and oaks turned black in the night. Stars lit up the sky all around us, tiny pricks of sidereal eyes reflecting back down on the water, all crowding around the full moon, a familiar face to us now as the white light shone down on the water. On either side of the dry beach, there were mossy cliffs of earth and compacted clay, with shrubbery and various odds and ends sticking out of them, a colossus' arms extending into the deep. A dock for jumping off of and itching boats was attached to the cliff on the left, and it groaned as gentle waves rocked the planks.

I looked about the beach, to the picnic tables and the other clothes cubbies on the other side, but there was no smiling otter there, nor cheerful shepherd, nor scowling lion. We had been stood up, I guess. I told this to Jeremy and he sighed, shrugging before rotating around so that he faced me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well, as long as we have the beach to ourselves," he said softly, tracing one finger around my chest, "might as well make some waves." I had nothing to disagree with there; who's going to barge in on us in the middle of the night? I chuckled and stretched my arms over my head, making the mouse in front of me give a small squeak. God, if either of us ended up submissive, it was going to be him.

He kissed my neck first, his slowly swelling bulge in front of him pressing against mine as he gently pressed his lips and nibbled around the sinew. I smiled and relaxed a bit, then nearly fell backwards from him pressing his body on me. We both grabbed onto the other and broke the intimate embrace, pausing for breath before giggling at our ignorance. "Guess we should lie down, huh?" I suggested, and before I knew it I was on my back in the sand, eyes closed as I locked lips with the other boy, feeling the sand roll through my white fur as he gently ran his tongue across mine.

Reaching my paws down, I gently began to massage his rump, slipping my fingers underneath the fabric to play with his upper thighs, gently squeezing and stretching underneath. He whined with pleasure in the kiss and took in a breath, grinding his crotch against mine. Both of us were growing fully hard, and needed a little bit of release.

He broke our lips first, sitting up with a leg to either side of me. My paws slid out of the back of his tight swimwear and went to the front, reaching into the pouch in the middle as he similarly started to move his fingers into my shorts. Both of us found the other at the same time, slipping the clothing down as our boyhood sprang up, pink rode nearly glowing in the moonlight.

Jeremy moved his tight clothing to his ankles and shuffled mine down as well, snuggling back against me as we kicked them off onto the sand. I groaned aloud as opposed to the mouseboys' plaintive whimpering as we pressed our bodies against one another and hugged tightly. Our embrace was strengthened as we rolled slightly, heads over each others' shoulder as our cocks did the same in between us, throbbing against the other as we rubbed them and ground them simultaneously.

I rolled us over once more, so that I was on top of Jeremy and I leaned back up a little, breathing heavily as I looked into the mouse's eyes. He smiled, nearly panting, and brought up his legs a bit on either side of my hips, making a perfect fit for me to get in there and grind savagely against him, letting my hormones get the better of me as I moved my head down and began to slowly hump him, groin on groin.

But soon, I heard him call my name a little, just barely loud enough for me to hear him. I lifted my head and stopped the grinding, looking at him confusedly. I tilted my head, whispering gently, "What's wrong, hon?"

"I want you to fuck me..."

I paused totally, and he grabbed me in and nearly dug out my spine as he clawed across my back. "Please! Go all the way, Tim. I love you so much," he breathed out in a frantic panting, and I could feel his body shudder under me as he whispered these words in my ear.

"Take it easy, you two! Geez, he's worse than you were, Bill."

Jeremy uttered a strangled scream as we broke away and shuffled back, the mouse latched on to my chest as we scrambled to stand up, staring with full on panic in the smiling faces of Artemis and Will, both of them holding paws as they casually waved with the other, their eyes telling us that they had seen this thing before, and their little grins telling that they had most likely done it too.

The otter chuckled as he rolled his eyes at his canine companion, and stepped forward, losing the grip on what I now assumed was his mate. "Don't worry you two - especially you, you look scared as hell," he said, pointing to Jeremy. I glanced to the mouseboy and immediately hugged him to my chest. He was shaking like a leaf, his erection gone as he clung to me, trembling with humiliation. I was surprised that I wasn't in the same spot as him, but either way, I glared at the adult, twisting our bodies so that our genitals were shielded, wrapping my fluffy tail around us.

Artemis sighed behind us and sat cross-legged on the ground as Will's smile thinned, growing more into one of pity than of happiness. He walked forward and then crouched, a bit to our height, mere inches away. He reached out a paw towards Jeremy, but I snarled at him, hugging the mouse closer. "Don't friggin' touch him," I snapped, and the other boy looked up at me in surprise before turning his head to the counselor again, whose smile still hung there, unaware or uncaring of our embarrassment.

Will sighed and closed his eyes for a second before nodding and looking back up, a understanding expressed to us in his eyes that I found absolutely loathsome at the time. "Timothy, you need to calm down. We're not here to hurt either of you, or to yiff you, or anything like that. We just want to have a little talk."

"Like hell you do."

"As much as I'd like to say that yup, you got us, you're right, we planned a big happy orgy - we didn't."

That threw me off a little. The adult otter took the time to chuckle and lean back, beckoning Artemis over. The big German shepherd, as of yet silently watching the other counselor try to placate us, sat down once more next to Will and smiled as he said, "You two are incredibly cute, and we have taken the occasional cub down here to yiff with us before. But it's your night tonight."

"What does that mean?" Jeremy asked, breaking away from my grasp a bit. He turned his body towards the two intruders, his trust for them coming back once again. I stood stoic with my glare, crossing my arms and breaking away from my boyfriend completely as he sat down as well, gingerly covering his nudity.

Will leaned his head on Artemis' shoulder as he continued, "I mean, as much as we'd really like to have sex with you, we, well, shouldn't. It's not our place."

"Of course it's not your place, it illegal," I shot back. All three of them stared at me for a second, and I suddenly felt slightly stupid, my shock-white tail wrapped around me like a scarf.

I decided to sit down as well, the mouse reaching over and taking a hold of my arm as I did so. "Not entirely what I mean, Timothy," the dog continued. "Listen to me. When we first came here, there were a few counselors who also wanted a piece of the kids, and sometimes they got it. But there was also a bit of rape going around, and that got passed down through generations of camp leaders and coordinators. As campers, we fell in love like you two are in now-" I tightened my grip on Jeremy's arm here "-and we decided that this isn't the way to go. We thankfully got a counselor who wanted us to be free and happy together and not just rape us

"Now, that's basically what we do. I know you saw us eyeing you two all over, but that's because, well, we don't get too many boys who are willing to let themselves go like that, to really be free. Today's society teaches so much repression, and we see some of you guys suffer so much. It's just..It's painful to us. We can't sit there and watch you burn. So, that's why you're here now - we want you two to come together as you always should be."

He laughed a little, and he and Will looked each other in the eye. "It's love," he continued. "What would you ever want to hold back?" Here, he and the otter, to our surprised, kissed each other gently, a quick sharing of the lips, just as a husband and wife who have been married for decades. It was then I noticed the gold bands on their fingers glinting in the light.

He nodded to the otter and Will nodded back, reaching his paw into his pocket to pull out a small, plastic bottle and tossing it to Jeremy. The mouseboy caught it in both paws, a dreamy, hopeful expression plastered on his face. I felt my stomach turn with guilt, and I leaned against him, closing my eyes as I buried my nose in his fur. But I soon felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Will right before he pulled me away from him, whispering in my ear, "It's not your fault. Just let your heart tell you what to do. I know it's cheesy, but if you love him, there's nothing else you can do."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came except for a couple of nauseated stutters. The adult stood and Artemis walked towards him, their paws hooking together. "You should know what to do with that," the shepherd said, nodding to Jeremy. "Have a good night, you two." With that, they walked away down the path, a white LED guiding their way down the road. I stared after them, the pit in my stomach growing until I felt fingers caress my chest and turned my head, staring deep into those large brown eyes, losing myself in the gentle smile, the innocent voice. "Timmy? Are you okay?"

I wiped the tears from my face and a short, choked laugh came out of my throat. I smiled unwaveringly as I grasped his paws in mine. "I've never felt better," I said shakily, and grabbed the mouseboy and hugged him tightly, dragging his naked body to a sitting position as I raised myself up onto my knees, feeling and memorizing each curve and contour to his body.

I would have kept him forever in that bond, but as we hugged, our crotches once again rubbed together and elicited the physical sensations, not so alien now. I pulled away and wiped the last remnants of a tear from my eye as I grinned fearlessly at my male lover. "What can I do for you tonight, hon?"

Jeremy raised his eyebrows eagerly, obviously surprised at my change of heart, the sudden dominance that I gave to him voluntarily. "Well, uh..." I could feel his mind racing as he tried to come up with something for us to do out of the hundreds of decisions. There are endless possibilities on a private beach. "Why don't you take a look first, scope it out?"

"Well, sounds good to me," I said, already picturing his round, firm buttocks in my paws. He smiled and broke away, lying down on his belly. I moved out of the light and reached forward to spread his cheeks, smiling at the picture-perfect rear. Reaching down, I grasped his full package and moved it back from between his legs, rubbing and squeezing the muscles. He moaned under my paws, and I gripped him a bit rougher than I should, trying to breathe steadily so that I didn't hurt or tear anything. His perfect tailhole, a tight star sitting right in between his firm mounds. The skin curved in like a whirlpool, inviting me to jump right in. But I reached down and teased his taint and cockhead instead, the member firming up again. I was already hard as a rock, sheath stretched back, member waving in the air.

Suddenly, I had a recollection, and I shuddered slightly evilly as I moved to the side of him, rubbing my paws across his lower back. "Heh, I have an idea, Jer." He looked up at me, eyes begging to be touched again. I patted his side and shifted my weight a little. "Raise yourself up on your paws and knees," I said, a half-order and probably the most direct thing I had ever said without anger.

The mouse obeyed, his tail swinging a little bit as he tilted his head curiously. "W-what are you going to do, Timmy?" he asked, and I could hear the nervousness in his voice that screamed for answers, but didn't care what they were. I simply smiled, then rested one paw on his spine and the other right on his smooth ass. I brought my right paw up slowly, then slapped it back down, making the other boy gasp in painful delight as I rubbed my fingertip around his tailhole, making him groan even louder.

I quieted him with a gentle massage worked up with my left paw down his spine, gently applying pressure until his head was lowered to the sand, paws splayed out on either side of his head as he breathed gently, my finger rubbing around the little indent. I could feel it tighten and clench underneath the fingertip, begging for more. "That's a good mouse," I murmured, and brought my paw back slowly again. I saw Jeremy brace himself, eyes and teeth clenching, opening up again with a loud squeak as I slammed it back down onto him, letting off right after collision to leave a stinging sensation on his spread rear.

Several more times I brought my paw down onto his poor, virgin pucker, rubbing his back with my left paw as I spanked him soundly to his delight. I was even getting into this, loving the feel of his tender rear growing hot under my impact. On the last ones, I was gentler as I struck his gently hanging balls, making his nearly scream out as I rubbed and squeezed those smooth orbs, reaching underneath to stroke his whole package. He moaned and thrust into my paw as I felt his member already dripping with pre, slicking up my paw as I let him off from the pain. "Oh, God," his faint voice said raggedly from below. "T-Timmy, don't stop, please..."

I shushed him, then noticed the bottle, discarded in the sand. "So, what exactly is this?" I asked, picking up the vial in my left paw, my right still cupping and gently squeezing a pulse on his aching members. I moved it about and noticed a liquid of some sort inside, but more viscous, like oil.

Jeremy smiled, spreading himself a bit. "That's lubrication," he groaned. "You put it on your penis and on my hole before you...y'know." I felt my heart skip a beat as he jiggled his rear a bit, inviting me into him.

How could I refuse? I let go of him completely and moved backwards until I was once again behind him, gripping his rear in both paws. As much as I would have liked to just stay there and enjoy the view, I had to give the poor mouse some pleasure. Twisting off the top, I raised the bottle and tilted it over the pink star, a small stream of the cool liquid dripping over his pucker and down the crack, making him shiver visible, his balls jiggling as he did, pre dripping down onto the sand.

But the lube wasn't really going inside of him. Putting the bottle on the sand, I scooped some of it off of his fur and tried to drop it back up there. I knew then that it wasn't going to go in all by itself. I swallowed hard, my mouth dry with excitement as I gently slid my right pointer finger into the warm hole, moving it to one side as the other boy purred gently underneath me, squeaking as the liquid flowed into the passage. I used my other pointer finger to stick that in as well, the muscles making lewd, wet noises as they clenched around my digits.

Gently, I began to slide them in and out, up to the second knuckle, gently stretching and slicking his hole. It was tighter than anything I had ever felt before, but the clamp was at least warm and malleable in its' vice. Jeremy moaned louder and louder as I moved in and out of him, and I smiled as I moved forwards a little, moving my sore stiffy until it poked up against his balls. I was surprised to find that I was already dripping as well, not even having touched my member. Gently, I removed my fingers, and was surprised to find that he kept his muscles clenched like that, his tailhole opened up for me.

"Let me lube this up, hon," I told to his rear, as I picked up the bottle again. He whimpered in reply, and I patted his well-spanked rear gently. I tilted the bottle once more as I poured some of the liquid over my hot cock, moaning as the cool lube washed over it. The bottle was put as far away as I could reach, quickly removed from the scene as I began to stroke myself, nearly getting off then and there to the prize in front of me. Each stroke sent an electric shock through my groin and made me groan loudly with the wonderful feelings.


The ardent whimper made me realize that I had a job to do. Leaning forward, I raised myself up on the balls of my feet as I gripped his hips. My cock positioned itself right in the center of the tailhole, once again closed from the stretching, but still nice and slicked. Gently, I began to press in forwards, shuddering as the cockhead passed through the first ring and into the start of the passage. Each little thrust made the mouse underneath me moan and clench a little as I thrust into his passage, the warm corridor pressing in on each sensitive point of my young, inexperienced member as I began to hilt Jeremy.

I moaned aloud in sync to my boyfriend as I slowly lowered myself onto my knees again, shifting my weight around the fulcrum point of the base of my cock, our balls brushing as I gently placed my paws on his hips, gripping the sides. I clenched my teeth hard as I tried to hold everything in, the impulse to go in and tear him apart, to yiff him hard and viciously and take his virginity for myself. My meat was squeezed inside of the lubricated passage as if it was clenched in a fist, and it made it even more pleasurable as I began to thrust myself slowly in and out, wet, sticky sounds from our sticky bodies mingling with our various moans and gasps.

I leaned myself forwards, brushing his tail to the side as I lay across his back, gripping my arms around his midsection. That little push drove me even deeper into him, the tight passage squeezing around me, irresistible to my sex drive. "I...I love you so much," I whispered to him as I began the steady back-and-forth motions, biting my lip as each small thrust sent me closer and closer to a point where I could take no more.

"I love you too, Tim," his voice echoed back to me, his paws gripping mounds of sand as I increased my pace, little slapping sounds coming from when my thighs hit his backside. I could feel my balls swinging back and forth as I hump Jeremy, his tightness incredible as he moaned aloud, massaging my member from the inside while I pleasured both of us. Reaching back, I felt up his own cocklet and found it drooling like a hungry wolf, sticky precum soon coating my fingers.

Each time I went into him, I wanted to make everything even better. As I picked up my pace, I teased the head of his member with my fingertips and ground myself against him each time I went forward. The mouseboy panted with the pleasure, squeaking and gasping as I fucked him. Each time I increased my speed or intensity, he would cry out with pleasure, my own little bitch for tonight. And I knew that this was not the only night of our lives we would do this.

I groaned and stopped for just a second, as I had almost let myself go for a second, the pre I felt leaking from my member almost as much lube as I had put there in the first place. I was so close to climax, it felt like I couldn't make a single move without having an orgasm inside of Jeremy. For his part, his member was swollen with blood and with desire, wet with his juices and as close as I was, if not more so. "Timmy, please...cum in me!" he moaned, pushing back against my cock.

But I couldn't. I had taken advantage of him all the time we had been together, and now it was time to give something back.

Slowly, gently, I pulled out, and the mouse whimpered as I groaned and clenched all my muscles trying to keep my orgasm in, a sticky plop sounding as I pulled out of the well-used hole, strings of liquid connecting us from the head of my penis to the stretched hole that I had made for him. "Please, turn over," I sais hoarsely, my mouth dry from all of the exertion I had put into this.

He did so obediently, rolling into a sitting position. "What are you- "

I silenced him with only a finger, crawling over until I was in front of him again. Lifting a leg, I put one foot behind him, then I did the same with the other, scooting until I was almost sitting in his lap, on top of his dripping cocklet. I began to paw myself off, giving him a knowing smile at his confused panting, until he realized what I was about to do, and opened his mouth in surprise, eyes widening as well. "Oh God, Timmy, you don't have to," he said shyly, blushing for the first time since we started.

"Yes I do," I replied, "I need to do this. I can't make you be mine as long as I'm not yours as well!" With that, I sat down onto his lap, making him moan as I impaled myself on his red-hot cock, the searing pain of penetration masked by a thick coat of precum that made me slide all the way to his base, sending a shooting wave of warmth and intense feeling through my whole body.

I cried out loudly as I pawed myself furiously with vertical strokes, and the mouseboy made his own pleasure noises as he humped my completely virginal rear, laying back onto the sand and convulsing his body into me, paws digging into my hips as his smaller member still split me open and drove into my passage, making me moan as I rode Jeremy furiously, right on the verge of climax.

Suddenly, Jeremy gasped out loudly and threw his head back, pressing himself into me. When I felt a wave of new warmth spread throughout me, I knew that he was beginning to climax, and that threw me over the edge, as my slicked paw made its' way up and down my own member furiously. Slamming my hips down onto his groin, I felt his balls pull up to his body and the base of my tail as I began to cum all over his torso.

The first string that came from my throbbing cock dripped across his belly, but the next made my whole body clench as it shot out and made a white string over his chest, and then another, my seed spurting over his smooth body as his cum filled my rear, a copious amount being milked by my body's own movements and some dribbling out of my tailhole around the mouse member. Jeremy could only lay on the sand and groan as I squeezed the leftover cum onto his belly, trembling as a smaller shot spread over his fur and started to drip off the sides. His cock shot only once more into me, than he collapsed, and I on top of him, laying in my own sticky fluids as we rested after the incredible orgasm, his boyhood still hard inside of me, pulsing with blood and energy as the fruits of his labors dripped out the sides.

I would have called it silence if the waves had not increased. We were sheltered by the cliffs, but glancing up, the wind was rustling through the trees and making the leaves rustle loudly in their branches. I looked back down on Jeremy and saw beads of sweat drip down off his forehead, his eyes closed as he said, bleakly, "Oh, Timmy... I... I..." His sentence dropped off, to panting and a slow smile. I swallowed a bit and smiled back as his eyes close, the exhausted mouse nearly falling asleep under me. I rolled off of him and his semi-soft cock popped out of me, gasping a bit as I struggled to stand back up, feeling the seed dripping out of me.

I stretched and winced as one of my vertebrae popped. Jeremy reached out towards me, and I knelt down, ignoring his paw. I slipped my arms under to his back and knee joints, picking the other boy up in my arms. He was surprisingly light, or maybe I had gotten stronger. He cuddled his head against me as I trudged down towards the beach, past the open bottle, nearly empty, and the crumpled swim briefs. My red shorts had apparently been too close to the shore, and drifted off to sea. I didn't care, though.

The waves curled around my ankles as I began to step into the water, shivering at the initial coldness of the surface but soon feeling the warmth of the water underneath, breaking up clusters of stars on the skin of the lake as I moved out to the middle with Jeremy in my arms. He was nearly asleep as far as I could tell, the only sign of consciousness being his paw hooked around my back. Maybe that was even something that he did in his sleep, his curling and touching, grasping me.

I shivered as my genitals broke the surface, the sand at the bottom wafting up over my wriggling toes. Each step brought our temperatures down, and when the mouseboy's back touched the water, I could feel him tense up, his sheath becoming a sheath once again, no trace of his sexual desire left to surface. Like our sexual encounters, it would remain buried between us, something only we would see and feel. Soon a rivulet of water flowed up in between his legs and a star censored him out as it shone down on us.

I stopped walking when the waves climbed up to their peak at our collars, each icy blast softening our hormones and drawing us closer to each other as we started to huddle for warmth. The wind blew across my hair as I closed my eyes, nuzzling my boyfriend, my sweet, sweet Jeremy. He smiled in his sleep, as I felt by my lips brushing across his.

In defiance of any rules of any laws, of any boundaries, we kissed then, tenderly and naturally, our bodies twirling in the water as the stars moved and shimmered around us, an eternal statue of love.

The sky shone above us and covered the night like a blanket, the eager sun about to some up over the horizon.

But no mere day will banish this night from my mind.

Under the Endless Sky - UNFINISHED

Under the Endless Sky T.O. I never really wanted to go to summer camp, but mom and dad always said I needed to get out more. Why get out more? Where do I have to go? It's not like anyone's expecting me. My name is Timothy Ross, and...

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Touchdown The Origamist, a.k.a. Abel Nezumiser For Jade Indigo \<3 _"And that is the winning goal! From Arlington Stream middle school, ladies and...

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Did he hurt you? Part 3

"How much longer?" Logan whined, sitting on the edge of his bed and kicking his feet. "Mommy n' daddy are gonna be home soon. "Not for two hours, Logan." "But what if they come sooner?" "Doesn't matter, I'm done setup and we...

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