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#1 of Touchdown


The Origamist, a.k.a. Abel Nezumiser

For Jade Indigo <3

"And that is the winning goal! From Arlington Stream middle school, ladies and gentlefurs, Damien Lafayette has done it again!"

The announcers' voice was but a ringing inside of the young housecats's helmet, the sounds of his panting, sweaty breath vibrating in the plastic alloy shell. Damien opened his eyes weakly, faced the bleachers full of cheering, screaming furs, feeling the clumps of sod cold and rugged underneath his paws, and smiled, waving a paw slowly to elicit the screams that solidified his record.

Damien Lafayette, the only sixth grader to be on the school's varsity football team, had run over sixty yards with no defensive help, to the end zone to score the touchdown that beat their bitter rival, Black Alps Central, by one point; the closest and most grueling final of the season. He felt numb, the smile on his face stuck there as in shock as his older, bigger teammates piled on top of him with hugs and back-thumps, while the opponents, including a muscular, winded cheetah, started at the barefoot cub with such malice it could have burned through his chest pads.

Coach Trey roared out from the sidelines, the sturdy jaguar cheering louder than anyone as he yelled his praise to his favorite player, the little one he had almost made team captain back when the team first started, belittling the younger cat until they found his amazing potential for running incredibly fast with as much agility, his digitigrades paws absorbing the shock like springs and turning him into an orange blur. Despite the protests from the coach and his teammates, the boy had refused any sort of foot protection, and had proved the victor as this game proved. His mother had also said...

The memories became fuzzy, fuzzier than the coaches thin headfur, and Trey paused in his elation, fists slowly descending as he tried to remember if his mother had even been to any of the games. There was no sign of her signature, a beat-up gold PT Cruiser with one mirror, that made her son flinch whenever the untended engine fired up. But all of those concerns were washed away like the water that flowed over the kittens grass and mud stained uniform as the cooler was ceremoniously dumped on top of him, the boy screaming with elation to the sky with his clenched fists raised. Tonight, he was a hero in his domain, and Trey just smiled and roared out for him, so loud that the assistants and parents around him flinched.

As Damien was carried off the field over the taller bodies, multiple paws hoisting him into the cool November air, he scanned the crowd for some sign of his mom, the same flaming fur and eyes, probably in an overcoat...but he saw only the cheerleaders hugging each other and screaming shrilly, saw only the other parents who had come cheering for their own promising children, saw Coach Trey with his mouth open wide at him on the coaches bench. The kitten grinned broadly - that was enough for him. He opened his mouth as far as he could, sucked in a lungful of air and roared back, echoing across the gridiron.


"Dude, that was freakin' beast!"

"You_slammed_ Alps! You slaughtered there, man!"

"Bro, Damien, you are the man!"

"Aw, guys," Damien blushed just barely, reclining on the bench with his helmet resting on the bench next to him. His amber eyes closed, and he tousled his long, bright orange bangs with a flick of a paw, and he heard a muted squeal behind him. Without looking, he knew that the cheerleaders had congregated behind the team and were looking for some sign that he cared about them at all. But somehow, the more he ignored them, the more they wanted to get closer. What is wrong with girls?

At least he could get in touch with his teammates, his only true family for now, a group of brothers he could rely on for sure. His best friend on the team, a grizzly bear named Alan, sat next to him and jerked a thumb backwards. "Man, are you just gonna leave them there? Look, freakin' Alexis Riggs is checking you out," he said in an awed whisper, motioning to the female mouse a few meters away, adjusting her short skirt and hair as she tried to make eye contact with Damien.

But the boy shrugged, flexing his curved toes (causing another squeal) and looking down at them, replying "I dunno, Al...I mean, why chase after some girl now? It's not meaningful or anything." He dropped his helmet off in Alan's bag, as he found it burdensome walking home and it wasn't like he could find it in the clutter if he brought it there anyway.

"Seriously?! Dude, you are her counterpart. It's a perfect movie scene. Cheerleader girl who's smart, beautiful, has nice, perky..." The ursine held his paws out in front of his chest, then paused. "...charisma. And you're the hot - no homo - football player from the underground that is naturally attracted to her."


"It's just like how it should be, man!"

Damien shot Alan a glower, his paws digging into the wooden bench. "If things are just how they should be, mom should've been here be now instead of out shooting speed with her fourth boyfriend."

"Oh, um," Alan looked away, remembering the other boys unique home life. "Sorry, dude, it's just - "

"The fourth one this month."

The bear winced, the urge to make a 'yo mama' joke trampled by Damien's dagger-shooting stare. He sighed, shifting his shoulder pads as he stood, trying to not look at his best friend with pity. "Well, um...Cameron's m- dad is taking a few of us for pizza. Come along?" he asked, nodding his head in the direction of the parking lot.

Damien shook his head, sighing and smiling weakly up to Alan, leaning back with his tail flicking from side to side lazily. The water still dripped from his fur, and he shook some of it off rigorously, making his headfur a rumpled mess in the process. "Don't think so," he shrugged, "mom should be coming to pick me up soon." He glanced behind him, and gave a sort of snort as he saw the cheerleaders begging with their parents to stay and wait to say goodbye to the hero of the night. But the players area was benched off from the rest of the populous, specifically designed to eliminate those problems.

Alan glanced in that direction, raising an eyebrow and shaking his thick frame to get some of the blades of grass out. "Alright, man, see you Monday, savvy?"

"Savvy, captain," the kitten said with a salute. The grizzly laughed back with a wave, and walked away, allowing Damien to stare out at the empty field with a sense of belonging. He had done something significant, something no one else could have done. Records shattered, speed limits broken, limbs injured, cloth and plastic stained, and there was no other word for it except victory. The bright lights shone on the green and white blocks and stripes, terrorizing the moon out of the sky along with the stars to leave a black background, solid night to contrast the luminescence.

The grass shone like a lightning-bug, a miniature of landscape that shone emerald in the evening lack of light. Damien glanced down, grimacing at seeing the similarly bright stains all over his royal blue uniform, all colors in high contrast to his natural coat of brilliant orange. He himself shone like a beacon in the ever dwindling crowd, the stares wearing him down now, instead of building him back up from obscurity.

He was disturbed by the sound, or rather the feel, of a figure next to him. The immense coach, Trey Szczpanski - everyone obviously called him Coach Trey, or just Trey - sidled next to him, and the jaguar clapped a paw on his back, grinning. "Why so glum, chum? You just made me so proud, and I know you know that."

Damien glanced to the larger cat and couldn't help but to smile despite his unwanted solitude. The coach took him in since the fourth-grade training program, in which his mother had gone though some stages of alcoholism that turned into fits, and Trey sure wasn't as hell going to buy the doorknob excuse. Since he had made Damien confront his first problems, to the big game, Trey had always been so close to him, closer than Alan or any other of his friends and family he could imagine.

"Just...I'm just waiting for my mom, Coach," he explained, resisting the natural feline urge to rub the top of his head against the coaches' windbreaker so as to claim him. Also, it was supremely hot under the lights on the bleachers, and the boy was drenched in sweat underneath all of that protection. Going all cat-like on his coach wouldn't have been the smartest thing to do under the circumstances... Nobody would understand that he trusted Trey closer than a son trusts the father, and the closeness he craved wouldn't be taken very well.

And Trey himself, as he slid his paw across Damien's back in a semi-hug, beamed down at the kitten as he would his own child, if he had any. This boy from a neglectful household was the one of the things that really kept him going, his determination to make something out of the nothing he had thrust upon him. "Well, I hope she shows up soon. They'll be shutting off the lights as soon as the last person - probably me, heh - leaves here. And it gets cold with them off," he said with a grimace. The fall winds had picked up, and the real warmth was coming from the bright stadium lights shining on the lime-green turf. All of the exiting spectators were shivering as they clutched their coats around them, fur notwithstanding. Damien nodded, the water once cooling on his head now bitingly frigid, and he clenched the muscles in his neck to keep his teeth from chattering.

"I-I'm sure she'll come," Damien replied, hoping that he wasn't lying through his clenched teeth. "She said she would come right after the g-game." He glanced towards the digital clock under the scoreboard and sighed inwardly, as the game had ended about twenty minutes ago.

Seeing the cub look to the board mournfully, Trey frowned and cleared his throat, replying, "Well, if she doe - "

"'Pansky! Over here!"

Both felines snapped their heads to face the caller, the assistant coach and the Black Alps coaches, the opposing teachers wearing their schools black and white striped uniforms along with faces of defeated acceptance. Trey sighed, then stood, keeping his paw on the boys shoulder for a second more. "I gotta talk to these guys, alright?"

Damien nodded, and the jaguar grinned and gave him a thumbs up, jogging over to the other adults. The orange cat faced forwards again, trying not to look cold as he gazed across the field. He briefly made eye contact with Alexis, who gave him a quick smile before walking away with her family to the parking lot, not looking back. He smiled to himself, re-flexing his legs. The angled ankles soon relaxed as the cub leaned back in the bench, as all the other furs left the stadium and he was left with the glaring white lights as his companions in the night.


Trey climbed into his car, slamming the door and moaning a little to himself as he buckled his seatbelt. Those coaches wanted Damien to be traded to Black Alps, to transfer schools, and they were willing to offer both the school and the kittens mother $2,500 to do so. But he had declined and they got all passive-aggressive, upping the offer, and generally being assholes. He started the car, and noted to his dismay that on the display, it was half past ten at night and in the negatives. But as he was driving away, he stopped the car suddenly, peering to the bleachers.

A shape, a chunky mass, sat crouched underneath the bleachers with a tail twitching. Trey inhaled angrily, as that was Damien sitting there - left alone as the night went bitterly freezing. Shutting his engine off, he threw off his seatbelt and jumped out of the car, running over to the cub and crouching, frantically grabbing his paws. "Damien! Are you alright? It's freezing out here!"

Droplets of ice had begun to form on the raised ankles of the cubs curved feet, the tips of his ears and from his broad shoulder pads. He kept his eyes closed, and shook his head. The frozen hairs cracked as he did so, or was that his aching neck joints? His paw trembled underneath his coaches' paw, and he opened his eyes with another similar sound as his neck had made, a couple tears frozen across his eyelashes. "Sh-sh-she din't make it," he said with a wry grin, blinking at his coach before he pushed the adult away. Straining, he finally tore away from the metal pole his jersey was frozen to, the fabric nearly tearing as he fell forward onto the ground from the momentum of separation.

He tried to push himself up, his arms shaking like a wavering tower in a hurricane, before Trey decided that enough was enough. The jaguar scrambled over and picked Damien up without any resistance, jogging back to his S.U.V. and nearly throwing the kitten into the passenger seat. He slid across the hood to the other side, climbed in and started the car so hard that he nearly snapped the key. "Jesus," he muttered, "This is...I don't even know." He blasted the heat and turned the heated seats on, reaching across and putting a paw gently behind his players head, desperately trying to get a coherent response. "Damien, can you feel your fingers? Toes? Tail?"

"Mmmm..." The young cat tried to focus on his coach, the words ringing in his ears. He wiggled his various body parts, but only succeeded in a gruesome twitching, the claws on the ends of his digits close to cracking from the cold. His tail hung limp underneath him, only the end waggling, but it soon moved up, and after a few tense minutes of whispered encouragements from Trey and the A/C blasting hot air constantly, he was eventually able to wave his dripping tail back and forth and clench all of his fingers and toes. His vision cleared, and he turned to his coach nodding, still shivering from the ice water that dripped off of him. "B-better," he said with a smile, the uniform soaking the car seat.

Trey reached over and engulfed the boy in a crushing hug. "Don't ever, ever do that again," he murmured into the cubs' ear, rocking a little as he held Damien limply in his arms. The scent of grass, dirt and sweat still hung onto his smaller frame, preserved by the frost. But the coach savored those smells, as he had grown up with them and loved them for what they represented. Damien had been under his wing since the third grade and frankly, had never had a scent quite like tonights - rejection, victory, and strenuous skill all in one.

"...Coach? You can let go of me now."

"Right, um, sorry." He pulled away, and Damien giggled a little, as the front of the thin windbreaker was now covered in turf, mud and his own sweat. Trey grimaced, pretending that he was grossed out by the liquids coating his chest. "Well...blech. Never had to wash this off before." He laughed, after which he unzipped the windbreaker, tossing it in the back. Damien sighed and sunk in the seat, smiling as the heat blew gently across his fur. Trey smiled back at him, but then cleared his throat. " you really think she was ever going to pick you up?" he asked.

The kitten shifted turned his gaze away, smile degrading into a thin line of contempt. "I knew. I knew she would come but she just..." He shook his head, rivulets of iced water dripping from his heavy bangs and onto the jersey material. "She's out again. I'm used to it when she doesn't try to kill me," he said with a laugh, before placating Trey's alarmed expression. "Kidding. I'm kidding."

The leopard smiled, but it turned into an expression of anger, the brows furrowed while the face went unsmiling and stiff. Only his whiskers quivered slightly as he spoke. "Damien, you can't keep waiting like this. She's missed the whole last season, and the one game she did show up to, I'm pretty sure she was high." The ginger kitten turned his head in shame, but Trey placed a paw on his shoulder and gripped firmly. "I'll take you home now, and for every game afterwards. I don't care if she says she'll take you home in a gold spaceship, I'm driving you. No, no way you're getting out of this," he cut in to Damien's open-mouthed protest. "I couldn't..." The adult swallowed a bit. "I don't think I could bear to see you like that again."

Damien turned away again, mumbling his agreements and apologies. But the coach stared back at him for a moment after that, sighed once more, then started to drive away. The kitten was about to say something, but he closed his mouth again and looked out the window at the sky, a dense, red-gray cover of angry clouds that stretched across the sky. It was going to storm tonight to be sure. As they drove past the neon lights of downtown, the thought remained. He knew that Coach was closer to him than anyone else he had known in his life, but it was just odd.

Coach Trey hadn't asked him where he lived before they drove off.


"Here we are." Trey pulled up to the apartment, and both of them grimaced. The brick building was an ugly red, like dried blood, a companion to the sky. Graffiti was written in pugnacious waves across all sides, the dripping paint adding to the ghetto atmosphere in the buzzing, flickering streetlight. How could such a sweet kid come from a place like this? the jaguar thought to himself.

"Wait, what?"

Damien raised his eyebrows at Trey's remark about him as his coach swiveled around so fast the cub thought he would break something. He giggled, and Trey broke into a nervous smile, sheepishly stuttering out an apology. But Damien interrupted, holding up a paw. "Yes, that was out loud. Don't be sorry. Remember when I called you 'dad' at practice once?" both males laughed a little, but then made eye contact. The boy's amber sunk into the larger cat's gold, and slowly, surely, that contact drew them close, leaning across the center console until the edges of their whiskers were brushing tips.

Trey could feel his well-exercised heart pounding like he had run a marathon as he inched his face nearer to his star player. Damien had been like a son to him - was like a son to him - but was there something more? Those stray thoughts, could they come true? He looked down, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat or two; Damien had his mouth partially open, his small, pink tongue resting on his lower front teeth, a runway for whatever dared to land on it. His eyes had closed, and a soft purr, undetectable to the ordinary ear, had risen in his throat.

The perfect invitation was all that the adult needed to take the boy, and Damien wanted it badly, wanted to become part of his father figure and let all those wonderful feelings that sprung up in his body be released right here, right now to the older male. He felt his whiskers brush past, shuddered as he could feel the hot breath across his cheek and, to his horror, the lips parted next to his ear and that deep bass voice he had known for years as his guardian angel spoke five horrifying words: "You should get going, hon."

Trey flinched internally, as he never wanted to say that in an eternity to Damien. He could feel the disappointment in an aura around the boy, and sense the muscles tensing up as the kitten tried to stifle a sob. "S-see you Monday, coach," he whispered, stubbornly breaking eye contact, and breaking Trey's heart, as he opened the door and jumped to the cold asphalt, his ankles expertly absorbing the blow as he landed. The jaguar watched with anxiety as the boy walked over to the building and began to climb the metal rails. A gunshot echoed from far down the street, and the adult bit his knuckles, wild-eyed, to keep from bursting out in swears, while the child continued upwards as if nothing had happened.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left. Damien turned and faced the door to his apartment, sighing as he closed his paws around the rusted handle. He slipped once, his paw still dripping - and nearly freezing to the metal - as he tried to turn the knob. He frowned, jiggled the handle. It didn't budge. His pulse quickened; what if mom was out again? She didn't turn up sometimes for a week, and he wouldn't even survive the night. He gripped the doorknob with both paws, panicking, the lock whining in protest under the cats' pressure. He growled, and stepped forwards before screaming and falling backwards onto the ground.

Terrified, he started to shake again, his heavy shoulder pads knocking against the frozen bars that supported the outside stair. The young kitten reached down shakily, moving into a sitting position, and felt a strangled bubbling, a nauseous scream come out of his throat as he reached down to tug out the hypodermic needle that had lodged at an angle into his right heel.


The fingers of his right paw curled around it, and a stabbing pain echoed with malicious reverberations as he prepared to remove it. "Nngh....aaaauuughhh!" he moaned, the glass straining under his fist. With a yowl, Damien tugged the needle out and let go of it, the tube cracking in two as he flopped onto his left side, panting and sobbing as he curled into a fetal position. He massaged the bottom of his stretched paw, rubbing up and down the ankle to ease the splintering pain, a drop of blood filling he tiny rivulets and cracks in his well-callused pawpads.

"I never should have let you out of that car."

Damien jerked his head up, tears flowing freely, and Trey looked down on him without pity or sympathy, but with a paternal pierce that told him everything that his coach would do. Numb, cold, and still dripping, he was hefted into the arms of the strong jaguar and carried down the stairs, gently bumping with each fall of Trey's paws. The windbreaker made a metallic scraping sound as it chafed the boys face and whiskers.

Trey cradled Damien in one arm as he opened the door to his car, gently placing the young cat on the seat that already had his outline imprinted on the leather. "This is no place for you...I'm taking you home," the adult growled. He popped open the glove box, getting out some alcohol and cotton swab before he crouched down and began to clean the digitigrades' foot, rubbing at the spot gently to clean it out. "Thank God it only pricked you, and that it was relatively clean. Otherwise, I'd have to take you to a hospital." The bleeding subsided and Damien whimpered, the ache in his paw still burning through his leg up to the thigh. "Shh, it'll all be over soon. I have some support socks for you at home; those can help you to cushion walking," the coach said as he smiled gently up at the kitten, and for all the pain he was going through, Damien had to give a small grin back.

Trey stood, walking to the other side of the car and climbing in, starting the engine. Snow started to drift across the windshield as the smaller feline closed his door, staring up in wonder at the sky. That open area had turned to dull silver, and was barely distinguishable in the night. The snow continued to increase as they pulled out of the lot, and they left tracks in the snow. Far above, the broken needle began to blend into the snow, glass on shining ice, and eventually disappeared in the crystals.


By the time the SUV pulled up in the coach's driveway, the late November snowfall had increased to a steady blanket that was at least an inch on the ground and wet, making the tires spin a little as the jaguar parked. Trey and Damien nodded to each other before getting out, Damien wincing as his feet hit the snow. While his paw had stopped bleeding, the needle had left quite a mark. Trey quickly padded over, and supported the boy by the shoulder as they limped to the door together.

Trey's house was just enough for the single teacher, a cookie-cutter house in middle-class suburbia. The white paint was grey and faded in the evening light, baby blue shutters turned black. But when they reached the door and the two males stepped in, there was a clicking sound and Damien gasped slightly, to the jaguars' amusement.

The house was excessively well-kept, the walls a light mint to match the sea-foam feel of the coloring, the furniture and accessories steely grey. It seemed like there was not a speck of dust to be found, and everything was neatly arranged to immaculate order. The kitchen had a hanging rack of pots and pans, each brilliant stainless steel over the pristine counters. The kitten, used to the dingy and the run-down, was completely awestruck by the intensity of care out into this environment. "It's beautiful," he breathed, looking up at his coach, mouth hung slightly open and eyes VERY open.

"Heh, it's not much," Trey replied, ducking his head modestly. Damien shrugged, and released his grip on the adult. He wobbled slightly on his injured paw, but his superior balance allowed him stand and walk with only the slightest offset of balance on the cool tile. He continued on his own personal tour for a few more steps, but his coach cleared his throat, and when the cub turned around, the jaguar pointed down. Damien looked, and blushed a little from embarrassment. His paws had left muddy prints from his few steps, and Trey just shook his head and smiled, before looking straight into the boy's eyes and raising an eyebrow. "Looks like someone's in need of a shower, hm?"

Damien replied, after his heart had given a few thumps of encouragement, "W-well, I guess...but I don't have any clean clothes to change into."

"No problem, I have those socks that I told you about," Trey replied, "and there's a clean towel for you in the bathroom. I can wash your uniform in the meantime."

How could he not accept? The kitten smiled as well, nodding and blushing a little. "Mkay. Where's the shower, coach?"

Trey stepped forward a little and pointed, curling his finger. "It's down the hall, straight ahead. But..." The adult held out his paws. "I can't have you leaving all those muddy clothes on the bathroom floor, now can I?" The adult appeared calm and collected, but inside, his heart was pounding as well.

Damien stared at the jaguar for a moment, but that was all he needed. They both knew, didn't they? They both wanted something more out of this, more than a father and son relationship, much more than a coach to player. The kitten nodded, smiling slyly at his coach before he grabbed his royal blue jersey and pulled upward, the mesh material sliding easily off of his frame. Trey let out a small breath and smile as the boy handed him his shirt, the white pads underneath battered and cracked. The coach just grinned, walking up behind his star player and removing his protection, leaving Damien shirtless.

The young cub giggled a little as he turned around, ears perking up and down with slight embarrassment. Shirtless, one could easily see what football had done to him; his skinny frame was covered in a layer of muscle, defining his features as much as the immature body could show off, even displaying a four-pack of cute little abs. Trey just had to purr a little at the sight before him, making Damien blush even more, curling his tail in his paws. The adult put the pads and shirt underneath his arm, ducking his head down in reference to the boys' tight sport pants. A little hesitant at first, he gripped his waistband unsurely, but when the boy looked up at his coach smiling at him, he couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to.

His paws hooked around the elastic, and he bent down, pulling the pants with him. As he stepped out, standing back up, Trey bit his lip, so desperate to take the cub right then and there.

Damien was only dressed now in a white jockstrap, the cup in front giving him a rounded, even bulge in his groin. Even if his tiny genitals weren't visible, the jaguar felt his own cock start to swell at the sight of the near-naked boy. His golden thighs arched together as the boy, embarrassed, glanced down, ashamed slightly to be ogled like this. They led down to his toes, which curled against the tile, sloped down from his arched ankles and strong calves, springy and muscular for maximum agility. He turned away, mumbling something about the shower as Trey nodded, staring at Damien's ass as he walked away. The jockstrap was only thin, sweat-stained strips of fabric that contained that perky, bubble butt, and, underneath that swinging tail, the jaguar made out the shape of the boys immature testicles bouncing in his stride. He scooped the pants off of the ground as the door to the shower closed, and he walked towards the door, stopping in the laundry room to pick up the clean, long socks and drop off the dirty clothes.

He hung the socks on the door to the shower, and rubbed his bulge through his pants, a plan forming in his head. "The socks are hanging outside," he called to the door, and he heard a muffled reply of consent. He walked away from the door, unzipping his pants as he walked into his room.

In the bathroom, Damien bent over the sink, naked, his jockstrap lying discarded on the ground next to him. The soft blues of the room seemed glaring now, adding to the nausea rising as he sensed the situation he had got himself into. How could he call rape, or even say no, if he had so obviously led his coach on with that little strip show? The posing, the smiling, blushing... The cub moaned softly to himself, turning and shuffling over to the tub, arranging the curtains so that water wouldn't leak out. Before he got in, he turned his foot up to look at the wound. The needle had only really grazed his foot, getting maybe half a centimeter in. He smiled at Trey's ingenuity with fixing wounds, as there was only minimal, ebbing pain coming from the spot. He put it down and flexed his legs; he could be back on the field in no time. But for now, he turned to the calling shower.

Stepping in, he closed his eyes and let the near-scalding water run over and through his soft fur. Leaning his head back, he could feel it drench him, washing the dirt and sweat off, and his mind began to wander as he thought of what was to come. Okay, first things first: they were definitely going to at least cuddle, most likely naked. Second, if it went beyond that, Trey would definitely yiff him. Damien felt his stomach turn and his heart start to pound at the thought. No amount of fanfiction in the world could help him now. He had read all about cubs and adults fucking together, and from what he had read, the coach would be huge, way too big for him! The boy glanced down at his own members, tilting his head. His sheath and balls were pretty small, as were most, and he couldn't really imagine that all adult males were at least eight inches. But if the internet said so... He shook the thought off, glancing around for some soap that he could distract himself with, as he did come in here to actually wash himself off.

He looked down, saw the bar of pale blue soap (was coach really this coordinated?) and then glanced up. His eyes widened, and he let his jaw drop open as he stared.

On the rack right above the soap was a medium sized pink gel dildo and a small bottle of lubricant; guess not everything matched in the house. The model was definitely feline, as the tip was slender, and covered in small nubs; feline barbs were considered too dangerous on this type of toy. It was semi-translucent, like a funhouse mirror, distorting the lube behind it, especially around the large, soft balls that were the base. The lube itself was called "ACCESS X: FOR ALL THE PLACES YOU'RE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GO!" and showed a large wolf in heavy police bondage.

Damien stared for a moment more, and then glanced in the direction of the door and hallway. If he could maybe stretch himself a bit, then when coach did him it wouldn't be so bad! He smiled at his own ingenuity, and felt the pink tip start to nudge out of his protective sheath. He grabbed the soap, washing and scrubbing every hair thoroughly in preparation. When he did a final rinse fifteen minutes later, his fur was a wonderful fiery orange with a cream patch from neck to groin, every inch shining. He especially had washed his privates well, and his penis was now half-erect and hanging out of his sheath. Damien was a little under three inches total, as he had found out at a recent sleepover, the thought of which made his prick twitch and grow a little more.

The cub turned once more to the marital aid, sitting on the shelf in stoic, wobbling form, steamed up from the shower around it. He grabbed it and the lubricant, crouching on the linoleum base of the tub; he winced as the needle wound stung when he did so. He placed the toy on the ground apprehensively, sizing it up while he uncapped the bottle of lube. A fair amount squeezed into his paws, he began to rub it up and down the sides and top. It felt slightly squishy in his paws, like a real mans flesh to him, and Damien blushed as he felt himself grow harder. His thin boyhood was standing to attention in front of him now, begging to be played with. The kitten turned around when he was finished slicking the dildo up, and he scooted backwards to position it.

The cool tip pressed against his anus, a contrast to the hot shower, and the cub gasped a bit as he began to lower himself onto the toy. It seemed a lot thicker now than he had imagined it, and he had to grit his teeth as he pressed down, his first "real" penetration. The tip parted the pink star, and the bulbous head slowly slipped in, each little nub making Damien squeak as they slipped into his virgin passage. Finally, he had to stop himself from falling onto the ground and driving the full length into him as the entire head popped into him. He gasped aloud, the burning sensation dull and pleasing, the well-lubed toy doing it's' job. He started to slide down it, mewing with each small push as he drove the adult-sized length into himself. It wasn't as hard as he imagined, and the easy sliding made him want even more. The little nubs pushed against his most sensitive spots, making his cocklet throb and jerk as the dildo massaged.

He kept sliding down and stretching his little hole until he felt his balls suddenly encounter a platform of sorts. He glanced down, and underneath his throbbing erection he saw that they were pressed against the base of the toy, his low hangers resting on what he imagining to be the coaches' own package. Seven pink inches of gel stuck inside of him, and he loved each inch of it. Damien moaned as he began to rock his hips and slide up and down the cock, his right paw shakily steadying him against the wall. He knew it wasn't necessary, that this was just to stretch him a little, but it felt so damn good that he had to keep going until he came just from this. He could feel it rising, slowly but surely, with each bounce, his hard-on going up and down in the steady rhythm. The width of the dildo stretching him and making a pink ring out of his tailhole that strained as it stretched, the length it was taking bring so much wider than any finger previously thrust into it. The kitten let out a soft yowl, the pleasure to pain ratio beautifully balanced as he self-fucked in the tub.

Ten minutes later, the water that had been scalding once turned lukewarm, and an exhausted Damien panted, the toy underneath him and still hilting the boy. His legs were spread out in front of him, his tail twitching from the pent-up feelings inside. His member was solid, dripping, and twitching. But even ten minutes later, after some severe playtime, he had only managed to have the toy become comfortable inside him and have his fur become soaked through. He wanted so desperately to paw off, but even as he rested it started to soften again. It was no use; he couldn't cum from just anal stimulation.

The exhaustion made Damien realize just how tired he was as he stood, grunting as the toy slid out of him with relaxed ease. He shut off the water, leaning on the handle to steady him, and slid back the curtains, stepping out. He grabbed the white towel to his left and started to dry himself off. He looked back at the dildo and lube still on the ground, then rolled his eyes and went back, picking them up and walking over to the sink. He scrubbed it with the bar of soap by the sink, cleaning off his scent from the toy. Although, maybe coach would like it...

"You are tired," the kitten muttered to his reflection, and he checked the small clock on the opposite wall. It was half past midnight, and he silently was thankful that it wasn't a school night. Especially after a game, he needed a lot of rest. The toy seemed thoroughly cleaned, and, after a quick glare at that pink teaser wobbling at him tauntingly, he took the towel and dried the rest of his fur off. He saw that Trey had left him a brush, as it was the only thing in the room with flame decals on the sides. Damien smiled as he brushed down his fuzziness with it, taking special care to the areas around his sheath. By this time, his boner had gone down to an inch-long nub, and that was retreating as well.

Curiosity gripped him, and as he was about to leave, he gave his reflection a glance before turning around, lifting his tail and spreading his cheeks, looking at his now-worn ring. The star was still there, but with mere touches he could gape it to a bright red rosebud from the recent stretches. He grinned as he released his grip; he was sure that his ass could take anything Coach threw at him. The boy opened the door, expecting the adult to be standing there, waiting for him.

But there was only a note and the socks coach had promised, and the lights were all out in the house. Damien slicked his ears back in disappointment before he carefully plucked up the paper, resting on top of the support socks. It read:


_ I know what you were thinking, and believe me, I want it as well. You are the most beautiful boy on the face of the earth. But if we did it now, we'd both be tired and it wouldn't be half as fun. I want this to mean something._

_ I hope you liked the present I left for you. It's served as a training tool for many a fur, but it's time for me to pass it on. That's right, it's yours to keep. I might not be the "biggest" guy you'll ever take, but it would still hurt you a lot if we jumped right into it. Your first time should feel good._

_ There's a guest bed set up for you down the hall to your right. I know you must be tired now, especially from the game, so I do expect you to go right to bed. Wear the socks overnight, they'll help you with balance._

_ I'll see you in the morning, and then we can play all you want_


_ T.S._

The name blurred as Damien read the end of the note, and he rubbed at his eyes, yawning. The house was comfortably warm, and Trey was right about him being tired. Sleep was catching up fast, and he didn't want to drop off in the middle of the hall. The kitten let the note drift to the floor as he took the socks, plain white, and began to stretch them over his feet. Coach knew his size well, and the specially shaped material fit neatly over his wide pads like a glove. There were holes for his toes to stick out, and he smiled as he wiggled them.

The boy picked up the note before he shut off the bathroom lights and started to walk to the room, feeling along the walls as he went. The only sound was his claws clicking along the floor, which turned into a soft padding as he entered the room and the tile turned to carpet. He could feel the comforter as he leaned forward to start crawling onto the bed, but he didn't even bother with the covers. It was warm enough to go without, and Damien smiled as he lay down on his stomach, stretching his feet out behind him as he clutched the pillow. His eyes gently closed, and he drifted off into blackness within the blackness, into strange dreams of ice and fiery heat.


Trey awoke to the sound of a snowplow from across the road, and he groaned softly to himself, putting a heavy paw over his eyes. What the hell time was it? He forced one eye open with two fingers, then winced and shut it again as bright sunlight reflected off the snow blasted into his retinas. The jaguar turned away from the window, rolling his legs off the bed and forcing himself to sit up. His muscular arms stretched over his head as he yawned loudly, mouth opening wide. His eyes blinked blearily, and the large cat forced himself to stand. He had slept naked, his years of sports giving his entire body a toned glow as he began to walk, muscles flexing and shifting as they adjusted to moving again.

He opened his door and shuffled to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as he went straight to the toilet. Fingering his sheath, he poked his member out and exhaled, the morning release of his bladder waking him up the slightest bit more. When he finished, he turned to the sink, but not before he checked the shower with a smile. The toy he had given to Damien was pristine, placed back on the shelf carefully but not so much that the coach couldn't tell it was used. He turned, and bent to pick the jockstrap off of the floor. Holding it up to his face, he inhaled, moaning as the scent of boy filled his nostrils. Sweat, grass, musk and everything else from the kitten was so sweet to him, and he could feel himself start to get aroused. Trey rubbed a paw around his crotch before standing back up, placing the undergarment to the side while he washed his paws. It was going to be a good morning...

Trey walked out of the bathroom and down the hall, to the guest bedroom he had directed the kitten to. The door was open, and the coach was about to call his name gently when he saw the boy laying there. He paused, and just stared at the sight before him, his cock growing faster than it ever had.

Damien lay, still on his stomach, with the pillow clutched underneath him. Bands of light from the blinds draped him in the sun, bands of gold across the darker orange of his fur in the shade. His head faced the right with his mouth hanging open just barely, a his pink tongue just visible in between his lips. The curve of his body arched backwards to his firm, pert buttocks, little hills in his body that stood out above him. His tail lay to his left side, the end swaying gently as the boy dreamt. Underneath it, his tiny tailhole had a band of light fall right over it, the pink star perfectly fitted in between those cheeks. And hanging below that, from his taint there was a line of skin above his small jewels, which were hanging in the warm air, the short fuzz making a uniform heart shape out of the orbs as they rested between his toned thighs. His tows flexed and curled involuntarily, trapped in the holes set for them in the socks which clung to his body smoothly, with only a little fur sticking out at the knee from where Damien had pulled them up hours ago. As he breathed, his whole body rose in a wave, his amazing ass spreading a little bit more, then fell, and his muscles relaxed and sank into a natural form.

Trey stopped in his tracks, staring at the prize before him. Slowly, he began to edge towards the smaller cat, eyes locked on that rear. "Little tease," he murmured, smiling as he bent down and leaned on the bed. The coach made the springs creak a little, but the kitten did not respond to the sound. The adult got onto the bed on his knees and reached forwards with shaking paws. His fingers stretched, and he ducked his head forwards as he gripped the boys' pert ass, one cheek in each paw. The jaguar stretched his head forwards, closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue until he felt the muscle meet the lines around Damien's entrance. The boy mewed in his sleep, clutching the pillow tighter.

But Trey just purred as he lapped at the kittens' tailhole, savoring the weak, but sweet taste of the musk. With each lick, the coach grew harder and Damien woke up the littlest bit more. His dreams faded into a dull rhythm, and that rhythm became the awareness of the feeling of a rough, wet object that rubbed along his butt. The cub groaned as the adult had done when he awoke, so Trey grinned to himself and licked harder - this elicited a gasp from the semi-conscious cat. This kid had always been the one to work the hardest, run the fastest, play the roughest in practice; now it's time for some real training. "Wakey wakey, kitten. It's a big day," Trey sang out when he paused from tasting the boys' savory hole.

Damien blinked, the world coming out of the fuzziness as the words rang in his head. The coach rimming him had felt wonderful, and he could feel his cocklet starting to wake up in his sheath. But Trey was gripping a bit rougher than he was used too, and there was an edge in his voice that the boy had heard used only when the coach was giving the teammates a challenge, or a punishment. He turned his head, rubbing his eyes as the jaguar came into focus. "Mornin', sir," he said with a smile, lifting his tail for the coaches amusement.

Trey nodded back, and then reached over to grab the kittens' midsection, and the cub gasped as the adult roughly turned him onto his belly. The bigger cat grabbed each of Damien's ankles and held them up, grinning down at him. "No time for chitchat, boy. I'm your coach, and always will love you, but today, it's training time." At that, he thrust his hips forwards, and the boy yelped a bit as the coaches' cock came into full view. Seven thick inches of tiger meat, small barbs encircling its' girth, started to rub up against his own, smaller sheath. The smaller male whimpered in awe at the adults' erection, definitely twice as long AND wide as him, as it continued to rub against him, teasing his own growing member as their testicles, also with a severe size difference, squished together.

"I-I did what you wanted with the thing," Damien stuttered out, forcing himself to look into the coaches face. "I think...I know I can take you, b-but I couldn't..." He broke off, wringing his paws in front of his chest defensively.

"You couldn't cum?"

The boy blushed in embarrassment, and the larger male couldn't help but to laugh at him as he continued the frottage. "Oh, you poor boy. You can't believe all the things you read on the web. Trust me; cumming just from being taken isn't as easy as it sounds." Trey leaned over until his face was right next to the cubs' own, his spotted fur clashing with the pure orange of the younger. "But if you answer my questions, and you follow exactly as I say, you'll spooge so hard we both can't walk for a week." He had evidently decided to go straight for the dirty talking, as they both knew what was going to happen and what they both wanted far ahead of this morning.

Damien, for his part, was all for this. He had let himself swell to full length, his member pressed underneath his coaches'. Leaning back, he smiled nervously, purring as both males were stimulated due to the older ones' rubbing. "What do you want to know?" he asked, putting his paws behind his head for comfort.

Coach smirked, "Firstly, how did you find out you're gay?" It was no use making the question more complicated than it needed to be.

"It was one sleepover, at Timmy's house when I was eight," the boy recalled, gasping as the coach leaned forwards and put more pressure on him. "Ngh! W-we were sort of playing, wrestling at n-night, and he asked if I wanted to do it naked, and we got naked a-and kept wrestling...then...he k-kissed me, and I kissed back, and he started to touch me...oh God, please just put it in already!" he growled, hips writhing as the jaguar pressed harder on him, making his sensitive areas scream for more attention.

"No more until you finish, boy. No pain no gain," he replied bluntly. The cock's barbs started to rub with the softer, immature barbs of Damien as he rubbed. A small drop of precum had begun to form at the slit of the smaller cock, and the jaguar grinned, easing up and teasing the cub. "Go on, how did Timmy touch you?"

Damien mewed in protest, but lay on the bed and tried not to protest, his paws clenching and unclenching. "H-he rubbed me and I rubbed back, down there...then he kissed me w-with his tongue and it felt so good...and th-then he asked me to put it in my mouth, and he turned around a-and did the same to me and we...we..." He broke off, the memories of his first sixty-nine making his member twitch with the thoughts.

Trey grinned, leaning over until his full body rested on top of the cub. "Kiss me, Damien. Kiss me like you kissed him," he ordered, putting his arms to the side of the smaller felines head and leaning down. The kitten gasped with the complete pressure of the jaguar on top of him, but he opened his mouth and took both paws behind his coaches' head, pulling it down to his lips.

The two males inhaled for just a moment before their lips pressed and they locked against one another, their bodies filling in all of the molds of the other. Damien wriggled and moaned under the growling, buff form of Trey, but to no avail. The older male crushed his form as he lay on top of the boy, wrapping his arms underneath them to pull him closer, his tongue sliding out and into the cub's mouth. For his part, the younger feline resisted nothing, and instead wrapped his arms as far as he could around the huge beast as he opened his mouth wide, the thrashing, rough muscle filling him and wrapping around his own tongue, exploring every cavity of his lips and teeth. They sucked and licked all about inside each other, their maleness' rubbing against one another like lightning rods, making one or the other growl and yelp with ecstasy when a tingle of pleasure rocked their bodies. Damien ground against his coach as his whole groin was pressured and flattened by the red inches of prime jaguar meat, and the coach snarled like a beast as he viciously humped the child, his heart pounding as he felt the soft fur give underneath his paws, felt the toned muscle underneath form to his grasp as the boy licked his mouth hungrily for more and more of his wonderful musky taste.

Soon, after several minutes of this, the two males were covered in sweat and their mouths with each others' saliva, wet all over as they made out like an alpha and the pack bitch in heat. "Oh gods...s-stop, just for a second," Damien mewed in between kisses, and Trey growled in reluctance, lowering his head to the side of the kittens, as he continued to grind him. The room was hot beyond belief now, and the boy let himself relax, let himself be used by his coach. He could feel himself drip pre a bit, but the adult had gobs of it sticking to their fur, making a wet, smacking noise as he moved his whole body back and forth. Damien turned his head, and the coaches' ear pricked up as he listened to him when he said, "Please, Trey...take me. Take all of me hard, and don't stop, ever...yiff me, please!" His voice became ragged as he panted his wishes, bending his legs back so that his tailhole drew closer to the massive cock.

Trey forced himself to calm down, to keep his lust under control when the boy whispered to him. It was not fucking the id, it was going to be making love...not a fantasy, but a dear wish of his to love the boy this far. "It'll still hurt, Damien...I have real barbs," he panted, and he grinned to himself. Many a male and female had come for the sensation of being taken by a thick, barbed cock, but for this most beautiful kitten to ask for it, to beg for it, was something he had always wanted. He was going to make it good.

"I-I know, but I still waaaaaugh!" Damien yelped as Trey suddenly grabbed his ankles and forced his legs apart, shoving him against the pillows behind his head. The jaguar rubbed the pads of his feet, grinning at those cute toes sticking out of the socks he had provided before. He winked at the kitten before he took one of the feet, brought it towards him and licked the bottoms of his padded toes. The boy gasped, giggling a little as the tickling before he purred, the rough tongue turning the silly act into a sensual, tingling massage. The coach gently nosed and nibbled on them, switching a couple times to take the other foot in his mouth, never taking more than the toe as he licked and gently suckled. While Damien couldn't exactly explain it, this aroused him slightly, the tingling spreading to his little member, standing stiff in the air, held back only by the other cock eclipsing it.

Trey released the right big toe from his lips a little after this, loving the feeling of the soft, clean pads in his mouth. For his part, he was all over those sweet giggles from the boy, his tired smile...but there was work to be done. He shifted his hips back until his cockhead was right against the bull's-eye of that tight pink pucker. Damien could feel the precum dripping right against his entrance, and he began to breathe rapidly, spreading himself even farther as he expected the penetration. "I hope you're ready for this," the jaguar growled, and his prey nodded closing his eyes as the adult began to thrust forwards.

Coach growled, gritting his teeth as he pushed his manhood into the kitten. "Fuck, you're tight...sure you used that toy well?" he asked as the passage closed like a fist around his cock.

Damien nodded, whimpering, "I used it a lot, coach...I trained hard for you!" Truth was, he was just nervous from the actual act, and his muscles had clenched as the head popped in and the barbs started to poke one by one into him.

"Well, boy, you gotta train hard..." the adult muttered, staring stonily into the poor cubs' eyes, "...if you want to play in the BIG leagues!" On that, he slammed his hips forward, using only his pre as lubricant, making the boy below him yowl from the blinding pain of a sudden, sharp penetration. All of the cock buried deep into the boy, and Damien gasped sharply, the pleasure turned into throbbing pain inside. This was nothing like the toy. "It'll recede. As I said, no pain, no gain." Trey said with a smirk, knowing the boy would do anything to take it.

And the kitten gritted his teeth, clawing at the pillow underneath his head as he awaited the pain to recede. The actual cock was a lot hotter and definitely more real, filling up his whole passage as he tried to relax his muscles and let the coach do what he wanted. "Ah! Pl-please, gentle," he whimpered, trying to bend his legs farther apart. But Trey would have none of it.

The jaguar began to rock his pelvis back and forth, grunting as he felt his cock rub and scrape along the inside of the boy. "You know how I train, Damien. I expect you to go the extra mile here." Damien nodded, biting his lip as he felt himself start to feel the first twinges of pleasure as the barbed length rubbed roughly against his sensitive prostate. Trey purred as he moved back and forth inside the kitten, the pressure building.

The cub finally let himself completely relax, his muscles pushing "out" to let more of the length into him - or, seeing as he was already hilted, to let it in and out easier. The barbs were gentler than he imagined, and all along the length as opposed to just the head. In fact, they almost began to add to the pleasure with a more massage-like feeling than a scraping. "Harder..." he moaned, and the large jaguar began to do so, panting a little as he leaned forward onto Damien, his thrusts becoming faster and more drawn out than before.

Trey could feel himself become closer to climax with each thrust, so he slowed down while keeping up how far he drew out, each slam back in still making the cub gasp. The boy was a lot tighter, and a lot more eager to please than the coach had expected, plus a lot cuter naked. He had always dreamed of those players laying here, moaning as they took his cock, but here he was with Damien tight around him, a real, warm being that groaned and mewed as he stretched his ring, wanting more of that hot meat inside him... The jaguar had to stop completely, letting go of the kittens' ankle so he could pull down his testicles to keep himself from having a climax right then and there. Damien could feel the cock throb inside him, a pulse of blood signaling that the man was close.

Trey wiped his brow, trying to calm his ragged breath as he slowly began to thrust again, gently nudges into the cubs' passage. "I think...I think I'm gonna cum soon, Damien...are you ready?" he asked, drawing his hips back.

The young player nodded as vigorously as he could, tensing up for the imminent climax. "I'm ready," he said with an air of finality, drawing his legs back to his chest. His small cock had grown to its' full length, and drops of pre made an arc from his slender head to his soft belly.

Trey growled, grinning as he only replied with a curt, "Good." Without warning, he reached down with his right paw and grabbed the boy by his member, making the littlefur almost squeak! If he couldn't cum from pure anal, he would have to do it by other means. Just like that, he began to make short, fast slams against Damien's rear, simultaneously pumping the little prick in his paws, gripping it tight.

The smaller feline gasped and bucked his entire body to the intense rhythms of the adult, his coach, pawing him off. He had felt the pleasure come in waves before, pulses of the penetration making him groan and contract his groin muscles, but this was beyond anything. Grasped in between those thick, tight fingers, he could feel the release emerging, and his small balls tightened up to his body, and Trey snarled and pumped the hand faster. "Coach, I-I'm- ? he started to say.

"Cum hard for me!" the adult interrupted with a forced grin, and then his face contorted into a clenched snarl, and he let go of Damien's cock to grab his thighs and force them apart, slamming his hips forwards with a full-bodied roar. His cock twitched once, and then his thick, hot seed spewed deep into the boy like a volcano, the barbs digging into the sides of the flesh as the coach pumped his cum inside of the kitten. The cub yowled in time with the vociferous orgasm, and he saw black on the outside of his vision as his length also started to pulse, a thin stream of semen starting to spew from the open slit; he was too young to shoot, but still he moaned loudly and felt himself contract around the huge, penetrating meat as he climaxed in time with the coach. Trey grunted and growled in ecstasy as he thrust several times deep, deep into Damien, each time letting out a similar amount of the hot spooge. His huge orbs squeezed hard against his body, churning out his seed like a fountain as he came. Those waves of the jaguars load only made the boy yell out more, tears of pleasure and pain forming as he had another orgasm again, a pool of his young spunk forming in his bellybutton. Finally, the large feline slowed, moving slowly in and out, his member and the cub's insides painted white from their lovemaking.

The thrusts stopped, leaving two panting cats in the early afternoon sun, the sounds of plows and birdsong filling the room. The sheets were soaked through in the pattern of their position, mussed up from the intensity. Trey cleared his throat after a few minutes, while Damien simply lay there with his eyes closed, still breathing heavily as the result of his cumming started to dry on his fur. "Um..." the jaguar said, not sure if the kid was passed out or not, "I'm going to start to pull out. The barbs are going to hurt a bit, okay?" The kitten twitched his ears, an attempt that Trey took as a nod, and he started to drag his receding cock out of the boy. The only response was a slight moan from the exhausted cub as the feline member scraped along his insides, with a slight twitch as it finally got expelled from the body, dragging with it a heavy load of semen that added to the messy sheets.

The coach gently heaved a sigh of pleasure, the load from two solid weeks of blue balls finally let go from his list of burdens. He bent the kittens' back as he gently lifted the boys' rear, smiling and sighing with relief as there was a minimal amount of blood. He bent his head down, gently lapping at the reddened, sore tailhole gently, trying not to use his tongue too roughly. After every game, there was always some rest.



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Trey lifted his head slowly, wiping his own seed from his lips. Setting the boy down, he gently lifted his form and went forwards, lying across the whole bed next to Damien. "You know I couldn't say no to you in a million years, son," he said with a wry grin, and stroked his star player between the ears. "Why'd you ask a silly question like that?"

The boy grinned back, his amber eyes tired, but sparked anew with the joy of letting himself go for his coach. "Standard procedure," he purred in reply, and both males leaned their heads forward to kiss, their lips locking once, twice...then they both pulled away, looking each other in the eye.

"...'Standard procedure?'"

Both of them giggled, and hugged each other over the cheesy lines, the kitten nuzzling into the adults chest, and his now-boyfriend chuckling deeply along. "Let's just savor the moment, hm?" Trey suggested, and Damien concurred with a kiss on his broad chest, the pair of lovers curling up in each others' arms and falling back asleep in the golden bands of sunlight.

©2011 TheOrigamist

BIG THANKS to Jade Indigo, the commissioner, for all the wonderful ideas and for getting my ass motivated to make this.

Comments, other requests, questions, criticism all accepted and welcome.

Did he hurt you? Part 3

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Did he hurt you? Part 2

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Did he hurt you?: Part 1

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