Did he hurt you? Part 2

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Where am I?

You're in a house.

There is a boy here.

He is looking at you.


He's crying.

Joel closed his eyes tightly, counting one two three four, open. Logan still stood there, in a white cotton bathrobe cut for his size, his eyes shaking and tearful. The firelight reflected in them like the essence of pain, representing what neither the boy nor his sitter could talk about.

"Joel?...Are you a bad man?"

He reached a paw down and felt his clothing, his outer fur. The sweatshirt lay in the kitchen crumpled on the tiles, and his baggy Tripp pants hung off him at odd angles, the chains and the spikes digging into the fabric of the couch.

You're on a couch.


The raccoon cub sat in the armchair across from the big black wolf, as he came to terms with...with what?

He had been called - Gray. Gray wanted him to do his job - money - home. Gray needed a model - victim - Logan.

His boss wanted Logan raped or naked, preferably both. And he didn't want to.

"Joel! You're scaring me! Please!"

Was there an earthquake? Or a shaking? His paw, being shaken by Logan. Tears flowed freely from the boys' eyes as he gripped his babysitters' paw, small claws digging in as he started to sob, and succumbed to heaving, tearful hiccups when the wolf stared back at him blearily, a mix of pity and confusion in his eyes like he was watching a rabid dog get shot.

"Hey, little dude."

"Joel, y-you scared me..."

"What did I do?"

"You said some bad words, and then you threw a cell phone."

"...So how'd I get here?"

"You also fell asleep for a long time."

"What time is it now?"

"It's...nine o'clock."

"That's not so bad, Logan."

"It's morning, though."

At this, Joel perked his ears up and glanced to the window, then looked away squinting to get the sun out of his eyes, glass-spread light like a dagger. The sounds...he heard the sounds of cars driving past to go to work, the sound of birds trilling, the sound of a stomach rumbling.

Wait, what? "Logan, did you get any breakfast? Seriously, how the f-... how the heck did I get here?" His voice sounded tired, washed out, like a drunk behind the 7-11.

Logan stood back, uneasily tying and untying the knot on his bathrobe. "I didn't get breakfast 'cause you said I could eat with you. I...I carried you up there so you'd be comfy." The coon cub pulled down the sleeves of the robe, but not before Joel saw the multiple bruises he had from his efforts of moving the heavy adult from the kitchen to living room. The boy's a lot stronger than he looks.

Jesus. He really likes me.

"Oh, Logan, c'mere..." Joel tried to sit up, wincing as his head replied indignantly with a throbbing punch. He finally hoisted himself into a sitting position, his eyes and teeth clenched as his headache subsided. The big wolf opened his arms, and looked up. He tried not to tear up, but when he saw Logan starting to cry as well, he found it a lot easier to be back in the babysitter role, the comforter, the guardian. "What's wrong? I-I can make you something to ea-"

"I looked at your camera."

"...oh. Uh...Logan, I-"

"Is Susie dead?"

"Excuse me?"

"I saw the pictures of Susie and what you took pictures of and her naked and sitting on that thing-" Then Logan choked up, shaking and clasping the cotton robe around him like a security blanket, staring at Joel with, not fear, but with a curious sort of terror, the look one gives when they simply need to find the truth, no matter what it would do to them. "She was crying and her mouth was open and it was bleeding-"

"She's fine, Logan!" Joel shouted, clasping his paws over his head and ears, shutting out the accusations and the memories. Susie...he had been given the job of a dildo shot, something big enough to break in the rabbit girl, but not to hurt her. One slip later, and at the end of the shot, her vagina was bleeding, and soon she was in Joel's arms with him rubbing her with an ice pack, telling her she was a good girl.

Logan began to whimper, the sound muted through the paws around the wolfs' ears.

Joel looked up, and saw to his surprise that Logan was slowly walking towards him, his eyes wet and shining, an illusion of a line from the sun making a bar across his face. His lips quivered violently and he let his paws hang down, the robe falling open around him. The black wolf half smiled, opening his arms once again, but the smile turned into a confused line as he glanced down.

"Logan, why...why are you naked?"

The cooncub sobbed just once, and he half-ran, half fell into his sitters arms, grabbing the t-shirt and balling his little paws into fists, wailing with his face in the fabric. His small body shook and lay in a parabolic curve, his legs behind him, crumpled on the floor, and shook his dripping, crunched face into Joel's stomach.

Joel froze, not entirely sure what to do in this sort of situation. He decided, after about thirty seconds of this stoic pose, that he should do what he needed to do. He leaned over, and picked Logan up by the armpits and held him close in a fetal position on his lap, hushing the crying boy, lovingly caressing him as he held the raccoon to his chest, keeping his heartbeat and breathing even. He began to feel calm himself, smiling and gazing down at Logan with his green eyes calm and collected. "Logan...I will do whatever you need. I don't want to hurt you. I won't do to you what I did to Susie. I will not hurt you."

That ultimatum, that decision not to molest Logan, to not rape him, brought a mantra, an inner peace: I will not hurt you. He would quit this cartel, stop hurting children, stop taking their innocence. He would run away from this, and be safe, he knew, because Gray would not follow. He ruled over only New England and could not chase Joel. He looked down at Logan with a smile becoming more confident, the small raccoon wiping his tears, opening his mouth and-

"It's okay to yiff me."

And that's when Joel lost it mentally. Or at least, his brain did a double take and never quite made it back around.


"Joel, are you okay?"

"L-L-Logan, I.....I don't want...how..."

"Daddy showed me when mommy's not here, 'cause it's special and she can't know."


"Joel, are you really okay?"

"...Jesus, Logan." Joel almost considered standing up, leaving this all behind, forgetting that Logan was asking - inviting - him to do what he just resolved he would never do again. What was happening? What the hell was the boy thinking?

"What the hell are you thinking?"

Logan's smile faded a bit, and he shifted uncomfortably in Joel's arms, glancing uncertainly in any direction but the wolf's face. "I-I just...if you want to, I can do it, 'cause...daddy does it sometimes, and it feels kinda good, um...so if you need to, it's okay. I saw some money in your bag, too. Is it your job to take those pictures?"

"Uh...firstly, Logan, I don't want to do this anymore because, secondly, what daddy and I do is against the law, and if anyone finds out, we could go to jail. And this is my job! I'm a criminal, Logan. A bad guy." The raccoons' ears lowered, and he looked up at Joel in shame. "Third, I don't...I don't want to hurt you like this just because you like me. I just...I just want to get out of here, Logan. I don't like hurting kids like you," the wolf finally concluded, closing his eyes and looking away from the cub as if he saw him again, he'd have to do it.

"I don't want you to hurt me, Joel, and you won't. I like it when daddy does it, and I can take you fine, and I want to do this because it makes both of us happy!" Logan cried out, tightly squeezing the canine on the shoulders so hard his knuckles were white and his fingers hurt. "Mommy and daddy are coming home in three hours and you can do it then! Daddy told me that if you wanted I'd show you anything and I know you don't want to do it but I want you to! Please!"

Joel sat, stunned, as Logan began crying again, his reddened eyes tearing up and pooling over. The boy was straddling him, staring him in the face, begging with his face and body to take him and get it over with, to fuck him and be happy. He wanted Joel, he realized, to be happy again, and he thought that yiff would do it, despite his admonition against it. What a scarred, broken boy, Joel thought, tilting his head a little and sighing in submission.

He had to do it. No matter what, in the babysitting rulebook, you were never supposed to do this, never supposed to give the upper paw, but he didn't have much choice. Even more than Logan didn't want to see him upset, he didn't want the child to feel any pain either.

"Okay. I'll do it."

Like clockwork, Logans' tears stopped up and he wiped his eyes, shedding the robe. The black wolf gave the cub a quick once-over, noting his frame and that little package. He quickly put himself in the business/filmmaker state of mind, and smiled weakly at the naked raccoon on his lap. "I hope you like getting your picture taken."

"There are other things I like getting taken even more."

Joel sat stunned, and logan laughed out loud as he slid off of the wolf's lap, his pert buttcheeks shaking a little as he walked away up the stairs, calling for the sitter to meet him in his room. After he had gone, Joel buried his face in his paws, groaning aloud.

"What the hell am_I_ thinking?"

He retrieved his backpack, and all the equipment inside, following Logan upstairs to his bedroom.

End of part 2.

Please comment! I swear, there will be saucy cub packin' NEXT chapter.

Did he hurt you? Part 3

"How much longer?" Logan whined, sitting on the edge of his bed and kicking his feet. "Mommy n' daddy are gonna be home soon. "Not for two hours, Logan." "But what if they come sooner?" "Doesn't matter, I'm done setup and we...

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