Did he hurt you? Part 3

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"How much longer?" Logan whined, sitting on the edge of his bed and kicking his feet. "Mommy n' daddy are gonna be home soon.

"Not for two hours, Logan."

"But what if they come sooner?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm done setup and we can start now."

"Oh...it's not much."

Joel sighed, facepawing. After nearly half an hour, he had finally set up the backdrop - grayish-blue marble, to match Logan's fur - and got his camera in position, so that when he sat down it obscured his face from the picture. He smiled at the naked cub, a little more tired than he should've been. "Alright, get your lil' coony butt onto there."

It was surprising how easily he could switch roles, from caregiver to best friend, but right now, it was 'friend' time only as the raccoon cub jumped from the bed and stood on the backdrop, smiling nervously. "So, um, what do I do?" Logan asked the big wolf, swaying a little.

"Well, this camera takes pictures automatically every ten seconds, so just act normally, y'know, talk to me." Joel had already stripped down to his plain boxers, and Logan saw, to his disappointment, that his sitter wasn't very 'excited' at all. But he could change that.

"Well, do I turn like this?" Logan swiveled so that his bubbly butt was facing the camera, long tail swishing and obscuring what Joel was going to take. Pity that his dad had already given him a good time, Joel thought, because he hated to admit it, but virgin boys were the best. He recalled several occasions of his 'jobs' having their first time with him, and he could feel his sheath start to open up.

"That's great! Now, bend over, mkay?"

Logan nodded, and, still looking over at Joel, he leaned forward and raised his tail. Damn, but this raccoon cub was gorgeous. His silvery-white balls just showed between those plump thighs, leading up the taint to a pink, beautiful little pucker in between the cheeks. Logan blushed as he was exposed like this, smiling nervously. "A-are you gonna put it in now?"

"Not yet. Turn around, so we can see what you got." The child nodded, standing up and facing the camera again, spreading his legs so that his tiny little orbs dangled in plain sight, the immature sheath starting to swell as the tip of his little cocklet got aroused, a tiny red tip showing through that lush fur. He still had a bit of baby fat on him, and it made his body rounded and cherubic as he swayed, nervously hooking a finger in his lip as he looked to Joel for appreciation. "Don't look at me, hon, look into the camera."

"Is this right? Daddy liked it when I do this," the boy giggled, getting on his knees. Joel had a second camera set up and urged Logan to face that as he turned let again, his butt sitting on top of his little feet. He took a small paw and pushed his balls underneath him, giggling and swaying as he moved his toes, each soft orb bouncing on top of them. "Hehehehe, it tickles a lot, but it makes me feel...warm," he said, and he pushed his growing member backwards to face the camera, the redness swelling to a full inch and half. He took his tail in his mouth and stretched it forward, taking both paws and pulling those pert cheeks apart to show his tailhole and package in full glory.

Joel moaned to himself and squeezed, then looked down to his surprise. He was already hard, and was pawing himself to the boy even as he instructed him. "G-good boy. Tell me, how big is daddy?"

"Um, Daddy is about this long, but he says that I'll probably be bigger than him when I'm older." Logan turned back in a cross legged position, spreading his paws apart to about five inches, an average fur.

"Well then, this might hurt a bit."

"H-hurt? Why?"

Joel smiled, and stepped forward, letting his underwear fall to the ground. Logans' eyes widened, and he gasped when he saw Joel's thick cock, nearly nine inches long and a pinker, fleshy color. The knot near the base was the size of the raccoon's fist, and the whole thing was so heavy that it hung down a little, blood still flowing to it, making it rock-hard when he was fully engorged.

"Is it going to hurt?"

"I promised I would never hurt you, Logan."

"Oh...I kinda thought you didn't want to do this at all."

That came as a slap in the face for the wolf, and Joel nearly stepped backwards, and Logan looked up with concern again, the cock almost poking him in the face. "Joel?"

"I'm...fine." Was he? Was 'fine' taping the near-rape of a young boy, putting it out for millions of perverts to masturbate to? Was fine looking at cubs as sex objects, as clients, sizing them up for how much they could take? But Logan...Logan wanted this, wanted to enjoy all of it. And that pleasure, that was fine. Joel could deal with that. He stepped forwards again, making the young raccoon step back so as not to get a face full of penis. "You can touch it, if you want."

Logan nodded, and slowly, carefully, leaned forward and licked the very tip of the huge length, making the wolf shiver from that sensitivity that never quite went away, no matter how many tongues had licked that spot. The boy then put his head on the end and got the glans into his mouth, closing his eyes as he tried to get it farther into his throat. It tasted stronger than daddy, and he could almost taste the size difference.

Joel moaned, thrusting forwards just a little to help the 'coon, making the boy squeak as another half-inch wormed its way into him. The small tongue felt wonderful against the underside of his member, and the wolf remembered for a minute why he had once loved to do this.

The big, fleshy meat was now getting harder to deal with, and the pictures taken showed a strained face as Logan tried to get it to curve down his throat. He nearly gagged, but continued to push it forward, about three inches in his mouth. Joel felt the slight jar, and opened the boy's mouth with one finger, chuckling slightly at his eagerness. "Not used to it, huh?" The coonboy shook his head. "Don't worry; we can stop doing that now."

Logan breathed a sigh of relief, and Joel switched off the main camera and the one lower flicked on recording. Joel urged him to sit down, and soon both were sitting with their crotches facing the camera. Joel spread his legs a little, his face not visible, but Logan's was, and he stared as the big wolf stroked his length a little with one paw, and soon both males were jerking gently into the camera, the young boy gasping as he took it all in his fist, thrusting with his mouth open in child-like bliss. Joel moaned at the sight, and when a glob of pre dripped out of his tip, he decided that it was time for them to move on to the next scene.

"Did daddy ever put it in your butt, Logan?"


"Do you want to do that now?"

"...All of it?" Joel nodded, and Logan hesitated, biting his lip at the enormous, dripping cock. Daddy had been kinda rough with it, but Joel was too nice for that...and besides, he knew what he was doing. It did feel good after a bit, and he knew that the big doggy had his feelings in mind! He nodded, a smile starting to spread across his face.

Joel smiled back, and reached over to pick the child up, paws under his armpits, making the raccoon giggle a little and squirm. Soon, Logan was on Joel's lap, his tiny balls pressured against the large member in front of him, tiny hard-on eclipsed by it as well. He moaned slightly out of worry, but was reassured by the wolf hugging him from behind. Joel took one of the boy's ankles in each paw, and slowly lifted him up against his chest, making sure that not-so-virgin pucker was nicely spread for the camera.

Logan squeaked, and smiled a little at the black eye of the lens, pushing back against his babysitter so he wouldn't fall. Joel kissed the top of his head, and slowly let go of the left ankle to grab onto his cock, knowing that there would be more precum to follow, and that it was good cinematography to have it be unlubed at first.

"J-Joel? Before daddy went inside me, he put on this thingy, and he said it would make it safer for me and I wouldn't get sick."

The wolf raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really? That was smart of him. That thingy is called a condom, and it does prevent disease. But I don't have any of those, sweetie, so we can do it this way." That was truthful, and in fact, the only reason he was allowed to yiff on the job. Grey tested each of the boys for AIDS and other communicable disease, and only the select few were allowed to go out and have sex with the subjects, those without anything contaminating them.

Logan nodded hesitantly, and so Joel began to let him down onto the cock he had positioned, the pre providing a droplet that turned into a slight bubble across the pink pucker, soon popped by the tip of the cock splitting the cub open, sliding in thanks to previous stretching and the precum which was spurting more into the boy and making it just slightly easier to get inside the remarkable tight passage. Joel growled through his teeth, surprised to find that the young boy was a lot tighter than expected and didn't let him just enter like he thought; not even four inches flowing in and he was encountering incredible resistance.

Logan gasped and cried out with the jarring pain of first having an adult cock trying to fuck his passage, but it faded a little as the warmth spread through him. Still, even though he had been molested by his dad several times before, the thick member was not something to be trifled with, and it stretched him to his limits, and he gritted his teeth as well, trying to push out like daddy had showed him, but it still hurt a lot as the meat sunk into that pink hole. His tiny cock sprung to life again, and started to twitch as he flexed the muscles down there.

Joel grunted as he tried to go deeper into the young boy. It was definitely tight, to be sure, but the cooncub was pushing back his sphincter to allow the cock more access. Each slow thrust put him deeper inside, and eventually they were at seven inches in. Logan whimpered and strained, arching his back as he felt that knot against his small passage. "Nng...Joel, c-can it fit?"

"We'll ma - ah! - make it fit, buddy." The big wolf hadn't expected this tightness, but then again, his huge cock was more than enough for the cub. He let go of one ankle for a second to reach out and grab some lube off-camera. He popped off the lid and handed it to the kid, blinking as sweat dripped into his face. Sweat? He didn't realize that he was working that hard, and he was also surprised to find that Logan was sweating as well, dripping a little from his fur as he moaned with boyish pleasure, his mouth hanging slightly open.

Logan nodded weakly, the gel shaking in his paws as he poured it over the area which was encountering the resistance. Daddy had some of this stuff to make it go in easier sometimes, and as it splashed over his anus ('There goes this backdrop', thought Joel), he could feel the knot weaken its resistance just a little, wincing as the cooled fluid splashed on his super-sensitive parts. He gave it back to the wolf, who put it down and groaned loudly as Logan started to work the slippery substance on the knot around. Joel had to sit up slightly and raise the boys ankles even more to let him have the room enough to reach down there.

"I-I think it's ready."

Joel could feel it start to give way, but was unsure about thrusting. "Did you get some...inside of you too?"

"Yuh-huh," the boy panted back in a light voice, and that was enough for the sitter, who gently pushed his hips up at the same time as he pulled the boy down, making him cry out and almost scream shrilly as his pink pucker was stretched beyond anything he had imagined in front of the unsmiling eye of the camera, his real virginity taken in the blink of an eye, and then the huge knot had popped into him with a wet, sloppy sound, making Logan release his grip on the wolf behind him and start to stroke himself. "I'm gon - AH! I'm gonna cum!" he yelled, squeezing his tender little pole.

Joel paused for a second, and then realized how close he was to climax as well. That tight passage had made him hornier than he realized, or cared to admit. Precum hadn't been able to drip from the sides because of the tightness he had imposed, and it was all going into the boy. He began to thrust as much as the little space allowed for, and he grunted again as he felt his climax rising. And when Logan shrieked, arching his back and squeezing both his balls and his cocklet with a crushing force in both paws, it tipped the adult over the edge, the added pressure too much for his throbbing meat.

He howled, and thrust hard into the boy, seed flowing like hot water deep into Logan's bowels and abdomen, spurts of his manhood squeezed out by his member. Each short thrust pulsed forth another string of the spooge, soon making his testicles ache as he felt sperm being pumped by his large jewels into his massive orgasm. Logan has already spewed a thing trickle of infertile jizz dribbling down his fingers, and this added pressure made his balls contract so far against his small body that he felt they would disappear in the silver fur. Another smaller orgasm wracked his frame as he bounced on the massive wolfcock, mouth open in a loud moan as he dripped some more of the young seed. This only teased Joel further, and it squeezed around his dick like a vice, a million pawjobs working on him at once, making him explode some more into the young boy. He panted and moaned right along with him as his climax gently slowed, his thrusts becoming few and infrequent, a large amount of cum sitting heavy in what felt like, for the raccoon boy, the small furs stomach.

The pair sat in the silence, a sticky mess, for a few minutes, before Logan looked backwards, smiling painfully - or was it with exhaustion - at the once-babysitter, once-rapist, and now what he considered his mate. "C-can you take it out of me, Joel?"

"Not...for a little...bit, mkay? Good boy..." Joel panted heavily, his knot lodged painfully tight in the little fur. But then, he realized he had brought the other gel along with him. Reaching off-camera, he pulled out another smallish bottle, this one full of white paste stuff. 'UNTIE!' the contents were labeled, and it showed a smiling fox with a straight piece of rope hanging from his tight pants. "This'll make it go down easier," the big wolf said gently, and he began to rub the cream along the insides of the pucker, which stretched it a bit too much for the cubs liking, and he squirmed a little as the finger worked up into him. His own hard-on had disappeared inside his sheath, only the pink tip poking out, and he didn't understand why the wolf was taking so long.

"I'm tied with you," Joel explained as he worked the cream around his swollen knot. "If I pull out now, it'll hurt both of us a LOT." Logan nodded, and shuddered a little at the thought of his poor tailhole tearing from the wolf's member being pulled out like that. In about ten minutes, though, the engorged flesh had died down enough that Joel was able to lift the young raccoon up by his armpits.

"Ah!" Logan yelped, feeling the thick cock slide rather easily out of his well-worn passage, squeaking as the plug pulled and let all the thick cum that had been deposited into him flow out in a small stream, a steady trickle of Joel's seed staining the black fur as his babysitter held his small body close to his chest, breathing becoming more even as his member slid back into his sheath, testes relaxing to hang in the warm air loosely once again.

It was silent now in the room, except for the panting of both males as they leaned against each other on the stained backdrop. The silver eye of the camera sat there, dead and unmoving; the battery had died along with the orgasms, apparently. Joel picked Logan up by the armpits and stood shakily, his tender member still receding into his sheath. Logan watched as he bent to gather the cameras, laying on his side and glancing curiously when the adult squatted, gazing at his heavy balls and redder anus underneath his tail. He wondered to himself if Joel had ever been pleasured like that before, and if he liked it...but he dare not ask.

"You should go shower, bud. Get the smell off before your parents come home." Joel said quietly without turning around, standing with the various electronics in his arms. He put them in his backpack, putting each part inside their own compartments.

The small cooncub nodded and stood with even more difficult than his dom, having been thoroughly fucked properly by the biggest cock he had ever seen. He walked slowly around Joel, paused, then turned back and hugged his babysitter around the waist, nuzzling his face into that soft, warm ebony fur. "I love you, Joel."

"I, um...I love you to, Logan." he said at last with difficulty, their naked proximity more awkward than it had ever been. He gingerly reached out a paw to pet the raccoon, but by the time he had mustered up the courage to do so, Logan was already halfway to the bathroom, and then there was a soft slamming and click of a lock, the water sounds muffled through the door. Joel bent his ears backwards in dejection, gaze fixed on the white fake wood as if hoping the boy would run out and kiss him, and hug him, and then they could go somewhere together away from Gray and daddy and never be hurt again...

He pulled out of the driveway and onto the road heading to the hideout, the only traces he had been there a very faint smell of musk in the boys room and the fingerprints he had left on the small white bathrobe hung onto the bathroom doorknob.


"He just left."

Dr. Warden sighed, closing his notebook with a defeated click. "Okay, Logan, thank you for telling me that. You can go back to your parents now."

The small raccoon fidgeted on the hospital table, staring sadly at his doctor. "Do you think that I'll ever see him again?"

Warden smiled, a sad, pitiful smile that made Logan want to vomit more than the glaring greenish tinge of stoic sterility surrounding the building. "I think you will," he lied, "I really do."

Logan nodded, then slipped off of the cushions onto the tiled floor, walking out back to the living room. Mommy looks angry, Daddy looks worried. What can they do? He has been gone for a long time now. I wish he was back. He would know what to do.

He always knows what to do.

©2011 Abel Nezumiser

Man that took a while. Sorry. Comments, feedback, ideas are always appreciated

Did he hurt you? Part 2

_Where am I?_ _You're in a house._ _There is a boy here._ _He is looking at you._ _..._ _He's crying._ Joel closed his eyes tightly, counting one two three four, open. Logan still stood there, in a...

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Did he hurt you?: Part 1

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CTContest - Secrets and Questions

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