The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 1

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#1 of The Doctor's Daughter

This is the sequel to my Healing A Doctor series. If you haven't read the first, I would recommend it, just to help you out with continuity. I would have linked it but the uploaded would not cooperate. ( link to the first chapter of Healing a Doctor)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the sequel. :)


A young female coyote woke up in the dark, not knowing where she was. She had trouble breathing and began to cough. She was dimly aware of a thumping bass and some sounds of partying.

"Help," She croaked.

There was a sticky warmth coming from her thighs. Blood? She began to panic, the hyperventilating aggravating her already poor breathing. She moved out of the bed, feeling around in the dark. There was a window covered by curtains just to the right of her and she opened it. She went out into the night, lit by the full moon.

She turned and looked back. There was another figure on the same bed she was. She began to cry as she realized who it was and what he had done to her. She turned and ran.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A beautiful teenage coyote female walked into her three story house. It had wood trim, and many large windows. She set her backpack down in the entryway and walked into the kitchen, where a golden retriever wearing reading glasses sat on a cushioned red stool looking over a clipboard.

"Hey Brian," The coyote began.

"Haley," Brian replied, removing the glasses, "How was school?"

"Amazing," Haley said, sitting down next to Brian, "I'll tell you guys at dinner."

"You mean you're going to make us wait on our anniversary?" Brian joked.

"It's good for you guys," Haley said, "How long has it been now, 10 years?"

"Yeah," Brian began, "And we haven't fallen into the rut of an old married couple yet."

"Well seeing as you're not married, that would be hard to do," Haley retorted.

"Fine," Brian sighed, "We haven't fallen into the rut of a domestic partnership yet."

"I'm just kidding," Haley replied, "What are you looking at?"

Brian picked up the glasses and put them on. He cleared his throat and replied.

"A case file for a Mr. Natier."

Haley nodded and got up for the fridge. She opened the doors and pulled out an apple. She washed it off and took a bite out of it before sitting back down on the other stool.

"What's up with him?" Haley asked.

"From what I can see he's suicidal," Brian began, "He reminds me of your father."

"Whoa," Haley replied, "He never told me about that."

"Shit," Brian sighed, "He was going through a rough time, and that's all I'm going to say on that so don't bring it up again, especially around him."

Haley paused for a second. He had found many things out about her parents off hand that she could have gone without. Thankfully, she'd never heard about the Davis situation.

"Alright fine," Haley said, taking another bite out of her apple.

"Do you know what he did for tonight?" Brian asked.

"No, what?" Haley replied.

"Don't tell him I know this, cause its supposed to be a surprise," Brian began, "He got me and him tickets to a movie premiere in Hollywood."

"Which movie?" Haley asked.

"The Passion Murders," Brian began, "It's a foreign film."

"That's awesome," Haley replied, "What did you get him?"

"That's a surprise," Brian said.

"Come on," Haley began, "You can tell me."

"It's private," Brian replied, "Something you probably don't want to hear about."

"Seriously, tell me," Haley said.

The phone began to ring. Brian sighed and got up from his stool, glad that he was off the hook in giving away his surprise. The wireless phone hung on the other side of the room, its black contrasting with the light blue paint. Brian pushed the talk button.

"Yes this is Brian speaking," He answered.

Brian's face dropped, his eyes clouding with fear and hopelessness. He affirmed the voice on the other end and hung up the phone before dropping to his knees. Haley jumped up and ran to him, rubbing the big dog's ears.

"What is it?" Haley asked.

"Your father...," Brian replied.

"What about him?" Haley asked, the alarm rising in her voice.

Brian stood up and ran for the door, grabbing his coat as he went. Haley went after him, throwing her shoes back on. The two ran for the car, where Brian sped the two off.

"What's going on?" Haley asked.

"Something bad's happening at the hospital," Brian replied.

"Like what?" Haley asked.

"Like a guy with a gun," Brian said.

"Oh god," Haley moaned, "Is dad ok?"

"They don't know," Brian began, "He's tough though, so I'm sure he's fine."


Nathan was sitting in the break room after a successful surgery on a car crash victim, drinking coffee and talking with his surgical team.

"That was intense," A vixen began, "How the hell did you patch up that neck wound Nathan?"

"Practice," Nathan replied, "That wouldn't be the first time I've pulled something out of someone's neck."

"We got lucky," A younger male coyote said, "I was ready to quit on him."

"Excuse me one moment," Nathan began, tossing back his coffee and leaving the room.

Nathan headed straight for the bathroom and turned on a tap. He splashed the cold water against his face, tired from the three hour ordeal that was his last surgery. The coyote stood and stared, looking himself over in the mirror. His scars had more or less faded just mere inklings of the coyote's horror in Makassar.

There was a gunshot and a female scream. Nathan jumped, his hand clutching the bottle of pills in his front pocket. He didn't need a flashback now, not at work. Another gunshot and another scream, this one closer. It was definitely not a flashback.

Nathan cracked open the bathroom, and saw a wolf, armed with a revolver, menacing his team. The coyote stepped out and walked towards the wolf's back.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked.

The wolf turned around, shaking uncontrollably. The gun, however remained steady somehow. Nathan's gaze wasn't drawn to the gun, but to the wolf's bloodshot eyes.

"Get over there with the others," The wolf growled.

"I will," Nathan began, "First tell me what you want."

"I want the drugs," The wolf replied.

"Why did you bring a gun?" Nathan asked.

"I need them," The wolf whined, "Do you know what it's like? Needing something you can't have."

"It's okay," Nathan began, "I have a friend who can help you."

"No one can help me!" The wolf cried, "Give me the drugs now."

"Just settle down," Nathan replied, "Set the gun down so we can talk this over."

"Fuck you," The wolf spat, "So you can get the cops in here to take me down."

"I don't want that, I want to help," Nathan began.

The wolf brought the gun to Nathan's head, and began to shake even more. He cocked the hammer back and stared straight into Nathan's eyes. He pulled the trigger. Producing nothing but a dry click. The druggie looked down at the gun in question.

"Your safety was on, chump," Nathan scoffed.

He punched the wolf in the side of the face, knocking him to the ground. The revolver went out of his grasp, and Nathan picked it up. He switched off the safety and pointed the barrel down towards the wolf's back.

"Watch yourself," Nathan said, "I actually know how to use this."

The wolf began to cry.

"Someone tell the cops that we have the gunman under control," Nathan commanded.

The vixen went to the window and yelled down at the cops below. In no time at all they had ran into the hospital, handcuffed the wolf, and led him out. Nathan sighed and went to his locker to change, his shift was over. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Brian arrived as the police were leading the gunman out. He got out of the car and ran out to the nearest cop.

"Was anyone hurt?" He asked.

"No," The cop began, "Well, except the bad guy."

Nathan walked out of the hospital and Brian ran to him. The golden retriever picked up the coyote and got him in a spine crushing bear hug. He set the coyote down and got him in a gentler hug.

"I was so worried," Brian sighed, "I thought you might've been hurt."

"I'm fine," Nathan replied, "I can handle myself you know."

"I know, I guess I'm just protective of my 'yote," Brian said.

Haley walked up to them and Nathan broke his hug with Brian to embrace her. He moved back a little to ask.

"How was school?"

"Fine," Haley replied, "But shouldn't you be traumatized or something? I mean there was a crazy guy with a gun at your job."

"It takes a lot to traumatize me, honey," Nathan began, "I don't think anything could be worse than Makassar."

"Happy anniversary," Haley said, hoping to change the subject.

Her father had told her one night about what happened when he was in the war. She never wanted to hear it again, it was a terrible story.

"You ready to head home?" Brian asked, "I have to get started on dinner."

"I can help," Nathan said.

"Sorry," Brian replied, "I want the dinner to be more than grilled cheese sandwiches."

Nathan scoffed. His cooking never got better, even after ten years of a domestic lifestyle. His paw found Brian's and they walked back to the car. Haley got in the back seat, knowing Brian and Nathan's driving ritual of holding paws the whole way through. Most teenagers would be disgusted with such openly affectionate gay parents, but Haley thought that they were cute.

They made it back to the house and quickly got out of the car. Nathan got out of the car and headed off for a tree that stood in front of the house. It was small, little more than a sapling, and had a single pink flower sprouting from it.

"You didn't tell me our tree bloomed," Nathan said, and then stuck his nose into the flower.

"It bloomed while you were at work," Brian replied.

"It smells so good," Nathan sighed, "Remember when we planted it?"

"Oh yeah," Brian replied, "Right when we bought the house."

"It's so pretty," Nathan began, "So what are we having for dinner?"

"Prime rib," Brian began, "With baked potatoes, a salad, and merlot."

"Nice, a good hearty meal," Nathan said, "Listen, I'll be inside, I need to take care of something."

Nathan walked into the house and Brian shook his head at his retreating form. Haley walked up next the to the golden retriever and grabbed his arm.

"What's he doing?" She asked.

"He's probably going to take his pills," Brian replied, "Stuff like that usually gets to him."

"But he said that after the war nothing scared him anymore," Haley said.

"He's not scared," Brian began, "He's haunted, haunted by whatever harm he's done or does to anyone. War changes a fur."

"Well then why aren't you like that?" Haley asked.

"I was fucked up enough at the start of the war so that none of it bothered me," Brian replied, and then holding out his scarred wrists, "I still have nightmares about the ship though."

Haley gave the golden retriever a hug. She broke away and flicked the older canine's ears.

"You're so much tougher than I could ever be," She began.

"You'd be surprised what you can do if you need to," Brian replied, "Now come on, let's go inside."

"I really want to know what you got Dad for his anniversary," Haley began as they started walking.

"Oreos and black cherry vodka," Brian replied.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Haley asked.

"Let's just say it's a very personal inside joke between me and your father," Brian replied.

"What's so funny about it though?" Haley asked.

"It's an inside joke," Brain scoffed, "People who don't know it aren't going to find it funny."

The two made it through the door and kicked off their shoes. Nathan was sitting at the table, his head in his paws. Haley ran to him and rubbed her father's shoulders.

"You okay daddy?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Nathan began, "I'm just tired."

"Well okay then," Haley began, "I have to go do some homework, so call me when dinner's ready."

"See you then sweetie," Nathan said as his daughter went up the stairs to her room.

Brian took Haley's place and went to comfort Nathan.

"Need to talk?" Brian asked.

"Later maybe," Nathan replied, "I'm still kind of... shaken."

"It's okay you know," Brian said, "It's normal to get shaken and scared of things like that."

"I know but...," Nathan began, "There's a reason I've never lost a person on a surgery, I want to make up for the people I've hurt."

"You did that and anything you may to in the future either for your country, for your daughter, or for me," Brian said, "It wasn't like it was wanton violence, you had a reason."

"Thanks Brian," Nathan replied, "You always know what to say."

"Of course," Brian began, "Now why don't you help me with dinner."

"I thought you didn't want grilled cheese sandwiches," Nathan scoffed.

"I'll teach you how," Brian said, "Now come on."

Brian had let the prime rib rotisserie for the majority of the day, it smelled divine. Brian got out potatoes and some ingredients for a salad. The golden retriever placed the things in front of Nathan.

"Just cut it up and toss it and we're good," Brian said.

"What are the oranges for?" Nathan asked.

"It's a mandarin orange salad," Brian replied, "It's good."

"I'll take your word for it," Nathan replied.

The couple set about cooking their anniversary dinner. The salad was soon done, and Nathan stood over it. He looked over it warily.

"Does this look right?" The coyote asked.

Brian glanced over from the baked potatoes.

"Its fine," Brian replied, "I think that prime rib's done. Would you turn the heat off?"

Nathan reached over and turned the rotisserie oven off. He speared the hunk of meat and put it on a platter. The coyote leaned back and watched as the golden retriever swabbed butter into the potatoes. Nathan walked up behind him and got him in a reverse hug.

"That's so unhealthy," Nathan said, his words tickling Brian's ear and making it twitch.

"It tastes so good though," Brian replied.

"I don't want your ass to turn to jelly," Nathan said, grinding his hips into the golden's back.

"It's your ass we should be worried about," Brian replied, pulling the coyote out from behind him and pinning him to the counter.

Brian leaned in and kissed the coyote. Slow and deep, just like in the showers the first day they met. Nathan ground his pelvis into Brian's, slowly coaxing out both of their libidos. One of Nathan's paws found the back of Brian's head, deepening the kiss, and the other the hot tray on the counter.

"Shit," Nathan mumbled into Brian's mouth.

Brian let the coyote off the counter and helped him to the sink. He turned the tap on and Nathan thrust his paw under the running stream.

"I'm sorry," Brian began, nuzzling his love.

"It was worth it," Nathan replied, "I'm gonna go get Haley."

"Ok," Brian said, giving the coyote a quick kiss, "I'll set the table."

Nathan walked up to the second floor of his house and down the long hallway that Haley's room sat at the end of. He knocked on the younger coyote's door, smiling as he heard the faint thrum of music.

"Yes," She began from the other side of the door."

"Dinner's done," Nathan replied, "So come down."

"I'll be right there," Haley said, "Just let me finish up this conversation."

"Who're you talking to?" Nathan asked, "Jules?"

"I'll tell you at dinner," Haley replied.

"Is it a boy?" Nathan asked.

"Once again," Haley began, "I'll tell you at dinner."

"Fine," Nathan sighed, "Just don't keep us waiting."

Nathan turned and went down the stairs. Brian had the table set and had pulled out a chair for the coyote to sit in, across from the golden retriever. Nathan went over and sat down in the offered chair. Brian grabbed the bottle of Merlot, and promptly poured Nathan a glass.

"Is this another ninety dollar bottle of wine?" Nathan asked.

Brian laughed and sat down in his seat. Haley came down soon after, holding a wrapped gift.

"Wait until after dinner for that," Haley began, sitting down in her chair.

"Then let's dig in now so I don't have to wait!" Nathan exclaimed.

The family hurriedly dished up their plates with the succulent feast. Haley tried a forkful of the mandarin orange salad, and a smile perked on her face. She swallowed and said.

"This is a good salad. Did you make it Brian?"

"No," Nathan answered, "I made it all by myself."

"Well it's a step up from grilled cheese sandwiches, Dad," Haley scoffed.

The group had finished eating quickly and was now sipping wine, in the case of Haley Sprite, and enjoying the fullness of their meal.

"Time for presents now?" Nathan asked, "Cause I can't wait to give mine."

"If it's that good I can't wait either," Brian replied, giving Haley a sly wink.

Nathan pulled out an envelope from his back pocket and handed it over to the golden retriever. Brian looked it over and slowly opened it with a claw. Nathan sat poised in his seat, clearly excited. Brian gave a pretty convincing gasp of surprise.

Inside were the tickets to the movie premiere and something else. It was a picture of Nathan and Brian on the beach in Makassar. Brian held it before his eyes, tearing up at the thought of the happy memory.

"How did you get this?" Brian asked.

"Some press took a picture of us there ten years ago and I bought it from him," Nathan replied.

Brian handed the picture over to Haley, who looked it over thoroughly. It was her father, picked up over Brian's shoulder, laughing as they headed for the water. Haley's smile returned to see the two so happy, young, and full of life. She handed it back to the golden retriever.

"That's a cute picture," Haley said.

"You remember that shark there?" Nathan asked.

"That was so funny," Brian replied, "Shame Citra didn't make it."

The two bowed their heads for a moment, remembering their lost friend. Haley pulled the gift back into view and said.

"You guys should open mine."

"First things first," Brian began, "You have to tell us what happened today."

"Maybe its fun to watch you squirm due to lack of knowledge," Haley replied.

"Come on," Nathan said, "Tell us."

"Ok," Haley said, "A cute boy asked me out today and I said yes."

"Oh," Nathan replied, "What's his name?"

"Charlie," Haley began, "He's a wolf."

"He sounds really nice Haley," Brian said, "Do we get to meet him?"

"Yeah if you guys want," Haley replied, "He's taking me to a virtual arcade tomorrow, and he said I could bring my parents if they wanted to meet him."

"Sounds like fun," Nathan began, "What time?"

"After school," Haley said, "I know you guys both have the day off tomorrow so there's no reason why you can't go."

"Is there a specific reason you want us to go?" Nathan asked, "Cause most kids would rather not bring their parents on a date."

"Charlie insisted you came," Haley replied, "He's a pretty stand up guy, so I'm sure he wanted to leave a good first impression."

"We can go," Brian said, "Are we paying?"

"No, he and his friends get in for free cause his parents own it," Haley began, "But enough about me, open your present."

The couple both went at the gift from both ends. Inside a cardboard box in the center, there were two smaller jewelry boxes. Nathan and Brian picked them up and opened them at the exact same time. Inside both of the packages was a silver ring, one inscribed with Together and the other with Forever. In Nathan's there was also a note.

_Dear Dad,

Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad you guys are still together and happy with each other. I hope it stays that way for many more years to come.

Love Haley_

"They're so cute!" Brian began, putting his on his finger.

"Yeah," Nathan began, looking over the ring on his finger, "Thanks for the wonderful gift."

"Don't mention it guys," Haley replied, "I'm going to go to bed, big day tomorrow. Have a good night."

"Night honey," Nathan began, "See you tomorrow."

Haley ran up the stairs, her phone out of her pocket as soon as her feet touched down on them. The couple at the table scoffed and poured out another glass of wine.

"So where's my present?" Nathan asked.

"I have it," Brian began, "But it's in our room."

"Why don't we go get it then?" Nathan replied, "The dishes can wait."

"Sounds good," Brian said, standing up and moving to pull out Nathan's chair.

"Such a gentlemen!" Nathan faux exclaimed.

Brian grabbed Nathan's paw and the set off upstairs. Their room was on the third and top floor, along with their own bathroom and sitting room. Brian's present sat in a bag on the foot of their red clad queen bed. Nathan ran over there to examine its contents. He scoffed.

"Oreos and black cherry Smirnoff, goddamn you know how to turn me on."

"I know right," Brian began, taking out an Oreo.

"Hey!" Nathan said, slapping the golden's paw, "Those are mine!"

"I know," Brian replied, breaking the Oreo apart, "I was just giving you some help."

He held the cream covered side of the cookie close to Nathan's face. The coyote smirked and licked up the cream, giving a quick lick to the paw that held it as well. Brian stood up.

"Good boy," He began.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.

"To brush my teeth," Brian replied, "I want to taste minty fresh for you."

"That's not gonna add a minty taste to what I want," Nathan said slyly, then following the golden into the bathroom.

Brian had already started brushing his teeth. The coyote came up behind him, and began to rub his back and chest. Brian turned to Nathan, toothbrush still working. Nathan chuckled and began to play with the fur on the golden's chin.

"You know," Nathan began, "I think I see some grays in here."

Brian spat and moved the coyote aside. He peered in the mirror.

"Goddamn," Brian replied, "Do we have any of that fur dye left?"

"Don't worry about it. It makes you look... experienced," Nathan said, his voice then dropping to a more seductive tone, "I like experience."

"Well then experience is what I got," Brian replied, rubbing a paw down Nathan's back.

"Perfect," Nathan began, murring as the paw moved down, "Are we gonna take this slow and sexy or fast and hard."

"I was hoping we'd take it slow," Brian squeezed Nathan's asscheek with his paw, making the coyote yelp, "But fast and hard's always fun."

"I'll be in bed, getting ready," Nathan began, "Don't keep me waiting."

Nathan walked out of their bathroom, shedding his grey under shirt as he went. Brian hurriedly finished his routine, rinsing with mouthwash and giving his fur a quick once over before following after the coyote. Nathan was already naked and was in the process of lighting candles around their bed.

Brian began to strip off his clothes, but paused when he heard the song Nathan put on. Nathan sauntered over to him, and planted a kiss on his chin. The coyote's brown furred hips began to sway, his naked crotch grinding into Brian's.

"What song is this?" Brian asked.

"Stars by the xx," Nathan began, "My coworker told me about them."

"I like it," Brian began.

He began to sway with the coyote, moving together to the beat of the song. Nathan's paws began to pull off Brian's pants, soon removing them. Their lips met again and the two simply swayed for a minute, their tongues making passionate love inside the other's mouth and their hips locked in a smooth grind.

The two took it to the bed, still moving along with the song. Brian's paws began to slide down and around Nathan's torso, rubbing down his lover. Nathan began to suckle and nuzzle Brian's neck, bringing Brian's member out to rest against Nathan's thigh.

"You ready?" Brian asked.

"Yes," Nathan replied, handing the golden retriever a bottle of lube.

Brian lubed up his cock and Nathan's hole. He gave the coyote a quick kiss on the lips and backed away, standing behind the coyote and looking at him in the candlelight.

"Hurry," Nathan whined, "I need it."

"I'm thinking," Brian replied.

"Don't think, just act," Nathan said.

Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin came on over the speakers and Brian acted. He jumped into the bed and turned Nathan over on his side facing away from the golden retriever, lifting the coyote's left leg over his own hip. He entered, his cock sliding in smoothly. He didn't push all the way in just yet; he waited until he was about halfway in and pulled out to the tip. He started to thrust.

He began to keep pace to the song, sinking in a little bit more with each thrust. Nathan whined, partly because of the pleasure and partly because his lover was teasing him. Brian began licking up the back of the coyote's neck, stopping at the ear. The song sped up and Brian smirked.

He sunk in, and sped up his pace. Nathan moaned, his orifice finally filled. The guitar solo began to play, prompting his golden to get the coyote in a messy kiss. Nathan cried out, the new stimulation too much, and spilled his seed across the sheets. Brian was still going, and continued to screw his coyote.

The song changed tempo, and the golden retriever slowed down. Giving the coyote a break and letting Brian's stamina recharge. The song ended and he abruptly shoved his knot inside the coyote. Nathan yelped.

The song changed to Bump and Grind. Brian turned on his back and let the coyote get on top. Nathan sighed at the position change and began to ride Brian's knot. The golden retriever's strong paws found Nathan's hips, and began to rub up and down on them. Nathan bent over, his head resting in Brian's chest as he increased his pace.

"I love you," Brian began.

"I love you too," Nathan replied breathlessly.

Brian came, howling his release into the night. Nathan followed soon after, his second time for tonight. The two rode out their shared orgasms, moaning and groaning in unison. It subsided, and the two panted into each other's chest.

"I think...," Nathan began, panting, "This gets better... every year."

"I agree with you there," Brian replied, "Do you have the booze?"

"It's on the bed stand behind you," Nathan said.

Brian threw a paw behind him and grabbed the fifth of black cherry vodka. He screwed off the cap and took a swig.

"Pass that over here," Nathan began.

Brian nodded and tilted the bottle to Nathan's mouth. Nathan waved it off after he was done and the bottle found its way back to the bed stand.

"Happy anniversary," Brian said.

"Happy anniversary," Nathan yawned.

"You're tired?" Brian asked.

"It's been awhile since I came twice in one night," Nathan began, "Goddamn we're getting old."

"Forty is not old," Brian replied indignantly, "We're just slightly aged."

"I feel old," Nathan began, "It gets harder to get out of bed each morning."

"Let's get to sleep," Brian replied, "We have a date tomorrow."

The two began to drift off. Until Nathan asked.

"Would you hold me?" Nathan began, "Like you used to on Makassar."

"Of course," Brian replied.

Brian turned over from his spooning position so that he was on his back, taking Nathan with him. The coyote lay forward, ignoring the uncomfortable twinge as he moved around the knot. His head found Brian's chest. The golden retriever threw an arm around the coyote and gave him a quick nuzzle. In no time at all the couple were asleep.

The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 2

Brian woke up before Nathan. He sat up, looking over their bedroom. The vodka and Oreos were on the floor along with the pair's clothes. Brian looked over at the clock, and procured that it was 9:30 in the morning. Time to get up. "Good morning...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 14

Well, after a period of time fraught with delays and drama, this series is done. I do have some other writing projects started and I will update you as soon as I choose one. Lastly, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 13

Well, one more chapter after this one. What's next? I have absolutely no clue. I have a couple projects ready to get started and I'll get back to you as soon as I make a decision as to which one I will make into a series. So after an extremely long...

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