Death by Snu Snu - Chapter 2

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#2 of Death by Snu Snu

I couldn't tear my eyes away. Shamelessly, she slid her fingers in and out of her body, her juices coating her digits and soaking her fur. In my pants I felt my erection strain against its fabric prison, trying to reach out to this unbelievable beauty. I stood, dumbfounded, and stared at her, watching as her back arched, pushing her breasts forward. My mind seemed to be screaming something, but I couldn't hear what it was. I was transfixed, paralysed, hypnotised. Even when she came, I could do nothing but watch. I had become a stone statue. But I heard her moans of euphoria, saw her body erratically convulse with pleasure. And yet, it was as if I was not there, as though nothing and no one was around her.

Finally, after what seemed like hours to me, she slumped in the chair, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. Looking up at me, she cocked her head to one side casually and spoke.

"Sen isno?"

As she made a drinking motion with her hand, I assumed she was asking if I wasn't thirsty. Slowly, almost absently, I lifted the cup to my lips and sipped at the liquid. The fact that she apparently had no idea why I was so astounded only astounded me more. Did their culture even have any concept of modesty?

As I continued to watch her, my wolf lady stood and poured some of the liquid into a cup for herself and sat back down. My watching apparently did not bother her in the least.

For the next couple of hours, after she gave me a chair to sit on, we both just sat there, drinking and staring at each other. It was obvious that she was as curious about me as I was about her. I still couldn't believe what she was. Was she an alien? Or was her race artificial? Had wolves evolved so far, here, that they now resembled humans? Or was she the result of some genetic engineering? And were there others races? Felines? Birds? Reptiles? Fish?

As these thoughts ran through my mind, my head began to sway as sleep slowly crept up on me. Without my noticing, the firelight behind me had faded and the noise of cheerful children had vanished. It was late, now, and as I looked into my empty cup I realized how exhausted I was.

All I remember after that point is little more than fuzzy images and sensations of being carried. On the verge of passing out, I lay limp in the chair as she undressed me, picked me up and placed me in her bed. I remember her lying in it behind me, her naked body pressing against the back of mine. I remember her hand reaching down between my legs and gently stroking my erection. After that I remember nothing... until I woke.

Darkness. Foul stenches. Screams of pain and terror. Falling.

Frantically, I sat up in the bed. Shivering and sweating, my surroundings meant nothing to me. My mind was haunted by the memory of the blood curdling cries I'd heard in the darkness of my nightmare. When she reached up and placed her padded hand on my shoulder gently, I winced and started at the feeling of her claws upon my skin. With my heart beating rapidly and my chest feeling as though it had been sat on by a hippo, I looked around at her and saw concern in her eyes.

"Essi'untoh nio?" she asked in a soft, soothing voice.

"I'm fine," I replied. I didn't need a universal translator to tell me what she'd said. Looking at me, the concern in her eyes didn't go away. She frowned a little and I could tell that she knew what my words meant and didn't believe them. I can't say I blamed her.

Laying back down, facing her this time, I snuggled into her chest like a child and found comfort in her warm, strong arms wrapping around me. As I drifted back into slumber, a tear rolled down my cheek, though I don't know why.

The morning came and I woke in an empty bed. It took me a moment to realise where I was. And when I did realise, I just lay there. A fear began to seep into my body as it hit me. It was all real. I didn't know where I was. I didn't know how I got there. I didn't know if I could get back. For the first time in my life I knew what it was to be truly terrified.

As the minutes passed, my fear began to lessen. I realised that I was still alive and the locals didn't appear hostile. I was even able to communicate... on a basic level at least. Once more, I started to think back, trying to remember how I'd come to be there. It soon dawned on me that I hadn't really lost anything. I had no relatives; I was an only child and both my parents had died years ago at the ages of seventy-nine and eighty-two. I had no friends; thanks to my job and general lifestyle, I didn't exactly go out clubbing each Saturday night. I was only twenty-four and had just moved to the city. I was only just starting out in life. It sounds strange, but I actually began wondering if I would be able to start a new life where I had ended up.

My thoughts soon receded like the tide pulling away from the beach. Sitting up with renewed courage, I pushed the thin blanket off then quickly pulled it back up as I became aware of my considerable lack of pyjamas. Glancing around, I noticed that I was sitting on something that was similar to cotton wool. It was thick and soft, like a tangible cloud, and filled the rectangular box I was sitting in. It was clear to me that this "wool" was used in large quantities for their bedding.

My brief inspection of the "mattress" over, I continued to look around the tent and spotted my wolf lady by the counter. I watched in fascination as her hips and bare, round rump swayed slightly, her tail swishing with the motion of her hips. She was humming a tune that seemed to be comprised of random notes. Listening, I noticed that the notes did in fact have a distinct pattern and rhythm to them. Caught in the moment, my eyes slowly moved upwards, following the curve of her back. Even from behind, this creature was captivating. I almost forgot that she wasn't human.

"Kia sin'seto," she said before turning to look at me.

Her voice was cheerful and her posture relaxed. Leaning against the bench, she crossed her arms beneath her breasts, pushing them together and up. I swallowed as my eyes became glued to them. So perky and round, they seemed to be screaming at me.

"Kess niut?" the beauty asked.

"Uh, I..." I was at a loss for words. Was she asking if I slept well?

A smile grew on her face accompanied by a naughty glint in her eyes.

"Hu'na oun deo de nish ne'toot," she said as she strode over to the bed. Out of reflex, I pulled back just a little. Without even reacting to my withdrawal, she stopped beside the bed, held out her hand to me. Slowly, hesitantly, I reached up and took it. Before I knew what was happening I was pulled up into a standing position. Falling to my feet, the blanket revealed the erection I didn't even noticed I'd grown. As if reaching out to her body, my raging hard-on almost bridged the small gab between us.

My hand in hers, she led me to one of the chairs and sat me in it. Completely naked, I felt at a disadvantage, allowed her complete reign over me. I watched as she kneeled before me, her knees spreading on the floor. One hand she slipped between her legs, the other she wrapped around my shaft. I twitched as she touched me, but it didn't faze her. Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and wrapped her tongue around my dick as she slowly took it into her maw.

My mind seemed to leave my body at that point. It felt unreal, untrue. I didn't know how to respond. Her tongue danced around my length as she slightly bobbed her head up and down. With her thumb, she massaged the base of my dick, stimulating my senses. I felt the pleasure, but none of it seemed to register. It was like I was standing under glass and the rain was falling on top of it. I could see and hear the rain, but not feel it, not experience it directly. A few moments later, as the pleasure grew, my mind settled back into my body and all I knew was bliss.

Releasing my dick, the beautiful creature kneeling before me stood up. Removing her other hand from between her legs, she placed her fingertips on my mouth and coated my lips in her warm juices. Stepping forward, she straddled my lap and without a pause slid her body down onto my erection. I was now buried hip deep in a well figured wolf lady whose words I didn't even understand. If I was a robot, my circuits would have fried on the spot. If I was a cartoon, my head would have exploded. For the second time in under twenty-four hours I was dumbfounded.

Feeling hesitant, I lifted my hands to her hips and she wrapped her arms around my head, holding my face to her bust. The fur on her breasts felt soft and warm, like a freshly washed blanket. Inside her body I could feel her heat. Her juices ran down my shaft and over my balls as she began to shift her hips back and forth. Soon, the wolf lady began to rise and fall along with her back and forward motions. The sensation was inexplicable. I'd had sex before, but this was something else. I don't know if it was because she was skilled, or if it was because she seemed to be right out of some fantasy novel; but the joy I felt as my length rubbed against her insides was more than I had ever experienced before.

From her wide, curved hips, my hands moved round to her back. Taking a fistful of fur in each hand, I held her close to me as her pace began to increase. Slowly, I forgot everything around me. I forgot where I was. I forgot who I was with. Nothing else seemed to matter except the warmth inside the body of this voluptuous beauty.

It wasn't long before I came inside her. I barely even remember the moment. I remember her looking down at me, her movements ceased. A smile was on her face and a contented feeling seemed to have settled over me like a veil of some kind. I looked into her eyes and saw in them a satisfaction not from having just had an orgasm, but from having calmed a distraught creature. I felt at ease for some reason; as though our passionate moment had brought us closer together, had comforted my fears.

"En'tess nikka Keesa Aja," she said. Her voice was calm and friendly, casual even. All I could do was look at her.

"I'm sorry," I replied. "I don't understand."

She leaned back and placed her hand over her chest.

"Keesa Aja," she repeated. I looked at her. Was that her name?

Pointing to her, I repeated her strange words.

"Keesa... Aja?"

The gorgeous wolf lady nodded with a smile. I smiled with her. Somewhere deep inside me I felt a surge of excitement. We had officially begun proper communications.

"Alister," I said as I placed my hand on my own chest.

"Al... iss... ter...," she repeated, seeming to test the name as she spoke it. I nodded and smiled.

My life in this strange new world had begun.

Death by Snu Snu - Chapter 3

"Keesa, Ekkin!" "Fuck." It had been about three months since I had come to be with Keesa and her people. During that time, Keesa kept me close to her side, like a mother watching over her child. After our "introduction", she began to teach me more...

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