Trick or Treat

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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"I'll do it!" Julia said with resolve. For the last twenty minutes, she'd been sitting by the lounge room window, staring out into the evening.

Outside, the street was filled with children and their parents periodically knocking on every door of the neighbourhood. The laughter and cries of glee made by the youngsters was heard from one end of the street to the other as they joyously repeated the same three words every time a door was answered, "Trick or Treat."

After returning home from a costume party her friend had thrown, Julia sat in the still darkness that was illuminated solely by the street lights shining through her windows. She watched with a smile as family after family moved from one house to the next. Nobody came to her house, though. The lights inside were turned out and Julia sat in the shadows. As far as anyone could tell, nobody was home.

Across from her lived a young male Border Collie. He'd moved in about a month ago and easily made friends with several of the locals already, Julia included. But she felt more deeply about him than just friendship and she knew he was available. They'd even casually flirted a few of times. But Julia didn't know how to tell him just how she really felt.

Sitting by her window, she sighed as she watched him hand out candy again and again. She imagined herself going over there, telling him how she felt. She imagined him tearing her clothes off and pressing his body against hers on his bed as they made sweet, sweet love. Then a thought popped into Julia's head. It was more of an idle joke than anything else. But that joke soon turned to serious consideration. At the party, Julia had had some wine and was now a little drunk. She wasn't so drunk that her thinking was impaired, but just drunk enough that she felt bolder.

Standing up, Julia left the lounge room. She swiftly moved to her bedroom where she'd changed out of her costume and left it laying on her bed. Picking it up, she looked at it for a moment then undressed and put it on. Feeling exhilarated, the Golden Retriever left her home and swiftly crossed the street.

Thomas sat in a recliner in his lounge room. The TV was on, but he was paying little attention to the sitcom that was playing. It was his favourite holiday and he was eagerly waiting for the next group of children to knock on his door. As a child, the canine had loved going from house to house to gather candy. When he got older, he loved being able to give other kids that same joy by handing out candy.

When the next knock on the door came, the Border Collie stood and walked to the door. A smile was on his face and a warm feeling filled his heart as he anticipated the happy faces of the costumed kids on his front step. Four large bowls sat on a small table beside the front door, two were empty, one was almost empty and the fourth was still full of candy. As Thomas opened the door, he reached to grab a handful of treats.

"Julia!" the black and white dog exclaimed in surprise, his hand still in the candy bowl. He certainly wasn't expecting to see her. The Golden Retriever from across the road was dressed in a long black cloak and a black, wide brimmed, pointy hat. The witch costume was completed with the old fashioned straw broom.

"Trick or treat," Julia said as she pulled open her cloak.

Thomas was stunned.

Beneath her witch's cloak, the attractive Golden Retriever was totally naked. Instantly, Thomas' pants began sporting a noticeable bulge. His eyes roamed downwards, taking in the sight of his neighbour's perky C-cup breasts, trim waist and slender legs.

"I... Treat," Thomas said, baffled by the random act.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Julia said, a seductive tone in her voice. Leaving her cloak to hang open, the witch pushed the Border Collie back into his house and closed the door behind her. As Thomas watched, Julia allowed her cloak to fall from her shoulders and settle on the floor around her feet. After a moment, the entranced canine spoke to her.

"You... You're... amazing!" Thomas said, barely aware of his arousal.

"Thank you," the collie's neighbour replied.

Gently, Julia took Thomas' hands and placed them on her breasts as she leaned forward to kiss him. The stunned Collie kissed back, applying slight pressure as their lips met. Pulling back from the kiss, the Golden Retriever looked almost shy. Turning her face from him, she spoke softly.

"I've never quite known how to tell you..." Julia began.

"Shh," Thomas said. He lifted his hand and turned her face to his once more. Then, leaning forward, the black and white canine kissed the golden beauty again. As he did, his hand returned to its previous placement. Gently and firmly, Thomas' hands squeezed his neighbour's breasts, his fingers sifting through her fur. As his pads rubbed against her nipples, Julia moaned, signalling her approval of Thomas' touch.

"Thomas, I want you inside me," Julia moaned softly. The Border Collie was only too happy to oblige.

Stepping back, Thomas took Julia's hand and led her to his bedroom. Once there, he closed the door and opened the bedroom curtains allowing the moon's light to flood in and bathe the room in a pale white illumination. Thomas' bedroom looked out into the backyard which was surrounded by a tall fence, preventing all but the sun, moon and stars from looking in.

Julia removed her witch's hat and left it by the door, along with her broomstick. The light of the moon made her fur glow a pale golden colour. And as she moved gracefully to the double bed, she looked like some kind of heavenly spirit or angel.

Turning to look at his neighbour, Thomas found himself awestruck at her beauty in the moonlight. Sitting on the bed, Julia beckoned Thomas to her with one finger. Like a hapless sailor caught in a siren's spell, the black and white eagerly obeyed.

Once seated next to his new found lover, Thomas found himself being undressed be her nimble and graceful fingers. She began by unbuttoning his shirt and opening it to reveal his athletic body. As though she were marvelling at her own creation, Julia trailed her fingers down his chest and stomach, letting her fingers find each bump along the way. His muscles felt to her like steps, steps leading up to heaven that were covered in thick, soft, white fur.

As Julia's fingertips reached Thomas' waist, his muscles twitched and the black and white giggled.

"That tickles," he said. Julia smiled at him, a seducing look in her eyes.

Leaning forward, the Golden Retriever kissed Thomas once more. As she did so, she pushed his shirt from his shoulders and down his arms. Reaching behind himself, the Border Collie tugged at his light blue shirt, pulling it off and casting it on the floor as Julia began on the front of his pants.

Still kissing Thomas, Julia unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed down his boxer shorts to allow his erection its freedom. Long and hard, it was immediately entrapped once more in a cage of fingers. Taking it in her hand, Julia started gently stroking the 5 and a half inch member. Moaning in pleasure, Thomas' hands found their way back to Julia's chest where they once more started kneading her breasts.

Growing ravenous, Thomas pushed Julia back a little and began to kiss his way down her throat. Gradually, Julia lay back on the bed, her legs spreading as her desire grew. His hands squeezing and massaging her C-cups, Thomas kissed his way down to Julia's bust where he took her nipples in his fingers, squeezing them and licking them. As the black and white took the gold furred beauty's nipple and wrapped his lips around it, suckling on it and teasing it with his tongue, he caused Julia to moan loudly, arching her back in delight.

Finally, standing up, Thomas pushed his pants down to the floor and stepped out of them. Kicking the rest of his clothes off, he leaned over Julia with a mischievous grin on his face. She smiled to him, a smile of approval.

With loving care, Thomas once more teased his neighbour's nipples as he reached between their legs and guided his shaft into her body. With a slight gasp and gentle moan, Julia arched her back at his touch. His length slid slowly into her wet, warm body. Deep inside herself she felt him go, feeling his length quiver with excitement as it went. Finally, she felt the soft fur of his body tickle her clitoris as he reached as far as he could go. Buried fully inside her, Thomas licked Julia's nipple and move to the other one.

The Golden Retriever wrapped her arms around the Border Collie, pulling him down to her. She held him to her chest like a loving mother and bucked her hips just a little, urging him to begin thrusting. Thomas was more than willing to comply. Eagerly, he began to shift his hips. Back and forth, in and out. Starting slow, Thomas gave his length to Julia's body. His shaft reached deep, filled her every corner. The Golden Retriever moaned louder as her neighbour drive his member into her, gradually picking up pace.

The two of them rocked on the bed. Leaving her breasts alone, Thomas kissed Julia on the lips passionately. His chest was pressed to hers, her breasts rocking gently, squashed between them. As the bliss welled up inside them both, the Border Collie's movements became harder. Pulling out before thrusting in, Thomas' pace increased as he drove himself into her like a pump trying to suck oil from the ground.

Julia's moans turned to cries, almost whimpers. Her mind was swimming with a mixture of lust, love and alcohol. This was what she'd been wanting since the day Thomas had joined the neighbourhood. And now she had it.

As the moon shone into the bedroom and made their fur seem to glow, the two canines became one in the heat of passion and euphoria. Thomas growled as he thrust harder. Julia cried out as his manhood slid in and out of her, stimulating her sense to no end. Her claws dug into his back as she pulled him closer, but he felt no pain. Kissing her throat, Thomas' growls were muffled by her fur. He couldn't help but clamp onto the base of her neck as he gave a few last thrusts into her body. His teeth gripping her shoulder, Thomas used her own body as leverage to drive himself into her as hard as he could before finally shuddering to a stop.

Julia moaned loudly as her own orgasm erupted, casting huge waves of pleasurable sensations over her entire being. As she felt his warmth fill her body, her back arched and her muscles contracted, clamping around Thomas' dick and further stimulating his orgasm. The pair shared and enhanced each others' orgasms for several, indescribable moments of heaven before finally relaxing.

Thomas lay atop Julia. Both of them were breathing heavily. After a few minutes had passed, the Border Collie lifted himself up and looked down at her but said nothing. The love he had in his eyes was reflected in hers. They pair needed no words to express how they felt. The veil had been lifted and the lovers had finally united.

The doorbell rang.

Thomas looked around at the closed bedroom door. For a moment he seemed surprised. In the heat of passion he'd forgotten where he was and what day it was. Then he remembered.

"The kids will be wanting some candy," Thomas said with sigh.

"Well, go and give it to them," Julia said with a giggle. "But don't be too long. I've still got plenty of candy to give you."

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