Some Guys Have All The Luck

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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I don't know how I got so lucky. I don't know what I did to deserve... I must have been a saint in a past life, because I can't fathom any reason why she would be interested in a loner, an outcast... a runt like me.

I've never been much of a social type. I'm barely 5'2" and only a shadow of my brothers' muscular frame. The runt of the litter, I was always left behind by my brothers when it came to things like sport. Mother always doted on me and my brothers were never mean. Oh, they picked on me now and then, but it was that brotherly love thing. It wasn't my fault that I was 'less developed' as they put it. They were taller, stronger, they were even more handsome than me. Until I went to school, I never realised just how different I was from them.

In school, from day one, I was an outcast. I quickly inherited the nickname 'runt' and it stuck through the years. Family supported me, but it did little to soften the blows inflicted by the bullies that all schools have. They teased, taunted and tormented me whenever they could; stole my books, my bag, even my lunch at times. Though my brothers never protected me, they never aided the bullies' efforts either. At the end of the day however, away from the eyes of those who sought to tear down my world, they gave me advice and even attempted to help me deal with the daily tortures. They told me that it was a tough world and I had to learn to stand on my own, that was why they turned their backs when the bullies encircled me like helpless prey. Looking back, I understand now what I didn't fully understand them. If they were always there to protect me, and I grew dependent on their protection, how would I survive in the real world?

In time, I learned to ignore the taunts, and even throw back some of my own. The bullies' attempts lessened in the later years, though they never entirely stopped. They remained on the outskirts of my world, reminding me constantly that I would never be a part of 'the normal group'. I eventually accepted my fate and grew used to being a lone, 'less developed' wolf in a world of billions.

When I became an adult, I moved out of home and found a nice little job. The money was average, but I cared little for major luxuries. I found a room-mate that, though he never went out of his way to do it, always reminded me of my lot in life. He was smart, had a well paying job and even did well with the ladies. Gorgeous girl after gorgeous girl came home with him and he seemed to charm them with ease. They practically fell at his feet with his handsome face, well built body and seductive charm. He had everything I didn't, and though he was unaware of it, he rubbed it in my face almost every night. But I found solace in music, movies and games. And soon found it easy to forget about those things I lacked and enjoyed my life, even if the sadness and loneliness lingered on the fringes of my mind.

Along with my four brothers, I also had three sisters. They were each beautiful and intelligent and because I could never keep up with my brothers in their activities, I found myself spending more time with my mother and my sisters. Because of this, I found that I was more of a girl than a guy. Don't get me wrong, I was a guy alright, my mind thought those same guy thoughts, but unlike most typical guys, I had a tenderness and tactfulness to my thoughts and actions that most guys didn't have.

By the time I was twenty-three, I had a small apartment of my own. I lived in a small suburb near the city and often went in on the train for the weekend. There was a games store that held regular lan parties and after a few visits, I made some friends. It was my world there. Almost everyone, hundreds of them, were like me. Loners, social outcasts, rejects by 'social standard'. Mostly guys, we each had our own flaws that were the reason for our exile. Some were overweight, some were scrawny and most were less than handsome. Given enough confidence, most everyone there, myself included, could probably have fared well enough in the 'standard social rings'. But each of us, due to our experiences in life so far, had nowhere near the confidence to even think about trying. I felt safe, secure, at home at those weekends of gaming.

I wasn't the best at computer games, but I fared well enough. On occasion, I even managed above average skills. That night was one of those occasions. It was late and most people had stopped playing. The few that were still playing were almost suffocated by a crowd gathered behind, watching the last of the competitors duke it out. My nerves were frayed and my fingers shook with adrenaline and excitement. There, another one. I fired my weapon, moved to the side, threw a grenade, down he went. I took a shot from the side, moved, turned and fired. He was in my face! Where did he come from? I fired frantically, instinctively, not even thinking about it, I bashed with the butt of my weapon. Game over. I still stood. I had won. It suddenly sunk in and I stood up and shouted in excitement for only a second before sinking back into my seat, just a little embarrassed.

As my nerves calmed, I felt many hands pat me on the back and words of congratulations fill my ears. I breathed deeply and sat for several moments as the crowd around be slowly wafted away. Then I heard a soft voice in my ear.

"You were awesome," the voice said. My head was still swimming from it all so I never noticed that it was a female voice. A hand reached down in front of me and I clasped it in a handshake. Only then did I become aware of the scent that filled my nose. My eyes were transfixed on her hand. Her fingers were not thin, or thick, like most peoples' here. Her skin was creamy and smooth, flawless. Her nails were painted a pale pink and her beautiful voice fell on deaf ears as my mind became numb to all around me except that hand that was so heavenly. My eyes moved up the bare arm that was nicely rounded. Before I could see her shoulder, she turned and vanished into the mass of exiles.

Had I dreamed it? I must have. What would such a divine being be doing here? No beauty would be seen in a place like this... would they?

Convinced I had imagined the stunning arm and hand I packed up my gear and made my way to the door. As I stepped outside, a voice I had never heard, yet sounded familiar, caught my attention.

"You're Terrence, right?"

"Hm? Yeah," I said as I turned to look at the average girl whose angelic voice was so out of place here in this world of social rejects. But I did not see what I had expected. No average girl stood before me. It was a goddess instead. She looked at me casually, ignorant of my flaws, as if seeing passed them to the reality beneath.

"Would you like to come back to my place for some more ass kicking?" she asked.

I found my mouth unable to utter a sound. She waited patiently. Minutes seemed to pass as I struggled to form words. But it was barely seconds.

"Sure," I managed to say. Perhaps it was because she seemed so casual that I was able to speak the word without making a fool of myself. I don't really know. But before I knew what was happening, I was following her to a tram and then up the stairs to her own apartment.

"I hope you don't mind a little mess, I'm a bit of a slob," the girl said as she opened the door and went inside. I followed her as if in a trance. My feet seemed to be moving of their own accord, I was barely even aware of what was happening. "Just dump your stuff over there."

My eyes moved to a spot near the kitchen door which she pointed at. I hadn't said a word since earlier, just followed like an obedient puppy. The apartment wasn't that messy. In front of the TV were a few game cases; next to them on the floor was an empty glass. The couch had a couple of magazines on them, nothing girly like Vogue or Victoria's Secret, but game magazines and even a Playboy. Was this really her home? Surely these were not her things. Maybe she had a boyfriend, or a brother living here.

"Would you like a drink?" her voice came from the kitchen.

"Thank you," was all I could say as I dropped my bag where she'd indicated. On the walls were framed pictures of females in artistic but provocative and arousing positions. No, this must be a dream. I've fallen asleep at the computer in the store, I thought.

"Have a seat, you're making the place look more untidy than it is," her voice broke through my thoughts and I sat down, taking the Coca Cola from her. "I'll be back in a second."

She set her own drink on the small coffee table and left the room. After a couple of minutes, she called me to her. I put my glass down and followed her voice down the short hallway. I expected to find her in a pink bedroom with frilly curtains and a unicorn cover on the bed. But I turned into a small bathroom instead and immediately turned away.

I've died. I'm not asleep, I'm dead and I've gone to hell and this is some kind of twisted torture. These thoughts raced through my mind as my heart beat inside my chest like an entire marching band. I had only caught a glimpse and my mind had barely even registered it. All I knew was that she was naked.

"It's OK, come in," she said. Her voice was so calm and casual, as though she didn't care or know that she had nothing on. I hesitantly stepped into the bathroom and for the first time I saw her. Before, she had just been a blur to my numbed mind, but now, in all her divine glory, I was dumbstruck. Her body curved so gracefully. She was not thin or thick, but a magnificent medium. Full, perky DD breasts protruded from her chest, long, curly red hair draped over her shoulders and her eyes were deep-ocean blue. As the sight of the 5'6" goddess sunk into my mind I felt like crying.

I stared at her figure as though marvelling at Aphrodite herself. I didn't even notice the erection grow in my pants, but she did. With a playful smile she cupped one of her breasts and gently squeezed it for a moment before sliding her hand down her front. As her hand disappeared between her legs, she arched her back, leaning forward. She closed her eyes and licked her small, pouting pink lips as she slowly swung her hips from side to side hypnotically. My knees felt weak. In the depths of my mind, I begged for this moment to never end. But it did.

As quickly and easily as her demeanour had changed from casual to erotic, it changed back again. Bending over, she picked up two T-shirts that looked about three sizes too big for her. One was white with a black symbol on the front that I didn't recognise, and the other was light blue with pink hand prints over the chest area.

"Which one?" she asked as she turned to face me, holding up the two shirts for me to see. The question never got answered. I couldn't help but stare at her body. Those breasts, so large and round. That skin, so flawless and smooth. My eyes trailed down her front and came to rest between her legs where I could see her smooth, hairless, plump folds between her legs.

Looking down, she smiled and then put the shirts back. "You're right. I like what I'm already wearing, too."

I was awestruck and dumbfounded as she casually walked passed me and out into the hallway. Numbly, I followed, more than a few steps behind her. When I finally made my way back to the lounge room, she'd already seated herself on the couch and turned on the gaming console. I watched the screen for a moment as a Mech rumbled across it before getting blown apart by missiles. It was an old game, but still had many fans.

Walking around to the front of the couch, I tried not to look directly at her. I sat down on the opposite side of the couch. Looking at me with her casual smiling expression, she patted the couch cushion next to her and I nervously scooted over. My legs were weak and my hands were trembling as I stole a glance from the corner of my eye. Still as naked as the day she'd been born, this curved, perfect beauty sat on the couch beside me, cross legged and caring nothing for modesty. I felt my erection pulse in my pants and quickly darted my eyes back to the screen. I sipped my drink and took the other controller when it was handed to me. I hoped the game would distract me.

We played online for four hours. We kicked much butt and had our own kicked equally as much. Laughter and shouts of protest filled the room often and eventually died when other players began to grow scarce.

After waiting for almost ten minutes for other players to link up for a new match, she put the controller on the table and leaned back against the couch. I'd grown somewhat accustomed to her nakedness now, and found it easier to ignore. Though I stole glances at her well curved figure frequently. But what she did next made my body go rigid with nervousness once again. She didn't even try to conceal it, she wasn't subtle about it and she certainly didn't seem to care that someone she'd only known for a handful of hours was sitting right next to her. From the corner of my eye, I watched as she casually placed her middle finger against her exposed folds and began gently rubbing up and down.

My mind was doing backflips. This girl was shameless. She was so gorgeous, so perfect. Even her personality and living habits were amazing. She was like a guy. A mate. Someone I could joke around and hang out with. But instead of a male, she was a hot female! I couldn't bare it anymore. I didn't know what to do. Was it a trick? Was she baiting me? Teasing me? Was this all a joke? Was a camera crew about to jump out at me and explain that I was the poor sucker they'd picked on for one of those cruel reality shows?

I stood up.

I wanted to walk away. I don't know where, anywhere. But I couldn't move. Her hand held my wrist, gently, delicately. Her warm touch held me in place as if I'd been encased in cement. Then I felt it, moist, warm flesh on my finger-pads. She'd moved my hand into her lap and my fingers were pressed against her lips. My erection pulsed. I turned my head to look at her. I'll never forget that image.

She was leaning forward, her hand holding mine in her lap. Her eyes looked up at me with such casual innocence.

"Where you going, wolfy?" she asked in a soft, playful voice. I stared into those eyes of her, unable to move. Slowly, my eyes began to move on their own, lower and lower. They seemed to fall down her curved figure like water until they finally rested with my hand between her legs. I don't know what made me do it, primal instinct perhaps, but slowly, almost absently, I pressed my finger firmer against her skin, pushing it between her folds. As my finger sunk deeper, she leaned back, her head hanging over the back of the couch, and her body arched as she moaned in pleasure.

I'm not sure what it was, her moan, or the sight of those delicious breasts pushed forward as her back arched. But now I was set. The beast within had awoken and was now in charge. There was no turning away, no leaving. I wanted to be inside her. I needed to be inside her. And nothing was going to stop me.

I pulled my hand back and undid my pants. She looked up and watched as I lifted my shirt over my head and let it flutter to the floor. A slight gasp came from her as I pushed my pants down and my erection sprang forth from its bindings. I may have been the runt of the litter, but I was equally endowed as my brothers in between the legs.

Before I could finish kicking off my pants, she leaned forward and grabbed my length. Immediately, she wrapped her lips around the tip and began licking and sucking as if she was trying to draw out my cum by force. My legs shook as my knees almost buckled. Steadying myself, I rested my hands on top of her head and hung my head back, moaning in pleasure. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind. Maybe she was a slut. Was it possible that she did this to a lot of guys? Bring them home, fuck them, then dismiss them the next day? I didn't really care.

Small growls welled up inside me and escaped as she played with my nuts. My legs felt so weak. She was going to make me cum before I could even get it inside her body. Her tongue wrapped around my length like a serpent, a snake twisting around the branch of a tree. A small whine and even a whimper slipped out of me. But she ignored them. She was intent on her task, focused and devoted. I felt my body engulfed by her mouth. She gave my balls a squeeze and my legs gave in.

Ripples of pleasure surged through me like electricity as I fell to my knees. I wasn't even aware of the minor pain from thumping against the table. On my knees, I was at her mercy. Sitting forward, the curved beauty cupped her breasts and wrapped them around my length. I moaned once more as she started rubbing them up and down my erection. I grit my teeth and whimpered again.

It was too much. I couldn't hold on any longer. Like a dam bursting and the water rushing free, I felt the euphoria wash over me as my dick erupted white over her chest. My tongue hung out of the side of my mouth stupidly, but I didn't care. My mind was numbed with pleasure.

"There," she said in her soft voice, "now you'll last longer inside." I was only half aware of what she said. It didn't even sink in until later.

Kissing the tip of my now semi-hard erection, she stood up and took my hand. Like a brain dead child I allowed myself to be led from the lounge room, down the hall and into her bedroom. It was bathed in darkness and to be honest, so is much of my memory of the night from that point on. All I really remember is feelings and sensations. Long minutes of warmth wrapped around my shaft. Moans, whimpers and cries, both mine and hers. The softness of her skin as I ran my fingers over her curves, the feeling of her nipples on my tongue and the taste of her juices in my maw. I remember the scent of her hair and the sound of her heavy breathing as her body grinded against mine. I don't know how long we spent together in the darkness of her room, but it's the first thing I remember afterwards that I treasure the most.

My first sight was a light blue wall that I quickly realised was actually the ceiling. Light was flooding in from pale purple curtains that hung over the windows. I looked to my right, out the window, and saw a large gap between the window and the tall building across from it. It was then that I noticed a weight pushing down on my left side. There was something soft and warm lying against me. Turning my head, I saw her. She was asleep, looking so peaceful. My left arm was wrapped around her and as I tried to sit up, she started to stir.

"Good morning," she said in her soft, musical, sleepy voice. I paused.

"Good morning," I replied.

She smiled up at me and I smiled back. It was then that it all sunk it. The night had been real. She was real. It was all real. But how? Why? I still ask myself those questions over nine years later. And the answer is still the same. Who cares?

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