Death by Snu Snu - Chapter 1

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#1 of Death by Snu Snu

I lay on my back, looking up. She stood over me, looking down. A foot on either side of my head, she stood over my face. In her hands she held a long spear, its tip pointed at my throat. Although her basic form was human, she wasn't. She was a wolf.

I had no idea where I was or how I'd gotten there. There was some kind of humanoid wolf standing over me, holding a spear to my throat. And all I could focus on were those luscious, plump folds between her thighs.

Death by Snu Snu

"Ick nes-tu a'iot," she said in a firm tone. I didn't respond. "Ick nes-tu a'iot!" she repeated, in a firmer tone. Slowly, my mind became aware of the situation. I noticed the fur on her legs, the long pole with the shiny, sharp spear head on the end, the dust in the air and the heat from the sun bearing down on me.

"I, I don't know what you're saying," I stammered, trying to look at her face instead of at her sex. The position she was standing in made that very difficult to do. Looking up at her, I could see everything.

She wore next to nothing. Around her lower and upper right arm, plate armour was worn by way of leather straps. It encircled half her arm and had intricate black markings carved on it. The metal itself was shiny, clearly well taken care of, and a silvery white colour. Similar plating was strapped to her shins.

Her eyes narrowed as she stared down at me.

"Das noo' eck-kerios," she said. This time her tone reeked of suspicion. Slowly, she stepped to the side, withdrawing the spear from my neck, but keeping it at the ready. It was clear that she didn't trust me. I made a mental note to be careful and not to do anything that might appear hostile. I didn't want to end up having that rather finely crafted spear head buried in my chest.

Standing up, I dusted myself down and looked around. The landscape was dry and dusty. A vast, flat, rust coloured landscape with almost no vegetation. Here and there, trees grew with patches of green grass beneath them. Where ever I was, it was clear that there were regular wet and dry seasons.

Feeling a sharp pinch in my back, I turned and saw the wolf lady properly for the first time. She was taller than me, but not by much, maybe 5' 8". Her fur was light grey and she had long silvery hair. She was fit, but not overly muscular, with strong curves that accented her wide hips and round thighs. Her breasts, at least a D-cup, were plump, perky and sat apart. My eyes roamed over her body and eventually came to rest on her face where I saw youthful eyes looking at me. If I had to guess, I would have put her at about twenty-six years old.

"Kahl," she said, giving a sharp nod of her head to indicate the direction behind me. I assumed she wanted me to go that way, so I turned around and started walking. With her spear still held at the ready, the attractive wolf followed me, several steps behind. I hoped that where ever she was apparently taking me was not far. Glancing over my shoulder now and then, I saw her head jerk back to watching me suspiciously. I soon realised that she was inspecting me, as if I were some alien technology just discovered by a scientist. I got the distinct impression that she'd never seen a human before. I just kept walking.

When I'd woken up, lying there with her standing over me, the sun had been near its peak in the sky. By the time I saw any kind of civilisation, it was almost on the horizon behind us. The settlement seemed crude and basic from a distance. But as we drew closer, I could see that it was actually well constructed. Huts and tents of leather were pitched in clusters and each cluster was surrounded by holes in the ground, dug at regular intervals. Near the edge of the settlement were a few log buildings, one of which had several chimneys on top. And to the side of those buildings was a very large pile of logs and planks, too large and well carved for anything like firewood.

As we began passing by the tents, figures started to emerge from them. The figures were also humanoid wolves, men, women, even children. I heard whispers being passed around, but like the words my escort had spoken earlier, I understood nothing. With a light tap on my left shoulder, with the flat of her spear head, my escort directed me towards the largest of the wooden buildings, ignoring the gathering crowd.

Large double doors marked the entrance of the building. On either side of the doors were two male wolves of considerable athletic prowess. Unlike my escort, they wore armour that protected a lot more of their body. Plating on both arms, lower and upper legs, a chest plate and cascade design plating that covered their crotch, hanging from a leather belt. As we approached them, the wolf lady behind me spoke a few words of her unfamiliar language and the guards opened the doors to admit us entry. In all honesty, I was expecting to find a large fire in the middle of the floor with an aged wolf at the back sitting on a leather chair decorated with antlers. I was wrong.

The floor was smooth, polished wood with red carpeting in the middle. Hanging from the ceiling was a large chandelier with candles on it, lighting the entire room. Opposite the entrance was a youthful wolf sitting on a cushioned throne of stone that had a large sheet of red silk draped over it. Seeing us enter, he immediately stood up and walked forward.

"Sun-et sheh-toos ustios," he said, pointing a finger at me. His tone had a hint of concern in it, maybe even anger.

"Fijj nek setrius, un-set minnestos arioos," my escort replied.

Walking in front of me and turning to face me, my escort lifted her hand in front of my face and pointed downwards. As she did this, she spoke a single word very clearly, "Shuo." It wasn't too hard to figure out that she wanted me to stay put.

Turning away from me, to face the wolf at the other side of the room, she began to approach him but paused at the sound of a voice behind us. I looked around and saw two more guards. One of them had taken a step forward and was holding out his hand. My escort handed her spear to him and he returned to his post. Now weaponless, the female wolf walked briskly over to the youthful male whom I assumed was in charge.

Remaining where I was, I looked around. The building seemed to be a small hall. At the back, behind the throne, hung several tapestries, each with a large golden rune on a red background. The runes were near the top of the tapestries and below them was a scene that spanned all five of the material hangings. From where I stood, I couldn't properly make out the scene, but it seemed to depict a battle of some kind.

The hall was roughly thirty-five meters long and twenty wide. Tall, thin windows allowed light to wash into the hall from the sides. Currently, however, shutters were closed over the windows, blocking out the fading light of the twilight. The red carpet covered most of the floor. Along the edge of the carpet was a gap of bare, polished, dark brown wood between the carpet itself and the walls. At the back of the hall was a wooden dais which the throne sat on. Next to the throne sat a small table with a bowl of what I assumed was fruit, and a large glass half filled with light blue liquid. Looking behind me, I saw the guards watching me carefully. I was beginning to feel like a lab rat. Where the hell am I? I thought to myself. Is this a dream? It doesn't feel like a dream. It's all so real. And how did I get here, where ever here is.

Once more, my gaze found its way to the curved figure of the female wolf. My eyes lingered on her sensually curved and well proportioned body. Thoughts began to wonder into my head, thoughts I never imagined I'd think. I found myself growing rapidly aroused by her and soon realised that I was standing in a hall of some kind of chieftain or king, with an erection.

Then she pointed to me and her words brought me back to reality. Though I didn't understand what the two wolves were saying, it became obvious that I was the topic of discussion. The male, who seemed little older than my escort, had a distinct tone of distrust in his voice. He didn't appear to be angry, more like concerned. I shifted a little uneasily as it suddenly dawned on me that I may end up thrown into some kind of cage like... an animal.

The female, however, had a different tone to her voice. She glanced at me often, as did the male, but didn't have the same look of distrust in her eyes. In her eyes I saw caution, and a willingness to give a chance. I got the distinct impression that she was attempting to defend me.

I smiled at them as they looked at me. But if it made any impression, I never found out.

The male turned and returned to his seat. My escort bowed slightly to him then made her way back to me. Glancing past her, I saw the male lounging on his throne. I hadn't noticed before, but all he wore was a black cloak that hung open, allowing full view of his muscular chest and penis which I couldn't help but stare at. It was long, thick and hard. And as he began to gently stroke himself, I realised that I had not been the only one admiring the female's figure.

As she approached me, the female wolf waved her hands at me, shooing me in the direction of the door. Turning around, I left the building. Standing outside, I blinked as my eyes were forced to adjust to the now dark settlement, lit only by several campfires that caused the shadows of the tents to dance.

I felt firm hands on my shoulders that gently pushed me forward, guiding me towards one of the tents on the edge of the camp fires' light. Though no one came over to look, I could see that many still glanced in my direction. I felt eyes of both curiosity and suspicion upon me, and it made me feel uneasy.

The tent I was led to was smaller than most of the others. It appeared to be made of a rather thick and sturdy hide that was light tan in colour. Shaped like a box, the top was pointed to form a slanting roof. Runes of pale red and blue decorated one side of the entrance. The entrance itself was made if thinner, more flexible leather, but equally as sturdy as the rest of the tent material, that formed a flap which could be pulled aside of tied shut.

My escort guided me into the tent where I found myself completely enshrouded by darkness. Leaving me to stand alone, the wolf lady turned around and lifted the tent's "door" and tied it up so that the light from the fires could shine in. Looking around, I saw on the floor, in the shadow of the doorway, what appeared to be a bed. Wooden planks stood sideways on the smooth, hide covered floor, forming a rectangular box over which a woollen blanket was draped. Opposite the door was a wooden bench. Underneath was a shelf that had several finely crafted, white plates stacked on it and a small tray with silver knives and forks in it. Finally, I thought, something that at least looks familiar.

Thinking about it later on, I realised that there was more about the settlement that was familiar than I'd first realised. I guess no matter what kind of sentient being you are, certain things are always destined to develop the same way.

Still standing just inside the entrance, I watched as the female wolf move past me to what looked like a large crate that sat beside the bench. As she lifted the lid, what looked like white steam rose up from inside. Reaching into the crate, the attractive creature lifted out a large glass jug with a dark blue liquid in it and poured some into a brown, handless cup and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said gratefully. I hadn't had a drink in hours.

"Pesteio," she replied. Though I doubt she understood the words I spoke, I got the impression she understood their meaning.

She set the jug on the bench and closed the lid of the crate, watching me as I put the cup to my lips. I liquid was smooth and thick, like milk, but strong and sweet, like honey syrup. Sipping at it first, I gingerly tasted it. Then, as I was about to take a large gulp, my wolf lady stepped forward and put her hand on the cup, stopping me. Removing her hand, she moved it sideways slowly, saying "Settosa," as she did. Apparently this was not a drink to be drunk quickly.

Taking another sip, I turned to look out of the tent. I could see, between two other tents, a large fire around which several of the settlement's inhabitants had gathered. Youngsters danced and laughed, chasing each other around the fire while others, older wolves, sat and talked to each other, watching their offspring play.

The fact that every one of them was a humanoid wolf was not what astounded me most, however. From the very moment I had arrived in the encampment, I noticed it. And now it seemed to be screaming at me. These people, these wolves, had either no understanding of modesty, or cared nothing for it. In fact, the little clothing that was worn seemed more for fashion than coverage. Suddenly realising that I was watching two girls of little more than ten skipping in circles, I turned from the view outside the tent to look at the more appropriately mature wolf behind me. What I found left me standing in awe.

She'd removed her armour and was now lounging in a wooden chair. Her head was hanging over the back and her legs were spread. While groping her breasts with one hand, she rhythmically moved two of her fingers in and out of the soaking wet lips between her legs. All I could do was stand there and watch. Even though I stood between her and the doorway, she was in full view of anyone who happened to look in that direction. No, modesty was not something that weighed on their minds.

Death by Snu Snu - Chapter 2

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