The ATC Chapter 7

Story by Slinky Snake on SoFurry

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#1 of The ATC

Hello! If this feels hurried, that's because it was! Just finished this a few hours ago.

I now feel a conundrum coming on- Smith will be meeting up with people on his journey to his mysterious colleague, but I don't have anyone to meet with! So if you want Smith to meet you and have fun, message me and if I think your character is a good choice for a meet then I will message back and ask for more details. Keep in mind that in this story the setting is just like in the real world, so your character needs to be a loner or live alone in the forest/ be a monster(not really a monster, but just more unique than regular furres. You can still ask, but I will need those characters later.)

Have fun reading it, and if you want your character in the next one(please don't put a time limit on it XP) just message!

Chapter 7

"Ummm, sir, I really should-" Smith cut Derek off by putting a finger to his lips and shushing him, although it sounded more of a hiss than a soothing remark. "Don't worry," He whispered into Derek's ear, reaching down and grasping his member.

"You'll get overtime for thissss..."

Derek gasped as the scaled claw firmly enclosed around his member, squeezing so tightly that it pushed some pre out of the tip.

Smith began to wrap himself up and around Derek, coiling his body around and around in giant loops until there was no sign of the human hidden inside. The loops enclosed around Derek, tieing his arms and legs together and immobalizing him.

With his legs firmly tied up and unable to use his arms, Derek was completely at the mercy of the serpent wrapped around him, who seemed completely willing to let them fall to the side and on the floor. Wrapped up together, they began rocking precariously back and forth, Smith continuing to move and position himself around Derek.

Finally they passed the center of gravity and began their fall. Derek, who was dozing from just waking up, barely noticed their lazy descent until they hit the ground, the mass of coiled flesh around him acting as a shock absorber for the most part.

They rolled on the ground for a bit. Derek had no real control over where they were going and didn't care, dozing off and shifting uncomfortably. Then he felt something slick slide over his already used hole.

The pressure came again, this time not passing his hole like last time, instead pushing into him. Derek felt no pain due to his earlier use when Smith's member slid easily and quickly into his depths. Smith wasn't very thick, but he was long, and it took a moment for all of him to slip inside of Derek. He could feel Smith's cock head going deeper and deeper, the head and shaft seeming to have waves in them like a long series of tiny knots.

Finally, with a satisfied hiss from Smith, Derek felt the serpent's body connect with his ass and settle itself in between his cheeks. Without pause Smith began to slowly pull it out, angling so that his head scraped against Derek's inner walls.

There was no change in pace, just a constant motion and pressure inside. The only thing keeping Derek awake in the dimly lit and tight-spaced coils of Smith was the constant pressure on his insides and prostate by the serpent. Smith began moving around again, the coils continuing to wind but the serpent's groin staying in it's own motions, moving at a constant pace in and out.

Derek watched as two coils of Smith's body spread apart, seeing his boss's head peak through and head straight for him. Their faces connected, and they began kissing. Although Derek's tongue was wider and stronger, it was no match for the length and dexterity of Smith's, and before long it was less them kissing and more Smith exploring Derek's mouth with his tongue. Then, as suddenly as he had appeared, Smith was simply gone, slipping back and out from the folds of his body.

Derek was startled, and began looking around for another sign of Smith's head coming. He looked all around, trying to get his arms from their sides but in too cramped of quarters to move much.

Then, he felt his nipples squeezed painfully. He looked down and saw Smith's arms reaching from throught the coils again, each clawed hand pinching a nipple between thumb and forefinger. Without the ability to move, Derek couldn't reach up to stop the painful sensations that Smith was giving, only being able to wriggle and moan. Then again, just like the first time, the scaled hands disappeared and slid out of the cocoon and away from Derek's sight.

This happened repeatedly, Smith's hands or his face appearing where least expected to toy and tease Derek. He felt his hands squeezed, he felt himself being slowly jerked off and his balls suckled upon, even once when he felt something new enter his hole and wriggle around, only realizing it was Smith's tongue when his boss pulled out. Every time it happened the sensation dissappeared before he could find a way to stop it. Derek could only sit and struggle in the serpent's coils, Smith's member still continuing to thrust slowly into and out of him, his tensing up from the teasing doing nothing to slow it down.

After an unknown amount of time, Smith apparently became bored of simply teasing him. The member in Derek's ass pulled out and did not enter again, instead vanishing outside the cocoon, leaving no trace that it was ever there other than the empty feeling Derek felt from it's absence.

Smith finished pulling the blankets up over Derek's shoulders to keep him warm, then turned back to the letter he had recieved.

He smiled. He had read and reread his note for the past hour, thinking about his plans and what he was going to do. That he needed to leave was obvious. The letter from his colleague practically mandated that he visit, and he was long overdue for another trip anyway.

He had spent a decent amount of time already thinking of routes he would take to visit old friends and of new routes to make new ones. The Center had always forced him to carefully plan his trips, but now he had someone to watch over the animals while he was away.

He looked at Derek, his employee happily snoozing away on some folded blankets, and smiled again, then got up and began preparing.

When the coils of Smith widened again Derek thought that Smith was going to begin another kiss. He puckered up his lips just in time for his boss's long member to meet his kiss and keep going, the head sliding into his mouth just as easily as it had his ass just a few moments ago. Derek quickly adjusted and began sucking on the tip, welcoming more and more of Smith's pole as it was pulled in by his mouth.

When it reached the back of his throat he gagged in suprise and began to back up, but the member in his mouth continued moving forward. It wasn't long before his head hit the wall of coils behind him, and the member found it's way to his throat again, not stopping as it slipped down into Derek's neck. He tried to keep calm as it went slowly deeper and deeper, until finally he saw and felt Smith's slit rub up against his lips.

It didn't begin pulling out after it had hilted itself in Derek's mouth, which worried him. He tried to signal that he needed to breath, holding his breath and trying not to gag, but the member simply stayed where it was, giving an occasional twitch and spurting pre down straight into his stomach. When Derek began desperately needing air, he finally just attempted to breath in, and was suprised when his lungs were filled with oxygen. Smith's cock was narrow enough to not block his airway.

He took a moment to gather his strength, and felt something warm and wet engulf his hard member. He knew it was Smith's mouth when he felt the snake like tongue wrap around his member and then twist down around his balls, giving them a squeeze. The feeling made him give a moan and a sigh, the hot breath around Smith's member making him hump into Derek's mouth a few times. They sucked contentedly on each other for a moment, each person happy about the pleasure they were getting, and Derek drifted off once again with the taste of his boss's pre running up and into his mouth with each spurt.

Smith set the collar and instructions on the table next to him and checked the clock. 6:30. Derek would have to wake up soon. Smith had stayed up all night preparing, and his own eyes were weighted with the need of rest, compounded with the sight of another sleeping near-bye. He smiled at his mindless poetry and then shook himself, realizing that fifteen minutes had passed in seemingly ten seconds. He had to leave in another fifteen minutes, and Derek was waking up.

He made the decision to tell Derek about the collar before he left, and moved in to wake him up faster.

Now Smith was kissing him again, back to fucking Derek in his ass, but now having added a toy from a random shelf into the mix. The extra girth made Derek's hole tighter and more pleasurable, and Smith was close to orgasm.

His tail was wrapped around Derek's member, gently squeezing and pulling. It wasn't much, but with the kissing and the double penetration Derek was close to cumming himself. He was moaning into Smith's mouth- a hard thing to make both Derek do and Smith take willingly- and each thrust on the serpent was raising the pleasure felt by both of them higher and higher. More and more was it getting harder for Derek to relax after Smith thrust in, and their breathing grew from orderly breathes to deep huffs, gasps happening more and more often.

It grew too much for Derek when Smith's tail bumped up against the toy his was using on Derek, the thrust pushing it just an inch more into Derek and sending him over the edge. Derek couldn't hold it back anymore, and closed his eyes and began squirming inside Smiths coils, his ass spasming in an attempt to close completely around the two invading forces keeping it wide open as his cock shot out his seed all over Smith's tail.

Smith gasped when he felt the ring of muscle stretched around his member tighten, and couldn't help but coil tighter around Derek as he was sent over the edge too. He began thrusting erratically, feeling Derek's ass spasming around him. He could only feel it on the top half of his cock, though, and quickly reached down and ripped the other toy out of Derek, feeling nothing but air for the first second before the human's ass clenched again and wrapped tightly around him. The feeling of an animal trapped within his coils and struggling enhanced the experience, giving him a feeling of power, and he tightened around Derek more, moving back through his coils and hugging him to let Derek know that no injury would come as he began humping as hard as he could into Derek and spraying his cum into the other.

Together they came down from their high, breathing hard and hugging each other, and moved on into the afterglow. Smith relaxed his coils and felt something trickle down his tail. It was Derek's cum. He moved his tail tip up and prodded Derek's mouth, his employee letting it slip inside his mouth and began to clean it off. After it was completely clean Smith finally uncoiled himself from around Derek, letting him slip free and into the harsh light of the store again with a sigh.

Derek was shaken awake by his boss, coming fully out of his dream, and feeling his memory of it slip away quietly. He would remember how it had happened forever, but right now his boss was speaking and he needed to listen past the giant yawn he was currently completing.

"Ah, good, you're with me again." Smith said as he turned around, not even looking to see if Derek had gone back to sleep or even reacted. He checked his watch hurriedly for the time and then moved faster to the note and collar on the table.

"Kagmere! I know you're out of your cell- KAGMERE!"

This woke Derek up fast. He had never heard Smith use a tone even close to anger, and now he was shouting. It sounded like Smith was roaring. He didn't have long to think on it though before the frantic scurrying sounds of Kagmere's furred paws and claws scraping on the concrete floor indicated that the gryphon was coming.

Kagmere burst in like a flock of doves being chased by a bull, and looked about the same too. He had a hopeful but sorrow expression, like a dog when caught doing something bad, and calmed quickly before going straight to Smith and sitting down in front of him.

Derek stood up and wrapped a blanket around himself, now awake and looking at Smith.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What? Ahhhhh, nothing. Here, come here and listen- I have to leave ssssoon to a colleague of mine and I'm nearly late for leaving. While I'm gone I will need you to take care of the ssstore- no, you don't need to change your schedule, just every week end ssstop by and make sure all hell hasn't broken loose. Thisss collar will help, it'sss what I usually use on Kagmere when I'm gone, because he keeps finding waysss out of his cell and wrecks the place."

Smith gave the collar to Derek. It wasn't much, just a black leather belt with a small black plastic rectangle on it.

"You're leaving?"

Smith rolled his eyes and quickly took back the collar, placing it over Kagmere's head.

"Yessss, I will be gone for around a month, my partner is very far away and I have just recieved news of a wonderful sssstep in our research. I am needed there on very short notice- I mean, I am needed there, ssssorry for the short notice."

"I didn't even know until yesssterday and I've been very busy planning and preparing. But, back to thisss." He fastened the collar around Kagmere, and Derek saw the gryphon immediately go stiff.

"Thisss is a control collar. It is only used when one of the creatures isss completely berserk, and there is no other way to control them. Kagmere is a very common case since he isss so excitable. Do you understand that?"

Derek nodded. He had heard of the control collar in his training once or twice, but didn't know that much about it. Smith was the only one allowed to decide when it was necessary to put it on.

"Good." Was Smith's reply before he continued. "Thisss collar will basically make the wearer do whatever you sssay- it's much more complicated than that but I really mussst hurry. Because Kagmere can get out of his cage he must wear thisss at all times when I am gone. As you can ssee when you don't give him a command he will sit and wait for one, so everytime you leave you will need to sssay the words 'Free Roam'. This will signal the collar to allow Kagmere to move ssslowly and get to his food, water, and live."

Derek looked at Kagmere again. The gryphon was completely still, and his eyes had changed from the suprised look he had when the collar was activated to the normal way he looked. Apperently Smith went on trips often, Kagmere was used to the effects.

"I know I'm forgetting sssomething...whatever. I need to go. If you need any more information it'sss in this note." Smith held up the letter and then put it back down before picking up a back pack and suitcase and motioning Derek to follow up to the front store.

"Any questionsss?"

"Yea," Derek said and then paused. "What?"

Smith smiled through gritted teeth.

"Chip off the old block...just read the note. I won't be able to contact you or vice verssa, but nothing bad should happen ssso long as Kagmere doesn't take off that collar. Good-bye, and have fun. Oh, and don't messs with anything on floor number five, you can go in but don't do anything to anything in there."

With that, he was out the door. Derek watched him slither into the forest, somehow no cars passing by to see the monster, and then he realized that he had never seen Smith in or with a car.

'He's going to walk there?' he thought to himself, and then slowly walked back downstairs.

Most of the animals were still sleeping. The air conditioner was humming gently, and the lights were buzzing with electricity. Despite all of the noise, the whole place seemed strangely silent.

He walked back to the break room and found Kagmere still just sitting there, literally not having moved a muscle during Smith's departure. He checked his watch, one hour until school, then looked back at Kagmere.

His mind went back to all of the times in the past weeks that this gryphon had not been gentle with him, and decided to make the most of his free hour...

The ATC Chapter 6

Hello all! Sorry for this taking so long to come out with...I wanted to do some different stories (this is last thanksgiving) and had planned on having a big huge release of lots of stories for Christmas...but all of the stories I wrote just didn't...

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Zul's Downfall.txt

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Kalshire's New Mate

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