Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 3)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#9 of Hellhounds

Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 3)

The only thing that bothered me about the mission we came back from was the fact we couldn't get ourselves cleaned up. We had no shower or bathtub at our safe house, so it was our sorry luck that we had to head back to the building reeking of sewage waste. But no one on our team ever complained about it, not even Smart-ass, since he knew he smelled as bad as the rest of us. Luckily, we had a spare change of clothes and quickly changed our uniforms when we got back, wearing a typical tiger-stripe uniform. It was the same routine when we got back, except there was no new food for us to consume, so I was forced to munch on an old bag of pork rinds I had stashed in one of the bedrooms. The colonel, surprisingly, joined some of us in the living quarters to watch television, but he was the commanding officer, so we had to let him watch what he wanted. Everything seemed to be going okay, until Denton argued with Riesling about a certain wrestling match that was on television he didn't want to see. A fire was seconds away from igniting, but Fenrir intervened and put out the sparks. It was hard for either one of them to punch the other when someone as burly as Fenrir stood in their way. He managed to talk the two out of fighting and they resumed watching television. A couple of hours later, most of us grew bored and broke away from the television set; Smart-ass and Fenrir took a short nap, Jakob broke away from the safe house to go explore the woods, and Riesling and Zepher stayed in the living quarters so they could work out. But their exercising only lasted for twenty minutes; Zepher wound up taking off his boots again and started getting "high" from his foot odor. Riesling didn't mind the smell, but like me, he found it very strange at how calm he was when he inhaled, and was a bit disturbed by him. Eventually, he retreated to his luxury room and started making phone calls. That just left me and Denton. I already broke Zepher, and was on the verge of breaking Riesling until my libido kicked in, so I decided to work on Denton next. I still didn't know he was spying on me through the window the other day, but I noticed the squabbles between him and Riesling. There was something he hated about the werewolf...something nobody on the team was aware of. And I had to find out why.

As I was contemplating on how I should bait Denton into revealing some of his dark secrets, I suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom. I didn't even realize it until I noticed that I was minutes, if not seconds away from wetting myself. I hastily got to my feet and started to head outside.

"I'm gonna take a piss. You guys wanna join?"

Zepher shook his head, and inhaled. Denton glanced at me, scanning my body with his eyes. He didn't have to take a piss, but he wanted to get a taste of my ass.

"Sure, why not?" he said, getting up.

I didn't wait up for Denton. I hurriedly kicked open the front door and jogged my way to the back of the building. Denton quickly followed me back there, trying to determine if I really had to urinate or not. As he trailed behind me, he saw me standing about a foot away from the wall, staring at it as I unzipped my pants. He stood next to a bush and faced the opposite direction, pretending to pee in them. I knew he was fixating on me though, so I decided to bait the dim-witted werewolf and pulled my pants and underwear down completely, showing off my bare ass. Denton's eyes grew wide when he saw my brown buttocks, and I sighed with much relief as I aimed my cock at the wall and began to piss heavily. I looked down at my penis and sighed again as the musky stream of golden fluids were excreted like water straight from its hose. Even if Denton wasn't already paying attention to my ass, he surely would've heard me; I was peeing so hard I thought I'd wake up Smart-ass or Fenrir. The sparkling, yellow waste was leaving an enormous dark stain on the wall, and it splashed against the soil and created a nasty, warm amalgam. I wasn't too sure if Denton was into urophilia, or as a bunch of furs say "watersports," but I'm sure the sight of my bulbous ass only made the golden stream much more inviting. Denton took a step closer to me and licked his lips, feeling a bulge growing in his pants. He stood close to me, watching as I wagged my tail and continued to empty my bladder very loudly, like I hadn't pissed in two days. He kneeled down and grinned as he examined my luscious testicles dangling in-between my legs, licking his lips again when he watched the urine splash into the soil. Almost twenty seconds had gone by and I was still peeing. I didn't question what I drank in the last week, or if I had any problems with my kidneys or scrotum. Frankly, I was just glad I didn't piss my pants in front of everyone back in the safe house. Denton took a few more steps closer to me, unzipping his pants and preparing himself to stick his cock into me. I knew he was behind me, but stayed perfectly still, pretending to be oblivious to his actions. It wasn't until about fifteen seconds later that my stream of urine finally ceased, and I exhaled and looked down, surprised to see that there was a small puddle in the soil. As I started to shake the remaining drops of urine from my cock, Denton rushed up behind me, pulled his pants down with his dick hanging out, and inserted himself into my ass.

I yelped as I was shoved against the wall, stepping into my own puddle of urine. I didn't panic though, despite the rape-like situation I was being put in. Denton leaned forward and growled in my ear before chuckling evilly and thrusting into my ass. The werewolf moved forward again, thrusting even harder as he grunted to himself. Denton wasn't like the other Hellhounds. Whenever he had sex with any of us, he made it so only he was enjoying it. Sure, some of us didn't mind, but it was irritating when we told him to stop and he kept going just so he could have the pleasure of cumming twice. The colonel was like that too, but he got it to a point where his preferences were primary, and ours were secondary. With Denton, it was just his preferences, and he didn't give a damn what anyone else wanted. I started to pant, bracing myself for the impending sodomy. Denton grabbed my waist and started to thrust a little, exhaling on the back of my neck and growling pleasurably to himself. He opened his mouth and licked me right behind my right ear before he began to thrust into me periodically. Denton wasn't one who really savored his sexual encounters. He just did it so he could cum and be done with it. I knew it probably wouldn't last long, but Denton was always aggressive, so I prepared myself regardless. I grunted when Denton slapped me on my left ass cheek before he snarled and tightened his grip on my waist. The werewolf's cock was long and hard, and he was thrusting back and forth even faster now, shoving half his cock inside my tailhole. He grunted and snarled and licked me a few more times behind the ear, acting like it would stimulate me somehow. But I didn't beg for him to go faster or harder, and panted each time he moved forward. He was fucking me as a moderate pace, but when he started to slam me against the wall, things became even more belligerent. The werewolf wouldn't stop panting and snarling in my ear, growling so fiercely I was beginning to think he wanted to hurt me. I shouted and moaned as I bumped into the wall and felt Denton's fat shaft going farther and farther into my asshole. I could hear his cock squishing softly as he thrust it forward, not to mention the sound of our balls slapping against each other. He inhaled sharply as he thrust his entire lower body into me, banging me and pinning me against the wall. I shouted again, but tolerated his rough behavior; this hadn't been the first time Denton and I fucked each other. He continued to thrust, going back and forth repeatedly as fast as he could, panting so much I could feel each breath on the back of my neck. With each thrust, I would grunt or moan when I was slammed against the wall with a faint thud.

At this point, Denton was acting like one of those feral house dogs you see that will randomly jump on your leg and start humping it. Once second he would thrust into me four, maybe five times in two seconds, while other times, he'd just thrust his entire cock into my ass and snarl like a panther, muttering something both menacing and lustful in my ears. And whether or not I wanted to admit it, I had a hard-on the entire time, and didn't want Denton to stop. I could feel his juicy cock pulsating inside my ass like a heart beating; his big balls were full of semen and testosterone, waiting to be expelled into my ass. I bent over a little and raised my tail so Denton could get a better view of my ass cheeks. He opened his mouth wide and started to slobber, emitting feral, evil laughs as he licked his lips. Then he shouted again and started to fuck me as hard as he could and thrust his whole shaft into my tailhole, shoving me against the wall each time. Denton took a few steps closer to me just so he wouldn't have to move back and forth as much. He nipped my ear and laughed almost maniacally before shouting with intense jubilation and thrusting over and over again. There was a malicious grin on his face I couldn't see, with saliva seeping through the cracks in his sharp teeth. He was huffing and snarling- roaring even-everytime he would thrust. I could feel some precum dripping out of his cock, which was now thick and throbbing. I wasn't even sure if "Denton" was the being who was fucking me. There were very few times I had seen anyone on our team become that feral, minus Zepher, so I was becoming a bit scared of Denton. I was even tempted to say "Stop" after my head began to hurt from too much wall-banging, but I couldn't. There was a fresh supply of cum heading through my urethra as well, and everytime I opened my mouth, I could only shout or moan. Denton thrust his cock into me five times before wrapping his whole arms around my abdomen and roaring in my ear, shoving his cock deep inside me. He panted a couple of times before snarling and nipping my ear again. Then he thrust a second time, letting out a vocal cry, as though he wanted to scream, "I AM THE ALPHA MALE!" into the woods. He let go of my hips and placed his paws against the wall, using only his cock for support. Denton snarled before using all the strength in his body to pin my whole body against the wall. I yelped as I was shoved against the concrete and he roared as he thrust his cock into me a four times. During the fifth thrust, he shouted and had a sudden spasm, and I could feel his sticky, warm spooge entering my rectum. Simultaneously, I had my own spasm, and felt my stomach grow warm as I came all over the wall and my uniform (my dick was curved upwards thanks to Denton pinning me on the concrete, so I would up cumming on myself and not the ground).

Denton exhaled multiple times before chuckling weakly and pulling his cock out of my ass. He shouted and swore as he removed his dick, watching as the copulatory organ began to flop around, the erection rescinding until it was completely flaccid. I can't remember if he knotted me or not, but when he pulled his dick out, it sure hurt a helluva lot more than usual, like my tailhole had just been torn open. I panted a few times and grunted as I released the few streams of cum dripping out of my anus. Then I collapsed, landing on my buttocks in the dirt. I quickly scooted away from the wall after realizing my feet were still stuck inside the moist pile of mud, which eventually got around to absorbing the puddle of urine. Denton collapsed from much exhaustion as well, landing on his back and staring up into the gray sky, still panting and trying to recover from the sodomy. I pulled my pants back up and scooted closer to the burly Lycan, analyzing him to see what I could learn. He was older than Zepher and I, and only two years younger than Jakob. I figured someone in his mid 30s wouldn't be a dumb as Denton, considering he probably had more military experience than the both of us. He wasn't out to prove he was better than everyone-that was Smart-ass's job-but there was something about him that said he was better than one, if not some of our team members. He wasn't cocky-that was also Smart-ass's job, and Jakob's-but he always confused ignorance with arrogance. There were times where he'd be so naïve that you could convince him he wasn't on fire even if his fur was being burnt off. Combine that with his dim-witted nature, and he'd believe you until he woke up the next day and noticed his skin were bare. He was also very angry-whenever he didn't get what he wanted, he'd turn into some spoiled brat who'd pout over it until he found something equally good that could replace said item. And the only two furries he got upset over where Riesling and Smart-ass. Smart-ass pissed off everybody-it was what he was good at, so not getting upset over him would be an enigma. The colonel, although abrasive and sometimes abusive, was a damn good leader. He wasn't the perfect one, but compared to the rest of the generals and high-ranked military officials out there on Lupus, he did a good job. Besides, we were mercenaries; the fact we even bothered to assist our fellow wolves and Lycans instead of just taking money from the highest bidders said something. I had to know why he got upset over someone like the colonel.

"Jesus...just tear my...ass open next time...why don't you?"

Denton chuckled. "Maybe I will, Donnie."

"You're always so...aggressive, Denton, not like the other hounds."

Denton sat up. "So I'm not like the other hounds. Big deal. Would you prefer me squawking in your ear about how bad you are and that you're not doing it right, like Smart-ass does?"

"You know Smart-ass does that solely to piss us off. I'm just saying some of the other hounds aren't so...abrasive. Like the colonel, for one."

Denton flared his nostrils. "What about the colonel?"

"Sure, he has his preferences, and gets angry when his partner doesn't abide to them, but he's very lovely in bed. Even you can't say all that musk caked into his fur doesn't give you a raging hard-on."

"Yes, I can." he lied.

I chuckled. "I doubt that. Besides, he's the only one in the group who's dominant but isn't high on testosterone, like you were just a few minutes ago. God, I just love how thick his cock is too, not as thick as a beer can, but still very-"

I get it." said Denton, annoyed.

"And then there are his meaty balls, nice and firm-"

"Why don't you just throw a goddamn parade over the guy's scrotum if you love it so much?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm just saying, Jesus. No need to get all pissy."

Denton pulled his pants back up. "What makes the colonel such an amazing, wonderful furry, Donnie? Just because he fucks you better than I do?!"

When angry, people and furries tend to say things they don't mean, or say things others are not supposed to hear. That's why I was bragging about Riesling, to rile him up enough to reveal something he normally wouldn't say if I asked.

"What's your problem?" I asked, standing up.

"Nothing! I just don't understand why you think someone like Riesling is better than I am! He yells all the time and he abuses us when we don't do what he says all the time! Not to mention he has bad breath!"

"Denton, everyone on this team has some annoying flaw. Zepher's feet stink; Fenrir's a fat-ass; Smart-ass...that's obvious; Jakob tends to talk too much and smells funny; you fuck us so hard it's like we're having a jackhammer shoved up our asses. And for some reason, a lot of you guys complain about me smelling like jizz all the time. So what if the colonel's breath stinks? What's your fuckin' point, Denton? And when did I even say he's better than you?"

"I'm sick of you and everyone else yapping about how he's such an amazing leader when he's not!"

"I was just saying I prefer having sex with him than you, that's all!"

"Why?! Why would you rather have sex with a goddamn cub killer than with me?!" he snarled.

I raised an eyebrow. "Cub killer?"

Denton grinned slightly. I could tell he wasn't trying to, but he didn't do a very good job at hiding it.

"He didn't tell you, did he? Several years ago, Riesling and his former team were ordered to head into a concentration camp and kill anyone and everyone on sight. There were many women and children in that camp, Donnie. Whole families! And he slaughtered them all without hesitation! The only reason why you don't remember what happened is because you weren't even born yet."

"No..." I said, almost heartbroken.

"But I do," he continued. "I remember all those headlines I heard about when I was just a pup, all those stories my parents used to tell me about."

"...They were orders, Denton. I'm sure he didn't-"

"That's not the point, Donnie! Now you're trying to jusindify his actions!"

"Justify." I corrected him.

"Whatever!" he barked back. "Don't you get it, Donnie? Don't you see what I see? The colonel's an asshole who's only out for himself! He doesn't care about you or me or anyone on the team! If we were in that concentration camp, he would've slaughtered us like common buffalo! We wouldn't even be alive today! He killed all of those cubs just because, what, someone gave him money and told him to? You're a fool if you think you can jus-ti-fy that in any sort of way!"

I thought about telling myself that Denton was wrong, that he was merely saying that out of anger and jealousy, but I knew what the colonel was capable of. I knew of his insatiable appetite for money. Christ, he was only a few seconds away from telling me that secret the other day, but I had to go and stick my cock up his ass after his musk hypnotized me. I just stared at Denton, who was panting and formed his right paw into a fist. He was right. I couldn't justify what the colonel did. ...Except, he did it. As in, it had already been done. He's not killing cubs now, I thought, so why make such a big deal about it?

"He's changed. It's in the past, Denton. Why are you even bringing this up now?"

"Because I am sick and tired of hearing about how wonderful and amazing the colonel is! Everyone is always talking about how he does this, about how he can walk on water, about how he can kill a terrorist with a paper clip, when they all know he's just a fucking cub murderer! Yet no one ever talks about all the accomplishments that the rest of the team has achieved! No one ever talks about all the furries and scaleys that I have saved, or the amount of soldiers that I have slaughtered, or the hundreds, if not thousands of missions that I've completed, and all the injuries I've received from them! The reason I am bringing this up now is because we need a new leader, Donnie. How long do you think it'll be before he betrays us? It won't take much-just order him to kill us for a thousands bucks and he'll slit all our throats before nightfall."

"...What are you saying?"

"God and you guys call me an idiot-do not trust the colonel, Donnie! Is that simple enough for you?!"

"Then who should I trust, Denton?"

"I don't know, not that fucking cub killer though."

Denton and I stared coldly at each other, softly exhaling as the wind began to blow.

"We need a new leader, Donnie, because the one we have will lead us to our doom. Hell, he may even cause our doom first-hand. Do you understand what I'm telling you now?"

I nodded slowly, and Denton patted me on the shoulder a few times.

"Good. Now the best thing to do is keep this whole conversation quiet. Last thing any one of us wanna start is a coup, right?"


Denton nodded and started to walk away, but there was still one very important question that came to mind I needed to ask him.

"Denton let me ask you something,"

Denton huffed and turned around. "What?"

"Do you despise the colonel because he's a 'cub killer,' or do you despise him because he went on a mission and got paid for killing cubs instead of you, that he beat you to the punch?"

When Denton was arguing with me, I didn't see anger in his eyes. I saw a stubborn, whiny child who couldn't stop complaining that his brother got the biggest slice of pizza instead of him. He didn't seem to care about the cubs who were killed at all. He just seemed pissed that everyone was praising our colonel more than they were him and using the "cub killer" tag as an excuse to justify his claims. Denton stared at me for a while before laughing softly and grinning.

"You really are too smart for your own good, you know," he said, walking over and leaning against the wall.

"You didn't answer the question." I growled.

"No, I didn't. You really shouldn't ask too many questions, Donnie. Knowing more than you should is how mercs like you get killed."

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

Denton shrugged. "I'm just sayin'." he muttered, trying to play the whole thing off as casually as possible.

I didn't say anything more. We just stood there, staring at each other for nearly two minutes before Denton finally opened his mouth to talk.

"You look tired, Donnie. Maybe you should get some rest."

Don't tell me what the fuck to do, I thought. But I played it straight and nodded, taking Denton's advice into consideration.

"Yes...I'll do that."

I slowly side-stepped my way to the other side of the safe house and entered the building, trying my best to act as nonchalant as ever. I headed straight for one of the bedrooms and threw myself onto the bottom bunk. As I laid there, I began to believe what Zepher was telling me about how we're all guilty of some sin. Denton managed to confess what Riesling's crime was, but he still had his own sin bottled up inside his noggin. Unfortunately, I could tell by Denton's behavior that I should trust him even less than I should trust the colonel. I didn't know what his plan was or why he wanted me on his side, but there was something seriously wrong with Denton, even more than Zepher. At least Zepher admitted to who he was and what crimes he had committed. Denton was making someone else take the fall, diverting suspicion away from himself. But I knew he was hiding something, something that might've been worse than Riesling's crimes. And yet, I couldn't help but take Denton's words in. If the colonel would murder so many cubs just to get money, then he damn well wouldn't have a problem killing any of us in a heartbeat if money was handed to him. I knew it was all in the past, but whether or not I wanted to believe it, I also knew what Riesling was capable of. ...Was Denton right? Was our colonel leading the rest of us to our doom?

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