The Other Kind of Snow

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#2 of Coy Bait (Part 1)

The Other Kind of Snow

Ganley was pacing back and forth, nervously twiddling his thumbs as he impatiently waited for that canine to come over. Why is he taking so long? thought the otter. He called Rickie about a half-hour ago, and fifty minutes later, he still hadn't showed up. He tried to think positively, diminish all the negativity from his mind-that's what his mother always told him to do anyway. He calmed down and stopped walking in the same footsteps, and then he sat back down on the couch and waited for Rickie to come. It was a rather large coincidence that he showed up just a minute or two after doing just that, knocking at his door four times. Ganley didn't bother asking who it was; he already knew. But just to be on the safe side, he looked through the peephole and saw Rickie smiling, wearing nothing except for a pair of jeans. The otter unlocked the door and let him inside.

"Hey, Ganley."

"Hi, Rickie." he said, closing the door after he walked in.

The dog examined his apartment a bit. He seemed to possess what any everyday ordinary family would: huge table, couch, TV set in the living room, a fridge, microwave and oven in the kitchen with a stove, long rug on the floor-the usual stuff. He didn't see anything that stood out from the rest of the furniture. Not exactly the best way to live, but he seemed to get by.

"Well, your place seems very...middling."

That was the only word he could think of.

"Hey, it's better than the place I used to live in with my ex. He was a bit of a slob-dirty laundry all over the floor, empty food containers left on the table, stains on his clothing, etc."

"Geez, guess he had a hygiene problem?"

"No, no, it had nothing to do with that. He was just too damn lazy to get off his fat fucking ass...let's not talk about him. I-I wouldn't want to ruin our time getting riled up about my ex."

"Good point. So, Ganley, what do you wanna do tonight?"

"Um...what do you wanna do?"

Rickie chuckled. "You did call me over here, said you wanted to 'spend some time' together, albeit I remember you saying you didn't want this to lead to a mutual relationship, just a casual one at best."

Ganley giggled meekly. "That's true...I did say that."

"Then maybe we should head for your bedroom and get started." said Rickie, brushing his paw along the otter's crotch.

"Uh, no! No, why don't we-why don't we first? I-I know this is gonna be a sexual relationship, but it can't all be about fucking, right?"

Damnit, boy, make up your mind, thought Rickie. "No, I suppose not."

Rickie and Ganley headed over to the couch and sat down next to each other.

"I've already told quite a bit about myself, but I don't know that much about you. Where are you from, Rickie?"

"I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, the 'City of Bridges' as everyone kept yappin' about. My father, coincidentally, worked in a steel mill and contributed in constructing the dozens of bridges in the city. My mother used to be one of those stay-at-home cooks."

"Used to be?"

"My parents separated when I was thirteen-years-old."

Rickie sighed heavily. "And then my pops found out she was cheating on him so..."

Rickie scratched the back of his head and murmured under his breath.


"Nothing, nothing."

"...Did you father-?"

"Probably. But then again, he was kind of an idiot, so if he did, they would've caught him by now."

"Oh. So how old are you now?"

"Almost 29. What about you?"


"Ahh, college boy, huh?"

"I dropped out."

"How come?"

"I told you, furries always got on my ass about my sexual orientation back in Jersey City. The only otter in my family who even approved of it was my cousin, and I don't even know if he or she is a girl or a guy anymore."

"...He had a sex change?"

"She had multiple sex changes. It got...confusing. Everytime I said 'hir' I had to tell myself that it was spelled with an 'I' instead of an 'E.' ...Anyway, about your family?"

Rickie shrugged. "I don't know, not much else to say besides that. Unlike how you make your ex sound, my father knew how to take care of himself. He knew how to clean and cook and go shopping and which strip club to go to where the prostitutes don't give you herpes after they blow you. I was upset when my parents separated, but my Dad didn't spare me the graphic details of when he walked into his office and saw his coworker fucking the shit out of her on his desk, so I got over it."

"That didn't disturb you?"

"Not really. In fact, I think that vivid memory, and the fact my Dad always went to strip clubs after they 'divorced' would explain my current profession."

"Wait a second, you're a prostitute?"

Rickie chuckled. "If by 'prostitute' you mean a dog who goes around finding attractive, young furries like yourself to bang, then yes, I'm a prostitute!"

Ganley started to blush. "Well, is awkward."

"I'm not one of those skanks you see out on the street wearing cheap makeup and walking up to someone's car door asking if you wanna 'have a good time.' See, with me, I just go to a public scene-library, gym, gay bar, gay club, theater, restaurant, swimming pool-and scope out the area, observing my surroundings, waiting for the right guy to show up, just like I did with you. If I find the right guy, we chat a little, fuck each other, and wake up the next day and depart. If I don't find the right guy, I just masturbate and go home. I'm pretty sure that doesn't qualify as prostitution, but then again...some furries have paid me..."

"So you're a man-whore?"

Rickie sighed. "That doesn't sound much better-I fuck or get fucked by a lot of other guys. Let's just leave it at that."

"If you say so."

"Surely you know what I'm talking about, that libido you can never quench no matter how hard you try. It's so hard really, with all those furries out there just calling you out. All those musky hyenas who are just squatting above your face, waiting impatiently for you to rim them, all those gorillas with bulky muscles that just pin you down and fuck you until your tailhole is full of his seed, the wolves who fuck you doggy-style and still have time to suck you off and make you cum again, and the bears,"

Rickie murred softly and rubbed his groin as a thin trail of drool rolled down his chin.

"Oh, fuck, I love bears. I love them so much. They're so cuddly and strong at the same time. You don't know whether to hug 'em or bend over and let them pounce on you. And their cocks are so thick! Like-Like beer cans, maybe even thicker than that. And their asses are so fat and furry. I don't blame you for getting a hard-on back in that locker room-I was starting to get one myself. God, fucking a bear only happens once in a lifetime. I can't think of anything more thrilling than being the dominant partner when it comes to bears. And let me tell you, after you fuck a'll never miss an opportunity to fuck another one."

By now Rickie had a full erection, one he wasn't even trying to hide, one that he couldn't hide even if he wanted to. As he started to rub the giant bulge in his jeans, he murred again and looked over at Ganley, who had a nice erection of his own. There was even a small stain of pre on his trousers. Ganley saw Rickie grinning at him and looked down at his boner, before blushing.

"Maybe we should stop talking now and take this to the bedroom." said Rickie, leeringly.

Ganley suddenly hopped off the couch and began to panic. "Uh, no! No, let's-let's sit here and talk some more. I'd-I'd love to talk some more with you."

"Come on, you know you're just thriving to have sex with me." said Rickie, heading for Ganley's bedroom door.

"I told you, we're not having-where are you going?! Rickie, that's my bedroom!"

The Bernese Mountain Dog chuckled. "What's wrong Fish Breath, you hiding your assortment of severed heads in here? You got a bunch of cubs locked away in the closet?"

"NO! I-I just don't want anyone to see my..."

"Your what?" said Rickie, opening the door.

The canine opened the door and stepped inside Ganley's room. Immediately afterwards, his eyes dilated, shocked at the contents of the white otter's room.

"Holy shit, dude."

The otter's room was filled to the brim with pornography and sex toys. Behind the door were a set of purple and yellow dildos. Underneath his bed were boxes upon boxes of Playdog magazines, some of which were also lying on the floor next to the nightstand. There were posters all over the walls of male models posing in their underwear, and others of naked furries bending over with much emphasis on their asses. There was even one on the ceiling posted directly above Ganley's mattress, for obvious reasons. Over half the books inside his bookcase contained a heavy amount of sexual material. If Rickie had opened up Ganley's closet, he would've seen even more posters, and a lot of bondage gear, including suits, handcuffs, chains, and whips. Rickie glanced over at the laptop resting on his mattress, already knowing that it was filled with animations and pictures of porn, as well as a couple of pornographic movies he downloaded off the Internet. Rickie took a few more steps inside, and noticed that one thing was missing from his room: semen. There wasn't a single drop of otter seed anywhere, although Rickie's nose picked up on the scent of it. With all this porn in his room, Rickie figured it'd be infested with cum. But everything was perfectly clean-shiny even. The dog turned around and saw Ganley standing in the doorway, blushing with a meek smile on his face as he rubbed his left arm with his right paw.

"I's-it's been a...a while, Rickie...I started to get a lot of porn..."

"Trust me when I tell you that the word 'lot' is a severe understatement. You wanna know the weird thing about your porn stash?"


"It's not the largest one I've seen."

Ganley stepped into the room with Rickie and closed the door. "Wow...that is surprising."

"But enough about your posters of naked stallions I wanna fap to right now; let's get back to you. As I told you in the locker room, I know dozens, if not hundreds of different paraphilias and sexual acts, and perhaps it'd be wise that I teach some of them to you."

Ganley felt like squealing and jumping up and down as he clapped his paws, but he kept his giddy behavior bottled inside and sat down on his bed.

"Now I figure we should start off easy tonight, since the last 'lesson' I taught you made your ass sore...and I'm sure you already know what a blowjob and handjob is so, how's about snowballing? You ever heard of that before?"


"Ah. Well, it's nothing strenuous, and it's actually romantic if you disregard how messy it is."


"You'll understand. But before I begin, you have to tell me whether or not you've tasted or swallowed cum."

"Um...yeah, my ex made me give him a blowjob at least once a week, and he deep-throated me several times, so I swallowed cum on more than one occasion."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, but after the city shut off his water, my ex stopped bathing and his cum tasted different for some reason."

"Was he circumcised?"


"Oh...err, you might've swallowed smegma."

"What?" asked Ganley, in a sudden serious tone.

Rickie changed the subject. "Take your pants off."

Ganley also ignored Rickie's comment and started to unbutton and unzip his pants. Rickie walked over to the otter and slowly slid his pants down his legs, dropping them on the floor. The dog analyzed Ganley's penis and balls for a brief moment. Back in the locker room, Rickie saw the otter's fat butt, but only caught a few glimpses of his penis. He was semi-erect after Rickie placed those lustful images in his mind, so part of his shaft was exposed. He had a nice set of balls lying underneath his cock, very firm and shaven. Rickie smiled and started to stimulate the otter, rubbing his soft balls with his paws, watching as the erection lengthened when blood flowed to the otter's penis. Ganley smiled and murred softly.

"Now just relax, and let me take care of you."

Ganley watched as the dog kneeled down and bent over a little, opening his mouth as he neared his red cock. Then he placed the aquatic mammal's penis inside his maw and began to suck on it. Rickie decided to take it slow and moved his mouth back and forth at a steady pace. Ganley had given his ex dozens of blowjobs before, but he had to admit, he never received one. It was so strange and exhilarating at the same time. On one hand, Rickie was infesting Ganley's cock with saliva and the billions and billions of germs inside his mouth, and he wasn't even sure if the dog's mouth was clean. On the other hand, he was stimulating Ganley, sucking away all the tension in his groin, all the stress he had been enduring that day. It was both a vile and ecstatic action. The otter murred softly again and rubbed Rickie's head as he moved it back and forth, before sighing and laying down on the bed, looking at the dog as he sucked him dry. Rickie moaned with his mouth full and started to suck the otter's cock a little harder, and with more drool dripping from his mouth. His cock was long and hard now, thick with hormones. The dog stopped moving his head and lowered his jaw a bit, noisily licking his cock and exhaling his warm breath onto the glans. Then he resumed sucking and licking, sliding his head back and forth a bit faster now. Ganley's heart was beating twice as fast now as he panted and moaned loudly, arching his back a little and sighing, enjoying the sloppy, sexual action. He exhaled twice before rubbing Rickie's head again and shoving it forward a little. The Bernese Mountain Dog looked up at Ganley and chuckled with his mouth full. Damn, your first blowjob and you already prefer deep-throating, thought Rickie. He gave Ganley what he wanted and moaned quietly and he slid forward completely, brushing his moist nose against the otter's groin. He gagged a little when he engulfed Ganley's entire cock, but he had deep-throated many furries before, and was used to having cocks shoved that far into his mouth. The otter started to pant even faster now, unable to keep the goofy smile from his face. His slobber was tickling Ganley's crotch; he didn't know whether to laugh or murr and insert his penis even deeper into his mouth. So the otter remained quiet and let the dog do his thing.

It wasn't until Ganley's cock was throbbing that Rickie began to move faster and harder, tightening his grip on the otter's cock and focusing more on sucking and not moving his head back and forth. Rickie shut his eyes and inhaled sharply, sucking so hard that the otter shouted and began to pant, unable to endure such euphoria. The dog bit down a little harder and inhaled again, attempting to extract the seed from Ganley's penis. The otter arched his back again and started moaning incredibly loud, almost like he was bellowing. Rickie moved back half an inch and slobbered some more before lowering his jaw and exhaling on his dick again. Then he continued and sucked as hard as he could, imagining his erection was just a lollipop he was sucking the flavor out of. Rickie was forming a boner in his own jeans, and unzipped them and pulled them down far enough so he could let his cock have some air. The otter had an amazing dick-a natural musky smell instead of a nauseating one, no barbs or mysterious sores or scars, no dead skin hanging off of it, and it was healthy and rich in color, so full of life. He even thought about the possibility of what would happen if Ganley was the dominant partner, how he would fuck him silly on his bed and cum time and time again. The sudden thoughts made Rickie murr himself, shortly before his erection grew to its full length. The dog was determined to make Ganley cum now and didn't care how fast he was going. He inhaled sharply again and bit down harder on the otter's cock before he started moving his head back and forth vigorously. He wasn't breaking the skin, just grinding his teeth along the shaft so Ganley didn't have to worry about having his cock chomped off. Of course, Ganley didn't know that. He screamed and began to moan as a combination of pain and ecstasy started to build up in his groin. The otter couldn't stop arching his back and clutching his bed sheets firmly. He closed his eyes and expelled a tiny, high-pitched squeal before panting and feeling some pre making way towards the glans. Rickie tasted the clear, sticky substance and licked it off Ganley's cock, admiring the bitter and salty taste of it. Then he murred and slobbered as he sucked long and hard again, collecting another few drops of pre. Rickie grabbed Ganley's waist and held him steady as the aquatic mammal panted and moaned, ready to blow his load. He sucked on the otter's cock very loudly, making Ganley squeal again from the pain and ecstasy as he felt his teeth grinding along his dick. The dog sucked hard, practically pulling Ganley's penis away from his crotch, and received another few drops of precum. Then he moved forward all the way, his wet nose dabbing Ganley's pelvis, before he inhaled sharply and sucked. Ganley let out a strident shout before his body suddenly spasmed and he felt something wet soaring through his urethra. As Rickie started to move his head back, his eyes grew wide and his cheeks bloated up when his mouth was filled with Ganley's seed. However, he didn't swallow it, or spit any of it down onto the floor. He waited patiently, watching as Ganley's body spasmed again, before he exhaled with relief and began to pant, wiping some of the sweat from his face. But as he began to wipe, he looked forward and saw Rickie climbing onto the bed.

The otter didn't know what to do when Rickie started to crawl all over him. He still didn't know what "snowballing" was, and when he saw Rickie's bloated cheeks, he simply thought it was a game where you swallow cum and hold it in your mouth as long as possible. The "snow" must've been a reference to semen, and the "balling" must've been what your cheeks look like when you hold the cum in. But Ganley soon realized that his definition was way off. Rickie crawled over to the otter's head and leaned down, preparing to kiss Ganley. Thinking on impulse, Ganley opened his mouth and kissed him, forgetting that his maw was still full of his seed. When Rickie kissed him, he moaned and started to expel the cum from his mouth, swirling it all around Ganley's tongue and lips and teeth. Ganley's eyes grew wide as the dog sloppily French kissed him and spat his cum into his mouth. Ganley thought it was disgusting as first-the intense salty flavor in his mouth didn't help-but it was also sensual, even caring. Despite how sloppy Rickie's kiss was, he was still kissing him, very passionately at that. Ganley didn't spit the semen back into the dog's mouth. He just laid there and cherished the loving, messy kiss. Twelve seconds later, Rickie removed his warm lips from Ganley's, his mouth still caked with semen and drool. There was even a thick strand of it connected to Ganley and Rickie's lips. The Bernese Mountain Dog looked down at the panting aquatic mammal and smiled.

"And that's snowballing."

Ganley didn't know what to say, so he simply smiled.

"Okay, I think we're done here for tonight," started Rickie as he hopped off the bed and pulled his jeans back up.

"But-wait! You're just gonna leave?"

"You said you don't want this to be a mutual relationship, and if I stay any longer, I'll end up sleeping over and we'll end up having sex again. And you don't want it to get that far, remember?"

Ganley suddenly hated Rickie. He had done this same thing back at the locker room, pawing-off directly in front of him, knowing he was going to stay and watch. And then he just stood up and began to walk away, leaving Ganley in the dust. If he hadn't grabbed his arm, Ganley would probably be stalking Rickie right now, bumping into him on the street "unexpectedly." The dog was playing hard to get, and it annoyed Ganley to the point where he almost became infuriated. But instead of telling the dog how he really felt, he merely grinned in his subconscious and decided to play along.

"Oh...I remember, and you're right. I suppose it would be best if you leave now before either of us does anything we'll regret. Thank you for teaching me what snowballing is."

"No problem. If you ever wanna see me again, just give me a call."

"I will."

Ganley got off his bed and put his pants back on before he wiped some of the cum from his jaw and began to escort Rickie to the door. Once he opened the door, Rickie walked out into the hallway and began to leave the building.

"See you soon, Ganley."

As Rickie began to depart, he flashed the otter a leering grin. Ganley thought about commenting about it, but continued to play along.

"Bye, Rickie."

Ganley closed and locked his front door, feeling more and more frustrated with Rickie. It was like he was expecting him to call in the next five hours. It was like he was always five steps ahead of him. Ganley was beginning to wonder if he cared about him at all, or if this whole thing was just some twisted game for him to get off to. He stormed off into his room, tempted to punch something, even tempted to call Rickie so he could tell him how he really felt. But as he looked around his room, he remembered that it was filled with not only porn, but posters of furries and scaleys both muscular and fat, many of whom were naked or showing off their fat asses. Ganley glanced over at a poster of a muscular tiger flexing in Speedos with a grin on his face, followed by glancing at another poster of the same tiger bending over with his tail raised, the same grin on his face. Then he felt a bulge in his pants.

He was gonna be fine without Rickie for a few days.

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