Game Plan

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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Game Plan

As the football player stared at the defense tackle just a few inches away from him, the chubby blue alligator realized that two problems were quickly arising: he had to use the bathroom, and he was horny. He had been horny for the past six hours, surreptitiously hiding his erection the best he could whenever a perverted image crept into his mind. But it was very hard to do, as he was a football player after all, surrounded by all sorts of sweaty, athletic animals with tons of bulk built into their system, bent over with their fat asses sticking out. Everytime he thought about just groping their ass or rimming them, he couldn't help himself, and he'd end up grunting when his boner pressed against his cup. But that was just one issue. Sluggie McAllister also hadn't used the bathroom in quite a while, and had been eating a bit more fiber than he should have before the game started. The game was almost at half-time, so the team would be able to take a break soon, but he really, REALLY had to go right now, and he wasn't sure if his bowels would hold much longer. The chubby blue alligator exhaled loudly and shook his head as he rubbed his stomach, hearing it churn underneath the material of his protective pads and red jersey. God, when will that fuckin' referee blow the whistle?! thought Sluggie. He couldn't handle the pressure inside his gut anymore, and proceeded to let out a little gas to cope with the pain, feeling the hot air silently slither its way out of his fat butt and into the atmosphere. Lucky for him, it was silent, and the field was littered with sweaty, even musky, football players, so no one noticed the rotten stench. Unfortunately, that didn't do Sluggie any good, as he wound up grunting and lifting his thick tail unknowingly, passing gas for five seconds with a loud, obnoxious trumpeting sound. After he was done, Sluggie blushed a little, especially after hearing the opposing tackle in front of him chuckle mockingly, and after one of the receivers on his team finally caught wind of the smell and sniffed the air a few times while grimacing.

"'S'matter gator? You so nervous that the shit's bein' scared outta ya?"

Maybe it was a coincidence or just plain luck, but right after saying the disparaging comment, the play was set in motion, and Sluggie snarled as he tackled the black wolf to the ground in a heartbeat. Sluggie looked down at the bested canine and grinned.

"No wonder everyone nicknames you 'Brick.' You fall down just as fast as one."

Sluggie was about to say something else, but before he could, he groaned loudly and shut his eyes, lifting his tail so he could fart once more. Only, this time, he passed so much gas that nearly half the team heard the disturbance, and were momentarily distracted by the sudden noise. One of those players, a burly yellow croc on Sluggie's team, was supposed to catch the ball after the quarterback threw it in his direction, but the ball wound up striking him in his helmet, and the ball fell to the ground. A loud whistle was heard and Sluggie sighed exasperatedly before getting off of Brick so the team could line up at the spot where the ball was dropped. Sluggie glanced over at a few of the players and saw them criticizing the yellow crocodile, Powell, for messing up a play that could've scored them a touchdown.

"Get your head in the game Powell! You really want the couch to put your balls in a vise if you cost us this game?!"

"I'm sorry! I just...heard this awful noise-I know you heard it too Sully!"

"Yeah...strange too, I thought I smelled rotten eggs. You notice anything weird Sluggie?"

"Nope! Uh-uh, I've been, uh, been focusing on the game."

"Oh. Well, let's not stop now just because the air's starting to reek. It's probably just Ronny anyway."

"I heard that!" shouted the skunk.

Sluggie shook his head again and got back into position, and the next thing he knew, he was squatting against the grass and staring straight at Brick, who still looked like he was a tough-as-nails badass, like always. The blue gator couldn't wait to tackle him, just to see him fall down like a ton of bricks again. But his bowels flared up, and he let out a series of short, sputtering farts that sounded like bubble wrap popping. The blue gator shut his eyes again and knew this wasn't gonna work. Sluggie stared straight at his opponent and sighed as he began to soil himself, feeling the first lump of dung hit his boxers and felt his pants bulging outwards a little. But just then, he remembered that his pants were white. Sluggie almost screamed and tried to stop himself from soiling himself, but it was no use. The blue gator grunted and held his stomach as he felt another long, thick log of shit ooze its way out of his bowels and into his undergarments. He let out a messy fart before grunting and dropping another ball in his pants. Sluggie stared at Brick and saw him sniff the air and back away from him a little, appalled by the foul odor he was emitting. Sluggie suddenly came up with a wild idea, and grinned devilishly whilst staring at Brick. Then the play started and Sluggie tackled his opponent, unintentionally dropping another thick ball of shit in his trousers and passing gas so abruptly that Powell was distracted, and the ball bounced off his helmet yet again. Lucky for him and the rest of the team, it was half-time, which meant that his team could finally hit the locker room and hear the coach scream and yell at them for being twelve points behind.

But Sluggie paid no attention to the coach's rambling. He was far too busy trying to keep the excrement inside his bowels-a few members of his team were already beginning to question why he stank so much, and why he put rocks in the seat of his pants. Sluggie managed to hold it all in until there were only a few minutes left before the second half of the game commenced. And, at that exact moment, Sluggie came up with a wild idea.

"Hey coach, put me on wide receiver!"

The blowhard buffalo scoffed. "Hmph! We already have enough receivers, and you can't just changed your positions willy-nilly!"

"Well, then me and Powell can switch places so we don't have too many receivers!"

"Yeah, coach! I'm much stronger than Sluggie anyways, and you guys know I can't catch for shit!"

"No shit."

"You got that right."

"I've seen players catch a football with their mouths better than you can with your hands!"

"Okay guys, you don't have to rub it in." said Powell, annoyed.

"Trust me coach, if we switch positions, I can guarantee you we'll win the game!"

The buffalo stroked the hair on his chin for a short moment and pondered what Sluggie said, but he wasn't the brightest apple in the bunch, and he wanted to win more than anything.

"Fine, but if we lose, it'll be your balls I'm putting in a vise, not Powell's."

"Great! You guys head outside and get prepped. I, uh, gotta use the bathroom."

The coach led the team out of the locker room before staying behind for a short moment and giving Sluggie a little warning.

"Oh, and don't piss on the lockers again! I'm getting tired of the janitor making me clean that shit up after you players!"

Sluggie smirked. "I won't."

The coach left the locker room and slammed the door shut. Sluggie exhaled and started panting loudly, immediately rushing forwards and locking the door. He panted and hastily ran all around the locker room, holding all of his feces in, but eventually, he blew his gasket. Sluggie stood in the middle of the room next to a row of lockers and squatted, raising his tail high and grunting as hard as he could. He shouted when he felt all the shit exiting his anus and filling up his nylon pants, making them bulge so much he thought they'd burst right open. Sluggie could hear the disgusting squishy noises of his shit piling up on the mound and shouted again. Then he huffed and let out a greasy, wet burst of flatulence that lasted for six seconds before panting and squeezing out a smelly lump of excrement that coiled around in his trousers. The smell of his pants was sickening, enough to make someone vomit if they were standing right beside him. He remembered the time the team's septic tank sprung a leak and their whole stadium where they worked out at was flooded with slurry. To this day he still remembered the foul stench, and realized that his pants smelled just as bad. Sluggie closed his eyes and pressed his hands against his beer gut, farting twice as he forced the wind out his bowels before dropping three more balls the size of his fist. He didn't even try to imagine how grimy his pants must've been; he already knew that the seat of them was light and/or dark brown. Just when Sluggie thought he was finally finished, he could feel the monstrous-sized turds slowly creeping out of his tailhole and making its way down into his jeans. He shouted again and made two fists before squatting even lower to the floor and panting as he slowly excreted a chunk of shit that weighed almost a pound or two, maybe more. When he heard the chunk plop in his jeans, he grunted when the weight of it almost tilted him backwards. Then another boulder nearly the size of his head came out. Unfortunately, it was so big that it couldn't fit through his ring, and the ball wound up crumbling into little bite-sized chunks that Sluggie messily farted out. The blue gator suddenly sighed with relief and calmed down, letting another thick log of dung plummet from his fat ass and into his jeans. He smiled, feeling pleased with himself, before he let out another wet, sloppy fart. Sluggie remained in the squatting position for ten seconds before inhaling sharply as he stood up, feeling the mess in his pants adding on to his weight. If he had a mirror, he would've seen that there were several lumps in his jeans, some of which were sagging, and it looked like someone smeared mud all over the seat of his pants. There was so much inside that some of the liquid was dripping down onto the tiles. That's when Sluggie sniffed the air and murred loudly, astonished by the smell of his shit. Unbeknown to the team, Sluggie had a thing for being a vile and smelly alligator, a trait that grew on him for living in a dank swamp for the first fifteen years of his life. So while the team found things like feces and urine disgusting, Sluggie adored it to a point where it made him hard. After taking that whiff, Sluggie impatiently undid his belt and yanked his pants down so he could see just how much he messed himself. He looked down at his jockstrap and underwear and pants and saw this fetid mound of green and dark brown shit just resting in the middle of it. It was so stinky and so musky that Sluggie murred even louder as the smell stimulated him, gave him a raging hard-on. It wasn't long before Sluggie grabbed his cock and started masturbating.

He couldn't decide if it was the smell that made him fap, or if it was the gargantuan mound of steamy shit resting near his cleats. Whatever it was, he just had to masturbate, right then and there. Besides, he was also curing his horniness in the process. As he stood there, violently stroking his nine-inch shaft, he occasionally took a few whiffs of the odor underneath him, and growled pleasurably. He closed his eyes and began to ponder many more lustful thoughts that he long desired. He pictured his coach standing there with a nice grin on his face, bending over so Sluggie could dom him as he passed gas relentlessly, keeping his dick warm as he fucked him. He thought about sleeping with Powell, only to wake up and see that the yellow croc was pissing his tight boxers, and then Sluggie would meticulously pull down his underwear and suck on his Morning Wood until he came in his mouth, and when asked, Sluggie would just say he had a wet dream. The blue gator moaned loudly and started to paw-off even faster now, grunting and panting as he heard the faint thwacking sound of him fapping. He looked down at his cock and could already see that sparkly drop of precum oozing out of the glans. To make matters even better, Sluggie felt more shit in his colon, and raised his tail so he could drop another thick lump of shit into the mound, which made a small splat sound as it landed. Afterwards, he let out a loud fart and sighed, inhaling deeply and practically drooling on the intense odor of burnt rubber and rotten meat. Sluggie started masturbating faster now, clutching his dick so hard it was beginning to hurt. A thin trail of precum escaped from his cock and landed on the floor like syrup plummeting from the bottle it came out of. He just adored the enticing odor of the locker room and the disgusting blob of dung lying underneath his taint. He looked down at it, just so he could treasure the sight of it all. Sluggie wanted to step in it, rub it all over his body like it were a bar of soap, but he couldn't, not with the game going on. Besides, eventually someone would ask why his jersey had dozens of brown blotches on it. So the gator kept tugging at his cock and fantasizing at all of the sexy teammates he had that he wanted to be sexually involved with. He thought about Ronny sitting on his face, rubbing the stench of his skunk musk deep into his nostrils. He thought about Sully the wolf pulling his pants down and taking a massive dump right on the floor before Sluggie stood up and fucked him in the ass, using the sloppy slurry in his ass as lube. The gator screamed, ready to ejaculate all over the floor. It was right then that he thought about that black wolf everyone nicknamed Brick. He envisioned himself lying on a mattress with Brick standing right above him, a sly grin on his face. Suddenly, Brick pulled down his pants and pointed his penis at Sluggie's head and chest. The next thing Sluggie knew, the black wolf was urinating all over him, splattering warm, dark yellow piss all over his body. He could even hear the urine splashing as he fapped, as though Brick was standing right behind him taking a piss.

The blue gator couldn't take anymore, and screamed as he came all over the floor, leaving several blotches of sticky semen all over the tiles. Sluggie exhaled after having the orgasm and began to relax, looking down at the cum and his pile of shit. He was going to fantasize some more, but Sluggie knew that half-time was nearly over, and he had to go back outside. There was no time to clean up the semen, and Sluggie knew exactly what to do with the mound he left in his pants. He bent down and pulled them back up, murring once he felt all the warm, squishy shit being splattered against his ass and taint again, before he headed over to the bench and put his helmet back on. Sluggie opened the door and peered outside into the corridor. Everyone was already outside and on the field. Perfect, he thought. Sluggie began to jog outside (struggling to keep himself from getting another boner as he heard the shit plopping with each step he took) and saw a nice, large mud puddle right next to the stadium; there was a heavy rainstorm not even twelve hours ago. He stepped outside, then purposely slid and fell in the puddle, landing flat on his ass and getting mud all over his pants. While the furries and scalies who saw him stumble inhaled sharply or moaned and shouted, "That's gotta hurt!" afterwards, Sluggie grinned. Now if anyone asked why his pants were brown, he could just tell them he slipped in a pile of mud. Sluggie jogged over to his teammates (who were busy huddling), feeling rather triumphant about himself.

"Sorry guys, I didn't miss much, did I?"

"No, you haven't! We haven't been able...Jesus, Sluggie, did you step in dog shit on your way over here?!" asked Sully.

"Yeah man, you smell terrible!" said Ronny.

Sluggie didn't answer. "You guys said you don't have a plan?"

"No, we don't. We've tried-"

"Just give the ball to me."

Everyone suddenly went speechless. "Um, why?"

"Trust me Sully, they won't touch me."

"...If you say so."

Everyone shouted out "BREAK!" afterwards and the second half of the game commenced, with Sluggie playing as the wide receiver. He really wanted to tackle that asshole Brick to the ground again, but he had a game to win if he wanted to keep his balls intact. Strange though, that someone like Brick was the one who made him cum back in the locker room. Once the play began, Sluggie began to run forward, looking over his shoulder to see when Sully would chuck the football at him. Once he did, Sluggie ran forward a couple of feet and clutched the pigskin. He started to sprint towards the other end of the field, grinning because he knew his plan was working. All the furries on the other team who were chasing after him couldn't help but notice the abysmal odor coming from his posterior. And everytime they got closer, the smell would only get stronger and stronger, up to the point where some of their eyes began to water. Needless to say, Sluggie's opponents couldn't chase after him without either retching or having their vision go blurry. The blue gator scored a touchdown using very little effort at all. He slammed the football against the ground and smiled widely as the crowd cheered, and then he grinned once he saw that one of the opposing team members was about to puke from the smell of his pants.

They were gonna win the game in no time.

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