Through the Peephole

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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Through the Peephole

It was only this one time, he thought. Just--just one more time, and I won't do this anymore. Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine just as long as I do this one more time. The brown jackal was nervously pacing back and forth in his living room, waiting for his entertainment to show up. He was hoping that the furry coming over to his place wouldn't judge him like the last one did, or the one before that, or the one before that...and so on. So what if it's disgusting and vile, he thought. There were other furries out there who-who get off to torture and rape, and-and those pedophiles who can't stop shoving their cock up little cubs' asses, or those-those freaky ones who fantasize about being eaten alive and thrown back up! No, no it's fine, Sully, it's fine. Just be calm...and don't anger him, and it'll be just fine. Sully sighed heavily and wiped some of the sweat from his brow before he heard three heavy thuds at his front door, and knew that he had arrived.

"Okay Sully, just relax. Smile, open the door, and calmly let him do his thing."

The jackal exhaled again and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hey there, I wasn't"

The furry that Sully had invited to come over to his house was a prostitute with very odd practices, practices that Sully adored. However, the furries who managed the prostitution ring never told him what kind of species they would send over, or what he looked like. To the jackal's surprise, they sent over a burly, tall red badger with flashy white, sharp teeth and a bit of a beer gut. Sully didn't even have to lean forward before he wound up catching wind of the musk emanating from his hulking frame. It was so strong and humid that the smell was already making him hard. He hadn't even said hello or touched the guy yet, and he already couldn't wait for him to pin him down and fuck him silly. And if that wasn't enough, the sexy badger was naked, his flaccid cock and hairy balls just dangling from his pelvis, like he didn't give a damn if anyone saw him while he was walking down the street. Sully muttered something inaudibly before stepping backwards and letting the badger inside, shutting and locking the door.

"So, so you're the uh, the entertainer guy, I guess, right?"

"That's right." he said, speaking with a deep voice.

"Does that mean that you-you uh...know what I wanna do? I mean, if it's--"

"If I didn't at least tolerate what you want, I wouldn't be here, and I'd call you a disgusting fucker who needs to see a psychiatrist. Now shut up and let me start."

"Oh, oh, that's-that's okay. I was hoping for a little bit of small talk, but if you wanna go ahead and start now, I'm absolutely--"

The badger ignored the jackal's rambling and started urinating on his carpet. He aimed his penis directly in-between both of his footpaws, creating a dark puddle that gradually started to grow. Sully stopped talking before looking down at the yellow fluids splashing and creating the puddle, quickly filling his living room with the notorious odor of badger piss. The jackal adored that malodorous stench, and would do anything he possibly could in order to have someone pee all over his body, even defecate on him when he was desperate. A few of his friends even stopped hanging out with him because they grew tired of running up to him and grimacing when they noticed Sully's fur reeked of piss. They knew that he accepted Golden Showers from just about anyone. And now, here he was, standing in front of a badger as he urinated so much the puddle reached his soles. Sully was mesmerized by the smell, mesmerized by the sound of its splashing, but most importantly, the warm feeling of it traveling in-between his toes. The brown jackal murred as he wiggled them, before getting on his knees. The red badger grinned and aimed his cock a little higher so he was peeing all over Sully's chest and pants now, and even his face. Sully had such a hard-on he couldn't stand it. He could feel his cock pressing against his underwear and pants, making a massive and seemingly noticeable bulge. The jackal could feel his heart beating rapidly as he was drenched with the warm, yellow fluids. He opened his mouth wide and started to drink his musky urine, guzzling it down like he had been stuck in the desert for days without water. It was very salty, but the jackal didn't mind due to the musky flavor it also brought along. The badger pissed on Sully for several seconds before the trail slowly began to rescind, and eventually stopped. Sully murred several times and licked all the urine from his face, moaning with joy as he shook himself dry. But just when he thought the badger had finished, he surprised him by exhaling heavily and peeing in the canine's face again, this time excreting a thicker trail.

"OH GOD, YES!" he moaned ecstatically.

The prostitute chuckled as he saw the jackal playing around in his urine, so happy that someone was dousing him with the smelly water. Sully didn't know what to do anymore. The sound, the smell, the warmth of it all--it was too much for him, just too fucking much. He let out a giant moan and collapsed, laughing incessantly to himself as he started to roll around on the carpet, coating himself with more badger pee. He opened his mouth again and guzzled down more urine, chugging so much of it someone could've suspected him of trying to become drunk. The golden torrents were just ravishing, so beautiful. Even though it was the middle of the night, Sully could see the badger's piss sparkling like a diamond. His entire body was drenched in the urine now, and he already wanted to masturbate right then and there. But if he ejaculated too soon, then he'd miss out on all the musk and scat-play. The badger told him he at least tolerated his fetish preferences, so he must've eaten a bunch of fiber or took some laxatives and was holding his shit in.

The badger stopped peeing for good this time, and chuckled as he watched the canine roll around in his urine, still trying to figure out how a furry could enjoy something like piss so much, let alone get hard just by hearing it splash on the floor. Sully licked his fingers clean and sighed before turning himself over and rushing over to the prostitute. He glomped the muscular badger around his waist and shoved his nose into his stomach, taking a long, nice whiff of his musk. He murred again and opened his mouth so he could lick his smooth belly. Then the jackal stood up until he was just below his armpits, and took a massive whiff of his right one as well. As strange as it seemed, the prostitute was very clean; the musk his body gave off was natural, not because he hadn't showered in many days. Lucky for Sully, since he didn't have to worry about getting any dirt in his nostrils. The jackal sniffed his armpit quite a few times before murring loudly with drool rolling down his mandible, and then he switched sides and quickly headed over to the left one. The badger didn't care about Sully violating his sensitive areas. He was just wondering what would happen when he got around to the farting and scat-play. The prostitute wasn't exactly a fan of scat really. He only liked to defecate on his customers, not the other way around, and he usually had sex with them before that happened. The badger had been suffering from diarrhea for the past three days and although he assumed the worst was over, he still had a feeling there was more lodged inside his colon somewhere. Then again, the jackal wasn't picky, unlike certain customers, who prefer eating their shit whole, and not in liquid form. He looked down at Sully and saw him drooling uncontrollably with a look in his eyes suggesting that he no longer had any control over his own actions, like he was hypnotized. Sully panted and got to his knees before crawling underneath the badger, so that his muzzle was right underneath his musky, luscious balls and his flaccid cock. The brown jackal sighed heavenly, before dabbing his muzzle against the testicles and giving them a few sniffs. He sniffed his taint and cock as well before slamming his entire face into his groin, collecting all the musk emanating around his groin. Sully's subconscious was telling him to slow down and wait, because all the scat-play was going to begin soon enough. But no matter how many times he told himself to stop, he continued to sniff, and started to unzip and unbutton his trousers.

It wasn't until Sully got his clothes off that he heard the badger's stomach grumbling, and a few seconds later, he passed gas. Sully gasped and crawled underneath the mammal, lifting his muzzle up to his tailhole so he could sniff the eggy stench. Everyone used to call Sully a "Fart-Sniffer" back in school, for obvious reasons. But what furries didn't know about him was that he'd sometimes go in the bathroom and hide out in the stalls, hoping for that one guy who ate too many nachos to come inside and take the biggest shit of his life just so he could fap to the smell and sounds of the dung splashing in the water. Sully raised his muzzle a little more and opened his mouth, waiting for the shit to fall inside so he could swallow it all. The badger could feel all the shit ready to come out. No point in trying to hold it all in anymore, he thought. So the badger squatted down and spread out his fat ass cheeks, making his ring visible to the jackal. He smiled widely and watched as it bulged outwards and blew out nasty, hot gas in his face, gas so foul that sulfur wouldn't even be close to describing the stink. The badger sighed and heard his stomach grumble again, and didn't hesitate to let out another raunchy, wet fart in Sully's face. He closed his eyes and puffed out his chest as he inhaled the smell of his flatulence, getting high off the gas like it was the badger's musk. He grabbed the prostitute's buttocks and jammed his muzzle deep inside of it, almost shoving it into his tailhole. The ring bulged outwards again and another loud, but deep-toned fart came out, lasting for practically ten seconds. Sully didn't even have to stick his muzzle against his asshole to inhale all the rancid air; his entire living room was beginning to reek of rotten eggs and badger ass. The prostitute was feeling some major discomfort in his intestines and knew that the scat was only seconds away from falling onto the jackal. He grunted with his eyes shut and let out a fourth gas bubble, one so slimy and wet that Sully could already see a little bit of diarrhea dripping out of his musky tailhole. Before the badger even had time to stop himself, he shat all over Sully's face, squirting the smelly, watery waste all over his body. Sully gasped with joy as a small amount of pre emerged from his cock.

The prostitute groaned and bent over a little, breaking wind and shitting simultaneously, spreading the liquid excrement all over the carpet and on Sully's noggin. He panted and murred as loud as he could, licking all the scat from his face. The jackal slid backwards so the rest of his body could be coated with badger shit. The red mammal groaned and held his stomach before his tailhole bulged outwards and the ring expanded so it could release three very large, slimy balls of light brown fecal matter. All the balls landed on Sully's abdomen, and he grabbed all the shit and started to smear it around his body, like he was using it as soap. The badger groaned again and farted twice before hunching over even more and releasing quite a few lumps of shit in only a few seconds. Boy, this guy REALLY had to go, thought Sully. As the jackal murred as loud as he could, his penis still throbbing and waiting for its owner to rub his paws back and forth against it, the badger grunted and made two fists. Sully could see that the blocky, hard logs of shit were starting to fall now. He got to his knees again and lowered his jaw as he placed his mouth right under his asshole. The brown canine waited patiently as he witnessed the huge, lumpy log of excrement slowly being pushed out of the badger's anus. It was dark brown and looked like dried-up clay, only it smelled like musk and diarrhea. Once he felt that log plummet onto his tongue, the jackal couldn't contain himself for another second. He grabbed his cock with his right paw and started masturbating.

"Hey, I thought you wanted me to fuck you after this was all done?" asked the badger.

Sully inhaled the blocky log of shit and quickly wolfed it down; swallowing so hard a large bulge could be seen traveling down his esophagus. The jackal exhaled and panted, keeping his maw wide open as he pawed-off.

"...I guess not."

The burly badger grunted again and slowly but surely squeezed another thick, smelly lump of excrement from his puckering tailhole, which slowly slid over onto the jackal's tongue. He closed his eyes and murred softly as the hot, but hard log plopped inside his mouth, and he quickly gobbled it down with another large gulp. His shit didn't taste very appetizing, but it was very addictive to him, like nicotine when it came to smokers. The badger abruptly farted and a firm, sticky ball of dung landed in Sully's mouth. Just the texture of it when he rolled it around in his mouth made him masturbate a little faster. He swallowed the shit and panted and moaned as he used his paw (still moist from all the urine) to stroke his cock back and forth repeatedly, feeling more precum oozing its way out of the glans. He was expecting more shit to fall into his mouth to eat, but he wound up being blasted by more steamy, smelly diarrhea when the badger groaned after hearing his bowels churning. The sudden stream of brown goop threw Sully backwards, and he landed on his back and watched as more slimy, liquid shit splattered him all over his head, neck and chest. The badger stopped defecating for a short moment so he could inhale sharply and release yet another slimy gas bubble from his rancid tailhole for five seconds. Afterwards, he sighed and resumed shitting all over Sully, this time excreting moderate-sized wet balls of shit.

Sully scooted backwards so his cock was right underneath the prostitute's funky posterior, and the badger turned around and raised an eyebrow. The jackal panted and nodded excitedly, waiting for the badger to smear dung all over his groin. He didn't know whether or not it was safe, but the badger didn't really care, as long as he pleased his client. So, he squatted a little more, passed some gas, and released a few thick, but slimy lumps of defecation from his asshole, hearing it plopping on the jackal's dick and groin with dozens of disgusting squelches. Sully screamed with ecstasy and began to masturbate even faster now, rubbing his hard, red, seven-inch cock as more precum (and feces) dripped down the shaft. With all the shit splattered on his dick, he had a new form of lube he could work with. The badger farted and shat all over his groin again, squirting diarrhea all over the floor this time. Sully could feel how warm his shit was, how ghastly it smelled. The canine took a long whiff before drooling and panting as he fapped harder, using two paws this time. The prostitute didn't pass gas again; this time he just bent over until Sully could almost see inside his rectum, and he had a front-row seat of the two huge, dark brown logs that pushed themselves out of his asshole and onto Sully's disgusting, throbbing erection. The jackal shrieked with euphoria, and began to fap so hard his cock was hurting and his face was turning red. He knew that the cum was about to fly very soon. All he needed was the badger to shit on him one final time, and he'd be ready. The prostitute grunted and released a large stream of liquid shit with small chunks of balls in it as well, farting and shitting all over the jackal's groin and abdomen like there was no tomorrow. The red mammal shat on him for nearly ten seconds before he sighed with much relief and his ring was no longer visible. He let out one last wet fart, before hearing Sully shriek again and pant as fast as he could. Sully gritted his teeth and watched himself masturbating, inhaling sharply a few times as more clear pre slithered down his shaft. Then he screamed and came all over himself, shooting six torrents of semen into the air, a few hitting the badger on his buttocks. His seed showered down onto the floor and his groin and stomach, making a huge mess of things (although the mess was huge to begin with). Once his cock started to rescind inside his sheef, the canine sighed and smiled as he closed his eyes, before belching out loud. The badger stood up and turned around, while Sully groggily got to his footpaws and stood in front of the badger.

"Thank you...thank you so much."

"Don't expect me to shake your paw or anything."

"But I thought you're into this kind of stuff?"

"I am, just as long as most of it stays off my fur. I only piss and shit on furries and scalies and let them do the rest."

"Well...thank you."

"Are you gonna be okay? I shat on your dick and I'm not sure if that', especially if any got in your urethra."

Sully looked down at his groin. "It's happened before and I seem okay so far."

The badger shrugged and dug through Sully's pants, collecting his wallet and taking a few hundred-dollar bills out of it.

"If you say so. I gotta get going now so I can get ready for the next guy. Apparently he likes it when I drink Heineken before I piss on him, so I can get drunk without my boss yelling at me for being wasted on the job. ...You want some advice though?"


The badger leaned towards the jackal and sniffed him twice, before groaning and plugging his nose with his paw.

"You need to take a shower."

Sully giggled. "You already gave me one."

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