Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 2)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#5 of Hellhounds

Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 2)

By the time we got back to the safe house, it was finally morning, and although the sun wasn't shining, it was very clear that day. For once in a while, the area around the safe house looked serene and would make an ideal site for camping. But we were mercenaries after all, and had no time for adventures in the wilderness. We all stepped inside the main area of the safe house and started to relax and removed some of the weapons and gear strapped to us.

"Nice to see things still haven't changed." said Jakob.

"It's Unstable, Jake. You make it sound like that city's gonna restore itself overnight. Streets paved with bloody bodies should be expected in that area at this point."

"What happened to 'Mr. Optimistic' and saying things will change in the long-run?" asked Fenrir.

I sighed. "Yeah, well...some parts of this planet can't be fixed anymore."

"You're not wrong there."

"I don't really care about the economics of that city, I'm just wondering why Fenrir broke his word about me taking out our next target." said Denton.

"What does it matter Denton? My trigger finger twitched-it happens sometimes."

"Right. Just saying is all; you could've let me kill him this time..."

"Every goddamn time you don't take out a target you're so eager to kill, you act like it's the end of the world! You can't have everything everyone else has, so stop whining about it when you don't get it!"

"...What if I don't wanna stop whining?" murmured Denton.

Riesling snorted. "You say something pup?!"


"That's what I thought. Besides, it doesn't matter who killed who, as long as we got the job done. You'll all be paid equally, as always."

"Sure, equal. You mean to tell us you've never stowed away your own supply of cash for yourself colonel?" asked Smart-ass.

"No, I haven't." he lied.

Fenrir was about to add his two cents to the conversation, but his fat belly growled loud enough for all of us to hear.

"You guys hungry? Seems Frankie was kind enough to leave a bunch of sausage biscuits and eggs for us in the fridge."

Instead of making a joke about Fenrir's girth, we all nodded and started to prepare breakfast. Our stomachs were all grumbling too, just not as loud as Fenrir's. So we all had our eggs and sausage biscuits and chatted amongst ourselves for a half-hour, although I stayed more silent than I usually was. I was too busy observing the other Hellhounds to join in on their conversations. They were all good werewolves-great, actually-and were even better mercenaries. A team of mercs such as us was rare to come across during those times. But there was just something...just this odd feeling I had about every single one of them, like a bad habit that they couldn't break, or a distasteful trait. It was very easy when I thought about it: Fenrir was fat, Jakob and Denton were ignorant, Smart-ass was...well, that's obvious, Zepher was a sadist, and the colonel seemed obsessed about his missions...and it was hard to ignore that his breath smelled like a donkey's ass. But obesity and bad breath aside, I knew something was wrong with our team, that there was something they were all hiding that they didn't want anyone to find out. I finished up my food and continued to observe the werewolves, watching as Jakob and Fenrir retreated to the bedrooms yet again.

"You guys are going to sleep again?" asked Denton.

"Hey, we might go on a mission that'll take days to complete. This might be our only time we can sleep in an actual bed. 'Sides, I gotta digest." said Fenrir.

"Good point. Smart-ass, you gonna bunk with me?"

"Just as long as you don't snore."

The four werewolves disappeared into two separate bedrooms and shut the doors, leaving no one in the living quarters except for Zepher and I (the colonel went into his bedroom after he finished his food to make more calls). Zepher was sitting on the couch, untying his boots yet again. As I began to head over to the colonel's room, I sniffed the air a few times and heard Zepher sigh. His boots were off and he was wiggling his toes with enjoyment. The cheesy odor of his feet was stimulating me again, so much I almost got rid of my plan to delve into the colonel's mind. Damn...I loved the smell of his stinky feet. But, I'm not gonna digress-let's get back to the point.

"You're scared of me." he said out of the blue.

I looked at Zepher. "What?"

"I don't blame you. If I was in your shoes I'd be fearful of me too."

"Who said I was scared of you?"

"I know how you are, Donnie. You can't tell me that after what I told you, you aren't at least a little freaked out with me, with the rest of your teammates."

"I'm not."

"Then why are you sneaking into the colonel's room?"

I blinked. "So we can fuck each other."

Technically I wasn't lying-that was why I wanted to go in his room. I just left out the part about finding out about the colonel's history.

"Or maybe it's because you don't trust him. I know how hard it must be, wishing for Lupus to go back to the way it used to be, and how can you do that if your leader is a corrupt sociopath?"


Zepher chuckled. "It's okay Donnie. I won't get in your way, and I won't tell any of the other hounds what you're doing."

Zepher grabbed his left boot and lifted it up to his face before he stuffed his muzzle deep into the inside of it and took a long whiff. He murred softly and smiled.

"I'm just be here, indulging myself."

"You...enjoy yourself, then." I said, awkwardly.

I left Zepher alone and headed over to Riesling's door. Instead of bursting inside his room, I pressed my ear against the door and eavesdropped on his phone call. He must've been calling Franklin Costodor, our handler, yet again. I didn't know much about Costodor, except that he was a cheetah in his mid 30s. He was one of those types of furries who would send mercenaries like us to get rid of a mess that got his paws dirty in the first place, and should anything backfire, we would be the ones to answer for it. I always pictured him being one of those fat-cats in a suit who sat around in some multimillion dollar corporation building making phone calls and business meetings, yet he knew how to handle a gun if the situation should arise. He was just one of the many government officials who fed us the whole "greater good" bullshit story, but at that point, a lot of us didn't give a damn. Costodor was filthy stinkin' rich, and he had no problem waving hundreds of thousands of dollars in Riesling's face in return for us murdering a politician who was meant to be an ambassador.

"Seems like Lieutenant Strang was a bit upset about us killing Maltowzer, Frankie." said the colonel.

"That's understandable, considering that tiger was wanted by a majority of Doslyn's troops."

"Ah well, that's their loss. We got what we came for, and I'm sure the world won't miss him."

"Indeed they won't."

"So what's our next assignment?"

"Jesus, you don't ever take a break, do you?"

"Just tell me Frankie."

"Well, here's something new: it seems like Dylan McServo has recently acquired a large supplement of weapons in one of his warehouses down in the Valish Quadrant. Now, what I and all the other officials down here are wondering is what would happen should that Iksar put all those dangerous weapons to use? Or rather, what would happen if he sold those weapons to a group of freedom fighters or private militia, or even terrorists? I want you and your team to destroy this stockpile."

"The Valish Quadrant has been taken over scalies; all of them hate furries and almost any warm-blooded creature except the Iksars!"

"Is that a problem?"

"How the fuck do you think they're gonna respond when they find a Lycan mercenary unit trespassing in their territory? And not just McServo, but the rest of the army generals in that sector! Going down there's near suicide!"

"But you're going to do it. If you weren't, you would've said no right off the bat. And you know you and your team will be paid well for your efforts."

Riesling sighed.

"Look on the bright side colonel: you get to incapacitate a major operation McServo may be planning with those weapons of his. That's one less militia group terrorizing a village by burning it down with their flamethrowers, something you know McServo is capable of."

"Fine, Frankie. We'll do it."

"Good. I highly recommend attacking McServo's compound early in the morning, possibly after midnight. At least this way you won't worry about alerting any of the other armies in the Valish Quadrant, and most of McServo's guards will be sleeping anyway."

"What the fuck are we supposed to do all day?"

"Get creative colonel! Play board games, watch TV, take a nap or masturbate until your penis turns blue-it doesn't matter. You'll figure it out."

Costodor hung up his phone, and Riesling snarled before ending the call and chucking the phone against the nightstand in his room. I knew he was stressed once again, and figured that now would be the perfect time to head inside and calm him down. I opened up the door and saw the colonel rubbing his forehead with his right paw.

"Headache sir?"

"I'm fine." he lied.

"I dunno sir, you seem a little...stressed to me."

"Why would I be stressed? Frankie just handed us a mission to send us into hostile territory where the scalies treat furries like us the way the KKK did with African-Americans on earth, and I said yes to it. That's all. Why, uh, why the fuck would that stress me out?" he said, raising his voice.

I closed the door and sighed. "You know, you don't always have to say yes to all the offers Frankie hands you. You're like those artists and authors on all those furry websites who offer gifts to random people just so they can feel good about themselves, and then you freak out when everyone pounces on you like jackals, begging you to make something for them. Frankie's a jackal, colonel. While you-we, rather-waste our time fueling his miscellaneous needs, you wither away and die. And when you're dead, Frankie'll just shrug and find another artist to nibble on until he or she is dead. Maybe he'll work on Lieutenant Strang next."

Riesling chuckled. "Didn't expect you to go sentimental on me; a simple back-rub would've sufficed, Donnie."

"I can do that too."

I walked over to the colonel's bed and sat down behind him. Then I opened up my paws and slowly started to rub them up and down against his back. The colonel sighed with relief, for once, and took off his shirt so he could reveal his hairy and scurfy back to me. I usually tried to ignore how physically attractive everyone on the team was, but damn, the colonel sure did have a great body, almost as well as mine. His chest and abs were chiseled, and although burly, it didn't look like the colonel spent his time abusing steroids, like other soldiers in the army. I grabbed the colonel's shoulders and started to squeeze them a bit, before moving my paws back down his hairy back, scratching it vigorously. The colonel sighed again and smiled as he closed his eyes, and I looked down to see that he was wagging his tail.

"No, go back. Right-yeah, right...right there. Oh yeah...yessssss...that's it..."

I smiled as I scratched the colonel's back and giggled. He was acting like a puppy who was having his tummy rubbed, wagging his tail like crazy as his left leg went up and down. I was almost tempted to pin Riesling down so I could massage his stomach, but that wasn't why I was there. I needed to know more about the colonel.

"So why do you do it?"

Riesling murred, his tail still wagging. "Do what, Donnie?"

"Have jackals tear you apart until you're dead?"

The colonel shrugged. "What else is there to do?"


"Retire to what, a city like Unstable? There aren't that many places left on this planet that has country clubs and butlers who cater to your every whim. Besides, we get paid all this money-I don't see why I'd want to retire."

I wasn't listening to the colonel. While I was rubbing his back, I remembered that Riesling was a musky werewolf. I stopped rubbing for a short moment and leaned forward so I could sniff his fur. He hadn't showered in days, probably weeks, so his musk was even stronger. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't ignore the musk. It was like Zepher's feet, only his musk was a pheromone to me. I sniffed his fur again a few more times and murred, feeling the erection forming in my uniform. I shook my head and tried to keep on track.

"Anything's better than spending the rest of your life fighting."

"What about you Donnie? Why do you keep fighting?"

I sniffed the colonel's back again, and then violently shook my head. "You and the others have heard my speeches. I just want everything back to normal, even if I have to kill a few furries and scalies in the process."

"You can't do that pup, or else you'll lose yourself and pretty soon, you won't even remember what normal was. I remember when I first joined the military, a stupid, angry little pup who didn't care who ordered what as long as I killed someone. When things were 'normal,' pup, everything in the military was still the same. The only difference is that all the immoral and unethical things that happen now are sanctioned. But trust me; they still existed, even back then. Before the genocides began, I was sent to a concentration camp. Not as a detainee, but a soldier. My whole unit was deployed into the area. There were...there were so many cubs in that facility, Donnie, so many small children. I told myself it wasn't right, but we were getting paid a lot of money pup...a lot. I know that confessing won't make anything better but...goddamnit, are you even listening to me?!"

The colonel turned around and looked at me. My nose was buried into his back and I had a large bulge in my pants. That musk was too much for me to bear, and I began to pay more attention to how rank he was instead of uncovering any sins he wanted to confess. Riesling looked at me and grinned.

"Oh...now I see what this is."

"Huh? No, no-I was actually trying to make small talk with you! It's just...I cannot get over that scent of yours, colonel. It hypnotizes me..."

"Small talk huh?"


"Hmph. So, if by chance, I did this,"

Riesling scooted close to me and lifted his right arm and shoved his rancid armpit in my face.

"It wouldn't distract you?"

I tried to look at Riesling, tried to lie to him with a straight face, but when you're smacked in the face with a pheromone like musk, you don't even try to lie your way out of it. I sat there, awkwardly looking at the colonel's grin and his filthy armpit, before I succumbed to my sexual desires and indulged my urges. I slammed my nose into his armpit and took a nice, long whiff, before murring softly with my mouth open. I sniffed his armpit again and murred, inhaling the funky smell the same way Zepher inhaled the odor of his boots. At that point there was no turning back. I had failed in trying to learn more about the colonel, but at the time, I didn't give a shit. His musk was so strong that it blocked out the rest of my emotions and thoughts. There was nothing on my mind but the colonel's pungent odor and that flaccid, juicy cock buried in his pants. I stuffed my entire muzzle into Riesling's armpit and took a huge whiff, before sighing heavily and murring. I opened my mouth and dragged my flat, wet lingua along his hairy pit and he giggled as the organ tickled him a little. I knew his armpit hairs contained dirt, and chances were I'd collected the stench of his body odor and not his pheromones, but I did it anyway. Like I said, musk can be hypnotizing. I licked his armpit again and murred very loudly, my right arm twitching as I struggled to keep myself from masturbating. As I was about to lick his pit again, the colonel chuckled leeringly and unzipped his trousers. He pulled his pants down to the point where I could see all the hair on his crotch and his flaccid red cock. I didn't waste anymore time, and I dove forward and planted my muzzle right against his groin, sniffing so hard the other hounds might've assumed I was doing a line of coke. Even with all the grime in his pubes, the scent of his musk was heavenly, and I was becoming lost in the aroma. I wanted to say something and even opened my mouth to do so, but instead of talking to the colonel, I wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock and lowered my head so I could suck on his dick. Like the rest of his body, the red copulatory organ had a hypnotizing scent to it. Lucky for me, his cock was a lot cleaner than his armpits, and it was one of the primary areas where the musk was originating from. But I didn't want to suck off the colonel. He hadn't showered in quite some time, and the last thing I wanted was a mouth full of smegma, as well as semen. So I grabbed his waistband and violently dragged his pants down until they reached his ankles, and instructed him to turn around.

"Ah, pup's a little feisty today, huh?" he said, sensually.

"Shut up and roll over!"

The colonel suddenly kicked me in the face, and I flew across the bed as he implanted the boot mark on me.

"Watch your fuckin' mouth pup! Like it or not, I'm still your colonel, and I'm still your boss! The only way you'll fuck me is if I let you! And trust me pup, this can go the other way very quickly, so I advise you not to anger me!"

"I'm sorry, sir." I said, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

"Now...if you would kindly ask me to roll over and slow down a bit, then maybe you'll get what you want."

I huffed. "Would you please roll over so I can smell your ass?"

Riesling's attitude changed once again and he smiled leeringly before turning himself over so his ass and tail was pointed at me.

"That's better pup."

I was going to rush over to the colonel's rump, but I slowed myself down before I reached his derriere, knowing that the colonel would easily pin me down and fuck me instead if I was too rough. So I crawled over to his buttocks and waited for him to raise his tail before I leaned forward and planted my muzzle against his ass crack. The colonel's buttocks weren't massive or fat, but rather firm and smooth for a werewolf such as himself. And, of course, they were the other part of his body that contained the strongest scented pheromones. The second I caught wind of his musky tailhole, I almost lost it. The smell of his ass was so strong that I thought I was just...like I was immune to everything around me, like nothing else mattered. It was as though everytime I lifted my nose to take a whiff, I didn't smell fresh air. All I smelled was his musky ass. I murred loudly before shoving my muzzle in-between his ass cheeks and taking another long sniff, feeling the boner in my pants being crushed underneath my pelvis and the mattress. I was drooling now; mouth watering so much it was like I caught wind of fried bacon. Riesling merely chuckled and wagged his tail in my face before turning around and flashing another grin at me. I proceeded to take another long sniff of his pungent anus, and it was right then that I finally broke. I snarled and lifted my head before grabbing my pants and unzipping them. Then I pulled them down just enough so my erect cock was visible, already oozing a tiny amount of pre. I got on top of the colonel and snarled in his ear before sticking my dick up his ass and penetrating the tender orifice. Riesling yelped and grabbed the bed sheets with both paws, closing his eyes and wincing at the pain. I panted a few times before snarling again and thrusting into him very hard. He yelped again and growled with frustration.


His voice was so loud and forcefully that I almost lost my erection, and I felt ashamed of myself once again. Stunning really, that even though I was on top of him, Riesling was still the dominant partner. I knew how rough the colonel was whenever he had sex, and I didn't feel like having my asshole torn open because I couldn't control myself, so I calmed down, exhaled, and started to thrust into him moderately. Both of us were gradually moving back and forth and sighing and moaning as I moved my thick cock back and forth. The colonel was murring and growling sensually with his eyes closed, and I was staring down at him with a grin on my face, still trying to control myself so Riesling wouldn't freak out and pin me down and fuck me instead. But I contained most of the aggressiveness inside myself and fucked the colonel at a normal pace.

Unbeknown to Riesling and me, there was a Peeping Tom observing our sodomy through an open window. The colonel had no reason to keep his window shut. It was a nice day, and there was no one around for miles. But the Peeping Tom wasn't an enemy combatant ready to ambush us. No, the furry spying on us just so happened to be Denton. I don't know how he got back there; he probably woke up after the colonel yelled at me, and upon hearing our moans and growls, snuck outside and walked around the safe house so he could spy on us through the window. If I had only turned around to glance at the opening, I would've seen Denton staring at us. But when you're on top of a musky, well-built werewolf like Riesling, you tend to ignore little details such as open windows or all the stains you get on the bed. The werewolf just stared at us, forming a fist with his left paw and growling gutturally. He could see me thrusting into the colonel's asshole, could hear all the moans and grunts we were making, and could even smell the sweat and musk rolling off our bodies. It frustrated him. Riesling was the one werewolf on the entire team that Denton wanted to fuck over and over and over again, and everytime he saw someone else fucking him, he became jealous, and developed a horrible temper. Despite this, Denton watched everytime. Even though he wasn't the one with his cock up his ass, just the sight of Riesling engaged in sexual activity made him horny. As he watched us fucking, he stopped growling and brushed his paw along his pants, feeling a bulge forming around his groin. He knew it was wrong to spy on us, knew that he shouldn't be having those feelings towards the colonel and I, but he couldn't get rid of them. His mind told him that he should walk away and forget about ever seeing us fucking in that room, but his feet were planted in the soil, unable to move. Instead, he unzipped his trousers and pulled them down a little, enough so he grab his cock with his right paw. He heard me grunt as I thrusted into the colonel three times, and after I murred, he started masturbating.

I still remained oblivious to those watchful eyes and thrusted into the colonel as hard and as deep as I could. His asshole wasn't tight like everyone exaggerates, so there was no need to worry about my cock becoming too sore. Combine that with a physique like Riesling's, and the overpowering, hypnotizing stench of his musk, and you have a grade-A session of sodomy right there. I kept a steady pace and thrusted back and forth very slowly, without losing my control. I was trying to make the moment passionate, but there was absolutely nothing I could say or do to change the fact that I was fucking the colonel for my own personal reasons, although I'm sure Riesling didn't mind me banging him. Riesling could feel his cock extending underneath his crotch against the bed. He snarled to himself before letting out a low, pleasurable growl and grinning. I thrusted into his ass four times before letting out a loud moan and pausing for a short moment. Then I snarled and inserted my cock a little farther up his rectum, almost to the point where I jammed my knot inside him. Meanwhile, Denton lowered his jaw and exhaled very softly, before he started to rub his shaft back and forth. He was masturbating out of anger and lust (mostly lust, but I'm sure a part of him was doing it to distract his frustration). He was gripping his shaft much too tightly, almost as though he wanted to choke the organ until it became flaccid for the rest of his life. As I thrusted into the werewolf a few times, I let out another low growl in the colonel's ear, before inhaling sharply and shoving my cock inside a little more. His nine-and-a-half-inch cock was fully erect now, throbbing as his seed began to travel through his urethra. I could feel the cum inside me ready to burst out too. But Denton only became more frustrated, and tightened his grip to the point where it hurt. He started pawing-off vigorously, but someone watching him would suspect him of trying to rip his dick clean off. I stopped fucking the colonel for one moment, and bent down so I could inhale the sweet, sweet odor of the musk rolling off his back. Christ, it was such a delightful smell, the kind of scent that makes your spine tingle and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up. And once that scent gets trapped in your olfactory system, you release all the rage you had bottled up inside.

Both of us growled again, and I snarled wildly as I started to thrust back and forth four times as fast now, making the bed squeak as we bobbed back and forth. We were panting with our mouths open, grunting and snarling, filling the room with the smell of musk, sweat and sex. Denton could smell it all, and became furious. He also became hornier, and his cock throbbed in his paw, waiting to release its load all over the safe house. All three of us were growling and snarling so much that I was amazed none of the other Hellhounds heard the romp. They must've been sleeping real hard, or ignoring all the squeaks and murrs going on in the colonel's room. I'm sure Zepher wasn't paying attention, too busy getting high off the smell of his foot odor again. I was riding the colonel like he was a fuckin' bull, snorting and panting and moaning as I repeatedly thrusted into him far enough for my knot to reach the boundaries of his warm ass cheeks. I heard a faint thwacking sound, but thought it was my balls slapping against Riesling's buttocks, even though it was really Denton masturbating as he watched us. He was muttering incoherent phrases to himself, swearing and moaning softly as he choked his cock and squirted out a small amount of precum in the dirt. I was very surprised that the colonel let me penetrate him without any hesitation, so long as I wasn't fucking him too hard. But I could tell by the way he was murring that everything was perfectly fine. I stopped moving so swiftly and began to insert my entire cock up his ass, although I made sure that I didn't get my knot stuck in there. I don't mind knotting; it only hurts if you've never done it before. The only problem is that sometimes it's a bitch to take out, and you'd be better off waiting for the swelling to go down instead of trying to take it out yourself, and that's when it really starts to hurt. I didn't have time for all that, nor did I want to walk around with a limp for the rest of the day, so I just went in until I could feel my knot hitting his ass cheeks. The colonel shouted and snarled, clutching the bed sheets for dear life, his cock throbbing and oozing out little bits of pre all over the bed. Denton was panting and pawing-off so hard he was gritting his teeth. He could see the thin trail of clear fluids leaving the head of his dick and realized that all three of us were gonna cum soon. It wasn't until I thrusted hard into Riesling for the ninth time that he let out a wild, short howl and squirted his emission of semen all over the bed sheets behind him. He could feel all the torrents of cum staining the sheets, and once seven streams shot out of his urethra, he sighed and growled joyously. Of course, I still wasn't done yet.

Maybe it was my imagination, but I could've sworn that the colonel's seed added a thicker smell to the room, and his musk somehow tripled itself. I took a few whiffs of the air, and was hypnotized yet again, determined to inject my cum into Riesling's rectum. I still don't know how I was able to ignore all the vociferous noises Denton was making...he sure was moaning loudly. I jammed my cock inside the colonel five times and murred, my dick pulsating as more pre oozed out of it. I waited for a few seconds before I thrusted into him very hard seven more times, ready to leave my mark inside of him. Denton was fapping so hard that he was letting out short, loud squeals and his face was slowly turning dark red. I looked down at the colonel, looked down at my swollen knot, and sighed heavily.

"Fuck it!"

I thrusted into Riesling five times and eventually inserted my cock all the way inside the colonel's musky behind, my knot included. As I was snarling loudly, I came inside of him and felt the creamy substance swarming around his asshole. There was so much cum inside of Riesling that some of it spilled out of his asshole and onto the bed sheets. I swore as I came inside Riesling's tailhole, no longer caring if any of the other hounds heard me. Simultaneously, Denton came all over the wall of the safe house and swore as well. Only, after he was done fapping and shooting his load all over the place, he exhaled sharply and collapsed to the ground, exhausted and in a bit of pain. I told myself I wasn't going to knot Riesling, but his musk overpowered me yet again. Besides, I wouldn't be able to do anything productive for another half-hour anyway, and chances were I was gonna take a long nap when I finished. I sighed with relief a couple of times before I collapsed on top of the colonel's back, my nose buried deep within his musky back fur.

"Well done pup, well done."

"We should...do this more often y'know." I panted.

"I don't think so. Eventually my musk will drive you insane, and you'll spend the next week raping any living creature you can find."

"I don't care...just as long as I can smell that musky tailhole of yours."

"Hmph...weren't you asking me something earlier?"

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter sir. Let's just sleep for now...and dream about us fucking again."

I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep, while Riesling chuckled and lowered his eyelids as well.

"Whatever you say, pup."

I was still unaware that Denton was outside of the window though, and I failed to notice him look through it and spot me falling asleep on top of the colonel, my dick still trapped far up his ass. Now that the romp was over, all of Denton's lust was extinguished, and his fury began to come about. He growled gutturally as he gritted his teeth and made a fist, knowing that he had to have one of us for himself. And since Denton wasn't a big fan of the colonel, and vice versa, he was gonna come after me.

Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 3)

**Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 3)** The only thing that bothered me about the mission we came back from was the fact we couldn't get ourselves cleaned up. We had no shower or bathtub at our safe house, so it was our sorry luck that we had to...

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Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 2)

**Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 2)** "JAKOB! Where the hell are you?! We're pinned down over here!" shouted the colonel. The sniper stopped running and sighed heavily. "I just took out the RPG squadron, sir. What's your current...

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