Precious Cargo (Part 2)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#2 of Precious Cargo

Part 2 of the commission for about a disease that causes furries to suffer from mental regression...and incontinence.

Precious Cargo (Part 2)

The event that went on inside National Banshee Park did not go unnoticed. When the emergency rescue workers and law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, 75 furries were reported to have symptoms of the virus. Two hours later, another 40 were reported, some of whom were the paramedics and police officers who came to the rescue. Nine hours had passed since the outbreak, and now there were so many infected furries and scalies that the investigators lost count. All the furries in the park had been quarantined either in the hospitals or in secluded sectors in the park itself. A few furries in black suits or HAZMAT uniforms had arrived and were starting to question a few of the locals for any information they could find. Bernie the Bernese Mountain Dog was hastily pacing back and forth in the quarantined room he was standing in, being questioned through a thick bulletproof glass by a male cheetah in a black suit and sunglasses.

"I'm telling you I don't know anything!"

"Just relax Mr. Cherrin. All we want to know is what happened when you were in the park."

Bernie ignored the cheetah's question. "Where's my wife? I wanna see if she's alright."

"She's fine." lied the feline.

"Then why isn't she with me?! Why the hell are all of us locked inside this room?!"

"Just relax Mr. Cherrin. Tell me what happened at the park."

"I don't know! I was relaxing and looking at the clouds with my wife, then she suddenly started to drool incessantly and soil her diaper, and everytime I tried to talk to her, she just babbled at me like a cub!"

"Uh-huh. And then what?"

"I went around the park to look for help, but I noticed that there were at least a dozen other furries doing the same thing. Christ, I think I saw fifty furries shitting their diapers!"

"And that's when you ran out into the middle of the road and were run over by Officer Nick and Mark's cruiser?"

Bernie nodded. "And then you guys show up and lock me in here. You mind telling me what's going on?"

"It's none of your business, sir."

Bernie huffed. "I'm trapped inside a room with no doors or windows besides this one, other furries are locked in here with me, I saw about a dozen guys wearing gasmasks walk by, and for some fucked up reason, you won't let me see the furry that I love so dearly. Don't you think I've earned the right to know what's goin' on?"

"...Since you seem to be so adamant, and since we've already contained you, I suppose letting you in on the whole commotion wouldn't do any harm."

"Thank you."

"You, your wife, and all the furries standing behind you all have a virus."


"Before you panic, none of the symptoms are fatal. At least, not physically."


"The virus you and your wife have is known for feeding on nerve cells and basically all the portions of your cerebellum that help you function properly. Once you have the virus, it eats away at your brain until-"

"-it's smaller than a goddamn Stegosaurus's."

"Basically. That explains why your spouse can't do anything short of babbling and drooling all over herself. We've also noticed that the virus makes most, if not all symptomatic victims incontinent, which would also explain why she can't stop soiling her diaper."

"But I don't understand! I feel perfectly fine, I'm speaking clearly and I haven't taken a dump since yesterday! Why am I still in here?"

"Because you're a carrier of this virus. Even though you show no symptoms, you can spread it into the general area and infect more furries, who can then spread it even further, and so on and so forth."

"So what are we all supposed to do?"

"We have scientists working on finding a cure for this virus right now. All I can say is for you to have patience and wait for them to provide you with it."

"But what about my wife? What about the dozens of other furries and scalies in this city? HEY!!"

The cheetah was done answering all of the mutt's questions and started to walk away, ignoring all of his protests. Bernie moaned in a frustrated tone and slammed his fist against the bulletproof glass. He looked down at his white, comfy diaper and sighed heavily.

"Well, at least I don't have to worry about using the bathroom in here..."

She knew she shouldn't have taken that laxative, but her stomach had been bothering her all day. No matter how hard she tried, the businessfurry couldn't ignore all the pain in her abdomen from being constipated for three weeks. The yellow fox was sitting in her living room at night watching the news reports about the strange event that took place at the park, and was trying not to panic because she remembered that she was meeting with one of her clients in a building overlooking the area. Catherine wasn't working now though, and wore nothing except for a crinkly white diaper. She didn't even know how it started, but out of nowhere, her head began to hurt and all her stomach pain was coming right back up. The only difference this time was that instead of feeling like someone shoved a cork up her ass, it felt like she was going to shit all over her diaper. Catherine had no problem doing so, and even found it kinky when her boyfriend did it in front of her, but she was trying to potty-train herself so she was used to using the toilet whenever she was in another city on a business meeting. The yellow fox slowly stood up and began to head for the bathroom, but just as she stood, her legs became wobbly and she noticed that she was having trouble standing up. Her knees were becoming so weak that they actually felt like jelly. At one point she stumbled and had to place both of her paws onto the table in front of her so she wouldn't fall over. As she inhaled and exhaled periodically, Catherine also realized that water was dripping onto the table. Only, it was saliva.


Catherine put a paw up to her mouth, but her drooling started to increase little-by-little, and the next thing she knew, her entire paw was drenched in her own slobber. She looked up at the television set and began to pant.

"...were apparently drooling all over themselves and having severe bowel movements in their diapers. The scene was so graphic that the entire park was shut down until the victims were taken to the hospital. And in other news, the new super absorbent diapers have been known to cause serious diaper rash..."

"Oh my God," said Catherine after hearing the anchor's announcement.

Now she finally understood what was going on. Her stomach was hurting because she was suffering from the same symptoms as everyone she spotted in the park. That's why she couldn't control her drooling or her bowel trauma. The yellow fox heard her stomach growl loudly and grunted once she felt intense pressure in her midriff. Three weeks of digested food was building up inside her stomach now. Three weeks of digested food was soaring through her bowels, accelerated by the laxatives and the virus. And as Catherine bent over and grunted, three weeks worth of food started to fall into her white diaper, combined with cacophonous flatulence and the disgusting sound of her shit as it plopped into her undergarments. They bulged outwards very slowly at first, sagging a little as each thick log coiled around in the confined space. However, after Catherine exhaled, she couldn't understand what was happening anymore. All she knew was that she was shitting herself, and she was having fun doing it. So she giggled before letting out her entire load in one go; her diaper drooped like a dead flower, and became lumpy and brown. She thought someone stuffed oatmeal inside of her diaper, maybe even mashed potatoes. Whatever it was, she loved the way it felt. Catherine giggled again before slouching over and falling to the ground, landing on her back with a giant squish as all the feces was smushed all around her hindquarters. She looked down at her breasts and saw that she was making quite a mess as all the spit dripped onto them. However, unlike the other victims of the virus, Catherine felt a touch of horniness as one of the side-effects. Something in what was left of her brain told her to put her paw down her diaper. Only, she wasn't focusing on collecting shit to smear around her face, thinking it was nothing but smelly chocolate. She moved her paw around her groin and giggled once her finger dabbed her clitoris. She was intrigued by the squishy feeling, and started to push the same finger down into her vagina, slowly moving it back and forth and giggling as she tickled herself. Catherine would say she was just explore the private parts of her body and indulging in her curiosity. Everyone else would say she was fingering herself.

Hindel and Matthews were walking up the stairs of an apartment building, ready to bust a minor drug operation that Sergeant Slater had been pursuing for the past seven weeks. The felines knew they should be in bed, trying to get some sleep in before their brains turned to mush and they forgot what the word "sleep" even meant. They knew they should be trying to help all the furries and scalies who were infected with whatever the virus was. At one point, Matthews even tried to leave the city, but once he heard about all the events going on, he told himself to stay...even though he was regretting his decision. The leopard and cougar stealthily walked up the stairs and arrived at the suspect's door. As Matthews was about to take out his gun and kick open the door, he looked over at Hindel and noticed she was sweating so much her uniform was damp. She needed medical attention, and she needed it soon.

"...You have the virus, don't you?" he asked with defeat.

Hindel shut her eyes and wiped some of the sweat from her forehead. "I don't...Matthews I've felt this way for the past five hours. I've had to change my diaper four times now."

"That's good Hindel."

"How is this good at all? Both of us have the virus and I'm already showing signs of incontinence. It'll only be a matter of time before I start drooling all over myself!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. We're just gonna have to pray that those scientists find a cure for all of us. Let's just bust these assholes and get back to the precinct."

Hindel nodded and exhaled sharply. She was still perspiring and still desperately trying to hold in her bodily waste, but at this point, she didn't care anymore. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad succumbing to the lethal agent. She would be oblivious to everyone and everything in the world. She would be happy and stupid, like a kid who wasn't old enough to know that the world brought just as much horror as it did joy. And if that wasn't enough, she would be able to go in her diaper as much as she wanted to without anyone criticizing her about it. As Hindel began to ponder how her world would be if she gave in to the virus, she felt something warm slithering out of her groin and trickle down into her diaper. It was very faint, but the leopard knew that she was slowly filling up her diaper with warm urine. She knew she wasn't gonna last any longer, so she stopped trying to hold it in and peed all over herself. Matthews didn't seem to notice and pressed his ear against the door so he could hear what the addicts inside were doing. All he heard were soft murmurs and incoherent babbling. The cougar took out his 9mm and stood in front of the door. Then he lifted his right leg and planted his foot against the door, using all the strength in his leg to kick it open.


Matthews expected to find a bunch of hostile drug addicts carrying shotguns ready to blow him away. Instead, all he found were a bunch of furries who weren't doing anything but dribbling all over themselves and soiling or wetting their diapers. Most of the furries inside were female, and were merely users who were busy getting high, but Matthews spotted the dealer and his partner lying on the floor as well, giggling as they had a contest and tried to determine who could shit themselves more. Matthews took two steps inside to see what was going on, but once he looked at the floor and the walls, he gagged and stepped out the apartment. The walls and floor were littered with scat, and it looked as though some of them had been playing with it. There were various paw prints made out of shit on the walls; it was like they were finger painting, but substituting the paint with their own fecal matter. Maybe it was the cougar's imagination, but he could've sworn he saw one of them fingering herself.

"Well, can't say I feel sorry for you guys. Whaddaya think Hindel? Should we slap cuffs on 'em or give them a bib? ...Hindel?"

Matthews looked at Hindel and yelped when he saw that her shirt was coated with sweat, as well as torrents of slobber. She was on all fours and looking at Matthews with a cheerful, but insane look in her eyes. She was beginning to crawl over to her fellow officer, but her stomach growled loudly and she knew that it was going to be filled with more vile slurry. Unfortunately, she wasn't capable of holding it in anymore, so she just sighed and started to let it all out. Hindel grunted and let out a short series of nasty farts before her asshole widened and bulged outwards. Her shit plummeted into her diaper like clockwork, filling it up so much that her pants were becoming lumpy near her hindquarters. She didn't know why her pants were becoming so full and lumpy, but she adored the overwhelming feeling of relief. She grunted a few times before another raunchy burst of flatulence came out of her ass, followed by a few more lumps of excrement containing bits of the food she had ingested yesterday. Once she was done releasing some of the scat, Officer Hindel slowly moved her paw behind her back and felt around her pants, cooing once she squeezed the lumpy filth and smeared it all around her anus. Then she dug her paw deep into her trousers and started to dig for a nice, firm ball of shit to take out and play with. Once she did, she smiled and looked at her paw, where she promptly lifted her other paw and crushed the ball in-between both of them like she was clapping. She removed her paws and looked at the grime on both of them, before she crawled her way over to Matthews, offering the shit in her paws to him so they could play with it together. Matthews backed away and started to pant, unsure of what to do with his partner and all the drug addicts. He looked inside the room and found one of the addicts digging through her diaper. When she pulled out a nice, thick ball of dung, she threw it at Matthews, who yelped and ducked before it almost hit him in the face.


The fox giggled before pulling out another ball and throwing it at Matthews, although she missed and the dung-ball splattered against the wall. Hindel witnessed what the addict was doing, and crawled into the doorway so she could play with her. Both of them cooed and slobbered all over the floor before the leopard dug into her soiled diaper again and threw some of her slimy filth at the fox, hitting her in-between her breasts. But the addict didn't care; in fact, she giggled. Both of them dug into their diapers and pulled out a couple of balls of smelly waste. The next thing Officer Matthews knew, they were having a shitball fight. The cougar retched and backed away, talking out his walkie-talkie so he could call for backup.

"This is Officer Matthews requesting backup now! And uh, bring gasmasks and fresh diapers while you're at it."

Matthews saw a massive shitball splatter against the wall and create a huge mess when it began to slither down to the floor.

"And a mop."

It was one thing to be stuck inside of an elevator, but being stuck inside an elevator when you seriously need to use the bathroom is a completely different story. He knew he shouldn't have snuck out of his dorm so he could have kinky diaper sex with two of his "friends," but it was worth it. Now if only he took the stairs, then maybe he'd be okay, and not worrying about either of his friends shitting themselves inside the confined space.

"I told you to take the stairs, Daxter." said one of his friends, a gray raccoon.

"Shut up Sheila! I don't understand why you and Crystal can't just go in your diapers and make everything simple!" shouted the green ursine as he punched the elevator's control panel.

"Think about it Daxter: two raccoons soiling themselves inside an elevator we can barely fit in? It'll stink so much that we'll end up vomiting all over the place."

"Exactly. Of course, if we just went down the stairs like I suggested-"

Daxter slammed his fist against the panel again. "Okay everyone; it's my fault we're in here. Maybe you girls can shut the fuck up and help me pry the door open?"

"But then we'd ruin our claws."

Daxter huffed and slammed his forehead against the door panels of the elevator. He was seriously beginning to regret having sex with them in the first place, especially since his professor was gonna give him such a lecture and probably punish him. Sheila and Crystal grunted as they felt their stomach grumbling and knew that they had very little time left before they released their bowels and stank up the elevator. Unfortunately, the trio wasn't aware that they passed by National Banshee Park shortly before the quarantines were put in place. The tan raccoon, Crystal, was the first one who started to show symptoms of the virus. As she held her stomach and tried to hold in her excrement, she coughed twice and looked down to see that saliva was dripping all over the place uncontrollably. She put a paw up to her mouth and wiped some of the saliva away, only for it to be replaced with another massive stream of slobber that she couldn't keep inside her mouth. She coughed again and noticed that she was no longer trying to hold in all of her shit. It was like someone just gave her a laxative, and she didn't even try to fight its effects. Crystal backed away towards the rear of the elevator and slid to the floor, gasping and coughing as she drooled all over her blouse. Sheila and Daxter wouldn't have even paid attention to Crystal if she hadn't farted so hard she wound up shitting her diaper a little as well, leaving a small brown spot on her diaper.

"GOD-Crystal did you just shart yourself?"

"Hmph. Guess she couldn't wait." scoffed Daxter.

But Crystal wasn't the only one. Once Sheila questioned whether or not the tan coon farted and shat herself simultaneously, her knees suddenly gave out and she collapsed to the floor of the elevator, grunting and passing gas incessantly. Crystal had already succumbed to the virus and was busy farting up a storm, giggling once the flatus exited her tailhole so hard and fast it tickled. Both of them were slowly devolving and becoming brainless, and Daxter turned around and groaned once he saw what the girls were doing. But to his surprise, both of them actually seemed to enjoy passing gas inside the elevator. More importantly, they seemed to be attracted towards Daxter and wanted to entertain him to their best ability. While on all fours, the coons turned around and started to back up towards the burly green bear, making sure that he could see their fat diapered asses. Once they were in his eyesight, they drooled a little and wiggled their rumps for him before raising their tails high and grunting. Daxter wasn't sure what they were doing just yet, but he had to admit, he didn't try to stop them. They turned their heads around to look at him, but Daxter only saw a messy face with ounces of drool slithering down the jaw onto the elevator floor. Ignoring their contorted gazes, Daxter paid close attention to their diapers, and a few seconds later, he heard cacophonous flatulence and saw each diaper slowly bulge outwards. Daxter's eyes grew wide once he witnessed what the nasty coons were doing, and was wondering if he should try and stop them or not. Sheila let out a couple of squeaky farts before she suddenly went silent and dropped quite a few logs of dung into her undergarments. She wasn't making as much noise as Crystal, but Daxter noticed that her diaper was sagging much more than Crystal's. Crystal on the other hand couldn't stop letting out crude, interruptive farts that sounded like a trumpet blowing. The tan coon sighed and let out about a cup's worth of saliva before she pushed out a wet fart, followed by five slimy logs of raccoon excrement. She was wondering why her butt felt so wet and sticky, and yet she couldn't stop soiling her diaper. Sheila was puzzled too and couldn't stop fixating on why her posterior was suddenly lumpy and full of hard, mysterious objects. But she liked it, so she continued to shit in her diaper, and released four more logs of dung that were five inches long. Daxter thought about calling for help or finding some way to aid the raccoons, but as he watched the two soil themselves, he heard his own diaper crinkling very loudly and felt a throbbing extension emerging around his scrotum. The green ursine looked down at his diaper and saw that he had a boner...and two sexy raccoons who were shitting themselves for him. Daxter smiled deviously and approached Sheila and Crystal. Maybe being stuck inside the elevator wasn't such a bad thing after all...

Mallick was nervously shaking as he sat on the couch and looked down at his notes. Ever since that incident in Banshee Park, he became a wreck, fearful that he'd be the next victim. And to make things worse, all these government agents were walking right past him wearing their HAZMAT suits or their gasmasks, resting inside their haven. His mentor was right: guys like him were always the ones the higher-ups never gave a shit about, and were okay with turning this whole situation into nothing but a major, major inconvenience. As soon as the words "collateral damage" were mentioned, all the government officials would nod their heads and forget all about Banshee City and erase its existence. He and Dr. Krimwood needed to do something, and fast. Mallick stopped panting and snatched a syringe containing a mild vaccine from the table before he tied a rubber tourniquet around his right arm and tapped it with his left index finger.

"Sir, it's not heroin. All you have to do is inject it into your body through your arm, leg, or buttock."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he snarled at the agent wearing a gasmask.

The Iksar stabbed-not injected, but literally stabbed-himself in the arm and pressed down on the plunger, ignoring Stacy's advice to conserve. He exhaled harshly a few times before he removed the syringe and threw it into the trash can.

"Sir, I thought you weren't supposed to take that much-"

"I don'" said Mallick, untying the tourniquet.

"You seem agitated."

"Because I have a virus that could turn me into a brain-dead lizard who's incontinent, and you and the other agents are rubbing salt into the wound by wearing gasmasks in front of me."

"So you envy us because we don't want to risk infection, just because you already are infected?"

"Pretty much."

Mallick sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I just don't wanna spend the rest of my life dribbling all over myself and pooping my diaper because I'm too dumb to even know what poop is."

"Who said you were gonna show symptoms of the infection? You know that only 50% of males show signs of the virus, so there's a chance you'll be fine."

Mallick scoffed. "Yeah, fine in some white room inside a bunker underground where no one even knows I exist. That's so much better agent."

The agent shrugged. "At least you'll have entertainment."

"I guess..."

Somewhere underground in one of the quarantine zones, a horny dark brown cervine was waiting inside a white room with nothing inside of it except for a sink and a bed to sleep on. The cervine couldn't stop staring at the door, waiting for it to slide open so he could finally see the furry who was gonna "entertain" him for the next few minutes. He slid a paw down his diaper and grabbed his beefy, erect cock before smiling deviously and rubbing it back and forth very gently. Then the door slid open with a faint whoosh and two furries appeared in the doorway. One of them was a doctor in a HAZMAT uniform, and the other was a purple lioness whose neck and chest was covered in slobber. The agents recently changed the diaper she soiled and strapped a fresh one onto her waist before taking her to the cervine's room. The doctor slowly walked the incontinent brain-dead lioness into his room and backed away so he could leave the two alone.

"Just don't take too long."

"Oh, I won't." said the cervine.

The doctor pressed a button on the wall and the door slid shut again with another faint hiss. The cervine didn't approach the lioness or interact with her at all. He simply waited for nature to take its course and have the lioness do what he wanted her to do. She stared at the cervine as more drool came out of her mouth before she giggled and tried to touch the deer. He promptly slapped her paw again and twisted one of his fingers around in a circular motion, instructing her to turn around. She was oblivious to what he was trying to imply, but she got distracted by his finger, and thought it looked fun to spin around like that, so she let out a playful cry and started to spin around too. The cervine muttered something once her spit splashed against his face; her mouth was still open, so her slobber went flying as she began to turn herself around.

"No, damnit! Like this!"

The cervine placed his paws on her shoulders when she had her back turned on him and huffed.

"Now just-just stay still...stay still and do your thing for me. Just let go of everything in your bowels and let it all come out."

The lioness still couldn't comprehend what the deer was saying, but she knew that her stomach was full, and she needed to empty her colon now while she was wearing a diaper. She didn't grunt or groan or even try to push out any of the shit. All the purple feline did was hunch over a little with her ass stuck out in the deer's face and unloaded. The cervine smiled devilishly again once he heard her first few logs of shit come out and fall against the diaper, crinkling and bulging outwards. The deer wasn't sure why it happened, but after letting out the first few turds, the feline let out two disgusting farts that sounded like she was stepping on wet sponges, and her diaper bloated to the size of a basketball within seconds, and all the mess inside began to sag towards the ground very slowly. The cervine heard the lioness sigh again and she excreted a couple more wet farts before pushing out more putrid, brown scat into the now brown undergarments. Her diaper was so pudgy and brown that it began to leak a little, and the cervine just wanted to smother his entire face into the mess so he could bask in all the slurry goodness. Instead, he just took a few whiffs of her pungent diaper, and started to masturbate furiously, rubbing his cock so hard and fast he could already feel some of the pre coming out of it.

The deer wasn't the only one enjoying himself underground though. In another white room containing the same two objects, a tiger and black Labrador-two females who both succumbed to the virus-were playing with each other and having a wonderful time. After they had a nice shitball fight from soiling their diapers several hours ago, the agents came inside, cleaned all the gunk off the walls (as well as the occupants themselves) and changed their diapers. Now they were busy giggling and crawling around the floor on all fours, interacting with each other like regular cubs would. They bumped into each other's moist nostrils and simply smiled and cooed a little before backing away. The black Lab sat up and babbled incessantly as the tiger sat across from her, messing up her blouse as she drooled on it nonstop. The black Lab suddenly stopped making noise once she looked down at her diaper and heard an odd, trickling noise. She heard something hissing a little and could feel her groin becoming warm and wet, like someone was filling up her diaper with coffee. In reality, she was urinating heavily. The tiger saw her diaper turning a little yellow and heard the fluids splashing against her undergarments. The black Lab clearly drank too much water or soda because her diaper was quickly turning yellow, and she was peeing so much that someone in an adjacent room would've heard her if they pressed their ear against the wall. Her diaper became steaming hot and puffed up as the superabsorbent compounds absorbed the urine, but it didn't do any good. She was peeing so much that her piss was leaking out of her diaper and creating a tiny puddle on the floor. But the black Lab merely smiled and drooled, looking down at the yellow puddle and watching as it gradually expanded all over the floor. The tiger approved of the canine's tactics and giggled as she started clapping her paws together, wishing she could pee as much as her. But the tiger had her own special attributes, and as her tummy grumbled, she proceeded to lean over and pass gas as hard as she could. The canine seemed to understand what that meant and crawled over to her, still urinating her diaper and slobbering. The tiger pushed her down playfully and crawled over her until her groin and diaper was resting right above her face. The black Lab knew what she was doing and smiled. The tiger sat down on the canine's muzzle in a similar fashion as a common feral dog and wiggled her rump before passing hard gas again. Then she sighed and began to soil herself. Her diaper sagged as each hard, chunky log of feces was released from her tailhole and plummeted into its superabsorbent tomb. The diaper was smothering the black Lab with all sorts of lumpy goodness, and she couldn't stop giggling to herself as she took a dump. The tiger grunted and let out a small hiss from her ass before a few more balls of shit collided with the mound and made her diaper sag even more. Another four followed, and the tiger babbled as she turned and looked at the rancid mess she was making. All her slurry was beginning to make her diaper expand more and more as each second passed. At that point, the tiger had subconsciously set a goal for herself to fill up her diaper so much that it sagged to the floor when she stood up. But before she could do that, she and the black Lab was gonna have to fuel each others' lustful urges. The tiger slid off the canine's face, hearing her diaper plop against the floor, before the canine got up and crawled in front of her. Both of them babbled and nodded their heads before they sat down on the floor and raised a paw. The tiger giggled when she felt all the mush in her undergarments squish and spread all around her buttocks whilst the canine started to stick her paw down into her diaper, exploring her nether regions. The tiger did the same thing with the black Lab, and the next thing they knew, they were shoving their fingers in and out of each other's clitoris. They didn't understand what was happening, but something was going on inside of their bodies that could only be described as erotic. But the tiger and black Lab didn't know how to feel what they felt and thought that the weird sensation was normal, so they continued to stick their fingers into their vaginas. Both of them were still babbling, but letting out ecstatic grunts as well, and the canine even managed to moan a little after coughing up some saliva. The black Lab shouted once more pee squirted out of her groin. At least, she thought it was urine. If anyone had looked inside the diaper, they would've noticed that it was cum.

In another room, a scrawny rat with shedding fur was impatiently waiting for his entertainment to show up. He was self-conscious about his diaper fetish; the fact he even asked the doctors for an infected victim to help him control his sexual urges made him feel ashamed. But he asked, and now he couldn't stop fixating on how big of a furry or scaley they wound up giving to him. The rat yelped once he heard his room door hiss and looked at the doorway to see an agent wearing a gasmask with a burly, female creature standing behind him. The agent walked the mentally regressed furry into the room and backed away so he was standing in the corridor again.

"You have fun Mr. Kraso."

"I, uh, I'm sure I will." he said, still self-conscious about what he was about to do.

The agent pressed a button on the wall and Kraso's door slid shut and locked once more. The meek rat looked up at the slobbering behemoth. His choice of entertainment happened to be an oversized brown mare with a bulbous ass and wide waist. Kraso didn't really mind that his character was a brainless zombie; he just needed to be sure that she was big enough to drop a load that he could glomp. The equine didn't know what to do with Kraso, and simply stood in front of him, drooling on the floor and giggling a little. Although, the mare seemed to know what furries like Kraso wanted when they were horny. Despite being brain-dead, she knew that the rat wanted to see her fill up her diaper until it exploded. So she babbled something and let out a long, squeaky fart before turning around and bending over so the rat could get a nice view of her fat buttocks. The horse moaned levelly before letting out another rancid burst of gas in the rodent's face. He promptly backed away and waved a hand in front of his nose; he wasn't a fan of the smell of farts, and only cared about how lumpy a loaded diaper felt. The mare grunted three times before her diaper instantly bulged outwards and a massive load descended into the white, plastic chamber. The brown horse sighed, and the rat felt a hard bulge in his pelvic region. His guilt was slowly being washed away as he saw the mare soil herself, and smiled. The horse spread out her legs and bent over a little more before raising her tail and letting out a crackling, squishy sound, followed by four more very large logs of shit. She didn't care about the rotten action she was performing though, and soiled herself even more, releasing several more logs of shit that were so heavy and so massive that her diaper began to sag. It was so loaded that the rat honestly believed that the diaper would just explode and lay all the feces near his feet. But the diaper seemed to be superabsorbent, and very stretchy for the mare. She still felt more pain in her gut and did not hesitate to let out an even bigger load for the rodent, making sure that her diaper sagged so much that it almost touched the floor. It sure was heavy; that was for sure. The mare was trying to balance herself so she didn't stumble backwards and fall down. Kraso couldn't help but giggle to himself as he put a hand down his pants and stroked his shaft a little. He observed the giant horse with the fat ass defecate in her diaper some more, and it bulged outwards so much that the rat couldn't contain himself any longer. He pounced onto the giant pair of undergarments and gave them a nice bear hug, smothering his face into the squishy mess and murring as he closed his eyes. He moved his hands around the messy, white diaper that was gradually turning brown, and the mare continued to shit herself relentlessly. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying something like a horse soiling her diaper, but he didn't care at this point. He just wanted to cherish the diaper until he came all over the walls.

Elsewhere, dozens of females were inside one of the facility's various "playrooms" having fun with one another. All the furries and scalies inside were all victims of the virus, and were all incontinent and suffering from mental regression. But because no one knew what was going on, they were interacting and toying with each other like common cubs would. Only, they were playing with their fecal matter much more than any toddler should. For instance, there was a brown rottweiler with a white torso who was digging into her loaded diaper and smearing the mess all over her paws. After they were sticky and brown, she giggled and crawled over to the wall, where she began to smear her paws all over the white concrete as though she were finger painting. Next to her, a black cheetah with white spots was on all fours, drooling incessantly as she filled up her diaper. She farted twice before grunting and dropping quite a few hefty balls of dung into her diaper. It crinkled and bulged outwards as each chunk of waste fell, and she did nothing but giggle constantly and wiggle her ass for the others around her to see. She attracted the attention of a dark brown roo and Officer Hindel (she and Matthews were quickly placed in the quarantine zone, even though Matthews still hadn't shown symptoms). The roo cooed as dribble rolled down her mandible and onto the floor before she dabbed the feline's messy diaper with her nose. As the cheetah grunted and pushed out another giant lump into her undergarments, the marsupial moved forward until her entire nose was buried deep into the diaper and she could feel and hear the squishy mess. Hindel on the other hand was curious to find what was inside of her diaper, and she proceeded to climb on top of the feline and stick her paw down into the brown slurry. She sifted around the smelly diaper for a little while before grabbing a firm, but still squishy lump of shit that fit in her paw perfectly. The police officer smashed the ball against her maw, and started to lick the fecal matter off her lips and paw. Near the corner of the room, two wolf sisters were busy having a nice shitball fight. One of them would dig into their diaper and pull out a nice stool sample and promptly chuck it at the other, before the other sister repeated the same move. They weren't really dodging or attempting to move out of the way, and one of the sisters actually wanted to get hit by the feces. At one point during the fight, she even opened her mouth and caught the ball of dung so she could chew and swallow it. Then there were the five lionesses-all with tan fur-who seemed to be having a messy fivesome. One of the female lionesses was lying on her back and fingering herself as she soiled her diaper. A second lionesses was squatting over the first one, planting her diapered ass right on her nose. After she did, she started to pass gas and shit herself with ease. She was so heated by the sensation that she wanted to finger herself, but she was too stupid to figure out how. Lucky for her, the third lioness (who was a prostitute before she was infected) still knew how to finger, and she approached the second lioness and promptly stuck her left paw down her diaper and began to move her index finger up and down her vagina. While the prostitute was doing so, she noticed that her bladder was full of urine and decided to pee her diaper, attracting the attention of a fourth lioness. The fourth lioness struggled to walk, but once she got the hang of it, she stood behind the prostitute and grabbed the front end of her diaper. She could feel the warm, musky fluids dripping from her vagina and filling up her diaper, could hear the rambunctious noise as her diaper crinkled and expanded when the urine started to fill it up. She was a major fan of watersports, and the sound alone was enough to put her in heat. She let out a tiny moan before she stuck her paw down her diaper, and slowly began to finger her too. As she was fingering the prostitute, she realized that she had to use the bathroom too, and she sighed as she began to fill up her superabsorbent diaper. She had to shit much more than the rest of the lionesses involved in the foursome, and within seconds, her diaper gradually began to sag towards the floor. Whether it was the sounds of her soggy flatulence or the smell of the excrement building up inside the diaper, a fifth female lion was drawn in to the sloppy foursome. She curiously watched the four lionesses as they fingered, pissed, shat, drooled, and farted incessantly, making a strong stench that practically overpowered the others in the room. She wanted to join in on all the disgusting fun, especially since she could contribute her own level of grossness to the equation. She cooed a few times and crawled over towards the lioness fingering the prostitute who wet herself and grabbed her sagging diaper, immediately digging her paw inside the undergarments so she could crush it and smear some of it around her maw and chin. She didn't eat it though, and just admired the way it felt on her skin. The lioness noticed what she was doing, but paid no attention to her. At least, not up until she stuck her paw deep into her diaper and began to slowly move her finger in and out of her pussy.

All the while the doctors and scientists and agents were standing there and watching it all happen through bulletproof glass or with HAZMAT suits or gasmasks on. Some of them were disgusted by the vile acts being committed inside the room, while others simply pressed their snouts against the glass and murred. Some of them couldn't keep the urges locked inside their pants for too long, and a couple of them had to excuse themselves so they could watch as the victims befouled their diapers in a more secure, private area. The whole situation was a mess, one that would take months to clean up after, and they didn't even want to get started on the stench of the place. But at least the victims who weren't brain-dead had some entertainment. That was all that mattered to most of them.

Stacy rushed over to Mallick's apartment, sick with worry about how the scaley was reacting to the whole situation. Even though he had told her multiple times that he was fine, she knew that he was starting to go crazy, overreacting to the whole crisis. For all she knew it could've been a side-effect from using all the huge doses of vaccines. The vulpine approached Mallick's door and knocked on it hard, shouting out the Iksar's name so he could let her in. The lizard waited for a long time, but eventually, he twisted the doorknob and swung the door open so she could enter.

"Thanks Mallick."

The second she stepped inside his apartment, she noticed that there were several syringes on the table, all of which were empty. Then she looked at her protégé and saw that he was smiling in a very eerie fashion, and drooling from his mouth.


"Oh I'm fine, Stacy! Just-just fine! Why would something be wrong with me?" he hissed.

Stacy backed away. "For starters you're not wearing anything except a diaper you seemed to have soiled, and judging by the smell of your breath, you've been ingesting excrement."

"But that's what I wanted to tell you doctor! I-I-I wanted to tell you, that I have a lead now! I have a lead on the cure!"


Mallick giggled to himself. "IT'S SHIT, DOCTOR!"


"Exactly what I said! Excrement, fecal matter, defecation, diarrhea, slurry, droppings-there are so many names for it, but it's all the same thing: SHIT! Hehe, think about it, doctor: all we have to do is soil ourselves! Just...just relax and take the biggest shit of our lives, and in the process, our body will flush out the toxins! And-and then-then-then...we eat it all again so our body creates its own defenses against it should this outbreak ever happen again! I can't believe how simple it was to figure all this out! IT'S SHIT DOCTOR! ALL WE HAVE-"

The vulpine slapped Crasney in the face so hard he fell to the floor, and she left a red mark on his left cheek. The Iksar lay very still for a brief moment before letting out a tiny moan and rubbing his face.

"Why did you do that?" he asked softly.

"To knock some goddamn sense into you! Jesus, do you have any idea how illogical your theory sounds?!"

"'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.' Sherlock Holmes said that, remember?"

"And you seriously think that eating your own shit is how you cure yourself?"

Mallick sighed. "I'm sick, Stacy."

"You're fine, Crasney. It's all in your head. You're perfectly fine, you're perfectly normal. You're just panicking because of all the hysteria that's been going on. That's all it is. We are working on finding this cure, Crasney. And when we do, I'll make sure you're the first one to have a sample of it. Okay? Just please keep it under control. I just need you thinking clearly if we're going to make this work. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure, doctor. Whatever you say." said Mallick, so quietly a mouse wouldn't have heard him.

Stacy was back inside one of the quarantine zones, sighing heavily as she looked down at the infected victims, and watched as they drooled and shat themselves relentlessly. She shook her head and sat down.

"Have we uncovered anything new, agent?"

"Well, we have discovered a few more details about the virus, but it's still unclear at this point if any of it will aid us-"

"In other words no."

"That's correct doctor."

"Yeah...of course we have nothing. I'm sure you and your superiors will be happy to know that."


"Perhaps the mayor knew what your superiors were doing with all this virus experimentation and they had to find a way to get rid of him. Why kill him when they can just let his city rot away into nothing but a bunch of incontinent babies, cover it all up with cement and lime? I hear he's one of the males who showed symptoms, so they'd have the perfect cover. Or perhaps they were hired by a landscaping company. Maybe if a large enough epidemic happened in this city, it'd give the company reason to smash it all to the ground and rebuild a series of business corporations. We already have 80% of the town in quarantine or locked down here in this facility."


Stacy sighed again and shut her eyes. "God, I sound even crazier than my partner. I'm sorry, I'm just tired. I'm just tired and scared agent. I don't understand how it got this bad..."

"I'm sure we'll find something soon."

"Your optimism is comforting, but I doubt it's going to help anything. At this point, we should be planning for the worst and stop hoping for the best, especially if this is how good it's going to get."

Stacy finally decided to get some shut eye after staying awake for over 48 hours, and by the time she woke up, it was finally morning. A bad one, at that. It was so dark outside that it seemed like it was going to rain. The vulpine knew that she had to check on Mallick again, just to make sure that he hadn't completely gone off the deep-end. The weather seemed to despise Dr. Krimwood, because as soon as she stepped outside, it began to rain. The vulpine sighed exasperatedly and drove over to the Iksar's apartment, still very wary about his mental state. As she approached Mallick's door and knocked, she heard the door creak and noticed that her assistant had left it ajar.


Stacy pushed open the door and stepped inside. All the lights and electrical appliances were off.

"You know you left your door-?"

Stacy immediately backed away and covered her nose with her arm, appalled by the thick stench of feces inside Mallick's apartment. She knew that something was wrong, but she continued to head inside, ignoring all her fears. As she walked inside, she looked all around the walls and retched. Feces were smeared all over them, and the white paint was now a sickly color combination of brown and dark green. The vulpine looked down on the floor and saw a trail of dried-up urine leading to his bedroom. She slowly crept over to the door before stopping and hearing strange garbled noises on the other side.


She twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door, before screaming and backing away, tripping over her own feet in the process. Mallick was sitting on his bed, drooling as he grinned widely. He looked down at the firm ball of shit he had in his right hand, and then he snarled as he bit the ball of dung in half. He started smacking noisily as he chewed on his own shit, and swallowed hard before snarling and shoving the remaining amount of shit down his throat, licking his choppers afterwards. He dug into his stinky, wet diaper and pulled out another cold ball of shit. Mallick slowly looked over at Stacy and grinned again.

"Want? want?" he hissed.

Stacy could tell by all the shit on the walls, the overused diaper, the shit all over his face, that toothy grin and the crazy stare in his eyes that Mallick had officially lost his mind. The sad part of it was he wasn't even symptomatic. He jus became so paranoid and delusional that he thought he was, and now he was imitating all the victims because his subconscious told him to. If anything, he was worse than them; at least they didn't know they were eating excrement. The vulpine quickly stood up and slammed his bedroom door shut, panting so fast she thought she was having a panic attack. Then again, considering what became of her protégé, she'd be happy to have a panic attack.

Mallick Crasney was hastily transported down into the underground facility, where he was imprisoned just like the others. Only, he was forced to wear a straitjacket. He didn't act the way the other victims did. Instead of cooing or giggling innocently to himself, he bobbed back and forth, hissing and snarling repeatedly as he grinned maliciously and occasionally giggled to himself. He still wore a diaper, and still soiled himself, as well as drooled excessively, but he was definitely different from the others. Officer Slater and Dr. Krimwood could only watch from a security station as the lizard rocked back and forth, muttering strange things to himself. Then he suddenly screamed ferociously and sprang off the bed, panting wildly. He ran around in circles shouting and babbling like an idiot, before he stopped and hunched over, his bowels tightening. Then he farted three times and started to fill his diaper. His expression immediately went from maniacal to relaxed in a matter of seconds, and he sighed heavily as he started to shit himself, feeling log after log of green and brown Iksar dung fill his diaper. He waited until the diaper was lumpy and bloated before sitting on the floor, giggling once he heard the mess squish and spread around his anus.

"Jesus-fuckin'-Christ." said Slater.

Tears began to form in Stacy's eyes. "I told him I'd be the first one to cure him...I told him he was gonna be okay..."

Stacy couldn't keep it in any longer. She sobbed before she slid down to the floor and began to cry. At this point she was beginning to blame herself for everything that was happening. She had been the one who created the virus in the first place. If she hadn't she knew that none of this would be happening right now. Sure, maybe Marianne shouldn't have been driving so early in the morning. Sure, maybe Mikey could've kept his eyes open too. There were all sorts of "What ifs" going through Stacy's mind, but they all led back to her.

"This is my fault. I-I was the one who recruited him; I was the one who designed the virus in the first place. This is all happening because of me!"

Slater figured that now wasn't the time to rub it in her face. "You know that's not true."

"YES IT IS! If I hadn't made this damn vial in the first place, then you and Marianne and Mallick and the mayor and everyone else would be fine, and no one would be locked down here!"

Stacy sobbed again and shook her head as more salty tears slithered down her cheeks.

"How did I get here? I just wanted to help whole life; I just wanted to make a difference. Everything was in perfect order. And now it's ruined...because of me."

Slater sighed and sat down on the floor next to Stacy. "Life's fucked up like that, doctor. You may spend your whole life doing every single thing furries tell you to do, only to be neglected once it's all finished. You may exert all the energy in your body trying to help others, and in the end, no one even thanks you or remembers your name when you die. You could win the fuckin' lottery, earn over ten million dollars, only to die because some asshole was jealous and murdered you so he could get the winning ticket. Take me and my partners for example. We pissed away over five years of police work just so we could go home for a lousy $100 thousand a year. And now look at us: Hindel acts like she's one-years-old, I'm pretty sure I'll end up like her, and the last time I spoke to Matthews, he was seriously considering suicide."

Stacy sniffled and wiped some of the tears away. "I don't see how this is making me feel better."

"I'm saying fate or karma or whatever-the-fuck that mysterious 'force' is out there fucked you over. There's no why. There's no how. It just happened. It's like when the world's nicest furry dies because his house spontaneously caught on fire when he was sleeping. No one knows how or why, but it happened, and there's nothing that can be done about it."

Slater and Stacy sat in silence for the next several minutes, hearing nothing short of the air conditioning and Stacy as she sniffled a few more times. The rhino sighed and shut his eyes.

"We're not gonna find the cure, are we?"

"No." She didn't even bother giving any details regarding the situation.

"Maybe it won't be as bad as you think."

"How isn't this terrible?"

Slater sighed again. "This morning, I woke up in bed and there was a pile of drool on my pillow. I had to use the bathroom real badly, but instead of going inside the bathroom, I just stuck my ass high in the air, lifted my tail and unloaded. There was so much shit in my diaper I didn't feel like moving at all, or changing myself. But I also noticed how thrilling it was to soil myself so much in such a very short time. Long story short, I got horny and started masturbating. Maybe it was the virus forcing me to do that, maybe not, but all I know is that I was perfectly happy wearing a diaper full of feces. If the stench hadn't gotten to me, I'd still be wearing it right now."

"I can't accept this, Officer Slater. It's not right, spending life doing nothing but defecating ourselves and drooling. Life wasn't meant to be spent inside some bunker or quarantine zone, locked away from the rest of the world."

Slater shrugged. "Well, now we're going back to the whole 'Life fucked you over' thing. You won't even realize where you are, or who you are once this virus hits you. You don't have to worry about your job anymore, about this 'conspiracy,' about being rich or poor, or any of that shit. You'd be an oblivious child, isolated in your own little world, sheltered from society and all the horrors and sorrow it carries with it."

"I guess..."

"All I'm saying is that it's not the end of the world, and even if it was, you wouldn't know what was going on. Just be glad that this is a virus doesn't kill you, just turns you into a slobbering idiot. Maybe it's a good all honesty; I think I'd prefer being a retard who can't stop shitting himself than a slave to law enforcement. Don't have to worry about the dozens of bloody murder/suicides anymore, or chasing down and tackling some punk who killed a cashier over a fuckin' Snickers bar."

Slater stood up and began to walk out of the room, leaving Stacy to sit against the wall alone, unable to make her decision.

"Just...just know it's not the end of the world, doctor."

"...I know." she said, quietly.

The vulpine was sitting in her white padded room in the middle of the facility, wearing nothing besides a fresh diaper. Her will had finally been broken. And now, she really didn't care anymore. Stacy thought it was pathetic how she gave up so easily, but after working for so long and yielding no results, after listening to what Sergeant Slater said, and after seeing what this career had done to her closest friend and colleague Mallick, she just didn't care. Maybe it's for the best, she thought. Like Slater said, at least now he didn't have to worry about all the pain and suffering in the world, or his job. The same could be said for her. Perhaps she was just a pawn for the government. Perhaps this entire incident was planned beforehand, and she and her protégé just so happened to get caught in the middle of it. The possibilities were endless. But at this point, she really didn't give a damn. No more worries, no more bills to pay, no more fixating on finding the right guy to date, nothing. All it was from there on in was soiling and drooling all over herself, and occasional sex should she interact with the dozens of victims who were still capable of giving sloppy blowjobs. She sighed and looked down at her belly, which seemed to be grumbling very loudly thanks to the dinner she ate a few hours ago. The vulpine sniffled and brushed her paw across her mouth, only to see that some saliva was stuck to it. She closed her mouth and tried to stop the flow of spit, but even then, it didn't work, and the fluids seeped through her lips onto the floor. She opened her mouth again and laughed as she shook her head.

"Out of all the ways my life could end, somehow I end up with becoming an incontinent brain-dead cub."

Stacy chuckled again as more slobber poured out of her mouth and looked down at her diaper. She knew she was supposed to hold it in, but her body wouldn't let her. The vulpine began to urinate all over her white diaper, emitting a faint crinkling and dripping sound as the fluids splashed into the superabsorbent chamber. She wasn't much of a fan of wetting herself, but for some strange reason, the doctor was thrilled to feel the warm liquid oozing out of her vagina. It was such a wonderful sensation that she was tempted to just touch it. No, no, she did touch it. The vulpine struck her paw down her diaper and felt the urine dripping all over her paw. She gasped and smiled as she stuck a finger up her vagina and slowly moved it up and down, fingering herself in the process. That's when she remembered that she still had some feces stuck in her bowels. Stacy smiled again and giggled before she leaned over and let out two loud, raunchy farts that sounded like she messed herself on accident. Then the vulpine closed her eyes and sighed as she felt one very long log squeeze its way out of her tailhole and coil around in the diaper. Stacy shouldn't have been that joyous, but her brain was practically gone now, so she couldn't tell the difference anymore. But she was happy now. That's all that mattered.

Banshee City was eventually locked down after two weeks. The city was full of nothing but quarantine zones now. All the civilians who lived in the city were either stuck inside one of the zones, or were in that facility that had been installed underground. Many of the civilians who were unable to fit inside the facility were transported away to additional areas, or another underground bunker that was isolated from the rest of the world. Everyone in the city was infected now, except for those who were vacationing out of town. Like Stacy estimated, almost the entire female population had been infected, whilst only half of the males showed symptoms. Cub under the age of fifteen seemed to be immune to the disease, although the scientists and doctors were unsure of what would happen should they get older. Everyone else didn't stand a chance though. There still wasn't a cure, and the vaccines were useless now. It was as though they were destined to stay hidden for the rest of their lives.

Bernie was sitting down on his bed with his wife lying on her back and drooling a little after her diaper had been changed. He knew she wouldn't be the same anymore, but she was his wife after all, and he still loved her despite the way she acted. The Bernese Mountain Dog sighed heavily and leaned backwards, thinking about falling asleep right then and there. Suddenly, he heard a loud, trumpeting noise coming from his mate, and turned to see her giggling. It was obvious she farted after Bernie smelled the faint odor of shit. He chuckled.

"Now you think it's funny."

Kraso was busy sitting on his bed, pawing off as hard as he could after witnessing another furry with a very wide, fat ass shit into her diaper and create a mess so gargantuan that it sagged to the floor. He didn't even have to glomp it. Just the sight of all the lumpiness got the rat hard enough for him to masturbate right then and there.

Daxter's personal "girlfriends," Sheila and Crystal, were squatting right in front of him and shitting themselves simultaneously. The green ursine didn't care that he was taking advantage of the two raccoons. He was horny, and they had no problem getting it up for him, so why shouldn't the bear have sex with them after they filled up their diapers? After stroking his cock and observing the coons soil themselves for two entire minutes, he noticed that Crystal's diaper was more bloated than Sheila's. He grinned maliciously and slowly approached her, before pulling down her diaper and sticking his fat cock up her ass.

The family of ferrets was all sharing a room, and Jane was busy drooling and shitting in her diaper again right in front of her son and husband. While Caleb simply laughed like any cub would, his father couldn't stop stroking the boner he had in his diaper. Eventually, his son noticed and raised an eyebrow.

"Daddy, you're rubbing that thing in your diaper again."

"I know, son."

"Can I-?"

"Caleb, if you turn around, shut your eyes and cover your ears for the next ten minutes without turning back around to see what I'm doing to your mother, I will give you half a gallon of ice cream."


Caleb took the bribe immediately, and he turned around and closed his eyes while covering his ears with his paws. His father looked back down at his wife, and grinned as he began to take off his diaper.

Matthews was dangling from the ceiling of his room, his belt tied around his neck. He didn't enjoy the entertainment that the agents sent him, and felt just like Stacy did, believing that the way they lived wasn't right. He thought about hanging himself before, but right before he did, he begged some of the agents to grant him permission to call his wife and cubs (they were vacationing and he didn't know if they came home after the virus was released). Despite how many times he pleaded, they stood firm and told him no. Matthews had no friends except Slater and Hindel-both of whom were brain-dead-and his only family would never see him again. And the cougar knew he couldn't spend the rest of his life locked up like that. No one would care if he died anyway. Eventually they found him dangling in his room, a bit confused why an officer such as himself was driven to suicide, let alone how he managed to hang himself using nothing but his belt. But like Slater said, there's no why or how, but it happened, and you have to deal with it. The agents cut him down and moved his body over to the morgue. He wasn't the only one who killed himself in the facility...

Sergeant Slater was struggling to walk into one of the main playrooms that were full of dozens of incontinent, babbling women. Unfortunately, the virus got to him as well, and now he was going around shitting himself and drooling all over his gut and chiseled chest. He wanted to interact with one of the foxes, but his bowels started to growl immensely, and he knew what he had to do. The pachyderm stopped walking and bent over so his ass was high in the air and raised his tail. Then he grunted and started to soil himself so hard, his diaper started sagging within seconds. Being a rhino, his feces came out in thick, large balls that plopped into his diaper at the speed of light. He was shitting himself so much no one could even count the amount of dung balls he dropped. He smiled goofily as his diaper eventually reached the floor, and he broke wind very loudly after releasing what could only be described as a mountain of shit in his diaper. And what made the entire situation baffling was that he let it all out in less than ten seconds. The rhino remembered eating several odd chunks of chocolate he found in a cabinet a while ago. If he still knew how to read, he would've known that what he ate were several highly effective laxatives. Needless to say, they worked, and the stench of his diaper and the sight of all the sludge and brown stains on his undergarments attracted just about all of the ladies towards him. They cooed and crawled their way to the pachyderm, and once some of them reached his diaper, they stuck their paws or hands down it and pulled out a nice, sticky ball of shit. They promptly opened their slobbery mouths and began to chew noisily. But that was only on the back end. On the front, the lioness who participated in the fivesome earlier who was a prostitute saw that the rhino had a giant boner from soiling himself so hard. She crawled over to him and pulled down his diaper just enough to reveal his beer-can thick cock, which was currently oozing out a small amount of pre. The rhino looked down at the lioness and mumbled something as he drooled all over her face. She giggled and muttered something in agreement, before grabbing the pachyderm's fat dick and opening her mouth. She started to suck off the rhino, slurping so noisily she practically drowned out the sound of Slater's flatulence. His dick was caked in spit in only a few seconds, and Slater was enjoying the sloppy BJ. She wasn't sucking him off hard yet, but the rhino didn't seem to care. He just smiled and murred softly as he grabbed her head and shoved his cock further inside her slobbering maw. That was when the lioness finally tightened her jaw and started to suck him dry as hard as she could. The combination of his soiled diaper and of the prostitute giving him head was just too much to bear any longer. It only took thirty seconds for the pachyderm to cum inside the lioness's mouth. Of course, unfamiliar with the gooey substance, she swallowed a majority of it, thinking it was only slobber. Once she finished, she crawled backwards and spat up all the rhino semen she had in her maw, and Slater grinned widely. Many of the scientists were beginning to think that Slater was faking his symptoms purely so he could interact with all the female subjects around him. The one thing Slater didn't seem to do was eat his own excrement, and he never curiously put his hands into another furry or scaley's diaper, just his own. If he was faking, he sure was doing a damn good job at it. Then again, he was gonna be trapped down there for many weeks to come, so he might as well enjoy himself as much as possible.

Mallick was hissing loudly and whining as he smeared shit all over the walls with his scaly hands. He wasn't wearing a straitjacket anymore, and the doctors knew he was too delirious to even know what the word "suicide" meant. But the doctors knew he was in pain, after watching him cry himself to sleep night after night. But there was nothing they could do for him. No matter how many times they tried to snap him back into reality, he always remained inside his own little world. So they tried the next best thing, and brought in the Iksar's old partner, Dr. Krimwood. The second he saw the vulpine drool and crawl into his room, he tittered quietly and walked over to her body. The agents immediately shut his door before he attacked them again like last time. Mallick looked down at the vulpine, trying to figure out who she was. He knew he saw her somewhere before, but he didn't know where. The lizard smiled and placed a hand on her cheek before squatting down so he was at her eye level. Stacy looked up at Mallick and opened her mouth so she could drool. Mallick was drooling too, but the expression on his face and in his eyes was far more demented than the expression on Stacy's face. The Iksar hadn't had any action for the past couple of weeks now, and since Stacy was finally there, he could have a friend to "play with" for as long as he wanted. The lizard started rubbing Stacy's cheeks, ignoring all the tiny coos and giggles she made, before he felt his cock growing and heard his diaper crinkling. He looked down at the giant bulge in his undergarments and smiled devilishly before looking at Stacy again. She must've understood what that crinkling sound and what the bulge was, because after seeing his boner, she turned around and farted in the lizard's face. Mallick didn't move an inch. He stayed right where he was and watched as the good doctor sighed and finally started to fill up her diaper for him. It was only a little at first, and the bulge was barely even recognizable. But after the vulpine passed gas again, Mallick hissed and planted his face directly against the superabsorbent plastic, feeling each log of shit slowly plummet out of Stacy's hindquarters and coil around into a ball. He felt two half-inch pieces at first, then murred as a few small chunks quickly buried themselves inside the mound. Stacy paused at first and let Mallick smother his face into the mess, before grunting, passing more rancid gas, and pushing out four logs of shit almost instantaneously, making her diaper bulge out even more and sag towards the floor. Mallick backed away and observed the incontinent vulpine with a toothy grin as she shat herself, continuously laying more dung into the diaper. The Iksar was tempted to pin the vulpine down and rape her right then and there, but a tiny fragment of his brain told him he didn't want to "violate" Stacy. So he just watched the doctor soil herself, adding on to the mound little by little, increasing the diaper's weight and diameter as each smelly, brown lump of shit fell.

Once Stacy had finally finished filling her diaper, she stayed perfectly still and let Mallick dry-hump her a little, rubbing his pelvis all around her now brown diaper. He felt a little bit of precum oozing out of his cock and started to pull his diaper down, only for Stacy to turn around and do the job for him. After she pulled down his diaper, she giggled as his cock pointed directly at her face, still dripping a substantial amount of precum. She knew what the lizard wanted, and promptly opened her mouth so she could suck on his long cock. The Iksar hissed pleasurably and started to rub the vulpine's temples with his scaly hands. Stacy mumbled something and spat more saliva all around his cock as she moved back and forth and coated his musky copulatory organ with her own spit. She hadn't even sucked him off hard yet, but the lizard seemed like he was ready to orgasm. It was clear that the lizard hadn't had sex in days, and was literally dying for someone to stimulate him. After swallowing a few drops of pre from Mallick, the lizard grabbed Stacy's head and violently shoved it so far forwards that her nose was almost touching his groin. She didn't care though, and only bit down on his dick and sucked long and hard, as hard as she could. Her grip on his cock was so tight it was almost hurting Mallick, but the grin on his face was saying that he enjoyed what she was doing, and he made a gesture instructing her not to stop until he came inside her mouth. So she continued to sloppily suck off the Iksar, making him moan and snarl loudly, foaming at the mouth and jerking spontaneously, like he was already on the verge of reaching the orgasm. She quickly moved her maw back and forth and swallowed more clear pre, realizing that the maniacal lizard was beginning to lose control. As Stacy moved back and forth four times, Mallick panted and moaned each time. During her fifth tug, Mallick shrieked and jerked as he came all over her tongue and the inside of her mouth. There was so much of it that her cheeks bloated a little, and Stacy was forced to open up her mouth so she could cough up all the sticky, white goo. The Iksar finally relaxed after suffering through so much, and sighed with relief as he pulled his diaper back up. Then he slouched over and collapsed to the floor, sitting against his bed and staring at the wall in front of him. Stacy saw what he was doing and decided to join him. She crawled over to her former colleague and sat down, giggling when she heard the mound in her diaper making a loud squishy noise. She leaned towards the Iksar and started to nuzzle his neck, before Mallick smiled and glanced over at her. Then they both giggled and started to snuggle, although, they weren't really sure why.

At least someone was happy down there.

Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 1)

**Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 1)** I didn't get much sleep that night. After everything Zepher said, I couldn't stop wondering if the entire team was about to walk into a grave trap, or if we were going to do something that would...

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Doodle Story: Merry Stink-Mas

Even on Christmas, I'm still makin' smelly stories. :P Anyway, this is about a reindeer named Bozo who goes around pranking furries on Christmas day. The only problem is that his pranks usually backfire. Horribly. * * * **Doodle Story: Merry...

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Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 1)

**Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 1)** Once we finished with our mission, we always returned to our safe house stationed at the peak of a hill overlooking a deserted village. The safe house wasn't too complex, and carried all the bare necessities...

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