Soul Mate Charm: Sanctuary

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#5 of Soul Mate Charm



This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals, rapid, supernatural progression of age and erotic transformation. If you are not legally able to do read this or are in anyway offended by the content, please avert your eyes in the opposite direction and clear your browser history now. The author assumes no liability for the corruption of youth, unexpected homosexual desires or the eventual downfall of society. Thanks and enjoy, comments are welcome.


Soul Mate Charm: Sanctuary

Officer Gavin Steele had always been a kind hearted soul. Many people would never consider him the type to us a firearm let alone become a police officer. As a child, he was always the goody-goody. Not entirely a teacher's pet but someone who if he saw an injustice, he would promptly correct. He always tried to be as non-violent as possible.

It hardly ever worked but when he did, he was relieved that the need for violence passed him by.

He was no coward. Far from it. It was just that he was smart about which battled his picked.

Clearly, however, this was one battle he wasn't prepared for.

He had last seen Wesley just two days ago when they had busted Josh's friends for making a ruckus. Since then, neither Steele nor his parents had seen him. 48 hours was the limit for when a person could officially be declared 'missing'.

As of half an hour ago, that limit was well and truly behind him.

Steele had asked the school if they had seen Wesley but - just like his parents - they hadn't seen him for the past 48 hours. None of his teammates had seen him either. His teachers had noted he was missing early on but because of the football team's record of skipping classes, had thought nothing of it. He even asked any distant relatives if they had any word from him but last they knew, he was attending school and living happily with his parents.

Of course, his parents were distressed. They had practically begged Steele to look into it immediately. Steele had hoped Wesley was just being a truant and was out with his friends, perhaps crashed at a friend's place drunk. Though after that one time he caught Wesley playing hooky and 'processed' him, telling him he now had a criminal record, he was pretty sure the kid wouldn't do anything drastic again. Naturally, that was all a little white lie but he did keep Wesley's statistics on file.

He often opened the file and marvelled at how the young man grew up right before his eyes.

He didn't want to think of a possible kidnapping situation or worse... murder. Unfortunately, after two days, he had to start looking.

And still no sign of Wesley.

Steele had almost asked everyone.

His next stop was, Josh's residence. He didn't want to bother them and from what he gathered, Josh didn't want anything to do with Wesley. They were the least likely people to have paid attention to where Wesley was going. Unless they were the ones that kidnapped him...

Gavin shook his head.

No... No, he wasn't willing to believe that Josh and his family were somehow involved in Wesley's disappearance.

In fact, he was adamant Wesley hadn't 'disappeared' as such. Probably just out partying or something.

"Yeah..." Steele told himself as he emerged from his police cruiser. "That must be it..."

Still... It wouldn't hurt to ask.

He wended his way up to the door of Josh's home just as he remembered that Josh's father - Adam - had yet to be seen as well. Apparently, to preserve a young Josh's crumbling self-esteem, he was sent off to some relatives. Steele had yet to check on that. A repeat offender like Adam needed to be constantly monitored. He couldn't understand why they let him back into that house when he clearly had a psychological breakdown after his divorce... but such was the law... and expert opinion apparently.

Gavin Steele half-expected to hear loud, disruptive music coming from the house or some of the windows broken. Something to indicate that the people inside were the hard, partying-types that he had been told about. Of course, that wasn't the case.

The house seemed as quiet and calm as it always did.

He rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to answer. A bite of guilt struck him when he recalled that it was not so long ago that he stood on this very doorstep after hearing some peculiar sounds coming from this home. Wesley was standing right beside him and the young man who had taken to idolising him for some time now, looked so scared. It filled Steele with a bit of pride knowing that he was defending such a strong, young high schooler.

Having a fan was definitely a big boost to his ego but that only made him overly protective of Wesley. Thus, he made it his personal mission to find Wesley.

"I'll find you, Wes," he whispered softly to himself, his eyes locked permanently on the door in front of him. "Whatever it takes, I'll find you."

The door opened.

Steele was instantly hit by a tremendous, overwhelming wave of musk and the oddest hint of a scent he couldn't quite identify. The closest smell he could associate that scent to was 'wet dog'. A strange, gargantuan man stood in front of him. The guy was big, about as big as that hairy beast that was the boyfriend of Josh's cousin. Leaner, however, and simply brimming with muscles. If anything, he looked like a profession bodybuilder with his in-season weight and permanently oiled with sweat. There were veins popping out over his huge, dinner-plate-like pec. A pronounced eight-pack was pressed against his olive-gold flesh. A light dusting of sandy-blonde hair covered his muscular chest, thickening around the undersides of his pecs and running down the middle of his valley-like abs to form a glistening treasure-trail that vanished into a thick forest of pubic hair barely contained by a pair of red boxer-shorts.

The strange man's startled brown eyes were an odd shade, almost golden. They were accentuated by a purple and silver charm wrapped around his neck on a black strip like a choker or a collar.

"Officer Steele?" the man rumbled, in a deep and oddly youthful tone.

Steele froze. As far as he was concerned, he had never seen this giant of a man before. However, it was entirely possible that Josh and his other family members had informed this stranger of who their local policeman was... Especially since Steele just lived a few houses down.

Keeping his cool, Steele gave a nod to the man and said, "Yes, that's me. I'm here in regards to Wesley Pearson. The boy next door who went missing two days ago."

The man looked a little alarmed and that instantly sent alarm bells ringing in Steele's mind.

"Right..." the man rumbled, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. "He's gone missing...?"

"Yes," Steele answered evenly, quietly observing the man's body language. It was hard not to appreciate the gorgeous build of this man. Every muscle was highly defined. Thick, corded muscles covered his entire body and Steele had to admit, the man's muscular arms were quite... interesting. They were in no way hairless like many of the profession bodybuilders but had a rather thick layer of sandy-blonde hair covering them, somehow making this man just seem more... manly.

"We haven't seen him around here..." the man answered unconvincingly.

There was just something in the way he bit his lower lip that warned Steele there was definitely something going on in that house and he knew it concerned Wesley. Some part of him mentally chuckled at how Wesley used to do the same when he was caught red-handed. He lost himself in a memory temporarily when he caught Josh and Wesley riding their bikes in the middle of the road and he warned them how dangerous it was.

That was when he guessed Wesley had started to make him an idol.

He missed that kid even if it had been only two days.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Steele pressed.

Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Josh either... He had seen Matt but he seemed quite different...

"Positive," the man answered, gaining a bit more confidence in his blatant lie. His eyes still betrayed him however. They kept darting to the side and flicking back towards Steele. "Now if that's all, Officer...?"

The classic line that would throw suspicion on anyone...

"May I come in?" Steele asked, gesturing towards the one, tiny, miniscule space in the doorway that this huge, hulk of a man didn't take up.

"Sorry," the man answered all too quickly, his eyes filled with panic. "We're... quite busy in here..."

The hesitation in his voice made Steele doubly suspicious. While he wanted more than anything to know what was really going in the house, he remembered that he would not only have this mammoth to contend with but also that hairy bear he remembered from before. Not to mention Matt...

He decided to back off for the moment and gathering his thoughts... maybe even a search warrant.

"Thank you for your time," Steele said, dipping his hat towards the man. "If you remember or see anything, be sure to call me."

Before Steele could turn around and take his leave, the big man's meaty hand snaked out and seized his own. "Wait!"

That grip was strong but it wasn't painful. His hands were surprisingly smooth. They were quite hot and Steele could feel the massive pulse of the man beating through his flesh, almost pumping him full of that heat as well.

"Yes...?" Steele asked, turning around slightly.

"Umm..." the man began, his eyes oddly watery. It was clear that he was nervous. "A - Are you single?"

Alarm bells began ringing again in Steele's mind but this time, it wasn't from suspicion. He quickly pulled his hand away from the man's and took a few steps back. "I'm afraid that isn't any of your business," he answered as calmly as he could. "I am flattered but I'm afraid I have a job to do and a young man I need to find."

"What's so important about Wesley anyway?" the man demanded, looking a little hurt and confused at the same time.

Steele could sympathise with the guy but seriously, they hardly knew each other. Did he really expect the two of them to just suddenly strip down naked and do it on the front lawn? "Wesley is like a little brother to me," Steele answered, keeping his voice calm but unable to hide all the pangs of emotion he felt. "I care for him very much. This I'm not just looking for him because it's my job. I'm looking for him as well because he's very important to me."

The man's golden eyes suddenly flicked back up to meet his gaze. "How important?"

"That's none of your business," Steele answered shortly, turning around. He headed back down the front yard and back to his cruiser. "Again, if you see or hear anything call me."


Wesley shut the door and pressed his back against it, sighing heavily. His legs felt weak and he slid down towards the ground, curling up into a big, muscular ball with his knees up to his chin. He pressed his massive, meaty hands against his face and fought back the tears.

He had hoped that his brief encounter with Officer Steele would bring them together. He remembered how Josh and Matt explained it. How Adam and Paul had gotten together. It was meant to be a simple kiss, some cum and the charm... But he hadn't found the opportunity to give Gavin the matching Soul Mate Charm to the one he now wore.

Sighing, he fingered the Charm which hung around his neck. He closed his eyes and imagined Gavin wearing it... and the two of them with their lips meeting... and for Gavin turning into one hot, hunk of a werewolf.

Wesley instantly got a boner and he growled a little as his cock tented against his boxer shorts.

Surprisingly, out of the rest of the pack, he was the most sensible out of them... or at least the least hormonally charged. Oh he went romping with the rest. In fact, the past two days had gone off in a blur of fur, muscle, cocks and cum. Just thinking of all those times was really making him hard and the beast was rapidly trying to emerge, telling him to charge after Steele, pin him inside his own cruiser and fuck his brains out.

He growled and shook his head. In his heart, he knew Gavin would be his mate. He just knew it. It wasn't just a sexual thing either. For the longest time, he had looked up to Gavin and to have that big, strong male beside him as they safeguarded the pack would be a dream come true. The two of them, howling at the moon to ward off all intruders...

He grunted and realised that he had slipped his big, meaty hand into his shorts.

Shaking his head free of the thoughts and pulling his hand out of his shorts, he got up and headed towards the kitchen. The thing about being an overly horny werewolf was that after hours and hours of nothing but senseless sex, he was left quite hungry. His ass also felt a little sore after both Josh and Matt claimed him at the same time.

He actually loved that experience. He loved getting it up in the ass... Getting filled by his Alpha's seed and feeling the love only a packmate could give. Mounting someone else was also damn hot having his dick up Adam's ass was one awesome experience. He couldn't believe how tight the Omega was even after receiving their cocks up his ass for every session.

Just thinking of all those experiences made him lick his lips and hungry for more.

Thankfully, Josh was in the kitchen, cooking something nice, big and meaty. Looked like some T-Bone steaks. Steaks for breakfast was pretty standard fare. With Adam and Matt earning money, it was well and truly affordable. Wesley was thinking of getting his own job as well and Paul was applying for a bouncer job at a nearby bar. With all of them earning money, he had no doubt they could live as werewolves and eat as much steak as they wanted.

Only now, it wasn't the steak meat he was craving.

Josh looked up from his cooking and sniffed the air. His beautiful, green eyes turned towards Wesley and the werewolf was instantly hard as his Alpha smirked.

"Someone's hungry," Josh observed.

His Alpha knew him so well... His heart skipped a beat every time he heard Josh speak. He knew that Josh loved him more than just a best friend could. It was... something indescribable. It wasn't the love between two mates nor was it the love between friends. It was like brotherhood except deeper, more sensual.

And he loved Josh in return in exactly the same way... although there was still an itch he wanted scratched and that couldn't be filled by any of his packmates.

He wanted a mate... and he knew Gavin would be it.

"Who was at the door, Wes?" Josh asked, shutting off the oven and wending his way through the kitchen towards him. Wesley instinctively lowered himself slightly. He was still smaller than Josh but still, he felt it was right to ensure he maintained that he was beneath his Alpha. He didn't want to lose Josh again.

"Gavin," Wesley murmured softly, a light blush touching his features.

Josh cupped Wesley's chin in his bigger, meatier hand and gently forced Wesley to lock gazes with him. "He in yet?"

Whimpering, Wesley said, "No... Doesn't even seem that interested."

Wesley's worries were instantly melted away as Josh's lips wrapped around his own. All his thoughts instantly blurred into a sexual haze as his Alpha comforted him and rubbed his crotch tenderly. Wesley instantly dove into the kiss, brushing his tongue against Josh's and feeling it lengthening and flattening as the beast quickly took over.

Josh pulled away at that moment and brushed Wesley's hairy cheeks, chuckling faintly. "Don't worry, Wes. If he's your mate, he'll come around eventually. You just have to be patient."

His Alpha bopped his blackened nose slightly, forcing Wesley to sit back and whimper in disappointment. Having his Alpha mount him was something he took great pride and joy in especially if his Alpha spilled his seed into him.

"Thanks, Josh..." he whispered softly.

Josh leaned forward and licked his cheek tenderly, loving. Wesley shuddered and his eyes rolled back into his head as images of him and Josh wrapped around one another's arms and spilling their seed everywhere filled his mind.

Josh was the best Alpha he could ever wish for...

Perhaps he wasn't the most controlled out of the pack... Josh had really matured very quickly and Wesley found himself looking up to his Alpha more and more with each passing day.

"So did you want to help me with breakfast?" Josh asked.

Eager to please, Wesley hurried to the stove but froze when he saw something sitting on the kitchen counter. Pausing for a moment, he cocked his head to the side as his lupine features receded back into a soft, human countenance.

"What are these?" he asked, swiping up the pamphlet-like object on the counter.

Josh turned around, a little puzzled himself. "I was hoping you could tell me, Wes. I found them with your shredded clothing."

Wesley blushed at that as he recalled the circumstances that had led him to his 'induction' into the pack. He relished the memory of his transformation and simply loved reliving that moment every time he joined the pack in their nightly couplings.

Regarding the pamphlet in his hands, he remembered that the weird guy that had given him the Soul Mate Charms had also given him the map. He unfolded it and even with the residual semen that coated certain parts of the map, he could make out that the map led directly from this house, up the freeway and into the mountains. There was a big, red star where the directions led.

Josh peered over his shoulder and Wesley gave him the majority of the map.

"Who gave this to you?" Josh asked, his brow furrowed in worry.

Wesley didn't like seeing his Alpha worried but he didn't want to lie to him either. "The guy that gave me the Soul Mate Charms..."

Josh's eyes flicked towards him. "Jake Reaper? The guy with sunglasses and black hair?"

"Yeah..." Wesley murmured, worry marring his voice as well. "Why?"

Turning his gaze back towards the map, Josh slowly pressed a finger where his house rested and traced the path towards the mountains. "I've been... having these dreams lately. I think... I think I follow this exactly path... Yeah... Right here..." He jabbed the map where it veered suddenly away from the freeway. "I thought so..."

A little confused and a little scared, Wesley asked, "What?"

Josh pressed the map back against the counter, spreading it wide. "I don't know... Everything about these Charms" - he fingered the blue charm he wore - "has really made things turn out really good. I mean, I found my soul mate, my dad and Paul are happy and..."

He turned towards Wesley and wrapped an arm around the slightly shorter werewolf. Josh nuzzled Wesley, emitting a soft mumbling purr. Wesley rubbed his cheek against Josh's and relished the sandpapery feel of their soft beard brushing against one another.

"I just followed my instincts..." Josh continued, his eyes back on the map. "...and my instincts are telling me to follow this map."

"But why do we have to leave?" Wesley replied a little softly. "I mean, we got a good thing going here... Why leave?"

Josh turned to Wesley and kissed his cheek lightly. "Why did Officer Steele come knocking?"

To that question, Wesley actually had to pause a little. As much as he didn't want to lose his chance at his mate, it was his role as one of the pack's guardians to protect the pack... no matter the cost. As far as he could tell, the fact that he was 'missing' meant that there will be constant investigations. Being neighbours to the home he had effectively abandoned when he moved in with Josh, this place had a big bullseye on it.

"He was here because I was missing," Wesley answered softly.

If their hormones got any more out of control and Wesley ended up somehow seducing Gavin Steele,big questions would be asked... Not to mention the question over where Paul went and why Adam had dropped off the map... Then there'd be the questions about where Josh went and how Matt got so big... Not to mention all the 'mysterious relatives' that keep popping up...

No... Their cover was effectively blown with Gavin's investigation.

They had to leave.

"I'll get the others to start packing," Josh murmured softly, nuzzling his neck tenderly. "Who knows, Wes? I thought you were my soul mate at first but it turns out, my soul mate was my older brother. You might find someone else."

Wesley hoped so... but he also hoped that he could have Gavin.

As Josh disappeared back upstairs, an idea hit Wesley... He grabbed a piece of paper towel from the roll, snatched a pen and scribbled some notes on it, glancing at the map every now and then. He then tucked it in a cupboard where no one would be able to find it... unless they were looking thoroughly...

... and if he knew the excellent cop that Gavin Steele was...

He would find it.


The facts spoke for themselves.

Adam should've been closely monitored considering his record but he had dropped off the map after returning home when Matt picked him up more than five days ago. Josh mysteriously vanished after his first day in school. Paul had vanished after his mother had been incredibly negligent and anyone could only guess that he went to visit his family.

And now Wesley had gone missing.

The only person that hadn't vanished in that network of friends and family was Matt.

So, Gavin Steele had to assume the worst.

That... perhaps after all the stress, after all the misery and all the pain and agony that he had endured, Matt had finally gone postal on his family. Perhaps he had resorted to drugs - maybe steroids considering his sudden growth spurt - and in a fit of rage, had murdered his family and anyone who had come to visit. Perhaps those people who had appeared in his house were his cohorts.

All Gavin knew was that he had to speak to Matt.

It was risky going in alone but he didn't want any other policemen throwing accusations everywhere and attacking the family. Only he knew how hard Josh's family had it. He didn't want them incriminating themselves any further and he had to make sure that they had their chance at a fair trial and redemption...

... though... if he guessed right, no amount of pleading would save them.

Gun in hand, Gavin strode up the footpath to the front door... and sighed heavily.

"Please Matt..." he whispered softly. "Please tell me you didn't..."

Taking a deep breath, he rang the doorbell... and waited.

No answer.

He rang the bell again, his heart pounding in his chest.

... still no answer.

Once more, he rang the bell.

... two... three... four...


He banged on the wooden door. "This is Officer Steele!" he shouted. "Open up! Matt! I know you're in there!"


Taking a deep breath, Gavin took two steps back... then kicked the door. The white piece of wood flung open, splintering a little as it slammed against the wall. Gavin instantly stormed in, gun up...

... but the house was empty.

"Damnit!" he swore, storming into the kitchen. It looked like someone had ransacked the place. The pantry was half empty and the fridge still remained open.

Cursing, Gavin bolted through the rest of the house, looking for something - anything - that would either reassure him the residents were safe or as to the location of those who had lived here. All of the upstairs bedrooms were empty except but far from clean. Signs of struggle was everywhere. Pillows lay open and torn up, mattresses were ripped to shreds. The walls had claw marks on them and there was some white goo all over the carpet. The air was thick and heady with the smell of sweat, man and the heavy scent of sex.

Gavin knelt next to one of the large puddle that had to be as big as his foot. He gently jabbed it with a finger and winced at its sticky consistency.

He knew what it was.


He could only imagine what happened to the poor kids in this place... Signs of struggle... semen... It could only mean rape...

"Matt..." he growled, storming out of the bedroom and heading towards the basement. "What have you become?"

The basement was likewise empty and the only thing reassuring him throughout the entire search was that there were no signs of blood anywhere. That either meant they had cleaned up very well, they had killed their victims without the need to draw blood... or far worse...

... they had taken Josh, Paul and maybe even Wesley with them...

It filled Gavin with fear... but also scant hope.

He could still rescue them.

Now if only he knew where they went...

Gavin went back upstairs and scoured the first and second floors again, looking for any sign... anything... He flung open a cupboard... and a paper towel dropped down onto his polished, black shoes. Blinking in confusion, he gingerly picked it up... and noticed there was writing on it.

His heart began racing.

They were directions.

And it was signed 'Wesley'.

"Atta boy..." he laughed softly. Tucking the sheet into his pocket, he quickly raced back out and practically dove into his cruiser.

He revved the engine and drove.


It was well into the night when Matt decided to stop for gas. He was technically the only one who could drive. While most of them looked old enough to drive, none of them knew how to. Adam knew how to drive but he barely looked 18 and his driver's licence dubbed him to be well into his thirties. If they were pulled over - which they didn't want - they would have to do some real explaining as to why an 18 year old had driver's licence belonging to a 39 year old.

There were a lot of jokes made about 'driving a stick' and that was a deciding factor as to why Matt decided to stop to refuel.

Being werewolves, most of them were a little stir-crazy. Josh went out to explore the surrounding area while Paul and Adam decided to duck behind gas station for a little bit of... 'loving' as they put it. Wesley remained in the back of the large, family van, quietly watching the relatively empty highway.

It was almost pitch black out there with only the light from the gas station and the occasional car breaking the darkness. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he thought about what and who he had left behind... all for the sake of the pack. He was tempted to go 'lone wolf' and go after Gavin himself but once again, he didn't want to leave Josh.

He had no doubt Josh would let him go if he wanted... but he didn't want to go.

He loved Josh.

Loved his entire family... He just wished Gavin was part of that family.

Sighing, he pulled away from the window and pressed his back up against the back seats. Matt indicated that he was going off to pay for the gas and Wesley gave him a slight nod. No doubt his Alpha's mate would take his time. Some part of him guessed that apart from waiting for Paul and Adam to finish, Matt would also go out to 'hunt' for Josh and the two would have their own coupling session out in the woods that surrounded the gas station.

His heart longed for a partner he could spend time with... just like that.

He was tempted to have a threesome with one of the couples and he had no doubt any of them would mind... but the sex just filled up his reassurances that he would always have his pack's support. It didn't fill up that longing in his heart.

A soft whimper left his lips as he pressed his cheek back up against the window and let out a heavy sigh, his breath fogging up the glass.

"Gavin..." he whispered softly. "I miss you."


He went rigid at the sound and glanced towards the opposite door.

A gun was levelled at him...

... a gun held by a police officer.

Gavin Steele.

"Out of the car."


Officer Gavin Steele was wet, cold and pissed... but at the same time, he was goddamn relieved.

He finally caught up with the kidnappers and rapists. In retrospect, he should have called for backup but he had already reported the incident over at the house and no doubt police officers were scouring the place, getting DNA tests on all the semen that were found to try and identify who the perpetrators were.

However, now he had them...

He finally had them.

At least one of them.

"G - Gavin...?" the big, muscle-man asked, lifting his massive hands in sign of surrender.

"Out of the car!" Gavin repeated. "Now!"

The man's brown eyes went wide but there was this hint of... relief in them as well. Probably his guilty conscience finally catching up with him. Gavin took a few steps back to let the man open the door to Matt's van.

It was one hell of a coincidence that Gavin had decided to stop at this location. He was running low on gas and apparently, so had the criminals. As long as he held them at gunpoint, he could give headquarters a call and get back up here to apprehend however many people there were in this sicko's group.

The man wasn't shaking but just looked oddly happy as he pushed open the door and stepped out. The guy was about Gavin's height but definitely beefier. Something stirred within the police officer but he quickly dismissed it as he pulled up his radio from his hip. He was just within the boundaries of the signal range so he still had good reception.

"This is Officer Steele," he said into his radio. "I've apprehended one of the criminals and have found their van at a gas station on the highway. I need backup."

"What are your coordinates, Steele?"

He gave the coordinates and his exact location, never letting his eyes leave the massive man's form. There was something... ruggedly handsome about the guy and he had that kind of face that screamed 'trust me'. No wonder Matt or anyone else in that family had fallen victim for his charms. Despite the rain and the heavy odour of petrol in the air, Gavin could still smell the man's heavy, masculine stench followed by that pang of wet-dog.

"Gavin, listen..." the man began, lowering his arms.

"Don't," Gavin snarled, emphasising the word, "... move."

The guy's arms went back up. "Look... Just give me a second to explain..."

"I don't need you to explain your goddamn sicko!" Gavin snapped, jabbing his gun against the guy's large, iron-like pecs. He took a second to marvel at just how strong they were. "I know what you did to that poor family. I know you used them all as sex toys." He growled and forced the guy back up against the van. "I swear, when the jury gets done with you, I'll come into the pits of Hell itself and drag your carcass through every goddamn pit of fire down there!"

"But -"

"And you even took Wesley!" Gavin shouted, unable fight back the tears. "Wesley was like my little brother, you asshole! I don't know what you did to him or where you stuffed his body but I swear, I'm going to make you pay for what you did!"

The man's features softened slightly and he gave Gavin this sad, little smile. "Gavin, I -"

"Officer Steele?"_his radio began. _"Are you still there?"

"Not a word, fucker," Gavin growled as he picked up his radio again. "Yeah, I'm here."

"We have the results for those tests run on the semen you found."

He glared at the guy and found a satisfied, sadistic smirk cross his features. Now he had evidence. With that, this case was closed. "Great," he told the operator on the other side of the radio. "Hold them for me and send them to the court because -"

"No. You don't understand, Steele. The semen we found? They all belong to the family."

For a second, Gavin though he needed to clean his ears. "What?"

"Almost every drop of the semen we found belonged to the residents of the home. There were a few minor discrepancies but otherwise, it's about a perfect match."

"It can't be_,"_ Gavin whispered, his eyes still locked on the man's. There was this gentle smile on the guy's face that seemed to say, 'See? I told you so.' "Run the tests again."

"We did, Gav. Again and again. They're the same. We've got their DNA on file because of the divorce, the forced paternity test when the mother tried claiming that the kids weren't the father's in court and after the father was caught drink driving several times. We know what we're talking about, Steele."

His heart was pounding in his chest... He didn't know what to make of this new information.

If... if the semen belonged to the family... then... who...?

"You said... almost every drop of the semen?" he stammered, desperate to look for some indication that he had found the right guys.

"The last sample belongs to a kid that you ran through process at one point to 'scare' him. Wesley Pearson."

Gavin's jaw dropped and his arms slackened, dropping his gun slightly. "No way..."

"Yeah Gav..." the man said shrugging a little. "It's me. Wesley."

He couldn't believe his eyes or his ears... Wesley was growing into a one hunk of a man from football practice but this... This hulk before him was something else... And in the span of two days!? It was impossible.


Gently, Wesley's arms wrapped around his shoulders and Gavin found himself being pulled towards the titan. His lips found Wesley's and in that instant, all thoughts of murder, kidnapping and rape vanished from his mind. His thoughts blurred as blood poured out of his brain and down into his cock.

Wesley diverted his lips away from Gavin's and the police officer was shocked to realised that he missed the touch of those full, lush lips.

He wanted Wesley!

"Let me show you," Wesley whispered into his ear, one meaty hand slowly pulling open the van door.

Strangely despite any and all of his police training, Gavin couldn't resist Wesley's pull. He was curious how any of this happened... and why Wesley had run away... He wanted to know... This was the kid that he had practically taken under his wing and now... Now he was a gorgeous, muscular man that sent Gavin's inhibitions flying and some primal, lustful beast to stir inside him.

Gavin crawled into the back seat of the van, the scent of man filling his nostrils to almost stifling levels but with every breath he took, it seemed to replace his need for oxygen all the more. He eyes Wesley hungrily in ways he had never lusted over any woman before and a soft grows escaped his lips as he crawled over Wesley, pinning the bigger, bulkier man beneath him as Wesley pressed his back against the back seat, stretching himself to take up the length of the seat.

Some powerful force just drove him to wrap his lips around Wesley's and this time, his parted his lips open and tentatively let his tongue brush against Wesley's. The contact of their tastebuds against one another was simply electric and quickly sent Gavin over the edge.

"Uh - urgh!" he grunted as his cock jerked in his pants, staining the navy-blue cloth over his tented crotch area. There was a wave of exhaustion that hit him but unlike the many other times he had orgasmed, he was left lusting for more and that weariness was quickly replaced by a drive for more.

He stared lustily at the enormous hunk in front of him... and instantly dove in, curling his arms around the man's enormous torso, pressing his tongue past those lush, plump lips. Wesley's breath flooded into his lungs, the hot air filling him with a warmth he had never felt before. He could feel that volcanic heat pump through his clothes.

It became too much and he pulled back, gasping for breath, sweat dripping off his forehead. His entire body felt like it was on fire and he was producing his own musk. A scent of his manliness mixed with his sweat and lust. He grunted and tried to unbutton his shirt but Wesley's massive, meaty hands wrapped around his and gently pressed them against his bare, muscular chest.

"I... I still don't..." Gavin gasped. "Oh god... I'm so hot..."

Wesley smiled at him. "Gav... I've wanted you for so long..."

Gavin didn't know how to reply to that. So instead, he buried his face between the clefts of Wesley's massive pecs, pressing his tongue against the firm muscle there and relishing the resistance each strand of the man's thin dusting of hair felt against his tongue. He shivered all over at the salty taste of Wesley's body.

He navigated the crevasses of Wesley's form until he found a nice, hard nipple, wrapping his lips around the flesh nub and suckling it tenderly. Wesley moaned and bucked his hips against Gavin's and the young police officer's mind instantly went into overdrive.

His cock was painfully erect already, never dying after the first orgasm. His mind went nuts as cum erupted from his cock a second time, soaking his pants. The heat all over his body intensified and he pulled back from Wesley's nipple to let out a shuddering groan. His body felt like someone was pumping hot iron into his veins and with each passing second, the iron rapidly cooled, hardening into muscle and pushing his form out and past his uniform. He threw his head back and groaned as the top buttons of his shirt popped out and slammed against the window.

Gasping for breath, he looked down at his nice, barrel chest that he was sure he didn't have before. He glanced at his arms, blinking in surprise at their added girth and how his sleeves were pressed around his biceps too tightly. His pants - although terribly wet from his semen - was wrapped tightly around his thighs and his polished, black shoes were unbearably uncomfortable.

"What's..." he gasped, panting a little. "What's happening to me..."

Wesley's large, meaty hands wrapped around his thickening neck and pulled him close. Their lips melt and all worries faded away from Gavin's mind.

When they parted, Wesley whispered, "Trust me."

Gavin found himself brushing lips against Wesley's chin and was surprised to find rather large, hairy resistance just under his own lips. He never had a goatee... but for some reason, imagining himself with one turned him on a lot, causing his pants to groan a little more.

He pulled his lips away from Wesley and smiled down at the man beneath him. "I'm just so glad I found you..."

He wasn't sure why... but... Even after physically finding Wesley... there was a barrier between them that prevented him from truly finding Wesley... Something he... he wasn't sure what to think of it. Just... that when he looked into Wesley's eyes... he didn't see the true Wesley...

... and he wanted to find him so badly.

Wesley arched his back and groaned deeply. Gavin sat back and gawked as the sandy blonde hair all over Wesley's body spread and thickened, covering every mound of muscle like... like fur. Gavin was about to cry out in shock when Wesley caught him in another, smoking hot lip-lock. A soft, slick, flat tongue slipped between his lips ad Gavin suddenly found himself kissing a long, lupine muzzle.

He watched in awe as Wesley's soft, rounded features transformed into handsome, angular wolfish features. Gavin thought he should pull away... but he couldn't... he didn't want to. He dove straight in and ran his hands all over Wesley's shifting body, loving the feeling of all those muscles moving and shifting beneath his touch and growing in mass and fur.

Lost in the pleasure and feeling the barrier between them breaking down, Gavin pulled Wesley over on top of him, the two of them switching places on the back seat. An audible rip fill his ears as Wesley's massive, pink, canine cock exploded from his red boxer shorts. Feeling the hot werewolf's cock pressed up against his chest sent Gavin reeling for the third time.

He threw his head back as his cock exploded. He threw back his head and let out an ear-splitting roar.


His chest burst past his shirt and his pants tore at the seams. Huge, hairy thighs ripped through his pant, leaving them in shreds even though his underwear remained stubbornly in place. His feet burst through his shoes, bringing a sense of relief through his entire body. The huge, sandy-coloured werewolf on top of him bent down and cause the neck of his singlet in his fangs and tore them clean off.

Gavin gawked at his massive, pectorals and the permanently erect, pink nipples that stuck out amidst a thin forest of his dark brown hair. While he wasn't as hairy as Wesley, because his hair was darker, it was more prominent. Wesley licked his long, lupine muzzle and bent down, pressing his black nose against Gavin's exposed flesh, making the officer gasp in pleasure.

Some part of him realised what had happened... that Wesley... Josh's entire family... They'd been turned into werewolves and... and that perhaps they had just been having crazy gay sex all that time... Maybe Wesley just stumbled onto their secret and he accepted them into their 'pack' or whatever they called it...

But he didn't care...

He was so close... So close now...

So close to finding the true Wesley...

... and he didn't want to stop.

Suddenly, Wesley's muzzle found purchase around his underwear and Gavin gasped loudly, his hands scrambling for some handhold. His mind was filled with images... filled with thoughts of love, acceptance and... and... mates. His eyes sprang open as he came to one, single uplifting realisation...

He loved Wesley...

He wanted to be with Wesley... to find his... his soul mate...

Gavin Steele threw back his head and let out a triumphant cry as Wesley tore off his underwear, throwing it aside. The cum-stained pair of briefs splattered against the front windscreen. Gavin growled deeply and knew what both he and Wesley wanted. The big, sandy wolf above him quickly positioned himself over Gavin's pulsing cock.

Steele drove his cock deep into Wesley's ass, groaning at the tightness of that orifice and the blissful comfort of having his mate wrapped around his cock. Base instincts took over... Base instincts and a desire for love. He thrust deep into Wesley, pounding his mate's hair ass and feeling himself getting closer and closer to the edge...

... to an edge where Wesley... the true Wesley would be waiting for him on the other side.

He was on the verge of leaving one world and entering Wesley's... Entering a world where he could be with his mate forever more!

And he wanted to take that leap so badly!

Gavin clutched onto Wesley's furry shoulders tightly before... before...


A howl accompanied his cry as Wesley's cock was wracked with spasms and his cum came flying out in an unstoppable flood. It splattered all over Gavin's face and against the fogged up windows. Gavin's entire body suddenly clenched and exploded as he too was hit by the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt. The floodgates burst open and everything that he was, the person that had been Gavin Steele came shooting out of his cock and a burst of sticky, white love... all to be replaced by a new, stronger, Gavin Steele whose very existence revolved around a pack of werewolves and his Mate...

... Wesley Pearson.

Gavin lashed out, his cry turning into a howl as his face stretched forward and twisted into a nice, square muzzle. He felt his ears getting tugged to the top of his head as they became a large, triangular shape and was covered in thick, brown fur. He had to arch his back as his long, fluffy tail lashed out behind him, wagging ferociously at the joy of finally finding his the true Wesley... the Wesley that was his mate.

His hand slammed against the cum-covered window and he could feel it shifting, changing... He growled and fought for a handhold and his newly-formed paw hit the window again... slowly, sliding down the slick surface with his orgasm dying slowly...

His eyes were glazed over in his lust... He tried to roll over onto his stomach as he normally did when he was asleep but he found Wesley moving with him. It took him a moment to realise that he had a bulbous knot embedded into his mate...

His mate...

It didn't sound strange at all...

If felt right.

When he looked directly into Wesley's eyes... all he could say was, "I finally found you..."


To Gavin's surprise, Josh - his Alpha - wasn't at all that surprised or shocked that he had joined the pack. In fact, he seemed quite overjoyed at the prospect that Wesley finally had a mate. He was quickly informed about what their plans were and he had to agree that with all their collective 'disappearances', they would all have to make a run for it.

When back in his human guise, Gavin looked nothing like he did before. His jaw was square and his features more angular. He had a nice, thick goatee that he was quite proud of and something that Wesley practically died over - he couldn't stop licking it. His build matched Wesley's. He was now effectively a bodybuilder and in no way capable of fitting into any of the uniforms available in the force.

No one would recognise him.

He also now wore the matching Soul Mate Charm to Wesley's, the yellow one. Whenever Wesley came over and licked his goatee, he would reach over and connect their two Soul Mate Charms together...

He was, of course, terribly naked but that was no problem for Wesley as they cuddled most of the time, hiding his nudity from passing cars.

Finally, about three hours after leaving the gas station, they veered off the highway and parked their car on the shoulder of the road. There, they got out of the car, shifted into their werewolf forms and hurried deep into the woods.

With map in paw, they travelled through the woods, following Gavin's expert orienteering skills. It became increasing obvious to them that there was a sort of... harmony and rightness in the composition of their group.

Josh the leader.

Matt the leader's mate and ultimately the leader of the pack's guardians.

Gavin was the second in command to Matt with his experience in the force.

Paul was the provider, the biggest of them all but the kindest as well and the best on the hunt.

Wesley was the support, the backup and the fastest.

Lastly, there was Adam... the omega... Even with his experience in his years of living, he was still, in essence, the sex toy of the group. Not that he minded.

They worked well together... and they could never have found the cave without one another.

Josh's dreams led them to the cave.

They travelled through the darkness of the cave, their feral, yellow eyes capable of seeing even in the inky blackness. Finally, when the light came at the end of the tunnel, the pairs of werewolves looked to one another and smiled.

Josh wrapped his paws around Matt's... Paul scooped Adam into his huge, muscular arms... and Gavin wrapped his arms around Wesley, the two sharing a brief kiss.

They stepped through into opening...

... and were greeted by the great expanse of a beautiful valley. Lush green forests, emerald green planes covered in thick grass populated by all forms of game species; deer, cattle and even gazelle. A crystal clear waterfall poured down into a large lake in the middle of the valley that spilled out into different little rivers. It was a self-sustaining area.

There was no other word that could explain how any of them felt.

They were simply...

"Home..." Josh whispered softly. "We're finally home."



"Dear god... They're right..." Dan Wolfe sighed, shaking his head. "Everything you do does end with cum..."

Jacob Reaper shrugged as he watched the six werewolves pull away from the cave and began to explore their new home. "Hey, they had wild, crazy sex before they came into the valley. They didn't have sex when I decided to stop interfering -"

He stopped and raised an eyebrow.

"Oop... There they go," he said with a sigh. He pulled out some bills from his pocket and handed it to the creature standing next to him. "Look, would you have wanted your story to ended any differently?"

Dan sighed and shrugged. "I suppose not... but still, it's a trend for you. I'm worried you might be trying to turn every reality into one where everyone is gay and they have orgies for all eternity."

"And that is why I have other people working other realities too," Jacob replied with a snicker.

Dan sighed, shaking his head one more time. "Well... What now?"

"What do you mean 'what now'?"

"Seriously?" Dan asked, sounding a little frustrated. "Can't you see the loose ends here? I mean, what about Wesley's family? What about Adam's ex-wife? What about the backup that Gavin called? What about all of them?"

Jacob shrugged and turned away, staring intently into the horizon. "Who knows? Mortal fate shall and always be in mortal hands. The stories of these six individuals were tied together from the start and I merely helped them find their own reality.

"The worlds of the anyone else is in the hands of those people... or perhaps, they can be in the hands - or paws - of others. While mortals can alter their own fate, they can alter the fate of others as well.

"Will you be the one to change fate?"


"Who the hell are you talking to?" Dan asked.

Jacob grinned and shrugged.

He winked once, before turning back to Dan.

"Don't worry about it. Now come on, I've got other stories to write. And don't tell me you don't get off on seeing hot, muscular werewolves getting it on."

"Just shut up and give everyone a happy ending, will you."

Soul Mate Charm: United

**\*\*\*\*\*** **Disclaimer** This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals, rapid, supernatural progression of age and erotic transformation. If you are not legally able to do read this...

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Soul Mate Charm: Brotherhood

**\*\*\*\*\*** **Disclaimer** This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals not to mention involvement of underage persons rapidly progressing in age and erotic transformation. If you are...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Epilogue

**Epilogue: Post Production** **Shellington Airport** The _Rewritten Direction._ That's the name I gave the Seal that Rob had obtained and used to change all of Crosstown and the surrounding areas. After closely...

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