Soul Mate Charm: United

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#4 of Soul Mate Charm



This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals, rapid, supernatural progression of age and erotic transformation. If you are not legally able to do read this or are in anyway offended by the content, please avert your eyes in the opposite direction and clear your browser history now. The author assumes no liability for the corruption of youth, unexpected homosexual desires or the eventual downfall of society. Thanks and enjoy, comments are welcome.


Soul Mate Charm: United

Wesley knew there was something going on in that house.

He knew there was something going on in Josh's house.

Okay, so Matt was still living there and it was really plausible that after how he treated Josh that... well... Josh wouldn't want to speak to him again... ever. He felt really childish for feeling so rejected but he and Josh had been friends for so long that not having him as a friend left him with this hollow... emptiness inside that he just couldn't quite fill. Even his so called 'friends' back at school didn't fill that hole.

He could laugh, joke and play games with them but ever since Josh essentially said he never wanted to speak to Wesley again, all that laughter and play just seemed... empty.

There was a scant hope that perhaps Josh's friend - the one he poured his heart out to two days after he rejected Josh - would relay his message to his best friend. Of course, he didn't know how Josh would react to the fact that Wesley had been using him as a scapegoat and that Wesley himself was gay.

If it wasn't one, it would be the other and Wesley was pretty darn sure that no matter what, Josh wouldn't want to be friends with him anymore. Resigned to that unfortunate state, Wesley could only lean against the window of his second-story room, looking across the small strip of grass that separated his and Josh's home.

It was about 4 AM in the morning and Wesley couldn't get a wink of sleep. After he heard the truth from Matt... well... He just couldn't sleep. He had school in the morning but all he did the entire afternoon and morning was stare out his window at exactly where Josh's room window was.

He remembered how, in the summer, they would attach two empty cans to pieces of string and talk to one another through it over the gap between their houses. Riding bikes through the streets was their favourite pastime and so was diving into the Wesley had. Then, during winter, they'd spend their time in Josh's house where they'd play video games with all his brothers...

And now... all those moments would just be kept in memory... nothing more.

Possibilities of moments like those would just be possibilities... scant possibilities because now, nothing would ever be the same between them.

Sighing softly, Wesley tried to peer into Josh's room one more time but the lights were out. It wouldn't surprise him if Josh had swapped rooms with one of his brothers so that he would have to stare into Wesley's room...

But just once... just once Wesley wanted to talk to his best friend... to apologise in person.


Wesley went rigid and snapped to attention. The noise had come from Josh's house.


It sounded like gunshots...

He strained his ears but the neighbourhood had fallen completely silent. Not even the cats and dogs were making sounds. Suddenly, a new thought occurred to him... What if his 'murderer-slash-psychopath' theory wasn't so preposterous?

What if... What if that murderer-slash-psychopath was actually... Matt?

He specifically remembered Josh telling him how Matt basically had to carry the family ever since the divorce. All those times that Officer Steele had to bring back their father - Adam - back from the station for drink driving or public abuse... All the divorce hearings... All of that had to be stacked on top of his stressful work to pay off for not only fines but also all the household necessities and Josh's education...

What if... What if he finally snapped and that guy Wesley saw before was his accomplice?

Paul did seem confused...

"Oh no..." Wesley whispered. He reached for his phone and then remembered how Officer Steele warned him against making prank calls and wasting his time.

Going to the authorities without evidence would lead to only more problems.

Instead, he grabbed his digital camera and tried using the zoom function to peer into the darkened halls of Josh's house. His heart was pounding hard in his chest as he waited patiently for something - anything - to appear. He hoped for some evidence that there was some sort of murder occurring deep inside the house but all acts of horror would probably be done in the basements. However, he wished all the more that he could at least see Josh... Just that reassurance that he was safe...

I large, figure passed the hallway beyond Josh's room.

It was big... Simply massive. He couldn't make it out but it looked slightly rounded too.

That's it.

Wesley scrambled out of his room, not caring about making any noise or alerting his parents.

He had to save Josh!

It never occurred to him that perhaps saving Josh would be the one thing that would rebuild their friendship... Well, at least until he was out the front door and running up Josh's front lawn. He was scared and giddy at the same time.


Wesley froze.

He turned around just as he was halfway up the front lawn. Officer Steele was emerging from his police cruiser which was parked across the street. He hadn't even noticed it before since his focus was entirely on Josh.

"Officer Steele!" Wesley exclaimed, thinking fast. "I heard gunshots from inside!"

Steele's eyes were... well... steely.

"I heard them too, son," he murmured. Steele wasn't really old enough to be calling anyone 'son'. He was only in his mid-to-late twenties. Fresh out of the academy or something. However, he was sort of the... 'guardian' of the neighbourhood and everyone looked up to him.

"I was doing patrol when I heard them," Steele continued, placing a hand gently on Wesley's shoulder. Gently, the officer guided Wesley behind him as he cautiously reached for his gun. Wesley felt a lump form in his throat. "Get behind me. Better yet, go home."

"No," Wesley replied defiantly. "My best friend is in there."

At least... he hoped he was...

There was a proud smile on Steele's eyes followed by a spark of bright mirth in his blue eyes. "Alright. I doubt I can keep you away. You really care about Josh, huh?"

"He's my best friend," Wesley said. Even if Josh didn't reciprocate the feelings, Wesley still considered Josh his friend... No, not just 'friend', 'best friend.'

"That's really admirable," Steele chuckled. "You could make a fine police officer one day."

Wesley blushed. Only Josh and Officer Steele knew his secret ambition to be a policeman. His parents wanted him to either be a star football player, a personal trainer for sports stars or some sort of doctor. Not only did he enjoy the thought of all that authority but he really loved men in uniform. Guys like Officer Steele made his loins stir... though he didn't admit that to anyone.


He waited a little nervously they approached the front door cautiously.

Every step brought him closer to Josh and to the truth.

It scared him.

Eventually, he'd have to tell Josh the truth... That he was gay and he had been using Josh as his patsy. He didn't trust that guy he met before to tell Josh. If that guy was in cahoots with Matt in the kidnapping of his best friend...

No... He didn't want to think of that.

Steele reached for the doorbell...

... just as the door opened.

Wesley gasped.

"What the -?"

"Hello, officer," a slim, lean and athletic teenager said, striking a casual pose against the doorframe. "What can I do for you?"

Firstly, Wesley had never seen this teenager before.

Secondly, the guy was completely naked.

Wesley couldn't help but look down from the teenager's perfect, angelic face crowned by short, golden blonde hair, across his hairless chest, over those firm pecs, those flexible abs and finally to his crotch where a raging hard-on was visible on his long, 10 inch, uncut cock that was haloed by the same golden blonde hair only curly.

Wesley couldn't avert his gaze no matter what he tried.

Officer Steele remained stoic and composed however. "We heard gunshots."

The teenager grinned, showing perfectly white, straight teeth. "Oh yeah. I pulled the trigger."

Wesley instantly went rigid and his eyes flicked to the teenager's green eyes with the same gold ring around his irises like Matt and that other guy possessed.

Were there three of them!?

The teenager winked at Wesley and thrust his hips lewdly forward. "This barrel shot tonnes to times tonight."

This time even Steele looked horrified. "Josh is having another party...?"

"Sure," the odd teenager said. "Those 'gunshots' you heard were probably one of us hitting the walls a little too hard." He winked at Wesley again, crossing his arms confidently and showing off his lean muscles. "I mean, it gets really rough back here."

"Where are the residents of this household?" Steele asked.

"Upstairs, sleeping."

"Could you wake them, please? I need to have a word with them concerning these constant parties that are disturbing the neighbours."

The blonde teenager inclined his head to the side and pouted a little. "Aww... Come on, officer. We're not making that much of a noise, are we? And it was just tonight. We promise we'll keep it down."

Steele tucked his gun back into its holster. "I suppose that'd be fine... However, I haven't seen Josh or Adam lately... I'm concerned."

One of the teenager's eyebrows rose slightly. "Well, after dropping out of school, Josh isn't feeling very much like being seen outside."

"Josh dropped out of school?"

Wesley suddenly felt red-faced and tried to slink away. He knew where the conversation was going and he didn't want to be around to be interrogated by Officer Steele.

Too bad the teenager nodded towards him. "Why don't you ask your friend there? He knows."

Officer Steele's eyes flicked towards him and Wesley felt like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding eighteen wheeler. They were nice eyes too but in this context, he was afraid. Thankfully, Steele turned away and regarded the teenager again.

"Who are you anyway?"

The teenager grinned and held out his hand. "I'm Josh's cousin. I'm helping tutor him since he's being home schooled now."

A deep, rumbling growl suddenly erupted from somewhere behind the teenager. "Come here you!"

Wesley froze in his track as a gargantuan man with massive, muscular arms, huge, bulging pectorals and a slightly rounded belly but still framed by cobblestone abs emerged suddenly seized the teenager around the waist and pulled him back, hoisting him to the air and making the teenager squeal and giggle.

He saw Officer Steele also go a little red.

The guy was huge... and hairy. He had a thick, fully bear that was the same colour as the black hair sitting on top of his head and covering the majority of his body. The thick carpet on his chest was more like fur than anything else and he looked more bear-like than man. The man nuzzled the teenager gently and grinned at the two standing past the door.


Wesley wasn't sure but he thought the man was naked... The teenager's form hit the groin area though and it killed him that he couldn't find out.

"Hi..." Officer Steele murmured, his eyes on the teenager. "Who's this?"

The teenager grinned and kissed the man's chin. "This is my daddy."

Sirens began blaring in Wesley's mind.

This was wrong... So wrong!

Josh's house was taken over by a pair of crazy, horny, kidnappers!

It was arousing thinking that a smoking hot, underwear model like the teenager would have a father who was so butch and manly but -


He regarded the two closely.

While the bigger man did seem much older, he only appeared to be Officer Steele's age. 26 at the youngest and 29 at the latest. The teenager had to be eighteen or over. Nothing younger. His body was just that defined and the boyish features that still clung to Wesley's face were long gone. There was no way they could be father and son.

That and the 'father' had black hair and the 'son' had blonde.

The only thing similar about them were their eyes - the same green with gold outlines that Matt had.

Oh and they were obviously gay.

Officer Steele shook it, smiling wryly. "You're both...?"

"Gay?" the teenager finished. "Hell yeah!" A grin crossed his features as he leapt up and gave his obvious boyfriend a long kiss. When they pulled away and winked at Wesley. "See, the kids in school were giving Josh grief. Calling him 'gay' and 'faggot'."

That stung... That stung a lot.

"So, his big brother, Matt, decided to bring us over to show him that there's nothing wrong with being gay or with gay people."

"And what of Paul and Adam, his father?" Steele asked.

"We sent Paul back to his mother," the teenager replied, nodding with a grin on his face. "Don't want to corrupt the little kind." The big guy giggled for some reason. "We let Adam stay with some of his relatives."

Steele nodded in understanding. "Right... His view on gays wouldn't help..." His smile turned genuine as he nodded to the obviously happy couple. "Thanks. That set my heart at ease. Josh and Matt are good kids. Good to see they're taking care of one another. Just try not to make a ruckus, okay?"

The teenager gave them a slight salute. "Yes, sir!"

"Have a good night."

"You too, officer."

The couple shut the door and Wesley could immediately hear them making out. The giggling and went slurping sounds were quite loud. He imagined what it would be like to watch that athletic teenager pressing himself up against that huge, muscular, hairy chest and his hard-on began to really bother him.

"Something you wanted to tell me, Wesley?"

He jumped and looked up at Officer Steele who was staring at him with those gorgeous cornflower blue eyes again.

"I..." Wesley began, ducking his head. "I... I might have bullied Josh a little... to fit in..."

Steele sighed and guided him away from the lawn and back to his own house. "Son, if you ever want to be a police officer, you've got to stand up for what's right no matter what anyone else says or thinks. Just because your friends say that it's okay to do something, that doesn't make it okay. That's how these things start, Wesley.

"They make you push away your true friends, making them your only source of companionship. Then, they start making you do stupid things like sneak into movies or pull pranks. Just little things. But then, you get to the hard stuff later on. Drugs. Theft... and maybe even wanton sex. Before you know it, you're wasting all your money on drugs and some habit you can't kick, you've got a criminal record as long as the Interstate and you've got six kids from six different girlfriends."

Steele pushed Wesley gently towards the front door of Wesley's home. "Trust me, son. It's not worth the trouble." He chuckled a little. "At least those gay guys don't have to worry about kids." He shook his head. "Now first chance you get, you apologise to Josh personally, okay? The poor kid didn't deserve that."

Wesley knew that... and he decided that he was spending too much time trying to find excuses and easy ways to apologise. Rescuing Josh, uncovering some psychopath that had taken his best friend prisoner... yeah, none of that seemed likely at all.

No... he had to face his fears... and his demons.

There was only one thing to do...

"Thanks Officer Steele..." he whispered.

Steele smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Just call me Gavin? Okay? Or Gav. Whatever suits you. Now get some sleep, Wesley."

"Thanks Gav..."

With those words, Wesley re-entered his home and went back to his room. He wasn't that surprised that his parents weren't awake yet. It was only 5:30 in the morning and they woke up like clockwork. At 6 o'clock on the dot, their alarms would go off and they'd be off to work to leave Wesley alone with some microwavable breakfast or something at 7.

Sighing, Wesley slumped into his bed and hoped that he could get some sleep before school started.

Unfortunately there was still one problem.

His cock was still fully erect and thoughts of those two gay guys making out were swimming in his mind. Grumbling, he knew he wouldn't get some sleep if he didn't attend to his needs. Quickly, he pulled down his shorts and gripped his 8 inch cock, squeezing the cut head and stifling at moan as years of sexual frustration began flooding out in a large burst of precum.

It wasn't that he was always gay but that the seeds of 'faggotry' were always there. He always liked the male characters in TV shows. In video games, he always made sure he used the characters that were big and buff men or made his character just like that. He always wanted to be big and buff and he watched wrestling and bodybuilders constantly.

It was only recently that he linked all those thoughts to being 'gay' and that sent his world shattering into a thousand pieces. But instead of accepting the changes and rebuilding, he just shoved the pieces under the carpet and pretended they didn't exist.

Naturally, over time, all the thoughts of being with guys kept building and building and now that he knew exactly what he wanted and desires, they just kept manifesting themselves into the urges around his cock.

Grunting heavily, he seized one of his pillows and held it tightly as he began stroking himself, his meaty hand running over his manhood over and over again, getting coating in large drips of precum and making each pass smoother than the last.

His mind was filled with images of Josh's cousin and his boyfriend wrapped together in a warm, loving embrace. He envisioned himself clasped between their tight embrace, one cheek pressed against the coarse, hairy chest of that bear of a man and the other rubbing along a smooth, hairless, almost angelic face.

He could almost smell their manly, testosterone-laden odours and he relished in, swimming in the scent that was so thick that it filled his lungs, drowning in the glorious odour. His imaginary self ran his hands through the thick hair of the massive bear, licking at those pink nipples barely visible against the thick fur. Then, he'd turn around and caress the smooth, muscular form of the teenager...

Suddenly, the two forms pulled away from him and merged into one.

That big, burly guy he had met on the first day emerged from the merger, approaching him and brushing his stubble against Wesley's cheeks. The sandpapery sensation sent Wesley's mind reeling and he wrapped his lips around the man's, loving the sensation of their tongue dancing in the one space and the man's hot breath filtering down his throat.

He pulled away and stared into those beautiful green, gold-haloed eyes...

But then they turned into a beautiful, cornflower blue and suddenly, Gavin Steele was standing in front of him, those lean, muscular arms wrapped around him and his lips inches away from his own. Wesley felt his heartbeat quicken as Gavin's rugged, square jaw slowly moved as he uttered a few words.

"I love you, Wesley."

Wesley held his pillow tightly as his cock jerked and suddenly burst with his cum.

His mind was suddenly filled with countless images. All of them were speeding too fast through his mind that they became nothing more than a confused blur but he could still make out his naked form and Gavin Steele's. All of them were concerning him and Officer Steele...

... and he came to a crushing realisation.

A literal 'crushing' realisation.

He had a crush on Gavin Steele.

But those thoughts quickly faded from his mind as afterglow kicked in...

... and he dropped off to sleep.


When school came around, Wesley was weary and tired. He barely got an hour of sleep before he woke up with a start and hurried to get ready.

His classes passed in a blur and he was pretty sure he failed a test.

He didn't care.

He kept turning around expecting Josh to be waiting for him there but that just didn't happen.

Football practice was even more of a nightmare.

Because of his weariness and the weight on his heart over not only the events of the past few days but also horrifying fact that he had fallen for Officer Gavin Steele, his focus was everywhere. Coach threw him on the bench after the first few plays and berated him about not having his head in the game. He ignored most of it and when it came time for the showers at the end of practice, he was relieved to slink into a stall and cool off.

Anxiety began kicking in as he anticipated the confrontation he would eventually have with Josh.

He ran over what he would say... and hoped Josh could understand.

Maybe Josh's gay cousin and his boyfriend could tide things over...

They seemed understanding.

He just wanted to see Josh again.

"Yo! Wes! How long you gonna be in there, man!"

He jumped and turned off the shower. He hadn't even used soap or shampoo, just soaking there. Sighing, he grabbed a towel and hurried out. One of his teammates was there laughing along with the others.

"You were really out of it today, man!" the same teammate laughed. "The girl you with this weekend didn't put out?"

Wesley went rigid. "What?"

"There's only one reason why you skip school last week and not go out with us on the weekend." The guy nudged him with an elbow. "So? Who is it? Come on. Spill!"

"It's no girl," Wesley grumbled, pulling away and going towards his locker.

"Oh? Is it a guy then?"

That really set him on edge and he spun around. "What?"

"It's that little homo kid, isn't it? Josh-something?"

Wesley snarled and spun around, advancing on his slightly smaller teammate. "He is not a homo."

"Faggot then."

Wesley slammed the guy against the nearest locker, causing silence to suddenly rule the entire locker room. "Don't call him that!"

"Dude! Chill!"

Reigning himself in, Wesley pulled away and continued changing.

"Sheesh... What is he? Your little bitch or something? He the one that does your homework and stuff?"

He ignored the taunts as he pulled up his pants.

"I mean, I guess I can see why you get defensive. He's not coming to school anymore, right? So I guess you lost your nerd. Sorry man. I'll loan you mine if you want."

Wesley just snarled as he tugged his shirt over his head and picked up his backpack.

An arm wrapped around his shoulder. It was that same, annoying teammate again.

"Look, I can tell you're stressed." The guy reached for his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a small packet containing some sort of white powder.

Wesley's eyes widened. "Is that...?"

"Chill man!" his teammate laughed. "It's whatever you want it to be. I know you're strung up high now but a little whiff of this and you'll be golden man! Ready for the next game!"

Wesley recalled Gavin Steele's words...

"They make you push away your true friends, making them your only source of companionship."

They did that with Josh...

"Then, they start making you do stupid things like sneak into movies or pull pranks. Just little things."

Skipping school on the day he first suspected something was wrong was their idea...

"But then, you get to the hard stuff later on. Drugs."

And here was the final proof...

"Fuck you."

Wesley shoved the guy hard, sending him into another locker and stormed out.

It killed him that he had essentially abandoned his best friend in the world for a posse that was drugged up and so idiotic that they needed other people to do their homework for them. He purposefully didn't take the special after school bus home and just walked the distance. It wasn't that far.

Besides, he needed the time to think.

He couldn't believe how bad things had gotten...

His life was falling apart... and he just hoped he could patch things up with Josh.

If he could do that then he would be or at least content.

"Hello there."

A roll-away street vendors stood in front of him with the owner leaning casually against it. The small, wooden cart was adorned seemingly useless baubles with no real correlation or theme between them. Amongst them, Wesley could actually make out several friendship charms just like the one Josh had except they were differently coloured. They were structurally the same, silver wolves with the words 'Soul Mate' on them.

That was the only reason Wesley didn't walk away.

Was this where Josh got those charms?

The vendor was wearing a pair of cool, silver, reflective sunglasses and had jet-black hair.

"Hi..." Wesley murmured, slowly approaching.

"My name is Jacob Reaper," the man said, holding out a hand.

"I'm Wesley..." he responded, not sure if he should give out his last name. He shook Reaper's hands but the instant he did the man turned his palm face up and regarded it, poking his palm with his free hand.

"I see..." Reaper began. "Hmmm... You seem to be suffering from loneliness, a broken heart, feelings of betrayal and..." One eyebrow rose. "Love, it seems."

Wesley pulled his hand away. "What are you? Some sort of fortune teller?"

Reaper smirked a little like he knew something Wesley didn't. "Hmmm... More like a _story_teller. I tell people's stories. Like, for instance..." Reaper leaned forward, grinning. "... I can tell you're wondering how in the world you're going to apologise to your best friend whom you pushed away by calling him a 'faggot' and bullying him at school in favour of a group of meatheads who wouldn't be able to dress themselves in their football uniforms if your coach wasn't there to show them how."

Wesley went rigid. "That's... That's creepy."

"Tell me about it," Reaper said. Even if Wesley couldn't see his eyes, he could tell Reaper rolled his eyes. "Would you believe that out of the 1,543,368.5 possibilities, this was the most likely to succeed?"

That was just confusing. There were so many things that Wesley wanted to point out but instead he just asked, "Uh... How do you get '.5' of a possibility?"

"Easy. The universe starts to end and then you profess your love for the hot, hunky police man who lives down the street with the pretty cornflower blue eyes and we're all left hanging on his reply as a huge horde of demons surround you and you're blocked from our vision."

Now Wesley was really scared. "Um... I think I should go..."

"Before you do," Reaper said, holding up a hand. He plucked four of the wolf charms off his stand, two pairs. One pair was purple and yellow. Another was green and orange. He picked up what appeared to be a map as well, placed the charms on them and handed them to Wesley.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" Wesley asked, staring at the little package.

Reaper shrugged but he had this knowing smile on his face again. "I dunno. Maybe the perfect apology would be an almost ironic twist of fate where you offer a Soul Mate Charm to Josh but where you rejected his, he'll accept yours?"

That... actually didn't sound half bad.

He regarded the charms... For some odd reason, the purple and yellow ones appealed to him the most and he picked them up, regarding them. He envisioned himself and Josh wearing the charms... and...

It was risky... but...

He smiled.

"Thanks. How much do -"

When he looked up however, Jacob Reaper and his little street cart were gone.

A little freaked out but with a newfound resolve in him, Wesley turned and headed back to Josh's place. He hurried up the front lawn and took a deep breath. With a steely resolve, he rang the doorbell and waited.

The door sprang open and there was that guy again, the first guy. The one with the coppery brown hair that had lied to him about Josh although this time he wore a dulled blue muscle shirt and denim cut-off shorts.

He bore no grudges against the guy.

Though... he did wonder where this guy fit into the picture.

"Hi," Wesley said. "Remember me?"

"Wesley?" the guy responded, blinking a little. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see Josh," Wesley replied. "I wanted to apologise to him and..." He trailed off as he looked at the purple and yellow Soul Mate Charms in his hands.

The guy's eyes widened. "Are those... Soul Mate Charms?"

"Yeah. They're -"

His eyes flicked up to meet the man's... And then he saw the Soul Mate Charm wrapped around the guy's neck like a thick, black collar with that blue and silver pendant like a tag.

So... now Wesley knew...

This guy was Josh's new best friend.

Josh had found someone else... given that guy a charm... He wore the other one and those two would be together forever...

Wesley closed his eyes, trying not to cry but the tears just came unbidden.

He was too late...

In fact, he recalled that when he first encountered the guy, he was already wearing the charm. Maybe he was someone who had come to comfort Josh and they just clicked... He was there when Wesley couldn't be and... and Josh gave him the Soul Mate Charm...

How he wished he had that blue and silver charm instead -


His eyes went back to the charm...

It was blue.

He was pretty sure that Josh liked blue... and would've kept the blue charm for himself. In fact, Josh had offered the red charm to him...

"Who are you...?" he asked softly.

A soft smile crossed the man's face and wrapped his arms around Wesley. For a second, Wesley was repulsed and afraid but then when he felt the strong muscles of the guy's chest press against his and the thick, musky scent waft through his nostrils, he was instantly at ease. It was a hug that he needed more than anything else and he held the guy back, tearing up a little.

"It's me, Wes... It's Josh."

For the second time in his young life, Wesley's world shattered and he pulled back his horror. "What?"

The guy - Josh - grinned back at him. Seeing that grin, Wesley couldn't deny that this guy was indeed his best friend. How could he have missed it! Sure he was bigger, more muscular and devilishly handsome but there was just something in his eyes and his smile...

"It's the magic of the charms, Wes!" Josh said excitedly. "Come on in, I'll tell you all about it."

Josh stepped aside and gestured that he come in.

But Wesley froze.

... he was scared.

With his world in pieces again, he was lost... confused... and scared...

... but unlike last time, instead of brushing it under the rug and pretending it didn't exist...

... this time, Wesley began picking up the pieces and rebuilding.

He stepped through the door.

"Josh... What happened to you?"

"What happened to all of us," Josh replied, his voice so much deeper and so much sexier. He wrapped a big, meaty hand around Wesley's shoulder and guided him over to the lounge which looked a little trashed. The coffee table was broken and the couch was overturned. There were splotches of semen everywhere as well, almost covering every bit of the carpet.

Wesley froze there but Josh just waded through the gunk without care.

"Guys! Wesley is here!"

Two figures uncurled from behind the upturned couch, both naked , both sweaty and both covered in cum. It was those two guys from before... Josh's cousin and his boyfriend... There was no mistaking they were gay or a couple anymore. The big, hairy bear had his cock up the teenager's ass and Wesley had to swallow to try and keep his control.

"Hey there, hunk," the teenager said, winking.

"Hi..." Wesley answered, turning his gaze towards Josh. "You let your cousin and his boyfriend have sex on your couch?"

That made all three guys laugh.

"He's not my cousin, Wes," Josh said, moving over to the teenager. He bent over and wrapped his lips against the young man's full, plump lips. It wasn't a tiny peck either. It was a full on tongue-exploring kiss.

Wesley was instantly hard.

The big bear sniffed the air and regarded him with a predatory grin. "Someone likes a little guy-on-guy action."

Josh pulled away and smirked at Wesley. "Yep. He's gay. Been hiding it and used me as a patsy."

Wesley blushed, not only because he was being made fun of but because he was starting to suspect that he had just stepped into a world he never dreamed was possible.

"You wanna join us, pup?" the bear asked.

"Paul, don't go putting ideas in his head," Josh reprimanded, growling slightly. His eyes flicked back to Wesley. "He doesn't know what's going on yet."


"Wait..." Wesley began. "You're... You're Paul? As in Josh's younger brother?"

"Not so young anymore, pup," Paul chuckled, flexing a bicep. He nuzzled the teenager impaled on his cock. "And this... This is my mate. Adam."

Adam... Adam...

"No way!" Wesley exclaimed, staggering backwards. "You're their dad!?"

"Was," Adam corrected smirking and kissing the son whose cock he was riding. "I like having a daddy better."

"What's going on here!?" Wesley cried, taking another step back.

"It's the Charms, Wes," Josh explained calmly. "When Matt and I put it on -"

"Wait!" Wesley snapped. "Matt? Matt's in on this too?"

Josh beamed proudly. "Yeah! He's my mate!"


Wesley was seriously freaking out.

Was Josh seriously telling him that he had fallen in love with his own brother!?

Worse, was his father and younger brother in love as well!?

Or that all of them had progressed or regressed in age!?

"It's the Soul Mate Charms, Wes," Josh repeated, slowly closing the gap between them. Wesley staggered back one more step. "When Matt and I put it on we both suddenly got really horny and cummed like crazy. Every time we came, we changed!"

Josh flexed his biceps and Wesley felt his knees go weak at the sight of those massive, veined mounds that he couldn't believe belonged to his best friend. It took all his will not to jump at Josh and pull down his friend's pants, wanting to see what else had grown.

"And by the end of it, we turned into werewolves!" Josh exclaimed, grinning broadly. "Here, let me show you!"

"Let us show you, Alpha," Adam cooed, wrapping his slim body around Josh's.

Right before his eyes, the two began wantonly kissing and fondling one another. Paul snuck up behind Adam and shoved his massive dick right up the teenager's ass. Wesley felt himself lose his balance and took one more step back -


It felt like he hit something hard and hot. When he spun around, he found his lips occupied by another pair. His eyes went wide as Matt held him close and drove his tongue deep down his throat. Wesley resisted... for about two seconds before his mind hazed over. All those years of subtle hints towards his sexuality and the months of repressed hormones came bursting out in a rush of lust.

He wrapped his own arms around Matt, dropping the contents of his hands and brushed his tongue against the bigger man's. A soft moan escaped him as he suddenly felt Matt's form press up against him. Those huge biceps that were curled around his body tightened and bulged, pressing up against him. He opened his eyes - never realising he had closed them - and watch in utter fascination as Matt's entire form began to expand.

The massive man pulled away as his pecs grew to the size of dinner plates and a pronounced eight-pack formed against his abdomen. Thick hair began sprouting all over his body, covering him like fur. His face began to lengthen and twist forward, his teeth sharpening into fangs as his ears became pointed and migrated to the top of his head.

Wesley heard grunting from behind him and he turned around to find three huge werewolves ferociously making love to one another. The big, copper-coloured one was stuffing his cock up the ass of the much smaller, golden-furred one. The biggest of them all was the tall, tank-like black furred werewolf with the slight belly with huge abs and he was stuffing his own cock up the gold werewolf's ass as well, double-teaming the smallest of the ground.

He felt a massive paw land on his shoulder.

"Wanna join our pack, Wes?" Matt asked softly, his hot breath rolling out of his muzzle and wafting over Wesley's shoulder, making his entire body shiver with delight.

Wesley shuddered and gave a stuttering, 'Y - Y - Yes, please...' as a reply.

"Great..." Matt licked his cheek with a long, flexible tongue and Wesley had to stop himself from losing his load there and there. His cock was straining painfully against his pants and he was quaking all over. "Why don't you let Josh accept your apology?"

Wesley staggered forward stiffly... unsure what to do... He wanted to be caught in between the arms of all three werewolves... He wanted to be part of their circle... to belong. To be part of a group that would truly accept him for who he was. But... he didn't know how...

Josh grinned at him and pulled out his cock from Adam's ass. Paul set down the gold werewolf and pulled out as well. Adam moaned softly at the sudden emptiness. Thick ropes of semen poured out of his ass, coating his legs.

Josh advanced on Wesley who stood still in both fear and lust. He already knew Josh's place in the pack... Josh was Alpha... the leader... The guy who had the ultimate say. It was just in the way he stood and carried himself. And Wesley loved a guy with authority.

"Kneel," Josh demanded.

Wesley instantly obeyed, staring up at his Alpha in awe. Josh moved behind him and ripped his pants off in one, swift movement. He gasped at the sudden coldness but that was soon killed when Josh's warm paws wrapped around his waist and he felt a hot, slick rod press up against his ass. He clenched instinctively but he felt Josh's long, lupine lips hover by his neck, licking him slightly.

The loving touch relaxed him and he winced when Josh's massive tool began entering him. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before! Waves of pleasure washed over him and made him squirm with every inch that Josh pressed into him.

"Oh ffffuck!"

Wesley twitched suddenly as his cock exploded and splattered cum all over the floor. His whole body felt incredibly hot and sweat was rolling off his body, drenching him more than after a hard day's worth of football practice. Strangely, he didn't feel sleepy at all as pressure just kept building in his cock, urging him for another release.

The greatest feeling he had, however, was the fact that a different kind of pressure had left him. His heart felt lighter... All those hormones, thoughts and repressed feelings had shot out of him with his cum and he felt much more... free.

He wanted more.

"Urgh..." he grunted, rising to his hands and knees. "Josh... God Josh... I'm so sorry... I... Ah...!"

He gasped suddenly as Adam crawled up underneath him and wrapped his long, lupine muzzled around his cock. Wesley could barely hold on as he felt hot breath brush along his sensitive member and a pair of furry paws fondle his balls. Josh pushed further into him, providing twin sensations that were just too much!


Wesley orgasmed as second time, harder than the first and that glorious release from not only his cock but his heart hit him like a tidal wave. The heat all over his body exploded outwards and he felt like the chains that were binding him down had loosened a little, allowing him to grow. He grunted as he felt his already defined muscles start to expand, building more and more even without the years of working out. Veins pulsed beneath his skin which quickly took on a golden-olive complexion. His stomach clenched and unclenched with every breath, his abs bubbling into new, glorious sizes as his pecs began to surge forward.

He clutched onto Adam for support, the smaller werewolf on his own paws and knees beneath him.

Suddenly, a pair of cocks hovered in front of him, one brilliantly bright red and the other jet-black. His eyes trailed up the bodies that possessed them. Matt and Paul stood there, grinning at him with their knuckles pressed against their hips, flexing for him.

Wesley moaned as he seized a cock in each hand and greedily wrapped his lips around one and then the other. They were too big to fit in at the same time but he wanted them both so badly. He suckled on one, running his tongue all over its length, relishing the feeling of those veins pumping blood into the members before going to the other and licking it all the way down to the base where that huge knot met the furry sheath.

Josh pushed even deeper into him and he could feel his best friend's knot against the base of his ass.

He pulled back and let out a shout as a third orgasm exploded out of him. Adam gagged for a moment but then proceeded to drink every drop of cum that shot out of Wesley's body. Wesley's eyes rolled up into the back of his head as it felt like there was a hot, warm suction machine draining him of his everlasting cum.

Release came with freedom and he moaned as his entire body expanded further, muscles growing and bulging. Tiny pinpricks ran all over his body as new strands of hair began coating his entire body. As he began thrusting into Adam's muzzle, pushing more of his seed out, he could feel the thick chest hair he had developed brushing against Adam's fur. He felt Josh rubbing against the fur on his back with every thrust and a sharp pain erupted from the base of his spine where he knew he tail would be.

Wesley felt tears of joy spring up from his eyes as he realised he was on the cusp of true freedom.

Here he was... just one more orgasm from living in a world where not only was he free to be gay but also that he would have friend and family that would love and care for him, to always stand beside him regardless of what happened... and to have senseless, hormone driven, testosterone-fuelled sex with for all eternity.

"Josh!" he cried in joy. Any further words were muffled when the huge cocks of both Matt and Paul were stuffed into his mouth and he closed his eyes as he sucked on them both to the best of his ability. He choked a little as they shoved their dicks down his throat one after the other. It was like having to massive hotdogs fighting for rights down his gullet, squiring their succulent, salty juiced down into his stomach with each thrust.

Josh's thrusts were getting more and more frantic and Wesley's not-so-virgin as clamped down on the monstrous, canine member, trying squeeze out every drop of precum he could. His own cock was spurting precum wildly into Adam's throat. Despite three consecutive orgasms, he knew this last one would be the biggest of them all.

The pressure in his balls was so intense that they could form diamonds if coal was shoved into them.

Suddenly, Josh shoved his cock all the way through Wesley's ass, his knot punching through.


The floodgates exploded!

Gallons of cum burst out of Wesley's cock as his entire body ballooned out. His thick, sandy blonde fur covered his entire body as his muscles grew and grew, becoming thick, plump, muscular and strong enough to do what he could not do as a human: defend Josh. His thighs hardened and easily wrapped around Josh's own, pulling his Alpha closer to himself. His cock tampered into its pronounced, canine tip as his balls became covered in his fur. His hands and feet transformed into paws, nails vanishing under the coat of fur and black claws developing.

Pain emerged from his face as a muzzle formed. He threw back his head away from Matt and Paul's cock, tipping his head back and unleashing an ear-splitting howl of pure joy and ecstasy!

At the same time, he heard four other howls join him. He could make out Josh's howl, the loudest and the strongest of them all... His Alpha... the man he would love, obey and protect forever more. His cum filled Wesley, filling the werewolf with purpose, love... and forgiveness.

Matt's howl was second loudest... He was the Beta and the wolf he would lay down his life for to make his Alpha happy. His orgasms sent cum splattering all over Wesley's face, much of it sliding down Wesley's throat.

Wesley quickly killed his own howl and clamped down on Matt's cock, eagerly drinking the succulent juices.

Paul's was the deepest. He, like Wesley, were the muscle of the pack... its defenders. They would guard the pack from any and all intruders. Paul's cum splattered all over Wesley's back, coating his fur and soaking it. They were brothers in arms... Wesley relished the thought of standing guard with the very masculine werewolf.

The last howl was a gurgling mess as Adam orgasmed and swallowed as much of Wesley's cum as he could. Eventually, the torrent was too much and the Omega of the pack had to pull away, rolling onto his back as Wesley's cum splattered all over him, Wesley effectively claiming his position over Adam. The Omega's cock jerked and splattered cum all over Wesley's thick, muscular chest.

His orgasm dying... Wesley collapsed on top of Adam, making sure not to crush the younger werewolf. Josh collapsed on top of him, wrapping his huge, muscular arms around him. Strangely, Wesley was shorter than Josh but much more muscular. He had Matt's height, Paul's muscle but Adam's leanness.

He actually felt like he was the adopted son of the family...

He was part of their pack now...

And he couldn't be happier...

Josh licked his ears lightly.

"I forgive you, Wes..."

Soul Mate Charm: Brotherhood

**\*\*\*\*\*** **Disclaimer** This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals not to mention involvement of underage persons rapidly progressing in age and erotic transformation. If you are...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Epilogue

**Epilogue: Post Production** **Shellington Airport** The _Rewritten Direction._ That's the name I gave the Seal that Rob had obtained and used to change all of Crosstown and the surrounding areas. After closely...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 12

**Chapter 12.0: Crossroads... Again!** **Crosstown Motel** Goddamn Four Rules of Best Friends. This was Rule 4 biting my ass. I just wondered what rule he broke to make him my enemy... "Please tell me this...

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