Soul Mate Charm: Brotherhood

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#3 of Soul Mate Charm



This story contains fictional acts of a homosexual nature and acts between biologically related individuals not to mention involvement of underage persons rapidly progressing in age and erotic transformation. If you are not legally able to do read this or are in anyway offended by the content, please avert your eyes in the opposite direction and clear your browser history now. The author assumes no liability for the corruption of youth, unexpected homosexual desires, or the eventual downfall of society. Thanks and enjoy, comments are welcome.


Soul Mate Charm: Brotherhood

Paul had never really wanted his life to be filled with so much drama.

Parents divorced, older brothers living far away from him, mother an airhead with no sense of priorities and being constantly being switched from one house to the other because of a the situation of his deranged family. He remembered what it was like when he and his family were just so close and so happy.

Sure they had their disputes and arguments that he could barely understand at the time but he much preferred when they were all living together and he had his big brothers to shield and comfort him than being alone most of time.

His mother was the very definition of an airhead.

Right now, she was actually yammering away at her brand new cell phone to her friend from across the state about her latest manicure and full-body tan when she should be driving him to his dad's house. It was his dad's turn to take care of him.

Custody and all...

Paul just sat in the kitchen of the creepy, flowery house eating his cereal quietly as she kept strolling absently around the room talking so loudly the neighbours could probably hear.

"Oh my god! Are you serious!?" she screeched, laughing in her high-pitched voice. "No... Really? Oh of course not! Oh don't be such a bitch! Hahaha!"

Despite being only ten years of age, Paul had been exposed to so much trauma that it was a wonder why he wasn't strapped down in a white padded cell somewhere. When he complained to his mother that he didn't like it when she ignored him and talked about him when he was around, she just patted his back and told him 'that was life'.

"Adam? Oh that drunk bastard is probably still in jail! Last I heard, he got thrown in the slammer for DYI! Serves the asshole right."

Paul ducked his head slightly. "Don't talk about dad like that..." he whispered softly. "He's not an asshole..."

Of course, his mother didn't hear him. She was so stuck in her own world that she only ever spoke to or spoke of people that she wanted to talk about. Trying to steer the conversation away from whatever she was interested in was like trying to move a mountain. Only an earth-shattering event would do that and even then, it was hard to tell what she'd become interested in.

Even Paul felt like he was a fleeting fancy to her...

Her version of 'parenting' was giving him three hundred dollars every week and telling him to take care of himself while she went off to her country club and left him at their apartment. He mostly cleaned the place up because she either brought home some random shmuck, her latest boyfriend - Carlos - or passed out on the couch. The mess she left was terrible and he often had to put out her cigarette to make sure she didn't burn the house down.

"I know," she cried into her phone. "Oh, of course! I'll be there! Of course I haven't forgotten! Okay! Ta!" She hung up and beamed at Paul, her lipstick so thick that it was caking in front of his eyes. "That was Caroline. She invited me over to the country club." She pulled out a wad of cash - money from his father -and handed it to him. "Take this and do whatever you want. Be home by twelve."

"Noon?" Paul asked.

"Oh god no!" she exclaimed, picking up her handbag. "Just be home for school tomorrow."

"Mom... it's Saturday."

"I know. And you have school tomorrow."

With those words, she turned and skipped out the door, slamming it shut just like the future for Paul.

Sighing, Paul regarded the cash. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with it.

With a grunt, he swiped it up and headed out of the apartment, tucking it in his jacket pocket and heading out of the apartment complex. Normally, a ten year old boy riding a city bus to head into the suburbs was a probably cause for worry. Rape stories and kidnapping stories permeated the big city but Paul had made the trip several times before. Running away from his airhead of a mother was something he wanted to do for a long time but his father only had partial custody after all. She still got him a week every month despite it was her that cheated on his father, Adam.

Not that it mattered since she basically let him do anything he wanted and she didn't even care if he went to visit Adam. No cops were involved. Ever.

He sighed heavily and waited the hour and a half for the bus to take him to his former home. He remembered walking down the street from school every day with his brothers beside him, talking about what happened at math, who kissed whom and what dinner would be like. Despite being only fourteen, he felt like he was forty.

Once he had finally reached the bus stop, he stepped out and walked casually towards the his former home. He missed it... he missed his family... Well... most of his family. His mother he could do without but he missed his kind, supportive father who used to take him out to ball games. He missed Matt who was always picking him up to get the cookie from the cookie jar on top of the fridge and he missed playing video games with Josh...

He really wished that he could just be a family with them again...

As he rounded the corner into his street, he noticed that nothing had changed in his home. It was just the way he had left it last week. Josh would've started school by now and Matt would be at work... He hoped his mother was just spouting lies again and that his father hadn't been arrested.

Paul loved his dad dearly and hated seeing Adam slide into that whirlpool of despair. All that drinking and all the arrests... it rubbed off on the rest of the family and Paul didn't want his family falling apart as much as it already had. He didn't want to lose his dad too.

Standing in front of the gate of their home, however, was a familiar athletic figure.

Josh's best friend, Wesley.

Those two were inseparable and Paul guessed Wesley was waiting for Josh... But... Why was he standing in front of the house looking at it like he was lost or sad...?

"Wesley!" Paul shouted, waving excitedly. He was just glad to see a familiar face from a time when things weren't so bad.

The big, brawny boy turned to him and gave him back a shaky smile.

"Oh... Hi Paul. Come to pick up your stuff?"

Paul wasn't sure what Wesley meant and let out a confused, "Huh?"

"To bring over to your new place," Wesley supplied, his smile wavering a little.

"What are you talking about?" Paul replied, shaking his head.

Wesley's smile was completely gone now. "You guys moved, didn't you? I mean, Josh, Matt and your dad aren't living here anymore, right? Some other guys are living there now."

In that instant, Paul felt his heartbreak.

Had the last vestiges of stability in his life finally shattered and left him?

Had his brothers and father run off to leave him with his horrible mother?

"That... That's not true," he stammered, fighting back tears. "They - They never said anything to me..."

There was a flash of shock on Wesley's face... followed by a narrowing of his eyes and a firm locking of his jaw. "Are you sure about that? Because just yesterday, I spoke with this guy that said your family moved away because..." He suddenly choked.

Paul didn't care. He didn't believe any of it. "That's not true!" he shouted. "You're lying!"

"I'm not..." Wesley murmured faintly. "Listen..." The bigger boy placed his hands on Paul's shoulders. "Something weird is going on here... Are you absolutely sure you didn't hear anything about your family moving away?"

Paul shook his head furiously. "They'd never leave me with... with her. They know how much I don't like being with her!"

Wesley nodded slowly. "Okay... Listen, there was this guy in there... Told me you guys moved out..." His eyes went back towards the house itself. "Look... Just stay here and if anything suspicious happens, be sure to run back to your mom and don't tell anyone living there now what's happened or who you are, okay?"

Fear gripped Paul's heart. Wesley was scaring him...

"Wesley... What's wrong...?"

"The guy in there was huge," the bigger boy said. "I..." He shook his head. "I don't want to think what would might have happened... Just... Just trust me, okay? I'm going to get the cops. Stay here."

Paul nodded shakily and watched Wesley speed down the street. He glanced back towards his former home and wondered... His mind began piecing together what he had heard from Wesley... Strangers in his house...? Claiming that his family had moved away...?

Oh no...

He had seen enough horror flicks to know exactly what that meant.

Some serial killer had dropped in on his family and killed them! Worse yet, he was now squatting in his house!

He had to get the police!

But Wesley told him to stay put...

... but he had to make sure...

Just a peek.

Okay... Just a peek then.

Paul steeled himself and hurried towards one of the windows of the house. He peered inside into the lounge room as best as he could. His stomach turned when he saw the mess that was inside. Tables were upturned, the couch was ripped and torn and it looked like there was some sort of spilled milk everywhere.

This was bad...

His dad... his two brothers...


The ten year old jumped and flung around in horror. At first, he thought it was the murderers come for him... but it was Matt... At least... he thought it was Matt. It certainly looked like Matt... only bigger, more muscular and hairier.

Paul had never seen his oldest brother with a beard before but despite that, there was no denying that was his brother standing with half his half-naked body out the door. Matt was only wearing a pair of boxers that looked a little too small for him. It also looked like Matt had put on the muscle since the four or so weeks Paul had last seen him. His oldest brother looked more like a bodybuilder than his brother.

Paul felt a little pang of jealousy... He always wanted to have a beard and couldn't wait to grow up.

"Matt...?" Paul began, frowning slightly.

"What are you doing here?" Matt asked, beaming broadly. There was something... feral in that grin. Almost predatory. "You're supposed to be at mom's today."

Paul was reminded of exactly why he had decided to travel all the way here and threw aside all suspicions of his brother's sudden growth spurt. All could happen in a month, he reasoned. He took Matt's sudden growth as a good thing - perhaps even something to aspire to - and was doubly relieved that nothing had happened to his real family like Wesley had suspected.

Grateful, he quickly brought up a shaky smile and said, "I'm sorry... I mom left me all alone and I didn't want to be alone..."

Matt's smile faded and he sighed really heavily... though it sounded more like a growl. "Typical... Well, I suppose you can stay here for the time being. What time were you going to head back?"

Paul wanted to say 'Never' but he knew that wasn't an option. "Um... I was going to spend the night...?"

There, Matt frowned again "Does mom know about this?"

He distinctly recalled his mother telling him to 'be back by 12'... so that could be interpreted as the following day. It was the following day technically so in theory... or in a roundabout way... she had given him permission to sleep over. Not that she'd care or even notice.


Matt critically gazed at him for a few short moments... before breaking into a bright smile and opening his arms wide. "Okay then! Come on! Give your big bro a hug!"

Elated, Paul bounded over to his big brother and gave Matt a hug. He could never wrap his ten-year-old arms around Matt but now, he couldn't even get part way around! His brother was so thick!

"When did this happened?" he laughed, pressed his cheeks against Matt's stomach which felt more like a washboard with six, distinct ridges.

"A little while ago," Matt laughed, wrapping a large, meaty hand against his shoulder. "Come on, Paul. Let's go inside. It's a little messy but I'm cleaning up."

The interior of the house was indeed a mess. It looked like rabid dogs had charged through the house, knocked furniture over, tore at the wallpaper and broke anything and, at one point, even gnawed at the corners of certain walls. There was also a horrible stench in the air. It smelled like wet dog and possessed a heady, dizzying musk that made Paul a little sick to his stomach.

"What's the smell?" he asked, pinching his nose. "And why is everything a mess?"

Matt seemed to think of a response for a moment then said, "Josh had a pretty wild party the other night. Things got... a little out of hand."

"Josh had a party?" Paul replied a little dubiously. "Josh never had parties before..."

"Well, Josh has changed a lot," Matt answered with a faint shrug. "We all have."

Paul poked his head into the lounge room and frowned at the terrible mess there. There were... claw marks all over the upholstery. The stench was even stronger in the lounge room and there were puddles of this gross, gooey, white stuff all over the carpet and some were even dripping from the ceiling and walls.

"I made sure Josh's... party friends didn't go into your room," Matt said. "Why don't you go upstairs and I'll bring up your game console while I clean up down here?"

"I don't mind helping," Paul answered, heading into the lounge room. He felt a little guilty. He has sort of lied to his oldest brother so he wanted to do something nice. Besides, if his mom came looking for him, this would be the first place she'd look and if she found the place in the state that it was, she'd use that as leverage to get more hours with him... not that she used any of it.

"Umm... You really don't have to..."

"I don't mind. This is my home."

Paul wasn't sure why but Matt looked quite touched by that and didn't offer any further protests. When asked on the whereabouts of both Josh and their father, Adam, gave a vague response of the two of them going out to buy a movie they could rent this evening.

Cleaning the lounge room took the better part of an hour. The sticky, white goo smelled foul and Paul was dizzy from scrubbing it off the carpet. It was about the time that the lounge room was a semblance of its former self - they couldn't fix the ragged cuts all over the couches - that the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Paul exclaimed, all too happy to be with his brother again.

He was so happy, in fact, that he had completely forgotten that Wesley had gone to get the police.

And that was biting him back now.

"Excuse me," a tall blonde police officer said, scratching his thing, brown beard. He didn't look that old and looked kind of young. "But this young man" - the officer indicated Wesley who was standing wild-eyed next to the officer - "claims that there's been something strange going on here."

"Nothing strange, Officer Steele," Matt replied, stepping up behind Paul and resting a meaty hand on Paul's shoulder.

Officer Steele was their local police officer. He lived down the street somewhere all alone with his dog. He was the one that handled Paul's father's case personally since he was the first one to have arrested Adam for driving under the influence - it was hard to miss since Adam did drive into his front yard.

Paul had this image of Officer Steele as this guy that would always bring misery into his family. He knew it wasn't Steele's fault. He ultimately blamed his mother but Officer Steele would be the one to bring down the gavel so to speak. Steele was a nice person, though. He gave Paul candy when the little guy was forced to stay with him while Adam was being interrogated.

"Is that you, Matt?" Steele asked, pulling down his big, round sunglasses, revealing cornflower blue eyes.

"In the flesh and fur," Matt chuckled, flexing an impressive bicep. Paul rolled his eyes. He didn't get people's fascination with big muscles or why girls liked guys like that. He wasn't into girls yet.

Steele frowned a little. "What happened to you? Less than three weeks ago, you were half this size."

"Late growth spurt and a good workout partner," Matt answered with a wink.

"No drugs?"

Paul had never considered that... He looked up at his oldest brother enquiringly, wondering if his brother was indeed on drugs. It would certainly explain the sudden growth... Maybe even the hair.

"Nope. I can go get checked out if you want."

"It'd set my heart at ease," Steele answered. "I know your old man isn't the best of examples but I don't want you taking the same slippery slope he did, you hear?"

Matt nodded, clapping Paul's shoulder. "Not with this little guy around. Would never dream of corrupting Paul here."

Feeling like such a baby, Paul brushed aside Matt's hand, blushing lightly.

Steele looked past them both, craning his neck a little to peer over Matt's bulk. "So is everything alright in there? No disturbances? No strangers over?"

Matt shrugged nonchalantly. "Josh just had a party last night. Things got pretty wild."

"Josh? Steele asked, a little puzzled. "He never seemed the partying type..." He placed a hand on Wesley's shoulder. "I think we've got someone who wasn't invited."

Wesley shook his head in shock, his eyes wide. "What!? No! There was a stranger in the house that told me you guys moved out!"

Matt grinned down at Wesley a little sheepishly and Paul began to realise that perhaps, Josh had moved on from a friendship with Wesley. He heard high school changes people... Maybe that guy that Wesley saw was one of Josh's new friends who clearly knew about the party and didn't want Wesley feeling bad or crashing said party...

It actually made a lot of sense.

"You might've run into one of the guests, Wesley," Matt said. "After what happened on the first day of school, Josh wasn't feeling much like inviting you over."

"First day?" Paul asked, inclining his head to the side. "What happened on the first day?"

"Nothing," Wesley replied immediately, averting his gaze.

"Well, clearly this has nothing to do with kidnapping or murder," Steele said, patting Wesley's head. "You all have a good day." He tipped his hat towards the two and headed back down the path, whistling to himself.

Once he was out of earshot range, Wesley looked up sheepishly at the two. "So... Josh hasn't moved away because of what I did?"

"What did you do?" Paul demanded, feeling left out. He looked up at Matt who was smiling benignly at Wesley.

"No, Wes, he hasn't," Matt responded.

"Can I see him?"

Matt shook his head sadly. "Sorry Wes. He's not in at the moment and we're still cleaning up after his party."

"He hasn't been to school..."

"After what happened, he's being homeschooled now."

"What happened?" Paul demanded, stomping is foot. Despite feeling like a petulant child, he couldn't help it. Matt and Wesley were purposefully keeping him out of the loop and he wanted to know what had happened between his brother and his brother's best friend.

Wesley shook his head. "Can you tell Josh I'm really sorry? I just want to be friends again."

Matt smiled and nodded. "I'm sure he wants to be friends as well. But give it some time, okay, Wes? You really hurt him."

Looking dejected and hurt, Wesley merely nodded and turned to leave. "Thanks, Matt. Nice seeing you again Paul. Hope I wasn't too much trouble."

Paul wasn't sure how to respond and just bit Wesley goodbye as Josh's friend turned and headed back to his home. Matt patted his shoulder and he followed his brother back into the house.

"What happened with Josh and Wesley? Why didn't Josh invite Wesley over to the party?"

Matt got a strange look on his face. It looked like he was a bit mad and a bit happy as well. He was smiling but there was a... 'dark humour' in it. "He did but Wesley didn't accept. So, I ended up taking Wesley's place and Josh and I had a blast."

"So Wesley was just jealous?"

"I guess you could say that." Matt smiled and picked up the phone. "Listen, why don't you take your game console up to your room and I'll get Josh to pick up a game for you on his way home?"

Excited at the prospect of sinking his teeth into a new game, Paul eagerly accepted. He brought up the big console from the lounge room back to his room. Thankfully, the upstairs wasn't as messed up as downstairs. The old vase that his mother always loved lay smashed on the ground but he couldn't say that he cared. There were claw marks all over the walls too but he didn't mind them either. It must have been one great party.

Just like Matt had explained beforehand, his room remained untouched. Everything seemed so familiar and warm... He never wanted to leave this place. But, of course, he would eventually have to. He set down his console and set it up in front of his TV. There, he got into a few games.

Time seemed to fly by while heard Matt cleaning up downstairs. He wanted to invite his brother over to play but Matt was never interested.


"Hey there, kiddo," Matt said, leaning against the doorframe. "Whatcha want for dinner?"

Paul was feeling a lot like something meaty. He wasn't a really big meat-eater. He preferred vegetables much to anyone's surprise. It came from the fact that his mother never forced him to eat greens and he just picked it up in an attempt to keep himself healthy. However, he was really craving a big T-bone steak or some pork chops. He wasn't sure why.

"Um... Got any steak?"

Matt looked like he was about to say something but then shrugged it off. "Sure. Plenty."

Looking at his game, Paul said, "Did you want to play a few rounds?"

Matt smiled suddenly. "Sure."

Paul blinked in surprise. He grinned broadly and nodded. "Yeah!"

Thrilled at the idea, Paul quickly grabbed his other controller and handed it to Matt. Naturally, his oldest brother was no match for him. He loved video games a lot and his favourite character was a big brute that could pound people into the ground and put up defences really quickly. His only weakness was a lack of low-hitting moves and his legs but Matt didn't know that.

The rounds he played were all pretty one-sided. Matt got better as time went on but he was no match for Paul's dexterous fingers.

"You're really good!" Matt laughed. "It's no fair, though! You keep choosing the same character!"

"Okay, I'll switch!" Paul replied.

He picked another big, burly guy except he didn't have any kicking moves. Just a lot of punches and grapples. Still won by a landslide. Just to be fair, he picked another character after their third round. Another big guy. Highly defensive and slow but all his moves were powerful and deadly if deployed properly.

He won.

"You really like them big guys, huh?" Matt chuckled, wrapping one big, strong arm around his shoulders.

"They're my favourite," Paul replied, bouncing slightly from excitement over his thirteen consecutive wins. "I like them because while they look big and slow, they really aren't! They're really fast and really strong!"

"So you don't mind big guys then?"

Paul shook his head. "Are you kidding? I wish I could be big and strong like them! Like you, even." For some reason, Matt blushed at that though.

Paul couldn't understand why. He meant it honestly. He wanted to be big and strong so that he could support his family. So that he could beat back anyone who made fun of them for having divorced parents or for having a mother who was 'easy', whatever that meant. He wanted to be strong so that his dad didn't have to drink himself stupid because of loneliness.

"So you don't mind that I'm really big now?"

Shaking his head, Paul looked up at his brother and smiled. "Of course not, Matt! I love you!"

That brightened his oldest brother's mood and he pulled him closer. Gently, Matt pressed his lips against Pauls' hair and kissed him lightly. He even seemed to sniff a little. Was he crying?

"I love you too, Paul."


Matt hugged Paul one more time. Tight enough for Paul to know the loving embrace of his brother but not tight enough to strangle him. "That must be Josh and his... friend now. Come on, why don't you say 'hi'?"

Eager to see his other brother, Paul cried, "Yeah!"and bounded after Matt as they headed back downstairs to the front of the house. To his surprise, however, the two men standing at the front door, arms wrapped around one another and giggling as they kissed were not people he recognised.

Matt cleared his throat.

The two at the door pulled apart from one another, looking a little shocked but more sheepish.

The one on the right was the tallest out of everyone in the room. He was lean and muscular just like Matt but less hairy and his body was more defined. There was something familiar about his face... In fact, Paul was sure that if he wasn't wearing that light, five o'clock shadow, he would be someone he would have recognised.

The one on the left was someone completely alien to Paul. He was fit and athletic, nothing like the bodybuilders that were Matt and the other stranger. His abs were clearly defined as he only wore a black vest and very short denim shorts. There wasn't a hair on his body except for his long, wavy, golden hair. If anything, he looked like a teenage movie star.

Like Matt, the two possessed the same green eyes with odd golden halos around them.

"Hey Paul," the taller one said, waving a big meaty hand at him.

"How do you know my name...?" Paul asked, shakily pressing himself behind Matt.

"It's me, dude! Josh!"

Paul blinked in surprise.

Now that he thought about it...

Take away the beard, height and muscles and that was Josh!

"Whoa!" Paul exclaimed, staring at his brother in awe. "What... What happened to you?"

"Same thing that happened to me, little dude," Matt chuckled. "Late growth spurt."

The other guy - the teenager - beamed and held out his hand towards Paul. "And I'm -"

"Andy," Matt quickly finished. "He's our roommate."

Paul regarded his brothers curiously. They were staring at each other like they were having some sort of telepathic conversation. He wasn't sure what they were hiding but he was sure it concerned this 'Andy'.

"Andy," the teenager finished, maintaining his grin. "Great to meetcha, Paul."

Shakily, Paul shook Andy's hand. There was a strong grip there but nothing crushing.

"Oh! And I gotcha this!" Andy said, digging into the plastic bag he had brought.

All his suspicions instantly went out of the window. "Whoa! The latest Street Fighter!" Paul exclaimed, peeling away from Matt and seizing the game in his hands. "This is my favourite!"

"I know," Andy said chuckling. Then he gagged for a moment. "Josh told me all about you."

Paul didn't care about the tiny change in tone and quickly turned to Matt. "You wanna play a game?"

"In a minute," Matt replied with a chuckle. "I've got to prepare dinner, remember?" His eyes went to Josh and Andy. "Why don't you two help me while we let Paul duke it out with the AI in single player?"

"Can I?" Paul asked excitedly.

Andy grinned and ruffled Paul's hair. It reminded the young ten year-old about when his dad did that...

Ignoring all those feelings, Paul looked eagerly towards the three men around him. Matt begrudgingly gave him a thumbs up. He was suddenly a blur and sped up the stairs into his room where he eagerly set up the games console. He played through with his favourite character and was halfway through completing it when a knock came to his door.

"Hey, little man, it's time for dinner."

It was Andy.

Paul didn't really know the guy but he seemed nice enough. He paused his game and stood up, turning towards Andy who was smiling at him a little weirdly. He had that same predatory grin on him that Matt had the first time they met.

"So..." Paul began, a little nervous because Andy was blocking the door. "Are you and Josh boyfriends?"

He knew what it meant to be 'gay'. It meant guys liking guys. People in school were called each other 'gay' if they wanted to insult one another. Paul was never called that because they didn't want him getting upset especially since his parents were divorced. He never called anyone that either. It just didn't feel right.

"Sort of," Andy answered with a smirk. "He really turned things around for me. He's really a good guy. I love him very much."

Paul figured that was fair enough. As long as someone loved another person, it didn't matter what gender they were. At least that's what the priest at his school said. A reason why Paul didn't like calling people 'gay'. The priest said that was cruel because being 'gay' isn't something to be ashamed of or something that should be tied with an insult.

"He really is," Paul replied with a grin. Then an idea crossed his mind. "Oh, since you're his boyfriend, do you know what happened between him and Wesley?"

There, Andy's expression darkened and he growled a little. "Josh just wanted to be friends with Wesley forever. But Wesley was part of the football team and didn't want anything to do with a 'beanpole' like Josh. So he called Josh a 'faggot' and bullied him."

Paul frowned a little. "That doesn't sound like Wesley."

"I guess people change," Andy answered with a shrug. He stepped aside and offered his arm to the young preteen. "Come on, little man. Time to eat."

Paul didn't mind that Andy called him 'little man'. It was what his dad used to call him before the divorce. Andy did seem liked a good father-figure and he was already growing attached to the guy. When the teenager wrapped his arm around Paul, the young man already felt so safe, warm and comforted. The touch of Andy's bare, hairless chest against his gave him a sense of security he never felt before in his entire life.

Dinner was pretty simple fare. Lots of hamburgers. Paul could only eat one but the rest of the family... 'Yikes' was all he could manage. They ate like starved wolves! Matt had at least eight, Josh put away a good ten - would have been nine but Matt insisted he have the last one - and Andy ate six. They tore into them like it was their last meal and they still looked like they had room for more.

After dinner, Matt went to cleaning up while Josh invited Andy and Paul to watch one of the newest werewolf movies that had come out. Paul wasn't sure what the name of the movie was because Andy and Josh were spending most of their time fondling each other and kissing one another. They were really in love and Paul admired that.

He figured that if two men could find love - especially his brother - then there was hope yet for his dad. He just hoped that hope didn't rest with his airhead of a mother.

The movie went by in a blur and Paul found himself a little sleepy afterwards. After brushing his teeth and taking a shower, he bid Josh and Andy goodnight - telling Andy that it was a pleasure to meet him - and went to his room. He was tempted to play for Street Fighter but he was too sleepy for that. As he slid himself into his bed, Matt came in, wearing a big smile on his face.

"Here comes the Tuck-In-Express," his oldest brother said, grinning broadly.

"I'm too old for that..." Paul giggled.

"Aww, you're never too old for fun." Matt sat down beside Paul on the bed and tucked him in nice and tight. Paul missed these moments and remembered the time when his dad used to tuck him in... It occurred to him that none of these memories ever included his mother...

"Hey Matt..." he began.


"Why did mom and dad split up?"

He expected Matt to look a little gloomy but instead, he smiled. "Because dad just wasn't that into her."

"Will he find someone?"

There was this weird glint in his eye as he said, "I think he will. Sooner than you expect." Matt bent down and kissed Paul's cheek. He then brushed his tongue gently against Paul's nose, causing the little boy to squirm an laugh.

"Eeew! That's gross!"

Matt chuckled and winked at him. "Sorry. Now good night. Try to get some sleep okay?"

"Thanks, Matt."

"No problem, kiddo."

Smiling at the moment of happiness, Paul closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep.

He dreamed of himself in a valley deep somewhere in the mountains. It get there, he had to make his way through a perfectly shaped cave where the walls were all smooth and mirror-like. There were no stalagmites or stalactites. It was like a natural tunnel. The cave was dark and cramped but at the end of the tunnel was a brilliant valley filled with lush greenery, countless wild animals and tall trees to dwarf even the oldest redwoods.

There were five creatures that stood waiting for him. He instantly recognised them as werewolves. All of them were big, strong, powerfully built and truly awe-inspiring creatures. Despite the fact that they were of a different race to him, he knew all of them... Well, most of them. There was one wolf he didn't recognise. The others he knew were Matt, Josh, his father - Adam - and even Wesley...

He just couldn't tell how...

Adam - oddly the smallest but by far the handsomest of the group - swaggered over to him, his golden fur glistening in the sunlight.

"Welcome home, little man," Adam said, wrapping an arm comfortingly around Paul's shoulders. There was some strange and powerful force that pulled them together and suddenly, Paul found himself pressing his hands against his father's strong, athletic chest and his lips gravitating towards his father's muzzle.

Suddenly, they were kissing.

Some part of Paul screamed but the rest of him accepted it all fully... loving the contact he had with his father.

Paul woke with a start, drenched in his sweat. There was also a strange wetness in his pants and he feared that he had wet his bed. He hadn't wet his bed since he was six! Embarrassed and fearing that his family wouldn't let him back into the house anymore, he resolved to quickly change himself and change the sheets. Hopefully everything was still where he remembered they were and everyone else was asleep.

He scrambled to get the sheets off and was grateful that he hadn't made a mess at all. In fact, none of his urine had seeped into the sheets. Curious, he regarded his pants and stripped them off. There was a slight wet spot on the crotch area but his underwear had suffered the most damage. Sighing, he took them off as well and dared a sniff to see if the smell would be unbearable.

Oddly enough... it didn't smell at all like urine... It smelled... musky... Kind of like the white goo that he had cleaned up earlier with Matt.

Shaking his head, Paul resolved that he still had to clean up the mess and hurried out of his room.

That was when he heard them.

"Ugh...Oh yeah... Deeper! Faster! Ugh!"

He groaned softly. Sex was something he had learned even at his tender age of ten. His mom constantly brought strangers into their apartment and he was constantly awoken at night to the sounds of their lovemaking so he knew what those sounds were. The wet slapping... the squishing, the grunts, the groans and the sloppy kissing noises...

He knew what they were.

But he didn't really care. Sure, there were only four people in the house - four guys - and one of them was probably his brother but everyone had the right to love who they wanted so he wasn't going to argue.

All he wanted to do was make sure his pants were clean.

Unfortunately to get to the laundry room downstairs, he had to pass the source of the room - Josh's room.

Grimacing, Paul snuck by but with each step he took, the noises grew louder, more intense... and more... wild. There was an odd sound mixed with the noises of the lovemaking... like... rubber being stretched. Feral noises began emerging from deep within Josh's room and he guessed that sex between guys was different to the sound of sex with a guy and girl.

That piqued his curiosity.

What was making all those sounds?

He peeked into the room and his jaw completely dropped.

It was not Josh and Andy in that room...

It was Josh and Matt!

Josh was on top of Matt, thrusting his groin deep into Matt's ass with his face buried against Matt's shoulder. What was more amazing was that their bodies were growing. Right before Paul's young eyes, the bodies of his two brothers were morphing and shifting! Those huge muscles that they bore grew even bigger, bulking up into nice, round, plump builds that were quickly consumed in a thick carpet of fur! A long, fluffy tail burst out of Josh's rear, causing his brother to arch his back and let out a loud, feral gasp.

In the moonlight, Paul watched as his brother's silhouette dramatically changed. The flat, human features twisted and lengthened into a long, lupine shape followed by large, triangular ears. Bright, yellow eyes flashed in the scant light and Paul watched as his werewolf brother piled down upon Matt and began licking his oldest brother's face affectionately.

Paul staggered back in horror... Unable to believe that his brothers were werewolves!

That would explain how they got so big so fast... They... they weren't human!

Wesley was right!

He turned -


"Hey there, little man."

Paul froze and staggered away from Andy who stood there grinning at him. Unlike before, the teenager's eyes were bright yellow... just like his brothers'. He quickly pieced the puzzle together... Andy was the stranger in the house... Andy was the one that came into Josh and Matt's lives and turned them into gay werewolves!

"It was you..." he gasped.

Andy chuckled as his entire body began shifting too. Those defined muscles beneath his vest and shorts grew bigger, stronger and firmer. His golden blonde hair lengthened, crawling all over his otherwise hairless body until it quickly consumed him. Andy slipped off his vest, throwing it aside as he advanced on Paul.

"You've got it all wrong, little man."

"Stop calling me that..." Paul whispered, scared completely witless.

He didn't know what to do! He was trapped!

Could he outrun a werewolf?

"Josh started all this," Andy snickered. He reached out and brushed one leathery palm against Paul's cheek. "Not me. He's the one that made me a new man, Paul."

Paul knocked his developing paw away. "Josh would never do this!"

"You think so, huh?" Andy winked at him and leaned forward, his muzzle forming into a wolfish grin. "Well, Josh was the one that gave me permission. He is our Alpha, after all."

"Permission for what?"

Without warning, Andy plunged his muzzle forward, his long, flat, lupine tongue sliding easily down the stunned Paul's throat. Strange, confusing... wild sensations began flooding Paul's mind. His body reacted in ways he never thought were possible. He could suddenly feel blood pumping down into his undeveloped cock and it felt like something was inside and bursting to break out! Like he really needed to go for a long, hot piss but ten times worse with a fever to boot.

Then he remembered where this kiss came from.

His dad...

... in that dream.

Andy pulled away, his golden eyes sparkling.

"D - D - Dad...?" he stammered.

Adam smiled at him, licking his nose tenderly. "That's right, little man. It's me."

Paul couldn't understand. He shook his head but his eyes never leaving his father's. "H - How... did...?"

"Let me show you, son," Adam whispered gently. "Sit down."

Paul was too dumbstruck and simply obeyed. With his naked lower half splayed on the ground and his ten year old cock fully erect, Adam slowly bent over to meet his member and drew his tongue across it. Paul moaned softly, the sensation unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was ridiculously good and there was just something about getting licked by his werewolf father that filled him with a strange sensation...

Slowly Adam wrapped his muzzle around Paul's cock and the preteen was about to protests - fearing his father would bite off his penis - but those odd sensations came again and lust overcame his young mind. He felt a strong sucking force against his cock, pulling it away from his body and he moaned as his father's tongue mercilessly assaulted his cock. His hands instinctively reached over to wrap around his father's lupine head and he loved the long, luxurious, blonde hair that the werewolf supported.

The sucking continued and Paul gave a high-pitched cry as his entire body suddenly convulsed like every muscle in his body suddenly clenched, shook and then released all in the same three seconds. He felt the pressure in his cock suddenly all give way, pouring out of the tip of his penis in the form of hot liquid. A cry escaped his throat and the sudden release left him exhausted.

He collapsed against the carpeted floor, shuddering.

He feared he had peed into his father's muzzle but somehow, he didn't think that was the case... He just couldn't explain it... Strange new thoughts were filling his mind... words like 'fuck', 'sex', 'anal, 'oral' and 'mount' were spinning around in his juvenile brain, all taking new meaning. Foremost amongst them was 'love' and 'mate'.

Slowly, Adam crawled up beside him, wrapping his large, furry arms around his son. Paul found himself curling up against his father's protective arms just like he used to, loving the contact of the thick, creamy fur on his father's chest and the powerful, musky odour of his father.

"How was that?" Adam asked gently.

Paul slowly lifted his gaze up to meet his father's eyes.

"I want more."

Adam grinned at him and bent down, kissing Paul gently. Paul tasted something salty on his father's tongue and for some reason, he just knew that was his own semen... his seed... his cum. New thoughts kept flooding into his mind even as Adam wrapped his huge paw around his cock. Barely even touching the member, Paul's entire body suddenly clenched and unclenched all at the same moment and another orgasm hit him like a tonne of bricks.

He shouted down into his father's throat but the voice was not his. As his entire body relaxed with his cum pouring out onto his father's paw, he felt his shirt tighten around his shoulders and a deep, throbbing need develop deep in his groin. His muscles all felt bloated like they were bursting from deep within his skin. The heat all over his body built and built. His bones stretched painfully but at the same time, there was untold pleasure in the transformation.

He pulled away and let out a shout of pure ecstasy, his voice cracking momentarily before growing deeper and deeper with each passing second, dropping in the tones as he shouted. Suddenly, he felt his toes brush against his father's and he was suddenly at eyelevel with Adam.

"What...?" he croaked.

Adam just smiled at him.

And his heart melted.

He wanted Adam.

Without another word, his dove straight for his father's muzzle, ravaging it with his tongue and rolling over his father, pressing his newly acquired weight down onto the werewolf. As he went diving for his father's tonsils, he felt his entire body start to clench again and he felt another orgasm building inside him. He fought it off, desperately trying to prolong the magical experience with his father.

He moaned as the pressure just kept building and building but he held on fiercely. All that pressure seemed to build around his groin, making it feel like there was molten lava bubbling deep within his big balls. A sudden itch developed against them and he reached down with one hand, trying to scratch at it. Despite his best efforts, the pressure seemed to seep out of his skin and form long strands of black hair. All that heat kept pooling into his balls, stretching his scrotum and stacking on the side in his large, lemon-sized balls as the hair curled around them, coating them in a thick wrapping. All that hair began spreading all over his pubic area, forming a thick forest that felt so good against the fur of his father's own groin.

Like a thousand ants crawling across his skin, the hair spread. He felt them sprouting upwards from his groin across his stomach, over his chest, around his back, over his arms and down his legs. He became hairier and hairier the more he held on grimly to make the sensation last. Finally, the hair began crawling against his skin and he scratched at it absently as he kept diving for his father's tongue. Adam had other plans as he pulled away from the kiss and began running his tongue across Paul's new, thick beard.

That was the final straw.

All that pressure suddenly erupted from his cock, spraying his father with an ocean of his hot, white semen. He felt like as the flood poured out of him, it took his cock with him, pulling it further and further away from his body, building it in mass and width. He roared as the pleasure was completely unbelievable and his juvenile mind expanded to accept new thoughts, new emotions and new sensations from his incredible body.

Before the torrent could even die, he was suddenly all over Adam again, his new, muscular heart pounding against his thick chest which was quickly hardening into powerful pecs and a set of highly defined abs. His shoulders broadened massively, their becoming round, plump and crossed with pulsing veins visible even beneath the thick coating of black hair. His beard became full, not a single shard of his flesh visible beneath its coating. His legs grew longer and his spine lengthened. His thighs bulged out with muscle further than even Adam's waist and his feet became enormous to support the tremendous calves he held.

"Dad..." he moaned in a deep, rumbling baritone that he knew wasn't his but was proud to bear.

"Oh wow, Paul..." Adam laughed, his eyes sparkling. "You're so sexy..."

He knew that word... and he loved it.

A great confidence suddenly filling him, Paul rolled off his father and held his impressive eleven inch cock in one, meaty hand. It was fully erect again and that pressure was building at an alarming rate. He wanted to keep it down again.

"Come on, dad..." he urged.

Adam grinned and scrambled over to his son, eagerly wrapping his muzzle around the grown man's huge cock. This time, Paul knew exactly what to do and began thrusting deep into Adam's muzzle. His foot quickly found Adam's own cock and he caught it between his big toe and squeezed it tightly. Adam moaned and pressed his tongue deep into Paul's cumslit, causing the man to shout in pure ecstasy.

The pressure was becoming unbearable and Paul just held on as much as he could. He felt his spine stretching again, making himself taller than even Josh and Matt. But that growth stopped all too quickly and he began growing width-wise. His shoulders stretched even further, his biceps bulging with unbelievable muscle. His belly began to gurgle and bulged out, stretching outwards to form a huge, hairy, gut that was lined with the strong abdominal muscles that he had developed.

He threw his head back and let out another shout as a fresh stream of cum shot out of his cock. Adam was forced to immediately pull away as his son's member went off like a firehose, literally spraying cum all the way down the hall and into the opposite room.

Paul's whole body shuddered and his muscles tightened adjusted themselves. His gut didn't protrude past his huge chest but it was still enough to consider him a 'musclegut'. Now he knew what that meant and he growled in pleasure at the thought of becoming one, hairy, muscular monster with a cock to make woman envious of him.

But he only wanted one thing.

And it wasn't a woman.

It was Adam.

Growling with a renewed sense of authority, he stood up, his fully erect foot and a half long member standing at attention over his seven foot height. "Bend over, little man," he growled at Adam.

The golden-furred werewolf grinned, went on all fours and presented himself to the bigger man. "I'm all yours, big man."

Paul immediately wrapped his massive, meaty arms around the smaller, leaner werewolf, shoving his dick slowly into his love. He was a rough lover, he knew what he wanted and he always got it but he loved his mate... He loved Adam... and he didn't want to hurt his mate. He thrust deep into Adam - his father - and grunted and moaned as the final parts of the transformation took hold of him - mentally, physically and emotionally.

The thick, black hair all over his body thickened even further, covering every part of him and transforming into a layer of black fur that cloaked him with the night. There was a white patch on his chest but everything else was black. His palms became covered in leathery patches and his nails disappeared into long, black claws. His face was pulled forward as his teeth reshaped and his muzzle formed. His ears grew hairy and migrated to the top of his head, twisting into the familiar triangular shape. A long, fluffy tail blasted out of his rear, flicking back and forth in excitement as he kept thrusting and thrusting into his mate.

He understood now... He understood where he rested in the pack... in his family... His Alpha was Josh, the one who started it all and their Beta was Matt who was Josh's mate. Adam was the Omega but Paul was his mate and they were madly in love...

Finally, his cock twisted upwards, leaving behind its uncut shape and quickly turning into a bright red rocket with a formidable knot forming.

Yes... love...

He loved his father... always had... always will. He always knew that his father would find happiness one day...

... and it was with him!

With a triumphant roar, Paul shoved his knot right into his mate - right into Adam - and bit down on his father's shoulder, a resolute mating bite. He exploded into his father's ass just as Adam himself shot his load, spraying them both in a thick coating of semen. This time, there was a resolution of this orgasm and Paul knew his transition had come to an end.

Paul slowly peeled his fangs away from Adam's shoulder and rubbed the gurgling belly that had formed against his mate's highly defined abdomen, a result of the gallons of cum he had pumped into the golden werewolf.

He licked at the wounds he had caused lovingly.

Adam moaned softly and held his bigger paws tightly.

"I love you, Paul..."

Paul rumbled and in his deep, sexy voice said, "I love you too, dad."

Third Arc Crimson Moon: Epilogue

**Epilogue: Post Production** **Shellington Airport** The _Rewritten Direction._ That's the name I gave the Seal that Rob had obtained and used to change all of Crosstown and the surrounding areas. After closely...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 12

**Chapter 12.0: Crossroads... Again!** **Crosstown Motel** Goddamn Four Rules of Best Friends. This was Rule 4 biting my ass. I just wondered what rule he broke to make him my enemy... "Please tell me this...

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The Sapphire Gym: Otter Up!

**The Sapphire Gym: Otter Up!** **A Request for Tachi** Parents should be kind and supporting. Parents should love their children unconditionally. Parents should help their children up when they...

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