The Sapphire Gym: Otter Up!

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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The Sapphire Gym: Otter Up!

A Request for Tachi

Parents should be kind and supporting.

Parents should love their children unconditionally.

Parents should help their children up when they fall.

Parents should not beat their kids over something as petty as losing a baseball game.

But for Tomas Orett, that was just the case.

He was already eighteen years of age but was still living under the roof of his father until it came time for college. Unfortunately, that wasn't for months yet. Poor Tomas was just starting his senior year having been held back a year for having failed Gym one year.

That was when the beatings started.

His father called him a 'good for nothing, beanpole' and beat him constantly, telling him to 'grow a pair' and to 'fight back'. But Tomas could never do it. He just cried and curled up in a ball as blow after blow descended, breaking his skin and sometimes even his bones.

Of course, he never told anyone.

His father was all he had after losing his mother in a terrible car crash.

Now, as he wandered listlessly through the streets of his hometown, shivering in the rain and reduced to a terrible chilling numbness from the cold, he wondered what kind of beating awaited him when he got back home. The last thing he remembered was his father calling him a 'cockless coward.' If he was lucky, his father would be passed out drunk when he got back to that dilapidated home.

The chances of that were pretty high but when his father woke up...

Tomas shuddered and it wasn't from the frigid wind.

He could just imagine the beatings. Every step he took on the wet sidewalk reminded him of the sickening splats and thuds of his father's fists pounding hard against him. Deciding to prolong the inevitable beating, Tomas sat down on the concrete, just letting the rain pour all over him. He hoped that the numbing cold of the weather would harden his flesh so that he wouldn't feel so much pain if and when the beatings came.

Time just flew by and he wasn't sure how long he sat there but by the time the rain stopped, he was soaked to the bone and feeling so cold he was pretty sure a snowman would have looked warmer.

Funny thing was, the rain hadn't really stopped.

It was still pouring... just not on him anymore.

He looked up to see what had stopped the rain. It was a big, black umbrella held by a large, grey paw. A titanic, grey wolf hovered above him, a gently smile on his broad muzzle. The wolf was simply enormous in muscle and height. Tomas was about 5'10'' in height but this timber wolf had to be at least 9 feet tall. Maybe more. His bright blue-green eyes sparkled brightly even in the scant light of the dreary day.

Tomas could see thick, grey fur covering the wolf's entire body save for his chest and palms. They were covered with a creamy-coloured coating. Thicker, yellow - almost golden - fur jutted out form where humans would have their body hair and Tomas could tell because this huge wolf was just wearing a pair of blue speedos to complement his eyes. That same golden fur served as hair that tumbled down the wolf's tremendous back like a liquid-gold waterfall.

"What're you doing out here all alone in the rain, pup?"

Tomas instantly scrambled to his feet. He was aware of all those stories about predatory species preying on lost kids - regardless of species - and taking them to their 'dens' where they were viciously raped and mentally scarred. It didn't matter what gender they were either.

"Um... Just resting my feet..."

The wolf raised one golden eyebrow and smirked a little. "Really? Well then why don't you come inside and rest up where it's dry?" He stepped aside.

Tomas looked up and past the huge wolf's rather rounded belly. It was a rather large abdominal area that extended well past his rock-hard pecs but looked more like bloated abs instead of a fat, smooth belly. If anything, it looked like the muscle had packed on there so much that while it looked like fat, it was all just muscle.

Past the wolf were the big, glass doors of a wide, warehouse-like building. Concrete shaped like the words 'The Sapphire Gym' were placed right over the door.

"A gym...?"

"Yes," the wolf answered, overing Tomas a wide, human-like paw with the exception of black, leathery pads on his palm and claws. "I'm Tachi. This is my gym."

Tomas squirmed a little. The big wolf did seem quite friendly... Then again, that was exactly how these things started, right? Still... It was either he go back to his father and absolutely, positively get beaten... or go with this stranger who might beat him... maybe rape him.

For Tomas, even the slight possibility that he won't get hurt was better than the certainty that he would if he went back home.

He took the Tachi's hand and was instantly yanked to his feet with astounding strength. His neck jerked back a little and he almost thought he suffered from whiplash for a second there. Tachi chuckled and placed a consoling hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry there, pup. Don't know my own strength."

"Yeah..." Tomas murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. "How'd you get so big anyway?"

Tachi shrugged and flexed one massive arm. "Good genes. Lots of work." That smirk on his face grew a little. "The right kinds of food." He pushed open the glass doors and let Tomas go first.

The young human boy felt a little guilty about tracking mud and dripping water on the pristine, polished floors. As he was about to turn around and mention how bad an idea this was to Tachi, the big wolf pressed a hand against his back and pushed him further into the gym itself.

"Come on, pup," the wolf said. "Let's dry you off before you catch a cold."

"Umm... Thanks..." Tomas stuttered. "You... You didn't have to do this..."

"It's no trouble at all." Tachi winked at him and nodded towards the change rooms. "Why don't you take a shower in there and I'll get you some towels and fresh clothes?"

A hot shower did sound good but something was bothering him...

"Do you live here?"

The wolf nodded as he headed towards a flight of stairs. "Yep. Third floor."

"Third floor?" Tomas repeated.

Nodding, Tachi hit the stairs and turned towards Tomas with a smile. "First floor is for regular customers. Third floor is where I live. Second floor is for... 'special' customers. Do me a favour and don't go up there, okay? The equipment is quite... expensive."

"Oh... Okay..."

Now Tomas really wanted to go up to the second floor but he decided that since this wolf was being so nice to him, he shouldn't push his luck.

As Tachi disappeared up into the upper floors, Tomas bit his lower lip and glanced back towards the entrance. He considered bolting there and then, running for home and sucking up the abuse of his father... He was in a gym, all alone with the owner and with no possibility of anyone coming to his rescue should something happen...


Sighing, Tomas decided to take his chances with this seemingly benign wolf and headed for the showers. A typical gym shower room met him; lockers to flanking rows upon rows of benches and open showers at the far end. Every smelled of shampoo and lemon but there was this faint hint of wet fur in the air that he guessed was due to the fact this place catered for mostly furs. The presence of fur-dryers confirmed his suspicion.

He always wondered what it would be like to have fur or to be a fur. All his friends from school were furs. His father accused him for being a 'fur-fucker' constantly because of that - thankfully not in public. Tomas always associated with furs better than humans probably because the only humans he really knew were either abusive or dead.

Brushing the thoughts aside, he stripped off his dripping clothing and neatly folded them on the benches. He entered the open showers and switched on the hot water. In contrast to the freezing rain, the near-blistering heat of the water was quite welcome against his lanky frame. He sighed softly and ran his hands through his short, brown hair and let the waters wash away his fears and anxieties.

Just like when he was out in the rain, he completely forgot about the time and it was only when a soft cough hit his ears did he remember where he was.

Tomas quickly spun around, covering his privates.

Tachi stood there with a clean pile of clothing.

"I'll just leave these here for you."

Tomas was just horrified that someone as huge as Tachi stood there with him completely butt naked. He had visions of the massive wolf advancing upon him, pressing him against the shower stalls and sticking the massive monster that he knew was just hiding inside that green speedo up his ass.

"What's wrong?" the wolf asked innocently. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Tomas shook his head from his vivid nightmare and tried to desperately hide his growing erection. There was something oddly arousing about being penetrated by the wolf...

"N - Nothing," he stammered. "I - I was just startled..."

Tachi smiled and placed the clothes and the towel on the bench. "Come out when you're ready. You looked famished. I'll whip you up a nice little snack."

"Y - You don't have to..."

The wolf's smile just broadened. "It's no trouble at all. Trust me. It's really my pleasure." He bent down and picked up Tomas' wet clothing, putting them in a small sack. "I'll get these dried up for you."

"Th - th - Thanks..."

Tomas watched the massive wolf depart, unable to keep his eyes away from those large, bubble-like glutes. He shook his thoughts away from the mesmerising dance and spun around quickly to hide now hard six inch manhood. His mind reeled at the thought that he found Tachi attractive... or that he might be... gay.

Then again, if anything, being gay for the wolf wouldn't be so absurd. That body would turn any man gay.

Tomas took a deep breath and finished up his shower, leaving his erection unattended. Quickly, he went over to the clothing that Tachi had provided for him. Apart from the customary underwear, he was handed a white sleeveless shirt and a pair of gym shorts. They all seemed a little too big for him but he wasn't about to complain.

He stuffed his manhood into the shorts, adjusting himself so the bulge wasn't so evident. The clothing made him look so small because the shirt hung about halfway down his thighs and the shorts were almost three-quarter pants. He had to tighten the waistband of the shorts so that they wouldn't fall off.

All dried off and dressed, he headed out of the change rooms and found Tachi over at the cafeteria area at the forefront of the gym. Beyond the cafeteria was the gym itself. Even from where he stood, Tomas could make out all the large and heavy workout equipment. He imagined furs of all shaped, sizes and species working their muscles in that area...

Most of all, he imagined Tachi working those great muscles of his and Tomas was instantly hard again.

Coughing, Tomas headed over to where Tachi was blending something blue in a blender.

"There you are!" the wolf said cheerily. "Just in time too." With one, massive paw, Tachi poured the drink into two large cups and handed one to Tomas. "Bottoms up!"

Tomas just watched the massive wolf guzzle the entire contents of his glass and lick his lips. He regarded the thick, bluish liquid and then looked back up to Tachi questioningly.

"W - W -What is it...?"

"An energy drink," Tachi answered with a wink. "It'll make you stronger and help develop your muscles. That is, of course, if you supplement it with the right kinds of exercise."

Tomas lowered his gaze a little and pushed the drink away from him. "I... I'm not really into exercise..."

"Well now is a good time to start." Tachi grinned at him and placed a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. "You don't want to be the guy getting bullied all the time, do you?"

Tomas looked up, surprise. "H - H - How did you...?"

"Come on," the wolf chuckled. "Sitting all alone in the middle of the street, rain pelting you from all directions and with this lost puppy look on your face? I may be big but I am certainly not blind. Besides..." Tachi pulled his hand away and headed towards the gym. "... I need a good workout partner."

Tomas was about to protest but then he remembered who was waiting for him back home. He guessed that, in all seriousness, he was probably in for it when he got back to that hovel. An hour or so working out wouldn't hurt him. His father might even look kindly on him going to the gym.

He downed the strange, blue drink - wincing at its salty taste - and hurried to follow Tachi towards the gym. The salty energy brew slid down his throat and made him feel even more energised than ever. He practically bouncing all the way after Tachi into the heavy workout equipment.

"Want to help me with the bench press?" the wolf asked.

Tomas looked at the massive equipment. "Um... How much can you press?"

"At least my own weight," the wolf replied proudly, his blonde tail wagging excitedly.


"800 pounds."

Tomas gulped loudly. "I... I don't think I can help you if something bad happens..."

"No problem. We'll start out lightly."


"700 pounds."

Tomas choked but it was too late. For some reason, he just found it impossible to deny the massive wolf as Tachi set up a whopping 700 pounds of weight on the bench press and nestled underneath it. Tomas found himself instinctively navigating his way towards the head of the equipment, letting his small hands hover beneath the metal bar as Tachi gripped it.

The wolf grinned up at him. "You ready?"



Tachi lifted the weights up without even so much a grunt and began easily pumping the iron with frightening ease. Tomas could only gawk and stare as the massive wolf pushed and pulled the 700 pound weights, those huge muscular arms flexing and stretching beneath the smooth, grey fur. He found his eyes gliding down from the wolf's thick, corded forearms, across those round, firm biceps, over the plump, juicy shoulders and down to the massive, mountainous pecs with the large, black, button like nipples that stuck out of the creamy fur that adorned the beautiful wolf's chest.

Tomas found himself drooling a little and shook the strange, alien thoughts from his head but couldn't fight the growing arousal in the gym shorts that the wolf had loaned him. He whimpered a little but tried to diligently keep his eyes on that rising and lowering bar.

Again, time seemed to pass him by as he found himself sweating just from watching the massive wolf work out. After what seemed like an eternity watching the wolf, Tachi placed the bar back onto the clamps and sat up.

"You look like you could work off some steam," he observed. "Want to try some dumbbells?"

Tomas nodded feverishly. Anything to keep his mind of the amazing wolf that was standing right next to him. He hurried over to the dumbbells and picked up a couple of light weights. Remembering how all those guys in the weights room at school did their workouts, he began doing a few dumbbell curls. His arms began burning almost instantly but he pressed himself to keep going, trying to focus on the slight discomfort instead of the thoughts of the hot, naked wolf pressed up against him...

"Breathe," came that deep, sexy voice.

He froze when Tachi pressed his gargantuan paws against Tomas' chest.

"S - Sorry...?" he stammered.

"Breathe," Tachi repeated. "If you don't breathe, you don't get oxygen and your muscles wear our easier. You have to breathe to keep yourself supplied with strength."


"Come on," the huge wolf said with a grin. "Take a deep breath."

Tomas found himself unable to resist and took a deep breath.

"Now lift..."

He did...

"Breathe out..."

He breathed out...

"And release..."

Tomas slowly lowered the dumbbells...

"That's it," Tachi encouraged. "Just like that. Breathe in, breathe out while doing your workout. Nice and slow so you don't pull anything."

Warmed by the wolf's encouraging words, Tomas continued pulling up the dumbbells to about shoulder level. Following Tachi's instructions helped a lot. Soon, the inferno-like burning in his arms had dulled to a mild throbbing and he was feeling a lot stronger already. Every breath he took was deeper as if his lungs themselves were getting more muscular. He found the value of every single particle of oxygen and filled his lungs to the maximum so that his muscles wouldn't get too strained.

"How about we work on some leg curls now?" Tachi suggested.

"Sounds good," Tomas answered, placing the dumbbells back onto the floor. Tachi's tail was wagging and if Tomas had a tail himself, he knew it'd be wagging too. He was enjoying the company of this wolf. The encouragement he gave was like a drug to the young man and he relished every word.

They went over to the leg press and Tachi told him how to do it properly so he didn't sprain anything or put himself in danger.

"Remember," Tachi said, "breathe."

Tomas nodded and started doing some leg presses. He kept flicking his eyes over to the wolf and seeing the approval on the enormous lupine's features, he redoubled his efforts. He pushed his legs as far as they would go every time, stretching the muscles as far as they would go.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Tachi exclaimed suddenly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Slow it down there, pup."

"H - Huh...?" Tomas stammered. "Why?"

"You have a higher chance of pulling something if you go at it like that. You have to take it nice and slow. Don't let all those ads about all those muscled guys fool you into thinking that doing things fast and hard is the best way to build muscle. Take it nice and slow. Some things are worth relishing. Growth is one of them."

Like every piece of advice that Tachi gave, Tomas took it to heart and slowed the pace at which he stretched his leg muscles against the weights. He wasn't sure but he thought that after every long, slow push, his legs were getting a little longer. But that was probably just because he was using muscles he never knew he had.

After the leg press, they moved back to the upper body, doing some pull-ups. That Tomas had a bit of difficulty with. He had never done a pull-up before and it pained him to just do one. Tachi chuckled at his effort and Tomas felt himself blush. Especially so when Tachi wrapped his massive hands around the young man's waist and helped him do a few more.

With each pull up, Tomas found it easier and easier to pull his weight up to the bar though he thought that was just because Tachi was exerting more force for him.

Afterwards, they headed towards the treadmills and did some runs. By the end of a good fifteen minute run, Tomas thought he had run a marathon. The loose clothing around him was suddenly plastered against his body in sweat and he was afraid he'd have to take another shower.

"You've got a nice little patch of chest hair there, pup," Tachi said as they sat down for another energy drink.

Tomas blinked and looked down at his chest. With the shirt still so loose on him, the neckline exposed much of his chest. There were some pecs forming there but they weren't anything special. Between them though was a rather thick patch of brown hair that spread across his chest, growing thinner and wispier as they went.

"I never noticed..." he admitted with a slight blush.

"You don't notice what's happening to your own body?" the wolf asked with a slight chuckle. "I would never have guessed." He set down his empty glass and turned towards the entrance of the gym, letting out a soft wince. "Looks like it's still pouring. What do you say you spend another hour here working our with little old me until it stops raining."

"There's nothing little about you," Tomas snickered. "And sure... I'd love to."

They returned to the gym itself, continuing the rather rigorous workout. Tomas lifted weights, stretched muscles he never knew and worked out right beside what was quickly becoming his favourite wolf in the world.

He never knew he could do a hundred sit ups or a hundred push-ups either!

He was ecstatic about that achievement.

Tachi seemed proud of him as well and gave him a pat on the back.

To end their workout, Tachi invited him over to the pool. Tomas wasn't sure why but seeing the water made him really excited and he quickly threw aside his sweaty clothing and dove right in with only the boxers that Tachi had loaned him to hide his manhood. The water was cooling, fresh and relaxing.

Even as he did several laps of freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke, the waters kept him eternally calm and relaxed. The muscles that he had overworked through the entire workout cooled down while still being worked.

Tomas dove into the depth of the blue pool and embraced the silence that the water granted. Time seemed to slow for him as he lay at the bottom of the pool, quietly just listening to the gentle waves lapping at the pool's edges. He crossed his arms behind his head...

... and felt something weird between his fingers. Something slimy.

Reflexively, he pulled his hand away and checked it to see if something had gotten caught.

Something did get caught... sort off...

Between each of his fingers was what appeared to be a thin, webbed film...

His eyes widened and he let out a stream of bubbles in panic. He kicked to straighten himself and in doing so, felt the water rush against the webs between each of his toes. Spinning around to look at his feet, he confirmed what he felt and panic instantly filled in.

Full of fear, he swam towards the surface, breaking and screaming, "Tachi! Help!"

He swam straight towards the shore of the pool where the big, grey timber wolf waited with crossed arms and raised eyebrows.

"Something wrong, pup?"

Tomas held out his hands. "Help! Something's wrong with me!"

A faint smirk crossed Tachi's lips. "No... Everything looks great to me."

"What!?" the boy exclaimed. "My hands are -"

"Coming along really well." Tachi took one of Tomas' hands and pulled him easily out of the water. "In fact, everything about you is coming along really well. Have a look." Tachi pointed towards one of the mirrors flanking the pool.

When Tomas turned to look he nearly fainted.

Most of his body was covered in thick, brown hair, almost fur-like. His arms, his legs and definitely his torso including his back. A thick but short beard had settled in around his face. None of the hair hid his athletic build however. Firm, powerful pecs were forming against his chest and the abs he had were showing through his rather dense treasure trail. A vain was popping out against his left forearm and his thighs were corded with muscle.

"What the...?" he began.

"I think you're ready for the second floor," Tachi said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Come on."

Again, Tomas couldn't help but comply and followed the enormous wolf out of the pool and towards the stairs that led to the second floor. Unlike the first floor, the second floor was darker with no natural lighting. The stench of sweat and males was in the air. It aroused Tomas especially when he detected a faint, musky smell that he somehow knew was the smell of semen. However, the same types of workout equipment everywhere.

"T - Tachi...?"

"Don't go back to the stutter, pup," Tachi said with a grin. "You were doing so well. Why don't we start with the bench press?"

Tomas found himself getting guided towards the bench press. He was wrong. The workout equipment here was nowhere near the same as the ones in the first floor. The weights were all the way up to the tonnes. The lightest weigh was five hundred pounds!

"Let's start you off small," Tachi said, setting the five hundred pound weights on the bar.

"But... But..."

Tachi winked at him, those green eyes sparkling. "Trust me, pup."

Tomas found himself completely hypnotised by the wolf and lay himself down on the equipment. He wrapped his webbed hands around the bar. Tachi's paws slid around underneath the bar and for the first time, Tomas could see the thick, pulsing veins there. Swallowing hard, Tomas gripped the bar even tighter.

"One second while I get ready," Tachi said, pulling one hand away.

Tomas wondered what he was doing... wondered what would happened...

Then all thoughts vanished when a thick, black cock flopped out and landed directly on his nose, a large dollop of precum dripping out of its head and slipping between his lips.

"What -?"

It was a big mistake to open his mouth...

... because that thick member slipped easily between his lips and blocked all words.

The weird thing was... where that cock was... it felt so right...

"Ready?" Tachi asked.

"Uh-huh..." Tomas managed to mumble.

Tachi suddenly lifted the bar off the supports and Tomas grunted as the full five-hundred pound weight pressed down against his paws. He winced but somehow held true. He realised Tachi was holding most of the weight.

"One..." Tachi began softly, letting the weights slowly press down on Tomas' chest as the young man did his first press.

The massive wolf's cock suddenly stirred and a large splash of precum flooded down Tomas' throat. At first, the young man gagged, spluttering some of it out but when it slid down his throat and into his stomach, he was suddenly hit by the same energizing strength he got after drinking that shake. His muscles abruptly felt charged and he pressed all his strength against the bar, pushing it back up.

"... Two..."

More precum poured into Tomas and he felt his entire body suddenly stir with overwhelming power and strength. He grunted and suckled down on Tachi's cock, begging for more of the beautiful, salty juices. Tachi's member instantly went hard, thick veins popping against the black flesh. Tomas felt his own cock rising against his gym shorts but he was in no way ashamed of it.

His brain was filled with only one word: More!


Tomas moaned and squirmed a little. His chest felt tight and he dared to take a breath. A sound like stretching rubber hit his ears. He glanced down at his chest, past Tachi's enormous cock, and watched as two, massive mounds of flesh pushed upwards to block his vision of his lower half.

They were pecs... his pecs!

"... Four..."

He arched his back as the growth crawled down his spine. His back muscles expanded, grew and hardened. Their firm, iron-like mounds pressed against the cushion of the bench press, dripping with sweat that soaked quickly into the thick, growing brown hair that was spreading all over his body.

"... Five..."

Tomas' fingers hurt a little as the lengthened and grew thicker like big, meaty, hairy sausages. The hair that was thickening around his arms crawled up to the back of his palms and over his fingers. Small, black claws jutted out from his fingertips as his nails disappeared into the embrace of the smooth, short, brown fur.

"... Six..."

Tomas grunted as more of Tachi's cock pushed into him. He felt it slide down to the back of his throat but despite that, he found himself fully capable of breathing. The hot, salty precum poured directly into his throat and he grunted as it seemed to spread through his veins and pump up his muscles. His shorts suddenly felt so tight... so constricting. His cock was struggling against the fabric and he wanted nothing more than to reach down and free it if it weren't for the bar!

"...Seven..." Tachi grunted. "Okay, pup... It's almost... Almost your turn... Just... a few more adjustments..."

The wolf suddenly pushed his gargantuan cock all the way down into Tomas' throat, completely hilting with the young man's mouth. There was a bit of pain and discomfort but the hot, almost volcanic rod that was pressed up against his Adam's Apple filled him with so much pleasure and as more of that thickening precum poured down his throat, he knew he wanted more.

Tachi's entire body suddenly seemed to waver before his eyes and as the big wolf uttered 'eight', the grey fur suddenly turned a little bluish in tinge. Tomas' eyes widened as the massive wolf's form seemed to... melt. The bluish tinge grew more prominent, the creamy fur vanishing into the almost sapphire hue. All the fur melted together into a single, sleek, shiny substance that looked almost like liquid. None of the muscles were lost however. Even as Tachi's form seemed to... liquefy, Tomas could still make out the round muscles against the form. He could almost see through the gooey form!

Lastly, Tomas felt the thickness and solidity of the cock in his mouth soften, becoming like jelly. He gurgled a little, relishing the feel of that hot liquid churning in around his throat. Tachi grinned down at him, his features clear through his beautiful, liquid form.


Upon uttering that word, Tomas felt the cock in his mouth slide all the way down his throat. He let out a gurgling groan as he felt the liquids flood into his stomach, bloating it severely. More and more of Tachi funnelled into him like a waterfall of hot, muscular, liquid wolf. His entire body was twitching and shaking but despite it all, he maintained his hold on the bar, somehow managing to hold it up as Tachi poured himself down Tomas' throat.

Tachi lifted his left foot and slowly slid it down Tomas' throat, his liquid leg fusing with the flood already shooting down the young man's throat. Not a second later, the water wolf did the same with his right foot and Tomas felt like he was going to burst! The stuff in his stomach was pressing up against the limits of his flesh but despite that, he wanted more!

He wanted more of Tachi in him!

The water wolf's hips slid down Tomas' throat and at that point, Tomas knew he had reached his limit!


His entire body just jerked violently as all the contents of his stomach seemed to spread all throughout his body. He could feel Tachi's essence sliding through every vein, every artery and every nerve, touching every muscle and bone. Tomas roared and gurgled as Tachi pressed his impressive chest further and further down Tomas' chest.

The young man watched his veins pop against his skin, each one turning a bright shade of blue light Tachi's liquid form. The muscles around each vein burst with new life, growing into titanic proportions. His forearms ballooned outwards, throbbing with new strength that easily supported the weight of the bar. His biceps flexed once and then surged outwards in a burst of sweat and heady musk. His shoulders bubbled and firmed up to support the weight of his new arms.

Tachi slid himself further down Tomas' throat until they were practically face to face. The water wolf grinned at Tomas before he slipped completely down Tomas' throat. The young man threw back his head and let out a tremendous, deep roar as -


His huge sixteen inch cock surged out from his gym shorts, throbbing with delight and precum. Thick drops of his precum splattered all over his massive, thick chest. Each of his abs popped out into existence as his thighs widened and thickened. His calves broadened and he almost felt like Tachi was inside him, massaging each of the muscles and making them even bigger than they were before!

Tomas had to arch his back upwards, thrusting his hips into the sky as a sharp pain exploded from the tip of his spine. He let loose another roar as a long, thick tail surged out of his ass and slapped the floor beside him in excitement. The thick, brown hair all over his body thickened but remained smooth and lustrous, becoming a thin coat of fur with his chest obtaining a lighter shade of brown.

His face was suddenly hit by a fierce, painful pressure. It focused on his ears and it felt like someone was pulling them to the top of his head, rounding them off as the fur covered them too. Then it focused on his nose, flattening it and shaping it into a nice, round shape as his lips extended outwards into a small rounded muzzle. His teeth sharpened and his face twisted into its new shape.

He wasn't sure what he looked like but before he could think about it, all the pressure left every part of his body and started focusing all on his balls. Still gripping the bar, he grunted and whimpered as he felt his sac stretch and something bubble deep inside. Something was surging up his cock, sliding up and down its tremendous length like it was pawing him off from the inside!

That something would slid up to the tip of his bright red cock, push out some precum and then slid back inside to the base of his member, seemingly teasing him! At the same time, it seemed to grow bigger and bigger, filling his balls and building the pressure of release in him...

Tomas threw his head back and roared...


His cock jerked violently and a huge flood of bluish cum spilled out of his member and splattered all over him. It felt like every liquid in his body was pouring out of him and onto him. The fire hose which was his cock just kept spilling more and more and more cum in a seemingly endless torrent of salty semen.

Tomas was on the very of losing consciousness when the outpour stopped.

His eyes glazed over and the edges of his vision darkened. His hands loosened around the bar and then he remembered he could get crushed by it!

Thankfully, a pair of grey, furry hands caught it before the bar did any serious damage.

Those hands set the bar back on the supports and a wolf's face came back into view. Golden hair... grey fur... golden goatee... and bright, shining, green eyes.

Tachi leaned over and pressed his lips against Tomas' and the young otter suddenly felt so warm inside.

The wolf pulled away and licked his nose tenderly. "That's my pup."

"Oh my god!"

Tomas instantly snapped out of his lust-filled daze and sat up, his massive eight-pack flexing.

Trevor Orett stood at the door to the second floor, eyes wide. His massive beer-gut barely able to fit through the doorframe. Those eyes weren't filled with shock or horror over what happened however... They were filled with... with... anger...?

"You're a bloody faggot!"

Tomas growled angrily and stood up. He was nowhere near as tall as Tachi or as wide but he was bigger, stronger and definitely more muscular than his father. His mind was reeling with all the frustration he had felt over his treatment over the years. Now, this final insult. Just when he thought he was happy, his father had to drop in and discriminate against him.

A snarl rose up from his throat and Tomas advanced on his father.

Trevor staggered back and pointed at him accusingly. "You stay away from me you bloody queer! I don't want you anywhere near me! You aren't my son!"

Tomas seized the back of his father's head in one massive hand. "I never was."

Mercilessly, he pulled his father against his wet, cum-covered groin, grinding his thick, otter meat against the human's face. Trevor struggled and swore, trying to pull away but he was nowhere near as strong as the massive otter.

Tomas suddenly found himself getting hard again with this ropes of precum pouring out of his cumslit and onto Trevor's face. His father gagged at the liquid and the smell but was unable to pull away as Tomas used both hands to pin him against his groin.

His thick cock suddenly completely hard, Tomas pulled his father's rounded face against his cumslit, forcing the alcoholic, abusive man to take the blast of precum straight to his face. Tomas suddenly felt two, massive arms wrap around his thick, muscular chest. Tachi nuzzled him tenderly and kissed his neck.

"Looks like you still have room for growth, pup," the massive wolf chuckled.

Tomas grinned and thrust his cock against his father's face. Trevor choked and gurgled as his nose pressed deep into Tomas' cumslit. The big otter glanced down and noted the visible bulge in his father's pants. There was no denying his father was aroused by the experience. It was impossible not to get aroused by the thick, musky scent of wolf and otter sex.

Tachi's passive hands reached down and gripped Tomas' otter cock, squeezing the massive length tightly. A thick burst of precum splattered all over Trevor and the human was suddenly covered completely in the clear, musky liquid. Tomas thrust instinctively with the burst and Trevor's scream was dulled as his whole head plunged deep into Tomas' cock, causing the mushroom-like crown to flare out to compensate.

The sensation was just like when he felt Tachi coursing through his cock!

Tomas wanted more!

He grunted and thrust his groin rapidly, pulling more and more of his father into himself. His cock hungrily lurched forward, wrapping around his father's neck and surging towards his father's shoulders. He could feel his father struggling inside him and it only caused more and more of his precum to pour out of him, easing Trevor's progress down his shaft.

Trevor tried to prise himself free by placing his hands against Tomas' cock but in their slickened state, they slipped right into the member alongside his head! Tomas squirmed as his felt his father's hands slide into him. He felt every individual finger try to prise itself free!

Tachi's huge hands suddenly pulled his cock up straight. The huge member rose up to meet Tomas' chest, lifting his father's flailing body off the ground. Tomas grunted as gravity pulled his father deeper into himself. Trevor's entire torso slipped into him, arms flailing. He saw his father's silhouette struggle against the flesh of his cock. Every single movement was like a little orgasm on its own and he wanted more!

Tomas thrust wildly into the air, jerking his father's form deeper into himself until all that were left were a pair of two, stubby flailing legs. Tachi peeled himself away from behind Tomas and grabbed Trevor's calves, pushing them down slowly down Trevor's cock. Tomas threw his head back and collapsed to the ground, his entire body twitching with pleasure as his father's body head radiated from his cock.

He roared wildly as Trevor's feet disappeared into the reaches of his member. He closed his eyes, completely overcome with lust. Trevor slid all the way down his cock, halting his struggles as he splashed into the ocean of cum resting in Tomas' bloated balls.

Grinning, Tomas flexed his right bicep and kissed adoringly as he massaged his balls. He could feel his father's form softening up, becoming squishy and liquid like. The more his thick, sausage-like fingers pressed against that thick figure, the more heat his balls produced. That heat slid all over his body, pumping through his veins and filling him with rich, fresh nutrients.

Tomas ran his tongue against his bicep and felt the muscle grow and bulge against his slick, wet tongue. A vein pressed against his tastebuds. A groan escaped him as he felt raw strength pump through him. His legs stretched even further, his muscles bulging bigger and his massive, otter meat stretching and thickening with each rapid beat of his massive heart.

Tomas threw his head back and let loose one more, ear-splitting roar.

His cock jerked violently for the second time that night! Thick ropes of cum splattered out of the tip, reaching all the way up to the ceiling and dripping down all over him. He shuddered when he felt a long, slick tongue wrap around his spewing cock. Tachi wrapped his lips around his member and he thrust into that muzzle, pumping his juices deep into the wolf.

He grinned as his orgasm ended and he collapsed against his broad, muscular back, soaked to the bone in cum. A massive weight pressed against his chest as Tachi crawled onto his chest and grinned down at him.

"See?" the big timber wolf said with a chuckle. "All you needed was the right kinds of food... lots of work..." Tachi reached down and massaged Tomas' sack. "And good genes..."

Spotty Development

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Canopic Jar

**Canopic Jar** Jack never thought he was the trouble making type. Seriously. He got top marks in all his classes, high praise from his lecturers and he never did any of the Major D's - Drinking, Drugs and Door-to-Door salesmen. He...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 11

**Chapter 11.0: Packing your Belongings** **Crosstown Motel** One would think that a nine-foot tall, 500 pound _plus_ werewolf would be able to somehow be able to break himself free of a _simple_ doorframe. But...

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