Spotty Development

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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A Spotty Development

Corbin Damon was finally moving out!

Moving out of home and getting on with the rest of his life without the hassles of his parents or the annoyances of his little brother who was just about to head off to college himself. Corbin was twenty-one and heading off to his first job in another state. He had attended a community college and had finally graduated this year, landing a nice job in a company halfway across the country.

His parents really couldn't be happier.

With Colin - Corbin's younger brother - off to college, their parents finally had the time to go on a trip around the country without having the worry about the hassles of their children. All of them would be free. Free of each other...

Not that Corbin particularly despised his family. Sure Colin and his mom could get on his nerves every now and then but he loved them deeply. He would miss them when he was halfway across the country but he had to move on with his life.

Perhaps with his newfound freedom, he could actually be himself.

Corbin had never told his parents or his little brother that he was a furry.

It was funny, as he stood in the attic of his home for twenty-one years, packing his belongings, he marveled at all the little hints and tips that indicating that he would rather be some sort of anthropomorphic animal than human. All those comics features anthropomorphic characters, the transformation-based stories, all his old Halloween costumes were all animalistic is some way shape or form, old drawings always featured half-man, half-animal creatures and he had old DVDs of countless TV cartoon series and movies featuring some sort of animal-connection.

He always had the inkling that his parents knew somehow.

After all, they were his parents.

Chuckling faintly to himself, Corbin continued sorting through his junk. He had two piles. 'Trash' and 'Keep'. The attic was full of the junk he and his younger brother had accumulated over the years. His old, rusted tricycle still stood in the corner. The support pillar at the centre of the attic still had their height notches. His lucky baseball bat which he'd given to his younger brother was still mounted on the wall. Old school books rested in dusty, cardboard boxes collecting dust.

It was hard to really remain focused on packing when every little thing reminded him of his younger years.

Corbin rummaged through some of his old books and chuckled at all the stories he used to write in primary school. It was always about an animal. All his book reports were about animal stories too. He chuckled at the little illustrations he made on the borders of his pages.

As he flicked through the years, his little stick figures eventually developed into more detailed characters. Particularly big, muscled characters. It started out with a few large biceps... then some pecs and abs... and finally thick, muscular legs. Corbin could never bring himself to draw a penis on his characters even if he imagined them there.

He wasn't sure if he gay or not but all the figures he drew were always male...

... it was either because he liked men... or because he always wished he was one of those characters he drew.

With a sigh, Corbin took out some of his favorite books and placed them in the Keep Pile. The others he threw in the Trash Pile. That was it for his primary school years so he went to his middle and high school era.

"Finally," Corbin whispered, placing his hands on his chest. Being an artist, he wasn't at all that fit. A little scrawny, really and quite pale. Comes from spending too much time in the art room sniffing mentholated spirits. "Now for the easy bit..."

His drawing became more detailed and less... sultry. They became more artistic. Eventually, that would lead him to his eventually career as a graphic designer. Sure many of his drawings became more cartoony and stylized but he never forgot about his roots and his deep desires.

In fact, it was through deep exploration of himself through his art that Corbin actually managed to dabble in a bit of the occult.

Smiling, he took most of his high school drawings into his Keep Pile and went to his college pile. Most of it was empty. Everything he had done was either already in his folio or already in his apartment across the country. The only thing left were pictures of a rather large, muscular Dalmatian that he had often fantasized becoming.

He had a thing for Dalmatians ever since he had that pet Dalmatian when he was six - Spot. Not an original name but he loved that dog. Might have been what started him on the whole furry-crazy now that he thought about it.

He reverently placed all his pictures of that hyper masculine Dalmatian man into his Keep Pile, burying it under the other stuff. The last thing he wanted was for his mom to rummage through it when she complained he was bringing too much stuff. He was still a little embarrassed he had focused a lot on that Dalmatian...

Satisfied with his packing, Corbin picked up his Keep Pile and packed it neatly into the waiting box. Once he was done, he picked up his Trash Pile and started stuffing the contents into a big, black, rubbish bag. As he did so, something caught his eye...

There was a black, gilded book resting in his Trash Pile. Arcane runes were written all over its surface. He couldn't understand what the runes said or meant even if he had taken Occult Studies as an elective during college. With a shrug, he opened it and was a little surprised to find the book was heavily annotated and not by his handwriting either.

"What the...?"

It wasn't a library book... Perhaps he had accidentally taken it during one class. He wasn't a meticulous note-taker after all.

He flicked through the pages. It dealt mostly with vengeance-oriented spells and personal improvement spells. Things like 'more intelligence' or 'the speed of a cheetah'. Really quite comical.

One thing did catch his eye however...

It was a Catalyst Spell.

"That's new..."

Apparently, it could be used to combine two or three spells together into one to make one 'super spell'. Not only would it allow the spells to fuse into one seamlessly but it would also intensify their effects tenfold.

That was a first for Corbin so he read on.

It was a pretty simple spell, apparently. All that was really needed was to incant the first part of the spell in front of the others and then close the spell with the last part.

Feeling that old occult spark kicking back up, Corbin flicked through the pages to find some spells he could use. The first one he found was for 'the strength of a bull'. Definitely getting that one. That particular spell required 'a slice of a bull'. They were having roast beef for lunch so that was an opportunity in disguise.

However, the next spell he found interesting was the 'Vessel' spell. Apparently, the spell would 'grant the caster a temporary form determined by the artifact the spell is cast upon'. So if Corbin translated the rather flowery English, he could gain the body of anything he wanted. The annotations went on to state that an 'artifact' could be anything such as a belt, a hairclip, a watch or anything like that. It was advised that the artifact be easily removable since the form may not allow for removal. The spell would be permanent on the artifact but would only come to effect so long as the person wore it.

At the very bottom of the page were the words, 'Warning: Effects are not temporary if someone else wears the artifact.' Further reading noted that there was a failsafe on the spell.

"First I'm I've heard of that," Corbin muttered, scratching his brown hair.

Apparently, as a 'punishment' to anyone else who would use the spell against their intended users, the artifact would 'attach' itself to the would-be thief and make the spell permanent.

Well, not like it would work anyway.

With a shrug, Corbin decided on those two spells... but since he had a third slot to fill in... and he was done packing...

He sifted through the contents of the book one more time.

A 'Virility' spell seemed quite appropriate. The spell didn't require anything. Just an incantation. So all he needed was a slice of beef and an 'artifact'.

He rummaged through the attic for a bit, looking for something... anything that would make...


Corbin pulled out an old Halloween mask that his younger brother had used back when they had been kids. Grinning, he ran a hand over the white plastic mask, over the empty eyeholes and the painted black spots.

Despite knowing full well there was no such thing as magic or that all his occult studies were done solely for research into the art and folklore, he still liked to live in the fantasy a bit.

Now all he needed was the slice of beef.

He jumped up and hurried back downstairs to the kitchen where the rich aromas of the spicy roast beef reached him even when he was several rooms away. It made his mouth water just thinking about it. Hurrying into the kitchen, he bid his mother a good afternoon and quickly snatched one of the roast beef sandwiches she was preparing.

"Hold it right there, mister!"

Corbin froze.

"Are you done packing?" his mother asked, her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

He flashed her a quick grin and took a bite out of the sandwich. "Almost. I can't finish packing on an empty stomach."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Knowing you, you got lost and distracted again. Fine. Just remember that at three o'clock, we're pulling out of that drive way with or without you."

That was a lie. The sole reason they were going anywhere was to drop him off at the airport. Colin would be leaving tomorrow but he was always a little more organized than his older brother. Corbin was packing at the last minute. Colin had plenty of time to spare.

"Thanks, mom," he replied with a smile. With the half-eaten slice of roast beef in his hands, he hurried back upstairs without taking a bite.

Once he scampered up the ladder into the attic, he quickly cleared some space and pulled out the incantation book.

For a second, he reconsidered... What if the magic did actually work? What if he'd turn into a super-buff, super-virile, anthropomorphic Dalmatian? What then?

Well, since the spell was made for him, he could take off the mask any time he wanted and he'd be able to switch back and forth any time he wanted. It would just be like the Mask with Jim Carey!

He loved that movie.

That sold him.

Corbin couldn't help but feel a little giddy as he hurried to set up all the ingredients required for the spell. Firstly, he set the mask on the floor. Then, he pulled out the slice of beef from his sandwich.

Thankfully, he returned to the spell book before he continued.

According to the book, 'even the slightest hint of a foreign substance will affect the spell'. He dearly hoped that the fact the slice was cooked and heavily seasoned was going to be a problem. Just in case, he cleaned it as best as he could and placed it on top of the mask.

Ready, he marked the four pages of the spells he needed and fished out an old notebook and a pen. There, he scribbled down all the spells in one single page so that he didn't have to flick through each of the pages as he incanted.

With that done, he knelt down beside the mask and slice of beef...

"Well..." he said with a deep sigh, "here goes..."

He began the spell, intoning every word slowly and deliberately. His eyes never left the mask and the slice of beef that was sitting on it. While there was that doubt in his heart, he hoped for something... anything. A sign that the spell had worked.

But the attic just remained deathly still.

No ominous gust of wind.

No booming thunder or sparkle of magical lights.


"Maybe I have to try it on..." Corbin murmured softly.

With shaking hands, he picked up the mask, threw aside the slice of beef -

"Hey! You done yet!?"

Corbin jumped and spun around.

Colin poked his head out from the trapdoor down into the house.

If it weren't for the age difference or the fact that Corbin wore glasses, one would think that the brothers were twins. They looked almost the same. Both skinny, both a little pale-skinned and both with nutty brown eyes.

Corbin hid the mask behind his back and blushed a little. "Um... Yeah... All done."

"Good," Colin answered, entering the attic completely. "Mom wants you to help with your junk downstairs. I'll bring your stuff down if you want."

Perhaps that was the sign that Corbin was waiting for... A sign that he was indeed being quite idiotic.

He threw the Dalmatian mask aside and gave his brother a wry smile. "Yeah... Okay. Thanks, Col."

Colin smiled at him and winked. "Anytime, bro."

As Corbin hurried down the stairs, Colin watching his brother go and couldn't help but sigh a little. It was hard to think that all of them were leaving the nest. Corbin had just attended a local college but Colin got entrance into a rather nice one interstate. He would miss his family a lot.

He glanced around the room and like his brother, felt the tug of memories playing with his heartstrings. However, unlike his brother, he didn't give into it and remained focused. He picked up one of the plastic bags that Corbin had packed and took it downstairs. It was marked 'Trash' so he guessed that it was meant for the bin.

Never being one to really workout or like sports, Colin had a bit of trouble taking the bag out back to the rubbish bins. He was winded by the time he made it and didn't relish the thought of heading back upstairs and getting the second bag.

The sound of his mom weeping told him that she had finally cornered Corbin alone and was having 'the Talk' with him. The 'My Son is All Grown Up' talk. Colin had gotten that talk a few nights ago.

Despite chuckling at the idea of his mother recycling the same words and maybe even the same tears, he felt another tug at his heart knowing that he was leaving the safety and comfort of his childhood home. Fighting back the tears and resolving to keep focused, Colin turned and headed back upstairs to the attic.

When he picked up Corbin's 'Keep Pile' he gagged loudly.

"Oh god!" he groaned, setting it back down with a loud slam. "Geez... Just like him want to keep more stuff than he's willing to throw out..."

Taking a deep breath, Colin seized the plastic bag but froze...

Something caught his eye... It was a mask.

In fact, it was his Halloween mask. A Dalmatian mask when he and Corbin had opted to go as Dalmatian twins. The neighbors said they were all so cute. That memory burned deep into Colin's memory and he couldn't help but chuckle at the large amount of candy they had accumulated that night.

For once in his life, he let himself get distracted.

He set down Corbin's Keep Pile and picked up the mask. It smelled like their mother's roast beef and he winced at the thought that his older brother might have been eating his sandwich with the mask on.

That didn't really matter...

He brought the mask over to a dusty old mirror sitting in the corner and regarded his features. A soft smile touched his lips as he gently placed the mask on his face. It was a little small for him and didn't cover all of his face but that didn't matter. The memories were there.

He'd miss his family a lot...

That was enough time spent reminiscing...

Colin reached up to pull the mask off...

... only to find that it wouldn't budge.

Frowning slightly, Colin tried to wiggle the mask a little but found it unmoving. What was worse, there was a terrible itch that was crawling from where the mask touched his face.

"What the hell...?" he exclaimed though his words were muffled by the mask. The sensation of pins and needles ran all over his body. Thousands of tiny, invisible pinpricks were hitting him from all directions, crawling down from the mask and creeping down all over his body. Where they poked his flesh, they left an overwhelming, burning sensation like they were syringes injecting molten lava into him.

"Oh no..."

Maybe there was something on the mask that was causing an allergic reaction!

He had to get it off!

He grunted loudly as he seized the mask in both hands and tried to pull it off. The mask tugged at his own skin like it was glued to his flesh. Growling in frustration, he clawed at the mask but a sharp pain erupted from his fingertips, stopping him.

Staring at his hands, a scream clogged his airways when he found thick, black claws starting to protrude from his fingertips. Before he could say another word, his entire body was wracked with painful spasms. Those hot pinpricks were accompanied by powerful, electrical shocks that jabbed him with brief snaps of pain but left the remnants of overwhelming pleasure all over him.

Tears welled up in his eyes as - crack-crack-crack - his limbs flailed with each shock of raw power. His eyes fell on his reflection in the mirror. When his jaw dropped in shock, so did the Dalmatian's. The plastic features of the mask had faded, replaced instead with flesh and fur. He could actually see the white, spotted fur spurting from the plastic surface, crawling from the tip of the black nose and sweeping back over a square muzzle and down his neck where it was spreading all over his body! He felt the mask melt into his face and suddenly, he could feel his eyelids blinking and his black nose twitching over his muzzle.

A soft rumbling filled his ears as thick, pulsing veins began crawling up from where the mask had fused with his flesh. The pain was instantly replaced with undeniable pleasure like someone was massaging each and everyone one of his muscles and pumping him full of fresh, hot power.

That scream in his throat transformed into a deep, animalistic groan as his pulsing veins reached the back of his head. His ears lost their rigidity and lengthened, becoming flatter, wider and crawling with black fur. The migrated slowly to the top of his head as white fur sprouted all over his head, fully consuming his head.

"What - What's happening...?"

He could barely form words as more of that raw power blasted right into him. Colin gagged and threw his head back, streams of saliva dripping from his newly formed muzzle. The veins pulsed down his neck, pumping new volume and strength into them. They crawled over his shoulders, shaping them into enormous, wide, rounded muscular machines.


His shirt lay in tatters around him. His bones grew and reshaped to accommodate his building muscles as his shoulders broadened to the point where they couldn't fit through any doorframe!

A loud gasp rumbled out of his thick, throat as the veins danced across his arms. His biceps pulsed with new life, building to the size of seriously mutated watermelons covering in thick, white fur decorated with black dots. His veins surged down into his forearms, pumping them full of life and turning the twig-like appendages into massive, pulsing, iron-hard masses of muscle that were covered by a thin coat of fur.

"Urgh..." Colin grunted, falling to his knees. His head was hazy with the transformation and he could feel the veins crawling to his fingertips, transforming them into thick, muscular paws. The instantly doubled back and started crawling back up his arms like a thousand worms deep under his skin, leaving behind nutritious, addictive fertilizer that kept building more and more muscle into his arms, arms that could've crushed entire buses and had more mounds than the Himalayas!

There was a moment's reprieve as the veins pulsed back up his arms and he tried to crawl back up to the trapdoor.

He had no idea what was happening and he needed help!

"Ach!" he choked softly as the veins pumped deep into his chest. Every breath he took was suddenly longer and deeper. He could feel his voice rumbling in his chest and every time he inhaled, more and more air filled his lungs. What was more, with his new nose, the scents and smells of the attic hit him like a ton of bricks. He could suddenly tell exactly where Corbin had been... where he had stood...

... and the book...

His eyes fell on the oddly designed book sitting in the middle of the room next to a notebook... He growled softly as his chest grew into massive proportions. His spine cracked and stretched, adding height as well as width to his growing form. The term 'barrel-chested' was putting things lightly. It was like each of his pecs was a barrel, firm with muscle. The thin, white fur spread across his chest but as did something else...

He whimpered softly as thick, brown hair - human hair­ - spread across his chest. It started in the cleft his pecs made - a venerable valley of pure muscle. The hair surged out from the clef, spreading rapidly across his pecs like brown weeds spread from a valley and over its two respective mountains. The thick patch of hair was like a second layer of fur over his already thin black and white fur. What was more, a second thick patch began crawling out from his armpits. He could feel it as he brushed his muscular arms against his massive torso with every move he made towards that book.

Colin couldn't stop groaning and moaning in pleasure despite his panic. The transformation was ridiculously arousing. Better than anything he had ever felt and he was getting rock hard from the experience. As the transformation crawled down his abdomen, building him a perfect eight-pack, some animalistic part of him eagerly awaited when it would reach his groin.

His hand found the book and he grit his newly shaped fangs as he turned the book towards himself. He barely got time to look at the first word when the veins surged deep into his groin. If ever there was a pressure building in his groin, it was now. As he lay on his stomach, twitching, he could smell his arousal building and a thick, overwhelming musky send permeating the air. With every twitch, he could feel his cock growing bigger and bigger as it lay between him and the cold, hard floor.

He whimpered again... but more for a need of release than anything else. The transformation kept going however, surging into his thighs and ripping his pants wide open. He could feel the muscles building in his legs and no amount of fighting could stop him from stretching his legs and urging the changing further and further.

Colin lost all reason at that point and grinned like an idiot as he welcomed the transformation with open arms. The instant he let his defenses down, the changes accelerated. His cock pulsed and surged, becoming thicker and longer with each passing second and with each pump of his rapidly beating heart. It became twice as thick as his arm and about as long, lifting him up from the ground as it pulsed in front beneath him.

He was force to roll over as his huge, round balls flopped against his massive, muscular thighs that were still growing with each passing second. Colin dropped the book in his hands - no, paws - and gripped his massively engorged cock, stroking it lovingly and smirking as he felt the veins pulsing against the huge, pink member that poked out of a pleasant white, spotted sheath.

As the transformation reached his calves, he lifted his left arm and sniffed at his armpit. He shuddered at the thick, overpowering, manly smell that he caught. The perfect mix between 'dog' and 'manly-man'. He grinned like an idiot as the thick, brown hair crawled all over his groin becoming like a massive, thick forest that could not be tamed and the strongest source of his amazing scent.

Unable to control himself and longer, Colin seized his cock in both paws, stroking himself rapidly and panting wildly. Each second, he came closer and closer to release and his mind slipped further and further into the beast. The pressure built and built in his cock, precum pouring out of his slit and slipping all over his thick, manly chest, intensifying his amazing scent.

With each passing second, his precum grew thicker and thicker, his scent becoming stronger and stronger. He arched his back as all the tingling left his body, pooled into his balls and...

Colin let out one last grunt before his balls tightened and -


A huge torrent of cum poured out of his cock like an unstoppable flood or a dam breaking. Hot, white semen splattered everywhere. It hit the old, dusty boxes, hit the rafters and even reached the other side of room, practically painting the opposite wall in white.

But most of all...

... It hit Corbin who had just emerged from downstairs.

"What the...?"

Colin was instantly knocked back into reality as he stared upside down at his dumbfounded brother who stood soaked in his cum from head to toe. He was completely lost for words... because here he stood... a huge, eight-foot, 500 pound, muscular Dalmatian with a raging hard on that would not go down despite having poured gallons of cum!

"The spell..." Corbin whispered, his eyes wide in horror. "Colin... Did you put on the mask...?"

Colin couldn't reply... He was suddenly feeling so aroused again... He could just nod...

"No..." Corbin gasped. "Oh no..." He sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. "Oh god, Colin... You stink... Damn... That must've been the herbs in the roast beef... All those aromatics mom put in the meat must've affected the spell... And all those hormones they put in the cows must've given you all that hair... Oh man Colin... I'm so sorry... I... Urk!"

Corbin suddenly doubled over, clutching his stomach.

Colin just grinned as thick, pulsing veins appeared all over his brother's face and Corbin's form started to bulge beneath his shirt. He managed to stagger to a sitting position, gripping his cock in his paws and stroking himself off as Corbin's body suddenly built and built with muscle, ripping right through his clothing and revealing a massive body covered in short, white fur decorated with white spots.

Corbin fell to his knees as his cock suddenly surged outwards, coming to meet his developing muzzle. His entire body exploded outwards in a mass of muscle, fur and thick, brown hair that mirrored Colin's own. Colin could suddenly detect his brother's own thick, manly scent. It was different from his own, a little nuttier but still overwhelming. He doubted that any amount of bathing could cure them of that almost nauseating, musk.


Corbin threw his head back and his cock jerked violently, splattering Colin with an unstoppable stream of cum. Seeing his brother orgasm sent him over the edge for the second time and Colin proceeded to coat his brother in yet another dose of his semen.

Their orgasm never seemed to end and by the time afterglow started to settle in, they were already starting to feel the next orgasm creeping into the corners of their consciousness. Not that either of them minded.

They loved the experience and while their bodies were wracked with the exhaustion of transformation and orgasm, they were pawing at themselves, urging the next flood to come.

The spell had worked perfectly in a way...

They were now exactly huge, muscular, overly virile Dalmatian men thanks not only to the spell but the heavily processed meat and their mother's cooking skills.

And they couldn't be happier.

"Oh man..." Corbin grunted, feeling his next orgasm rapidly approaching. "Colin... Damn... You're so hot and sexy..."

Colin just grinned, gripping the base of his cock and trying to relish the fleeting instances before the next orgasm. "Bro... You... You gotta explain what happened man... Not that I'm complaining... Oh man..."

Growling softly as he fought down his orgasm just for the sheer pleasure of feeling the pressure building and building in his cock, Corbin said, "Let's... let's hold off for a sec, okay man?"

Colin whimpered loudly. "Wh - Wh - Why...?"

Corbin grinned at his brother. "Because dad is coming up."

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