Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 10

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#11 of Third Arc

Chapter 10.0: I just wanna Cross Reference: Is his Ass Hot?

Crosstown Motel

By morning Chad and I had sufficiently cleaned up.

And by that, I mean we washed all the cum off ourselves and off the tiles in the bathroom but the cum that had soaked into the carpet we didn't even bother. I was hungry again and after our shower - we took it together this time - we opted to head out for breakfast.

Before that however, I got a call.

My normal ringtone blared out.

Chad was rummaging through my travel bag - no concept of personal space, remember? - as I regarded my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Jacob? Is that you?"

The voice on the other end reminded me of the dragon who worked with my dad. He was sort of my 'godfather' in that he had been with my family since I was born. He was a good friend and - in my opinion - more a scientist than my dad.

"Yeah, Dave, it's me," I answered, my brow furrowing. Chad's ears flicked up towards me and he wandered over, whimpering softly as he nuzzled me. He could sense I was worried and I smiled as his wet nose pressed against my neck and he licked me tenderly. "What's wrong?"

"Your father, that's what."

Alarm bells began ringing in my head as I realised that Dave was just about to tell me what my dad did with that cum I sent. Chad still didn't know what I had been doing behind his back and after the sex we had last night - or the multiple occasions we had sex, I should say - I didn't have the courage to tell him I had harvested his cum and was using it to find a cure for my... condition.

I gently pushed Chad away and wandered over to my bed. He whimpered softly but I gave him a smile and nodded towards the door, basically telling him this was a private call. Thankfully, he understood. Chad bent over, wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed me tenderly. My spine shivered at the touch and I suddenly felt so warm... so love...

... and so dirty...

Damn... I was going behind his back...

I had to tell him... eventually...

Chad left and I returned to the phone. "Dave? You there?"

"Was that your boyfriend?"

I shivered. Dave was another person who knew my little secret. Thankfully, he kept it under his hat. If you were around my dad 9 - 5 every day, it'd be painfully obvious that I was gay... and he's bi at least that was my running suspicion. But Dave has been a good friend... and probably the one guy that's stopped my dad doing some crazy things in the past. He was the sensible one in their team of four researchers.

Dad was the crazy-slash-horny one. Dave was the sensible, cautious one. They had a timid but temperamental one and a depressing guy that was constantly trying to make everything into a doomsday device.

Fun group to have at parties, though.

"Yeah... That was Chad."

"Right... The guy whose semen you sent over."

"That's the one," I grunted, blushing faintly. "Any progress?"

"Well... We were_making progress until your father decided to take half the sample and drink it!"_


Any other guy turning into a werewolf whose hopes rested with their father would be horrified.

But for my dad... That's pretty much expected.

I have no idea why I sent him Chad's semen...

Just letting myself turn into a werewolf was sounding better and better... Although... On the other hand, I'd rather not have my father hunting me down in an attempt to 'milk' me...

Okay, no werewolf for me.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He's developed a fever and is ridiculously aroused."

"The arousal part is normal," I muttered. "He just drank another other's cum. If he wasn't hard, I'd be surprised."

"Right... Well, from what we've gathered we can synthesize a cure for you within the day and send it to you as soon as we get it. However, it's not going to be a standard cure, Jake."

I frowned slightly. "What do you mean?"

"The infection seems to mutate with the person and binds with the host's DNA. That is how a werewolf is capable of shifting forms. The infection gives a sort of... 'gene altering muscle' that lets the werewolves mentally command their genes to recalibrate themselves into another form, thus altering their physical attributes.

"Muscles mass, height and general size is also altered. We've discovered that the gene also compresses_muscle mass when in your normal form. This means that while the muscles look the same, they are actually exponentially_ denser_than any other muscle of their size, shape and type. This allows the werewolves to perform acts of incredible speed, strength and agility even if they look like normal people."_

That... actually made a degree of sense... I regarded my arm and flexed it a little. I did feel a lot stronger despite not really having grown a lot. There had to be limit on how much muscle density could be stored until the muscle itself grew.

"That said,"_Dave continued. I heard him ruffling through some notes. _"A global cure is impossible because the infection binds_itself to the DNA of the host. If we end up getting rid of the infection, we could very well destroy the genetic structure of the host."_

I couldn't imagine ruining the genetic structure of Chad. He was perfect as he is. I didn't want to ruin that.

"The good news is, we should be able to synthesize a sort of... counter-virus. It'll need a sample of the host's genetic structure outside_of the host. Our counter-virus will deconstruct the corrupted DNA and fix it without the werewolf infection and it modifies itself to deal_ only_with that specific person's DNA structure._

"If injected into anyone else, the virus will completely destroy the genes of the poor bastard."

I shuddered at that thought. "Alright... But what did you mean a sample 'outside of the host'?"

"I mean that when we send you the sample, you need to put some of your blood or semen into it without_injecting it into your body. It'll take about an hour before it fully recalibrates itself to your genetic structure. Make it two just in case. If you inject it earlier or without having applied your genes to it, you'll get torn apart from the inside and probably wind up dead. You'll leave a pretty looking corpse, though."_

I winced. "Thanks... I'll keep that in mind."

"Oh, another thing. We can only make enough for one dose but we've already got a dose here for your boyfriend if you want to use it on him."

My ears perked up.

A cure... For Chad?

Would he go for it...?

What would he say after he found out what I did...?

My stomach growled an answer.

Yeah... Food now, worry later.

"Thanks, Dave. Send it over when you can."

"Be careful, Jacob. Oh and don't send anymore werewolf cum over. Your father seems to have developed a taste for it."

I was about to add, 'Yeah, it's pretty addictive' but decided to hold my tongue. I bid Dave good luck and thanked him before hanging up. I stared thoughtfully at my phone for a moment... constantly wondering if Chad would take the plunge with me... I would definitely ask... but would he feel betrayed after I went behind his back.

Going around with him today would only make things worse. My bond with him was already so strong and it was just growing stronger by the minute. The longer I kept my secret, the more it would hurt when I eventually told him.

"Okay..." I whispered to myself. "Tonight..."

I would hit the 'horny stage' today anyway and it seemed that while I was resisting the urge to hump him, I might as well tell him the truth as well.

I mean, if I was lucky, he wouldn't be able to resist my charms and need for sex, brushing my little deceit under the rug.

If I was lucky...

I got up, tucked my phone into my pocket and headed outside. Chad was waiting for me and when I emerged, his tail was instantly wagging and his eyes sparkled. I felt my own tail start wagging as well and we instantly gravitated towards each other's arms. I brushed my lips against his and he let out a soft murmur as he had to tilt his head upwards to meet my muzzle.

Dang... I was at least half a foot taller than him now...

Chad pushed away, pressing his paws against my pecs and licking his lips. "You're gonna be one hunky werewolf, Jake..."


"And when you start staring growing more because of your powers..." Chad's eyes regarded me lustfully and I could feel something hard and hot pressing against my thighs. "Damn... You're gonna be the biggest out of all of us..." He winked at me as he nuzzled my neck. "And you could have your way with anyone..."

I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in his scent, shuddering slightly as it filled me with head and roused my cock. "I don't want anyone else but you..." Then I pushed him away slightly but took his paw. "Except for right now. I really want something to eat."

His bright laughter made me forget my worries as we quickly went to the usual diner for breakfast. The other werewolves were there as well and despite the events of the other day, they greeted me like one of their own. Several patted me on the back welcomingly and some even dared a little smack on the ass or fondle as they were passing.

This one particularly buff werewolf - who had black fur but a white patch on his chest and a white triangle on his forehead that made him look like he was constantly scowling - actually sat down next to me. He chatted with Chad and myself for a while then, after the waitress was gone, he turned to me, grabbed the sides of my head and kissed me!

It wasn't an innocent peck on the lips.

It was a full-blow, open muzzle, tongue-diving kiss!

I squirmed but he held me tightly. To my horror, Chad wasn't doing anything except innocently eating - or shovelling - his food.

Thirty-seconds after the kiss, the big wolf pulled away, grunted and said something along the lines of, 'You'll do' and walked off.


Was the whole world turning gay!?

Not that I'd mind...

"Who was that?" I demanded, hiking a thumb over my shoulder.

"That's Devlin Rooks," Chad answered, waving at the tank-like lupine. He was even bigger than I was... Totally hot though. "Dev was gunning for a professional football career. Then he moved up here for some training and... wolfed out." Chad winked at me. "He's gonna go back to the team once the training season starts again."

I dared a look at the big, gruff wolf and found my eyes trailing down from his rather, hard face down that massive, mountainous back and to that cute, bubble butt. His large, fluffy tail swung from side to side mesmerizingly.

The memory of that kiss was still hot in my mind.

Oh... and professional football player...?

Holy hell! The world was turning gay!

Chad laughed, bringing me back to reality. I flung around to face him, realising I had spent a good five minutes drooling over Devlin Rooks... and my stomach was suddenly hungry for something else entirely.

"You got a little bit of drool there, Jake," Chad said, tapping his left cheek.

I knew there wasn't. He was just making fun of me.

Don't... Don't check...!


I picked up the napkin and wiped away the non-existent drool, making Chad laugh all the more.

"So, you thinking about inviting him over for a little bit of 'orientation'?" Chad asked, leaning over the table and winking at me.

"No!" I cried incredulously. Of course, my cock was screaming 'Yes! HELL YARF YES!'

"You know..." Chad winked out of me. "Second to you, he's got the biggest puppy in the pack."

I blinked at him. "Puppy? He's got a pup? And I don't -"



My left eye-twitched.

"I don't want to know how big his cock is," I growled.

Chad grinned brightly. "It's chilli red."

I blinked fully. "What?"

"His cock, it's chilli red."

I straightened in my seat. "I didn't ask what colour it is!"

Now it was his turn to look confused. "Yeah you did. You ask me what colour his cock was."

"I did not!"

Chad turned to my left. "Mary?"

The waitress sauntered over and took away my half-finished plate of scrambled eggs. I realised I hadn't eaten at all that much. "Loud and clear, 'hon," she said, taking Chad's empty plate. "You said 'What colour is his puppy'?"

I grasped the plate of half-eaten eggs. "Actually, I'm not done yet."

"Suit yourself." She winked at me. "Though, if it's the same with you, he is some hot piece of ass."

"Thank you Mary," I grunted, taking the eggs and setting it down in front of me.

"You really going to eat those?" Chad winced. "They're cold."

"I have no intention of eating them," I answered, regarding the slushy mess of scrambled eggs.

"Then what -"


Chad jumped back and let out a yelp as I let my face marinate in the eggs for a few more seconds.

I wasn't disappointed or stressing over the fact that I was developing a crush on Devlin Rooks. From all that I had gathered, Chad wouldn't mind. Hell, I bet he would be just like my dad and jump into the fun if things got a little crazy and creamy.

No... What worried me was the fact that I was no longer hungry for food...

... I was hungry for sex.

I had reached the horny stage.

Chapter 10.1: Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Veranti Forest

I couldn't get Devlin Rooks out of my head...

His massive, sculpted body... that smooth, black and white fur... His face that looked so hard and tough... A real man's man... The worse thing is, now I can picture him fully naked after that imagery that Chad gave me...

... though... on that note, how did Chad...


I shook my head free of the thoughts as I quickly strode through the forests around Crosstown. Rob didn't need me at filming until later on in the evening when we were supposed to film the big fight scene where Chad and I - now hybrids - come running towards Xavier and Andrea as they are about to be attacked by the other hybrids.

At the moment, they were filming scenes with Chad - since he was the star of Crimson Moon - and the other wolves as he was integrating into their culture and getting tune with his 'werewolf-self'. All in the movie, of course. In reality, he was already one hell of a werewolf.

I wondered if Rob knew the irony of that particular segment of the film...

That left me ample time to meet up with Dennis and Kristine as they weren't needed either.

However, even as I walked in the serene woods trying to clear my head, I was suddenly struck by the image of Chad and Devlin doing it... Devlin was on top being the bigger of the two and I would occasionally glimpse his chilli red cock sliding in and out of Chad's ass...

My erection was painfully pressing against my pants but I tried to ignore it as much as possible. I still had this horrible thought in my mind that ejaculating would cause my transformation to accelerate and with having sex multiple times last night, that was certainly a highly likely conclusion.

It was terribly hard, however, and I'm not just talking about the monumental task of resisting my hormones. My entire body was overheating with lust and I earned for the touch of another man. I wanted someone to kiss me, to hold me, to jack me off...

... and goddamnit, my precum was making a mess in my pants.

I collapsed against one of the trees, panting heavily and feeling like there was a sun burning inside my cock and the only way to douse it was to cum...

Grunting, I pulled myself away from the tree and staggered into the glade with the lightning struck tree. Kristine informed me before I left the production site that this was where we would meet. It was apparently in vampire territory.

I just hopped I wouldn't pounce on Dennis or - god forbid - Kristine.

I hid myself in the trees for a few moments and checked my watch. I was half an hour early before our meeting... The last thing I wanted to do was to risk turning into a raving, sex-addict and pull those two into a threesome.

First thing: Eeew, boobies.

Second thing: Vampire!

Third thing: I'm mated!

I loved Chad and my attracted to Devlin was just this stupid werewolf curse that was turning me into a raving horndog!

Although... Professional football player...


I shook my head and stared down at my crotch, growling menacingly.

"You goddamn traitor..." I snarled. "Fine... You want out...?"

I must be crazy talking to my own cock...

My clothes were getting extremely stuffy as quickly unzipped my pants and let my foot-long member slip out with a breath of relief. So much precum was dripping out of it that a pool was quickly forming at my feet.

"Thirty minutes," I told myself with a grunt.

Enough time to jack off, clean up and then meet Kristine and Dennis with plenty of time to spare.

Provided I don't get distracted...

"Huh... It's just as big as Chad said..."

... damn...

I turned to my right and my jaw dropped when a fully naked - cock erect - Devlin Rook emerged from behind a tree, a pair of large, baggy shorts in one paw.

"Uh... this isn't what it looks like!" I stammered.

"Sure it is," Devlin answered, tossing his shorts aside and advancing on me. His face was cold, expressionless and hard. Suddenly, I was reminded of all those stories about football players bashing gays.

What if...

What if Devlin wasn't actually gay...?

What if he was straight and was only acting gay to become a werewolf?

Chad mentioned that he was gunning for a professional football position so that meant he didn't have one yet... It could be that he failed to get a position all those other times he tried and to get an advantage over them, he opted to become a werewolf... even acting gay just to gain their powers...


Devlin was suddenly looming in front of me, one arm pressing against the tree in that classical 'geek versus jock' role. I shrunk down as he gazed down on me, his icy blue eyes boring into me like a pair or sharp, crystal drills. I whimpered softly and tucked my tail between my legs.

The terrible thing was, as I slipped further down, I came to level with his eleven-inch cock... My arousal did not go down.

"Scared?" he rumbled. Despite his size, his voice wasn't deep. It was clear, light and almost like Chad's but didn't have that husky ring to it.

"N - No..." I stammered.

Horny, yes.

Scared, not so much. Despite his size and werewolf-status, I had every confidence that I could beat him.

"You're coming along nicely." Devlin taunted me further by brushing a finger from his free paw against my cock. The big wolf pressed his own meat against mine, our furry balls touching and the base of our cocks level with one another. He let out a low whistle. "Wow... gotta be at least fourteen inches now."

"That's im -"

I didn't get to finish as he seized my cock in one, massive paw, wrapping his fingers tightly around the girth of my member.

"Hmmm... Could still use a bit of girth," he said as if he were critically analysing me. His other paw slid over my pecs, rubbing my chest through my shirt and reaching over to my shoulder, rubbing the muscle there. "Could use a bit of more mass too..." He paw around my cock tightened and I gasped as he pulled me up to stand up straight.

My nose fell just at his chin.

"Hmph..." he grunted softly. "You're tall enough."

He was baiting me...

I knew he was baiting me...

... but every feverish breath I took, I got a lungful of his deep, beefy scent that reminded me of roast beef with gravy and very well seasons potatoes. It was heady, alluring, meaty and yet possessed a crisp, fresh hint that had me wanting more.

"Tall enough for what...?" I stammered.


He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I took a breath to gather the strength to push him away but I just got more of his scent. His manly aroma instantly knocked out all my higher cognitive functions and I instantly went limp. He caught me with his free paw - his other one was occupied with holding my cock - and dipped me lightly against the tree trunk.

We both collapsed into each other's arms as I instinctively pulled open my lips and let him in. I expected a deep-throat expedition like how Chad kissed me but instead, he brushed his tongue gently across my lips. Despite his superior weight and size, he was very soft and gently.

His body pressed against mine and I could feel the head of lust emanated from him. He grunted softly and slowly reached for my pants. His paws worked them off my legs and I saw him eyeing the developing muscles there.

"You have nice thighs..." he whispered. "You're a runner?"

"Dancer..." I answered, still a little brain-dead. "What... What were you doing here...?"

"I'm on patrol here," Devlin answered. His face remained expressionless as he reached for my shirt and pulled it up to my chest. "Just as I thought..."

"H - Huh...?"

"Dancers have the nicest abs."

Without saying another word, he bent over and kissed my abs, running his tongue across them and sliding it between their thick, creases. I gasped and sucked in my stomach as a reflex but he just pushed further forward, chasing my muscles.


What... What was he doing!?

Sure he knew that I was mated to Chad!

"This... This isn't right...!" I stammered.

"We're pretty loose around here," Devlin replied in a dismissive tone. "We're all brothers in a way. You see a brother in need, you give them a helping paw."

I just kept thinking about Chad and how much I was already betraying him. The last thing I wanted to do was to add 'cheating' on that list of betrayals.

"I... I don't need your help!"

That didn't stop him. Devlin slipped his head under my shirt and I watched in horror as the large bulge shaped like his head slid back and forth over my pecs. I felt his tongue brush my sensitive nipples, causing me to moan and spurt a large amount of precum onto his paws.


His muzzle suddenly slid over to the neckline of my shirt, ripping it wide open as he licked my neck tenderly. I pulled my head away but he chased my lips, brushing his tongue against them and making me shudder uncontrollably.

My body wanted him so badly!

His huge muscular body was a major turn-on.

"I know..." he murmured. Then, I felt something hot and slick press against my abs. Devlin began running his massive, eleven-inch cock against my hard muscles. The heat from his arousal poured all over my body, filling me more and more with need as his precum soaked into my fur. "... but I need your help..."

Something just clicked at that point.

My body wanted him... but my heart...

I growled menacingly, baring my fangs.

"Get off me."

Devlin didn't stop. He just kept caressing me, his paws so gentle that I kept forgetting he had to have at least fifty pounds on me. There was no hesitation in his actions. If he wasn't gay then he was just a good an actor as Chad.

"Get off!" I snapped, shoving him away from me.

The big wolf staggered back and landed on his ass, his icy blue eyes having broken their emotionless glare and looked confused... if a little hurt.

"Dude," he snapped. "Come on! Help a brother out!"

I pulled up my pants, stuffing my rock-hard cock back into them. Despite the desperate tears of precum it was spilling, I was not about to have sex with this complete stranger. I know that was how porn movies started but reality was much harsher.

And I would prefer reality over some deluded fantasy land any time.

"I'm not your brother yet," I snarled, picking up my jacket and pulling it on. "My mate is Chad. I don't care what my hormones are telling me or what you other werewolves do in your spare time but I am not about to betray my mate."

Devlin snorted sarcastically. "Yeah? Well that's real noble of you, Reaper. Too bad your 'mate'" - he did air quotes - "isn't as committed."

I glared at him. "What are you talking about?"

The big wolf stood up, dusting his ass free of any stray leaves. I think he was teasing me but I kept my eyes firmly on his face. "Do you think we raped your boyfriend and turned him into a werewolf? You think that we pinned him down, tied him up and stuffed our cocks into him one by one before we shoved our knots him?"


"No..." I whispered.

"You can't lie to me," Devlin chuckled. "I know you better than that pup ever will."

I straightened defiantly. "You don't know me at all."

"Yeah?" The wolf advanced on me again but this time, I stood my ground as he loomed over me. "Does he know that you like romance? Does he know that you still cry when you watch Ibamb when Ibamb's mother died? Does he know that your favourite time of day is sunset? Does he know that when you were in high school, you were once chased by bullies and then, for some unknown reason, you ended up on the roof!?

"Or how about how you once starred in a primary school play where you had to play the prince that kissed the princess who was also a guy!? Or... or... How about when your dad took you and your next door neighbour out fishing and you and your neighbour both ended up in the water because the fish was too strong!?"


Okay, that's creepy.

Liking romance and sunsets was something I put up in my public profile. Apparently, it would make me more approachable or something and get me more readers. If a random person read my profile and saw that I liked exactly the same things they did, they were more likely to pick up my books.

But all the other stuff? Ibamb? The high school thing when I found out I had powers...? The primary school play...? And my dad taking me and Dev -

My eyes widened.

"Oh my god... Devlin Pinsk!?"

Devlin Pinsk was my neighbour and one of my best friends from preschool all the way to high school when I headed off to college. I went to a college in the city but Devlin went interstate after getting a sports scholarship. We never spoke again after it became evident that I was dating Cliff (the high school soccer captain) and a certain... incident.

"Yeah, Jake... It's me," the big wolf murmured, locking gazes with me.

Looking at him now... I couldn't believe how I could've missed that this was - emphasis on 'was' - my best friend for all those years. He wasn't as buff as he was now and I had never seen him naked but those icy-blue eyes, that triangular patch of white between his brows that made him look like he was scowling...

It was Dev!

And that just killed my libido even more.

It made sense how he knew me so well or at least knew about me. My parents honestly thought we were twins back then. We were inseparable. In fact, when I came out - or rather my dad called me out - they thought I had to hots for Dev. Even back then, the big wolf was hot but I don't judge a person by looks alone and while Dev did have a sparkling personality, he and I were friends and that was it.

Romance never even occurred to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, all my thoughts of sex long gone.

"Just like what everyone else says," he answered, his voice thick with emotion... but I wasn't sure what emotion. It sounded a bit like regret... and... fear? "Was hoping to get picked by a team in the playoffs at college by a scout but that never happened. Who would've thought a quarterback wouldn't make it, huh?"

Wolves and lions generally did make the best quarterbacks from what I've heard. Never got into sports that much except for VRCSs - Virtual Reality Combat Sports. According to professional reviews, wolves and lions have this inbuilt 'pack mentality' or 'leadership quality' about them that makes them the best leaders and quarterbacks.

In VRCSs stereotyping like that is dangerous.

Make a wolf or a lion your leader and see how they go up against a team consisting mostly of stealth types who immediately go for the leader and sever the head. Boom, no leader. The team falls apart.


"I wouldn't know," I growled.

"Well, I didn't get picked," he replied, only a hint of his disappointment showing. "Apparently, I might get a chance again this season if I can get into shape and show up at the open combine. That's why I went up here. Thought it'd be a nice play to buff up. Boy was I ever right." He flashed me a cocky grin and flexed his arm.

I wasn't even remotely aroused.

"Good for you," I muttered.

He lowered his arm, returning to his surly demeanour. "Look, Chad basically has no self-control. He's new to being a werewolf and he just kept yammering on about how great you were and how much he knew you. That's bullshit and you and I both know it! You've barely known him for two weeks and you two are already mated!?

"For crying out loud! You and I have more history than that! Thirteen years, Jake!"

I crossed my arms and glowered at him. "Twelve," I corrected with a snarl. "As I recall, he didn't throw a tomato at me and call me a 'faggot'."

Devlin hesitated.

I bet he was hoping I'd forget about that incident.

"That... That's different..."

"How?" I spat, making sure to draw out the word. "Are you telling me that you were a closet faggot who just joined in the jeering and the vegetable-throwing at that rally just so you could get that scholarship to that college that led you to the scant hope of maybe getting into a professional team!?"

His ears twitched and looked like they were about to flatten against his head. "I... I didn't mean it, Jake..."

I normally don't like grilling people or watching them burn but Dev was my best friend for thirteen - sorry, twelve - years. In our senior year when Cliff saw a guy get bullied by the football team, Cliff decided to make a public protest against the school for brushing it under the rug. I joined naturally. Then, nearing the end of the day, the football team came up and started throwing vegetables at us, calling us 'faggots'.

Dev was amongst them.

That broke my heart into so many pieces that recovery was just impossible.

Of course, that wasn't the end of it.

Dev just kept coming back into the scene with a pair of spiked boots, stomping on the remnants of my heart before going out with a steamroller and flattening the microscopic pieces into nothingness.

"Really?" I growled. "Then what about the time you and your football buddies spray painted my locker with the word 'Fag'? Or how about that time you hijacked the PA system and read off your 'List of Faggots'? And let's not forget how you and your buddies tried to chase me across the whole school for no apparent reason apart from being me?"

That was how he knew that thing about me teleporting to the roof of our high school.

_He_was amongst the ones who chased me.

"Jake, that was three years ago... I'm a new wolf!"

"I don't care who you are now," I said sharply. I turned away from him and headed towards the glade. "As far as I'm concerned, Dev, you shattered a twelve-year friendship over something as trivial as being gay when you, yourself, are just as sparkly as the vampires in Rob's movie."

I heard him growl behind me. "Chad is no good for you, Jake! He's just too naive! He doesn't understand you like I do! He doesn't even know about how the doctors predicted you were meant to be a girl and stillborn!"

I stopped...

I never told anyone that except for Dev.

Not even Cliff or any of my other boyfriends knew...

"That's all in the past, Dev," I murmured softly. "Even if Chad isn't good for me now, he will be."

"I'm way better for you than Chad."

I glared at him over my shoulder. "Let's see... The guy who loves me from the bottom of his heart but is a bit naive with no history with my apart from the last two weeks... or the guy with whom I share all my history with but who tormented me for being who I am... Gee..." I turned back away from him. "Tough call," I muttered sarcastically.

"Jake! Chad begged us to turn him into a werewolf! He begged to be fucked by us! Is that the kind of mate you want!?"

"And what's the alternative?" I snapped back. "You!?"

"I'm better for you than he is. I've got species and history."

"He's got a job and me."


Dev actually whimpered and backed away slightly. "But he..."

"I know Chad's reasons for letting himself get turned into a werewolf," I replied calmly. "I also know why he chose to turn me..."

And something hit me there and then.

I realised that Chad's reasons were perfectly valid... and the level of devotion he was willing to go just for me. I was willing to wager that Chad had no intention of ever letting himself get turned into a werewolf... but he wanted to be beside me... to protect me...

I felt really dirty for rejecting his gift like this...

... but there was something off about this...

"Just leave me and Chad alone, Dev," I muttered. "I once thought you were my friend but then you screwed that up. Don't expect to be promoted from 'hated enemy' to 'lover' with just one kiss."

Dev growled. "I know... I know I messed up. I... I didn't know what I was missing until I lost it. And... I miss you Jake..."

He sounded sincere... but could one apology really make up for how far I had fallen when he knocked the support of friendship out from underneath me?

... fact was...

I did miss Dev a little...

I remembered that when my dad would take me onto the roof of our then suburban house to watch the sunset, I would see Dev on the balcony of his house waving at me. We would shout jokes and talk about our days until our mothers told us we could have one or the other over for dinner or have a sleepover.

Dev was my best friend... And I missed those times we spent together...

"For what it's worth, Dev..." I murmured softly. "I forgive you. We do the things that we have to. You had to play football and I had to be myself."

"That's the thing, Jake..." Dev whispered. "I didn't have to play football. I could've just done what you did and be true myself. And the one thing I realised is that I missed you most of all. Everything began falling apart when I wasn't with you."

I shook my head slowly. "Well... You'll have to keep going on without me, Dev. I'm with Chad now."

"Can we at least be friends?"

I hesitated... I was wondering if he was thinking 'benefriends' or just pure friends...

But then my answer came to me a few seconds later.


I sensed Dev go rigid.

"Dunno about that Dev," I answered softly. "Here's your first trial as a 'friend'."

Dennis approached the edge of the forest but stopped a short few metres before actually reaching it. Kristine was right beside him and her eyes were widened upon seeing Dev's still-hard cock and my ripped shirt.

"What are you doing in our territory!?" Dev snarled, eyes full of hatred, ears flatted and fangs bared.

"I'm technically not in your territory," Dennis answered, his face impassive. "Your territory starts where the forest starts. I'm not in the forest."

"Come any closer and I'll rip your head clean off your shoulders!"

I lifted a paw and pressed it against Dev's chest, pushing him back. "Don't worry, I asked Dennis here to talk."

"You can't trust a vampire!" the wolf snapped.

I raised an eyebrow at him as if to say, 'And you're any better?'

He backed off with that look.

I turned my gaze towards Dennis and the vampire sniffed the air.

The slim lion shuddered a little. "You're progressing faster than Chad did... You're in the final stages of transformation."

"I know," I murmured grimly. "My regeneration seems to be kicking up the process a bit. That's why I need to solve this mystery."

"What mystery?" Devlin sneered. "They kill people for blood!"

"We kill people!?" Dennis snapped, baring his fangs and his eyes flashing red. "You animals are the ones that eat innocent campers!"

"What!? We protect people! We don't eat them!"

"So what happens when there isn't enough food to sate your insatiable hunger!?"

"We don't eat people!" Devlin shouted, accentuating each word deliberately.

Kristine and I stepped in front of our respective companions, pushing them back away from one another.

"Why did you call him here, Jake?" Dev asked, not really pushing back against me. "He'll just tell you loads of lies! He just wants your on their side!"

"Jacob is a good friend of mine," Dennis answered, eyes narrowed. "Well before he was infected by your kind."

"Jake wasn't -"

"Hold it!" I snapped, interrupting whatever it was that Dev was going to say. "I'm not here to argue the merit of one species or the other -"

"They're not a 'species'," Dev growled in my ear. "They're undead!"

I was really getting tired of that.

So, I seized his cock - Kristine gave a loud eep - and Dev instantly went rigid. "One more word out of you and I swear, I'll shove my paw right down your cumslit, dig my claws into your testicles and rip them right out and show them to you before making you eat them!"

This time, it was Dev who let out a little 'eep'.

"Good," I growled, turning back towards Dennis. "Now listen, I need to ask you about a certain vampire named 'Vladimir'."

Dennis frowned at me and his eyes were filled with confusion. "Vladimir? There's no vampire by the name of Vladimir in our coven."

Dev surged forward. "That a -"

I squeezed his cock.

... and he fell silent, blushing deeply.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "A wolf with sandy fur? Black eyes?"

"Jacob, all vampires are feline. Maybe you're thinking about a rogue werewolf?"

"All the werewolves are in Pearce's pack," Devlin growled. I didn't restrain him this time. "We know Vladimir is a vampire. We've caught him drinking the blood out of innocent civilians from Crosstown!"

"We don't have any vampires who are wolves or any sort of canine," Dennis emphasised.

"Then explain how a bloodsucker kidnapped Jacob and nearly turned him into one of you, you cold hearted mother -"


Dev whimpered. "Jake... you're just making me harder..."

Kristine turned away and blushed but I could see her eyes lingering on where my paw gripped Dev's cock.

"What do you know about the Cross Family?" I asked Dennis.

"The Crosses?" the lion asked, one arched eyebrow rising. "Nothing much. Despite the fact that the legends circulate around them, they have no ties to either the vampires or the werewolves."

"That's one thing we can agree on," Dev growled softly. "We never touch the Crosses and they just live all the way in their castle or in that house of theirs."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. There, I flipped it open and found the picture of the Crosses. I showed it to Dennis first and the lion's face hardened.

"That's the Crosses... But... Is that...?"

I nodded. Dev peered over my shoulder as I showed him the picture. His eyes widened like saucers.

"That - That's -!"

I lowered my phone, staring at the photograph. I knew that Vladimir was at the heart of this problem... but I didn't know just how deep the problem went... I had assumed that, perhaps, Vladimir was a rogue vampire and by allying ourselves with the vampires, things would be very simple and we could hunt down the remaining rogues...

... but now...

"This just keeps getting better and better..."

Chapter 10.2: Crosspollination

Crosstown Motel

Devlin escorted me back to the motel - I wasn't holding his cock hostage if that's what you're thinking - and the entire time, he was absolutely silent.

I'm not sure but I think he and I both had the same thoughts...

Vladimir wasn't a vampire... but he was a Cross...

I knew he was a Cross... I never told anyone else that... But with this additional revelation from Dennis...

There was a new piece of the puzzle.

I honestly didn't know what to think of it.

Oh and I was horny as hell.

But thinking about the mess I was in... it just made me forget about my erect cock that was dripping cum down my leg. I couldn't understand what it meant if Vladimir Cross wasn't with the vampires and yet had supernatural abilities...

When I finally reached our motel, it was well into the evening and I guessed Chad was out patrolling with the other wolves or having dinner. I wanted to talk to my dad again and see if the cure had arrived. After that, it was a simple matter of letting myself go, cumming into the serum, waiting two hours and then back to normalcy!

Of course, nothing is ever that simple.

I passed through the door to the room I shared with Chad and was about to head over to my laptop when I suddenly became aware of another pair of eyes boring into the back of my skull. Slowly, I turned around and remembered Dev was still standing at the door, looking at me with that impassive stare of his.

God, that stare is so unnerving.

With Chad, it's clear what he wants and it's so easy to look into his soul.

But with Dev... It's like trying to stare at a brick wall!

"Thanks for the escort, Dev. I can take it from here. I'm a big boy."

The big wolf didn't move. "Jake... What does this mean...?"

I really hoped he wasn't talking about our relationship again...

"What does what mean?" I replied.

"Vladimir... What does it mean that the vampires don't know him and he's in the Cross Family picture?"

I hid a sigh of relief as I turned around and pulled out my red travel back. I opened it to make sure its contents was hidden from Dev's sight. Inside were two large syringes. One was labelled with 'Chadstone West' and the other had 'Jacob Samuel Reaper'. Showing them to Dev would cause my plans to come crumbling down so I quickly hid them under some spare clothing and pulled out a fresh shirt to replace the one Dev had ripped.

"I don't know what it means," I answered, removing my jacket. I was aware I was probably teasing Dev my stripping semi-naked but quite frankly, I made it clear I wasn't interested in him. Yes he was sexy, yes I was horny but that did not mean anything.

I forgave him and that was enough for now.

I was not going to give him sex on the same day I stopped being mad at him.

"What will you do...?"

My eyes flicked up to meet his. Again, staring at a brick wall.

"Do?" I answered. I shut my travel bag loudly. "I'm going to wait up for Chad, I'm going to tell him what I found out and then we're going to have hot steamy sex until morning. Then, we're going to figure this out together and find a way to end the conflict between vampires and werewolves."

"Do you really love him that much?"

I straightened myself. "Yes, yes I do, Devlin. So please, just go."

Dev closed his eyes for a long moment and took a deep breath. I think he was taking in my scent. "Jake... I don't care who you're mated to now. All I know is that back in high school, I always felt something towards you more than friendship. I made a mistake picking my career over you and I lost you for what I thought was forever. I've regretted my decision my entire life.

"I don't ever want to make that mistake again now that I have you within reach again. I'll fight for you, Jake and I won't stop fighting for you until I have you in my arms."

My heart skipped a beat at that moment.

He really sounded sincere... and... well, he was my best friend and I'll admit, I did have fantasies back in high school about me and him being together. It would've been really romantic. Childhood friends turned lovers? Yeah... Gave much more weight to my existing fantasies about being with a professional football player too...

... but really...

"Then you'll never win that fight, Dev," I responded, taking that spare container that Dave had sent me.

"Because of Chad?" he growled, spitting out the name.

"No. Because of you."

I said that a little too coldly than how I really felt. Really, Dev just wanted to make up for lost time and I guess... Well, I guess it was somewhat romantic if he and I were to get together again. There was an incredibly horny part of me that considered what would happen if he, Chad and I were to be one big, happy, werewolf family and... frankly...

It seemed really right.

Dev was always like the brother I never had. We were almost like twins... and Chad was my mate...

Oh and the sex...


If you still don't know what that means, talk to someone who does.

"Jake -" Dev began.

"Good_night_, Devlin."

I suddenly felt like a real jackass...

I heard the door close behind me. I had to pin my arms to my sides and lock my legs so I wouldn't suddenly turn around, tear open that door and tell Dev to come back. I counted from one to ten, trying to keep Dev out of my mind but my hormones were starting to kick in again.

Goddamn werewolf Stage 3...

Growling I spun around, seized the container where I was mean to store my semen and stormed into the bathroom. This time, I shut the door and locked it. The last thing I wanted was for Chad to bust in on me again. I had to make sure I had a sample this time. The serum was waiting for me in my trunk.

I fell back against the sink and let out a ragged sigh. I was emotionally, mentally and physically wiped. My heart ached to make up with Dev. More than anything, I wanted him to be my friend again. I mean, it would've been so simple if he was that temporary hunk that I was after because I was just overly horny over transforming into a werewolf... but no! He just had to be my ex-best friend!

Then there was the issue with Vladimir Cross...

... and spending most of the day trying to keep my cock in my pants...


It was too much!

I needed to get rid of at least one thing or I'd explode.

I pulled down my shorts and grabbed my cock. I was a little surprised when my paw could barely wrap around my massive tool. Dev had been right. It had grown significantly in length, width and sensitivity. Just the slightest touch was like a lightning bolt through my entire body that left me weakened and yet wanting more.

My knees were about to buckle beneath me but I held firm as I leaned against the sink and diligently began pawing off. I didn't hold anything back. I was impatient to get the cure into me. But despite the high sensitivity of my cock, I wasn't orgasming.

Snarling in frustration, I pawed harder. My knot formed quickly, bulging against the base of my cock.


"Oh for the love of..." I muttered.

A large drop of precum slipped down from the tip of my enlarged cock and slipped down he fifteen-inch length... I slowly stopped pawing off as I was fascinated by the trip of that little dribble. It passed a crossroads between two, massive pulsing veins and split off as it hit another one, trailing the sides of my member before soaking into the fur around the base of my knot.

A crazy idea hit me...

I know I was lupine and giving myself head was a given but...


Shuddering, I gently gripped my ultra-sensitive cock in both paws and brought it up against my chest. It bounced about halfway up my pecs, well within licking range. I had never done anything like this before and the prospect of sucking my own cock...

My tongue instinctively flicked out and slipped over the tip of my member. The taste of my own salty precum hit me like a tonne of... well... salt! I instantly wanted more!

I greedily wrapped my muzzle around my cock, bending my neck forwards as far as it would go. My tongue lashed out, wrapping around the massive tool and relishing the dual sensations of having my cock sucked off and sucking off my own cock! My brain was hit from two fronts by pleasure and I was instantly in sex mode!

The culmination of the day's events just came pouring out of the dam that was my mental resistances and flooded me with hot, sexy thoughts. I closed my eyes in absolute lust as I imagined Chad wrapping his arms around me and sliding his cock up my ass. I whimpered as my imaginary mate pumped into me, pressing his knot against my tight pucker and demanding to be let in where he rightfully belonged!

Then Dev appeared before me. He slipped his huge, muscular arms over my shoulder and around Chad's, pulling us all together in one massive, muscular, hunk sandwich of which I was the filling! Dev - his massive eleven-inch member throbbing with need - pressed against me, running his cock up against mine and pressing into me.

My entire body overheated with the imaginary stimulation, bringing my cum to boiling point in my balls. I whimpered for release as I reached for my pecs - pretending it was Chad - and pinched at my erect nipples. The electric pleasure of the sensation send shudders all over my body and I instantly tore my muzzle from my cock. My paw ran up and over my member, constantly stroking myself but in my imagination, it was Dev's massive cock rubbing against mine, spilling his pre all over my chest and merging it with mine.

Suddenly, my imagination went haywire a pair of lips pressed against mine. My eyes went wide when I found Dev brushing his tongue against my lips reminiscent of that genuine kiss he gave me deep in the forests of Veranti. I moaned softly as I felt a pair of paws - Chad's - sliding in against my cheeks and purposefully twisting my head to the side...

What was hotter than having my mate and my best friend having sex with me?

My mate wanting me to have sex with my best friend!

Oh yarf...

I groaned in lust and desire as my imaginary Dev slipped his muzzle completely around mine. I was reminded of countless wet dreams I had during high school. Even when I was with Cliff, I kept wishing I could be with Dev as well. Cliff and I often joked about it but never to Dev's face. And now, in my imagination, it was all so real!

"Oh yeah..."_imaginary Chad grunted, his cock pounding against my ass and making me whimper. _"That's it... Make my mate beg for it, Dev... We know he wants it..."

And I did... I did want it... I did want Dev to be with me and Chad...

I threw my head back and let out a resounding shout. Imaginary Dev pressed his paws against my chest and from that mere contact, blistering heat seeped in from his paws, surging through my every vein, muscle, organ and bone. My entire nervous system was twisting and roiling from the contact, pure pleasure at this union - no matter how imaginary - coursing through my entire being and burning the image deep into my mind.

Some sane part of me realised that I would probably regret this little fantasy but that little guy was quickly chained, stripped and repeatedly screwed by all my hornier little subconscious representations until he became one of them - either a Chad or a Dev.

"Urf..."_imaginary Dev grunted, pressing his paws against my pecs harder. _"Come on Chad... Harder... Harder!"

Another cry ripped through my lungs as my entire body burned for release. My heart was racing, constantly pumping more and more blood through my entire system. I could feel all the blood seemingly collecting everywhere that Dev touched me! As his paws rested on my pecs, I felt those muscles bulge and expand like his mere touch was causing me to... to...


Oh no...

"Aaaaargh!" I roared.

Every fibre of my being was suddenly wracked with an addictive mixture of pain and pleasure. My paw slipped from the sink and I collapsed to the ground, twitching and writhing. All the heat in my body delved deeper past my muscles and into my bones. I felt them stretched and growing!

Pop! Pop! Pop!

My joints snapped and reformed, growing bigger, stronger and more durable. Bones stretched longer and wider, stretching my frame well past nine feet tall.

I tried to roar once more as all that heat pulsed into my muscles, pushing them out and causing them to expand rapidly. But my throat was caught in the transformation and all that came out was a deep, feral gurgle. My fingers twisted and felt like they were being wrenched from my palms as they stretched and grew, looking more like fur-covered sausages with claws at the tips than anything.

I kicked my legs as all the heat there began building to unbearable levels. My thighs ballooned out to epic proportions and my calves were rubbing against one another. My feet felt so swollen like I had been wearing shoes that were three sizes to small and they were only now being freed!

I clutched my chest in agony before -


... I arched my back and my chest muscles exploded outwards in a burst of sweat and semi-dried precum. I felt a defined eight-pack pressed up against my firm pecs with diamond-hard nipples. I was suddenly forced to bend my back forward as the muscles across my back bubbled into their next size, feeling like multiple little volcanoes erupting in burst of sheer pleasure.

The agony surged towards my face. The heat congregated deep inside my skull and pushed out like there was this other wolf trying to press itself outside from inside my skull. My voice was lost as I twisted and writhed with my face popping into a bigger, broader shape.

My jaw gave a loud pop and -


I threw my head back as my cock suddenly surged upwards, growing in both length and girth.

I had not time to register the length of my new member -


A fountain of semen exploded out of the tip of my black member, showering me and coating everything around me in thick, musky, molten cum. All that transformative heat just seeped all towards my groin and kept pumping and pumping and pumping more and more of my cum out of my body... It was almost symbolic... The old Jacob Reaper being expelled from the new...

I wasn't sure how long my orgasm lasted but by the end of it, I was completely exhausted and lying on the ground in my own cum... I think I had turned into a white wolf...

I groaned softly and managed to crawl up to my paws and knees. I easily reached up to the sink and grabbed the container that was meant to be filled with my semen.

It was empty.

I started laughing.

All that cum and I missed.

I quickly scooped some of my semen into the container and closed it off.

The container looked so small against my huge, Lupine paws...

And my cock... Yikes! It had to be around two feet long and thicker than a normal man's forearm!

It was way smaller than Chad's ridiculous 'weapon-cock' but still...

I wondered who would be able to take such a tool...

"Jake! Jake!? Is that you!?"

I glanced around in shock upon hearing Chad's voice.


"Oh my god! It finally happened!"_he cried in glee. _"You're finally one of us! You're a werewolf!"

"Oh... Right..." I scratched my head. "Where are you...?"

"Wolf telepathy, Jake! We can talk to each other this way! Hold on! I'm coming! I wanna see you!"

I heard a dozen other voices in my head but I only heard Chad's the clearest. I think I heard Pearce and Dev as well but I pushed that all aside.

Chad was coming!

I couldn't let him see the cure or the fact that I had collected my cum!

Suddenly fully away, I yanked open the bathroom door - ripping it right off its hinges - and dove right through -




"What?"_Chad demanded."What happened?"_

I struggled... but to no avail...

One problem about being a nine-foot tall wolf with shoulders wider than most SUVs...

... you don't fit through doors...

"I'm stuck in the doorway."

Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 11

**Chapter 11.0: Packing your Belongings** **Crosstown Motel** One would think that a nine-foot tall, 500 pound _plus_ werewolf would be able to somehow be able to break himself free of a _simple_ doorframe. But...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 9

**Chapter 9.0: Divide and Conquer** **Crosstown Motel** Let's recap, shall we? I'm a part-time superhero and fulltime author/editor. I frequently get little paper cranes that are given to me by some mysterious entity I have...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 8

**Chapter 8.0: Forks** **Crosstown Motel** A soothing melody played in my ear. It was one of my favourite songs. Canon in D Minor. My mother played it on the piano for me when I was younger and I grew up loving it....

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