The Hero's of Mana Chapter 2

Story by Leo Livier on SoFurry

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The Mana Hero's Chapter 2

Leo and Rin were about to fight the Daemon until the heard a gunshot. Leo grabbed Rin and pushed her down when he heard the shooting noise and saw that the Daemon had disappeared. Once Leo and Rin hit the ground Rin pounced Leo in the head and said "What the hell!" Leo yelled "Ow!" rubbing his head and said "I just saved you!" looking around to see the bullet and pointed at it and said "If you got any closer to him you would've died from that bullet. Rin looked at the bullet and started to go to it and picked it up and said "Well that's kind of impressive." Looking around to see that no one was there and looked back at Leo and said "I wonder who shot this bullet it killed that Daemon so it isn't a normal one." Leo was about to say something until he heard a voice that said "Hey can I have my bullet back." Both Leo and Rin looked at where the voice was coming and were surprised at what they saw.

What they had saw was a cat with yellow hair and white around his white paw, feet, and mouth the rest of him was yellow like his hair also having a black spot on his forehead that looked like a crystal on his head. Looking into his eyes seeing that one eye was blue and the other was purple also having a huge black collar spike around his neck and a blue short shirt and purple short pants having in his paws two revolvers.

The Cat looked at them and said "Like I said can I have my bullet back." Holding out his paw while he waited for them. Rin and Leo continued to stare at him until Rin hear what he had said and walked up to him giving him his Bullet back Leo started to get up and had gone into the bush to look for Iris. Iris started to wake up again and got up seeing his Leo and said "don't worry I'm-," she looked at the cat and gave out a big blush seeing how handsome he was she started to walk to him and said "Hello there." The cat looked at Iris and started to blush has well rubbing his head and said "Hello there Miss." Seeing that she was the same age as him he put his paw on his chest and got closer to her and said "I'm Dorara." Giving her a smile and she gave him one back and said "It's really nice to meet you I'm Iris." And pointed at Leo and said "That's Big Bro Leo." Leo gave Dorara a smile and said "It's nice to meet you." And pointed at Rin and said "That's Rin." And Rin bowed to him and said "It's a pleasure to meet you." Dorara gave them a smile and question "So why are you guys here?"

Once Leo had told Dorara what had happen and Dorara shook his head and said "Now I get it well I should take you to my village but it was destroy as well." Rubbing his head and started to laugh and once he did that Iris did the same not wanting him to be alone while Leo and Rin were just staring to them feeling like they were being left out and Leo said "Maybe we should get out of the forest." Rin shook her head and said "I agree." Looking at the other two that were laughing a while ago and saw that they stopped and were staring at each other with their face blushing and let out a sigh saying to Leo "we should go to the Village of Martel." Both Dorara and Iris shook their heads while they were still looking at each other.

Leo, Rin, Iris, and Dorara started to walk again and didn't say a word since Iris and Dorara were holding hands and while Rin was looking for the village Leo just walked in the back looking t the sky and let out a sigh saying "Are we there yet?" looking at Rin. Rin let out a sigh and said "No we're not there." Starting to look again. Dorara didn't hear Leo or Rin but only heard Iris and said "You're so beautiful." Iris giggled when he said that and said "And you're handsome." Looking into his eyes she felt like she could see the world with only her and Dorara in it now knowing that she was in love with Dorara.

Rin continued to look until they were in a land with only grass and no trees around it and said "I guess were here." Looking up at the sky to see that the sun was shining and she smiled and said "Now the sun is up and we got out of the woods we can now go to the village." Leo started to smile seeing that they had gotten out of the woods and found two people in the woods he said "This is a good day." Letting out a sigh and said "Ok guys let's go!" They all cheered and ran to the village of Martel.

Once they had gotten down to the entrance of the Village Leo started to see the same thing that was happening in his village. Everything was being destroyed by Daemons and Leo didn't want to see that again and said to all the others "Ok everyone spread out and kill the Daemons!" Rin shook her head and said "My fist of justice shall destroy those Daemons." She started to go somewhere in the village. Dorara let out a sigh and said "Ok let's go gun of destruction." Grabbing Iris hand and said "you can come with me." Iris smiled and shook her head and they both went to the left of the village. Leo shook his head and went to the right of the village looking to see that there was someone else shooting arrows at the Daemons seeing that they were disappearing every time they got shoot and looked to see who it was.

There was a Fox with brownish orange fur and had on a black short shirt and black short pants and was shooting using a bow with no arrows and saw a bright flash of light that made a shape of an arrow and he shot it from out of his bow and saw another daemon disappear. Leo looked around and saw that the fox was trying to protect a bunch of kids Leo pulled out his Katana cause he saw that the fox needed help seeing that he was surrounded by the Daemons and jumped from behind a Daemon and sliced the Daemon that was behind him in half and sliced the other two on the side and ran to him going t his back and said "looks like we're in a kind of problem." Smiling at him while the fox looked like he was out of breath but he said "Yea looks like it." They both started to laugh and Leo said "Ready . . . Set . . . Go!" they both jumped to the daemons and while Leo sliced off one of the daemons on the left side the fox was shooting one of the daemons seeing that the daemons were getting less and less until they were all gone.

Leo and the fox finally got all of the daemons and started to sit down next to each other seeing that they were both completely drained out and let both let out a sigh of relief and looked at each other and Leo said "Thanks for the help." While the fox said "Thanks for the back up." The fox got up and went to the children who were holding themselves together seeing that they were scared fox had bent down to the kids and said "Don't worry there all gone." Petting one of the kids heads and they all started to smile and said "Thanks you." The kid that he had petted and said "Thank you!" giving him a smile and got all the others smaller kids and started to run to a house that wasn't on fire. Once Leo and the fox saw them leave the fox turn around and said "Ok who are you and how can you beat those daemons?" Leo rubbed his head and said "I'm Leo and we don't have time I have to find my friends." Leo looked serious and the fox shook his head and said "Ok let's go." Leo shook his head and both of them went to the entrance of the Village.

Once the fox and Leo got to the entrance they saw that there were only some of the Daemons where gone but here was only 10 left and there was a women stranding right into the middle of them the daemons was a women who had on kimono a smiling while she was shooting down houses when she walked next to them. Leo looked everywhere to see if his friends and his little Sis were there but he didn't see anyone that looked like them the fox looked at the Women and said "Who is she?" Seeing that the fox was getting his guard up since he saw that the women was coming at them and started to aim his bow at her until Leo stopped him and said "No not now." The fox looked at him and said "Why?" seeing that he was confused until he looked back at the women and saw that she was right in front of them.

Leo and the fox moved back when they saw that she had gotten in front of them and started to get themselves ready. The woman up close looked like a fox with read fur and pitch black eyes having a gun right next to her and she said "Who are you and why have you destroyed my Precious Little daemons?" Leo stared at her not saying anything while the Fox was staring at her and not said anything as well seeing that they were both ready if she attacked.

The woman looked like she was getting irritated and said "Fine have it your way." She pointed her gun right between them and shoots out a cannon ball. Both Leo and the fox got surprised and both quickly moved to the opposite side of each other and the fox started to shoot out his arrows but the woman just shoots out another bullet and it transformed into a cannon ball destroying the arrows and hit the fox on the chest making him cough up blood making him fall to the ground passing out. Leo jumped in the air and started to pull his sword down so that h could slick her in half but the woman just shoots out another bullet from her arrow and hit Leo's sword making contact with it he tried to push it back down with his katana but it just kept pulling him up in the air until it exploded in his chest making him pass out and having blood in his mouth when he hit the ground. The woman let out a sigh and said "You're just a waste of time." Seeing that both of them had passed out from one attack she looked back at the village and saw that it was completely on fire and said "Well that takes care of that. Let's go boys." Looking at the remaining daemons and saw they had disappeared into dusk while she was doing the same and said "I'm the wife of the devil king of the 6th Heaven." Knowing that she was talking to the two boys that were unconscious until she disappeared into dust.

This is the End of the 2nd Chapter of my story. I hope you like it. ^w^

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